Catholic Community
Catholic Community
SAINT LUKE THE EVANGELIST Catholic Community SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 24, 2016 PARISH HAPPENINGS At a Glance Weekly Bingo Games Tuesday, July 26 Vacation Bible School Week of August 1-5 First Friday Masses & Adoration Friday, Aug. 5 Summer Movie Night Friday, Aug. 5 Religious Ed Program Registration Day Sunday, Aug. 7 Senior Citizens Potluck & Bingo Monday, Aug. 15 You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. -Colossians 2:12 MISSION STATEMENT St. Luke the Evangelist Parish is a Roman Catholic Community dedicated to carrying out the Gospel message of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission is to - welcome, evangelize and educate; provide spiritual nourishment; promote Christian values; foster peace and justice; encourage service to others. 5605 Cloverly Ave., Temple City, CA 91780 • (626) 291-5900 • • July 24, 2016 PARISH INFORMATION ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH 5605 Cloverly Ave. Temple City, CA 91780 (626) 291-5900 (626) 287-2332 (FAX) PASTOR Fr. Mark A. Strader (626) 291-5900 x233 PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Nicholas Assi (626) 291-5900 x229 Sunday Assistance from the Salesian Priests PASTORAL OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-7:30 pm Saturday/Sunday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm MASS SCHEDULE WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 5:30 pm (Keyboard/Cantor) Sunday 6:30 am (Organ/Cantor) 8:30 am (St. Luke Singers) 10:30 am (Lightshine Choir) 5:30 pm (Youth) South Church Walkway Closed for Repairs this Monday The walkway between the planters in the South Parking Lot and the Church Meeting Room will be closed on Monday, July 25, so a slurry coat can be applied. Parishioners attending 9:00 am Mass can enter and exit the Church through the doors facing Cloverly or the side door facing the Plaza Area. The walkway from the bathroom, including the area in front of the black metal gates, to the sidewalk near Cloverly will be closed from 7:00 am on Monday until 7:00 am on Tuesday. Thank you for your cooperation. Summer Movie Nights The St. Luke Family Ministry will continue its Summer Movie Nights Series on Friday, Aug. 5. Movie to be announced soon! Come join us under the stars on St. Luke Field! Arrive at 6:30 pm (Movie starts near dark). Bring glow sticks and join in the festive glow in the dark adventure! Activities! Great food available (cheeseburgers, hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, chili, drinks). Free treats (popcorn, ice cream, shaved ice). Welcome to bring: Picnic food basket, snacks, wine, beer, goodies, blankets and chairs. Final Movie Night: Friday, Aug. 26. For information, contact Jim at (626) 672-7069 or Dan at (626) 475-8643 or VIRTUS Class A VIRTUS Class will be held on Sunday, Aug. 14, 12:30-3:30 pm in Room 404 of the Parish Hall. This class is the initial three-hour class, “Protecting God’s Children for Adults.” If you have never taken a VIRTUS class or the time between classes has lapsed past 4 years, you need to take this class. No children will be admitted to class and babysitting is not provided. Please be on time for the class, no late arrivals will be admitted. Please call the Pastoral Office to reserve a seat or contact Barbara Hansen at (626) 291-5900, ext. 227 or Senior Citizens Potluck & Bingo A Senior Citizens Potluck & Bingo will be held on Monday, Aug. 15, Noon-3:00 pm, in the Parish Hall. The afternoon begins with lunch at Noon, followed by Bingo. Bingo cards are $3 each or two for $5. Please RSVP to Joan S. Robledo at (626) 824-2105. Blood Drive for Children's Hospital Los Angeles WEEKDAY MASSES Our St. Luke Catholic Community will host a Blood Drive to benefit Children's Hospital Los Angeles on Sunday, Aug. 21. The blood drive will be held in the Parish Hall from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. We need a minimum of 100 people to participate to host the blood drive, so we invite everyone to register as soon as possible. Help make a difference to those in need. Bulletin Submissions Registration options: 1) Go to to register for the blood drive. Click on "Locate a Blood Drive." In the zipcode/sponsor code space, type: StLuke (case sensitive); 2) Visit the Religious Education Program Registration Table on July 17 or Aug. 7 (See p. 4 for time and location); 3) Visit the Blood Drive Registration Table after Sunday Masses on Aug. 14; 4) If you don't have access to a computer and would like to donate to the blood drive, please call the Pastoral Office at (626) 291-5900 and staff will help register you. Thank you. Monday-Friday 9:00 am 8:20 am (Rosary) Content for the July 31 Print and E-Bulletin is due Monday, July 25. Please send submissions to or deliver to the Pastoral Office. 2 UPCOMING EVENTS Submit information by the Monday before the publication date; printed as space allows. Reserve flier space 3 weeks prior. Labors of Love for St. Luke Save the date! All parishioners and ministries are invited to participate in the next Labors of Love for St. Luke event set for Saturday, Aug. 27, 9:00 am-Noon. The day is an opportunity to work together and care for our church and property grounds with some extra cleaning and maintenance projects. We will also be helping get the school ready with projects such as painting trash cans and washing drinking fountains and lunch tables. For more information, contact Barbara Hansen at (626) 291-5900 ext. 227 or Pastoral Office • (626) 291-5900 Liturgy Notes STEWARDSHIP NEWS Youth Ministry Collection THIS WEEKEND, July 23-24, a second collection will take place at all the Masses for the St. Luke Youth Ministry Program. It will help offset the cost of expenses for our youth who are participating in conferences and other leadership building and spiritual activities. Such events bring youth from various parishes together for spiritually enriching weekends, as well as prepare them for leadership within the Youth Ministry program and in the parish. Envelopes are in the pews. Please make checks payable to St. Luke Church. Thank you for supporting our youth! Father Mark’s Corner The Silent Sermon An illustration that actions speak louder than words A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastor's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The pastor made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone. He then sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead. Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The pastor glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it. As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his cheek, “Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I will be back in church next Sunday.” We live in a world today, which tries to say too much with too little. Consequently, few listen. Sometimes the best sermons are the ones left unspoken. What is most valuable is not what we have in our lives, but WHO we have in our lives. S Keep Praying t. Monica, whose feast we celebrate in August, is often known as "the persistent mother." She watched her oldest son, Augustine, turn his back on his Christian faith. Monica was exasperated. For years she gave up talking directly to her son on the advice of a local bishop, who told her that it was better to talk to God about Augustine then to Augustine about God. The mother never gave up praying for her son. Eventually Augustine gave up his wild ways, was baptized, and later ordained and named bishop of Hippo. St. Augustine went on to become one of the Church's greatest scholars. Today's readings address the importance of persistent prayer. Abraham, in spite of trepidation that he is bothering the Lord, continues to ask about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus, in Luke's Gospel, tells his disciples to "ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Luke 11:9). This is our charge: keep praying. (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Planned Giving: Leave a Lasting Legacy C ontinue the mission of St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Community through Planned Giving. A meaningful way to support your parish is to leave a bequest in your will or living trust. There are many benefits to making a planned gift and you will be leaving a lasting legacy to our parish community. If you are creating a plan for your future or need to make updates to an existing plan, please consider including St. Luke Catholic Community. Contact the Pastoral Office at (626) 291-5900 to learn about the best assets to make a planned gift, including cash, securities and property. A bequest can be made in several ways, including: gift a specific dollar amount or asset, gift a percentage of your estate, gift from the balance or residue of your estate, make a beneficiary designation of certain assets. Various gift options provide tax and income benefits. Help support the preservation of our parish facilities. In the near future, our facilities will be in need of critical updates and repairs. There are also many additional resources our parish could benefit from through the support of bequests. Gifts shared through planned giving make a significant impact on addressing these needs. Our church grounds are the home through which we are able to carry out the Gospel message as Christian stewards, in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your generosity. 3 • July 24, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS NEWS and NOTES Week of July 25, 2016 Monday, July 25 9:00 am Karen Fazel All Souls Memorial Religious Education (RE) Program 2016-17 Registration Information Preschool, Family Catechesis, Home Church and High School Confirmation Classes Wednesday, July 27 Registration packets can be picked up in the Pastoral Office or downloaded from the Parish Website, Registrations may not be turned into the Pastoral Office. All registrations have to be accepted in person with the Staff of Religious Education on the dates and times listed below. Class size is limited. 9:00 am • Sunday, Aug. 7, Church Meeting Room, 9:00 am-Noon Tuesday, July 26 9:00 am All Souls Memorial Priests’ Intentions Thursday, July 28 • Sunday, Aug. 21, Room 404, 4:00-5:00 pm 9:00 am All Registrations received after Aug. 7 will be assessed a $25 late fee. Registration by appointment only after the above mentioned dates. Program calendars will soon be available on the Parish Website and in the Parent Handbook. St. Luke Parishioners Friday, July 29 9:00 am Priests’ Intentions Saturday, July 30 5:30 pm John Washburn Johannes Winarto Prakoso Sunday, July 31 6:30 am Priests’ Intentions 8:30 am Lou Cambiaso Pat McCarthy Johnny Colombero 10:30 am 5:30 pm Thai Pham Bertha Luna-SI Theresa Constante-SI Juan Villahermosa Priests’ Intentions REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS: 1) Complete all necessary forms: Registration Form; Emergency Release Form; Photo Permission; TTS; Emergency Contact; Notify Now Form; Parish Registration Form; 2) Provide copy of student’s Baptismal Certificate; 3) Submit $30.00 non-refundable deposit at time of registration. 4) Submit materials on one of the above dates. Until all requirements are met and forms are completed, placement in class is not guaranteed. PROGRAM DETAILS: PRESCHOOL (Ages 3, 4, and 5 years old) Meets during the Sunday 10:30 am Mass in the Parish School building. First Class: Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016 (Child must be 3 yrs. old by Sept. 1, 2016 and be able to use the restroom on their own.) FAMILY CATECHESIS Sundays, 10:30 am-1:00 pm (Includes 10:30 am Mass every other Sunday) First Class: Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016 HOME CHURCH Need a Venue for an Event? - Parish Hall Space Available for Rent - Parents work with their children at home and come to selected Family Catechesis sessions. CONFIRMATION (High School Students) YEAR I: Sundays, 3:00-6:30 pm (Includes 5:30 pm Mass every other Sunday) YEAR II: Sundays, 3:00-6:30 pm (Includes 5:30 pm Mass every other Sunday) All classes gather in the Youth Room, Parish Hall and surrounding Hall Rooms. Each class session will conclude after the 5:30 pm Youth Mass. First Class for Year I and II: Sunday, Aug. 21, 2016 > Parent information Session for Year I and II: Sunday, Aug. 21, 2016, 5:30-8:30 pm Information Session begins with Mass in the Church and will continue in the Hall. Adult Confirmation Class Meetings • Parties • Retreats Concerts/Performances Call for a tour or to book an event. (626) 291-5900 4 St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Community invites those adults seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation (Adults 21 and older only – please no high school students) to begin the journey with us through an Adult Confirmation Class. Registration will be accepted Sunday, July 17, and Sunday, Aug. 7, in the Church Meeting Room from 9:00 am to Noon and on Sunday, Aug. 21, in Room 404 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. For more information, call (626) 291-5900 ext. 227. Visit the Parish Master Calendar at! Pastoral Office • (626) 291-5900 Broadcast on Big Screen! Snack Bar Open! Weekly Fundraiser Hosted by St. Luke Catholic Community & St. Luke School Parish Hall • Doors Open at 4:30 pm • 1st Session at 5:30 pm Games Every Tuesday in Parish Hall! - Upcoming Specials - St. Luke Catholic School - Now Enrolling! - Registrations for the 2016-17 School Year (TK-8th Grade) are still being accepted Information is available in the School Office and online at Tuesday, July 26 - Linked Bingo Gift Certificate Raffles Free Pack Giveaway Every Night! Free Pack Giveaway with a registered Linked Bingo Network Player Card. One free pack for the night’s 2nd Session is given away in the 1st Session at every game location. Visit to register for a card. THANKFULNESS- Congratulations! Stewardship calls us to be ever grateful for the gifts that God has given. Not only are we called to be grateful to God, but we also must be grateful to one another. Our Site Featured Several Bingo Winners and a Powerball Winner Last Week! FIRST SESSION BUY-IN: One Pak - $10; Two Paks - $15; Three Paks - $20; Four Paks - $25 SECOND SESSION BUY-IN: One Pak - $15; Two Paks - $25; Three Paks - $30; Four Paks - $35 To learn more, visit Just as we thank God every day, a stewardship parish must also show gratitude, recognition and appreciation to those who have given generously of their time, treasure and talent to the support of the parish. (Stewardship is… As the journey continues… Being a Good Steward SACRAMENTS, DEVOTIONS & PRAYERS BAPTISMS & BAPTISM CATECHESIS Baptisms are by appointment. For Baptism Preparation Classes for parents and godparents, call the Pastoral Office or contact Barbara Hansen at (626) 291-5900, ext 227. PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Tuesdays after the 9:00 am Mass. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Call the Pastoral Office. Available upon request in the event of a serious illness or medical emergency. FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION AND MASS Adoration following the 9:00 am Mass in the Chapel until 7:00 pm (located in the Pastoral Office). Evening Mass also at 7:30 pm. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Saturdays from 4:00 to 5:00 pm or by appointment. WEDDINGS/FUNERALS Call the Pastoral Office (6 months prior to wedding). HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION 7:00 pm Vigil (Eve of Holy Day), 6:30 & 9:00 am, 7:00 pm PILGRIM VIRGIN AVAILABLE The Legion of Mary has a Pilgrim Virgin available for parishioners to borrow for a week’s time to pray for world peace, the conversion of sinners, or any other intentions. CHILDREN’S MASS & CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Held at the 10:30 am Mass throughout the year. Please check the bulletin for dates. 5 • July 24, 2016 August 1-5 • 9:00 am - Noon Cost is $45 per child (Potty-trained through 12 years of age). - Forms Available in the Pastoral Office - Our Tummies are Growling! – Food Donations Greatly Appreciated – We’re gathering snack supplies to feed all the hungry children who come to our Cave Quest VBS. Next time you’re at the grocery store, please drop a few of the items listed into your cart and then bring them to the Pastoral Office by Monday, July 25. Thank you for your support! 4 Large bags - popped popcorn 2 bags - sunflower seeds (without shells) 10 bags - Goldfish crackers 8 bags - fruit snacks 180 - frozen waffles 2 containers - pure maple syrup 10 bags - Sandwich thins 8 baskets - whole fresh strawberries 4 baskets - whole fresh blueberries 7 containers - fruit-flavored cream cheese 6 10 packets - Twizzlers Cherry Pull-N-Peel candy twists 6 bags - shredded iceberg lettuce 4 bags - shredded carrots 10 packets - 6-inch flower tortillas 2 containers - ranch salad dressing 8 cans - canned or fresh peach halves 4 bags - small pretzel sticks 4 cases - Powerade 10 cases - bottled water 5 boxes - chips (variety pack) Pastoral Office • (626) 291-5900 Become Involved at St. Luke Parish Consider sharing your time and talents The parish has dozens of opportunities that offer a variety of ways to give back and be involved in parish life. We invite you to find a ministry that matches your interests, schedule availability, and talents. Reflect on what your gifts are and how you can help. Everyone has something that they can give whether it is their time, supplies or funds. As a community, we journey together. Interested in becoming involved in Parish Life? Please check the box next to the ministries/organizations you would like to join and return this sheet to the Pastoral Office. A Ministry Coordinator will contact you. Thank you in advance for giving of yourself in God’s work. Ministry Spotlight Mass Ministries – These Ministries work together to assist in the Masses of the Church on Sundays and Holy Days. The ministries include the Sacristans and Ushers who help with the preparation and flow of the Mass, and the Musicians, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers who perform key roles in the Mass. All of these Mass Ministries need volunteers for the many demands of their ministries. While at Mass, why not participate in the Mass through a ministry! Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) is a study/support group for mothers to share, learn and bond in our Catholic-Christian Faith, while gaining insight into our mission as mothers. Through peer-ministry, self-discovery, prayer and mentorship, we will become more aware of our inner sacredness as women and moms. How Will You Serve? Many women and mothers feel isolated, alone, and discouraged. We ask our fellow parishioners to pray for our ministry and also pray that women would join us so we can journey together. Altar Servers Al-Anon Art & Environment – Help decorate the church Baptism Ministry Bereavement Support/Contact Ministry Bible Study – Men/Women/Lectionary Boy Scouts Children’s Liturgy of the Word Confirmation – Volunteers/teachers Cooking Angels – Provide assistance & desserts for funeral receptions Crafting Angels Cub Scouts Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick – Home/convalescent visits Eucharistic Ministers to the Altar Family Catechesis – Volunteers/teachers Fiesta Volunteers o Girl Scouts o God’s Housekeepers – Help clean the church o Italian Catholic Federation o Knights of Columbus o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Lectors – Sunday Masses, training provided Legion of Mary – English/Chinese Library Committee Ministry of Moms Sharing (MOMS) Parish Pastoral Council Preschool – Sundays, nursery level 3, 4 and 5 years of age RCIA Rosary Prayer Chain/Intercessory Prayer Ministry Sacristans Senior Bingo Servants of God Prayer Community Social Justice Concerns Committee St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Luke Catholic School St. Luke Family Ministry St. Luke Music Ministry Temple of God Prayer Group Ushers Youth Ministry – Volunteers/teachers Name: _______________________________ Phone: ______________________ Email: __________________________________ 7 • July 24, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS • SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN • Knights’ Casino Turnaround Trip St. Luke Knights of Columbus Council #9128 is hosting a Turnaround Trip to San Manuel Bingo Casino on Wednesday, Aug. 10. The cost is $15 per person. The bus will leave St. Luke Church at 10:00 am and return at 6:00 pm. For more information or to make reservations, call Luis Osollo at (626) 350-1655. Box Tops, Labels Fundraiser Program Reminder St. Luke Catholic School can earn cash from the Box Tops for Education program. It’s easy! Clip them from the products you purchase at the store and turn them in at Sunday Mass in the food collection baskets. ATTENTION! Campbell’s will be ending the Campbell’s Soup Label Fundraising Program. Labels can still be submitted through July 31, 2016. For 201617, labels from products that include the Labels for Education logo can still be submitted. AROUND TOWN Faith Based Community Care Workshop Come and discover some practical ways that each of us can respond to those who experience challenges such as homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and mental health crises. A workshop will be held on Saturday, July 30, 10:00 am-Noon at Temple City United Methodist Church. Located at 5957 Golden West Ave., Temple City. RSVP to or (626) 286-3129. ‘Vianney’ Performance at Miraculous Medal Church Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church in Montebello will host a performance of “Vianney” on Thursday, Aug. 4, at 7:30 pm. This Saint Luke Productions performance, with Leonardo Defilippis, tells the gripping story of the remarkable priest who battled the Devil. Light appetizers will be served at 6:00 pm. Admission: $15/Adult; $5/Children 12 & Under (Suitable for Ages 9 and Older). For tickets and information, call (323) 725-7578 or visit Located at 820 N. Garfield Ave., Montebello. Stay Connected with the Parish E-bulletin! Stay connected with St. Luke Catholic Community while you are away! Going out of town this summer? Stay up to date with the weekly Parish E-bulletin that is delivered to your E-mail Inbox every Saturday. The Parish E-bulletin is a communications supplement to the Parish Bulletin and is sent to the e-mail address(s) in parishioners’ registration records. To be added or removed from the list or to update your e-mail address on file, contact the Pastoral Office or e-mail DID YOU KNOW... Parents Should be Wary of Online Solicitation A study on online victimization found that approximately one in five children receive sexual solicitation from a stranger over the Internet. Given today's reliance on online contact, imagine how much that number has grown over the last several years. Children who use the Internet cannot be totally safe from dangers, because the Internet is open to all, but parents should monitor activity and sites visited to ensure that their kids are not being contacted by predators. Talk to your child about Internet safety and appropriate vs. inappropriate communication. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article "An Overview of 'Online' Problems and Risks," e-mail jvienna@la-archdiocese. org or call (213) 637-7227. • YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS • GENERAL INFORMATION Sunday Youth Mass at 5:30 pm Meeting Days & Times: Thursday & Sunday Nights, Youth Room from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, unless otherwise specified Contact the Youth Room at ext. 247 for our Summer Schedule. Parish Registration Form 8 Annual Events Knotts Scary Farm Trunk-or-Treat Our Lady of Guadalupe Christmas Caroling Rummage Sale St. Joseph Table Box City Parish Fiesta Mother~Daughter Tea Parent/Teen Retreat And more! Welcome to Our Parish! If you are a newcomer to the parish and would like to register, please complete the information below and return to the Pastoral Office or deposit in the Sunday collection. Call the Pastoral Office for more information. Name: ___________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Zip: _______________ E-mail Address: __________________________________________ Pastoral Office • (626) 291-5900 CONTACT DIRECTORY & RESOURCES OFFICE STAFF Kerrin Fuller, Parish Secretary, ext. 222, Margaret Riherd, Bookkeeper, ext. 224, Barbara Hansen, Director of Religious Education, ext. 227, Don James, Maintenance Manager, ext. 228 Ellen Rivera, Coordinator of Parish Ministry & Activities, ext. 231, Ivonne Melendrez, Confirmation & Youth Ministry Coordinator, ext. 247, Roy McMeen, Director of Music Ministries, (626) 291-5900 Mary Riherd Broomfield, Bulletin Editor, (626) 201-4560, Eddie Melendrez, Webmaster, ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL • (626) 291-5959 Yvette Jefferys, Principal, ext. 239, MASS MINISTRIES Altar Server Committee - Tiffany Desy, Eucharistic Ministers to the Altar - Nate Miranda, (626) 824-0727, Lectors - Ed Shanick, (626) 287-0010, Sacristans - Maria Garcia, (626) 285-3947 Ushers - Robert Urquidi, (626) 285-4236, Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Wendy McGrail, (626) 684-2914 Call 1-800-974-3571 for large/heavy item pick up. Visit the Parish Website ( for information about all parish ministries and organizations. VIRTUS REMINDER: If you have taken a VIRTUS class, a copy of the certificate needs to be turned in to the Pastoral Office so that your attendance is recorded. Classes are only good for four years. You must take a recertification class before the four years expire. If you know that you are not current in VIRTUS, the Pastoral Office has a list of classes being held in the area. ADS New Parish E-bulletin! Check Your Inbox! The Parish E-bulletin is a communications supplement to the Parish Bulletin and is sent to the e-mail address(s) in parishioners’ registration records. To be added or removed from the list or to update your e-mail address on file, contact the Pastoral Office or e-mail