let us be on our way - St. Bridget Catholic Church
let us be on our way - St. Bridget Catholic Church
SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH May 1, 2016 1 May 1, 2016 6th Sunday of Easter Rise, let us be on our way WORSHIP at SAINT BRIDGET Saturday: Sunday: Nursery: Mass Schedule 5:30 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 5:00 PM 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM year-round Children's Liturgy of the Word: 9:00 AM Daily Mass Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM Exceptions: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving at 9:00 am Reconciliation Saturday, 4:00 PM and by appointment. Following Jesus’ example, Saint Bridget Parish recognizes the inherent value of each member of our community as we travel on our faith journey. Just as Christ did, our parish welcomes and supports one another in love as we share our talents and resources with those in need. Believe: Inspire, Educate, Serve PARISH MEMBERSHIP INFANT BAPTISM MARRIAGE We welcome you to join our Parish Family. Please join us for Second Sundays. The second Sunday of each month we will be hosting a new member orientation in the Parish Center Meeting Room after the 9:00 AM Mass. The next Second Sunday is Sunday, June 12th. Parents attend a preparation session prior to scheduling a baptism. Contact Julie Koury, Pastoral Assistant, julie@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7890. Couples should contact the Wedding Coordinator, Pat Morrison, akmpm @juno.com, 741.6620 at least six months prior to scheduling a wedding. OUTREACH SUNDAY VISITING THE SICK On the third Sunday of the month, baskets are placed at the exits of the Church for food and money donations. Contact Paul Amrhein, Director of Human Concerns and Pastoral Care, paul@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7902 Regarding Communion and/or Anointing of the Sick. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Catholic faith inquiries and those seeking to join the Catholic Church are welcome! Contact RCIA Coordinator Teresa Lee, tlee@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7896. 6006 Three Chopt Road Richmond, VA 23226 P: 804.282.9511 F: 804.285.7227 Priests’ Residence: 804.282.9318 www.saintbridgetchurch.org parishmail@saintbridgetchurch.org SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH May 1, 2016 2 St. Bridget’s Catholic Church BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, May 22, 2016 8:30 am to 12:30 pm - Parish Center Meeting Room To make an appointment please go to: https://vadonor.org For questions please contact The Knights of Columbus or John Vandersyde at (804) 683-9181 or john.vandersyde@longandfoster.com NEW SUNDAY SCRIPTURE DISCUSSIONS The first program is “Jesus is Alive: Hear, Feel and Believe in the Resurrection”. This is an opportunity to meet our Deacons informally for about 20 minutes each Sunday at 10:15 am (come after 9:00 am or before 11:00 am Mass) to hear key points from the day’s gospel, ask questions and comment. As we all choose to come closer to Christ, we now have a time to deepen our experience with our Savior. Held in the Murphy Conference Room. Volunteer Opportunities and Sign-up Genius Want to help here at St. Bridget but not sure where to start? Go to www.saintbridgetchurch.org, then click “Our Ministries” first item is Volunteer Opportunities - there we have Sign-up Genius with many on-going opportunities to help here at the parish. From helping with coffee and donuts to making a meal for someone who is ill to Youth Ministry Service projects you can find a way to help! Also there are additional ministries opportunities under Human Concerns - for example if you want to volunteer for Coal Pit, Blackwell or Funeral Ministry click on Human Concerns. Need help signing up? Just email: volunteercoordinator@saintbridget church.org – and thank you! It’s almost Mother’s Day and that means it’s time for CHWC’s ever popular, most delectable fundraiser yet ... The Annual Mother’s Day Cake Sale Saturday, May 7 and Sunday, May 8, 2016 An assortment of cakes, pies, coffee cakes and other treats homemade by our campers will be available for purchase for $15 after all Masses. All proceeds will go to support St. Bridget Catholic Heart Work Camp. Thank you for your generous and enthusiastic support of this Parish-favorite! Please join us on any Saturday morning for 8:00 am Mass followed by the Holy Rosary. There is so much to pray for. The Good Lord and Blessed Mother will be listening! Hope to see you! Vacation Bible School Registration Open! Registration is now open for 2016 Vacation Bible School - CAVEQUEST: Following Jesus the Light of the World which will be held June 20th-24th from 9 am – 12 pm. Children age 4 (by June 20th) through rising 5th Graders are invited to join us on this adventure to follow Christ. We are also looking for Youth Helpers (ages 6th– 12th grade) as well as Adult Volunteers. Registration forms are available on the Parish website and on the Religious Education Bulletin Board. For more information, contact Michelle Sesny at msesny@saintbridgetchurch.org. Join us on Monday morning as we take “A Biblical Walk Through The Mass”. In this three week study (part of the Great Adventure series from Ascension Press), we will explore the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and learn their profound significance. We will come to know and understand the Mass like never before, leading us to a richer, more fruitful worship experience. We will meet in Church Hall from 9-11 a.m. on April 25th, May 2nd, and May 9th. The registration fee of $20 covers the cost of all materials (Book and Study Guide). Please contact Teresa Lee to register or if you have any questions. TLee@saintbridgetchurch.org Morning of Recollection for Women: There will be a Morning of Recollection for Women on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Chapel of the Comboni Missionary Sisters, located at 1307 Lakeside Avenue. Meditations will be given by a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei. Mass will be celebrated at 11:45 a.m., and there will be an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. For more information, please call Pilar Moore at 360 7151. MEN’S MINISTRY The Saint Bridget Men’s Ministry of Faith & Fellowship will host its next meeting in the Parish Center Meeting Room on Saturday, May 7, 2016, beginning at 7:00 a.m. with coffee available at 6:30. We will discuss The Eucharist, which is covered in Chapter 4 of Part III, of Peter Kreeft’s book, Catholic Christianity. The meeting will adjourn at 7:55 a.m. For more information, please contact Charlie Giovannetti at 673-8980, Wayne Slough at 7404257 or Leon Shadowen at 740-2948 or lshadowen @aol.com or visit our website at www.sbmmff.com. SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH Speaker Series: Women of Mercy 2016 Topic: “Relationships” Friday, May 13th 6:30-8:30 pm Wine & Cheese in St. Bridget Church Commons Speaker: Debbie Stollery RSVP: Kim Hulcher dkhulcher@yahoo.com Save this date as a Mother’s Day Gift to yourself. Not a mother? That’s ok too. All are welcome. Bring a friend & come spend an evening with other women of faith exploring the Holy Spirit in the midst of our relationships. 3 May 1, 2016 Catholic High School Scholarship Opportunity Your Knights of Columbus Council 5476 at St. Bridget Catholic Church is proud to offer this valuable scholarship to worthy parish students. If you are an Eighth Grade or Home Schooled Parishioner of Saint Bridget Church and are planning to attend either Saint Gertrude or Benedictine College Preparatory Catholic High School this year, you are eligible to apply for the Knights of Columbus Catholic High School $1,000 MeritBased Scholarship. Scholarship Applications are available in the Commons Area or can be downloaded from our Knights of Columbus page http://knightsofcolumbus-council 5476.com The deadline to apply for this scholarship award is May 16, 2016. Please contact Gary Port, Scholarship Chairman with any questions 741-8666. Looking for a great Family Retreat? Join families from St. Bridget and surrounding parishes for a Labor Day Weekend retreat at Camp Maria in Southern Maryland overlooking beautiful Breton Bay (about 2 hours drive from DC). The family retreat begins with an ice cream social on Friday evening, Sept. 2nd and ends with lunch on Monday, Sept. 5th. In between, children will enjoy sports, tie-dying, games, art and endless family activities, including canoeing, swimming, a campfire singa-long with skits and s'mores. Daily outdoor Mass overlooking Breton Bay will be held each morning. Adults participate in priest-led discussions while children are involved in their own activities. Highlights include a family “Olympics” competition including canoe races on Saturday night, and a bonfire on Sunday night with a sing-along and skits organized and performed by the children. If interested, please contact Laura Hogan (804) 306.4443. Saints and Sinners Upcoming Events! BINGO! Do YOU Bingo? Thursday, May 12th, 10:30 am in the Parish Commons. Do you have what it takes to be a WINNER? Come enjoy playing bingo with your fellow Sinners (and Saints) – maybe you’ll take home a prize! Please bring a wrapped “white elephant” prize to contribute to the Winner’s Table. Winners will select a prize when they get “Bingo!” And, please bring a friend, and a coffee cake or Danish to share! (Parish Commons). Saints and Sinners “Spring into Summer” Annual Dinner - Thursday, June 9th, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm. The Saints and Sinners will be hosting a Texas BBQ in the Parish Commons. Plan to join in for good food and great fellowship! Dinner will be $10 per person and will be sure to satisfy. Our favorite creative chef Alan Serafim will be catering our meal! And, the Gentlemen of St. Bridget will again provide entertainment led by our wonderful Music Director Allen Bean. Please look for the sign up sheet in the Parish Commons on the Saints and Sinners’ bulletin board. Please join us this weekend for Coffee and Doughnuts after the 9 am and 11 am Masses sponsored by our Knights of Columbus! Donate your OLD Bicycles! On May 21st, the St. Bridget’s Knights of Columbus Council 5476 will collect used bicycles in the SBCC school parking lot. We will refurbish them to working condition, and then donate them to be auction off at the Sacred Heart Parish in Manchester through the Knights of Columbus. Please consider donating used bicycles to support a deserving parish – children, boys, girls, and adult sizes needed. Please contact Robert Redmond with questions, RRedmond@mcguirewoods.com / 804.647.3960. Thank you! Volunteers Needed for 11 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word Are you interested in helping the children of St. Bridget’s have a better understanding of the Mass? We are currently looking for volunteers to lead Children’s Liturgy of the Word once per month at the 11 am Mass. We currently do not have enough volunteers and will only be able to offer Children’s Liturgy on a limited basis during the month of May. As usual, there will be no Children’s Liturgy at 11 am Mass during the summer months. Without more volunteers, we will not be able to offer this great opportunity for the children to grow in understanding of the Mass and Gospel readings next Fall. To find out how to volunteer or get more information, please contact Michelle Sesny at msesny@saintbridgetchurch.org. Taste of Monte Carlo to benefit Saint Francis Home Please join us for our annual Spring charity event Taste of Monte Carlo to benefit the elderly low income residents of Saint Francis Home, Friday, May 6th from 7-10 pm at the Renaissance, 107 W. Broad Street in downtown Richmond. Tickets are $100 each and include 2 drink tickets (cash bar available). Enjoy an evening with live music by “808”, live auction, casino and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Sample local craft beer, cider, mead and other spirits. Visit our website www.saintfrancishome.com for ticket information or call Pam Embrey, 237-5602. SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH Contact Us! May 1, 2016 4 Mass Intentions & Readings for the week of May 1, 2016 Mass Readings Mass Intentions Saturday, April 30: Acts 16:1-10/Ps 100:1-3, 5/Jn 15:18-21 8:00 am: David Guin 5:30 pm: Carmel Miney Sunday, May 1: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Rv 21:1014, 22-23/Jn 14:23-29 7:30 am: Lisa Diane Hall 9:00 am: Joan Egan 11:00 am: Karen Smith-Tyler 5:00 pm: Patrick Keller Monday, May 2: Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1-6, 9/ Jn 15:26--16:4a 8:00 am: Sam Scali Tuesday, May 2: 1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 19:2-5/Jn 14:6-14 8:00 am: Mary Beth Morgan Wednesday, May 2 Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/Ps 148:1-2, 11-14/Jn 16:12-15 8:00 am: Mass of Thanksgiving Thursday, May 5: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-9/Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23 or Eph 1:1723/Lk 24:46-53 8:00 am: Jim and Mollie Woodrow Rev. Mr. V.J. Petillo: Permanent Deacon, vjpetillo@gmail.com Friday, May 6: Acts 18:9-18/Ps 47:2-7/Jn 16:20-23 8:00 am: Ann Kiernan Rev. Mr. Patrick White: Permanent Deacon, pwhite@saintbridgetchurch.org Saturday, May 7: Acts 18:23-28/Ps 47:2-3, 8-10/Jn 16:23b-28 8:00 am: Theodore E. Kirchner 5:30 pm: Eddie & Mary Eck Next Sunday, May 8: Acts 7:55-60/Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9/Rv 22:12-14, 1617, 20/Jn 17:20-26 7:30 am: Dr. Michael Bennett 9:00 am: Mary-Alice Hulcher 11:00 am: Catherine MccGurn 5:00 pm: Patrick Keller 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, M-F Phone: 282.9511* Fax: 285.7227 *To contact staff, use this number with their extension or their direct line as noted below. Clergy Rev. Msgr. William H. Carr: Pastor, parishmail@saintbridgetchurch.org, 282.9511 Father George Prado: Parochial Vicar, gprado@saintbridgetchurch.org, 327 Rev. Mr. Robert Giovenco: Permanent Deacon, bobbygio@comcast.net, 316 Pastoral Staff Mr. Paul Amrhein: Director of Human Concerns and Pastoral Care, paul@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7902 Mr. Allen Bean: Music Minister, abean@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7892 Mr. Dan Harms: Youth Minister, sbvayouth@gmail.com, 525.7901 Mr. George Sadler: Saint Bridget School Principal, gsadler@saintbridget.org, 288.1994 Ms. Teresa Lee: Director of Religious Education & RCIA, tlee@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7896 Please Pray for the Sick, Infirm and Those in Need Communion to the Sick Please notify the parish office (804.282.9511) when a parishioner is ill. Arrangements will be made for home or hospital visitation. Our Parishioners Elaine Coli, Denyelle Mehfoud, Stanley Czajkowski, Robert M. Conlin, John Moreci, Betsy Haas, Elizabeth Goff, Ronnie Crawford, Megan Crawford, Pat Franko, Caroline Laing, John Calvin Barnard, Cornelius McLaughlin, Margaret Connelly, Joseph Ragusa, Valerie Jennison, Charlotte Conlin, Enos King, Mary Geary, Marcy Dillon, Theresa Ripley, Randall Vaughan, Linwood Sykes, Jack Binns, Kathleen Ross, Andrew Ross, Joseph Devincentis and those facing long term illness and disability. Friends and Relatives of Parishioners Ray (Moose) Wiggins, Felicia Midulla, David Hutcheson, Betty Jo Lau, Emma Mednikovo, William Galli, Jr., Phyllis Evans, Mary Ann McKenna, Suki Simpson, Larry W. Steele, Ron Cotton Linda Gardner, Bradley Farrell, Tammy Sisson, Alicia Moosally, Joy Zygmont, John Rupel, Janet Tippling, Wade Saleeby, Kay Addington, Danny Bowling, Susan Garvey, Kyle Sims and Catlin Ballowe. “Those who love Me will keep my word.” Is your love for the Lord leading you to grow in holiness as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father Michael G. Boehling, Vicar for Vocations, (804) 359-5661, or write: mboehling@richmonddiocese.org. SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH 5 May 1, 2016 Human Concerns Announcements Contact Us! 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, M-F Phone: 282.9511 Fax: 285.7227 Administration Mr. William Buckley: Assistant Organist, WBuckley@saintbridgetchurch.org, Ms. Louise Gallagher: Music Administrator, musiccoordinator@saint bridgetchurch.org, 525-7893 Ms. Vicki Gazzola: Administrative Assistant, Vicki@saintbridgetchurch.org 282.9511 Ms. Michele Healy: Director of Communications, Communications@ saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7899 Mr. Joel Keith: Parish Accountant, jkeith@saintbridgetchurch.org 525.7889 Ms. Julie Koury: Pastoral Assistant, julie@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7890 Ms. Kimberly Lapkin: Director of Stewardship, kimberly@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7888 Ms. Pat Morrison: Wedding Coordinator, akmpm@juno.com, 741.6620 Ms. Cheryl Peters: Director of Administration, cpeters@saintbridgetchurch.org 525-7894 Ms. Michelle Sesny: Coordinator of Religious Education, MSesny@saintbridgetchurch.org, Councils and Committees Building Committee: Rick Kastelberg, wfkberg@gmail.com 350-3951 Finance Council: John McCulla, jkmcculla@comcast.net 306.2488 Liturgy Committee: Bruce Slough, bslough@hotmail.com 288-4675 Parish Pastoral Council: Kerri Inge, kerible@verizon.net 703.405.9666 Centering or contemplative prayer. Remember Fr. Durbin teaching us centering prayer as part of the Lenten Parish retreat? Now is your chance to do it. It is prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Join Sr. Kathy Persson and Paul Amrhein as your hosts each Wednesday at 4 – 4:30 in the Murphy Conference Room. Please let us know you are coming call or email Paul Amrhein at 525-7902 or paul@saintbridget church.org, thank you. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 Haiti Ministry Meeting. The joint Haiti Ministry of St. Bridget and Sacred Heart meets the fourth Monday of each month, April 25, at 7 pm in the conference room.. This month is a business meeting. We can use your help. Come meet with parishioners of both parishes that chose to walk in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Haiti and plan the ministry’s next steps. Haiti Collection. Please remember the good work of our Haiti ministry in the second collection next weekend. Are You or Someone You Know Going Through One of Life’s Transitions? Perhaps you or someone close to you is going through a troublesome transition such as a divorce, loss of job or a medical diagnosis. Perhaps it is a happy transition such as having a baby and would like someone to talk to. A BeFriender Minister is just a call away and completely confidential. They are trained to listen and help you figure your own way forward if that is what you need. Our faith calls us to love one another. We have ministers ready to bring the care and concern of our faith community to you. Call Paul Amrhein at 525-7902 or paul@saintbridgetchurch.org Help Wanted – For Prayer Services for the Elderly at Westport: A number of Catholics at the Westport health care facility at 7300 Forest Avenueare being served by a team of St. Bridget parishioners and can use your help. They have a communion service each Sunday at 2:30. With enough people you would be helping at one prayer service every six weeks or so. Your small sacrifice makes a huge difference in the lives of those that come to the prayer service and you may find it just as rewarding. We have a number of couples who do this ministry together. If interested contact Paul Amrhein paul@saintbridgetchurch.org or 525-7902 Meals For Ray “Moose” Wiggins: Ray or “Moose” as he is affectionately known has touched so many of our lives during his 21 years of service and dedication to St. Bridget Church and School. As you may know, Ray has been courageously fighting cancer and has had a bone marrow transplant. One way we as a community can help him as he recovers is by providing a homemade meal a couple of times a week. Meals should be for 2 adults and all fruits and vegetables should be cooked. Also, please try to avoid fried or spicy food. To make a Meal for Moose please go our website: saintbridgetchurch.org/OurMinistries/Volunteer-Opportunities If you need assistance please email our volunteer coordinator at volunteercoordinator@ saintbridget.church.org and we will get you on the schedule. Thank you! Youth Schola Mass: Schola, from the Ward Centre of Richmond, will be singing a Mass on Sunday, May 1st, 2016 at 6:30 PM at Mary Mother of Church Abbey Chapel located at 12829 River Rd, Richmond, VA 23238. The Schola, comprised of local Catholic youth from ages eight to early teens, will be a featured ensemble in a presentation by Director, Colleen Crafton, on the Ward Method of Music Education this summer at the Church Music Association Colloquium in St. Louis, MO. Donations will be accepted at a reception following the Mass. Sponsored by the Greater Richmond School of Music. Please join the Interfaith Council of Greater Richmond for our Annual Interfaith Benefit Concert for Love and Unity. May 15, 2016 3-5 PM Art Works - 320 Hull Street, Richmond, VA 23224. Admission- Adults $15, Children / Students $7, Age 5 and under free. Tickets can be purchased on EvenBrite or at the door or go to www.icgr.org. For more information: Virginia Hudert (804) 273-9640 SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH Contact Us! Parish Life Groups Alpha: Michael Siewers, michael@siewers.com, 353.7884 Catholic Heart Work Camp: Andy and Anne-Marie Condlin, amcondlin@gmail.com 741.5305 or 426.5298 Evangelization Committee: Ann Gill, 387-8031, annsongil@comcast.net Kay Pangraze, 308-4901, kay@pangraze.com Haiti Committee: Paul Amrhein, Human Concerns and Pastoral Care Minister, paul@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7902 Knights of Columbus: Gary Port Membership Director, agport@verizon.net, 741-8666 Men’s Catholic Bible Study: Frank deVenoge, fxdevenoge@yahoo.com, 814.5607 Men’s Ministry: Leon Shadowen, lshadowen@aol.com, 740.2948 Micah Initiative/Blackwell School: Paul Amrhein, Paul@saintbridgetchurch.org, 525-7902 Parish Nurse Ministry: Lucy Casey, RN and Betty Spencer, RN, 525-7905 Respect Life Committee: Mike Kozak, ckoz654@aol.com, 804-519-0696 Saints and Sinners: Gwen Glasser, Wglasser1@verizon.net, 364-4920 Saints Cyril and Methodius Society: Dan Yates, dby500@verizon.net, 740.5695 Welcome Committee: Keri Inge, kerible@verizon.net, 703-405-9666 Women’s Ministry: Kim Hulcher, dkhulcher@yahoo.com, 426.3815 and Shannon Garbett, shannongarbett@verizon.net, 213.0772 May 1, 2016 6 Calendar of events for the week of May 1, 2016 4:30 PM: Religious Education Parent ReLittle Sisters of the Poor Speakers and sources- School 6:00 PM: Men’s Evening of Reflection - Church Second Collection 7:00 PM: Adult Choir - Church Hall 7:00 AM: Men’s Catholic Studies - Church Hall THURSDAY, 5.5 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:30 AM: Rosary following Daily Mass 8:30 AM: Mother Presentation Rosary Guild Church - PCMR 8:30 AM: Endow Group - PCMR 9:00 AM: Prophets Bible Study - Church Hall 2:00 PM: Wedding - Church, Commons, 4:00 PM: Girl Choir - Church Hall Nursery, Church Hall 6:30 PM: Irish Lessons - Small Nursery 5:30 PM: Mass - Church 7:00 PM: Knights of Columbus Business SUNDAY, 5.1 Meeting - Rectory Basement Little Sisters of the Poor Speakers and FRIDAY, 5.6 Second Collection Knights Coffee and Donuts after 9:00 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:30 AM: Divine Mercy Cenacle - PCMR am and 11:00 am Masses 10:00 AM: Parish Playgroup - PCMR 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM: 4:00 PM: Wedding Rehearsal - Church Mass - Church 6:00 PM: Confirmation - Church 9:00 & 11 AM: Children’s Liturgy of the SATURDAY, 5.7 Word - Church Hall Diocesan Home Mission Second 10:15 AM: NET Program - MCR Collection 12:30 PM: Religious Education Pre-K through 5th grade - School 7:00 AM: Men’s Catholic Studies - Church Hall 12:30 PM: Religious Education Parent Re8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church sources- School 8:30 AM: Rosary following Daily Mass 1:00 PM: Baptism Liturgy - Church Church 3:15 PM: Youth Choir/Band Rehearsal-Church 8:30 AM: Respect Life Committee Meeting 5:00 PM: Mass - Church - MCR SATURDAY, 4.30 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 9:00 AM: A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Church Hall 10:00 AM: Confirmation - Church 2:00 PM: Wedding - Church, Commons, Nursery, Church Hall 5:30 PM: Mass - Church TUESDAY, 5.3 SUNDAY, 5.8 MOTHER’S DAY 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 9:00 AM: Freedom House cooking - Kitchen 4:00 PM: Boy Choir Rehearsal - Church Hall 6:00 PM: RCIA - MCR 6:30 PM: SBMoms - Church Hall Diocesan Home Mission Second Collection MONDAY, 5.2 WEDNESDAY, 5.4 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 1:30 PM: Saints and Sinners Meeting - PCMR 1:45 PM: Girl Scouts - Church Hall 4:00 PM: Centering Prayer - MCR 4:30 PM: Religious Education - School 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM: Mass - Church 9:00 & 11 AM: Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church Hall 10:15 AM: NET Program - MCR 3:15 PM: Youth Choir/Band Rehearsal-Church 5:00 PM: Mass - Church 6:15 PM: Richmond Catholic Singles PCMR COME ONE, COME ALL to St. Edward the Confessor Church (2700 Dolfield Drive, Richmond) and its annual GREAT BIG YARD SALE on Saturday, June 11, from 8:00 am-2:30 pm, RAIN OR SHINE!! There will be bargains galore, baked goodies, food concessions, raffles and door prizes. To participate ($35 per table), to donate items, or for more information, contact Bobbi at 804-560-2883 or bdaniello@verizon.net. DON’T MISS IT!
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