April:May Issue 2014


April:May Issue 2014
Mrs. Coyne Mrs. Kelly Mrs. Seblano
Maria Masi Timothy Mayrose Michael O'Brien Jackie Paskowski
April/May 2014
Greetings Hill Herald
You probably have heard about the new Hill Recreational Facility…but have you heard the
whole story? Hopefully, you know this is more than just a playground for recess, although this is
fabulous in and of itself! Whether students want to play basketball or participate in a chess
game, the new facility will afford many new safe and fun recess options.
It seems that sometimes even two gyms are not enough, meaning that gym classes can be missed
or compromised. Having this facility means that when gym classes cannot be done indoors, they
can be taken outside! Remember that there are more ‘agreeable’ weather months (September,
October, much of November, parts of March, April, May, and June) than real cold weather, so we
anticipate lots of use in this regard. In addition, sports teams will be given the opportunity to
practice here providing a safe and secure area where coaches will have clear lines for
Good news…since a substantial amount of the money needed (about half) for this project is
already available, Phase 1 construction will begin this July! The results will not be very
visible to us in September since this phase involves leveling the land and putting proper drainage
in. But next summer the really fancy stuff in Phase 2 will happen:
a baseball/kickball field and an area for table games will be added
one elementary and one high school basketball court will be encircled by a warm-up track,
including a long-jump
this area, finished with a flexi-surface, will also be ideal for tennis, volleyball, soccer, and
a games court for hop scotch, four square, and other games will be constructed
a storage shed for equipment, a Pergola for shade, and fencing will be installed
We are very hopeful about raising the remaining funds to make this longstanding Hill dream
become a reality. Thanks to a recent brochure mailed home to all families, donations come in
regularly. We await hearing from families who have not yet contributed since we know all
students will benefit from this for many years to come. I look forward to providing updates on
this very special project!
Mrs. Zissler
National Humor Month
Sofia Chierchio
Are you stressed out? Not relaxed? Feeling gloomy? You might consider going for a long relaxing walk. Maybe take a relaxing shower. Or you could just laugh it off! Well April is the month to do it. April is "National Humor Month".As National Humor Month, April is the perfect time to add a little humor to your daily routine. Many studies have shown that laughter can actually improve our health. And laughter is fun! After all, you can't feel sad or angry when you're laughing, right?
Like exercise, it boosts the heart rate and increases blood flow, so we breathe faster and more oxygen is delivered to the body's tissues. Our facial muscles stretch and we actually burn calories when we're laughing. In fact, the mere act of smiling can alter your mood almost immediately.
For example:
•Laughter Reduces Stress: When stressed, we produce a hormone called cortisol. Laughter can reduce cortisol levels.
•Laughter Can Reduce Pain: Laughter causes us to produce endorphins, which are natural, pain-killing hormones.
•Laughter Strengthens the Immune System: A laugh decreases stress hormones and increases production of T-cells, immune proteins and infection-fighting antibodies.
•Laughter Helps the Heart: When we laugh we increase blood flow and the function of blood vessels, which can help prevent heart problems.
•Laughter Relaxes the Whole Body: One good belly laugh can relieve physical tension and relax your muscles for up to 45 minutes.
•Laughter Helps You Recharge: By reducing stress levels and increasing your energy, laughter can help you focus and achieve more.
Not only is a great giggle a lot of fun, it's good for you! And like yawning, laughter can also be contagious. So by opening yourself up to more humor in your daily life, you may also have a positive effect on those around you. So instead of taking a relaxing walk, laugh, it will get you far!
Creative Chefs
Inessa Nicolo
The creative chef after school program is a great program to let your kids have fun, yet learn in different ways. This program is made by Mrs. E and Mrs. Gregor. Come be a chef at creative chef.
The creative chef after school program is a place where your child gets to make a fun and easy snack after school. This program and all of its snacks are nut-free. This decision was made because of many children's severe nut allergies. The after school program is every Thursday for grades prek3-3rd grade. It allows you child to understand the real fun of cooking and creating. They sometimes recreate their favorite characters, or seasonal snacks. Their favorite Easter snack was Smeeps! Smeeps is a combination of s'mores and peeps. I recommend you encourage your child try this creative after school program.
World Health Day
Christie Chahwan
World Health Organization (WHO) made sure that we are healthy by declaring April 7th the official health day in 1950. After many years this day is still very important to some people.
In 1948, the first ever World Health assembly was held and sponsored by WHO. Even though there was a meeting in 1948 it wasn't an official day until 1950. Because of this day, WHO had an easy way to draw global attention and with this advantage, they had many events, activities, and ceremonies reflecting on the specific theme of the year. This year is vectorborne disease which is an illness you get from insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and other bugs. The World Health Organization wants to show people that we have to take better care of our health by exercising, eating right, and drinking properly.
The United Nations has been putting World Health Day in effect and since my mother works there, I got some information as to what they do. For this
occasion the UN used the term "small bite, big threat" to show that mosquitoes, flies, and many bugs have the ability to trigger your health. The UN supported the World Health Organization by designing posters with the phrase small bite, big threat. They wanted people to be careful around certain insects and raised awareness on this disease. All insects can harm us and sometimes we don't even know how much they affect our body.
Stay healthy by supporting WHO and helping them achieve their
goal of good health worldwide. The UN is just one example. Many other communities and societies are working to put posters up, watch what they eat, and exercise. One small step can help raise awareness.
Brother's Pizza Review
Salvatore Genovese
On April 24, 2014 my mom, my brother, and I went to Brother's Pizza. Supposedly, it is the best pizza restaurant in Staten Island. I got a grandma slice (their signature pie), two rice balls, and a spinach roll. My mom had a grandma slice and a rice ball. My brother had two grandma slices. The whole table split a mint truffle desert which we all liked. For me, I agree it has the best pizza on Staten Island. My mom thought Lee's Tavern was way better, my brother thought that Lee's and Brother's were tied. Besides the taste, they also got quick ordering. You line up, order, pay, then go to your table, done. They also have good prices. The total of the whole meal was $27.00. I would give this restaurant five stars.
Pen Pals from Zambia
Marigona Sela
Here again with feedback from our lovely friends from Africa. They sent us a response from our second letter and told us more about themselves and to keep us updated on what's the new haps in Zambia. When we send our next letters we also wanted to put a little surprise for them with it too. We are going to send "I Love New York" T-Shirts to show our appreciation for our friends. Many of our pen pals told us the ways they live and do things in Zambia. They told us recent news and events that happened there and told us about the water system and cool landscapes like their beautiful waterfall. The pen pal club watched an amazing and beautiful video about the beautiful African country. The video is about the country and showed us about their culture. They showed us the way they decorate their homes or their holidays and what that holiday is about and what they do on that holiday. They showed us what type of food they eat and what ingredients they used most. The video also showed the way the men, women, and children dress.
In the video, they also showed us their famous five-star hotel, which was beautiful. The hotel had an amazing pool and the hotel rooms had great view of Zambia. I know Zambia is a place I definitely want to go on a vacation. One thing that on my bucket list is that I would love to meet my pen pals and everyone else's pen pal, it would be so cool to meet them in person since we have been pals since the beginning of the school year. We have recently sent our next letters and are hoping for a response back before the school year ends. I can't wait to hear about the look on their faces when we send the T-Shirts and I hope before the school year ends that I will tell you guys all about it!
After-School Art
Gabriella Farah
If you love to draw than I have the program for you! Every Monday and Thursday, Mrs. Klein hold a after school art program. Mrs. Klein's art program is a great way to improve and challenge the kids skills. The kids are also assisted by Mrs Klein's seventh grade helpers, Maya Chang, Augusta Saviramuttu, and Victoria Alonso and Tim Mayrose. In this program, kids do seasonal work and prepare for the art show.
Kids who truly love art are able to interact with new techniques and skills. Enrique Hernandez said that he loves the art they do there. He said he loves to draw and now is encouraged to draw at home. Angelina Loicerco says that she thinks the art program is very good and loves drawing bunnies. Vanessa Martino says that she loves drawing, especially snowmen.The kids also enjoy using techniques of painting, charcoal, mixing, and shading.
The kids are very frantic and excited preparing for this years art show. The art that they do is beautiful and I can tell that they truly wants to be there.You always see a smile on there face. Make sure to stop by the art show on May ninth to see everyone's amazing work!
Music Program
Brandon Alvarado
Do you like music? It is an amazing thing to do. Not only can you express yourself through music,you can even learn another language! Music has more than one aspect you can do. Music makes people fall in love, and inspires people to do all kinds of adventures and tasks. We in St. Joseph Hill Academy even have a after school music program. I will tell you all about how music inspires kids in hill.
We have our own music program for our students. These students learn to play new instruments such as violin,guitar,and a lot more. The guitar teacher is Mr. Decker who teaches the guitar.They learn how to play the guitar and learn music to inspire people. Without this program students wouldn't be able to learn these instruments.
App Review James McCue
Recently, a game has taken the App Store by storm. It is an educational game, and it is very popular. This game is a math game, and many people (including myself) are completely addicted. This game is the one and only 2048.
This game is crazy addictive. The point of it is to combine tiles with the same numbers on them, and you get points for every number you combine. To win, you have to get to then 2048 tile. This game is insanely hard, but people like me love it. I know a person who spent a month trying to get his high score and on my first game ever I beat it. But really, people are going nuts over this game! So join the crowd, and download 2048 today! (Available on the App Store for free, and does not have any in-app purchases.)
Earth Day
Sarah Afif Go green and stay clean. It is time for Earth Day! Earth Day is on April 22. Earth Day is usually celebrated with outdoor performances, where individuals or groups perform acts of service to earth. Great ways to observe Earth Day are planting trees, picking up roadside trash, conducting various programs for recycling and conservation, and using recyclable containers for snacks and lunches. Some people are encouraged to sign petitions to governments, calling for stronger or immediate action to stop global warming and to reverse environmental destruction. Television stations frequently air programs dealing with environmental issues.
Many people think it is okay to litter and to let pollution into the air and water, but it is not. Littering harms animals as well as people and makes lakes, oceans, and land dirty. Even when we drive cars we are polluting. The gas pollutes the air causing global warming. Global warming is an increase of the temperature of Earth's atmosphere caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. We should be planting trees and spending more time outside. Many people also think it is okay to overuse sources that can't be reused. For example many people shower to long or leave their faucet on when they are brushing their teeth. Many people drive a walking distance. You should cut your showers short and walk if possible. You should also recycle which is a very important thing to do. That is what Earth Day is all about.
You can make a big difference doing small things. You can recycle, take shorter showers, and even turn off your faucet when you are brushing your teeth. You don't have to throw garbage on the floor, harming animals, people, and the environment, when there are garbage
cans all around. Save the environment, animals, and yourself by doing simple things. Go green and stay clean!
National Sibling Day
Maria & Joseph Masi
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go to school with an older or younger sibling? Well from my personal experience since I am the middle child , I can tell you that it is swell ! Having an older sibling in the school made me feel less nervous going to school each day because I knew I had somebody I could turn to if I needed help or guidance and I never felt alone in school. Having a younger sibling in school means that you will always have someone at your side that you can always count on. Older siblings can benefit from the younger siblings because they can give them advise and help them with their homework. If you are a new student you sometimes get a nervous feeling, but if you have a sibling in the school you would never feel like you are alone.
Sometimes my brother can help me when I need something or when I am feeling sad. He can also make me happy when I am sad and when I need help. He is always there for me just like all brothers should be there for there sisters.
My sister is the best sister in the world! She cares for me and when I am hurt she makes me feel better. She always helps me with my homework and when I need advice. My sister is always there for me, and I wouldn't know what to do without her.
I interviewed Isabelle Bury from class 7-2 and she says, "I enjoy going to school with Noah because I like seeing him in the hallway, even though he finds it very embarrassing. It's funny how he likes seeing my friends more than me." I also interviewed Ava McAuley, another seventh grade student, and she said "It's great knowing that I have not only one, but two siblings that I could help out in school, see in the hallways and help them with schoolwork they get from my previous teachers. I love going to school with them!"
All brothers and sisters can fight at times,but at the end of the day we all know that family is everything.
National Autism Awareness
Taylor Baron
Many people say the month of April is the time to kick off spring and use the saying: April showers bring May flowers! However, I say it can also be classified as a month of Hope and joy. As a part of April, students and people all over the world are honoring April as national autism awareness month.
National autism awareness month is when people reflect and think about those who are less fortunate than us and have a condition as terrible as autism. Autism makes it very difficult to communicate and form relationships with other people as well as using language and abstract concepts. As a part is national autism awareness month the students at Saint Joseph Hill Academy are going to hold a bake sale where hopefully a lot of people will donate money and buy baked goods to help this worthy cause. It is such a shame that some of the children have to face this terrible condition in this world.
Even though I do not personally know anybody that does have autism, I did do a performance last year with the Saint Joseph Hill cheer squad. We gave a performance with many other Catholics schools in hope to raise money to help provide the surgeries and other proper treatment that these poor children need.
I truly do feel bad for the kids in the world that do have autism and wish that they will be cured soon. I hope many people bought goods at the bake sale since it is going to such a good cause.
Congratulations to Maya Chang for winning
second place in the 5 borough Christmas card
Vacationing at Beaches in Turks and
Caicos; Nora Venterina, Gianna
Montani, Frances Venterina, Mary
Venterina and Rosemarie LoBoasso.
Subway Series: Mets vs. Yanks
Brandt Mandia
From Monday May 12th through Thursday May 15th was the annual Subway Series between the Yankees and the Mets. The first 2 games were in the Bronx at Yankee Stadium and then the next 2 were in Queens at Citi Field. The Mets scored right away in the top of the 1st in game 1 on a sacrifice ground ball by David Wright, but they didn't have the lead for long. in the following inning Brett Garder hit a grand slam on a first pitch, 92 mile per hour fastball, to give the Yankees a 4-1 lead after 2 innings of play. The Mets weren't down yet. In the 5th inning, Travis d'Arnaud homer on a slider. The following inning, former Yankee, Curtis Granderson, hit a 2 run home run off of a 3-0 sinker. The Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the inning and took a 7-4 lead. The next inning Eric Young Jr. hit a home run to make it 7-6 at the 7th inning stretch. The Mets scored 3 runs in the 8th on a Chris Young home run and they were up 9-7. The Yankees had 1 final chance to win it in the bottom of the 9th. Brian McCan hit a line drive down the first base line but a diving Lucas Duda stopped it to end the game with a 9-7 mets win. Going into the game the Mets were 29the in the league in home runs in front of the Royals who were last but they hit 4 in game 1 of the Subway Series.
In game 2, the Mets got off to a quick start. They scored 4 runs on a RBI single by David Wright and a home run from Curtis Granderson. The Yankees answered right back in the bottom of the inning when they scored three runs of their own on an RBI single from Mark Teixeira and a 2 run home run by Brian Mcan. The Mets scored 1 in the 3rd and 2 runs in the 4th to make it 7-3 but the Yankees scored in the bottom of the 4th to make it 7-4 Mets. The Mets scored 4 runs in the top of the 5th including a homer from Daniel Murphy and made it 11-4 and almost out of reach. They Yankees scored next inning to keep them in it but neither team scored until Yangervis Solarte homered on a 2-0 fastball in the 8th to make it 11-6. Both team scored 1 run each in the 9th and the Mets won 12-7. It was looking good for the Mets who were up 2-0 in the series and they were playing the next to games at home.
In game 3, Rafael Montero started for the Mets and Masahiro Tanaka started for the Yankees. The Mets didn't score in the first inning for the first time in this series and the Yankees scored first on a triple from Brian Roberts in the top of the 2nd. On the mound for the Yankees, Tanaka was almost unhitable. He went a full 9 innings and gave up no runs with no walks. He stoke out 8 of the Mets hitters and gave up only 4 hits to a team that scored a combined 21 runs in the last 2 games in the Bronx. Solarte and Teixeira both homered later in the game to lead the Yankees to 4-0 victory over the Mets in game 3 of the subway series. The two starting pitchers in game 4 were Jacob DeGrom for the Mets and Chase Whitley for the Yankees. Both of these pitchers were playing in their first major league game and they both pitched funomal. Whitley pitched 4.2 innings and gave up no run with 4 strike outs and only 2 hits. DeGrom pitched 7 innings and gave up 1 hit with 6 strikeouts and got the lost. The only run scored in the game was in the 7th inning when Alfonso Soriano hit a double and Brian McCan scored form first. The Mets were shutout both games at Citi Fild and the Yankees won 1-0.
May Crowning
Audrey Sargente and Giavanna Corazza
May is the month to celebrate Mary the Mother of God. In her honor, the 8th grade students are participating in the crowing of Mary as the Queen of Heaven. This event took place on Wednesday, May 7th and we are honored to have played such a great role in it. We started by making our grand entrance in white and pastel dresses. After, the entire room sang many hymns to honor Mary. These songs were proceeded by Gabriella Plecha crowning Mary with assistants, Jessica Krupa and Alyssa DeStefano, standing by her side. This moment was very special to all of us who have witnessed the ceremony for many years. Finally, the May Crowning was concluded with an outstanding performance of Ave Maria by Olivia Jordan. Both of us truly enjoyed this day and will cherish the memory forever!
Broadway Production
Julianna Pitera
Summer is right around the corner! That means that you will have a lot of free time on your hands. A fabulous way to spend your time is to go see a Broadway show. Recently, several new shows have come to the “Big White Way.” Along with these new releases, there have also been some revivals that have come back. New Musicals:
One new release is Disney's "Aladdin". Originally a Disney movie, the musical has high-energy and great reviews. Adam Jacobs stars as Aladdin, Courtney Reed as Jasmine, and Johnathan Freeman as Jafar. You may recognize Freeman's voice because he voiced Jafar in the original movie. Another new musical to hit the Broadway stage is “The Bridges of Madison County". One of the most romantic novels is now on Broadway. It is about two strangers who get a second chance at love. This heartwarming story stars four- time Tony Award nominee Kelli O'Hara as Francesca and Steven Pasquale as Robert.
One revival to hit Broadway is the remarkable story of “Les Miserables”. This is the third time this amazing story is on Broadway. It is based on Victor Hugo's novel originally published in 1862. In English, it means "The Miserable Ones". It stars Canadian star Ramin Karmiloo as Jean Valjaen, Will Swenson as Javert, and star of the musical "Ghost" Caisse Levy as Fantine.
Also returning to Broadway is Kander and Ebb's "Cabaret". It is based in Germany during the time of the Nazi take over. It stars Scottish actor Alan Cumming as The Emcee and Michele Williams as Sally Bowles.
Another revival to come back to Broadway is "Violet". This unique show is about a girl who is trying to find her true self. "Violet" stars two-time Tony Award winner Sutton Foster, my personal favorite, as Violet. Be sure to catch your tickets soon because it is only a 20 week-run!
Plant Sale and Art Show
Dean Mandia
This year the plant sale and art show was on May 9th. It's usually right before Mothers Day, which gives the students a chance to buy their wonderful mothers, grandmothers, aunts a nice plant. The plant sale is set up right next to the convent. They also have the art show, which is in the new gym. Mrs. Klein puts all the special artwork that the students did from art. It is all set up on the walls and tables. There are many beautiful drawings. Our parents or whomever the children invite, come to the school and admire all the beautiful drawings that we did through the year. It's a lot of fun! Not Just Students They're Stars- Sofie Abboud
Stella O'Brien
Sofie dances and plays soccer. She dances for BDC (Broadway Dance Center) and plays soccer for the Hill Blue Pearls Interview Q.) Who helps you with all the activities? A.) My mom helps me by driving me where I need to go and helping me get things done.
Q.) What do you say to people who think dance is not a sport? A.) If people see the dance recitals and the hard work that goes into these dances, they would realize that it is a sport and not just an activity. Q.) What inspires you to keep doing all your activities?
A.) All the family that's there because I consider them as my family, and they inspire me and push me harder Q.) What sport do you like better? A.) I like both but I dance more than I play soccer. Q.) Who is your inspiration? A .) Beyoncé because she has a lot of talents Q.) What do you want to be when you grow up? A.) a professional dancer and when I grow up I want to be on so you think you can dance Q.) What do you want to say to people who want to do just as much as you? A.) find someone who motivates you and follow them as a guide. Also stay in shape and be healthy Sports like these are very physical and I applaud Sofie for pulling all her work and school together. If you are like Sofie and you do something interesting after school, email me at hillheraldteam@gmail.com leaving your after school activities, name, grade, and I will email you a survey of questions.