FINAL May 2014:Filipino Star


FINAL May 2014:Filipino Star
Filipinos in Montreal celebrate
116th Philippine Independence
Canadian image and help everyone to
be successful in their adopted country,
In order to promote Mabuhay
Montreal TV, all members of the crew
will participate actively in the actual
broadcast of everything going on in
the park, starting with the parade in the
streets, the parade of colors, folk
dances from different ethnic groups,
the Holy Mass usually celebrated by
the Filipino Catholic Mission, sports,
games, contests of some sort that may
be spontaneously organized. The TV
crew and other volunteers will also be
offering membership in Mabuhay
Montreal TV which will include some
economic benefits to be outlined in the
flyers to be distributed. A survey of
viewership will also be included. To
show our appreciation for everyone’s
participation, there will be some raffles
with prizes to be given away.
Mark on your calendar - June
22, 2014 at MacKenzie King Park - a
day of meeting friends and enjoying
fellowship and camaraderie that can
unite our community.
By Zenaida Kharroubi
Will the Stanley come back to Montreal after
more than 20 years?
Past Independence Day celebration at MacKenzie King Park - James de la Paz, president of the Council
of Canadian Filipino Associations, usually organizes a parade, community picnic and other activities.
The annual celebration of
Philippine Independence is usually held
close to the exact day of June 12th as it
was on June 12, 1898 when Filipinos
won their independence from Spain.
Rain or shine, festivities are held at
MacKenzie King Park which start with a
parade around 11:30 a.m., followed by
various cultural and sports activities.
This year, Philippine Independence Day will be celebrated on June
22, 2014 at the same location. As
usual, a big crowd will converge in the
park . Tents are rented or allocated to
different associations and local
businesses, in particular, Filipino owned
restaurants will serve popular food that
most people like even non-Filipinos
who have developed a taste for exotic
or Asian food.
For the first time, this
Independence Day will be more
memorable as it will be covered by a
community television crew of Filcan TV
Productions, a company that started
last August 2013 and had its first
broadcast via a specialized ethnic
(International Channel/Canal International) and can be seen on Videotron
Channel 616 HD, Bell Fibe Channel
1216 HD, as well as non-cable Channel
47. Every Friday at 7 p.m. Mabuhay
Montreal TV brings to the Montreal
community and suburbs a variety of
subjects that are of relevance to
Filipino-Canadians. Community events,
interviews of local talents and
professionals, businesses that provide
merchandise and services to the
community are coverd in the weekly
episodes. Special events such as the
latest fund raising for the Yolanda
victims in the Philippines were also
included in its weekly programming.It is
the goal of this community television
company to promote a positive Filipino-
By the time this paper has been
distributed to our readers, the
Canadiens’ fate will have been known
as they are trailing the Rangers and
they must win two more consecutive
games to get ino the finals. Photo
belowi shows the passion of some
Montreal hockey fans.
Fans celebrate the series win by the Habs outside the Bell Centre following Game
7 on Wednesday May 14, 2014.Photograph by: Pierre Obendrauf, The Gazette
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
Featured Opinion
Strategic alliances
May 29, 2014 (Global Balita)
By Val G. Abelgas
With China increasingly
aggressive in asserting its territorial
claims over most of the South China, it
is inevitable that its smaller neighbors
would form strategic defense alliances
to protect themselves from the region’s
obviously to begin tapping oil and
natural gas in the area. Luckily, both
protagonists opted to use water
cannons instead of real cannons.
Earlier, Vietnamese fishing vessels
collided with a Chinese frigate that was
part of the convoy towing the oilrig.
In 1974, the Chinese took
control of the Paracels, which are well
within the 200-mile economic zone of
Vietnam, after a brief battle that resulted
in the death of 54 Vietnamese troops.
Shinzo Abe and Aquino
(A Commentary by Ralph Goodale, MP for Wascana )
May 26, 2014 - It was during
the 2011 federal election that Stephen
Harper started pledging certain
expensive tax cuts that would
overwhelmingly favour the wealthy.
He called it "income-splitting"
and it sounded politically attractive.
But what he didn't reveal was that only
a small fraction of Canadians would
qualify -- 85% of all families (i.e., most
of those at middle and lower income
levels) would get little or nothing from
Mr. Harper's scheme.
That was the problem that
caused the late Jim Flaherty to openly
question both the cost and the fairness
of income-splitting.
The Philippine government was
right in seeking strategic alliances with
Japan, Vietnam and, of course, the
United States. After forging a defense
accord with Japan, the Philippines
signed last week a roadmap towards a
strategic defense partnership with
Vietnam, China’s former ally.
Nguyen Tan Dung and Aquino
Nguyen Tan Dung and Aquino
The agreement presents the
start of a united front against Chinese
incursions in the disputed isles in the
South China Sea, almost 90% of which
is being claimed by the Chinese using
an ancient map dating back to the time
of the dynasties.
Both the Philippines and
Vietnam are embroiled in escalating
disputes with China over oil and marine
resources-rich areas in the South China
Vietnamese ships recently
engaged in a battle of water cannons
with Chinese coast guard vessels near
the Paracel Islands when the Chinese
pulled a gigantic oilrig to the area
5320-A Queen Mary Road
Montreal, Quebec H3X 1T7
Shinzo Abe and Aquino
The Chinese have also been
slowly occupying islands claimed by the
Philippines that are well within the
country’s 200-mile economic zone. In
1993, the Chinese started occupying
Panganiban or Mischief Reef and last
year began occupying Panatag or
Scarborough Shoal after a long
standoff. In May last year, the Chinese
sent a fleet of fishing vessels, two large
civilian ships and a frigate to waters
near the Ayungin Shoal. And early this
month, the Chinese were found to be
reclaiming land and building an airstrip
over the Mabini Reef, which is very close
to Zambales.
Despite repeated protests,
Chinese officials insisted that they have
the right to do anything in the disputed
islands because they were rightfully
It is increasingly obvious that
China could not be deterred by protests
and the filing of legal cases before the
international courts in its bid to take
control of the South China Sea, which is
critical to its goal of becoming a world
superpower by 2025.
kilometers of the disputed South China
See Page 23
Strategic Alliances
And there was another
problem too. According to Mr. Harper,
before income-splitting could be
implemented, the big new deficit that
he himself created had to be
eliminated by 2015. There's not a
credible economist in this country who
agreed with that artificial deadline -only Mr. Harper, and entirely for his
own election campaign purposes.
Here again, Mr. Flaherty tried
to give himself some wiggle room,
talking about a balanced budget "in the
medium term", meaning 2015 or 16 or
17. But Mr. Harper quickly and publicly
insisted on the earlier deadline. And
that set off a flurry of ill-conceived cuts
to front-line programs and services -search-and-rescue, food inspection,
immigration, trade, EI and veterans
offices, emergency preparedness,
military procurement, community
pastures, an historic tree farm ... the list
goes on.
Among the most serious cuts
were those affecting community-based
public infrastructure across the
country. While popular programs like
the GST rebate to municipalities and
the sharing of federal gas tax revenues
-- initiated in previous Liberal budgets
in 2004 and 05 -- were continued, the
government's flagship infrastructure
investment (known as the "Building
Canada Fund" (BCF)) was slashed by
To camouflage the impact of
that cut, the Harper government has
gone to extraordinary lengths to
obscure the BCF and make it harder to
Tel.: 514-485-7861
Published by: Filcan Publications, Inc.
Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi
Chief Editor & Publisher
Al Abdon
Alberto Baens Santos
Michael Davantes
Sam Kevin
W.G. Quiambao
Community News
News & Layout Editor
Bert Abiera
Bernardo Sarmiento
Opinion Editorial
The opinions expressed by the writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect that
of the management of the North American Filipino Star nor its editors.
It was supposed to be fully
functional by April 1st, but two months
later local communities are still not
permitted to file their applications, with
the 2014 construction season slipping
by. Some high priority municipal
projects have been excluded from
eligibility, and there are other new
limitations on how local governments
can use BCF dollars.
Perhaps most problematic,
provincial governments and others
"government entities" are now in direct
competition with municipalities for
whatever lesser amounts of money
eventually become available under the
BCF. Mr. Harper refuses to provide a
clear commitment on what share of
that funding local municipalities can
Cutting and complicating
federal support for public infrastructure
is not good public policy.
At a time when Canada's
economic growth rate is just barely
mediocre -- trailing as many as 140
other countries -- with unemployment
stubbornly stuck close to 7% and
youth joblessness twice that high, Mr.
Harper is impairing what his own
Finance department says is the most
cost-effective way to help drive more
jobs and growth.
Moreover, Statistics Canada
has produced a valuable analysis of
the connection between infrastructure
and productivity.
Over the past half-century,
about half of the productivity gains in
Canada's private sector can be
attributed to investments in public
infrastructure. Since the 1960's, our
productivity have been recorded
during those periods of greatest
expansion in public infrastructure
To get what he thinks will be
the political sizzle of a future tax cut for
the most wealthy, Stephen Harper is
apparently prepared to compromise
jobs, growth and productivity gains for
the vast majority of Canadians -especially the middle-class.
May 2014
(2014) / SEMAINE DE
Irwin Cotler, co-sponsor of Iran
Accountability Week, says Action Plan,
“Holds Iran human rights violator regime to
account . . . and stands in solidarity with
Iranian people”.
Parliament concludes Iran Accountability
Week today, the centerpiece of which was
the Global Iranian Political Prisoner
Parliamentarians with “adopted” political
prisoners on whose behalf they advocate.
This year, Parliamentarians heard from
experts on Iran, NGO representatives, and
human rights advocates who testified
before the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee
on International Human Rights and
participated in a roundtable discussion.
Based on the witness testimony presented
during the Week – and the ongoing work of
the Subcommittee – the following action
plan has been developed as a framework
for advocacy going forward.
Expose, unmask, and hold Iran
accountable for its critical mass of
violations of human rights and in particular
ensure that the ongoing P5+1 nuclear
negotiations with Iran will neither
overshadow nor sanitize the Iranian
regime’s widespread and systematic
violations of human rights.
The North American Filipino Star
linkage between any nuclear agreement
with Iran and an improvement in the Iranian
regime’s atrocious human rights record by
ensuring that violations of human rights are
raised by the Government of Canada in all
bilateral and international fora.
Sound the alarm on the
systematic and widespread assaults by the
Iranian regime on the human rights of the
Iranian people constitutive of crimes
against humanity.
Advance the Global Iranian
Political Prisoner Advocacy Project
whereby Canadian Parliamentarians, in
concert with their colleagues abroad,
“adopt” Iranian political prisoners and
engage in sustained public advocacy on
their behalf. Indeed, two of the prisoners
whose cases we took up last year – Nasrin
Sotoudeh and Hamid Ghassemi-Shall –
have since been freed. Political prisoners
who escape Iran have consistently said
that international attention to their case
was their best protection. The participation
of Canada’s parliamentarians in the Global
Advocacy Project can literally mean the
difference between life and death for many
Iranian activists behind bars.
Mobilize Bar Associations, law
schools, and NGOs in support of the call to
release Iranian political prisoners, and to
call on the Iranian regime to cease and
desist from its arrest and imprisonment of
lawyers and human rights defenders for no
other reason than their defense of victims
of human rights violations.
Call upon Iran to cease and desist
from its persistent and pervasive assault
on the rights of women, including also
cruel and inhuman treatment and
held accountable before the law, including
sanctions under section 4.1 of the Special
Economic Measures Act (SEMA) for their
role in violating the human rights of the
Iranian people.
Call upon Iran to cease and desist
from its assault on the fundamental
freedoms of religion, speech, press,
assembly, and association, including its
persecution and prosecution of Iran’s
largest religious minority – the Baha’i
community – the criminalization of dissent,
and the shuttering of media outlets.
Canada must continue to lead the
annual resolution at the UN General
Assembly that “names and shames” Iran
for its terrible human rights record, and
particularly those in the global south, to
require Iran to permit the UN Special
Rapporteur on the situation of human
rights in Iran to visit the country and
communicate freely with the Iranian
people, including its political prisoners
and dissidents.
Support targeted sanctions
against the major Iranian human rights
violators responsible for the ordering of,
and complicity in, the wanton executions
and massive assaults on human rights,
and put them on notice that they will be
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Call upon Iran to cease and desist
from its state-orchestrated policy of
wanton executions, where Iran has
executed more persons per capita than
any other country. Indeed, the regime’s
execution binge has intensified under
Rouhani’s “moderate” Presidency, with
more than 600 executions since he took
office in August 2013 and more than 250 in
2014 alone.
Establish the importance of issue
Algonquin’s land protection camps forces Quebec to
Agree to a Process to Protect Sensitive Zones from
Logging: Next Step Implementation of Landmark CoManagement/Revenue Sharing Agreements
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Territory/December 17, 2013) – After community
members of the Barriere Lake First Nation
established a land protection camp to protest
clear-cut logging on sensitive areas of their land,
Quebec’s Ministry of Natural Resources has
agreed to respect a previously negotiated
process to harmonize forestry operations with
the community’s traditional activities. Called the
“measures to harmonize” process it involves
field visits by Barriere Lake Algonquins to the
proposed cut block areas and identification of
buffer zones of various sizes to protect cultural
sites and ecological areas.
The Quebec Ministry of Natural
consulting the Algonquins of Barriere Lake—
issued permits for the 2013-14 operating year to
Resolute Forest Products and other large
logging companies who have subsequently
clear-cut vast tracts of the forest this past
summer and fall, up to the end of November,
when the Algonquins stopped the unauthorized
logging, which has been taking place in
violation of signed Agreements with the First
Resolute Forest Products and other
logging companies have already damaged
many sensitive zones on the Barriere Lake
Trilateral Agreement Territory.
This recent decision by Quebec’s
Minister of Natural Resources to respect a
previously negotiated Forestry Protocol and
related buffer zone prescriptions provides time
for the Algonquins of Barriere Lake to conduct
field visits to proposed logging sites scheduled
for the 2013-14 operating year and identify
buffer zones around sites of cultural and
ecological importance to the Algonquin
The Algonquins of Barriere Lake
intend to ensure that in early 2014, the
commitment made by Quebec’s Minister of
Aboriginal Affairs, Elizabeth Larouche, is fulfilled
to establish a negotiation table early in 2014
with the active participation of all of the relevant
Quebec departments involved in implementing
the outstanding 2006 Joint Recommendations
of Mr. John Ciaccia and Mr. Clifford Lincoln.
Recommendations are the result of intensive
negotiations between the Algonquins of Barriere
Lake and Quebec under a 1991 Barriere Lake
Trilateral Agreement and a related 1998
Agreement, which includes Co-Management of
the territory and Resource Revenue Sharing
among other issues.The Algonquins have
removed their Land Protection camp within the
La Verendrye Wildlife Reserve at the Poigan
sector but are monitoring their territory to
Russell Copeman
Maire de l’arrondissement CDN-NDG
Borough Mayor of CDN-NDG
Membre du comité exécutif
Member of the Executive Committee
Tel/Tél: 514-872-4863
I am pleased to extend to all Filipinos in
Côte-des-Neiges--Notre Dame de Grace
stop any unauthorized logging from
further damaging Algonquin cultural
sites and critical wildlife habitat while
ensuring the agreed upon Measures to
Harmonize Process is completed for
the 2013-14 proposed logging sites.
-30For More Information Contact:
Chief Casey Ratt Cell: (819) 441-8002
our greetings of Mabuhay during the
Celebration of
The 116th Philippine Independence Day.
Norman Matchewan, Councillor Cell: (819)
Tony Wawatie, Spokesperson Cell: (819)
Liberals set to unveil budget
QUEBEC - Quebec Finance
Minister Carlos Leitao will present his first
ever provincial budget on June 4.
Leitao's office confirmed the date
has come for hard economic decisions.
The Liberals have aimed to meet the
previous Parti Quebecois government's
objective of a $1.75-billion deficit in 2014-
Quebec Liberal leader Philippe Couillard introduces three candidates, Martin Coiteux,
Carlos Leitao and Jacques Daoust, left to right, Thursday, March 6,
in a news release today.
The rookie finance minister says
the transitional budget will serve to
redress public finances while reviving the
Premier Philippe Couillard has
warned since taking power that the time
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
15 and a balanced budget the following
The Liberals were elected with a
strong majority on April 7, winning 70 of
the 125 seats in the legislature.
(Canadian Press)
Filipino community
leaders in Europe plan
protests vs China
By Ryan Chua, ABS-CBN News
LONDON - Filipino community
leaders are planning to hold demonstrations
in front of Chinese embassies in major
capitals of Europe this summer to denounce
what they called China’s bullying of the
Philippines in the two countries’ disputes over
certain territories in the South China Sea.
The leaders hope to make this
year’s demonstrations bigger and noisier
than those in previous years in response to
recent developments in the dispute, such as
the blocking by the Chinese Coast Guard of a
Philippine vessel bringing supplies to
Ayungin Shoal last March.
"What we’d like is for people to demonstrate
against China’s bullying in all capitals of
Europe. We would like it to happen because
they’re at it again. They’re really bringing their
big guns, not just to the Philippines but also
to the neighbors," Gene Alcantara, chair of
the European Network of Filipino Diaspora
(ENFID), said.
At a recent forum in the Philippine
embassy here, Alcantara spoke of how
China’s "bullying" has affected Filipinos
abroad emotionally.
The plans come on the heels of
recent protests abroad by the Vietnamese,
whose country also has territorial disputes
with China over certain areas in the South
China Sea. On May 18, for instance,
Vietnamese people in London held a protest
in front of the Chinese embassy in reaction to
collisions between Vietnamese and Chinese
ships near the Paracel Islands.
The problem, however, is getting
Filipinos aware of and involved in the issue,
said Peps Villanueva, convenor of UK Pinoys
for Good Governance.
Villanueva recalls how only very
few Filipinos attended protests in the past.
"We’ve organized rallies in front of
the Chinese embassy but only a few would
take part," he said. "Hopefully, once they
understand the issue well, it would be easy
to mobilize them."
He said that if the petition manages
to gather at least 100,000 signatures,
parliament would consider it.
The United Kingdom and other
European countries have not taken sides on
the matter, but stressed the need for a rulesbased and peaceful resolution to the
territorial disputes in the South China Sea, a
major route for global trade.
Alcantara believes holding a
protest can help the Philippines make its
voice heard on the international stage
although it is a smaller and less powerful
country than China.
"China is like some big Goliath
and the Philippines is a little puppy trying
to bark at this giant. And they’re not
budging. They’re doing what they feel they
can get away with," he said. "So Pinoys,
particularly overseas, we need to get
together so that we can have one major
bark, maybe with a bite."
The Philippines has filed a 4,000page document before the International
Tribunal of the Law of the Sea contesting
China’s claims over almost the entire
South China Sea. Manila argues that
China’s so-called “nine-dash line”
encroaches upon areas within its 200-mile
exclusive economic zone and continental
shelf as defined by the UN Convention of
the Law of the Sea.
National Bank says healthier
business conditions in Quebec
should drive momentum
Ross Marowits, The Canadian
PressWed, 28 May 2014
MONTREAL - National Bank of Canada
says healthier business conditions and the
election of a majority Liberal government
in Quebec should help the bank maintain
its momentum in the second half of the
Although its second-quarter
results lagged its Toronto-based peers,
the bank conveyed an optimistic outlook
Wednesday citing a double-digit growth in
exports to the U.S. in the first three months
of the year.
"With a majority government in
Quebec, better weather conditions in
Canada and the U.S., and our constant
efforts related to (the) one-plan-one-bank
initiative, we are confident to see our
business maintain momentum in the
second half of fiscal 2014," CEO Louis
Vachon said during a conference call, a
day after releasing its results.
Quebec elected a Liberal
majority on April 7, as voters turfed the
Parti Quebecois minority government.
Premier Philippe Couillard's new
government is expected to unveil an
austerity budget next Wednesday
designed to put the province on the path
of balancing the budget by 2015, while
also boosting economic growth.
Vachon recently told shareholders at the
bank's annual meeting in Calgary that
Quebec's new Liberal government must
restore a "climate of trust"' to reverse two
years of lagging confidence that has hurt
the province's economic growth.
He said investor confidence in
Quebec has taken a beating since 2012
from the investigation into the construction
industry, student strikes, the debate on
mining royalties and the charter of values.
After the close of markets
Tuesday, Quebec's largest bank (TSX:NA)
raised its dividend by two cents to 48
cents per share and reported a secondquarter profit of $362 million or $1.01 per
diluted share.
The results were down from a
profit of $417 million or $1.20 per share in
the second quarter of 2013 that included a
rise in the fair value of restructured notes.
However, excluding certain
items, National Bank said it earned $375
million or $1.05 per share in its latest
quarter, up from $352 million or $1 per
share a year earlier. Analysts had
expected a profit of $1.04 per share.
Revenues fell eight per cent
year-over-year to $1.276 billion from
$1.383 billion in the second quarter of
Barclays analyst John Aiken said
the bank won't be viewed as positively as
its peers even though it managed in the
quarter to overcome a sizable decline in
trading revenues through reasonably
strong loan growth and the further
expansion of its wealth management
"However, a modest decline in net interest
margins and essentially flat provisions do
not compare well against the earnings
reported to date, despite National likely
being one of the few banks to announce a
dividend increase this quarter," he wrote in
a report.
Aiken expects National should be
able to meet or beat the revenue and
earnings growth of other Canadian banks
because of its above average loan growth
and growing wealthier management
On the Toronto Stock Exchange,
National's shares closed down $1.17 at
$45.86 on Wednesday
Hon. Irwin Cotler, P.C, O.C./c.p., o.c.
député, M.P.
Mont Royal / Mount Royal
Tél./Tel.: 514-283-0171
Wishing you all a
Happy 116th Philippine Independence Day
Happy Canada Day!
Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino sa Montreal.
May 2014
that simple. Why? Well, for the most
part, a woman’s wardrobe is basics
driven; it’s the accessorizing that
changes up the looks. The more
accessories you have (which are often
cheaper in price than clothing and can
be worn multiple times per week) are
what change up your look. So, imagine
having one dress that you can
accessorize four different ways simply
with a shoe change or different jewelry.
This will cost you a lot less than having
multiple stand alone outfits that can’t
be changed up through your
gives the following reasons why you accessories.
should accessorize:
Reason #2 You Will Save Time
Reason #1 You Will Save Money
You may be wondering why additional step, how exactly will it save
adding more to your shopping list will time, you’re wondering? Most of my
save you money. Here’s the reason: clients are busy women. When they
The more accessories you own, the first start working with me, they groan
less clothing you will have to buy, it’s at the idea of accessorizing, thinking
they have enough to do in the
morning. The string of pearls that they
wear day in and day out may be boring
them to tears but at least they don’t
have to think about it. Time is saved via
accessorizing because you can go for
trusted and basic outfits that you know
work and use the accessories to
change up the looks and make them
more interesting. Accessories can give
one piece in your wardrobe multiple
looks. This takes a lot less time than
the time you spend staring at your
closet trying to figure how to put whole
new outfit together. Seriously, how long
does it take to put a necklace over your
like .3 seconds? I am sure you can
spare that much time. Have some
easy, yet interesting accessories on
hand that are fail-safes and will always
work. My suggestions are accessories
in green or yellow (both green and
yellow work with any color you’re
wearing) and gold and silver in
interesting shapes. If you can have at
least these in your arsenal of
accessories, you’ll always have
accessories on hand that work and
make an outfit. Time is saved and you
look good. You can check out a video
on how I put several looks together
using one staple dress I own. It’s a bit
Why You Should Accessorize
To make your dishes taste
their best, you need to add a bit of
spice or seasoning to it or it would
taste bland. Same as your wardrobe.
Accessories are like the spice of your
outfit. It adds more panache to your
ensemble and expresses your
Style expert Bridgette Raes
Welcoming a record number of visitors
from the Philippines in 2013
April 22, 2014—Ottawa, ON—
Today, Canada’s Citizenship and
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander
announced that Canada issued more
than 47,000 visitor visas to Filipino
visitors in 2013. This figure represents
a record high for the Philippines and a
57 percent increase since 2006.
In 2013, nearly 30,000 Filipino
citizens became permanent residents
of Canada ranking the Philippines as
third in the top source countries for
immigration to Canada.
The government’s improvements to Canada’s immigration
system are helping to facilitate
legitimate tourism as well as
immigration of those from the
Philippines to Canada, strengthening
economic prosperity and growth
across our country. Visitors to Canada
The North American Filipino Star
Reason #3 You Will Stand Out
Okay, so you’re sick of being
just an another acceptably dressed
nobody, you feel blah and just another
face in the crowd. Well, hello, McFly,
why do you think that is? It’s your lack
of accessorizing that is making it
happen. Imagine you and another
woman were standing side-by-side,
both wearing a pair of tailored pants
and a button down shirt. The one who
is going to stand out is going to be the
person who chooses an interesting
pair of shoes and finishes her look with
a great necklace, some colorful jewelry
or a handbag that isn’t dull. If you want
to stand out, accessorize. When you
accessorize, you can wear your
versatile basics without being boring.
Reason #4- You Will Save Angst
Frustrated with nothing to
wear? When you start purchasing
accessories a whole new world of
possibilities will open up with the
wardrobe you already own. When
you’re frustrated with your wardrobe,
don’t go and buy more clothes, buy
Reason #5 You Will Feel Better About
Feeling good about yourself
comes from within and, as ounterintuitive as it sounds, that good
feeling often comes when you know
you look good. Want to feel better
about yourself? Start working on your
outer appearance and how you
present yourself to the world. When
you know, confidently, that who you
are on the inside is being expressed,
and people are getting who you
are just by your presence, you’ll have
to overcompensate less and things will
flow in your life much more smoothly. I
mean, don’t you have enough
challenges in your day, how you look
shouldn’t be one of them.
Canada Continuing Global Leadership in
Nutrition, Providing Humanitarian
Assistance Support to the World Food
Nutrition key to delivering on
Canada’s top development priority,
saving the lives of women and
children across the developing world
Hon. Chris Alexander, Citizenship &
Immigration Minister
benefit from the Multiple Entry Visa
(MEV), which allows qualified visitors
to come and go from Canada for six
months at a time for up to 10 years.
MEVs are a fast, flexible and
convenient option for frequent visitors
to Canada.
long and it will take longer to watch
than it will for you to accessorize.
May 28, 2014 – Toronto, Ontario Foreign
Development Canada
Today, the Honourable Rona
Ambrose, Minister of Health, along
with Ertharin Cousin, Executive
Director of the United Nations World
Food Programme (WFP), visited
SickKids Hospital ahead of the Prime
Minister’s Saving Every Woman, Every
Child: Within Arm’s Reach Summit.
“Canada is proud to be a
global leader in supporting nutrition
around the world. Increasing food
security and ensuring access to
nutritious food are at the heart of
poverty reduction, and is a
fundamental pillar of Canada’s
maternal, newborn and child health
initiative,” said Minister Ambrose.
“Mothers and children are often the
most at risk during a crisis and have
special food and nutrition needs.
Canada will continue to work with the
World Food Programme to help
deliver concrete results for those in
Following the visit, Minister
Ambrose announced on behalf of the
Minister of International Development
See Page - Canada Continuing
The North American Filipino Star
in learning, memory and behavior.
“What needs to follow is
whether these exposures are causing
neurobehavioral changes,” Harvard
Environmental Health News, adding that
previous research has shown that
estrogen receptors in the brains of rats
were triggered by low doses of BPA.
“Hopefully [the FDA] will address that
down the road.”
E - The Environmental Magazine
Dear EarthTalk: A recent study showed
that Bisphenol A (BPA) was hardly the
human health risk researchers once
believed it to be. Should I still try to
avoid products that may contain it?
-- Carolyn Danes, Waukesha, WI
Some 93 percent of us carry
traces of the synthetic compound
bloodstreams, so it’s no wonder that
public health advocates are concerned
about its potential effects. Developed in
the 1950s to strengthen plastics and
epoxy resins, BPA is today used in a
wide range of products, including
many plastic food and drink
containers, the lining of most cans,
some paper products, and dental
But with widespread use of
BPA has come increased scrutiny
regarding its potential impact on
human health. When ingested, BPA
mimics naturally occurring human
hormones and thus can potentially
interfere with the body’s endocrine and
reproductive workings. According to
the nonprofit Breast Cancer Fund,
previous research has linked BPA
exposure to with increased risk for
cardiovascular disease, miscarriages,
decreased birth weight at term, breast
and prostate cancer, reproductive and
sexual dysfunctions, altered immune
system activity, metabolic problems
and diabetes in adults, and cognitive
and behavioral development in young
children. These concerns have led the
European Union, Canada— and more
recently the U.S.—to ban the use of
BPA in baby bottles and other items
geared toward babies and children.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Food &
Drug Administration (FDA) maintains
that typical low-level BPA exposure
does not pose any health risk. A
February 2014 study by FDA
researchers found that low doses of
the compound did not affect the health
of rats over a 90-day study period.
While study rats exposed to higher
doses of BPA had lower body weights,
development and altered hormone
levels, there were no such effects in
rats exposed to lower doses more akin
to what humans experience.
But critics point out some
flaws in that study which call its
conclusions into question. For one, a
control group of rats that was
supposed to remain unexposed to BPA
somehow had levels of the compound
in their blood equivalent to the lowestdose
contamination of the control group did
not affect their results because neither
group of rats showed any effects given
their low-dose exposure. Another issue
is that the researchers did not look at
neurological effects such as changes
BPA exposure has been linked to a host of
human health issues, including cognitive and
behavioral development in young children.
These concerns have led the European
Union, Canada—and more recently the
U.S.—to ban the use of BPA in baby bottles
and other items geared toward babies and
More research is underway still.
The February 2014 FDA study is part of
an ongoing two-year assessment of the
toxicity of BPA. Dozens of university
studies are also in progress to shed
more light on just how risky our use of
BPA may be. Consumers should
continue to take precautions to limit their
intake of BPA by avoiding polycarbonate
plastic food and drink containers and
metal cans, and by refraining from
putting plastic items in the microwave—
a process that can expedite the leaching
of BPA into food.
CONTACTS: Breast Cancer
Fund,; U.S.
Administration,; Environmental Health
EarthTalk® is written and edited by
Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a
registered trademark of E - The
( Send questions
Dear EarthTalk: Do you agree
with the recent claim in the Wall Street
Journal that organic agriculture isn’t
Romaniello, Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Henry I. Miller’s May 15,
2014 opinion piece in the Wall Street
Journal has indeed made waves in the
organic farming community. Miller,
former director of the Office of
Biotechnology at the U.S. Food & Drug
Administration, argues that conventional
pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers and
often genetically modified (GM) seed
stock to maximize yields—is actually
better for the environment, producing
more food and using less water
compared to organic farming.
“Organic farming might work
well for certain local environments on a
small scale, but its farms produce far
less food per unit of land and water than
conventional ones,” says Miller. “The
low yields of organic agriculture—
typically 20 percent to 50 percent less
than conventional agriculture—impose
various stresses on farmland and
especially on water consumption.” Miller
adds that organic methods can cause
significant leaking of nitrates from
composted manure—the fertilizer of
choice for most organic farms— into
groundwater, polluting drinking water.
He also cites research showing that
large-scale composting generates
significant amounts of greenhouse
gases and “may also deposit pathogenic
bacteria on or in food crops, which has
led to more frequent occurrences of food
poisoning in the U.S. and elsewhere.”
“If the scale of organic production were
significantly increased, says Miller, the
lower yields would increase the pressure
for the conversion of more land to
farming and more water for irrigation,
both of which are serious environmental
issues.” He adds that conventional
farming’s embrace of GM crops—a nono to organic farmers—is yet another
way we can boost yields and feed more
people with less land.
But, the Washington, DC-based
Organic Center takes issue with Miller’s
allegations about nitrates polluting
groundwater: “Most studies that
examine nutrient runoff show that
Credit: CinCool, courtesy Flickr
Aside from its other benefits to our health and
environment, organic agriculture -- which
eschews synthetic pesticides and fertilizers -can potentially reduce overall greenhouse gas
emissions by 20 percent compared to
conventional farming.
organic production methods result in
compared to conventional crop
production,” reports the group.
The Organic Center also
disputes Miller’s claims about the
organic farming’s carbon footprint,
arging that overall energy usage and
greenhouse gas emissions are much
less from organic farming than for
conventional agriculture. The group also
says that taking into account the
greenhouse gas emissions that come
from the production (not just the use)
of synthetic fertilizer changes the
equation entirely. The groupcites a
recent study by the UN Food and
Agriculture Organization which found
that organic agriculture can potentially
reduce overall greenhouse gas
emissions by 20 percent compared to
conventional farming.
Also, Miller’s statements about
May 2014
Dear EarthTalk: I recently became
vegetarian for ethical reasons, but I am
missing the taste of
meat. Are there any tasty veggie options
out there that can satisfy my desire for
steak and chicken?
-- Missy Jenkins, Pittsburgh, PA
Aside from its brutal treatment of
livestock animals, the meat industry is no
doubt one of the worst offenders when it
comes to the environment. Producing one
kilogram of beef requires 150 square
meters of land and 15,000 liters of water,
most of which is used to grow feed for the
animal. That same kilogram generates 27
kilograms of climate-altering carbon
dioxide, the equivalent of driving a car more
than 100 miles. Indeed, beef has 13 times
the carbon emissions of an equivalent
amount of vegetable-based protein.
Hungry mouths around the world
take a hit, too: Some 70 percent of the grain
produced in the U.S. is fed to livestock
animals but the land used to grow it could
feed some 800 million people instead. For
this and other reasons many of us have
given up meat altogether. But it doesn’t
mean we don’t still crave the taste.
Fortunately, there are more
choices than ever for vegetarians with
latent carnivorous instincts. One young
company, Beyond Meat, has millions of
dollars in funding from high-tech
heavyweights and has made a big
splash in recent months with the launch
of its first two meat alternative products,
Beef-Free Crumblesand Chicken-Free
Strips. Each of its products looks and
tastes like the meat it is emulating while
offeringthe same protein content—but
without any saturated or trans fats or
cholesterol, let alone gluten or
(GMOs). In taste tests, most
consumers can’t tell which dishes
contain actual beef or chicken versus
Beyond Meat’s self-proclaimed “perfect
The company reports that it
takes four-tenths of a pound of soy and
pea plants to make a pound of their
Chicken-Free Strips, versus three
pounds of grain-based feed to get a
pound’s worth of meat from an actual
chicken. That all translates into many
fewer pesticides and carbon emissions
and much less water used in the
process. Beyond Meat’s investors
include the leading Silicon Valley
venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins
Caufield Byers, Twitter co-founders Biz
Stone and Evan Williams’ Obvious
Corporation,and even Bill Gates, who
has expressed his hope that the
company’s products can play a role in
switchingmore people in developing
countries over to plant-based proteins.
Of course, there are many
other meat alternatives out there, too.
5790 Cote des Neiges Rd Suite A-024
H3S 1Y9
PHONE: 514-340-8222 (4077)
May 2014
From Page 5
The North American Filipino Star
Canada Continuing
and La Francophonie, $98 million in
humanitarian assistance funding to the
WFP, Canada’s largest humanitarian
partner. The WFP is the United
Nations’ frontline agency in the fight
against hunger.
The WFP responds to emergencies
and saves lives by getting food to the
hungry quickly, while also working to
prevent hunger in the future; as such
they are ideally positioned to help
Canada deliver on its top development
priority, that of improving maternal,
newborn and child health. Improving
nutrition and ensuring access to
nutritious food are key to Canada's
strategy to help lift millions of people
out of poverty around the world.
“Children who get enough food are
less likely to get sick or die. They are
more likely to stay in school,
contribute to their families and
communities, and reach their full
potential,” said Minister Paradis.
“Canada’s focus on maternal and
child health reflects the values of
millions of Canadians who believe that
we cannot stand idly by while the
poorest and most vulnerable suffer
inexpensively prevented. Canada will
continue to partner with the World
Food Programme, to deliver real
“On behalf of the millions of vulnerable
people WFP reaches each year,
Canadian government and taxpayer
support is immensely appreciated,”
said WFP Executive Director Ertharin
Cousin. “The WFP enjoys a long and
productive partnership with the
Government of Canada, working
towards achieving our mutual goal of
ending hunger. Eliminating hunger fits
hand-in-glove with the Muskoka
objective of reducing child mortality.
We recognize and applaud Canada’s
global leadership in maternal,
newborn and child health. I am certain
that together, we will reach our goal of
‘Saving Every Woman, Every Child.’”
Improving the health of mothers,
newborns and children is Canada’s
top development priority. Following
the significant progress made through
2010’s Muskoka Initiative, the Prime
Minister is once again taking action to
mobilize the world to maintain
maternal, newborn and child health as
a top development priority. On May 28
to 30, 2014, in Toronto, Canada is
hosting Saving Every Woman, Every
Child: Within Arm’s Reach, an
international Summit that will build on
Canada’s leadership and shape the
future of global action on maternal and
child health issues.
Quick Facts
On April 28, 2014, the Prime Minister
announced that Canada will host
Saving Every Woman, Every Child:
Within Arm’s Reach, an international
Summit on Maternal, Newborn and
Child Health issues.
The Summit, to be held from May 28
to 30, 2014, in Toronto, will build on
Canada’s leadership and bring
together Canadian and international
leaders and experts, Canadian civil
developed and developing countries,
international organizations and global
foundations to ensure that maternal,
newborn and child health remains a
priority of the global development
In 2013, Canada was the WFP’s
third largest donor, contributing over
$370 million to its operations.
In 2013, the WFP provided food
assistance to more than 80 million
people in 75 of the world’s poorest
Canada is providing $2.85 billion in
funding between 2010 and 2015 under
the Muskoka Initiative to save the lives
of women and children in developing
Canada is on track to meeting its
Muskoka commitment, with 80 percent
Kalman Samuels, Q.C.
& Associates, s.e.n.c.
of the funding already disbursed.
Related Products
Backgrounder – Canada’s 2014
Humanitarian Assistance to WFP
Address by Minister of Health Rona
Ambrose: Press Conference with
Ertharin Cousin, Executive Director of
the United Nations World Food
Associated Links
Minister Paradis announces
additional humanitarian assistance to
the Central African Republic (March
27, 2014 News Release)
Minister Paradis announces
increased humanitarian assistance,
and food security and livelihood
support to South Sudan (April 1, 2014
News Release)
Priority Theme: Increasing Food
From Page 6
A trip down the freezer aisle at
WholeFoods yields sightings of Amy’s
Bistro Burgers, Gardenburgers, Boca
Burgers, Gardein Ultimate Beefless
Sliders and Beefless Tips, Dr.
Praeger’s Veggie Burgers and Sol
Cuisine Meatless Chicken.
Sandrine Perion
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of International
Development and La Francophonie
Meatless Select Fishless Vegan
Tuna. Another classic option is any
number of meatless products from the
Kellogg’s-owned Morningstar Farms,
which are widely available in
mainstream grocery stores from coastto-coast and which account for some 60
percent of the meatalternatives market in
the U.S.With meat production expected
to double by 2050 as the world’s human
population tops nine billion,
there has never been a better time to
start curbing our enthusiasm for
conventional steaks, hamburgers,
chicken breasts and sausages.
w w w. b e y o n d m e a t . c o m ;
V e g a n E s s e n t i a l s ,
There are more choices than ever for
vegetarians with latent carnivorous instincts,
from Kellogg's-owned Morningstar farms
products to offerings from Beyond Meat, a
new venture funded by heavyweights like Bill
Gates and Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and
Evan Williams. Pictured: Beyond Meat's
Chicken-Free Strips "without the cluc”
Upton’s Naturals’ Bacon Style Seitan
Strips, Sophie’s Kitchen Breaded
Vegan Fishless Sticks, Field Roast’s
Classic Vegan Meatloaf, and even
Stella Samuels
• Family Law • Litigation • Immigration
The World Food Programme –
Official web site
Saving Every Woman, Every Child:
Within Arm’s Reach Summit – Official
web site
To follow the Summit virtually,
Canadians can visit our development
Facebook and Twitter pages
Canadians can show their support
to the #SavingLives initiative by
subscribing to our Thunderclap
Canadians can also show support
by personalizing their own Twitter and
Facebook avatars using our Twibbon
Tel. : 514-939-1200
EarthTalk® is written and edited by
Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a
registered trademark of E The
( Send questions
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business on
Mabuhay Montreal
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FFCAQ election marred by controversy
by W. G. Quiambao
Two groups ran for various
positions in the election of the
Associations of Quebec (FFCAQ), an
umbrella association. One group,
headed by Josefa "Eppang" Nicolas
who ran for presidency, held an election
last May 3 while her opponent, Ed
Tupaz and his group, held its own
election on May 25. The groups are
accusing each other of violations of the
FFCAQ's constitution.
Some of the issues published
in another newspaper are the following:
1. Firing of the Comelec by the general
assembly for violations of FFCAQ'S
constitution. They were Dick Dahiroc,
Jimmy Aquino, Cesar Manuel, Felix
Salazar and Lim Collao. The assembly
named the following new Comelec
members: Julie Parado, Marlene Birao,
Nida Quirapas, Elvie Balagot, Juanito
Dagsaan, William Fabia and Grace Yip.
2. Allowing delegates of new member
associations of the Federation. 3
Disqualifying Josefa for running
because she is still the president of
another organization. 4. Preventing
Dick and Jimmy from speaking before
the assembly 5. Banning Ed from
presiding the assembly because of
conflict of interest
Felix Reyes, the incumbent
president of the Federation explained
that the general assembly has no power
to fire and dissolve the Comelec and
name new members. "The Comelec is
appointed by the Executive Board and
it's the only body that can fire or dissolve
the Comelec. The general assembly is
for the election and ratification of the
"Julie, Angie, Fred and Patria
derailed the election to fit their hidden
agenda by making motions after
motions. They fired the Comelec. The
new Comelec is now chaired by Julie.
And instead of the Comelec having only
five members, it now has seven. They
added two more members. They did the
whole thing by asking the voters to raise
their hands. The voters claimed they are
eligible to vote. Actually, they're not.
Some of the them were not even
members of the Federation, and they
didn't even know what was going on.
They were brought in there to disrupt
the assembly, which was controlled by
four people - Julie, Angie, Fred and
Patria. The whole thing was scripted by
them. from the start.
"Another blatant violation is that
the constitution stipulated that the
Board of Trustees and Executive
Council can’t sit in the Comelec. Julie,
Angie, Marlene , and Grace are
currently serving as members of the
Board of Trustees.
“The problem with the new
associations is that their memberships
were applied only three to four hours
before the deadline of submission of
membership which was Feb. 28. They
have tract records and registered with
the Registraire des enterprises du
Quebec, as claimed by Eppang's
supporters. But that doesn't mean they
automatically become members of the
Federation and their delegates are
eligible to vote. Yes, the associations
can be members if they meet all the
requirements of the Federation but they
can't send delegates to vote yet. The
constitution states that an association
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
has to be a member of the Federation
for two years before it can assign
delegates to vote. Josefa asked why
these associations are being treated
differently. No, they're not treated
differently. Like other associations, they
should abide by the rules of the
constitution. It's very obvious that these
membership so they can vote in favor of
Eppang's team. Could you imagine
what's going to happen if there are no
regulations to follow? It will be a mess, a
riot. "
In addition, Felix confided that
Julie sent him a letter declaring that he
is no longer the president of the
Federation. "Who is Julie to do that? In
his letter to Julie, Felix said, "This is to
advise you that you have no right and
capacity to declare FFCQ Executive
Board’s non-existence, especially my
position as the President. I'm still the
president of this election since no legal
election was held yet. The president, in
consultation with the Executive Board
must ask opinions from the Board of
Trustees to iron the difference, if we
have problems, but we didn't ask
anything. You virtually clamped your
dominating rule with the purpose and
belief that we are incapacitated. At this
time, you have no right to interfere with
the Executive Board's functions. "
On the other hand, Jesusa
Nicolas, internal vice presidential
candidate of Ed, refused to accept the
excuses of Josefa Nicolas. "Originally,
Julie was endorsing Ed's candidacy for
president but for whatever reason, she
switched to Josefa who was supposed
to run as auditor," she said. "Josefa
was aware of the Federation's
constitution that states that the
candidate for president must not hold
the same position of another
association. It's clear. Eppang claimed
that she has notified the Registrar des
entrprises du Quebec of her resignation
as president of the Girl Scouts of the
Philippines. That it would take a while
for the Registrar des enterprises du
Quebec to update its file. She should
know that until the file is updated and
the certificate proving her claim that her
resignation as president is released by
the Registrar, she is still the president of
the club. We obtained a copy of the
certificate from the Registrar stating that
as of March 26, almost a month after the
deadline for submission of candidacy;
she was still the president of the club.
Philippines when she filed her
"During the assembly, Julie,
Angie, Fred and Pat never gave the mike
to anybody. They monopolized the
assembly. Dick Dahiroc was prevented
from speaking because they knew he
was right. He knew what he was talking
about and he was neutral. Aquino was
obviously upset because he was also
never given a chance to talk.
"The general assembly on
March 30 was scripted."
Ed , whose primary duties as
1st vice president includes being
chairman of the General Assembly, was
prevented from presiding due to conflict
of interest said, "If it's conflict of interest,
why did they appoint the new Comelec Julie, Marlene, Nida, Elvie, Juanito,
William and Grace? With the exception
of Marlene now, these people are
obviously known supporters of Josefa.
Besides, the constitution stipulates that
a member of the Board of Trustees can't
serve as Comelec. So why was Julie,
who is member of the Board of Trustees,
appointed? Is it not a conflict of
Ed summed it up, ”We have
consulted a lawyer. After reading our
constitution and arguments, she said in
her letter that the May 1 election is not
valid. It's illegal. It's in violation of the
Federation's constitution, Quebec Civil
Code and Quebec Companies Act
(LCQ). She made it clear that if the
election is postponed or cancelled
during the general assembly, the
existing directors continue to exist.
That's her legal opinion"
"The argument of Josefa and her
supporters is that the Federation's
constitution subscribes to the laws of
Canada. For example, Mario Dumont
ran for the premiership of Quebec but
he didn't resign as member of the
Quebec National Assembly," Jesusa
said. "That argument is unacceptable.
It's us who did the constitution and it's
true that FFCAQ is governed by the
Quebec Civil Code (CCQ) and Quebec
Companies Act. Our lawyer read our
constitution and she didn't see anything
that undermines the minimum norms
established by law. In other words,
there's nothing wrong with the provision
of the FFCAQ constitution that the
candidate must not be the president or
chairman of any other association.
There's nothing wrong if Eppang was
banned from running because she was
still the head of the Girls Scout of the
When Josefa was contacted by
the North American Filipino Star for an
interview, she gladly granted our request
and gave this statement: "The Comelec
was fired because it didn't want to admit
some of the new associations and allow
their delegates to vote. Why are these
associations being treated differently?
And if those associations are accepted
to be members, why can't their
delegates be allowed to vote?
"The new Comelec bought the
argument of Grace that when an
individual comes to Canada and
eventually becomes an immigrant or
citizen, he is allowed to exercise his right
to vote.
"Another issue I have is that
when I was notified that my name was
taken out from he list of the candidates,
I wasn't even given a chance to respond
I was told Friday, February 28, the
election was Sunday, May 2. The
constitution says protests should be
submitted within five days. And since
Felix took over as president two yeas
ago, nothing has been done on the
membership committee. So far, he is the
only member so how can it be called a
“Canadian law says that in an
election, if there are no opponents, the
rest of the candidates are declared
If this controversy is an
indication that the Federation, like a few
other associations, will be split into two,
only time will tell.
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The North American Filipino Star
Former FAMAS Bb. Pilipinas
advocates for vulnerable children
being exploited abroad
by. W. G. Quiambao
Reena Vohra has come a long
way - from winning the FAMAS Bb.
Pilipinas itle in 1997 to advocating for
vulnerable children being exploited
Vohra has a Bachelor of
Commerce Degree from Concordia
University and an MBA from the
Schulich School of Business at York
University. In between her studies, she
managed to travel the world and work.
She taught English in Tokyo to college
students and businessmen for a year
an d a half. In addition, she volunteered
in Pattaya, a seaside town two hours
south of Bangkok, Thailand on a
women's empowerment project to
support and rehabilitate women and
children working in the sex trade.
For the last three years, she
has been working at World Vision
Canada, where she is a policy advisor
for child protection. She advocates to
the Canadian government to support
legislation that will aid children being
exploited abroad. Her experience with
World Vision has led her to visit the
organization's projects in Tanzania,
Zambia, Burundi and South Sudan.
She recently returned from Bangladesh
where she spent several weeks
travelling from regions north to south to
learn more about World Vision's work in
helping to address child labour.
Vohra remembers her stay in
Bangladesh. "In every shop I walked by
in every city, there was a child . The
A commentary by the Member
of Parliament for Wascana
May 19th, 2014
For more than 30 years -before the arrival of the Harper
government -- Canada's Temporary
Foreign Workers (TFW) program
functioned successfully, fulfilling the
legitimate purpose for which it was
It enabled qualified
employers to bring small numbers of
foreign workers into Canada on a
limited basis to fill certain jobs when
no Canadian employees could be
But in recent years, the
program has ballooned out of all
proportion -- from just over 140,000
workers in 2005 to nearly 340,000 in
2012, and the figure is no doubt higher
prevalence of child labour shocked me.
I expected it to be hidden. I wasn't
expecting to see children in mechanic
shops welding or outdoors bricklaying.
I met with hundreds of children and
youth ranging in ages from 8-17
working in dirty, dangerous and
degrading jobs. Many of these children
never stepped a foot in classroom, and
are forced to support their families.
"Many of the children lack
education, but one company allowed
them to participate in night-school
program. Every day , after their shifts,
they head off to school to receive a
formal education. The children are
working a full-time job and going to
school. They probably haven't eaten,
they're exhausted, but they want to go
to school. They say how happy they
are to have this opportunity because
they know this is not available to most
According to Vohra, after
completion of the school program, the
children receive a certificate . Some go
to technical school and many want to
become engineers. Vohra also i
remembers stepping inside a factory
where fumes were overwhelming.
"When I walked in, my eyes started to
water from the fumes and the
chemicals. "
According to the International
Labour Organization, there are 126
million children working around the
world, more than half of them are in
dangerous industries such trade,
mining, agriculture and fishing.
That rapid expansion is no
After the Harper government
took power in 2006, they mangled the
program's rules. More foreign workers
at lower wages, putting downward
pressure on Canadian wage rates and
even displacing Canadian employees,
would be consistent with their rightwing view of how a market economy
should function.
The figures also expose a
government bias in favour of
temporary foreign labour, instead of
more landed immigrants with a clear
pathway to becoming citizens and
taxpayers. There were nearly as many
TFWs admitted to Canada in 2012 as
there were new permanent residents,
and on that trend line, temporary
entries would actually exceed
permanent residents by 2015.
Program administration and
oversight have been weak.
government has no reliable data on
labour market realities from one
locality to another. There is no clear
system to monitor performance or
check for abuses. The application
process and government decision-
Reena Vohra waves (4th lady from the right) among the children she visited.
World Vision works with
employers to ensure the children
receive safety gears such as goggles
and footwear "It's about harm
reduction," said Vohra. "In many cases,
there's no alternative for the kids
except to work so making their
environment as safe as possible
becomes a priority. "
Vohra explained that she also
had the opportunity to visit Rana Plaza,
the ruins of a factory where more than
1,100 people lost their lives last April. "I
met with victims' families and survivors.
The survivors shared harrowing tales
of how they had to fight for survival
amidst the collapsed debris and
wreckage. It was extremely emotional
for many of them as the memories,
even though the one year mark has
passed, remain quite vivid."
World Vision is currently
promoting their campaign. Inspired in
part by the 2013 Rana Piazza collapse,
the campaign focuses on the
retailer/consumer role in addressing
child labour. It calls on major Canadian
clothing companies to sign the
Bangladesh Accord, which requires
rigid monitory of garment factory
conditions, a commitment to complete
necessary repairs and more robust
compensation for injured workers. So
far, the only Canadian company to sign
the Accord is Lablaw.
"People don't realize how easy
it is to make a difference in a child's
life," said Vohra. "We need to ask the
right questions before we buy from our
favourite brands, so we know that the
products we are buying are not made
at the expense of a child's health and
"Child labour is not only a
problem in Bangladesh. While we don't
like to think about it, we all know it
happens in the Philippines and in
countries all over the world. I urge you
to visit our No Child for Sale website to
sign World Vision's petition so that we
can help end dirty, dangerous and
degrading child labour."
making are completely opaque.
So the Temporary Foreign
Workers program has run amuck
entirely on the Conservatives' watch.
The timing seems indefensible.
The recession in 2008-09 triggered huge
job losses. Recovery is painfully slow.
Overall economic growth through Mr.
Harper's tenure is the worst on average
since the 1930's. Unemployment remains
stubbornly high, especially among young
Canadians. And yet, the TFW program
continues to expand.
The victims are not only
Canadian workers who get displaced or
have their wages depressed. This broken
program also puts foreign workers in a
vulnerable position, at risk of exploitation.
Those employers who genuinely need
such a program find themselves unfairly
painted with the same brush as those who
abuse it. And our common Canadian
commitment to diversity, inclusion and
accommodation is put under severe
The government was warned
about this growing mess long ago. Last
year, Liberals called for an urgent
parliamentary investigation to fix what was
so evidently wrong and getting worse.
More recently, we've urged a complete
examination by the Auditor General.
Typically, the Conservatives just laughed it
But Canadians aren't laughing.
Our country needs an intelligently
designed TFW program that is
competently run and consistent with our
refocused onto its original purpose -filling jobs on a limited basis when no
Canadians can be found. At the same
time, we need to renew our commitment
to seeking permanent immigrants who
will join us as new citizens, taxpayers
and nation-builders.
We need greater transparency
and disclosure around how applications
are made, what jobs are being offered
and where, what real effort is going into
the search for Canadian employees,
and the basis upon which the
government provides "Labour Market
Opinions" to verify that TFWs are
employers, and workers both
Canadian and foreign, need honest
and conscientious solutions to these
critical issues.
Ask the
Video Guy
Al Abdon
How to avoid lens flare
By Andrew Gibson
If direct sunlight (or light from
another source such as a street lamp)
hits the front element of your lens, you
will almost certainly get flare.There are
two types of flare. One is specular
flare; circular blobs or streaks of light
across the frame.
The other is veiling flare,
where light creeps into the shadow
areas of your photo, reducing contrast
in the darkest tones and decreasing
sharpness and definition. This is more
subtle and not always as noticeable as
specular flare. An example where you
might see veiling flare is in a portrait
backlit by the sun. The opening photo
to this article contains veiling flare.
Quick tip: Using the autolevels or auto-contrast functions in
Photoshop helps compensate for lack
of contrast caused by veiling flare.
the range, are supplied with lens
hoods. For any other lens you will
need to buy one separately. The
instruction manual of your lens will tell
you which lens hood to buy.
It is best to buy that particular
lens hood if you can, or a third-party
alternative that matches the shape and
size of the recommended lens hood.
These are often less expensive,
although they may not be made quite
as well. But for a lens hood build
quality doesn’t really matter, as its
main task is to keep light off your lens.
The above photo shows a Canon EF
17-40mm zoom lens with the lens
hood it comes supplied with. This
shape hood is called a petal lens hood
and is common with wide-angle
lenses. The cut away corners are
designed to prevent vignetting.
This photo shows a metal
third-party lens hood that I bought for
Avoiding flare
Flare is caused by direct light hitting
the front of the lens (this is called ‘non
image forming light’). This can happen
with any lens, but wide-angle lenses
are more prone to this than longer
focal lengths because of their greater
angle-of-view. The easiest way to
prevent flare is to make sure that there
is no direct light shining on the lens.
There are several ways to do this:
Buy a lens hood
A lens hood is an essential
accessory for any lens. Some lenses,
usually the more expensive models in
vignetting. Longer lenses are better
protected by lens hoods than shorter
Lens hoods work by casting a
shadow over the front element of the
lens. Once you have bought a lens
hood you should keep it on the lens
whenever you take photos. Even if you
think your images are flare free, it may
be that there is a small amount of flare
that you don’t notice until you view the
photo on your monitor.
Lens hoods also have the
benefit of helping protect your lens
from accidental knocks and scratches
– another reason to keep them on your
lenses while using your camera.
Other ways to prevent flare
If the lens hood isn’t enough
to keep the sun off your lens, there are
other techniques you can use:
If the camera is tripod
mounted, you can shade the front
element with your hand or a piece of
card during the exposure. Just make
sure your hand doesn’t appear in the
Stand in the shade when you
take a photo, if possible. This prevents
the light from the sun hitting the front
element of your lens. If you’re taking a
photo of someone backlit by the sun,
and there is too much flare, try placing
them in the shade instead. If you also
stand in the shade when you take the
photo, you won’t get flare.
Use prime lenses. Prime
lenses (if you have one) are less prone
to flare than zooms. One reason for
this is that they contain fewer internal
lens elements. One cause of flare is
light being dispersed inside the lens
as it passes through the lens
elements. The fewer elements inside
the lens, the less likely you are to get
Keep the lens clean. If your
lens is dusty, dirty or greasy it will be
more prone to flare. Anyone who has
looked into the sun while wearing
appreciate this. Your vision is clearer if
thelenses are clean. It’s the same for
camera lenses.
Cleaning is easy. I use a
blower brush to remove dust and dirt,
then lens tissues with a lens cleaning
solution to clean the element. Check
your lens (and filters) regularly to
make sure that they are clean.
Shining a torch onto the front
element is a good way to see if there is
dust or grease otherwise invisible to
the naked eye.
The debate about filters is
ongoing and opinion seems to be
divided about whether they adversely
affect the quality of the image or not. I
don’t think it makes much difference
and use ultraviolet (UV) filters to
protect all my lenses. I feel more
comfortable knowing the filter is there
to protect the front element of the lens
from knocks or scratches.
I buy coated filters which help
reduce flare. They cost a little more but
for me it’s worth it. I keep the filter
cases in my camera bag so that if I’m
in a situation where flare is an issue (if
I’m shooting into the sun, for example)
I can remove the UV filter temporarily
and store it. I can also remove the UV
filter if I use a polarizing filter, to avoid
having more than one filter attached to
the lens at a time.
Al Abdon
Hollywood Junkies Video & Photo
my 85mm prime lens. The field-of-view
of this lens is much narrower than the
17-40mm zoom, therefore the lens
hood can be longer without causing
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May 2014
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Seafood with Bean Curd in
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May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
Quebec teens who helped find
missing baby hailed as heroes
TORONTO – Four teenagers
in Quebec are being applauded for their
detective work in helping police locate a
newborn who was snatched from a
hospital in Trois-Rivières Monday night.
A woman dressed as a nurse
Baby abduction Canada
taken from hospital found safe and
sound: Quebec police
Police issued an Amber alert
and an image of the suspect caught on
Charlène Plante and Mélisanne Bergeron discuss how they recognized the suspect, tracked
her down and called police.
allegedly entered Mélissa McMahon’s
room at St. Mary’s Hospital around 7
p.m. and took her day-old baby girl,
Photo posted to Facebook by a
relieved father after his newborn was
taken from a hospital in Trois-Rivieres
and found three hours later by police on
May 26, 2014. Social media and quickthinking teens save Quebec baby
Baby abduction Canada
Stolen from hospital: Canadian baby
a hospital security camera was soon all
over the Internet.
Mélisanne Bergeron, Sharelle
Bergeron, Marc-André Côté and
Charlène Plante saw the photo and
jumped to action.
“We went on Facebook and
saw the news that a baby was
kidnapped. We just needed to act… we
wanted to find the baby,” Plante told
Global News on Tuesday.
Plante recognized the woman in the
security image and knew where she
“She was my neighbour… I
know her a little bit,” she said.
The teens went to the house
where they believed the suspect lived.
The apartment in Trois-Rivieres where
four teens discovered the woman who
allegedly took a newborn from the local
hospital on May 26, 2014.
The apartment in Trois-Rivieres
where four teens discovered the woman
who allegedly took a newborn from the
local hospital on May 26, 2014.
Barry Donelly/Global News
The red Toyota Yaris hatchback
with a “Baby on Board” sign that police
were looking for was parked out front.
They called the police, who
arrived within minutes.
“In two minutes they were in
front of the apartment,” Plante
Police entered the apartment
around 10 p.m. and came out with baby
Victoria safe and sound.
“It was amazing… the best
image in my life,” Mélisanne Bergeron
The group is happy they were
able to help find Victoria in such a short
amount of time.
“We are very proud,” Mélisanne
Bergeron says.
“Thank you to these people,
thank you to the security guards who
acted quickly and found a picture with
the help of the police,” Mélissa McMahon
posted to Facebook on Tuesday
“Yesterday, we experienced the
worst time of our lives. All of Quebec sent
us their support and, three hours later,
we experienced the happiest moment of
our lives.”
Questions concerning the
hospital’s security and how this
happened have been circling all day.
Serge Boulard, a spokesperson
for St. Mary’s, told Global News, “It’s
easy to say afterward that it should be
different, but we’re completely in a
different mindset today.”
“Hundreds of procedures take
place in hospitals every day. It’s an open
environment because we welcome
people. The challenge for us will be to
see how we can evolve our safety
features without people losing their
experience. This is the challenge for us.”
While rare, this is not the first
time a baby has been abducted from a
hospital in Canada.
At least eight other cases
across the country have been reported
since 1991, with a similar incident in
Sudbury, Ont. in October 2007.
In that case a woman
pretending to be a nurse took a
newborn from the hospital while the
mother was distracted. She travelled
300 kilometres to her home before
police caught her and safely recovered
the baby.
Police have not confirmed the
identity of the 21-year-old suspect in
Trois-Rivières. She is currently in
hospital undergoing a psychiatric
evaluation and is expected to be
charged in the coming days.
It is unknown if there is a
connection between her and the baby’s
mother or father.
-With files from Amanda Kelly
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6:15, In front of Restaurant Calo-Riz,1875 Panama nus Panama)
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The North American Filipino Star
May 2014
The North American
Filipino Star Photo Gallery
Having supper at Kamayan of Vilma Kelly at Cucina Resto Bar Italien on 2362 46th Avenue
in Lachine, May 24, 2014. It was a very successful event. Don’t miss the next one.
This table beaming with Filipino style dishes was a great delight to the guests during the
Kamayan event, May 24, 2014. Check Vilma Kelly’s ad on Mabuhay Montreal TV and make
a reservation for your group. Address: 2362 46th Avenue, Lachine, Tel. 514-631-6969.
Some of the guests pose with the owner of Cucina Restaurant (Vilma Kelly standing behind everyone) who all look happy and satisfied. They all agreed to come back
another time, bringing with them more friends and family. Just call and reserve. Organize your own Kamayan Party at Cucina, check out the ad on Mabuhay Montreal
TV on Videotron Channel 616,Bell Fibe 1216 every Friday night at 7. Also replayed the whole week, so you will not miss it.
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
Education raises the bar, but lowers the barriers to a rewarding career. At Gilmore, we are committed to
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5320-A Queen Mary
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(bet. Decarie &Coolbrook)
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Fax: 514-485-3076
Secretarial - Medical/Legal
Nursing Aide - PAB/PSW
Languages - Group or Private
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Filipino (Tagalog)
- Mandarin
Early Childhood Education Assistant
Office Systems Technology
Keyboarding (Touch Typing)
Gregg Shorthand (Senior
Secretaries or Journalists)
Fashion Photography (New)
Video Production & Editing (New)
Toefel Preparation (Private course)
Seminars - Writing/Entrepreneurship
Small Business Management
Seated from left: (Faculty members) Edith Fedalizo, Amy Manon-og, Zenaida Kharroubi, Clarice Mackay,
and Sophie Toledo. Terry White (not in photo) Standing: PAB students - Ethel Tugna, Anna Signey, Janet
Haydock, Lourdes Lubang, and Annabelle Alloso. Not in photo: Joesie Bingayen. Taken during their
practicum at St. Margaret CHSLD in Westmount.
Summer 2014 Schedules
French as a second language
Beginners - 9:00-14:00
Intermediate - 14:00-19:00
Advance - 16:00-21:00
English as a second language
Beginners - 9:00-14:00
Intermediate - 14:00-19:00
Advance - 16:00-21:00
Nursing Aide (PAB/PSW)
Saturday-Sunday - 8:00-16:00
Accounting Courses
Monday & Tuesday
14:00 - 17:00
Computer courses
Wednesday & Thursday
14:00 - 17:00
Other courses - on request
Fall 2014 Schedules
French as a second language
Monday & Tuesday
9:00 - 14:00
Wednesday & Friday
9:00 - 14:00
English as a second language
Monday & Tuesday
14:00 - 19:00
Wednesday & Friday
14:00 - 19:00
Accounting & Computers
Thursday & Saturday
10:00 - 13:00
Nursing Aide (PAB/PSW)
Saturday & Sunday
8:00 - 16:00 (Theory)
7:00 - 15:00 (Practicum)
All tuition fees are tax deductible.
Subject to a minimum of 6 tudentsregistered.
Special Graduation Day for PAB Students, October 7, 2012 - Seated (L-R) Annabelle Alloso, Ethel Tugna,
Instructors - Terry White, Amy Manon-og, Director General Zenaida Kharroubi, Instructors - Edith Fedalizo
& Sophie Toledo. PAB graduate Lourdes Lubang. Standing, L-R: Grace Calvo, Vilma Lagonilla, Mildred
Mendoza, Giselle Arellano, Marilou Hechanova, Edison Taguba, Annie Signey and Joesie Bingayen.
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To be announced to registered participants
Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi,
Editor & Publisher, The North American
Filipino Star
Director-General, Gilmore College
Exec. Producer, Mabuhay Montreal TV
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
We Are Beyond”: Celebrating AAPI
Heritage Month at Our Opening Ceremony
with Vice President Joe Biden
This week, the White House
Initiative on Asian Americans and
Pacific Islanders and the U.S.
Department of the Interior hosted the
2014 Opening Ceremony for AAPI
Heritage Month. The Opening
Ceremony was the first in a series of
events to celebrate Asian American
and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage
AAPI population established itself as a
civically engaged and politically
important community. However, we
know that there is much work to be
done. As the new Chair of the
Commission, we will continue to build
upon our efforts by opening the doors
of government to the AAPI community.
Together, the community will push
towards better health, immigration
Vice President Joe Biden addresses the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage
Month Opening Ceremony, at the U.S. Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C., May
6, 2014. May 6, 2014. (Official White House Photo by David Lieneman)
We were honored to be joined
by Vice President Joe Biden, who
spoke about the importance of the
growing AAPI demographic, and the
pressing need for immigration reform.
As Congressman Mike Honda, Chair
Emeritus of the Congressional Asian
Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC),
and Congresswoman Judy Chu, Chair
of CAPAC, remarked, the Vice
President has been one of the biggest
advocates for the AAPI community. We
were also honored to be joined by
Rhea Suh, the Assistant Secretary for
Policy, Management, and Budget at
the U.S. Department of the Interior,
and Chris Lu, the Deputy Secretary for
the U.S. Department Labor, and a
former chair of the Initiative. To wAAPI
Heritage Month serves as an
opportunity to celebrate and rededicate ourselves to the ongoing
work of improving the community. As a
returning Commissioner, I am deeply
grateful to the previous Commission,
and the leadership of former Chair
Daphne Kwok. To highlight this
Commission’s tremendous work, a
report on its accomplishments was
released this week. In the last four
years, we’ve hosted over 200 national
gatherings, roundtables, opening
dialogues, and workshops, reached
more than 30,000 people, held 24
federal agencies accountable through
annual Federal Agency Plans, and
launched the Regional Interagency
Working Group as a platform to
representatives with local community
leaders. Within the past four years, the
policy, education, and jobs. Together,
we will be beyond.
Dr. Tung Nguyen is Chair of
the President’s Advisory Commission
on Asian Americans and Pacific
Islanders.atch the video click here.
For me, the most exciting part
of the event was to be ceremonially
sworn into the President’s Advisory
Commission, which is charged with
improving the quality of life for AAPIs
through increased participation and
access to federal programs, advises
the President on innovative ways to
engage AAPIs across the country.
During the event, U.S. Circuit Judge
Sri Srinivasan ceremonially swore in
U.S. Circuit Judge Sri
Srinivasan ceremonially swears in
members of the President's Advisory
Commission on AAPIs
U.S. Circuit Judge Sri
Srinivasan ceremonially swore in 14
new and two returning members of the
President’s Advisory Commission on
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders,
May 6, 2014. (by Edmund Chiang)
To open the program, the
Initiative’s Executive Director Kiran
Ahuja and Deputy Director Audrey
monologue to highlight the Initiative’s
work and included a social media
“selfie” with Commissioners and
audience members.
This year’s theme for AAPI
Heritage Month was “I Am Beyond,” a
U.S. Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan ceremonially swore in 14 new and two returning members
of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, May 6,
2014. (by Edmund Chiang)
phrase that captures the aspirations of
the American spirit and the rich and
complex diversity of the AAPI
community. In light of the theme, DJ
Yoon, the Executive Director of the
National Korean American Service &
television, and stage actor, Helen Zia,
an influential activist and journalist,
Mary A.Y. Okada, the President of
Guam Community College, and
Konrad Ng, the Director of the
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American
Center, participated in a panel
discussion about “I Am Beyond.” In
addition, spoken word artists George
Yamazawa Jr. and Maxie Moua,
ukulele singer Kama Hopkins, dancer
Mike Song, and beatboxer KRNFX
performed their own interpretations of
the theme.
Not a Victory for
Foreign Workers
It is not a victory for Temporary
Foreign Workers because FERME-the organization responsible for
bringing workers to Quebec-- and the
employers continue to blacklist
workers who speak out.
It is no victory when workers carry out
their labour in very different
conditions from their Quebecois
counterparts- For instance, when
temporary foreign workers packing
chicken are no longer paid by the
hour, but by the number of trucks
they fill.
It is no victory when, due to closed
work permits, workers cannot change
employers, and must begin a new
work permit process.
It is no victory when only FERME is
able to oversee living and working
conditions of temporary foreign
It is no victory when workers continue
to have no choices, because the
government refuses them access to
pathways to permanent residency or
regularized immigration status even
though they have paid into it
It is no victory if workers cannot
benefit from employment insurance
benefits at the end of their contracts,
or access their pensions.
-30Noé Arteaga
As of March 11, 2014, the Labour
Code will assure the freedom of
association for all agricultural
workers, including those who work on
small farms, thereby recognizing their
right to unionize, as outlined in a
press released published Tuesday on
the Ministry of Labour's website.
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May 2014
Philippine Cuisine
Favorite Food
Compiled by Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi
Chayote Guisado
thing was, the cashier didn’t know
it’s name and it took her a long time
to figure it out. She even call her coemployee for help and finally the
chayote that we love was under
squash-vegetable category and was
called chayote squash.
Anyway, we’re glad that chayote
vegetable is just a few minutes drive
Ingredients :
Here in Canada, finding a Chayote is
not that difficult because they are now
commonly sold in most known
grocery stores like No Frills, Price
Choppers and FreshCo. But few year
back, I can’t find any chayote in our
local community and I have to drive
an hour drive just to have it.
But recently, I was surprise to see
chayote in most shelf to known large
grocery store in town. Another funny
2 to 4 pieces chayote squash,
pared, seeded and sliced
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
1/2 lb. pork, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 tbsp. patis (fish sauce)
salt and pepper, to taste
waterngredients :
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, chopped
3 tomatoes, chopped
1 cup ground meat (pork or beef
or mixed)
3 to 5 cups water
3 pcs. potatoes, peeled and diced
salt and pepper, to taste
Mon. Tue. Wed.
Thu. Fri.
Pork loin
15 lbs
Heat oil in a pan over medium
heat. Sauté garlic, onion and
tomatoes until soft and wilted.
Add ground meat and cook until
lightly browned for about 3 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper. Pour in
water and bring to a boil.
Lower the heat and then add diced
potatoes. Cook until tender. Correct
seasonings. Simmer for another 2
Remove from heat. Transfer to a
serving dish. Serve hot.
Boneless Pork shoulder $3.99 lb
Bone-in shoulder chops
4.19 lb
Fresh Pork Leg
Home smoked
Half or Whole pork
Cut & Wrapped
short ribs
Regular smoked bacon
Ground Beef
Fresh Pork Belly
Ground Pork
Special 3.79/lb
Over 20 lbs 4.29 lb
Frozen pork blood
Fresh liver
Pork skin
on order
n Road
Exit No.6
Covey Hill Road
Boucherie Viau Inc.
U. S. A.
83 Covey Hill, Hemmingford QC J0L 1H0
Tel.: (450) 247- 2130 or (450) 247- 3561
Cooking Procedures :
ngredients :
1 lb. pork (pork belly or lean
pork), cut thinly
salt and pepper, to taste
1 to 2 cups Mama Sita’s Barbecue
1 tbsp. calamansi concentrate
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
bamboo sticks, for skewer
(Cooking Measurements)
St.Chrysostome St. Remi St. Edouard
ngredients :
(Cooking Measurements)
Pork Barbecue
Cooking Procedures :
Asadong Manok (Chicken)
2 lb. chicken, cut into serving
1/4 cup vinegar
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 onion, sliced
1 tomatoes, sliced
1/2 tbsp. paprika
1 bay leaf
1 cup water
vegetable oil
Picnic Ham w/bone
Try other variation:
Cooking Procedures :
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Blade steak
Meanwhile, soak bamboo sticks in
water for at least 30 minutes to an
hour (or even over night). This
prevents the sticks in burning while
Skew pork in bamboo sticks. If you
want to use up the excess marinade,
be sure to let it come to a boil first,
before basting onto grilling meat, to
destroy any harmful bacteria.
Preheat grill over medium heat.
Grill and baste pork until well
Transfer to a serving platter. Serve
with your favorite sauce. Enjoy!
(Cooking Measurements)
The North American Filipino Star
Cut pork into thinly slices (or
whatever suits to your liking). This
makes the meat cook faster in lesser
Place sliced meat in a bowl and
season with salt and pepper. Let sits
for 30 minutes.
Pour in MS Barbecue Marinade,
calamansi concentrate, salt and
pepper. Marinate pork for at least an
hour or two, or overnight, in the
Combine chicken, vinegar, garlic,
salt and pepper in a large bowl. Let
stand for at least 30 minutes.
Heat oil in a skillet over medium
heat. Sauté onions and tomatoes until
soft and wilted. Drain chicken
reserving marinade. Add chicken
pieces to the pan. Stir-fry for about 4
to 6 minutes or until chicken colors
Add marinade, paprika, bay leaf
and water. Bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and let it simmer for
30 minutes or until chicken is tender.
Correct seasonings.
Remove from heat. Transfer to a
serving dish and serve.
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The North American Filipino Star
May 2014
Miss Teen Earth 2014: Inspiring kids, Cristine Reyes:
Beautiful and
teens to go green by Rowena Tan
by Walden Sadiri M. Belen
Cristine Reyes
Miss Teen Earth Candidates with Miss Universe 2011 3rd runner up, Arch. Shamcey Supsup- Lee
Vas Bismark, chief executive
officer of Miss Teen Earth Philippines
and Little Miss Earth Philippines, is
quite passionate in helping save the
“We will have different foundations
that we will co-project and we will be
educating them,” he said.
The winner, he said, will receive
Captured Dream Productions, said
they don’t consider the contest an allout beauty pageant but more of an
environmentally-themed advocacy.
(emphasize) the need to be educated
Miss Teen Earth 2014 Manila Preliminaries
“Win or lose they can still do their
part in taking care of Mother Earth,”
he reminded the candidates.
Bismark met with media at the
launch of the two youth pageants
recently. He shared how he would
tour the candidates around the
country and expose them to
“environmental concerns and how to
address these.”
More, he promised to help the
environmental project.
According to Bismark, the
vegetarianism and other pressing
issues like climate change.
Asked what winning qualities
they are looking for, Bismark
answered, “Somebody who is really
comfortable (with) themselves and
not trying to be somebody else;
someone that shares our passion in
taking care of the environment and
the willingness to learn.”
Jed Velasco, chief operating officer of
about the problems of our planet,
including pollution and climate
change,” he said.
The coronation night for Miss
Teen Earth Philippines and Little Miss
simultaneously held on May 27, 7
p.m. at the SM Mall of Asia Arena,
Pasay City.
Winners of both pageants receive
R500,000 in cash respectively, and a
talent contract with Captured Dream
Productions. a
Cristine Reyes has learned how to
keep herself stress-free.
How? The 24-year old actress
said she refrains from working on
three or more acting projects at once.
Cristine shared, “Mahirap po
kasing pagsabaysabayin lahat. Mas
maganda rin po na relaxed lang.”
She is in the long over-due “My
Trophy Wife” with Heart Evangelista
and in “The Gifted” with Anne Curtis.
Cristine was quick to refute
rumors that she has a new boyfriend.
When asked if she’s done posing
for men’s magazines, she said, “If
ever meron silang offer para sa akin,
I’ll think about it. Right now I’m
enjoying what I’m doing like drama,
comedy with some sexiness on the
side. Hindi ko sinasabi na tapos na
ako sa FHM but right now I’m enjoying
The actress was recently named
ambassador for EB Advance, Ever
Bilena Cosmetics Inc.’s flagship
“It’s a blessing and I’m very happy
to be part of the Ever Bilena family. I
tried the product before saying yes
and to my surprise
maganda siya at wala siyang
difference from imported make-up
products,” shared Cristine.
“Cristine is the epitome of a
beautiful Filipina. It is also our flagship
product. Kung baga sa pelikula ito
‘yung tumatabo sa kaban ng
Ever Bilena. And Cristine Reyes is a
bankable star so kinakailangan ng
bankable product din,” related an EB
With Cristine, EB Advance aims to
continue to empower Filipinas,
especially those aged 24 to 30, “to
bring out their beauty at its
finest with affordable makeups that
work wonders.” a
May 2014
Claudine very much alive, rebuts death reports
The news of her supposed
death due to drug overdose left
Claudine Barretto distraught over
some fans being affected by the issue.
Clarifying that it was a hoax,
Claudine spoke with GMA News on
Wednesday to lament, “Meron na
ngang Claudinian na na-heart attack.
’Yung isa naman na-stroke.”
Claudine said, “Sana masaya na kayo
sa ginagawa ninyo. Pinapahaba niyo
lang ang buhay ko. God bless you na
lang po kung sinuman kayo.”
Claudine also revealed another
supposed “attack” on their house,
showing media the broken metal
protrusions on their gate.
Early this month, Claudine also
supposedly “shot” at their house,
breaking the glass door on their
The village security issued a
statement saying that there were
indeed “multiple gun shots (heard)
somewhere in the vicinity of Brgy.
Malanday, Marikina City.”
Claudine clarified that she is not
accusing estranged husband Raymart
Santiago of perpetrating the alleged
“I don’t understand why other
people think na, like si Raymart, akala
ni Raymart, siya ’yung pinatatamaan
ko. Ngayon, kung tinatamaan siya eh
baka nga may ginawa siya. Pero for
the record, I never said it was him. I
The North American Filipino Star
behind Zsa Zsa’s
Zsa Zsa Padilla celebrates her 50th
birthday on May 28
After mourning for more than a
year for her longtime partner Dolphy,
singer-actress Zsa Zsa Padilla has
found happiness again.
On Sunday, during her 50th
birthday celebration on “ASAP 19,”
her boyfriend Conrad Onglao,
appeared onstage to give her a
Claudine Barretto
never even thought, it never even
Although she worries for her performance.
crossed my mind na siya ’yun dahil children, Claudine maintained, “Hindi
The couple were later joined by
mga anak niya ’yung involved eh,” she ko pinababayaan ang mga anak ko.
“ASAP” co-hosts Gary Valenciano and
I’m very vigilant.” a
Nikki Gil.
When Gil asked if Onglao is the
reason behind her beautiful smile,
Padilla replied, “Yes, he brought back
the smile.”
Onglao, whom Padilla said had
taken care of her the night before
because she was sick, wished the
singer-actress more success and
Gary, for his part, wished his good
friend a “happily ever after.”
Onglao gave Padilla a kiss on the
lips after the latter blew the candles
on her birthday cake.
Maegan makes public spat with Freddie
Support from family
Maegan Aguilar
Rotten vegetables – these,
according to Maegan Aguilar is what
supposedly prompted their father,
Pinoy folk music icon Freddie
Aguilar, to throw her, her partner Ali,
and their children, out on the streets
on May 12.
The decomposing greens was
said to have been discovered by the
Aguilar patriarch while rummaging
through the fridge and had a talk with
her daughter about it.
“Sabi ko, ‘Hindi ko po ginalaw
’yung (veggies sa) ref dahil
magagalit ka kung may mawala
doon.’ ’Yun lang ’yung sinabi ko
tapos bigla siyang nag-explode na
parang ang sama-sama ng sinabi
ko,” Maegan related in an interview
with “Saksi” on Monday.
She continued, “Wala pang five
minutes ’yun nagwawala siya, (sabi
Freddie Aguilar
niya) ‘Lumayas kayo, lumayas kayo.’ simply
Palalayasin ako ng dahil sa gulay, concerning the matter. It read thus:
kami ng mga anak ko. Can you
“My daughter, her partner, and all
believe (it)?”
other people living in my house know
Currently, Maegan and her family the truth. I have been supporting my
are temporarily living in the house of 35-year-old daughter and my family
a bandmate. She aims to find a place for many years now and have no
of their own soon.
intention of dragging her through the
“Ngayon masasabi ko, I regret mud for entertainment’s sake.
being your daughter, I do,” she
“I wish Maegan all the best as
stressed, addressing her father. “Kasi she
parang ang sama mo eh, ang sama responsibility of her own life. It is
niya eh. Bago ako mamatay, bago ka because I love my daughter that I
mamatay (gusto ko) malaman mo choose to say nothing more on this
’yung galit ko sayo… sa ginawa mo.” matter.” a
The “Anak” singer-songwriter
The family of deceased partner
Dolphy is supportive of Padilla’s
newfound love.
Eric Quizon, for one, shared in an
interview with ABS-CBN News, “Kung
saan siya masaya, she has the
support of the whole family. Walang
samaan ng loob.”
He further stated, “Alam naman
namin ang serbisyo at pagmamahal
na binigay niya sa daddy ko. For that,
we are very happy that she was and
always will be a part of the Quizon
family. But just like I said, kung saan
siya masaya, masaya rin kami.”
The actor-director deemed it right
for Padilla to move on, saying, “she’s
still young!”
He added, “Kung ang daddy ko
nga, ang daming naging asawa, eh.”
More Showbiz Gossip
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
Showbiz Gossip
Continued from p.17
Ai Ai feels ‘ready’ for politics
Willie responds to bankruptcy
Willie Revillame
Malaya Watson
Ai Ai delas Alas is slowly preparing
for the “biggest” leap of faith in her life,
so to speak: joining politics.
In fact, the Kapamilya actress has
not only taken up public administration
and governance at the University of
the Philippines, she is now a
registered voter in her hometown of
Calatagan, Batangas.
While Ai Ai admitted being halfhearted about the idea two years ago,
she declared, “Ngayon, ready na ako.”
Ai Ai faced reporters on Tuesday
after being launched as Belo Medical
Group’s ambassador for its FemiLift
She names Star for All Seasons
and Batangas Governor Vilma SantosRecto as among those that have really
inspired her to even think about
pursuing a career in politics.
“(Kasi) lahat ng ginagawa ni Ate
Vi, idol ko siya eh. Wala nga lang
akong asawang senador pero anong
malay mo,” Ai Ai said.
“Second, gusto ko ring maexperience, kasi marami akong
gustong mangyari sa Pilipinas. Nafufrustrate ako pero wala naman ako
magawa so baka kapag nasa office
ako, may magawa (na) ako.”
Fully aware that showbiz is a far
different world from politics, if Ai Ai
feels daunted at all, she looks to her
idol’s guidance. “Nandiyan naman si
Ate Vi para tulungan ako at magadvise sa akin.”
Ai Ai has gone through a lot of ups
and downs, in some instances even
publicly, but has always been able to
rely on her family. In fact, her kids are
behind her in whatever she decides to
do. “Ang mga anak ko naman ay
(supportive of) anything that will make
me happy,” she said.
Ai Ai, however, is still uncertain of
the position she would run for. She
also noted that she still has contractual
obligations with ABS-CBN and Star
Cinema until 2016.
“Siguro magdadasal ako na
bigyan Niya ako nang sobra-sobrang
sign pa (if I should go on),” she stated.
Like a ‘virgin’
Ai Ai can’t fully say that she has
recovered from her much-publicized
separation from second husband Jed
Asked if she is ready to love again,
the Comedy Concert Queen pleaded,
“Bigyan niyo ako ng six months pa.”
Ai Ai has agreed to endorse
FemiLift by Belo, a feminine tightening
While the topic may be a bit
sensitive to some, Ai Ai is undeniably
up for it, saying, “Isa naman talaga
’yun sa dahilan bakit humahanap ng
iba ang mga partners or asawa.”
Ai Ai shared that she feels like a
“virgin” following the procedure.
She jested, “Sana matagpuan ko
kung sino ang pinaka-swerteng
She added, “The search is on,”
intimating her openness to dating men
of all ages. “(Walang ‘dala na’ factor)
kasi pare-pareho naman sila eh, bata o
matanda parehas namang nakakatrauma.” a
Actor-host Willie Revillame has
finally broken his silence amid
allegations that he’s hooked on
gambling, losing millions in the
In an interview with “Startalk” on
Sunday, Revillame admitted that he
goes to casinos but insisted that,
“Nag-e-enjoy lang ako sa buhay (at)
kung nanalo naman po ako ay
madami akong natutulungan; kung
natatalo naman ay tumutulong pa rin.”
As to accusations that he, at one
point, allegedly lost up to R600 million
gambling, he jested, “R595 million
He maintained, “Ang perang
pinanglalaro ko sa casino ay perang
pinaghirapan ko at hindi ng kung sinusino…”
Revillame also confirmed reports
that he is selling the Wil Tower Mall
along Mother Ignacia, Quezon City to
former senator Manny Villar. “Kasi
hindi ko ho alam papaano patakbuhin
ang isang mall… may mga bagay
kang binebenta (kasi) hindi mo na
kailangan,” he explained.
He shared that he is now busy
building a five-star boutique hotel in
“Diyan ang focus ko ngayon.
Diyan ko inubos ang panahon ko
nu’ng wala akong ginagawa,” he said.
The comedian also commented
on the wedding of his ex-wife model
Liz Almoro to actor Victor Aliwalas.
“Actually hindi ko alam na
nagpakasal siya. Pero, of course, all
the best, congratulations to the both of
you,” he said.
Revillame also said that he is
happy with how Almoro raised their
son, Juamee.
“Maganda ang upbringing ni
Juamee kasi ang galing mag-English,
hindi ko nga maintindihan minsan.
Sabi ko, ‘Don’t speak English with
Papa, Tagalog lang,’” he said
Revillame and Almoro tied the
knot at the Santuario de San Antonio
Parish in Forbes Park in June 2005.
Their marriage was annulled in
Politics or showbiz?
If the “Igiling Giling” singer
seemed vague about politics – saying,
“Napakahirap pong desisyunan sa
buhay ’yan eh, kasi gumawa ka ng
mabuti, gumawa ka ng masama,
masama ka pa rin basta masira ka
lang” – he nevertheless noted, “(Pero)
mahirap magsalita nang tapos.”
He added, “Sa mga nangyayari
ngayon papasok ka pa ba sa pulitika?
Napakahirap, ’di ba?”
businesses are enough to keep him
busy in the coming months, he
nonetheless announced that he would
be returning to showbiz in three
months’ time.
Magbibigay na po ako ulit ng saya at
tulong. Nag-iipon lang po ako ng mas
maraming ideas,” he said.
Revillame was last seen as host on
TV5’s “Willing Willie,” which ended
October last year. a
Vhong Navarro attends preliminary investigation of 3rd rape case
Vhong Navarro
Actor Vhong Navarro appeared
before the Quezon City Prosecutor’s
Office on Thursday for the
preliminary investigation of a rape
case filed against him by a female
stunt double, a radio report said.
The report said one of Navarro’s
Roxanne Cabañero, also showed up.
Also spotted was Florencia
Cornejo, the grandmother of model
Deniece Cornejo who was the first to
accuse Navarro of rape.
The elder Cornejo heckled the
actor and his lawyers during the last
court hearing of the actor’s case in
Taguig. She wore a shirt that was
printed with the words, “Justice for
Deniece! Jail the rapist!”
Reports said a couple of people
arrived at the QC Prosecutor’s Office
carrying placards that read, “Jail the
rapist.” a
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
Marian, the dance diva
Marian Rivera
Marian Rivera is going back to
her first love — dancing, this, via a
dance variety show that bears her
name, which is set to air starting June
“Isa ito sa mga pangarap ko na
tinupad ng GMA, ang magkaroon ng
dance show,” she shares in a recent
interview with select members of the
Marian is expected to fuse
different dance steps for the one-hour
show including hip hop, jazz and
The sexy star doesn’t mind doing
“buwis buhay” moves to better the
show, saying, “Gagawin ko naman
talaga ang lahat.”
Not known to many, Marian is a
natural at dancing. She shared that
she used to compete in dance events
in high school.
“Hindi lingid sa kaalaman ’yan ng
mga schoolmates ko dati na kahit
lumalaban ako,” she relates.
And her forte? “Hip hop kasi hilig
ko, eh, pati Lambada, mga ganun.”
It’s not surprsing really for
someone who popularized the 2009
dance hit “Sabay Sabay Tayo.”
Marian, however, could not
guarantee that fans will see her
signature dance moves on the show.
If anything, the Kapuso Primetime
Queen is only sure of one thing: “Ang
pilot episode namin ay magfo-focus
sa mga sayaw na pinasikat nila Ate V
(Santos) at ni Ms. Maricel (Soriano).”
“Ayoko namang sabihin na
parang ginaya. May enhancement pa
rin na gagawin pero isa ’yun sa mga
talagang inspirasyon ng show na ito
at wala naman pong makakatalo
talaga nung araw ng mga kasikatan
ng sayaw nila (Gov. Vilma and
Maricel),” she adds.
Interestingly, Marian come from a
family of dancers.
“Ang pamilya ko siguro ay isa sa
mga dahilan din kung bakit mahilig
ako sumayaw,” she says.
Aside from the dance production,
Marian says viewers can look forward
to the grand costumes she will be
wearing for the show. Her stylists are
Liz Uy and Pam Quiniones, among
How sexy will she be for the
Marian lets out a laugh and says,
“To the fullest.”
Fellow star
Marian’s co-host for her new
dance show is Paolo Ballesteros.
Good friends outside the biz,
Marian maintains that Paolo is her
personal choice.
“Yung iniisip ko na si Paolo ang
gusto kong maka-trabaho, ’yun din
pala ang iniisip nila. So, nagkataon
lang talaga,” she admits.
She considers Paolo a “close
“Kasi naniniwala ako na ang
magkaibigan kahit minsan hindi
magkita at mag-textan pero ’pag
nagkita andun pa rin ’yung spark,
magkaibigan talaga, eh, ganun kami
ni Pao,” Marian says.
The two first worked on the GMA
series “Ang Babaeng Hinugot Sa
Aking Tadyang.”
Marian relates, “Si Paolo ay isa sa
pinaka-paborito kong artista at tsaka
inaanak ko ’yung anak niya…”
Acting vs. dancing
Marian admits that the show will
keep her busy but she is not
She narrates, “Kasi ang teleserye
(like) ‘Carmela’ pupunta ka sa taping,
magta-trabaho ka hanggang alas dos
or alas tres ng madaling araw. Itong
dance show iba eh, may rehearsals,
may costume changes. Meron ring
mga guest na kailangan interviewhin. Ayoko din naman mag-interview
ng wala akong alam so magreresearch pa rin ako.”
The actress believes that she
could juggle acting and dancing at
the same time.
“Love ko ang pag-arte, minahal
ako ng tao diyan, at hilig ko din ang
pagsayaw nasa dugo ko na talaga
ang sumayaw,” she says. a
Coco Martin clears Nora Aunor’s ‘debt’ issue, child rumors
A question of paternity
Coco and Nora Aunor in a scene in
‘Padre de Familia’
Coco Martin
Actor Coco Martin refuted talks
that Nora Aunor has been asking
money from him.
“Parang ang sakit. Naiinis ako
kasi kilala niyo ba ’yung taong
sinasabihan niyo ng ganun? Kasi
hindi maganda eh, hindi totoo,” he
said in a tell-all interview on “The
Buzz,” Sunday.
The actor, who stars with Nora in
Adolf Alix Jr.’s “Padre de Familia,”
said that they had a good working
“Hanggang sa natapos ’yung
pelikula nagtatawagan pa kami,
nagte-text pa kami,” he noted.
Last week, Nora addressed the
issue on TV5’s “Showbiz Police” and
revealed that she had reached out to
“Ang gusto ko lang naman sa
kanya ay ilinaw na mali naman ’yung
sinasabi ng iba. Hinihintay ko sanang
siya ay tumawag kasi hindi ko naman
alam kung natatanggap niya ang
texts ko kasi nagtawagan na kami
minsan,” she lamented.
Coco said he had no intentions of
ignoring the Superstar, claiming,
“Hindi ko alam na nag-text pala siya
sa’kin ng tatlong beses… Wala
akong natanggap. Hindi pwedeng
hindi ko siya pansinin.”
misunderstanding, “Nag-text ako kay
Ate Guy, humingi ako ng sorry, ang
haba ng text ko,” he shared.
Now, Coco only wants the
controversy cleared. “May utang na
loob ako sa tao, eh, pumayag siya na
makasama ako sa pelikula,” said he.
“Alam ko nagtatampo siya sa’kin
pero hindi ako papayag hangga’t
hindi ko nakaklaro (ang issue) at
hindi ko nalilinis kung sino man ’yung
taong ’yun na sumulat para sirain
On the show, the “Ikaw Lamang”
actor also addressed the issue of his
rumored love child with sexy actress
Katherine Luna.
He revealed that he had
undergone DNA testing and the
result was negative.
He recalled how the kid, along
with her grandmother, visited him
while he was filming “Born To Love
You” in Luneta years back.
“Kinausap ko na ’yung lola na
parang kung maaari ibibigay na sa
akin para mabigyan ko ng tamang
guidance, para makatulong ako…
(sa) pangangailangan niya. Sa
sobrang excited ko, tinawagan ko
’yung manager ko… sabi ko pwede
ko na makuha ’yung bata,” believing
the child to be his.
“Sinabi (ng lola niya), ‘Teka lang
hindi ganun kadali ’yun. Kailangan
idaan sa legal na sitwasyon…’ Sabi
niya, ‘Kung talagang gusto mo,
kausapin natin, ipa-DNA (test) muna
Refuting that he abandoned the
mother during her pregnancy, Coco
inisted he fulfilled what he thought
was his reponsibility and was there
until the kid was born. Now, with the
DNA result, he feels for the child,
saying, “Paano na ngayon siya?
’Yung pinakainaasahan niyang hope,
wala pala.” a
More Showbiz Gossip
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
Showbiz Gossip
Continued from p.19
Cold summer nights:
Celebrity breakups in the
season of the sun
Summer isn’t just about getting
gorgeously tanned (as Olaf from
“Frozen” puts it) or sharing warm
hugs and kisses. Indeed, summer
could be dark and gloomy, or even
cold as winter, too, like some
celebrities would attest.
Before finally welcoming the
rains, here is a refresher on some of
the most talked-about celebrity
relationships that were called off one
Derek Ramsay and Angelica
Panganiban (February 2012)
The Miss Universe 2012 first runnerup stirred controversy when she
confirmed on “Kris TV” that she had
broken up with her then-boyfriend of
one year, Jaypee Santos – while both
of them were guests on the show, no
less. On the same episode, she
spoke of meeting The Script
frontman Danny O’Donoghue during
the group’s visit to the country for a
concert in March that year.
The beauty queen left the
Philippines months after to study in
the US, where she would supposedly
be staying for good. Before she left,
Janine clarified on her “The Buzz”
interview that “there’s a bigger story”
behind her breakup with Jaypee. She
also denied dating Benjamin Alves,
whom she described as a good
friend and church-mate. (Photo:
Piling Mo” in 2010 before they started
They were together for over a
year until the Kapuso host-actress
decided to end the relationship in
April 2012. The breakup happened
over Skype while Daniel was
vacationing in Brazil, his hometown.
The former couple made the split
public through Twitter. Although both
claimed that there was no third party
involved, the reason behind the split
remained unknown.
Heart is now in a relationship with
Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero;
Daniel remains single.
Ai Ai delas Alas and Jed Salang
(May 2013)
John Lloyd Cruz and Shaina
Magdayao (April 2012)
differences. “Mas nagka-clash pa
kami kesa nagkakasundo,” the
Kapuso actress was quoted as
saying in an interview with “Startalk.”
She also dismissed reports of a third
party. “Walang kinalaman ito sa kahit
makakatrabaho in the future,” added
Of late, Carla is being
romantically linked to her “My
Husband’s Lover” co-star Tom
Rodriguez. She has denied this,
however, claiming that she and Tom
are just friends and colleagues. a
Sarah wants to
be recognized as
a serious actress
in new film
Ai Ai delas Alas and Jed Salang
Angelica Panganiban and Derek Ramsay
Although Derek confirmed the
split in May 2012, Angelica revealed
in an interview with StarStudio
magazine that they actually broke up
over the phone February that year.
Angelica blamed the end of their
six-year relationship on the hunkactor whom she accused of
supposedly being controlling. She
also claimed Derek didn’t support
her search for her biological father.
Another issue she harped on is that
of Derek being allegedly married to
one Mary Christine Jolly in 2002.
The Kapamilya actress is now in
a relationship with John Lloyd Cruz.
Derek, on the other hand, is single.
Heart Evangelista and
Matsunaga (April 2012)
Shaina Magdayao and John Lloyd Cruz
Ai Ai split with businessman Jed
Salang, who is 20 years her junior,
after only a month of marriage. The
comedienne broke the news of the
separation on national TV, claiming
that her relationship with Jed, whom
she married on April 3, 2013 in Las
Vegas, was flawed and marred by his
alleged abusive behavior. A Las
Vegas court granted her a divorce
just in January this year. (Photo:
Shaina herself ended all
speculations relating to her thenrumored split with John Lloyd.
It was known that they parted
ways sometime in April 2012 but she
only confirmed it a month later. “The
reason is purely between John Lloyd
and myself,” part of her statement
John Lloyd and Shaina first Carla
parted ways in October 2011 but Eigenmann (April 2014)
were able to patch things up
In October 2012, John Lloyd
revealed that he is in a relationship
with Angelica Panganiban, who had
split from Derek earlier. (Photo:
Janine Tugonon and
Santos (April 2013)
Geoff Eigenmann & Carla Abellana
Daniel Matsunaga and Heart Evangelista
Heart and Daniel co-starred in
the defunct Kapuso series “Langit Sa
Janine Tugonon and Jaypee Santos
The “Rosalinda” stars decided to
relationship due to personal
Sarah Geronimo
Sarah Geronimo’s fans are
eagerly awaiting her next movie
because they still remember how they
enjoyed her last one with John Lloyd
Now that she is coming out with
her brand new romance flick “Maybe
This Time” on May 28 opposite
another ABS-CBN prince Coco
Martin, Sarah wants to be taken
seriously as an actress.
“Ang gusto ko po talaga dito sa
movie na ito, ’yung makita ng mga tao
’yung maturity ko as an actress. Kasi
po kahit na romantic movie po ito at
nakilala ako sa mga rom-coms, ibang
level po talaga ang pinagdaanan ng
characters namin ni Coco sa
pelikulang ito. Masyado pong
malalim. ’Yun po ang gusto kong
makita ng mga tao,” she said.
Sarah plays the role of a PR
assistant in a firm headed by Ruffa
Gutierrez. Coco Martin, plays Ruffa’s
boyfriend, who happens to be
Sarah’s first love. Matters are
complicated further with Ruffa’s
character assigning Sarah’s to help
transform Coco’s character with
probinsiyano image to fit the more
cosmopolitan world of his girlfriend.
The movie is directed by Jerry
Lopez Sineneng and is part of Star
presentation. a
May 2014
The North American Filipino Star
Christopher De Leon's youngest Bea Alonzo thrilled over new soap
daughter Mariel wants to join
"Parang gusto kong sabihin 10
years from now na 'oy one day na kashowbiz
portray ako ng dalawang characters'
Mariel De Leon
Two years after she got her degree
in Professional Cookery in an
international culinary school in New
Zealand, Mariel De Leon said she was
happy to fulfill her parents’ only
condition before she entered showbiz.
The youngest daughter of Christopher
De Leon and Sandy Andolong said
her parents never influenced her to
follow their showbiz careers, but have
always guided her to follow her
“They were always supportive. I
didn't have to ask permission [to join
showbiz] naman kasi their rule my
whole life was just as long as I finish
college you can do what you want so I
decided to do this and they're
supportive naman.
Currently focusing on honing her
acting skills, Mariel said her parents
did not really make her feel she had an
advantage just because she was the
daughter of veteran actors. “For
acting, sometimes they give advice
lang. Pero they're not stage parents so
they don't really give me any advice
and now that I'm just starting. They
want to start from the bottom, no
shortcuts,” she admitted.
Mariel, who was a finalist in
Binibining Pilipinas 2013, said she is
currently undergoing workshops in
ABS-CBN to better equip herself in
this venture. “I decided to do the
acting workshops after Binibining
Pilipinas. I finished one na with a
teacher from Star Cinema and now I'm
going to join another one. Wala pa
(offers). Nag-wo-workshop muna ako
sa ABS-CBN. I want to try this muna,
showbiz and opera. I want to try
drama. I think it's easier to cry than to
make people laugh,” she added. a
Bea Alonzo
Actress Bea Alonzo is excited
about her upcoming series "Sana
Bukas Pa Ang Kahapon" with leading
men Albert Martinez and Paulo
In a press conference on
Thursday night, Alonzo said this is
her frist time to portray dual
"First time sa akin ito to portray
dual characters, physically draining
din siya. Kasi palit ka nang palit ng
make-up lalo na kapag may double
exposure na eksena. Pero ako I like
accepting challenges so ito yung
maipagmamalaki ko siguro," Alonzo
hindi ba? Ang sarap niyang isama
doon sa projects na nagawa ko.
Plus, kasi with help of our directors
mas lalong naging madali for me.
Hindi ko siya tinuturing na two
different characters in one soap
opera, para siyang two different
characters in different projects," she
In the series, Alonzo will play the
characters -- Emmanuelle, a feisty
lawyer with a loving family; and
Rose, a woman accused of a crime
she did not commit.
The actress also agreed to do
more intimate scenes in the series.
Alonzo said she's just lucky to
work with two gentlemen in the soap.
"Alam mo gentlemen sila at hindi
nila ako pinabayaan. Kahit paano,
kahit ilang beses ko nang nagagawa
sa TV at pelikula pero sila ay
gentlemen talaga, di nila ako
pinababayaan," she said. a
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bright, large living room, quiet area,
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The North American Filipino Star
BELL FIBE 216 and 1216 (HD)
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May 2014
May 2014
CCAFQ holds
spring disco
by W. G. Quiambaoi
After a long harsh winter,
spring has finally arrived. The Council
of Canadian-Filipino Associations of
Quebec welcomed the arrival of
spring by holding a disco at 6767
Cote des Neiges on April 26. More
than 120 members of the community
and friends of the FFCAQ Executive
Board attended the party.
The hall was filed with lovely
music, mostly oldies like Banana
Boat Song (Day O), Oh Carol, Knock
Three Times, Guantanamera, that
brought back memories to the guests
in their 40s and above. The non-stop
dancing continued past midnight.
James de la Paz, president of
the CCAFQ unveiled the Association’s
plan to celebrate the Philippines'
116th Independence Day which will
be held on June 22, Sunday. The
celebrations include a parade which
will be participated by associations
and community members and
activities at the Mackenzie King Park
like a Holy Mass to be officiated by a
Filipino priest, multicultural shows,
karaoke singing, gun salute by the
attendance of municipal politicians.
For more information, like
reservation of tents, please call James
de la Paz at (514)-577-7787 or Dario
Buco at (514) 995-7612.
From Page 2 - Strategic Alliances
Sea area is believed to contain from
seven billion to as high as 130 billion
barrels of oil reserves, and billions of
barrels of natural gas, important
resources that are necessary to fuel
China’s economy and consequent rise
as a superpower. The area is also a rich
source of fish and other marine
resources to feed the more than a billion
Just as importantly, the area is a
major shipping lane for many nations
and accounts for more than half of the
world’s shipping activity.
Amid the escalating tension in
the area, analysts are questioning the
weak and tentative response of the
Obama administration. They said that
after announcing a “pivot to Asia,” the
US government has not really done
much to back up its promise. Instead,
they argue, Russia has done more to
pivot to Asia, with Russian President
Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi
Jinping all but formalizing a RussianChinese alliance earlier this month.
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Montreal, QC 514-733-7816
Grace coconut milk 400mL - $1.00 can
Putin and Xi signed an energy
agreement that calls for Russia to
supply China with $400 billion of
natural gas over the next 30 years. And
to show to the world that they have
become comrades in arms, the
Russian and Chinese Navies held a
joint naval exercise in the East China
Sea amid territorial tensions in Asia.
While China is spending
billions of dollars to beef up its military
muscle, the US is actually cutting down
on its military budget as it focuses on
its domestic problems.
Just like the Philippines, the
US is aware that it needs to forge
stronger alliances with Asian nations to
counter the emerging Russo-Chinese
alliance in the region. The US is not
ready to build expensive new bases in
the region, but it can reach agreements
with host countries to use existing
bases, just as it did with the Philippines
through the Enhanced Defense
Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).
The US is also planning to
expand its use of bases in Australia
and Japan, and possibly Singapore
and Thailand. In addition, Washington
is wooing Malaysia. These countries
are in the thick of an Asian arms race
with China, which has become
inevitable as their economies grow.
The world has indeed changed. The
rise and fall of economies have
resulted in shifting alliances, where
friends have become foes and vice
versa. Russia and China were major
allies of the US in World War II and are
now major rivals in the race for world
dominance. Japan and Germany,
which were the Americans; biggest
enemies in the Second World War, on
the other hand, are now America’s
Vietnam was an ally of both
Russia and China during the Vietnam
War in the 60s, but is now an important
American ally. Japan, which invaded
and occupied the Philippines for five
years in the Second World War, is now
a Philippine ally.
Europe and the Pacific were
the main theaters in the Second World
War, and from all indications, Asia
would continue to be the flashpoint in
the world’s military theater in the
coming years. China, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia,
Singapore, the two Koreas, and other
Asian countries are all beefing up their
military muscles in one of the biggest
arms races the world has ever seen.
The Philippines, which does
not have the means to keep up with its
neighbors in the arms race, needs to
start positioning itself rightly in this
developing drama.
Sale prices valid from May 31 to June 7, 2014
Lady’s Choice sandwich spread $2.49 jar
Ajinomoto 500 g - $1.79 pack
Grace Condensed Milk - $1.99 can
Seawave Squids - $3.99 box
Shrimps, head on - size 70-80 - $4.99 box
Cabbage - 79¢ lb
The North American Filipino Star
Baby Bok Choy - 79¢ lb
Geisha Mackerel $2.49 can
Bulacan longganisa - 2/$5.00, $2.79 ea
Spectra Vegetable Oil - $4.99 bottle
Chicken Drumsticks - $1.29 lb
Pure Food Corned Beef - $2.49 can
Saba frozen banana - $1.99 pack
Shrimp Ball/ Cutley Fish/Fish Ball
Pork Shoulder - $2.49 lb
The North American Filipino Star
May 2014
To celebrate the forthcoming Silver Anniversary of Gilmore College
International, we are offering
25% discount on tuition fees of the
following courses: English, French, Filipino, subject to a minimum
enrollment of 10 students per class. Offer valid from May 1, to July
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Please call
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Register by appointment. Flexible
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514-485-7861 for an appoinment to register and
bring a $35 registration fee. Tuition fees are payable in 2 payments,
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Intensive English or French language courses - 25 hours
per week - Four weeks or 100 hours - $600 - Minimum enrollment of 6 per class - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.