Evaluating the extent of cell death in 3D high frequency ultrasound


Evaluating the extent of cell death in 3D high frequency ultrasound
Evaluating the extent of cell death in 3D high frequency ultrasound
by registration with whole-mount tumor histopathologya…
Roxana M. Vladb兲
Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M9, Canada
and Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M9, Canada
Michael C. Kolios
Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M9, Canada
and Department of Physics, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3, Canada
Joanne L. Moseley
Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M9, Canada
Gregory J. Czarnota
Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario M5G 2M9, Canada; Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M9, Canada; and Imaging Research, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre,
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M5, Canada
Kristy K. Brock
Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M9, Canada
and Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M9, Canada
共Received 3 December 2009; revised 1 June 2010; accepted for publication 11 June 2010;
published 23 July 2010兲
Purpose: High frequency ultrasound imaging, 10–30 MHz, has the capability to assess tumor
response to radiotherapy in mouse tumors as early as 24 h after treatment administration. The
advantage of this technique is that the image contrast is generated by changes in the physical
properties of dying cells. Therefore, a subject can be imaged before and multiple times during the
treatment without the requirement of injecting specialized contrast agents. This study is motivated
by a need to provide metrics of comparison between the volume and localization of cell death,
assessed from histology, with the volume and localization of cell death surrogate, assessed as
regions with increased echogeneity from ultrasound images.
Methods: The mice were exposed to radiation doses of 2, 4, and 8 Gy. Ultrasound images were
collected from each tumor before and 24 h after exposure to radiation using a broadband 25 MHz
center frequency transducer. After radiotherapy, tumors exhibited hyperechoic regions in ultrasound
images that corresponded to areas of cell death in histology. The ultrasound and histological images
were rigidly registered. The tumors and regions of cell death were manually outlined on histological
images. Similarly, the tumors and hyperechoic regions were outlined on the ultrasound images.
Each set of contours was converted to a volumetric mesh in order to compare the volumes and the
localization of cell death in histological and ultrasound images.
Results: A shrinkage factor of 17⫾ 2% was calculated from the difference in the tumor volumes
evaluated from histological and ultrasound images. This was used to correct the tumor and cell
death volumes assessed from histology. After this correction, the average absolute difference between the volume of cell death assessed from ultrasound and histological images was 11⫾ 14% and
the volume overlap was 70⫾ 12%.
Conclusions: The method provided metrics of comparison between the volume of cell death assessed from histology and that assessed from ultrasound images. It was applied here to evaluate the
capability of ultrasound imaging to assess early tumor response to radiotherapy in mouse tumors.
Similarly, it can be applied in the future to evaluate the capability of ultrasound imaging to assess
early tumor response to other modalities of cancer treatment. The study contributes to an understanding of the capabilities and limitation of ultrasound imaging at noninvasively detecting cell
death. This provides a foundation for future developments regarding the use of ultrasound in
preclinical and clinical applications to adapt treatments based on tumor response to cancer
therapy. © 2010 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. 关DOI: 10.1118/1.3459020兴
Key words: ultrasound, tumor response, registration, whole-mount tumor histopathology, finite
element modeling
Med. Phys. 37 „8…, August 2010
© 2010 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med.
Vlad et al.: Evaluating cell death in ultrasound using histopathological registration
The assessment of tumor response to treatment is an important aspect of the preclinical and clinical development and
evaluation of cancer therapeutics. Tumor responses to treatment are traditionally assessed by measurements of tumor
size in clinical images using the response evaluation criteria
in solid tumors guidelines.1,2 These criteria are based on the
measurement of the largest diameter of a tumor, as measured
from computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
Since tumor shrinkage can take weeks or even months to
become apparent, evaluation of tumor response using these
criteria is typically conducted at 6–8 weeks after treatment
starts. The limitations of this approach and the necessity of
considering different criteria to evaluate tumor response, earlier during the treatment, have been previously discussed.3
In recent years, measurements of tumor size have been
supplemented by imaging of tissue function using different
imaging techniques, i.e., positron emission tomography
共PET兲, dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging 共DCE-MRI兲, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and
Doppler ultrasound using antivascular contrast agents.4
These techniques are based on the imaging of markers of
response that can predict changes in cell tumor metabolism,
inhibition of cell proliferation, and cell death4–7 with the aim
of providing information about changes in tumor biology and
assessing response to treatment earlier, often before there is
any change in tumor size. From this category, PET imaging,
using a glucose analog, the radionuclide 2-关18F兴 fluoro-2deoxy-d-glucose 共FDG兲 is an established modality in the diagnosis and management of various malignancies.4 Since
early radiotherapy effects include inflammatory reactions
that can result in FDG uptakes comparable to tumor uptakes,
it has been frequently recommended that FDG-PET be performed several months after completion of radiotherapy.8 For
this reason, most clinical studies using FDG-PET imaging
were performed on tumors treated with chemotherapy or
with new experimental therapies, and less data are available
in terms of specifically assessing tumor responses to radiotherapy. In DCE-MRI, a series of rapidly acquired images
are used to follow the kinetic of a contrast agent inflow into
the tumor following the intravenous injection of the agent.
This technique has been used clinically to assess tumor response to radiotherapy in different types of cancers including
cancers of head and neck and carcinoma of the cervix, and to
predict survival in breast cancer.9–13 Despite their effectiveness, these methods, FDG-PET and DCE-MRI, are limited
by their cost and the requirement of injecting a radioactive
substance or a contrast agent for each assessment. Furthermore, it is not yet well known which time points, after treatment delivery, are appropriate to assess tumor response using
these techniques. For these reasons, these imaging techniques have a reduced applicability in longitudinal preclinical and clinical studies and, currently, no imaging modality is
used routinely in the clinic to assess tumor response within
hours to days after the delivery of a treatment.
Recent publications have indicated that ultrasound imaging 共10–60 MHz兲 and quantitative ultrasound can be used to
Medical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2010
detect cell death in tumor xenografts exposed to radiotherapy
and photodynamic therapy.14,15 In these studies, regions of
tumor demonstrating increases of echogeneity in ultrasound
images and changes in spectral parameters, in comparison
with baseline pretreatment parameters were identified in histology as areas of cell death. It is important to note that even
at these high frequencies, individual cells cannot be resolved.
The ultrasound images produced have the typical speckle
pattern seen in conventional ultrasound images, with an increase of the brightness of the speckle pattern in the regions
that correspond to areas of cell death in histology. These
regions with increases of the brightness of the speckle pattern in ultrasound images are referred as hyperechoic regions
in this study.
The mechanisms by which high frequency ultrasound is
sensitive to cell death have been documented in previously
published works.16–19 Briefly, the increases in ultrasound
backscatter, identified as hyperechoic regions in ultrasound
images, are related to changes in tissue scatterer properties,
e.g., size, number density, relative acoustic impedance, and
spatial organization. For instance, previous experimental
investigations16–19 have indicated that the contrast between
the regions that responded to therapy and regions that did not
can be related to a combination of nuclear changes 共i.e.,
nuclear condensation and fragmentation兲 following the sequence of apoptotic cell death.
The clinical management of tumor treatment remains a
significant challenge because tumors are phenotypically heterogeneous and, therefore, it is rare for all cancers of a particular type to respond to a specific therapy.20 Traditional
prognostic factors of tumor response based on the measurement of tumor size are not ideal for predicting patient outcome because these are applied late during the course of
therapy. A noninvasive technique, such as high frequency
ultrasound, capable of assessing early tumor responsiveness
to therapy within days after the start of a treatment, could aid
clinicians in making decisions to guide treatment selection,
i.e., selecting a treatment based on tumor aggressiveness, and
ultimately help in providing individualized patient treatment.
In order to adopt high frequency ultrasound imaging to preclinical and clinical applications, it is essential to know how
well the volume of cell death, assessed noninvasively from
ultrasound, corresponds to the true volume of cell death assessed from histology.
Currently, stained histological sections are considered the
“gold standard” for cancer diagnosis, detection of cell death,
and assessment of tumor response. Whole-mount sectioning
techniques have been introduced recently with the advent of
extended pathological methods. Some of the applications focus on providing databases for education and research21 and
developing algorithms to improve cancer detection in different imaging techniques for an accurate estimation of cancer
margins and the location of multiple foci.22–24 Generally,
whole-mount serial sections are expensive techniques, imposing stringent specifications on tissue processing protocols.
The objective of this study was to provide an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of ultrasound imaging
Vlad et al.: Evaluating cell death in ultrasound using histopathological registration
FIG. 1. Flow chart illustrating the main steps of the process: 共A兲 Ultrasound data collection; 共B兲 histological sections of a whole tumor mounted on a slide of
1 ⫻ 3 in.; 共C兲 outlining of cell death on a histological section at a higher magnification of 20⫻; 共D兲 reconstruction of a histological volume by aligning
consecutive slides; 共E兲 rigid registration of histological and ultrasound images and delineating a tumor on ultrasound and histological images; 共F兲 contours
conversion to a binary mask; and 共G兲 conversion of a mask file to a finite element model.
to detect cell death noninvasively in mouse tumors. A novel
method was developed to quantitatively compare the size
and spatial location of the volume of cell death identified in
histological images to that of cell death assessed from high
frequency ultrasound images using frequencies of 12–30
MHz. It was applied here to detect early tumor response to
radiotherapy, but, similarly, could be applied to assess tumor
response to other modalities of cancer treatment. The method
uses histopathological volume reconstruction of wholemount tumor xenografts at 24 h after treatment with radiation
and compares the geometry of cell death assessed from gold
standard histology to cell death segmented as hyperechoic
regions from ultrasound images.
A flow chart describing the steps involved in the process
is illustrated in Fig. 1 and will be described in the following
II.A. Xenograft tumor models
This study used three mouse models of human tumors,
four nasopharyngeal carcinoma tumors 共grown from C666–1
cell line兲, three squamous cell carcinoma tumors of the pharynx 共grown from FaDu cell line兲, and one prostatic carcinoma tumor 共grown from PC3 cell line兲. These models were
selected to exemplify different patterns of cell death following radiotherapy; C666–1 and FaDu tumors respond well to
radiotherapy,19 whereas PC3 tumor is not responsive. For
instance, PC3 tumors presented just sporadic patches of apoptotic cell death25 when treated with radiation doses from 2
to 8 Gy. This pattern has been repeatedly reported in PC3
tumors and25,26 therefore, it was chosen in this study as an
illustrative example of nonresponsive tumor. All animal exMedical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2010
periments were conducted in accordance with the guidelines
of the Animal Care Committee 共Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Center, Ontario, Canada兲 and satisfied all rules for the use of
laboratory animals. In all experiments, 6–8 week-old severe
combined immunodeficient 共SB-17, SCID兲 male mice were
The FaDu and PC3 cell lines were obtained from the
American Type Culture Collection. The C666–1 cells27,28
were maintained in RPMI 1640 cell culture media supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum 共FBS兲 and antibiotics
共100 mg/L penicillin and 100 mg/L streptomycin兲. The FaDu
cells were cultured in Eagle’s minimum essential media with
2 mM L-glutamine and Earle’s balanced salt solution adjusted to contain 1.5 g/L sodium bicarbonate, 1.0 mM sodium pyruvate, and 10% FBS. The PC3 cells were cultured
in Kaighn’s modification of Ham’s F12 media supplemented
with streptomycin 共100mg/l兲 and 10% FBS.
C666–1 共⬃106兲, PC3 共⬃106兲 and FaDu 共⬃105兲 cells were
injected intradermally into the left hind leg of each mouse.
Primary tumors were allowed to develop for approximately
2–4 weeks until they reached a diameter of 6–10 mm.
Prior to imaging, the mice were anaesthetized and the
tumors and surrounding area were depilated. Anesthesia consisted of 100 mg/kg ketamine, 5 mg/kg xylazine, and 1
mg/kg acepromazine in 0.1 ml saline injected intraperitoneally. This sedated the mice for approximately 1 h, sufficient time for the entire imaging and irradiation procedure.
II.B. Administration of ionizing radiation
Tumors were irradiated with radiation doses of 2, 4, and 8
Gy in single fractions using a small animal irradiator 共Faxitron Cabinet X-ray System, Faxitron X-ray Corporation,
Wheeling, IL兲 that delivered 160 keV X rays at a rate of 200
Vlad et al.: Evaluating cell death in ultrasound using histopathological registration
cGy/minute. The animal was shielded using a 3 mm thick
lead sheet and only the tumor was exposed through a circular
II.C. Ultrasound data acquisition
All images were acquired with a Vevo 770 共VisualSonics
Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada兲 high frequency ultrasound
system. A 25 MHz single element focused transducer with a
⫺6 dB bandwidth of 12–30 MHz, 12.5 mm focal distance,
and 6 mm aperture was employed. Three-dimensional images were collected by automatically translating the transducer in the elevation dimension and acquiring 2D images
every 100 ␮m over the maximum dimension of the tumor
共⬃10 mm兲. The 2D images had a 10⫻ 10 mm2 field of
view with the tumor centered at the transducer focus. The
experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1共A兲.
The PC3 tumor exhibited small hyperechoic regions after
8 Gy of radiation 共approximately 10% of the whole tumor
area兲. Since any minor misalignment could compromise the
reconstruction of cell death volume, an extra step was introduced for this tumor. This consisted of excising the tumor,
implanting three needles to create fiducial markers, and imaging the tumor ex vivo in the same orientation as in vivo.
This procedure was not used for FaDu and C666–1 tumors
that presented large areas of cell death because the needles
can damage these areas, causing a bias in the evaluation of
cell death. It is important mentioning that an accurate histopathological reconstruction and correlation of histology with
imaging present serious challenges due to tissue deformation
during histopathological processing, and finding appropriate
markers visible on both data sets, consecutive histological
slides, as well as ultrasound images. An ongoing work seeks
to develop modalities of using fiducial markers to assist and
test for accuracy in 3D histopathological reconstruction and
registration with different imaging modalities.29
II.D. Whole-mount section preparation and 3D volume
Twenty-four hours after irradiation and immediately after
final ultrasound imaging, tumors were excised, fixed in 10%
neutral-buffered formalin, and then processed and embedded
in paraffin. Tumors were serially sliced in the same orientation to best match the ultrasound scanning planes with a
distance between sections of 0.2 mm for PC3 tumor and 0.5
mm for the rest of the tumors. Tissue slices were processed
as whole-mount sections on 1 ⫻ 3 in. glass slides 关Fig.
1共B兲兴. To detect cell death, hematoxylin and eosin 共H&E兲
staining was performed on all tumor sections and terminal
uridine deoxynucleotidyl transferase 2⬘-deoxyuridine
5⬘-triphosphate nick end labeling 共TUNEL兲 staining was performed on selective sections collected from each tumor.
H&E stain consisted in the application of the basic dye hematoxylin, which colors the nucleus and structures containing nucleic acid 共e.g., nuclear fragments resulting from apoptotic cell death兲 with a blue-purple hue, and alcohol-based
acidic eosin, which colors intracellular and extracellular protein in bright pink. TUNEL staining is a common method to
Medical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2010
detect cell death demonstrating high specificity for cells that
die by apoptosis. The areas of cell death, typically, appear as
brown-colored regions in histological sections stained using
TUNEL technique.
Histological sections were digitized as whole slides at a
magnification of 20⫻ and high resolution of 0.5 ␮m / pixel
using a TISSUEscope™ 4000 共Biomedical Photometrics
Inc., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada兲. The images were stored in
a digital file enabling low-resolution and high-resolution
views of whole tumor slices 关Figs. 1共B兲 and 1共C兲兴. The areas
of cell death were strictly defined as tumor regions presenting typical characteristics of cell death by apoptosis, specifically nuclear fragmentation and condensation. The largest
area of cell death was outlined on each high-resolution view
of the tumor, and then the entire section was captured at a
low resolution using Aperio’s 共Aperio Technologies, Vista,
CA兲 image viewer, ImageScope. Since tumors could have
small regions of spontaneous cell death without exposure to
therapy, we considered that small isolated patches of cell
death were not representative for tumor response to radiotherapy. An in-house developed algorithm 共Mathworks Inc.,
Natick, MA兲 consisting of two rigid translation and one rotation was used to manually align anatomical landmarks,
e.g., bundles of muscles, skin, and marks created by the implanted needles 共where they existed兲 on serial histological
sections. The whole tumor volume was reconstructed as a
stack of images and stored at a 0.0085⫻ 0.0085⫻ z mm3
voxel size, where z represents the distance between serial
sections 关Fig. 1共C兲兴.
II.E. Data analysis
Each set of 2D images, from ultrasound and histology,
was imported into a radiotherapy treatment planning system
共TPS兲 共Pinnacle v8, Philips Medical Systems, Madison, WI兲
where histological images were manually registered to ultrasound images using two rigid translation and rotation 关Fig.
1共E兲兴. Anatomical landmarks, e.g., skin and bundles of
muscles, were used to guide registration of histological images to ultrasound in the TPS. After 2D registration, each set
of images, histology and ultrasound, retained a single set of
coordinates of the primary image 共in this case of the ultrasound image兲. Therefore, there was no need of a subsequent
3D volume registration between the two data sets. The tumor
was contoured on the ultrasound and histological images.
The hyperechoic regions were also contoured on the ultrasound images. These contours produced a list of vertices,
associated with each of the transverse image slices. Each
separate list of vertices that resulted from outlining the tumors and regions of cell death in ultrasound and histological
images, respectively, was converted from contours to a volumetric binary mask, and then exported from the TPS as a file
关Figs. 1共E兲 and 1共F兲兴.
The binary mask files were imported into a mathematical
development environment used commonly for data visualization and analysis 共Interactive Data Language, Research System Inc., Boulder, CT兲. An in-house developed algorithm
was used to calculate the mask volumes and the overlap of
Vlad et al.: Evaluating cell death in ultrasound using histopathological registration
FIG. 2. Representative ultrasound images of a mouse tumor before and 24 h after radiotherapy presenting regions with increased echogeneity after radiotherapy. The white arrow on the lateral side of each tumor represents the location of the transducer focal point. Scale bars are 2 mm.
mask volumes for each representation of tumor and cell
death in ultrasound and histology. The code searches data on
a voxel-by-voxel basis and calculates the coordinates of each
voxel in the mask file. Finally, to visualize the volumes and
create models of tumor and cell death in each representation
共ultrasound and histology兲, the mask files were converted to
a triangular surface mesh using methodology described by
Brock et al.30 关Fig. 1共G兲兴.
III.A. Qualitative assessment
The C666–1 and FaDu tumors exhibited large hyperechoic regions in ultrasound images, at 24 h after exposure to
radiation, in comparison with base line parameters. Elsewhere, it has been reported18 that the ultrasound backscatter
intensity increased by 6.5–8.2 dB for the C666–1 and FaDu
FIG. 3. Representation of cell death in high frequency ultrasound and histological images: 共A兲 Ultrasound image of a C666–1 tumor xenograft at 24 h after
treatment with 4 Gy; 共B兲 corresponding TUNEL stained image indicating an area of cell death, the brown-colored area that has a similar shape as the
hyperechoic area in the ultrasound image; and 共C兲 higher magnification of a H&E stained image corresponding to the selection from image 共B兲. The left side
of the image 共C兲 demarcated by the black line demonstrates the characteristics of cell death. 共D兲 Ultrasound image of a FaDu tumor xenograft at 24 h after
treatment with 8 Gy; 共B兲 corresponding H&E stained image indicating an area of cell death of similar shape as the hyperechoic area in the ultrasound image;
and 共F兲 higher magnification of the H&E stained image corresponding to the selection from image 共E兲, demonstrating cell death in the upper part of the image
demarcated by the black line. Scale bars are 2 mm in images 共A兲, 共B兲, 共D兲, and 共E兲, 400 ␮m in image 共C兲, and 1000 ␮m in image 共F兲.
Medical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2010
Vlad et al.: Evaluating cell death in ultrasound using histopathological registration
FIG. 4. 共A兲 Ultrasound image of a PC3 tumor xenograft at 24 h after treatment with 8 Gy indicating a hyperechoic area in the middle of the tumor; 共B兲
corresponding H&E stained image indicating an area of cell death of similar location as the hyperechoic area from the ultrasound image; the arrows indicate
the marks created by the needles that helped in the alignment of histological slices for this tumor; and 共C兲 different types of cell structural damage in PC3
tumor at 24 h after radiotherapy: The white arrow indicates microscopic edema, the black arrow indicates possible red blood cells escaping from intravascular
space, and the gray arrow indicates apoptosis of endothelial cells lining blood microvasculature. Scale bars are 2 mm in images 共A兲 and 共B兲 and 120 ␮m in
image 共C兲.
age observed as white microscopic spaces with little or no
evidence of the characteristics of cell death by apoptosis
关Fig. 4共C兲兴. A common explanation could be that these are
histological artifacts, e.g., tissue retraction in the areas of
tissue damage. However, the appearance of some red blood
cells escaping from intravascular space and apoptosis of endothelial cells lining the blood vessels suggested that the
tissue damage observed in these regions arise as a consequence of vascular injury. This type of cell death in hypervascular regions of a tumor can result from vascular collapse
following large doses of radiation. The effect has been demonstrated by Garcia-Barros et al.31 and now is supported by
our recent work on PC3 tumors.26
tumors in these regions compared to preirradiated tumors.
Representative ultrasound images of a C666–1 tumor before
and 24 h after irradiation are displayed in Fig. 2. These hyperechoic regions corresponded to the areas of cell death in
histological images 关Fig. 3共B兲兴. The areas of cell death appeared as brown-colored regions in the TUNEL stained
slides 关Figs. 3共A兲 and 3共B兲兴 and presented an appearance of
discoloration of the pink eosin staining in the H&E images at
low magnification 关Fig. 3共E兲兴. This discoloration typically
results because cells lose part of their protein component
following cell death. At higher magnification, H&E stained
images revealed a clear delineation between the regions appearing as viable tissue and areas of cell death 关Figs. 3共C兲
and 3共F兲兴. The latter were characterized by smaller condensed and fragmented nuclei characteristics of apoptotic
cell death.
The PC3 tumor is an example of tumor that does not
respond to radiotherapy.25,26 At 24 h after radiotherapy 共8
Gy兲, the ultrasound image of the PC3 tumor exhibited small
hyperechoic regions in the central part that appeared to correspond to areas of cell death in histology 关Figs. 4共A兲 and
4共B兲兴. Some regions in the PC3 tumor revealed tissue dam-
III.B. Quantitative assessment
Tumor and cell death volumes as segmented from ultrasound and histological images were presented in Table I for
each tumor. There were differences between the volume of
tumor assessed from ultrasound and histological images, respectively. These differences can be attributed to tissue
shrinkage during histopathological processing and deforma-
TABLE I. Tumor and cell death volumes as assessed from ultrasound and histological images. The numbers in
brackets from the first column represent the radiotherapy doses.
Tumor histological
Tumor ultrasound
Cell death
histological volume
Cell death
ultrasound volume
M1FaDu 共2Gy兲
M2FaDu 共4Gy兲
M3FaDu 共8Gy兲
M4C666–1 共4Gy兲
M5C666–1 共4Gy兲
M6C666–1 共8Gy兲
M7C666–1 共8Gy兲
M8PC3 共8Gy兲
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Vlad et al.: Evaluating cell death in ultrasound using histopathological registration
Medical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2010
Tumor after rescaling
Cell death
Cell death after rescaling
Volume Difference (%)
tion of tissue dimensions by cutting and mounting of each
section. In order to calculate a factor that accounts for these,
it was considered that the 3D ultrasound volume acquired
from in vivo tumors in live animals was the ground truth for
the size of the tumor. Tumor xenografts are typically quite
homogeneous in composition containing mostly cancerous
cells, blood, and lymphatic vessels with no large volumes of
fibrous tissue or deposits of fat. Consequently, all eight tumors 共FaDu, C666–1, and PC3兲 were considered soft tissue
of approximately similar composition and an average volumetric shrinkage factor of 17⫾ 2% was calculated from all
tumors. Considering that several reports32–34 have indicated
that the tissue shrinkage caused by formalin fixation does not
change much between different directions and deformation
of tissue resulting from cutting and mounting is small, an
isometric correction was applied to all tumors in this study.
Therefore, the volumes of tumor and cell death assessed
from histology were scaled uniformly by 17% to account for
tissue shrinkage during histopathological processing and
other factors pertaining to the technique, i.e., changes in tissue by paraffin embedding, type of fixative, and time of fixation.
The differences in the volumes of tumor and cell death
assessed from ultrasound and histology, before and after
shrinkage correction, were plotted in Fig. 5共A兲. After compensating for tissue shrinkage, the average difference in the
volume of tumors in ultrasound and histology decreased
from 17⫾ 2% to 3 ⫾ 2%. After compensating for tissue
shrinkage, the average differences in the volume of cell death
in ultrasound and histology decreased from 18⫾ 15% to
11⫾ 14% 共including the PC3 tumor兲 and from 13⫾ 7% to
6 ⫾ 4% 共excluding the PC3 tumor兲.
The difference in the representation of cell death in ultrasound versus histology is large 共44%兲 for PC3 tumor versus
an average of 6 ⫾ 4% for head and neck tumors. This resulted from some sections in ultrasound images 共approximately nine兲 that exhibited small hyperechoic regions, corresponding in histology to areas of tissue damage, but no clear
appearance of cell death 关Fig. 4共C兲兴. These regions were not
considered in the calculation of the histological volume of
cell death because they did not present the recognizable characteristics of apoptosis. Instead, these exhibited either a
mixed phenotype 共i.e., isolated clusters of cell death interspersed with clusters of cells with a normal appearance兲 or
other types of tissue damage 关Fig. 4共C兲兴.
The volume overlap between the representation of tumor
and tumor cell death in ultrasound and histological images,
respectively, was plotted in Fig. 5共B兲. Assuming that tumor
representation in ultrasound images was the ground truth, the
percent of volume overlap should be 100% for a perfect
identification of tumor in both modalities and perfect histological volume reconstruction and registration. The overlap
of the tumor volumes as delineated from histological and
ultrasound images ranged from 75% to 97%, resulting in an
average overlap of 89⫾ 8%. The overlap of the volumes of
cell death assessed from ultrasound and histological images
ranged from 46% to 81% with an average of 70⫾ 12%.
Mouse identification
Overlap Tumor
Overlap Cell Death
Volume Overlap (%)
Mouse identification
FIG. 5. Volume differences and volume overlaps of tumor and cell death in
ultrasound and histology. 共A兲 Percent differences in the volume of tumor
and cell death in ultrasound and histology, before and after correction for
tissue shrinkage. 共B兲 Overlap of tumor and cell death. Volumes are relative
to the volume of tumor and cell death evaluated from ultrasound images.
Finite element models of tumor and cell death representation in ultrasound and histological images with corresponding cross section for each representation were shown in Figs.
6共A兲–6共D兲. The models indicated a good colocalization of
cell death volume in the ultrasound and histological representation. Representative examples of a good overlap corresponding to mouse 关M1 in Fig. 5兴共B兲 and weak overlap corresponding to mouse 关M3 in Fig. 5共B兲兴 are shown in Figs.
6共E兲 and 6共F兲.
A whole-mount pathology method for 3D tissue reconstruction and registration with high frequency ultrasound images has been developed to compare the volume of cell death
evaluated from histology to the volume of hyperechoic regions identified in ultrasound images. Previous publications14,15 used qualitative visual comparisons of histological
and ultrasound images to indicate that regions of tumor presenting increases of echogeneity in ultrasound images, after
Vlad et al.: Evaluating cell death in ultrasound using histopathological registration
FIG. 6. 共A兲 Finite element model of a tumor and cell death segmented from
ultrasound images with 共B兲 corresponding cross-section ultrasound image
illustrating tumor orientation and the position of the transducer focal point
共the white arrow on the lateral side of the ultrasound image兲 during scanning; 共C兲 finite element model of tumor and cell death segmented from
histology with 共D兲 corresponding histological cross section, demonstrating
an area of cell death outlined in black; finite element models illustrating the
overlap of cell death derived from ultrasound and histological images, respectively, demonstrating 共E兲 a good overlap 共81%兲 and 共F兲 a weak overlap
共45%兲. Scale bars are 2 mm for all images.
anticancer therapy, corresponded to regions of cell death in
histology. The method presented in this study provides metrics of comparison between the volume and localization of
cell death, assessed from histology, with the volume and localization of cell death surrogate derived as hyperechoic regions from ultrasound imaging. This is important in order to
evaluate the capability of high frequency ultrasound imaging
to assess tumor response to therapy.
The volumetric overlap between the regions of cell death
surrogate identified in ultrasound as hyperechoic regions and
those delineated in histology, could be affected by different
factors that can be divided into three main categories. The
first category addresses factors linked to the imaging capabilities of the ultrasound machine, specifically the ultrasound
transducer that defines the quality of the image 共i.e., central
frequency, bandwidth, focal distance, and depth of field兲. The
effect of these factors and other factors, i.e., interobserver
and intraobserver variability and mouse breathing motion, on
the measurement of tumor volume has been discussed in a
recent publication35 that used a similar system as in this
study. For example, Wirtzfeld et al.35 have reported that interobserver and intraobserver variability of mouse tumor volume measurements followed those reported in clinical studies with coefficients of variation from 4% to 14%. Future
work will consider interobserver and intraobserver variability in delineating tumor and regions of cell death that were
not assessed in this study.
The transducer used in this work had a center frequency
of 25 MHz allowing a good balance between resolution
共axial⬇ 70 ␮m and lateral⬇ 200 ␮m兲, penetration depth
Medical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2010
beyond 10 mm, and a good detection of tumor boundaries
and hyperechoic regions. The signal of the hyperechoic regions and the rest of the tumor were equally affected by
attenuation 共e.g., approximately 0.06 dB/mm/MHz for hyperechoic regions and the rest of the tumor兲.14 For tumor
sizes 共ⱕ10 mm in depth兲, the ultrasound beam penetrated
the full extent of the tumor; hence, it was possible to detect
the hyperechoic regions in the ultrasound images of these
tumors. However, the ultrasound signal could be significantly
attenuated in tumors larger than 10 mm in depth. In this case,
transducers with a better penetration depth, e.g., using linear
array technology, and algorithms to compensate for signal
attenuation with depth can provide a good detection of hyperechoic regions.
The second category addresses issues associated with the
reconstruction of the histological volume and registration of
histological and ultrasound images. Anatomical landmarks
共e.g., bundles of muscles, skin兲 which are visible on both
histological and ultrasound images can assist with the histological volume reconstruction and registration. Identifying
correct correspondence between anatomical landmarks in
consecutive histological slides and corresponding ultrasound
images is difficult because these may not be consistently
visible across all histological sections and in both image sets.
Fiducial markers created by inserted needles were used in
this work to avoid misalignments that can compromise reconstruction of cell death volume that was very small in the
PC3 tumor. The same technique could help with the histological volume reconstruction for C666–1 and FaDu tumors.
However, it could also greatly damage the area of cell death.
For this reason, the use of needles was restricted to the PC3
tumor. The validation of the histological volume reconstruction and registration with ultrasound images were challenging because the number of naturally occurring anatomical
markers that can be visible on consecutive histological slides
is limited. For instance, in order to assess the accuracy of
reconstruction, markers independent of those used in the histological volume reconstruction have to be used. In this
study, three naturally occurring markers 共or markers created
by the inserted needles兲 were used for histological reconstruction and registration with ultrasound images. If a fourth
marker existed, it was used to assess the matching. Ongoing
work in our laboratory seeks to develop techniques of injecting appropriate fiducial markers that can be visible on both
data sets, histological and tissue images. These can assist
with histological volume reconstruction, registration with
imaging, as well as assessment of registration accuracy.29
The third category addresses factors linked to the definition of cell death in histology and its representation in ultrasound images. Since the segmentation of cell death was performed on high-resolution histological images, it was
straightforward to identify the regions exhibiting nuclei condensation and fragmentation as typical characteristics of cell
death. However, as indicated by previous works, ultrasound
imaging can be sensitive to other types of cell structural
damage18,19,36 that do not fall under this definition. These
could also result in differences in tissue acoustic properties
and, consequently, changes of tissue echogeneity in ultra-
Vlad et al.: Evaluating cell death in ultrasound using histopathological registration
sound images. Different patterns of cell structural damage
were often observed in the histology of the PC3 tumor 关Fig.
4共C兲兴, and may explain the difference of 44% observed between representation of cell death in ultrasound and histology in this tumor. A work in progress in our laboratory seeks
to understand whether these histological features are consequences of damage to tumor microvasculature following
radiotherapy26 or tissue microedema 共inflammation兲. Damage of tumor microvasculature can ultimately result in cell
death in those regions. However, tissue microedema can interfere with the assessment of cell death causing false positive results. In this case, ultrasound tissue characterization
methods using radiofrequency spectrum analysis14,37–39 can
be used, additionally to ultrasound imaging, to refine the
detection of cell death.
High frequency ultrasound has the capability to assess cell
death noninvasively. Therefore, it can aid in the development
of novel targeted therapies in preclinical settings, can provide input to individualized adaptive treatment planning, and
has a potential to improve clinical trial efficiency. Considering future clinical applications of the technique described in
this work, head and neck tumors could be accessed in humans using endoscopic probes working at 10–20 MHz.40
This study described a method that compares the volume
and localization of cell death, assessed from histology, to the
volume and localization of cell death surrogate derived as
hyperechoic regions from ultrasound imaging. This estimation can depend on tumor type, histological processing, ultrasound machine-scanning parameters, and, potentially, on
the applied therapy. The method could be applied on a limited number of mice to provide a relationship between the
true cell death 共derived from histology兲 and surrogate cell
death derived from ultrasound images. Then, these findings
can provide input into longitudinal studies that use ultrasound imaging to assess cell death noninvasively.
Ultrasound imaging is a low cost portable technique. The
key advantage of this technique is that the image contrast is
caused by changes in the physical properties of dying cells.
Therefore, the subject can be imaged before and multiple
times during the treatment without the need of injecting specialized contrast agents as required by other techniques 共e.g.,
PET and DCE-MRI兲. An early indicator of treatment response would be of great value to tailor treatments to individual patients and particularly promising in multistage interventions or combination treatments.
A penetration depth of 2–5 cm at the frequencies of 30
down to 10 MHz allows the technique to be applicable to a
variety of tumor types such as skin cancers, certain cancers
of the breast, and cancers that can be reached with endoscopic probes such as nasopharyngeal and gastrointestinal
cancers. An ongoing work in detecting cell death at lower
ultrasound frequency of 5–10 MHz 共Ref. 41兲 may extend the
range of applications to other tumor sites seated deeper into
the body.
In conclusion, a method to evaluate the use of midfrequency to high frequency ultrasound imaging technique to
detect cell death following radiotherapy by comparing the
geometry of cell death assessed from ultrasound with that
Medical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2010
assessed from histology was developed. The good agreement
between cell death representation in histological and ultrasound images for head and neck cancer mouse models
共C666–1 and FaDu兲 indicated that high frequency ultrasound
is capable of detecting early response to radiotherapy in this
type of tumors. The result obtained for PC3 tumor suggested
that it is essential to perform a histological validation of
ultrasound imaging for each specific treatment and tumor
type. Other methods, additional to ultrasound imaging, i.e.,
ultrasound tissue characterization techniques, might be required to refine the detection of cell death in some tumors.
Dr. Kristy Brock and Dr. Gregory Czarnota are each supported through a Cancer Care Ontario Research Chair and
Dr. Michael Kolios is supported through a Canada Research
Chair. Part of the work was supported by American Institute
of Ultrasound in Medicine’s Endowment for Education and
Research Grant and Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Strategic Training Fellowship Excellence in Radiation Research for the 21st Century to Dr. Roxana Vlad. The authors
thank Dr. Azza Al-Mahrouki and Anoja Giles for technical
support, MORFEUS team for valuable discussion, and Dr.
Fei-Fei Liu for providing some of the cell lines used in this
Conflict of Interest Notification: There are no actual conflicts of interest.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:
rvlad@lakeridgehealth.on.ca; Present address: Department of Radiation
Oncology, R. S. McLaughlin Durham Regional Cancer Centre, Lakeridge
Health, 1 Hospital Court, Oshawa, Ontario L1G 2B9, Canada; Telephone:
905-576-8711 x 5302.
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