Contents 3 Letter from Kathleen 4 How It Works 5-6 Opening Assembly 7 K4J & Apostles Send-It-Home 8 pre-K4J Send-It-Home 9-10 Get Moving Games 11-12 Cool Craft 13 Apostles Station 14-15 Saints and Scripture 16 Snack 17-21 K4J Certificates & Patterns 1 2 Club Activities Guidebook Dear K4J Director, February, Year 3 When I was expecting a baby, everyone kept asking me if it was a boy or a girl. I didn’t want to know. “There are few surprises anymore,” was the reason I always gave. “I don’t want to know until the moment he or she is born.” I know all you planners are squirming right now, but all of us share a certain amount of flexibility. The truth is that life is full of little surprises. Some of them excite us, and some of them cause us to take a serious look at life. We can think we have everything under control and well planned when life throws us a curve. It is our love for Christ that helps us look at all of this with a supernatural view. We know that the all-loving God has a plan for our lives. He is the one in control. Use this supernatural outlook when you are working with your group. Each child and each parent is looking to you for answers. They may not say it in those words, but they feel relieved to know that you are a role model they can look to for guidance and support. We have to be pillars of strength and stand by our convictions when faced with sudden moral dilemmas. We have to be willing to welcome others, change our plans in order to better meet the needs of others, and be willing to change activities when the kids are too rambunctious for quiet time. We have to listen to parents when time is limited and charitably instruct others when they need it. When we begin to look at each interruption and surprise as a gift to better serve God in the moment, we are happy to be flexible and recognize God’s providence all throughout the day. It becomes easier to be flexible by saying “no” and denying our children and ourselves when the time is right. It becomes easier to say “no” at these times because we are really saying “yes” to the best good of all - God’s truth and his plan for our lives. In this month’s Mission Pack, members meet the Flex family. They learn that surprises can be good or bad. They learn they must either be flexible and “stretch” to welcome a surprise (as the kids learn through their classroom missions), or be flexible and “flex their muscles” to stand strong for Jesus and resist when the surprise is not good for them (as they learn through their at-home Mission of the Month). Each time they watch TV or read a book, etc., they must ask themselves, “Is Jesus happy to share this with me?” This question should guide them in choosing a proper response no matter what surprise comes their way. In Christ, Kathleen Conklin Director of K4J K4J Virtue: FLEXIBILITY Sometimes Jesus wants us to STRETCH ourselves to welcome something new. But sometimes Jesus wants us to STAND STRONG to resist a surprise that is not good! 3 Watch this, Mission Control! ..3..2..1 BLAST OFF! WOW! K4J Rotation Stations! Let’s see Missionaries In Motion. Over! Cool! Wow! What’s Coming Next? How It Works: The dynamics of each club are unique. You are the expert at deciding which activities best fit the needs of your club. K4J offers some extra guidance by recommending certain activities for pre-K4J (preschool through grade 1). The pre-K4J station activities should be held at a location separate from K4J activities. K4J Club Meeting Overview: 1. Opening Assembly: The Opening Assembly activity is led by an adult MC and Captains of K4J (grades 6-8). 2. Station Rotation: The four Club Meeting Rotation Stations are led as a rotation by Station Leaders. The stations include Missionaries in Motion, Get Moving Games, Cool Craft/Apostles in Action*, and Saints & Scripture. Assistance may be offered by Captains (grades 6-8) at the stations. 3. Snack Time! Kids make and enjoy a theme-related snack. 4 • Divide your large group into teams of up to 8-10 children. Each team chooses a team name and works together throughout the year. • Choose which activity will be featured at each station. Station Leaders set up activities in the station rotation space. • A K4J Guide (adult volunteer) is assigned to each team of 8-10 kids. As the kids arrive, the K4J Guides collect kids’ mission cards from the previous month. After the opening assembly, Guides move their teams from station to station. He/She makes sure that each member of the team knows each activity’s objective. The goal of the K4J Guide is to help each child realize that the virtue and Mission of the Month may be lived as a personal commitment to Jesus. * K4J Apostles (grades 4 & 5) meet twice each month. They are introduced to a K4J Apostles service activity during the first meeting in place of Cool Craft. They will meet a second time to finish this apostolic work. The goal of this station is to teach teamwork and give each child the opportunity to use their time and talents to help the Church and their community. This station is key to the success of this age group. OpenIng Assembly Flex for JEsus! Prepare • Captains dress as FlexMan. They simply need to dress in one color and make a corresponding smileface mask out of a paper plate. • Super Spark makes a surprise appearance. Have one of the Captains dress in a superhero costume with a Spark-shaped mask. • Exercise props, pretend barbell (wrapping paper tube and black balloons), mat, jump rope etc. • Adult MC dresses like a fitness trainer and practices playing FLEXMAN SAYS (a version of Simon Says). Use simple exercise moves and the words, FLEX and STRETCH. • K4J songs: “I’ve Got a Mission” and “Flex for Jesus” from the Year 3 K4J Mission Songs CD. Perform Play the entrance song, “I’ve Got a Mission” as the kids enter the assembly room. When everyone is sitting, put on the “Flex for Jesus” mission song. The Captain FlexMen tumble, run and jump onto the stage and start performing various exercises and flexing their muscles. Throughout the assembly, the FlexMen are motivated! As the song ends, the MC begins. Those Captains sure are FLEXIBLE! They can FLEX their muscles and STRETCH with FLEXIBILITY. In case you hadn’t guessed, FLEXIBILITY is the name of this month’s virtue. Do you know how to FLEX for Jesus? You have to know when to do the right thing, no matter what happens. That isn’t always easy. Sometimes we can have a surprise and we have to know what to do. Some surprises are good, but some are not. MC takes a look at the FlexMen and says, Are you ready to show them your Flex skills? I am going to tell you a surprise and you show me FLEX and Stand Strong or FLEX and Stretch. Which would you do? After doing a couple of the flex surprises with the FlexMen, ask them to freeze and ask the audience to shout FLEX or STRETCH to make the FlexMen move. 5 1. You are served beets at dinner again, and you don’t like them. (STRETCH!) 2. It’s time to get up for school, and you are TIRED. (STRETCH!) 3. Someone makes fun of you because you will not do something wrong. (STAND STRONG!) 4. You find out you have homework on your birthday! (STRETCH!) 5. Your friend wants to go to a movie that your conscience tells you is not good. (STAND STRONG!) 6. You find out you have to move to a new city. (STRETCH!) 7. Your friend asks you to text him during school. (STAND STRONG!) 8. When your teacher has to talk to someone in the hall, someone starts to play. (STAND STRONG!) 9. You want to finish your art project but it is time to clean up. (Stretch) 10. Feel free to add your own! Now have all the kids stand up for a short game of FlexMan says… We have to listen to our consciences, the little voice inside that tells us right from wrong. In K4J, we call him Spark. You remember him, right? Each time we get a surprise that is good for us, we have to learn how to flex and STRETCH ourselves to welcome the surprise. Each time we receive a bad surprise, we have to learn to flex our muscles and STAND STRONG to resist the surprise for Jesus! Super Spark comes out and leads the FlexMen and kids in the song “Flex for Jesus.” “Flex for JEsus” February YEar 3 K4J MIssIon Song Chorus: Flex For Jesus (X6) Flex muscles (in different poses each time) Point up with one hand and spin around Here it comes tempting me I know just what to do Flex and stand strong To resist the surprise What would Jesus want me to do I want to do my own thing and I can’t right now But I know just what to do I flex and stretch To welcome the surprise Tiptoe in place Tap temple with forefinger Flex muscles and then stomp left and then right foot Stretch both hands straight in front with palms out Shrug shoulders Cross arms Shake head no Tap temple with forefinger Flex muscles and then stretch hands toward the ceiling Bring hands down in front with palms up Chorus 6 K4J & s tle s Apo Station Rotation #1: Send-it-home Kids put a reminder table top card on their TV or computer and ask themselves “Is Jesus happy to share this with me?” Teach the kids to FLEX & STAND STRONG to resist a bad surprise and to FLEX & STRETCH to welcome a good surprise. Flex for Jesus! Ready… Say… You will need: • February K4J Mission Packs • February, Year 3 Mission Song, Flex for Jesus • Surprise slips pattern God wants your body to be strong and flexible, but he also wants your heart to be strong and flexible. But sometimes we are caught by surprise. How do we know if we should STAND STRONG or STRETCH? We know God gave us a conscience. Show the kids a picture of Spark. In K4J we call it “Spark.” God gave us our conscience so that we would always know how to follow him and reach heaven. When we get a bad surprise our conscience tells us to FLEX & STAND STRONG to resist the surprise. When we want to do our own thing but ‘surprise’ we can’t, our conscience tells us to FLEX & STRETCH to welcome the surprise. But just like an athlete has to train his body to do a sport, you have to train your conscience to FLEX and choose what is good. Go K4J! Have the kids take their FLEX MAN out of the Mission Pack. Use the surprise slip pattern as a guide to tell the kids about a surprise. Once you tell them one of the surprises, they should either FLEX and STAND STRONG or FLEX and STRETCH their FLEX MAN. Mission Pack Chat: Show the kids their Mission of the Month card and their TV/ computer card; explain their mission and show them the stickers they will use to mark off their mission. Give the Apostles a chance to sign their mission card and encourage the K4J kids to bring back their card at the end of the month for a prize. 7 Station Rotation #1: pre -K4J send-it-home Kids put a reminder table top card on their TV or computer and ask themselves “Is Jesus happy to share this with me?” Teach the kids to FLEX & STAND STRONG to resist a bad surprise and to FLEX & STRETCH to welcome a good surprise. Flex for JEsus! Ready… Say… • February K4J Mission Packs • February, Year 3 Mission Song, Flex for Jesus • Surprise slips pattern Who can show me your muscles? Give the kids a chance to flex. God gave you muscles to make you strong and flexible so you can run, jump and play. God wants your body to be strong and flexible, but he also wants your heart to be strong and flexible. Our heart becomes strong when we do good things. Show the kids a picture of Spark. Do you remember Spark? He is the little voice inside us that reminds us of what is good and bad. He is called our conscience. When we choose good things Spark helps our heart become very strong. When we choose bad things, Spark gets very weak. Go K4J! Have the kids take their FLEX MAN out of the Mission Pack. Use the surprise slip pattern as a guide to tell the kids about a surprise. Once you tell them one of the surprises, they should either FLEX and STAND STRONG or FLEX and STRETCH their FLEX MAN. Mission Pack Chat: Show the kids their Mission of the Month poster and their TV/computer card; explain their mission and show them the stickers they will use to mark off their mission. Encourage the K4J kids to bring back their card at the end of the month for a prize. 8 Station Rotation #2: Get Moving Games Stretch or Stand Strong Ready… Say… You will need: Set up two rows of the following relay stations: We are trying to listen to our consciences and learn to be FLEXIBLE. This means that we STRETCH to accept a good surprise and STAND STRONG to resist a bad surprise. • A pretend barbell (can be cardboard cut-outs, or balloons attached to ends of dowel or card board tube) • Two people holding a rope or stick to limbo under • A Frisbee and laundry basket • 4 hula-hoops laying close together • A men’s t-shirt, size extra large • Two small inflated balloons Explain the different stations in the relay. Have the kids tell you whether they are going to STRETCH or STAND STRONG at each one. Help them think of times they need to stretch or stand strong when they get a surprise! Go K4J! Place a copy of the Grace pattern on each of the two chairs. Are you ready for FLEX: Stand Strong or Stretch exercises? Divide the kids into teams. Have them move through the stations. 1. Put on a man’s t-shirt. Insert balloons up sleeves to make “balloon muscles.” 2. Do five barbell pumps. 3. Throw the frisbee in the laundry basket. 4. Jump from hoop to hoop then do a somersault before returning to give the t-shirt and muscles to the next team member in line. The first team to have all members complete the Tri-FLEX-athon Relay is the winner! FLEXibility Fandango Just how flexible ARE you?! Have team members gather in groups of three or more, “tangle” themselves together, then all join hands. Now can they untangle without letting go of each other’s hands? 9 k4j flflexercises! Show off your flexibility for Jesus! Ready… Say… You will need: I am going to help you do your FLEXercises! Whenever we get a surprise, we need to be ready to STRETCH or STAND STRONG for Jesus! • A copy of each of the Flexercise characters, enlarged. • CD player and a • K4J Songs CD • Choose a song (Spark’s song from the Surfin’ CD - if you have it) and put together a small routine using the exercises. End your routine with STAND STRONG (flex your muscles) and STRETCH (raise your hands high.) Go K4J! Show the kids the pictures of the “FLEXercise Characters.” Teach the kids each character’s FLEXercise. Can they remember them just by the picture cue? Now put it to music! Put on the some K4J music. Do a simple exercise routine to the music. Hint: The kids also love to time themselves to see how fast they can do the routine. r at fo !) J re (G e-K4 pr Incredible Spark race Divide the kids into teams. Use the master for Incredible Spark masks and make one mask for each team. Have the kids put on their costumes made at the Cool Craft station and fly to the other side of the field, flex their muscles and yell “Flex for Jesus!” and run back. 10 StatIon RotatIon #3: Cool Craft... House of rock Ready… You will need, per child: • Rock with the name of the child and “Flex for Jesus” written on it • Permanent markers or paints Say… “Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock.” Matthew 7:24-25 Jesus said that we should build our house on rock. That means when we get a bad surprise, we should be strong enough to STAND STRONG and resist the surprise for Jesus! Go K4J! Give each of the kids a rock and paints or markers. Have them decorate their rock to remind themselves of this month’s Scripture verse and mission. You might want to draw a house shape on the rock for younger children to decorate. Flexible Edible Necklace Remind kids of the virtue definition of FLEXIBILITY. We sometimes have to flex and STRETCH ourselves, and other times we have to flex and STAND STRONG for Jesus. This necklace is a combination of both! You will need: Flexible Necklace bead pattern for each child. Gummy Lifesavers, shoestring licorice, Fruit Loops, Cheerios and candy with holes such as Lifesavers Give the kids one or two shoestring licorice laces. String the pattern included with the edibles on each side. Connect the lace ends with tape. 11 Incredible Spark Costume Ready… You will need, per child: • Incredible Spark Mask pattern • Incredible Spark Insignia pattern • Brown grocery bag • Crayons or Markers • Scissors • Glue • Any other additional decorations you might want to offer Say… We need to be like Incredible Spark and be able to STRETCH or STAND STRONG for Jesus. Let’s make our costumes ready and teach everyone how to be FLEXIBLE! Go K4J! Inredible spark mask Cut out mask along the outer black line. Carefully cut out the eye holes. Punch a small hole on each side of the mask and tie a piece of string through each hole. Tie the strings behind the child’s head. Inredible spark Shirt Cut neck and arm holes from a paper grocery bag for the shirt. Attach the Incredible Spark insignia to the front of the bag. Have the kids decorate it. Complete the costume with a simple cape made from a piece of fabric and a safety pin! Flex man Trophy Have the kids make a Flex Man by using colored pipe cleaners for arms and legs. Bend the pipe cleaners into a flexi-position and tape on a smiley face. Glue the feet of Flex Man onto a piece of wood, or stick them into play dough that will harden. The kids can also make funny clothes out of various types of paper. (Try wallpaper samples. They are wild, fun prints!) 12 K4J Apostles STATION 4th & 5th Grade StatIon RotatIon #3: K4J Apostles (grades 4-5) hold “Apostles In Action” in place of the Cool Craft station at the club meeting. They may meet a second time during the month to carry out the off site apostolic activity! Stand Strong for Jesus! Ready… Take a large piece of cardboard and make a TV shape. Write K4J TV on it and display it on the wall. Say… How much time do you spend on TV, computer, video games, etc. each day? Help the kids add up the time they spend by walking them through a day. There is nothing wrong with spending time with these things but we have to be very smart and very FLEXIBLE. Explain that what we watch on TV affects the way we treat others, our mood, choices we make for ourselves, and our friendship with Jesus (after all, we cannot hear him if the TV is always doing the talking). The best way to be smart and FLEXIBLE is to plan how much time you will spend and which shows are good choices to watch. We can also FLEX & STAND STRONG by helping others do the same. Show the kids the K4J TV. Inside the TV, have the kids list some of the most common shows, movies and video games that they and their friends are using as entertainment. Try to include good, wholesome shows as well as ones that should be avoided. Invite the kids to make the FLEX PLEDGE by making a personal plan and choosing which shows they will STAND STRONG and take off their list. Have them put up a “stand strong for Jesus” barbell next to each show they choose to keep out of their plan. Make sure they understand why: What kinds of bad surprises might you find in that show? Discuss attitudes that Jesus wouldn’t be happy to share, such as disrespect and disobedience, immodest dress, sexual content, language, bullying, unkindness, etc. Go K4J! Hand out the “STAND STRONG for Jesus” barbell cards. Have them decorate their cards. Make a plan to visit a group within the school or parish to help others take the Flex Pledge. Did you know? According to the Kaiser Family Foundation… • Kids under the age of 6 watch and average of about 2 hours of screen media a day (2009). • Kids and teens 8 to 18 years old spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games(2009). • The average American child will witness 200,000 violent acts on TV by age 18. (2009) • Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them. (2009) • 70% of TV shows contain sexual content (2005) 13 Station Rotation #4: Saints and Scripture Scripture Memory Verse: “Stand strong in the Lord, and in his mighty power.” Ephesians 6: 10 Holy Hero: St Clare St. Clare of Assisi Patroness of Television, Feast Day August 11 St. Clare was a rich young lady who became friends with St. Francis of Assisi. She felt God calling in her heart, and left her family and her big castle one dark night to become the first Franciscan sister. Under the guidance of St. Francis, she quickly became very holy. One Christmas Eve, Clare was too sick to get out of bed to go to Mass. She longingly thought of Jesus in the tabernacle. Suddenly, her dark room was filled with light. There on the wall appeared the Christmas Mass being celebrated at the Franciscan basilica one mile away! She could clearly see and pray along with the Franciscan brothers and priests who were present. Best of all, she could see the consecration take place, and adore the Christ Child present in the holy Eucharist! Clare knew that Jesus would always find a way to share his love with her. Jesus, help me be eager to share everything I have with you! All contents copyrighted © K4J 2012 14 K4J Tele ‘Vision’ Ready… • Wrapping paper tube and two black balloons make a great pretend “barbell.” Make one for each team. • Write the Scripture verse in a place that all the kids can see. Say… Read the following story and then retell it to the kids in your own words. St. Clare, like all saints, had to FLEX & STAND STRONG for Jesus many times. Once Assisi, where Clare lived with her nuns, faced a terrible surprise: an attack by an enemy army. Rather than running away, Clare calmly went to the chapel. She took Jesus in the Eucharist and marched out to meet the army. When the soldiers saw her courageously coming toward them, holding Jesus up for all to see, they were filled with fear and confusion and ran away immediately. She stood strong in the Lord, and his mighty power saved all the people of Assisi. She knew how to “stand strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” Go K4J! Divide the kids into teams. Have them divide up the Scripture verse and the Bible reference, one to two words for each child. Place the barbells at the end of the room. On the words, “Ready, FLEX!” the first person on the team runs down, picks up the barbells, pumps them up and down and says the first word of the Scripture verse. He runs back and the next person says the next word etc. until the entire Scripture verse has been announced. The game stops when the first team finishes and can say the entire verse together. 15 How About A Snack? FLEX sundaes Read this month’s Scripture and remind the kids that surprises like the floods in the scripture can be difficult surprises. We have to be ready. Today we going to practice being FLEXIBLE! There is a surprise in store for you. You are going to have to decide whether to STRETCH or STAND STRONG for Jesus! Are you ready? You will need, per child: • Scoop of ice cream in a paper cup with spoon • Ice cream toppings • Napkins 1 Set up a toppings assembly line and give the kids a bowl of ice-cream. 2 The kids walk through the line and fix their dream sundae! 3 Now ask the kids to be FLEXIBLE. Once everyone is seated, tell them they have to pass their sundae to the person on their right. “Be FLEXIBLE!” Give them instructions not to begin eating. After they do their best and you have shown them how hard it can be to STRETCH and be FLEXIBLE, surprise them again and tell them to go ahead and pass back their neighbor’s dream sundae and eat their own! Grocery Store Option: Cookies and Milk Give the kids some cookies and milk. Ask them to take a bite of the cookie without milk. Now try it after dunking it in some milk. The “tough” cookie just got FLEX-i-delicious! 16 S-t-r-e-t-c-h or STAND STRONG for Jesus! Certificate of Accomplishment awarded to _________________________ Name for ________________________________ ___________ Date _____________________ Signature S-t-r-e-t-c-h or STAND STRONG for Jesus! Certificate of Accomplishment awarded to _________________________ Name for ________________________________ ___________ Date _____________________ Signature 17 Incredible Spark Mask pattern us X! s Je FLE ve n I o I l he w I Ia c a ms n s tr rt e ong tc , h , Incredible Spark Insignia pattern s su X! Je LE e IF ov n I l he w I c I am an s st tro re ng tc , h, Flexible Edible Necklace patterns Flexercises pattern Grace’s Finger Folly Geronimo Antennae Flex Put arms above head, cross straight arms 10 times then put bottom arm over top hand. Put fingers next to ears and touch thumb to each finger starting with the index to the pinkie and back. Spark’s Scissor Cuts Same as Geronimo Antennae Flex only arms are pointed straight down with palms up. Throw Away Vice With elbows bent, put fisted hands in front of shoulders and extend arms in a throwing motion. K4J Kids Silly Mouse Ears Place clenched hands next to ears, extend your fingers and then make fists. K4J Good Morning Stretch Hands hold opposite elbows and lift in a single motion over the head. Return to waist and repeat. I got a new bike. Mom is having a baby. My sister went to visit Grandma. My friend wants to go see a movie that I am not allowed to see. I want to get angry with my brother. I lost my favorite baseball card. I found out I have a lot of homework and it’s my birthday! II do a PSP like everyone donot nothave have a game boy likeelse. everybody else. My dad could not take me to the ball game. I found a bird’s nest in my tree house. I went to my friend’s house for dinner and they had pizza. I hate pizza! Dad asked me to take out the garbage and that is my brother’s job! Someone asked me to lie. I broke a window. Everyone is making fun of the new girl. No one is listening to the teacher. My lunch is missing! The person next to me in school asked me to cheat and show him my answers on a test. I found $5 in the hallway. No one will let my friend play football with us. My aunt gave me a present I did not like. All the TV show I was watching did was make fun of people. The TV show I was watching started using bad language. The TV show I was watching showed people who are immodest in the way they dress. The TV show I was watching was hilarious. The TV show I was watching was boring and a waste of time.