Daffodils on sale for Relay for Life
Daffodils on sale for Relay for Life
MID-AMERICA UPC CODES Buffalo Center Tribune Keota Eagle Proudly serving Buffalo Center, Lakota, Rake, Thompson and the North Iowa Community School District Buffalo Butler County Tribune Journal Liberal Opinion Week Clarksville Star New Sharon Sun Conservative Chronicle Pioneer Enterprise CWL Times Sheffield Press Dows Advocate Sigourney News-Review Volume One Hundred Twenty Four Number 6 12 Pages February 11, 2015 $1.00 T Center ribune Home of the first consolidated school west of the Mississippi River - 1896 Entered as Periodicals in the post office at Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 (USPS 069-400) Rembrandt expansion to create nearly 200 jobs in Winnebago County Eagle Grove Eagle Rembrandt Enterprises Inc. in rural Thompson plans to bring nearly 200 additional jobs to Winnebago County, in an expansion announced Graphic-Advocate last week by Winn-Worth Betco. “We are happy to release the information that Rembrandt Enterprises Inc. will construct a large-scale, Grundy Register egg processing plant to expand the distribution of Iowa-produced, egg-protein powder within the United States,” said Teresa Nicholson, Hampton Chronicle Executive Director of Winn-Worth Betco. “This plant will include a largescale pasteurizer, pasteurizing rooms and both liquid and dried packaging equipment,” explained Nicholson. “Another notable aspect of this plant is the high-volume egg dryers. Rembrandt will be shaping the future of egg drying in the U.S. through this increased capacity. This expansion project will also create nearly 200 new jobs at the Thompson location, and we are so proud to be a partner with them on this project.” Construction on the new facility will begin immediately and is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2015. Processing facility start-up is planned for January 2016. Rembrandt currently employs 134 people at the Thompson facility. The new processing facility will employ The Leader an additional 197 people at start-up, with nearly half of those new positions being professional positions and jobs which will require techniVillage Vine cal training and technical skills. The minimum starting wage for all new positions will be $15.00 per hour with benefits. What TheCheer IowaPaper Economic Development Authority approved an application for state tax credit assistance to the company for this project last Tuesday, Feb. 3. “This is a great project for my home county of Winnebago,” said Iowa Governor Terry Branstad. “Rembrandt’s expansion will create nearly 200 jobs, opening up some great opportunities for Iowans.” The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors also approved a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Rebate to the company last week. Rembrandt Enterprises is a privately held, leading Agribusiness and Food Company headquartered in Spirit Lake. The company is comprised of three businesses. The Pet Care business provides ingredients to leading pet food manufactures. The Farm Nutrients business provides Agronomy solutions directly to the farm. Finally, Rembrandt Foods is an egg-production business producing customized egg products Rembrandt Enterprises plans to more than double its workforce in Winnebago County, with the construction of a new egg processing plant at its location in rural Thompson. for the food ingredient/food service significant investment in Winnebago with Winnebago County and the industry, including the baking, may- County and North Iowa when we local communities in the future as onnaise, sauces, dairy and confec- purchased the Golden Oval facility our business continues to grow and tionary industries. Rembrandt Foods back in 2009. Our company has con- change.” is one of the largest egg and egg in- tinued to make constant improve- “We are happy to have Rembrandt gredient producers in the world. ments in that facility since that time. investing in their Thompson facility “This location at Thompson made This latest expansion project is an- for this project,” said Terry Durby, sense for many reasons for our com- other showing of our commitment to Chairman of the Winnebago County pany,” said Jeff Peterson, Chief our company’s growth, our local lo- Board of Supervisors. “Nearly 200 Financial Officer, Rembrandt En- cations, our employees and our cus- new jobs at this facility will have a terprises Inc. “Rembrandt made a tomers. We look forward to working tremendous impact on our area. We hope to see new residents living in our communities, new kids in the school districts, and we are excited about having new tax base from this project, as well. Now we need to get to work on finding people to fill those jobs and looking at our housing in the area for those people. This provides us with an opportunity to look at these items not only for Rembrandt but for our other area businesses who have current job openings, as well.” “This expansion for Rembrandt has come together very quickly and is exciting,” said Nicholson. “We look forward to seeing this project take shape over the next year. This business provides good paying jobs and benefits to their employees, and we are excited for the opportunity to have 197 new jobs here. This is the largest single number of jobs created at one time in our two-county area in the last five years; and very likely since the casino project was announced. “We would like to congratulate Rembrandt Enterprises Inc. on their expansion and also would like to thank them for their continued investment in their location in Winnebago County,” added Nicholson. Students and community entertain at annual music fundraiser Local coordinators for the annual Daffodil Days fundraiser include, from left: Eley Murray, Betsy Goetz and Julie Olson. Daffodils on sale for Relay for Life The annual Daffodil Days fundraiser is back once again this year, as local organizers continue the formerly national event. Bunches of 10 daffodils are on sale now for $10, with proceeds going toward the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Winnebago Chloe Enright chose “When You Say Nothing at All” by Alison Krauss for her vocal solo at last Monday’s variety show. A group of high school boys teamed up with Joe Schutter from Lakota to perform three songs at last week’s variety show. From left are: Aaron Embrock, Zach Dirksen, Sam Hassebroek, Dakota Brass, Jami Goetz and Joe Schutter. County. Sales will continue through March 2, and people can place their orders by contacting Eley Murray at 562-2337, Betsy Goetz at 562-2500 or Julie Olson at 584-2275. All orders need to be paid for in advance, and flowers are set to arrive on March 26. News Events Legislators to hold forum this Friday Representative Tedd Gassman, Scarville, and Senator Dennis Guth, Klemme, will hold a legislative forum in Buffalo Center this Friday, Feb. 13. The forum will be held at the Heritage Town Center, located at 201 2nd Ave. SW, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. This forum will be held to discuss current legislative issues and get feedback from constituents. People are invited to come share their views and ask questions of their area representatives in the Iowa Legislature for the 2015 session. The forum is co-sponsored by Winn-Worth Betco and North Iowa Betterment. Gassman and Guth will also be in Forest City on Friday at Salveson Hall on the Waldorf College campus at 9 a.m. and in Lake Mills at Main Street Pizza at 11 a.m. Church............................ page 4 Classifieds....................... page 8 Local News................... page 12 Marketplace................ page 6, 7 Public Notices................ page 5 Courthouse..................... page 5 Social News.................... page 3 Sports...................... page 10, 11 The Music Boosters Variety Show was capped off by a set of four songs by a community jazz band last Monday night. From left are: Jeff Cook, Brian Blodgett, Cheri Mayland, Cyndy Johnson and Amy Cook. An ensemble made up of several female staff members at North Iowa performed “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” during the North Iowa Music Boosters Variety Show last Monday, Feb. 2. From left are: JoAnn DeBoer, Keri Bergeson, Heidi Engelbarts, Kelly Ruth Winter, Renae Hager, Cheri Mayland, Amanda Smith, Dee Hobbs, Sheryl Davids and Amy Cook. More photos on page 11. OPINION / EDITORIAL 2 • Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Capitol Highlights By Representative Tedd Gassman Iowa House District 7 tedd.gassman@legis.iowa.gov Proposed changes ignored by Majority Leader One of the best days I’ve experienced as a Senator was Tuesday, by Dennis Guth February 3. On that day, Pastor Bob Iowa State Senator Dodge of Britt opened the Senate with District 4 prayer. Later that day a Life, Marriage, dennis.guth@legis.iowa.gov • 641-430-0424 and Family Rally (sponsored by The Family Leader) was held. not the answer. There are many tax- allow 26 or more Senators to force During that time, pastors and citipayers who believe the state collects a bill to floor without the consent of zens from around the state converged enough taxes already. We just need to the leader. There are many bills which at the Capitol to present every legisspend it more wisely. Also, folks fear could have been passed that Majorlator, the Governor and Lt. Governor the gas tax will prove to be inadequate ity Leader Gronstal has chosen to let and other elected state officials with over the long haul. I submitted a bill die on his desk. Unfortunately, this a personalized copy of the Founders’ which would take $99 million from the amendment failed on a party line vote. Bible. The Founders’ Bible is a study This is not the way Iowans expect General Fund and assign $1 million to Bible with many notes included about every county to be used for roads. This state government to be run. Iowans how our Founding Fathers were influwould give rural counties roughly 2-3 expect senators to work together in a enced by the various scriptures. Each times the money they would get with bipartisan manner. A majority of senpastor presenting a Bible to the legisa 10 cent gas tax. It would require re- ators should have more power as a lator in his district is to follow up with assessing the priority of the things we body than one man does. Unfortunateregular prayer and communication. I are currently funding. I think that is a ly, again this year, Democrats chose to was blessed to have 26 people from good thing. give more power to one senator than my district encourage and pray for I also requested a Constitutional to all the rest of us combined. I am me that day. The next day, I urged the Amendment which would take three reminded of Animal Farm by George Senate to read their new Bibles as they percent of the General Fund and put it Orwell, “All animals are equal, but consider various legislation just like in the Road Use Tax Fund to be dis- some animals are more equal than the Bereans who “searched the Scrip- tributed in the same manner as the gas others.” If you haven’t read that short tures daily to see if these things were tax. Since that would take three years book, you might find it interesting. so.” (Acts 17) I am honored to visit with many to become law, the $99 million/year This week, I dealt with a proposed would give rural counties extra money folks who travel to the Capitol from bill that would force a public entity before the old formula would begin. the district. This week, I enjoyed visitseeking bids for a project of under This idea has been well received by ing with folks from my home church$500,000 to give Iowa-based compa- folks with whom I’ve talked. Sadly, -E Free Church in Britt, other pastors nies the opportunity to meet the bid of even if we come up with a good bill, from Britt and Algona, neighbors from an out-of-state company. This sounds there is a strong possibility it may nev- Klemme and Garner, and area newsnice on the surface. However, the er be brought forth because one man paper editors. possible consequences of this could decides what bills will be up for deI have forums in Hancock on Febbe Iowans losing bids in other states bate. Let me explain. ruary 6 and will hold forums Februdue to reciprocity. There also could be I serve on the Rules and Adminis- ary 13 in these towns: 9:00 a.m. in higher costs to Iowans because out of tration committee which establishes Forest City at Waldorf College, Ballstate companies may not even bother the rules that govern the Senate. That room in Salveson Hall; 11:00 a.m. in to bid, thus lowering competition. Free may not seem very important to some Lake Mills at Main Street Pizza (party enterprise works, let’s not look for op- people, but these rules set the limits room); 1:30 p.m. in Buffalo Center portunities to tinker with it. of power for Senate leadership. For at Heritage Town Center. I welcome Road funding is a big issue, and I many years, the majority leader has your input on issues and any questions have been hearing from many constit- had complete control of the agenda you may have. Feel free to contact me Please us for our annual uents. In fact, opposition to thejoin gas tax deciding which bills are debated and at dennis.guth@legis.iowa.gov or call which are not. Senate Republicans me at 641-430-8415. I look forward to is becoming more vocal.Holiday Many have Open House expressed an increase in the gas tax is proposed an amendment that would visits with you at the Capitol. The View from Here which will be held on Friday, Dec. 3, 2010 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy holiday goodies, coffee and cider. SeePickusup your for2011all your calendar and sign up for door prizes! Banking Needs! Hope to see you there! State Savings Bank (641) 566-3321 102 North Main Rake, Iowa KBEW AM plays your favorite oldies and keeps you informed of the latest news, weather, sports, and MARKETS LIKE US ON Buffalo Center Tribune This Tuesday, we held sub-committee meetings for HF 84, HF 88, and HSB 93. There was good discussion on the benefit of additional funds for transportation to school districts whose transportation costs are higher than the state average, and HF 84 passed sub-committee. It is now up for possible discussion in the Education committee. HF 88 is a bill in the Labor committee that would further define “occasional work” in child labor laws. Currently, the law does not prohibit a child from any part-time, occasional, or volunteer work for nonprofit organizations generally recognized as educational, charitable, religious, or community service in nature. The problem is that the term “occasional” has not been clearly defined and the interpretation has been inconsistent. HF 88 defines “occasional work” as labor up to 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week for a period of up to 6 weeks. This bill is geared especially towards non-profit Christian camps that hire 14 to 18 year olds during the summer. Currently, the process to hire teen-agers is quite lengthy, and summer camps have asked for occasional work to be defined so that kids can more easily be hired or volunteer at summer camps. There was much discussion on the pros and cons of this bill, and we hope to be holding another sub-committee next week for further discussion. Healthy Harvest of North Iowa names program coordinator Andrea Evelsizer of Clear Lake joins the staff at Healthy Harvest of North Iowa to take over program coordination for the organization’s local food system work in North Iowa. She will coordinate program areas including winter producer workshops, the Buy Fresh, Buy Local food guide, the 2015 producer survey, and planning for Fresh on the Farm Tours and Farm to Fork dinners. “Healthy Harvest of North Iowa programming helps local producers improve their capacity and creates new opportunities for consumers to learn about local food. Andrea brings leadership and marketing experience that will strengthen and deepen these programs,” said Jan Libbey of Healthy Harvest of North Iowa. “As our work in local food system development matures, bringing Andrea on board allows a sharper focus on the development of our priorities.” Healthy Harvest of North Iowa, which was formed in 2011, is dedicated to bringing diverse partners together to build a local and regional USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting applications at local field offices for the 2015 Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) signup. Iowa farmers who apply by February 27 will receive first consideration for funding selections. CSP is offered through a continuous signup, but NRCS periodically makes funding selections. Last year, Iowa NRCS obligated more than $4.5 mil- 29 Packages starting at 99 MONTH CALL FOR DETAILS KBEW FM is your place for today’s country and yesterday’s favorites 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Join us as we cover area sports! Andrea Evelsizer food system that brings health and vitality to North Iowa communities. Healthy Harvest is active in nine North Iowa counties, focused on producer support, expanding market opportunities, and education. The group also helps facilitate the North Iowa Local Food Coalition, which helps to identify and connect the dots of relationship, technical, business, and communication assets among a broad set of partners. Andrea can be reached at andreaevelsizer@gmail.com or 319-3254222. For more information, go to www.northiowafood.org Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey encourages eligible farm owners to apply for the 2015 Century and Heritage Farm Program. The program is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Iowa Farm Bureau and recognizes families that have owned their farm for 100 years in the case of Century Farms and 150 years for Heritage Farms. “These awards are an opportunity to recognize the hard work and commitment by these families that is necessary to keep a farm in the same family for 100 or 150 years,” Northey said. “If you consider all the challenges and unexpected obstacles each of them would have had to overcome during their life on the farm, it gives you a greater appreciation of the dedication and perseverance of each of the families being recognized.” Applications are available on the Department’s website at www.IowaAgriculture.gov by clicking on the Century Farm or Heritage Farm link under “Hot Topics.” Applications may also be requested from Becky Lorenz, Coordinator of the Century and Heritage Farm Program via phone at 515-2813645, email at Becky.Lorenz@IowaAgriculture.gov or by writing to Century or Heritage Farms Program, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Henry A. Wallace Building, 502 E. 9th St., Des Moines, IA 50319. Farm families seeking to qualify for the Century or Heritage Farms Program must submit an application to the Department no later than June 1. The ceremony to recognize the 2015 Century and Heritage Farms is scheduled to be held at the Iowa State Fair on Thursday, Aug. 20. The Century Farm program began in 1976 as part of the Nation’s Bicentennial Celebration, and 18,328 farms from across the state have received this recognition. The Heritage Farm program was started in 2006, on the 30th anniversary of the Century Farm program, and 736 farms have been recognized. Last year, 344 Century Farms and 86 Heritage Farms were recognized. “Century and Heritage Farm recognitions at the Iowa State Fair are a great celebration of Iowa agriculture and the families that care for the land and produce our food,” Northey said. “I hope eligible families will take the time to apply and then come to the State Fair to be recognized.” Applications for Conservation Stewardship Program due Feb. 27 If it’s not DIRECTV, it’s not even close. $ HSB 93 is a bill in the Environmental Protection committee that would allow yard waste to be delivered to certain landfills that process methane. It passed out of sub-committee and will now be discussed by the entire Environmental Protection committee. This week, a bill to update various income tax credit extenders passed the Ways and Means committee. This bill is known as the ‘coupling’ bill, and its purpose is to ‘couple’ state tax credit extenders with federal code in order to eliminate confusion in the tax return process. This bill will improve tax credits in areas such as Iowa research activities. It will also reduce expenses for teachers, tuition for higher education, mortgage insurance and nontaxable IRA transfers to eligible charities. This bill will also allow small businesses to expense the first $500,000 of equipment costs, which is an important incentive to businesses purchasing necessary equipment to operate. Rep. Gassman is on the Environmental Protection, Labor, and Local Government Committees, and serves as the Vice Chair of the Education Committee. He also serves on the Administration and Regulation Appropriations Subcommittee. His district includes Emmet County, Winnebago County, and the northern parts of Kossuth County, including Algona. You can contact him at tedd. gassman@legis.iowa.gov Century and Heritage farm owners to be recognized NYMAN TV 515-885-2422 Your Local Authorized DIRECTV Dealer Programming/pricing subject to change. Hardware available separately. Conditions apply. Call for details. ©2014 DIRECTV, LLC. lion through 436 contracts covering 201,000 acres. The program emphasizes conservation performance – producers earn higher payments for higher performance. Through CSP, producers install conservation enhancements to make positive changes in soil health, soil erosion, water quality, water quantity, air quality, plant resources, animal resources and energy. “CSP is a way of incentivizing farmers who maintain a high level of conservation on their land and agree to adopt higher levels of stewardship,” said Jay Mar, state conservationist for Iowa NRCS. “By focusing on multiple resource concerns, landowners are able to achieve a sustainable landscape and maintain or increase the productivity of their operations.” CSP also supports the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy through various enhancement options. The Iowa strategy includes practices designed to reduce nutrient loads from nonpoint sources, such as farm fields. Some popular CSP nutrient reduction enhancements used by Iowa farmers include: • Cover crops to scavenge residual nitrogen; • Precision application technology to apply nutrients; • Split nitrogen application (50% after crop emergence or pasture greenup); • Plant tissue tests and analysis to improve nitrogen management. A CSP self-screening checklist is available to help producers determine if the program is suitable for their operation. The checklist highlights basic information about CSP eligibility requirements, stewardship threshold requirements and payment types. Learn more about CSP by visiting the Iowa NRCS website or your local NRCS field office. POLE BUILDINGS SALE STOREWIDE 7% OFF Reg. Feb 9-14 “Savings In Your Pocket” We Deliver! New Textured Metal House-Style! 40 YR Premium Quality We Put Metal on Houses FREE ESTIMATES RIVERSIDE METAL ROOFING, LLC 2692 115 St. Floyd, IA 50435 641-398-2473/ 641-228-5435 / FAX 641-398-6003 SOCIAL NEWS Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 • 3 News from Thursday, February 12 Blue Grass Jam Session, HTC, 6-9 p.m./Supper served by B.C. Historical Society, 5:30-7 p.m. 7th/8th Girls Basketball (H) Belmond-Klemme, 4:15 p.m. V Girls Basketball Regionals @ Bishop Garrigan, 7:30 p.m. Friday, February 13 Legislative Forum with Dennis Guth and Tedd Gassman, HTC, 1:30-2:30 p.m. 8th Girls Basketball @ Forest City, 4:15 p.m. 7th Girls Basketball (H) Forest City, 4:15 p.m. JV/V Boys Basketball @ Bishop Garrigan, 6:15 p.m. Saturday, February 14 V Wrestling District @ Webster City, 12:00 p.m. Monday, February 16 North Iowa Food for Families Food Pantry open, Buffalo Plaza, 2-5 p.m. V Boys Basketball District @ Belmond-Klemme, 8:00 p.m. 8th Girls Basketball (H) North Union, 4:15 p.m. 7th Girls Basketball @ North Union, 4:15 p.m. North Iowa Woodcarvers Guild meeting, Community Center-Titonka, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 17 Bowling District @ Forest City, 1:00 p.m. 7th Girls Basketball (H) Ventura/ Garner-Hayfield, 4:15 p.m. 8th Girls Basketball @ Ventura/Garner-Hayfield, 4:15 p.m. Honken promoted to Winnebago Design Engineering Manager Winnebago Industries, Inc. has announced the promotion of Vern Honken to the position of Design Engineering Manager. A 38-year veteran of Winnebago, Honken is responsible for managing the Company’s design services, body and soft goods engineering support activities, in which he will organize and oversee day-to-day activities and provide professional level support to product management and manufacturing areas. “Vern brings an unparalleled depth of knowledge to his position,” said Winnebago Vice President of Product Development Steve Dummett. Honken began his Winnebago career in 1977 as a draftsman and has worked in various engineering positions since that time, last serving as project engineering coordinator for the Class B, C and front-engine diesel Class A lines. A native of Buffalo Center, Honken currently resides in Forest City. He Vern Honken received an Associate in Applied Science degree from North Iowa Community College, Mason City, and also attended Wartburg College classes on the Waldorf College campus in Forest City. TMNH By Cammi Anderson Activity Director We like to play Dirty Bingo. Good “old man winter” has returned. We knew the warmer temps wouldn’t last forever. On Saturday, we listened to Under the Hood, watched Fried Green Tomatoes and Lawrence Welk. Sunday morning, we watched and listened to First Reformed Church and Peace and Power. First Congregational Church from Buffalo Center came and led our worship service. Thank you, Pastor DeVries. For the evening, we watched 60 Minutes. Betty Coxson will have a discussion during her Short Stories program on Monday, about what was on 60 Minutes. Monday, we didn’t get to start our new Zumba Gold exercise class, so Kathy did have music and motion in place of Zumba. We will definitely start our new exercise program on Wednesday. After music and motion, we had trivia. During both sensory groups, we watched The Story of Noah from The Greatest Heroes of the Bible. Betty Coxson came at 2:00 p.m. for her Short Stories program. Thank you, Betty. The game of the day was Dice. Tuesday morning, we had Card Club. Thank you, Ruth Winter, for joining us. At 11:30 a.m., we watched Thunder on the Rails. During the afternoon, we had our monthly Resident Council, played On-line voter registration Schmidt celebrates 95th birthday coming to Iowa Friends and family of Leona Schmidt The Iowa Voter Registration Commission recently adopted a rule that will allow eligible voters who possess a valid driver’s license or state ID to apply for their voter registration online. This system is scheduled to be in place by early 2016. “Voter participation starts with increased access to voter registration. This rule is the first step in making it easier for more Iowans to participate in the election and voter registration system,” said Secretary of State Pate. On-line voter registration will be available to eligible voters with a valid Iowa driver’s license or a state issued ID. This represents 93% of the state’s eligible voters. The goal is to continue to work on ways to expand this opportunity in the future so that on-line registration will eventually be available to all eligible voters, including those without driver’s licenses. “This is a significant step,” said Secretary Pate. “We had a productive meeting with the DOT and are confident we can be up and going before the 2016 election. We’ll continue to work further on the issue to expand voter registration to other groups for on-line access.” The voter registration application will be hosted on both the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Iowa Secretary of State website. February is Children’s Dental Health Month February is National Children’s Dental Health month. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) reminds Iowans beginning good habits early and scheduling regular dental visits by age one helps children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. While a bright smile is an attractive feature, research shows dental health has an impact far deeper than outward appearance. “A child with cavities and a painful mouth can lose focus while learning new skills at school and at home. They may also have difficulty eating food, which helps their bodies to grow,” said IDPH Dental Director, Dr. Bob Russell. “A child with a healthy mouth will have more confidence when speaking, eating, and smiling.” The IDPH I-Smile Dental Home Initiative is a program that helps Iowa’s children connect with dental services. Using a team approach, dentists provide definitive evaluation and treatment when it is needed. Other health professionals such as dental hygienists, physicians, and nurses are a part of a larger network and can provide oral screenings, education, anticipatory guidance, and preventive services as needed. According to Iowa Medicaid paid claims data, 59 percent more Med- 95th Birthday Card Shower honoring Leona Schmidt whose special day is Sunday, February 22, 2015 Greetings and well-wishes will reach her at 312 - 1st Ave. NW Titonka, IA 50480 icaid-enrolled children received care from a dentist in 2014 than in 2005, and 149 more dentists billed Medicaid for care provided to a Medicaid-enrolled child than in 2005. In addition, the average cost per Medicaid-enrolled child is decreasing. For children ages 10-12, the average cost per child in 2014 was 27 percent less than in 2005, although more children were seen by dentists. Early prevention may be resulting in less need for restorative treatment. For more information about I-Smile, visit www.ismiledentalhome.iowa.gov North Iowa Woodcarvers Guild to meet February 16 The North Iowa Woodcarvers Guild, Inc. will meet on Monday, February 16 at the Community Center in Titonka at 7:30 p.m. Carl Beckendorf will be in charge of the program. Carvers should bring a chip carving knife to work on the project. Refreshments will be provided by Carl Beckendorf, Lowell Farland and Roger Hoppe. of Titonka are invited to celebrate Leona’s 95th birthday on Sunday, February 22 with a card shower. Birthday greetings and well-wishes will reach her at 312 1st Ave. N.W., Titonka, IA 50480. North Iowa Communities List of Events Save the Date February 19 Prayer Shawl meeting, home of Eleanor Murray, 7:00 p.m. February 21 NIB 500 Card Tournament, HTC, 2:30-9 p.m. March 7 Eagle Pool Tournament, Lakota Eagle Center, Registration 8 a.m.-Tournament 9 a.m. March 8 Dad’s Belgian Waffles-American Legion Post 21, Buffalo Center Fire Station, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. B.C. Historical Society meeting, HTC, 4 p.m. March 12 Blue Grass Jam Session, HTC, 6-9 p.m./Supper served by B.C. Historical Society, 5:30-7 p.m. March 14 NIB Winter Gala, HTC, Social Hour 6 p.m.; Dinner, Auction, Live Entertainment begin at 7:30 p.m. March 21 NIB Spring Craft/Vendor Show, North Iowa Community School, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. March 29 Lakota Fire Department Annual Brunch, Lakota Fire Station, 8 a.m.1:30 p.m. April 9 Blue Grass Jam Session, HTC, 6-9 p.m./Supper served by B.C. Historical Society, 5:30-7 p.m. May 9 Craft and Artisan Expo, Eagle Center-Lakota, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Nancy and I truly feel humbled by the wonderful turnout of friends and relatives for the bake sale/soup supper/concert. I can’t even start naming names, or I’d be sure to forget someone! We thank all who attended or helped with the sale and supper. Also thanks to all who donated goods for sale, money, and/or time; the ambulance crew for helping serve and clean up; the church ladies and others for helping with sale; and our kids, grandkids, and friends for the fun program. I was also proud of Nancy for hanging in there through the whole thing! She and I both enjoyed seeing you all and were very touched with the program, the large turnout of people, the distance some traveled to attend, and all of the cards and messages sent by mail as well. It is a very special feeling you get when showered with so much caring. Bill and Nancy Jensvold Births Josh and Dallas Murra of Buffalo Center are proud to announce the birth of their son, Joey Michael Murra. Joey was born on January 29, 2015 weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces and was welcomed home by older sister, Jayden, and older brother, Cayleb James. Grandparents are Doug and Barb Murra of Buffalo Center, Curtis and Lorlen Henningsen of Ruthven and Janell Martini of Spencer. Great-grandparents are Gertrude Murra of Buffalo Center and Ronna Bowers of Titonka. Skarpohl-Ost graduates from Hawkeye Community College Kilroy and then had a beach ball toss. Wednesday morning, we started our Zumba Gold exercise class. They really enjoyed it. After exercise, we had our Spa Day, and then Pamper Me during the morning sensory group. Monica played Dirty Bingo and read the Buffalo Center Tribune. Our lessons this week at Bible study with Pastor Peake were: Isaiah 40:2131, 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 and Mark 1:29-39. Thank you, Pastor Peake. We had a sing-along at our morning sunshine group. During bingo, we had 23 residents play, and they won 13 prizes. Friday, we added more exercises to our new Zumba Gold class. This week at Wii bowling, the winners were: Jo Meinders with a score of 181 and Donna Mayland with a score of 140. During both sensory groups, we watched Sodom and Gomorrah from The Greatest Heroes of the Bible. For the afternoon, we had Happy Hour and Short Stories. Our sympathies to the family of Doc Johanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Have a fabulous week. Annastasia Skarpohl-Ost of Buffalo Center has graduated from Hawkeye Community College after its Fall Semester, with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Ag Business Management and a Diploma in General Agriculture. LIBRARY HOURS Buffalo Center Sun: Closed Mon: 1-5 pm Tues: 9:30 am-12 noon; 1-5 pm Wed: 1-5 pm Thurs: 1-5 pm Fri: 1-5 pm Sat: 9:30 am-12 noon Lakota Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 1-4 pm, 6-8 pm Wed: 9 am-2 pm Thurs: 1-5 pm, 6-8 pm Fri: Closed Sat: 9 am-12 noon Rake D.K. ARNDT, P.C. Certified Public Accountants & Consultants •Accounting,Bookkeeping &Consulting •TaxPlanning&Preparation •EstatePlanning •Investments& FinancialServices www.dkarndtcpa.net 641-592-7500 Call today to schedule your tax appointment at our Titonka Office Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Wed: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-6 pm Thurs: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Fri: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Sat: 9-10:30 am Thompson Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 9-11 am, 2-6 pm Wed: 2-7 pm Thurs: 2-6 pm Fri: 2-5 pm Satu: 9-11 am Sweetheart of a Deal at Ollenburg Motors Post Office Hours Buffalo Center Monday-Friday 8 am-12:30 pm 1:30-4:00 pm Saturday 8-10:30 am Elmore Mon-Fri 7:30-11:30 am Forest City Monday-Friday 9-11 am / 12-4:45 pm Saturday 9-11 am Lakota Mon-Fri 8 am-12 pm Saturday 8:30-9:30 am Ledyard Mon-Fri 10 am-2 pm Saturday 10 am-12 pm Rake Monday-Friday 7:30 am-12 pm / 12:30-3:45 pm Saturday 8-9:45 am Thompson Monday-Friday 7:30 am-12 pm / 1:15-4:30 pm Saturday 7:30-10:15 am Take the Short Drive to Savings 2015 Chevrolet 1500 Reg Cab .............. $29,785 2015 Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab ............ $55,510 2015 Chevrolet 2500 Reg Cab .............. $44,305 2014 Chevrolet 1500 Crew Cab ............ $41,900 2014 Chevrolet Cruze............................ $28,065 2014 Chevrolet Cruze............................ $17,995 2014 Chevrolet Malibu........................... $21,400 2013 Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab ............ $47,500 2013 Chevrolet Cruze............................ $12,995 2013 Chevrolet Equinox ........................ $19,250 2013 Chevrolet Impala LT (Fleet) .......... $16,500 2013 GMC 2500 Crew Cab ................... $48,500 2013 Lincoln MKS ................................. $25,995 2011 Chevrolet 1500 Crew Cab ............ $28,900 2011 Chevrolet 1500 Ext Cab................ $28,625 2011 Chevrolet 1500 Ext Cab................ $27,800 2011 Chevrolet Traverse ....................... $19,995 2010 Cadillac SRX ................................ $26,800 2010 Chevrolet Equinox .............................$Call 2010 Chevrolet Malibu........................... $12,995 2010 Volkswagen Routan ...................... $13,995 www.ollenburgdeals.com 2009 Chevrolet Impala ............................ $9,995 2009 Chevrolet Impala ............................ $9,850 2008 Chevrolet Aveo ............................... $4,650 2008 GMC Yukon XL ............................. $20,975 2007 Cadillac Escalade ESV ................. $20,995 2007 Chevrolet Impala .......................... $10,995 2007 Chevrolet Impala ............................ $7,995 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe ........................... $21,900 2007 Dodge 1500 Crew Cab ................. $18,900 2007 Ford F150 Crew Cab .................... $18,250 2007 GMC 1500 Crew Cab ................... $20,995 2006 Chevrolet 1500 Crew Cab ............ $14,500 2006 Chevrolet Malibu............................. $7,250 2006 Dodge 1500 Crew Cab ................. $15,900 2006 Ford Taurus .................................... $3,495 2006 Infiniti M35 .................................... $14,150 2005 Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab ............ $20,500 2005 Chevrolet Avalanche..................... $13,000 2005 GMC 1500 Ext Cab ...................... $14,995 2004 Chevrolet 3500 Crew Cab ............ $18,900 2004 GMC Envoy XL ............................... $8,495 2004 Pontiac Grand Am .......................... $3,995 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix ......................... $6,595 2004 Toyota Solara.................................. $6,995 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche..................... $10,500 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix ......................... $4,995 2001 Chevrolet Monte Carlo.................... $4,250 2001 Mazda 626 ...................................... $3,775 2000 Chevrolet 1500 Ext Cab ................. $5,995 2000 Chevrolet 2500 Ext Cab ................. $8,250 2000 Dodge Intrepid ................................ $3,750 1999 Chrysler Sebring ............................. $4,495 1998 Chevrolet 1500 Reg Cab ................ $4,995 1997 Ford F150 Ext Cab ............................$Call 1996 Jeep Cherokee ............................... $2,295 1994 Chevrolet Suburban........................ $3,750 1990 Cadillac Deville ..................................$Call Ollenburg Motors 525 W Hwy 18, Garner 641-923-2861 Buffalo Center Tribune Location: 124 N Main Street Mailing Address: PO Box 367, Buffalo Center, IA 50424 Telephone: 641-562-2606 Fax: 641-562-2636 Email: bctrib@wctatel.net Website: thebuffalocentertribune.com Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays Weekly Coverage in Buffalo Center and Surrounding Communities Founded 1892 We reserve the right to edit any and all copy presented to our news department. We reserve the right to reject any advertising, request pre-payment and cancel at any time. Contract rates available on request. Quantity discounts available. Newsroom News Editor: Andrew Shaw, 641-562-2606, sports@wctatel.net, use this contact to offer story tips or send letters to the editor. People/Social News: Olivia Doden, 641-562-2606 or email bctrib@wctatel.net. Use this contact for engagements, anniversaries, weddings, new arrivals, achievers and other such items. Obituaries: Inquiries and billing information to bctrib@wctatel.net. Circulation & Subscriptions Deb Chaney, 1-800-558-1244, ext. 122 or email mapcirculation@ iowaconnect.com, subscriptions and rewnewals can take up to two weeks to process, and may cause lags in service if not planned ahead. Didn’t Get Your Paper? If you do not receive your paper in Wednesday’s mail, call the Buffalo Center Post Office 641562-2343 or Buffalo Center Tribune at 641-562-2606. Billing & Accounting Pam DeVries, 1-800-558-1244, ext. 119 or email pamdevries@iowaconnect.com. Classified Advertising: Call Olivia Doden, 641-5622606 or email bctrib@wctatel.net. Paper or Internet Advertising Ryan Harvey, 515-689-1151, ryanharvey.map@gmail.com. Olivia Doden, 641-562-2606 or email bctrib@wctatel.net. Administration Publisher: Ryan Harvey, 515-6891151 or email ryanharveymap@ gmail.com. Office Coordinator: Olivia Doden, 641-562-2606 or email bctrib@wctatel.net. News Tips The Buffalo Center Tribune welcomes any and all news tips. At the office, call 641-562-2606 or email sports@wctatel.net. To request a photographer, please give at least a day’s notice. Deadlines Legal Notices...........12 noon, Friday Classified Ads ..........12 noon, Friday Display Ads .............12 noon, Friday Submitted News .....12 noon, Friday Obituaries .............10 a.m., Monday Breaking News ......9 a.m., Monday* Event coverage requests.......24 hours *This news may not be published in the current issue. Buffalo Center Tribune Staff Regular employees in order of continuous years of service: Andrew Shaw, Editor; Ryan Harvey, Publisher; Olivia Doden, Office Coordinator; Ana Olsthoorn, Composition. Official newspaper for Winnebago County City of Buffalo Center City of Rake City of Thompson City of Lakota North Iowa School District Member of Iowa Newspaper Assn. National Newspaper Assn. A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corp. P.O. Box 29 Hampton IA 50441 Ryan L. Harvey, President and CEO Published weekly at 124 N Main Street, Buffalo Center, IA and Periodicals Postage paid at Buffalo Center, IA 50424. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Buffalo Center Tribune, PO Box 367, Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 USPS #069-400 FAITH 4 • Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Services and Announcements of activities in our area Churches Suzanne Becker “Not forsaking the assembling...together BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Thompson, Iowa Pastor Lynn Noel Wednesday, February 11: Circles Meet Church Council Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Sunday, February 15: Traditional Worship Service, 8:45 a.m. Fellowship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday Service, 5:00 p.m. --------------------------------------BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Wednesday, February 11: Confirmation, 2:00 p.m. LYO meeting at church, 6:30 p.m. Sunday, February 15: Worship Service, 9:30 a.m. Fellowship, 10:30 a.m. -Phil Long Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Council Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 17: LWR sewing, 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 18: Ruth Circle meets, 9:30 a.m. Hope Circle meets, 2:00 p.m. Confirmation, 2:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Services, 7:00 p.m. -Kermit Singelstad --------------------------------------COMMUNITY CHAPEL Pastor Kent Hillesland Lakota, Iowa Wednesday, February 11: Prayer and Bible Study, 6:00 p.m. Sunday, February 15: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. Choir Practice, 5:15 p.m. Evening Service, 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 18: Prayer and Bible Study, 6:00 p.m. -------------------------------------FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Sunday, February 15: Worship, 9:00 a.m. --------------------------------------FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Brad DeVries Thursday, February 12: Prayer Time, 6:30 a.m. Sunday, February 15: Worship, 9:00 a.m. Fellowship, 10:15 a.m. Adult and Children Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Meditations-Blue Earth Radio 1560, 12:05 p.m. Monday, February 16: Deacon’s Meeting, 7:00 p.m. --------------------------------------FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lakota, Iowa Pastor Judy Junkermeier Thursday, February 12: Coffee and Conversation, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, February 15: Sunday School, 9:00 a.m. Worship service, 10:00 a.m. Service at Timely Mission, 2:00 p.m. --------------------------------------FIRST REFORMED CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Bill Peake Wednesday, February 11: Pastor Bill is out of the study in the morning but will be available in the afternoon. Spirit Lifter’s Devotional Bible Study, 1:00 p.m. -Today’s lesson is drawn from Romans 8:18-28 and is focused on One Simple Prayer.” We all are reassured that “God hears our prayers, even when we have no words!”. You may call Pastor Bill (641-590-1901) for details. Thursday, February 12: TMNH Bible Study in the home’s multi-purpose room, 9:30 a.m. -All are welcome. Reformed Pastors’ Network meets at the Presbyterian Church in Garner, 11:30 a.m. Friday, February 13: Pastor Bill is out of the study in the morning but will be available in the afternoon. Saturday, February 14: Consistory Appreciation meal will be shared at the Branding Iron in Thompson, 6:00 p.m. -Pastor Bill will be contacting all members if this changes due to restaurant matters. Sunday, February 15: Worship with live broadcast on KIOW-FM 107.3 and simulcast on WCTA Cable TV channel 2 as well as streamed live on www.kiow.com, 9:30 a.m. -Pastor Bill returns to our pulpit with a message drawn from 2 Kings 2:1-12. Fellowship Hour served in the church basement, 10:30 a.m. Pre-confirmation class with Pastor Bill in the church study, 10:45 a.m. Youth Choirs in the sanctuary, 10:45 a.m. All Sunday School classes meet throughout the church, 11:00 a.m. Chancel Choir practice in the sanctuary, 11:00 a.m. All Classes dismiss, 11:30 a.m. Monday, February 16: Pastor Bill is on vacation through February 24. Please bring pastoral needs to the attention of Vice President Lyle Hippen. Tuesday, February 17: N. Iowa Ministerial Association meets today, 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, February 18: Spirit Lifters is taking a break from meeting this week but will resume on Feb. 25 at 1 p.m. --------------------------------------IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rural Titonka Wednesday, February 11: Confirmation at St. John’s, 6:00 p.m. WOW for Kids at St. John’s, 6:00 p.m. Parish 3 Council meeting at St. John’s, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, February 14: Legacy Journey at Good Hope, 9:00 a.m. Sunday, February 15: Installation of Officers Worship at St. John’s, 8:30 a.m. Fellowship at St. John’s, 9:30 a.m. Worship at Immanuel, 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 17: Quilting at St. John’s, 1:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study at Good Hope, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 18: Confirmation at Immanuel, 6:00 p.m. WOW for Kids at St. John’s, 6:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday at Immanuel, 7:30 p.m. --------------------------------------RAMSEY REFORMED CHURCH Titonka, Iowa Pastor Perry DeGroot Wednesday, February 11: Catechism, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 12: Ruth Circle meets, 1:30 p.m. Esther Circle meets, 7:00 p.m. Saturday, February 14: Community Men’s Bible Study, 6:00 a.m. Sunday, February 15: Sunday Morning Worship, 9:30 a.m. Coffee Fellowship, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Study, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 17: RCW goes to the Titonka Care Center, 1:45 p.m. Wednesday, February 18: Catechism, 7:00 p.m. --------------------------------------ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Woden, Iowa Wednesday, February 11: Confirmation at St. John’s, 6:00 p.m. WOW for Kids at St. John’s, 6:00 p.m. Parish 3 Council meeting at St. John’s, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, February 14: Legacy Journey at Good Hope, 9:00 a.m. Sunday, February 15: Installation of Officers Worship at St. John’s, 8:30 a.m. Fellowship at St. John’s, 9:30 a.m. Worship at Immanuel, 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 17: Quilting at St. John’s, 1:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study at Good Hope, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 18: Confirmation at Immanuel, 6:00 p.m. WOW for Kids at St. John’s, 6:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday at Immanuel, 7:30 p.m. ----------------------------------------ST. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Saturday, February 14: Reconciliation, 5:45 p.m. Mass, 6:15 p.m. --------------------------------------ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Lakota, Iowa Pastor Lynn Noel Wednesday, February 11: Text Study, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, February 12: Fort Dodge Forum, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, February 14: 2015 WIS Leadership Academy, Holstein, IA, 8:45 p.m. Sunday, February 15: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship service, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 17: NIMA, 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, February 18: Text Study, 10:30 a.m. Ash Wednesday Worship Service at Bethany, 5:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday Worship/ Communion here at St. Paul, 7:00 p.m. --------------------------------------SOLID ROCK MINISTRIES 3024 - 360th St., Buffalo Center Pastor Van Davis Friday, February 13: Supper, 6:00 p.m. Praise and Worship/Prayer, 7:00 p.m. Lesson and Discussion, 7:30 p.m. --------------------------------------UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Deb Devine Wednesday, February 11: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1:00 p.m. Finance Committee, 6:30 p.m. Ad-Council, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, February 15: Sunday School, 9:15 a.m. Worship Service, 10:15 a.m. Valentine’s Potluck after Services, 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, February 17: Ministerial Association at Senior Center in Buffalo Center, 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, February 18: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Services, 7:00 p.m. --------------------------------------UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Thompson, Iowa Pastor Deb Devine Wednesday, February 11: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1:00 p.m. Sunday, February 15: Worship Service, 8:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee, 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 17: Ministerial Association at Senior Center in Buffalo Center, 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, February 18: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Services, 5:00 p.m. --------------------------------------ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Rake, Iowa Terry Mahnke, Pastor Wednesday, February 11: Bible Story Hour, 5:30 p.m. Confirmation, 6:00 p.m. Saturday, February 14: Bake Sale-Rake Town Hall, 9:00-10:30 a.m. Sunday, February 15: Choir Practice, 8:45 a.m. Worship, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, February 18: Bible Story Hour, 5:30 p.m. Confirmation, 6:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service, 7:00 p.m. Suzanne Becker passed away peacefully Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at the Sheffield Care Center. Funeral service and interment will be held at a later date. Suzanne Elaine Becker was born Feb. 13, 1947 to Raleigh and Joyce (Shull) Becker of Sheffield. She contracted polio as a three year old; the same disease that took her father. Suzanne moved to northern Iowa when her widowed mother remarried Alfred James Bosma. She took the role of “big sister” very seriously when her little brother, Steven Bosma, was born in 1953. She was a 1965 graduate of Buffalo Center High School. Suzanne was nominated “most likely to succeed” by her classmates. She pursued a music degree at Drake College and Cosmetology in Mason City. Throughout her life, she worked at a variety of careers: modeling in Philadelphia, events coordinator at Wildwood Lodge in New Jersey and office manager for an insurance agency. In 1983, she relocated to Iowa City to manage a retail store. She was a passionate member of the ABWA Iowa City chapter. With the vast variety of jobs and interests, one common denominator was SHE DID IT WELL! She gave 110% to any challenge! She always knew “the best way to do it!” She was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer in 1990. Like every other challenge in her life, she fought it with grace and a vengeance! She became disabled but was considered a rare survivor. As the side effects of her treatments and polio took their toll, it became increasingly difficult for her to be mobile, and yet she stayed connected through the computer. She did freelance graphic design from her home, and SHE DID IT WELL! Due to declining health, she relocated to Sheffield in 2010. Her childhood and life-long friend Pam was there, and it was closer to her little brother and his family! Suzanne is survived by: her step father, Alfred James (Jim) Bosma; brother, Steven (Sue) Bosma; her “sister with a different mother” Pamela Ricke (Paul); nephew, Jesse Bosma (Kelsey); and niece, Katie Bosma. She was preceded in death by: her father, Raleigh Becker; mother, Joyce (Shull) Bosma; and grandparents, Jesse and Annetta (Deschler) Shull and Henry and Dina (Horstman) Becker. 641-562-2424 February 2015 Mon. 16 • Jim McGuire All Day Tues. 17 • Dr. Carlson AM/McGuire PM Wed. 18 • Jim McGuire All Day Thurs. 19 • Keller AM/CLOSED PM Fri. 20 • CLOSED To make an appointment for a specialty, call the Mason City Clinic at 1-800-622-1411. In a medical emergency after hours, call the Mercy Family Clinic in Forest City at (641) 585-2904 until 5:00 p.m. Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. For other medical advice, please call the Mercy Family Health Line at 1-800-468-0500. Congregate Meals Monday, February 16: Salisbury Ground Beef, Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables, Peaches Lobby Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesday, February 17: Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Chicken, Creamed Asparagus, Drive-Up Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m. Plums, WW Roll Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 18: Member FDIC Saved as CHURCH.SAM/disk 8 — last revised 10-30-08 Cook’s Choice Thursday, February 19: Tater Tot Casserole, California Blend, Arnie's Fruit Salad, WW Roll Pump Service Friday, February 20: THIS ADVERTISING SPACE IS and Well Drilling Medicare Skilled Certified Nursing Facility Crunchy Gould's Pollock, AVAILABLE! 8 — last revised 10-30-08 WaterCorn, SystemsSpinach, Saved NOW as CHURCH.SAM/disk Van Gerpen Phone 566-3582, Rake CarrotArnie Cake, Mandarin Oranges Please RSVP for a meal by 6:00 p.m. Alphs Service & Supplies Shear Designs QUALITY CARE FOR QUALITY LIFE the nightPlumbing before—by calling 562-2495, Heating — Electrical Arnie's Pump Service Saved as CHURCH.SAM/disk 10-30-08 109 Mission Dr. Buffalo Center 127 1st Ave W, Thompson 8 — last revised and leave Farm a message onCommercial the answering — Home — THISKim ADVERTISING Schipull, OperatorSPACE IS and641-562-2011 Well Drilling Phone Medicare641-562-2494 Skilled Certified Nursing Facility machine. Buffalo Center, IowaSystems APPOINTMENTS: 584-2930 NOW AVAILABLE! Gould's Water 3 COL X 7¾" Timely Mission Nursing Home 3 COL X 7¾" 3 COL X 7¾" Timely Mission Nursing Home Administrator 641-562-2844 Arnie Van Gerpen Phone 566-3582, Rake Arnie's Pump Service Alphs Service & Supplies andPlumbing Well —Drilling Heating — Electrical Farm — Home — Commercial Gould's Water Systems Arnie Van Gerpen Phone Phone641-562-2011 566-3582, Rake Buffalo Center, Iowa Alphs Service & Supplies Plumbing — Heating — Electrical Farm — Home — Commercial Phone 641-562-2011 Buffalo Center, Iowa Shear Designs THIS ADVERTISING SPACE IS 127 1st Ave W, Thompson NOW AVAILABLE! Kim Schipull, Operator APPOINTMENTS: 584-2930 Shear Designs 127 1st Ave W, Thompson Kim Schipull, Operator APPOINTMENTS: 584-2930 Timely Mission Nursing Home QUALITY CARE FOR QUALITY LIFE Medicare Skilled Certified Nursing Facility 109 Mission Dr. Buffalo Center 641-562-2494 Administrator 641-562-2844 PRO ADVANTAGE SERVICES, INC. INVESTMENTS QUALITY INSURANCE CARE FOR &QUALITY LIFE LEROY BRUNS 109 Mission Dr. Buffalo Center 24 2nd Ave NE - Box 31 - Titonka, IA 50480 641-562-2494 Business Phone/Fax: 515-928-2884 Administrator 641-562-2844 Home: 515-928-2073 - email: lbruns@netins.net PRO ADVANTAGE SERVICES, INC. Iowa Supreme Meats Farmers Trust &&INVESTMENTS Savings INSURANCE 1307 330th St., LEROY BRUNS Bank Burt, IA 50522 24 2ndHOMETOWN Ave NE - Box 31BANK" - Titonka, IA 50480 "YOUR Business Phone/Fax: 515-928-2884 800-934-0358 Buffalo Center Lakota — Brittlbruns@netins.net — Lake Mills Home: — 515-928-2073 - email: 3 COL X 7¾" PRO ADVANTAGE SERVICES, INC. Farmers Trust &&INVESTMENTS Savings INSURANCE Farmers Trust & Savings Bank Bank BRUNS Saved as C LEROY "YOUR HOMETOWN BANK" "YOUR HOMETOWN 24Refined 2nd Ave NE - Box 31BANK" - Titonka, IA 50480 For all your Fuel and Propane Needs Business Phone/Fax: Buffalo Center — Lakota — Britt515-928-2884 — Lake Mills Call 1-800-445-4118 Buffalo Center — Lakota — Britt —- email: Lake Mills — Bricelyn, MN Home: 515-928-2073 lbruns@netins.net CHRISTIAN RADIO Farmers Trust &Service Savings Arnie's Pump WITH A MESSAGE Bank Well Drilling KJLY-104.5 Stereo For all and your Refined FuelFM and Propane Needs Beaming the Gospel in Word "YOUR BANK" Gould's Water Systems Call HOMETOWN 1-800-445-4118 and Song, 24 hours a day! Buffalo — Lakota — Britt — Lake Mills Arnie Center Van Gerpen Phone 566-3582, Rake THIS A N CHRISTIAN RADIO WITH A MESSAGE Alphs Service &Ledyard Supplies State Bank ofFM KJLY-104.5 Stereo Plumbing Member — Heating — Electrical FDIC Beaming the Gospel in Word Farm — Home — Commercial Full Service Bank Song, 24 hours a day! For all yourand Refined Fuel and Propane Needs Phone 641-562-2011 Phone 515-646-2035 Ledyard, Iowa Buffalo Center, Iowa Call 1-800-445-4118 StateCHRISTIAN Bank ofRADIO Ledyard Member FDIC Bank StateWITH Savings A MESSAGE Full Service Bank Member FDIC Phone 515-646-2035 FMLedyard, Iowa KJLY-104.5 Stereo Complete Banking & Insurance Services Beaming the Gospel in Word Phone 566-3321 — Rake, Iowa and Song, 24 hours a day! State Savings Bank YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND CH_ _CH! WHAT IS MISSING? Member FDIC State Bank Ledyard "Friendly and Complete Banking &of Insurance Services Member FDIC Full Service Phone 566-3321 — Rake, Iowa Bank" Full Service Bank Phone 515-646-2035 Ledyard, Iowa 800-920-2085 "Friendly and Full Service Bank" State Savings Bank 800-920-2085 Member FDIC HYBRIDS Complete Banking & Insurance Services BERGGREN SEEDS Phone 566-3321 — Rake, Iowa 641-562-2306 201 S. Mill 1425 HwyRoad 9 HYBRIDS BERGGREN SEEDS Buffalo Center Tribune "Friendly and Buffalo Center 641-562-2306 201 S. Mill Bank" Road 124 N Main Full 562-2606 Service Tribune Join Our Family of 800-920-2085 Interested Subscribers! Buffalo Center Tribune 124 N Main 562-2606 Join Our Family of Interested Subscribers! HYBRIDS BERGGREN SEEDS 641-562-2306 201 S. Mill Road Buffalo Center Tribune 124 N Main 562-2606 Join Our Family of Interested Subscribers! A EDUCATION / PUBLIC NOTICES / COURTHOUSE Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Groups get high marks at State Speech The Short Film group from North Iowa High School earned a “II” rating at last Saturday’s State Speech Contest for their film entitled “Rise of the Cliché”. Front from left are: Austin Paden, Izacc Quisling, Makeila Shortenhaus and Aaron Embrock. Back row: Jami Goetz, Zach Dirksen and Noah Melz. “They all did a fabulous job and represented the North Iowa Speech Team very very well,” said North Iowa speech coach Cheri Mayland about North Iowa’s three groups at State. “They should all be very proud of their accomplishments.” The duo of Kayla Limberg, left, and Lexis Julsrud-Wertjes received “I” ratings in both categories they performed in at the State Speech Contest held last Saturday, Feb. 7 in Decorah. The young ladies took part in Ensemble Acting, as well as Group Improv, and they received the highest possible rating for both performances. Recent donations to the North Iowa Scholarship Fund The North Iowa Scholarship fund has received the following contributions since October 1, 2014. In Memory of Drew Doyle by David Voortmann, Wilbert and Gertrude Meinders, Bob and Connie Anderson, Brian and Amy Vander Wilt, Keith and Shirley Hagenson, Robin Kettwick In Memory of Gladys Winter by Mary Ann Winter Tonder In Memory of Warren “Willie” Wubben by Frances Meyer, Dennis and Edna Yegge, Dorothy Torkelson, Robin Kettwick, Rick Hofbauer, Russ and Karen Buss, Brent and Diane Matson, Marlene Krull In Memory of Neal Kiewiet by Frances Meyer, Stan and Marilee Siemens In Memory of Dallas Davids by David and Ruth Ann Milbrandt, Alan and Judy Boeckholt, Dennis and Edna Yegge, Roger and Fran Schaefer, Wilbert and Gertrude Meinders, Keith and Shirley Hagenson, Rob and Joy Gelhaus, Rick Hofbauer, Harold and Jean Yahnke, Robin Kettwick, Jim and Sue Wubben In Memory of Marjorie Hagenson by Chad and Allison Hinders In Memory of Dale (Pete) Hippen by the Class of 1970 In Memory of Florence Potter by Neil and Rox Steffensen, Robin Kettwick In Memory of Verlin LeMaster by Mark and Kim Ostermann, Alan and Judy Boeckholt, Dennis and Edna Yegge, Dean Beenken, Keith and Shirley Hagenson, Robin Kettwick, Mike and Carole Kettwick In Memory and Honor of Clarence and Esther Van Hove by the Van Hove Family, Esther Van Hove, Corey and Cheryl Herrick, Allan and Teresa Van Hove, Don and Cathy Van Hove, Roger and Connie Will, Paul and Gail Boock, William and Lynn Wanzek, Mike and Carole Kettwick, Scott and Arin Anderson, Thomas and Julie Blomme In Memory of Ione Lee by Deloris Kettwick, Robin Kettwick In Memory of Vivian Dobrovolny by Phil and Cheryl Benn, Neil and Rox Steffensen, Robin Kettwick In Memory of Ken Schutter by Keith and Shirley Hagenson, Robin Kettwick In Memory of Bruce Myers by Larry and Becky Hill In Memory of Verdene Anderson by Robert Anderson In Memory of Dorothy Gruis by Dean Beenken In Memory of Lilah Hobbs by David and Ruth Ann Milbrandt, Brad and Loree Huntington, Mark and Kim Ostermann, Jeff and Mary Berkeland, Dale and Sara Meinders, Robin Kettwick The scholarship fund has steadily grown since 1996 and currently sustains a balance of more than $45,000 and generates scholarships annually of $5,000-7,000. Since last May, more than $6,800 has been given to the fund. The names of Drew Doyle, Gladys Winter, Dallas Davids, Verlin LeMaster, Clarence and Esther Van Hove and Lilah Hobbs will be added to the scholarship plaque because more than $100 was given in each of their names Any and all contributions are genuinely appreciated. Questions may be directed to Brad Huntington, school counselor or Lyle Hippen, scholarship fund administrator. United Way seeks 15,000 north Iowans to participate in survey United Way of North Central Iowa is seeking to have 15,000 North Iowans participate in a five minute transportation survey. The survey will help form a 5-year transportation plan to improve public transportation in the North Iowa Area. North Iowans to take the survey include those living in the following counties: Butler, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Franklin, Hancock, Kossuth, Mitchell, Winnebago and Worth and Wright. To date, 548 people have taken the survey. Results show that north Iowans are looking for better transporta- tion during the evening hours, as well as weekends. “The community is responding as we had hoped,” said Barbara Belcher, United Way of North Central Iowa Regional Coordinator. “Evening transportation and weekend service is in high demand; this survey is showing us exactly where we need to improve public transportation.” To voice your opinion on North Central Iowa’s public transit system, find United Way on Facebook, or visit www.unitedwaynci.org. Paper surveys can also be accessed by contacting Region 2 Transit at 641-423-0491. Use caution on unprotected streets, without stop or yield signs. Give right-of-way. WINNEGABO COUNTY COURTHOUSE LAND TRANSFERS Winnebago County Sheriff, Nicholas Christ and Linda Kane to Wells Fargo Bank NA, a tract of land in section 36, Norway Township. Matthew Zrostlik to Allison Zrostlik, a tract in lots 23 and 24, auditor’s resurvey of Lots 11 thru 22, Forest City. Sue Pannkuk, aka Sue Urbatsch, and Glen Pannkuk to Sue Pannkuk Rev Tr, a portion of lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, and all of lots 10, 11 and 12, block 3, Leland, and lot 2, Anderson Addition, Forest City. Paul Hove Trust, Paul Hove trustee and Arliss Hove trustee to Arlin Kiel Trust and Elizabeth Kiel Trust, Parcel B, section 27, King Township. Jon Hove and Karl Hove to Arlin Kiel Trust and Elizaeth Kiel Trust, Parcel B, section 27, King Township. Arlin Kiel Trust and Elizabeth Kiel Trust, Arlin Kiel trustee, to Jon Hove, Karl Hove, and Paul Hove LivTr, a tract of land in section 27, King Township. Hanna Family Century Farm LLC to Russell Meyering Trust, a tract of land in section 25, Grant Township. Hanna Family Century Farm LLC to Adam Helm and Trista Helm, a tract of land in section 25, Grant Township. Loren Stene and Debra Stene to Todd Jensen and Amanda Jensen, a tract of land in section 24, Norway Township. Charles Steffen and Jennifer Steffen to Charles Steffen Trust, Parcels A and B, section 30, Linden Township. Joel Rollefson, and Kandice Rollefson to Jon Rollefson, Laura Rollefson and Shirley Rollefson Life Estate, lot 10, John K Hansons Subdivision, Forest City. North Iowa School Menu Monday, February 16: No School Tuesday, February 17: B: Breakfast pizza and applesauce L: Sausage on a stick, broccoli, orange Wednesday, February 18: B: Oatmeal or cereal, toast and raisins L: Scalloped potatoes/ham, green beans, fruited Jell-O, tea biscuit Thursday, February 19: B: Cheese omelet and toast L: Grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup, celery/carrots, cookie Friday, February 20: B: Yogurt, Long John and pears L: Chicken nuggets, baked beans, applesauce Student artwork on display in Clear Lake Artwork by numerous North Iowa High School and Middle School students is on display during the month of February at the Area Education Agency 267 office in Clear Lake. Students with artwork on display include: Makeila Shortenhaus, Sydney Larson, Jenna Berschman, Rachel Hassebroek, Nick Price, Chantel Sahr, Rian Helland, Ivey Greensky, Dani Yegge, Cam Hepperly, Jade Fardal, Jessica Goodnight, Natalie Sachs, Molli Joens and Megan Mitthun. Area students named to Dean’s List Rachel Boekelman of Lakota and Martha Beenken of Buffalo Center were named to the Dean’s List for Hawkeye Community College’s Fall Semester. Students named to the Dean’s List must be a full-time student and successfully complete 12 or more credits with a grade point average of 3.50 or better. Carrie Berschman and Jenna Schutter, both of Lakota, were named to the Dean’s List for Mercy College for the fall semester. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must attain a grade point average between 3.5 and 3.749 in their most recent semester, for a minimum of six credit hours. Krista Hovland of Thompson and Anthony Wubben of Buffalo Center were named to the Dean’s List as Collegiate Scholars for the fall 2014 semester for Northwestern College. To qualify for the Dean’s List as Collegiate Scholars, students must earn a grade point average of 3.75 or higher while carrying a minimum of 12 graded hours. Proceedings BUFFALO CENTER COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015 The Buffalo Center City Council met in special session on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 5:30 pm at City Hall. Council present: Schaefer, Jensvold, Paulson, West, Wubben. Citizens present: Janet Jutting, Sarah Paulson, Laura Wubben, Andrew Shaw. Employees present: Paul Jutting, Public Works, Matt Holmquist and Pat Conroy, Police. Mayor Troy Armstrong called the session to order. Schaefer moved, seconded by Paulson to approve the agenda. All ayes, motion carried. Sarah Paulson reviewed the Pool Manager responsibilities and asked consideration for an increase in wages. Her request was for salary from Memorial Day to Labor Day and $12.50 an hour for other time before and after those dates. No action was taken. Wubben moved, seconded by West, to approve the quote of not to exceed $765 from NGT for the remote connection install from the Buffalo Center Police Station to the Winnebago County Communications site. All ayes, motion carried. To clarify a water issue with the Troy Julius line running from the Steve Shortenhaus bin site, West moved, seconded by Paulson, to have all water metered going to the Troy Julius building site. All ayes, motion carried. The Council discussed the Graceland Cemetery and the need for trustees. The Council discussed the budget for the 2015-2016 with the need of street maintenance and improvements in resurfacing. Wubben moved, seconded by Jensvold, to adjourn the meeting. All ayes, meeting adjourned. Troy Armstrong, Mayor ATTEST: Deb Jensvold, City Clerk Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR KOSSUTH COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Dorothy D. Gruis, Decesased Probate No. ESPRO18370 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Dorothy E. Gruis, Deceased, who died on or about November 22, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe19thday of December, 2014, the last will and testament of Dorothy E. Gruis, deceased, bearing date of theFebruary16,1996wasadmittedtoprobate in the above named court and that Dean Gruis andDaleGruiswereappointedexecutorsofthe estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date ofthesecondpublicationofthisnoticeorone month from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Noticeisfurthergiventhatallpersonsindebted to the estate are required to make immediate paymenttotheundersigned,andcreditorshavingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof fourmonthsfromthesecondpublicationofthis notice or one month from the date of mailing of thisnotice(unlessotherwiseallowedorpaid)a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 26th day of January, 2015. Dean Gruis ExecutoroftheEstate 601 NE Wander Dr. Ankeny, IA 50021 Dale Gruis 14539SummersetRoad Indianola, IA 50125 KristopherC.Duer AttorneyfortheExecutor 11SecondAvenueNE P.O.Box349 BuffaloCenter,Iowa50424 Dateofsecondpulbication:11thdayofFebruary, 2015. Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 4 and Feb. 11, 2015 Sheriff Sale NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S LEVY AND SALE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR WINNEBAGO COUNTY STATE OF IOWA US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER OF US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ND VS ESTATE OF LESTER L WARE, CITY OF THOMPSON, H&R ACCOUNTS INC., RON’S LP GAS SERVICE LLC IOWA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND ALL UNKNOWN CLAIMENTS AND ALL PERSONS UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT TITLE OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE SITUATED IN WINNEBAGO COUNTY IOWA TO WIT LOT THREE 3 BLOCK TWENTY SEVEN 27 THOMPSON WINNEBAGO COUNTY IOWA EXCEPT THE NORTH TWO 2 FEET OF THE EAST SIXTY 60 FEET OF LOT THREE 3 WINNEBAGO COUNTY, IOWA AND ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND ALL PERSONS KNOWN OR UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT TITLE OR INTEREST AND ALL OF THEIR HEIRS SPOUSES ASSIGNS GRANTEES LEGATEES DEVISEES AND ALL OF THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS Iowa Disrict Court Hancock County Case# EQCV017481 Civil# 14-000591 Special Execution | General Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court of the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate described below to satisfy judgment. The Property to be sold is LOT THREE (3), BLOCK TWENTY-SEVEN (27), THOMPSON, WINNEBAGO COUNTY, IOWA, EXCEPT THE NORTH TWO (2) FEET OF THE EAST SIXTY (60) FEET OF LOT THREE (3), WINNEBAGO COUNTY, IOWA Property Address: 246 S VAN BUREN STREET, THOMPSON IA 50478 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Sale Date 03/13/2015 Sale Time 13:30 Place of Sale WINNEBAGO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, 216 CLARK ST, FOREST CITY, IA 50436 This sale not subject to Redemption. Judgment Amount $43,486.54 Costs $14,099.84 Accuring Costs PLUS Interest $744.33 Sheriff’s Fees Pending Attorney: JANELLE EWING 925 E 4TH ST WATERLOO, IA 50703 (319) 234-2530 Date: 12/01/2014 DAVID C. PETERSON WINNEBAGO COUNTY SHERIFF Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 11 and Feb. 18, 2015 Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 • 5 The City of Lakota is accepting bids for the following: · New furnace & installation · Bathroom repairs Bids must be submitted by 12 PM on Friday, Feb. 27 Submit bids to: clerk@cityoflakota.org -ORLakota City Hall PO Box 194, Lakota, IA 50451 Call (515) 886-2549 for more information Proceedings: Lakota UNAPPROVED MINUTES FOR CITY OF LAKOTA FEBRUARY 2, 2015 The City of Lakota met in regular session on Monday, February 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM at City Hall. Mayor Doug Price called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. Present were council members Good, Steven, Hagedorn and Kitzinger. Also present was City Clerk Amber Shelton, Deputy Clerk Sue Kearney, Water Superintendent Gary Anderson, Jordan Valvick and Rob Ubben. Absent: Council member Royce Janssen. Steven moved, seconded by Good, to approve the agenda with the addition of house numbers and budget workshop under old business. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried. Steven moved, seconded by Kitzinger to approve the consent agenda. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried The following reports were given: Clerk’s Report – Amber Shelton, Water Report – Water Superintendent Gary Anderson, Municipal Utilities Report – Amber Shelton. Old Business: City truck and house/building numbers were discussed. No action was taken. Steven moved, seconded by Good, to approve Anderson’s wastewater pump and lagoon training, recertification and testing; Kitzinger and Janssen to attend wastewater pump training and, following Mike Hansen’s agreement, wastewater pump, basic water and basic wastewater training. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried. New Business: Kitzinger moved, seconded by Steven to approve the transfer of Road Runners liquor license to the Eagle Center on March 7, 2015 for the Eagle Pool Tournament. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried. Hagedorn moved, seconded by Good, to approve the Garbage Collection Contract between Anderson Sanitation and the City of Lakota. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried. Steven moved, seconded by Hagedorn, to accept expansion of the Lakota Fire Department to include Hebron. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried. Steven moved, seconded by Hagedorn, to set the City Budget Hearing for Monday, March 2, 2015; budget publication and hearing for February 18, 2015 and budget workshop in City Hall on February 11 at 5:30 PM. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried. Good moved, seconded by Steven, to designate the Algona radio station – KLGA 92.7 FM/1600 AM, as the official radio station for PSA’s and emergency announcements for the City of Lakota. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried. Hagedorn moved, seconded by Kitzinger, to approve Resolution 2015-02-01 – A Resolution to change payday from Mondays to Fridays. Roll call vote: Good – aye, Hagedorn – aye, Kitzinger – aye, Steven – aye. Carried. Steven moved, seconded by Good, to approve Resolution 2015-02-02 – A Resolution approving the transfer of funds from prior years. Roll call vote: Good – aye, Hagedorn – aye, Kitzinger – aye, Steven – aye. Carried. Steven moved, seconded by Kitzinger, to advertise for bids for the Community Room bathroom and furnace. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Carried. Hagedorn moved, seconded by Good, to adjourn. 4 ayes, 0 nays. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Amber Shelton, City Clerk ATTEST: Mayor Doug Price CLERK’S REPORT RECEIPTS January 2015 General Fund $5,767.80 Road Use Tax $1,771.99 Local Option Sales Tax $4,044.86 Property Tax $518.22 Interest $4.69 TOTAL $11,589.34 DISBURSEMENTS February 2015 General Fund $5,067.72 Road Use Tax Fund $1,149.23 Water Utility Fund $946.77 TOTAL $7,163.72 JANUARY BILLS Vendor-Description Amount AgSource $9.82 Alliant Energy $2,174.95 -City Hall $410.63 -Fire Station $346.13 -Pump Station $474.00 -Shelterhouse $18.73 -Ball Field $18.73 -Museum $24.59 -Maintenance Shed $358.91 -Hwy Sign $18.73 -Street Lights $504.50 Anderson, Gary-Reimbursement $4.15 Anderson Sanitation-1/3 Residential $2,025.00 eLightBulbs-Light bulbs $30.47 Enventis-Internet/Phone $62.44 -City Hall $52.44 -Library $10.00 Ernie Williams-Equipment Maintenance $38.08 Hansen, Mike-Mileage Reimbursement $10.53 Hawkins, Inc.-Water Chemicals $458.80 IRS-2013 Q4 941 Report $838.69 Johnson Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning-Sander Maintenance $6.58 K&H Cooperative-Propane $441.09 Pete’s Plumbing & Heating -Building maintenance $211.90 Peterson Machine & Welding -Vehicle Maintenance - snow blade $823.42 Staples-Office and Maintenance Supplies $27.80 Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Proceedings: Winnebago Co. WINNEBAGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 27, 2015 The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors met in session at 9:00 A.M. January 27, 2015 adjourned from January 20, 2015. Present: Supervisors Jensvold, Stensrud, and Durby Absent: On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to approve the minutes for the January 20, 2015 Board Meeting and approve the agenda for January 27, 2015. All voted aye. Motion carried. John Torbert, IDDA discussed the drainage annual report. On a motion by Durby and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to approve the recommended Compensation Board salary schedule. All voted aye. Motion carried. There was a conference call with Kossuth County regarding Joint Drain 35-89. On a motion by Tom McGregor and seconded by Mike Stensrud the Supervisors moved to appoint Terry Durby as the Chairmen to the Joint boards. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Tom McGregor and seconded by Mike Stensrud the Joint Boards of Supervisors moved to appoint Karla Weiss as the secretary to the Joint Boards. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensvold the Joint Boards of Supervisors moved to appoint Veenstra & Kimm as the Engineer for DD 35-89. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Tom McGregor and seconded by Pam Wymore the Joint Boards of Supervisors moved to approve paying McClure Engineering for expenses already incurred. All voted aye. Motion carried. At 10:00 A.M. there was a bid letting for DD 5 Main Tile and DD 5 Lat 42. The bids were as follows: Holland Contracting - $134,326.00 Brian Nettleton - $136,100.00 Helgeson Drainage - $141,380.00 Rognes Bros – $146,040.00 On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensvold the supervisors moved to award the base bid only to Holland Contracting for $134,326.00. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Jensvold and seconded by Durby the Supervisors moved to approve payment for claim on DD 39-37. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to approve the following resolution. All voted aye. Motion carried. Iowa State Association of County Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, the Iowa Association of County Supervisors recognizes that a high transportation system serves the artery for economic activity and that the condition of the infrastructure in the State of Iowa is a key element for our future economic growth; and WHEREAS, an integral part of the State of Iowa’s Road Use tax Fund (RUTF) is the fuel tax, which has not been significantly increased since 1989, while maintenance and construction costs have more than doubled during that same timeframe; and WHEREAS, there have been several statewide studies completed over the past 10 years identifying the requirement to significantly increase the amount of funding for the administration, maintenance and improvements to our state-wide public roadway system, including the 2006 Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) study, the 2011 Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) study completed per 2011 Iowa Code Section 307.31, and the 2011 Governor’s Transportation 2020 Citizen Advisory Commission (CAC) created by Governor Branstad; and WHEREAS, the 2008 TIME-21 study doc- umented the fact that under today’s funding structure and highway usage, over 20% of the travel done in Iowa is by out-of-state drivers while only 13% of the state’s road use revenues come from out of state drivers; and WHEREAS, the funding provided by the implementation of the TIME-21 Fund in 2009 is inadequate to meet the critical maintenance and improvements needs for the State of Iowa’s transportation system; and WHERAS, 95% of Road Use Tax Fund revenues are required by the Iowa Constitution to be spent only on our roadways; and WHEREAS, due to the severe shortage in state funding to meet the critical needs of our roadway system, several Iowa counties have had to resort to issuing millions of dollars of bonds to pay for their most critical maintenance needs, which will have to be paid off through property taxes; and WHEREAS, Winnebago County has issued $19,200,000 in bonds to pay for our most critical roadway and bridge needs; and WHEREAS, the 2011 Governor’s Transportation 2020 Citizen Advisory Council report to Governor Brandstad and the Iowa Legislature identified the need for at least $215 million per year of increased funding over the next 20 years, in addition to the funding being provided by the TIME-21 revenues, just to meet the most critical needs of our transportation infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the Iowa Good Roads Association, the Iowa County Engineer’s Association, and numerous business related associations throughout Iowa have publically supported the call for increased RUTF funding; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Iowa State Association of County Supervisors and the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors strongly encourages the implementation of a long-term, sustainable transportation funding solution to address the critical needs of our infrastructure system. 1. Provide adequate state-wide funding to offset the projected shortfall for our most critical needs of over $215 million annually through an increase of the motor fuel tax revenues. 2. Enable the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide primary highway funds to counties and cities in lieu of federal funds, providing increased efficiencies for state and local governments. 3. Increase the permit fee for oversize/overweight vehicles. 4. New funding should be distributed consistent with the Road Use Tax Fund distribution formula. And, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Iowa State Association of County Supervisors and the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors support the ongoing evaluation of creative, supplemental solutions to increased RUTF funding. Resolved this 27the day of January, 2015 Terry Durby, Chairperson Attest: Karla Weiss, Auditor The Supervisors canvassed the 2015 Trustee Drainage District Election. Scott Meinders, Engineer discussed secondary road matters including calls regarding sloppy roads, clothing allowance policy, Transportation Day at the Capitol, a County Engineer focus group, and the stockpiling of rock. An annual performance review with Scott Meinders, Engineer was held along with discussion regarding his contract negotiations. On a motion by Durby and seconded by Stensrud the Supervisors moved to table the discussion on possible approval of support for IEDA project in Winnebago County. All voted aye. Motion carried. The session was adjourned until 9:00 A.M. February 3, 2015. Terry Durby, Chairperson Attest: Karla Weiss, County Auditor Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Wed.-Thurs., Feb. 11-12, 2015 MID AMERICA MARKETPLACE Buffalo Center Tribune • Butler County Tribune-Journal • Clarksville Star • The Conrad Record • Eagle Grove Eagle • Kanawaha Reporter • The Leader • Grundy Register • Hampton Chronicle • Pioneer Enterprise • The Sheffield Press • Wright County Monitor • Eldora Herald-Ledger CAREER OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTN: COMPUTER WORK. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 Part Time to $7,500/mo. Full Time. Training provided. www.WorkServices3.com (INCN) CONTRACT SALESPERSON: Selling aerial photography of farms on commission basis. $4225.00 first month guarantee. $1,500$3,000 weekly proven earnings. Travel required. More info msphotosd.com or 877/882-3566 (INCN) HELP WANTED- GOVERNMENT Police Officers. 2 new positions. Waukee, Iowa. Pop. 17,000. 15 min. west of downtown Des Moines. Join the team. Information and apply online at www.waukee.org/jobs. (INCN) HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER Hiring Regional Class A CDL Drivers. New Pay Package. Home Most Weekends, and $1500 Sign-On Bonus! Call 1-888-220-1994 or apply at www.heyl.net (INCN) Wynne Transport Service, Inc. Immediately seeking Owner Operators to haul Anhydrous Ammonia and other commodities for the spring and summer seasons. For more information contact Wynne Transport at 800383-9330 or apply online www.wynnetr.com (INCN) Butler Transport Your Partner in Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or www. butlertransport.com (INCN) CLASS A CDL DRIVERS Wanted! Drive for success in 2015! Get Respect, Home Time, Honesty, Great Pay and Equipment! Call Today! 888-360-8574 www. driversbehomebehappy.com (INCN) NAVAJO Hiring CDL-A Truck Drivers Plenty of miles for each driver No-Touch Freight, New Equipment, Great Benefits! Required: 6 mo. recent tractor/trailer exp. in the last 3 years. Call Navajo Recruiting at 866-5356925 (INCN) Truck Driver for Nussbaum. OTR, home weekly. $1000 Sign On Bonus $1050 weekly guarantee. $63,000 average earnings. New, Maintained Equipment Visit www. nussbaumjobs.com. Call 866-764-3907 (INCN) INSTRUCTION, SCHOOLS AIRLINES CAREERS- Get FAA certified Aviation Maintenance training. Financial aid if qualified -Job placement assistance. CALL now. Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-888682-6604 (INCN) OPORTUNIDAD DE EMPLEO IMPRESOR: Mid-America Publishing está buscando a un impresor a tiempo completo o aprendiz de impresor para ayudar en la operación de una imprenta Goss de cinco unidades, que incluye una unidad de apilación de cuatro niveles. Esta posición consiste en ayudar en la operación y mantenimiento de las prensas, mover rollos de papel, control de calidad para todas las páginas en color y en blanco y negro, etc. Se prefiere a un candidato con experiencia en impresión, aunque no es necesario. El candidato debe estar dispuesto a trabajar duro, tener un agudo sentido del detalle y estar dispuesto a aprender. Para aplicar a esta posición, complete una solicitud de empleo en 9 2nd St. NW, Hampton, o llenar una solicitud por internet en midampublishing.com bajo la etiqueta “Our Company”, haciendo click en la sección “Employment”. Las entrevistas para los candidatos calificados comenzarán inmediatamente. HAMPTON C AN H IOWA R NEWSPAPER O N ASSOCIATION I AWARD C WINNING L E NEWSPAPER MISCELLANEOUS Dish Network -SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months.) Premium Channel Offers Available. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-684-4805 (INCN) TM Advertise your EVENT, PROUDCT or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 30 other papers in Northwest Iowa for only $110/week! Call 800-227-7636 www.cnaads. com (INCN) SCHNEIDER IS HIRING TRUCK DRIVERS! 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CALL TODAY! 800-374-6988 Free Estimates - Free On-Site Consultations Specializing in Complete Post Frame Buildings AGRICULTURAL Ɣ EQUESTRIAN Ɣ GARAGE/HOBBY SHOP Ɣ COMMERCIAL Ɣ INDUSTRIAL We represent individual farmers. Our team represented over 2000 individual farmers in the Rice GMO claim. We opposed the class action and secured more for the farmers we represented. Our group of lawyers will continue meeting with farmers with respect to each farmer’s individual Syngenta claim. Call for your FREE Consultation www.cornfarmerlawyers.com 1 (855) 688-SEED (7333) Pulaski & Middleman, PLLC | Principal Office 4615 SW Fwy, Ste. 850, Houston, TX 77027 Phipps Cavazos PLLC | Principal Office 102 9th Street, San Antonio, TX 78215 INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT: The information presented is not intended to be legal advice. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisement. The lawyer responsible for the content of this ad is Adam Pulaski. • • • • • • • Engineered Continuous Ridge Ventilation 29 Ga. Steel on Roof, Sides & Trim 4’ O/C Trusses 3-Ply Laminated Columns 5 Year Workmanship Warranty Builders Risk Policy www.qualitystructures.com Insurance Companies Legally Rip-Off Iowa Injured Workers By . . . Yes, insurance companies can legally pay you less that what you are owed and do not have to tell you the truth. Many injured workers fail to learn the Injured Workers Bill of Rights which includes: 1. Payment of Mileage at $.56 per mile 2. Money for Permanent Disability 3. 2nd Medical Opinion in Admitted Claims. . . . A New Book reveals your other rights and much more so you do not get ripped-off. Iowa Work Injury Attorney Corey Walker offers his book at no cost because since 1997, he has seen far too many hard working Iowans who did not know their rights treated badly by insurance companies. If you or a loved one have been hurt at work and do not have an attorney claim your copy (while supplies last). Call Now (800)-707-2552, ext. 311 (24 Hour Recording) or go to www.IowaWorkInjury.com. Our Guarantee- If you do not learn at least one thing from our book call us and we will donate $1,000 to your charity of choice. CLUES ACROSS 1. Fashion dandy 4. Cycles per second 7. Strikebreaker 11. Aquatic reptile (informal) 13. Express pleasure 14. Swiss river 15. Contains cerium 17. Ribonucleic acid 18. On top 19. Taxis 21. Banking machine 22. Small salamander 23. Voltage 25. Pointed summit 27. DWTS host 33. In a way, smoked 34. Peat moss source 35. W. African nation Sierra ___ 36. Cocoa plum tree 41. Holiday (informal) 44. Venezuelan capital 46. DWTS hostess 48. Hideouts 50. Actress Lupino 51. The content of cognition 53. Point one point N of due E 55. Plunder a town 59. No. Albanian dialect 60. No (Scottish) 61. Blatted 64. X2 = a Pacific tourist commune 65. AKA option key 66. Angelina’s spouse 67. “Wedding Crashers” Wilson 68. Grassland, meadow 69. Laughing to self (texting) CLUES DOWN 1. Licenses TV stations 2. Metal-bearing mineral 3. Meat from a pig (alt. sp.) 4. A bottle with a stopper 5. Short labored breath 6. Hair washing soap 7. Steam bath 8. “R.U.R.” playwright Karel 9. Beside one another in lines 10. Not straight 12. Former OSS 16. Truck driver’s radio 20. Dried-up 24. Million gallons per day (abbr.) 26. Encircle (archaic) 27. ‘__ death do us part 28. A single unit 29. A siemens 30. Prohibition 31. V. William’s clothing line 32. Scotland’s poet’s initials 37. Auto 38. Single spot card in a deck 39. Crow sound 40. Former CIA 42. Factory where arms are made 43. Radioactive unit 44. Scoundrel 45. Freshwater duck genus 47. 9 decades 48. Makes tractors 49. 55120 51. Southeast Nigeria people 52. Arab sailing vessel 54. Hay bundle 56. Blood type 57. Driver compartment 58. “Das Kapital” author Marx 62. Consume food 63. Dental degree LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS ADOPT: A life of Love, Security, and Happiness is waiting for your baby. Expenses paid. Please call Lisa: 1-866-505-8216 www. lisaadopts.info (INCN) Drivers -No experience? Some or LOTS of experience? Let’s Talk! No matter what stage in your career, it’s time, Call Central Refrigerated Home. (877) 880-6366 www. CentralTruckDrivingJobs.com (INCN) Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS ADOPTION PRESSMAN: Mid-America Publishing is looking for a full-time pressman or pressman trainee to assist in the operation of a five unit Goss press, including a four-high stacked unit. This position will assist in the operation and maintenance of the presses, move paper rolls, quality control for all color and black and white pages, be mechanically inclined, etc. Experience in web printing preferred but not required. The successful candidate must be willing to work hard, have a keen sense of detail, and be willing to learn. To apply for this position, complete an application at 9 2nd St. NW, Hampton, or fill out an application on-line at midampublishing.com under the Our Company tab, by clicking on Employment section. Interviews for qualified applicants will begin immediately. Wed.-Thurs., Feb. 11-12, 2015 MID AMERICA MARKETPLACE Buffalo Center Tribune • Butler County Tribune-Journal • Clarksville Star • The Conrad Record • Eagle Grove Eagle • Kanawaha Reporter • The Leader • Grundy Register • Hampton Chronicle • Pioneer Enterprise • The Sheffield Press • Wright County Monitor • Eldora Herald-Ledger FAMILY FEATURES E very parent has been there. It’s Thursday afternoon and the kids are asking, “What’s for dinner?” Searching for inspiration, you head to the refrigerator, only to realize that the groceries you bought on Sunday have run out or spoiled. But before the panic sets in and you reach for the takeout menus, remember that the solution for a wholesome, homemade meal is right in your pantry — or “Cantry.” “With a well-stocked pantry full of canned ingredients, I know I always have the makings of a nutritious and flavorful meal,” said Kelsey Nixon, host of “Kelsey’s Essentials” on Cooking Channel and Food Network. “Fruits and vegetables are harvested at their peak of ripeness and canned in just hours, making the can one of the best ways to get food from its source to my family’s table. I just open up a can, unlock that Quinoa Chicken Vegetable Salad flavor and goodness and make it a ‘Cantry’ Thursday night!” Prep time: 5 minutes | Cook time: 10 minutes | Servings: 6 With canned food staples like canned beans, chicken, green beans and broth on hand, you’ll be well on your way to savory meals like Quinoa Chicken Vegetable Salad and Nixon’s Pasta e Fagioli Soup. Almond Cherry Tres Leches Cake Recipe created by Kelsey Nixon Servings: 12 Cake: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened 1 cup granulated sugar 5 large eggs 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1 (14.5-ounce) can pitted cherries, thoroughly drained Tres leches mixture: 1/4 cup heavy cream 1 (12-ounce) can evaporated milk 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk Icing: 1 1/2 cups heavy cream, chilled 4 tablespoons powdered sugar 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 1/4 cup chopped almonds, toasted For cake, preheat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour 9-by-13-inch cake pan. Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt into large mixing bowl. Cream butter, sugar and eggs with electric mixer on high until yolks turn pale yellow. Mix in almond extract. Slowly incorporate dry ingredients into wet ingredients until fully combined — avoid over-mixing. Pour into prepared pan, evenly spreading batter out. Bake until cake has cooked through, 30 minutes. Cool slightly, then pierce surface of cake with fork several times. Combine heavy cream, evaporated milk and condensed milk in small bowl or pitcher. Drizzle milk mixture over top and allow cake to sit and absorb milk mixture. For icing, whip together heavy cream, sugar and almond extract. Spread evenly over top of soaked cake. Top with toasted almonds. Refrigerate at least 2 hours or until ready to serve. 1 (14.5-ounce) can chicken broth 1 cup quinoa 1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained 1 (10-ounce) can chicken breast, drained and flaked 1 (8-ounce) can cut green beans, drained 1 (8.75-ounce) can corn, drained 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper In medium saucepan over high heat, heat chicken broth and quinoa to boiling. Cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes. Set aside to cool. In large bowl, combine cooled quinoa, diced tomatoes, chicken breast, green beans, corn, olive oil, lemon juice, parsley and pepper; toss to mix well. Pea and Corn Risotto Mediterranean Chicken Pitas Pasta e Fagioli Soup Recipe created by Kelsey Nixon Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Servings: 4 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 4 ounces chopped pancetta (about 1/2 cup) 1 medium yellow onion, finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper 2 (15-ounce) cans cannellini beans, drained and rinsed 1 (14.5-ounce) can diced fire-roasted tomatoes 3 (14.5-ounce) cans chicken broth 1 1/2 cups ditalini pasta (short tubular pasta) 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, for garnish In large heavy-bottomed pot, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Brown pancetta bits just until they start to crisp before adding onion, garlic and thyme. Season with salt and pepper, and saute until fragrant and golden brown. Add canned beans, tomatoes and chicken broth. Bring soup to rapid boil before adding pasta. Reduce to simmer and cook soup covered, stirring occasionally for 8–10 minutes or until pasta is cooked al dente. Season with salt and pepper to taste before serving. Garnish with Parmesan cheese and serve with crusty bread. Note: You can substitute bacon for pancetta, if desired. Servings: 4 Prep time: 10 minutes 4 cups canned low sodium chicken broth Servings: 2 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 (10-ounce) can chicken breast, drained and flaked 1 small onion, diced 1/2 cup finely chopped cucumber 1 cup Arborio rice 1/2 cup finely chopped red bell pepper 1 (11-ounce) can no salt added whole-kernel corn, 1 (4.5-ounce) can chopped green chilies, drained drained 1/4 cup Greek yogurt 1 (8.5-ounce) can low sodium peas, drained 2 tablespoons fresh chopped dill 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 whole wheat pitas 1 tablespoon butter 4 lettuce leaves Salt and ground black pepper, to taste In large bowl combine chicken, cucumber, red bell In 2-quart saucepan over high heat, heat chicken pepper, green chilies, yogurt and dill; toss to mix well. broth to simmering; keep warm. Cut each pita in half horizontally; carefully open Meanwhile, in 3-quart saucepan over medium heat, each pita half. Fill each with 2 lettuce leaves and half of in hot olive oil, cook onion until tender-crisp, stirring chicken mixture. occasionally. Add rice and cook for 2 minutes until coated with A Fantastic shopping event. oil. Gradually add chicken broth, IOWA’S LARGEST 1/2 cup at a time, until absorbed, VARIED INDUSTRIES BLDG. Over stirring frequently. Continue adding IOWA STATE FAIRGROUNDS 3 Exhib00 remaining broth, 1/2 cup at a time, DES MOINES, IOWA itors Fri. 5-9; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-4 stirring occasionally, cooking rice FREE PARKING ADM. Just $6.00 until al dente, about 25 minutes. Free Shuttle Bus (10 & under free) Service from North Stir in corn, peas, Parmesan 3-day re-entry stamp Parking Lot on both Fri. & Sat. cheese and butter to heat through. Over 300 Talented Exhibitors Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve Present & Sell 1,000’s immediately. Feb. 27 - March 1 ARTS & Crafts SHOW of Unique Creations. Callahan Promotions, Inc., 563-652-4529 Bring this ad to show for $1.00 OFF One Admission For more information about the canning process, delicious recipes and to learn how you can get cooking with canned foods, visit CansGetYouCooking.com. Maquoketa, IA Huge Flea Market Antique & Collectible Show ✁ CLIP & SAVE Sunday, February 15th JACKSON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 21(2) IOWA’S LARGEST SHOW6 WITH 29(5100 SELLERS! DPWRSP$GP IRU(DUO\%LUG$GPLVVLRQDP FEBRUARY 13 - 19 PADDINGTON CALL NOW 1-800-285-1541 PG Starring: Nicole Kidman & Peter Capaldi SHOWTIMES 7 p.m. Nightly (Closed Monday Nights) 1 p.m. Sunday Matinee TICKET PRICES $4 for Adults • $3 for Students Senior Sunday's $2 (50 & up) Tues. & Thurs. ALL $2 SING-ALONG March 8th 4:00 p.m. AN OLD TIME COUNTRY HOEDOWN March 2nd 6-9 p.m. FEB. 20 • AMERICAN SNIPER • R FEB. 27 • SPONGEBOB MOVIE • PG FOR MORE INFO: WWW.WINDSORTHEATRE.COM OR FIND US ON FACEBOOK AT WINDSOR HAMPTON Area Restaurant GUIDE Dining guide spots are $5 per week, double-spots for $7.50 per week or 4 spots for $15 per week, prepaid. Spots are booked with a 13-week commitment. Old Bank Winery • Open 1 to 5, Tues.-Sat. • Located in Downtown Kanawha • Free wine tasting David & Nancy Litch • 641-762-3406 WINTER METAL ROOFING 60-60-60 Sale! 60% OFF Installation! 60 Months No Interest! $60 Gift Card with Estimate! May we cater your event? Hours Mon-Fri 9-2 pm; 4:30-6 pm Sat 9-noon Big Brad’s BBQ & Grocery Downtown Kanawha 641-762-3541 319-347-2392 • Aplington Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11:30 am-1:30 pm, 4-9 p.m. Saturday 11 am-9 pm Lounge Hours 4 pm-Close Lunch, Evening & Weekend Specials Senior Meals until 7 pm Our Metal a Roof Lasts Lifetime! www.1866GETAPRO.com CLASSIFIEDS 8 • Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 The Classifieds! TO PLACE AN AD ~ CALL 641-562-2606 J & J Recycling Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed over lunch from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. Closed Saturday & Sunday 10, 20 and 30 yard boxes Buying across the scale by the ton ... iron, cars, trucks, tin, wire, machinery, farm equipment and any other metals you may have on the farm or around the shop. Also buying aluminum cans, copper, brass, batteries, cast iron, radiators, stainless steel, wire, etc. Phone 507-943-3653 To Contact Us: PHONE ...............................641-562-2606 FAX.....................................641-562-2636 EMAIL ...................... bctrib@wctatel.net WEB ........ thebuffalocentertribune.com MAIL .................. Buffalo Center Tribune P.O. Box 367 Buffalo Center, IA 50424 STOP BY ........................ 124 North Main Buffalo Center, IA Agronomy Operations North Iowa Betterment has a job opening for a part-time 2341 Hwy 169, Elmore, MN ROLL OFF SERVICE AVAILABLE! YOU BRING IT WE’LL BUY IT! Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Executive Director Accepting applications until February 20th. Find more information and fill out an on-line application at www.northiowabetterment.com or e-mail your resume to info@northiowabetterment.com Farmers Cooperative Company, in Rake, IA, a highly reputable and stable company is looking for Part time to Full time help for the up coming spring season. We are looking for a Custom Applicator, Truck Drivers, and Laborers. We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, and an opportunity to grow with the best. Must have or be able to obtain a class A CDL with tanker and HazMat endorsement. Please call 641-566-3351 or stop in our office, at 341 N Main, Rake, IA, for an application. Looking for a change? Now accepting applications for: Little Bison Childcare Center Certified Nurse Aides (all shifts) (starting wage $12) Assistant Director / On Site Supervisor Activity Aides (afternoon shift) Is looking to hire: We offer excellent wages, life insurance, 401k, medical insurance, sign on bonus for C.N.A., Holiday and vacation pay. Ask about benefits for full time employees. Full Time position Duties Include: • Caring for and loving children • Opening the center in the mornings • Planning curriculum • Making up snack menus in accordance with CACFP • Making up cleaning charts • Some office work • Help in planning events and activities for the center Are you looking for that small hometown environment to work? Do you like to cook? We have the perfect position for you. Casey’s General Store has the following openings: 18 to 27 hours a week cashiering 2 p.m.-11 p.m. 14 to 26 hours a week in our sub sandwich shop, 3 p.m.-9 p.m. 14 to 28 hours a week in our pizza shop, 4 p.m.-11 p.m. 14 hours a week in our bakery shop, 3 a.m.-10 a.m. You will love seeing all of our customers, helping them with their purchases. You must be 18 years of age to work in our kitchen. We invite you to stop in at our Buffalo Center location for an application and interview, or go on-line to apply at www.caseys.com Casey’shaslimitedpart-timebenefits. EOE Casey’s General Store 101 1st St. N.E. Buffalo Center, IA 50424 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS WANTED All positions are open until filled. Hours would vary day to day between the hours of 5 am to 6 pm. If interested please stop in for an application or download application from our Facebook page. Little Bison Childcare Center, 404 2nd St. NW Buffalo Center, IA 50242. Christensen Farms is hiring for Summer Youth Assistant Position Assist with the planning and implementation of the Winnebago County Extension & Outreach youth program. Must enjoy working with people, particularly youth, have strong organizational and communications skills. Applications accepted until February 27. Application and job description may be obtained online at www.extension.iastate.edu/winnebago or from the Winnebago County Extension Service Thompson, Iowa 641-584-2261 or 888-408-6606 We are an AA/EEO Employer Responsibilities include: Send resume and references to Murphy-Brown LLC, PO Box 70, Algona, IA 50511. Or contact Jenna Hansen at 515-295-7570 ext 42436 Explore the Possibilities! EXTENSION SUMMER YOUTH POSITION Murphy-Brown LLC, a leader in the pork industry, is currently seeking independent contractors to manage sites in this area. Daily animal care and feeding. Monitoring the barn environment for proper temperature and ventilation rates. Sorting as required to provide proper animal care. Assisting in the movement of animals in pens and loading/unloading. Treating animals’ health care needs. Performing maintenance and repairs on building and equipment along with regular housekeeping duties. Meeting the physical demands of the job. Apply in person to Roberta Hagedorn, RN/DON at Timely Mission Nursing Home 109 Mission Drive, Buffalo Center, IA 50424 641-562-2494 Wean to Finish Positions in the Iowa Falls area. Animal Care Workers: Duties include pig production tasks such as: loading in/out, sorting, vaccinations, feeding and record keeping. Farm Manager: Responsible for the leadership and performance of grow finish production barns and development of contract partner relationships and employee teams. Full-time positions with great pay and an excellent benefit package! Apply online at www.christensenfarms.com Equal Opportunity Employer PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BUFFALO CENTER CHIROPRACTIC The Square Yard Dr. Jerry Wiedemeier ~ Judy Wiedemeier, LMT 404 S. 1st St. Kiester, MN 56051 Phone - 507-294-3739 www.thesquareyard.net Carpet, vinyl, tile, wood. Since 1986 Chiropractic and Massage for the Whole Family Call for appt. 641-562-2020 WINTER Funeral Home & Cremation Service 1-877-562-2858 toll free winterfuneralhome.com Silber's Photography TRAVIS SILBER DENTIST Buffalo Center New Patients Welcome! 641-562-2969 • Motor Oil • Paint K & H CO-OPERATIVE OIL CO. Box 188 Bruce Heetland 3804 185th Avenue Lakota, IA 50451 515-886-2243 "For all your big trophies" FOR ALL YOUR LUMBER NEEDS 151 Jackson St. N PO Box 73 Thompson, IA 50478 641-584-2555 docslumber@wctatel.net DR. STEVEN H. JOHNSON • Petroleum • LP Gas Heetland Taxidermy 641-584-2666 fax 641-330-8315 11 2nd Ave. NW Floor Covering Sales & Installation Wesley, IA 50483 515-679-4212 Toll Free 1-800-244-6101 Dentist Randall L. Winter, DDS Kyle P. Winter, DDS Phone 562-2297 800-763-4935 101 4th Street NW ~ Buffalo Center Bank Agency Insurance LIFE-HEALTH-HOME and AUTO 641-562-2275 Buffalo Center Bruce Venteicher, Agent Optometrists Dr. Brent D. Johnson Dr. Roger Hanson Your company could be here. Call 641-562-2606 ADVANTAGE PROPERTY INSPECTIONS, LLC Money Pit? Call before you buy! 641-590-5767 www.inspectionsbyadvantage.com RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & FARM WIRING Optometrists Tim Martinson, Owner Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted — Contact Lenses Martinson Electric 641-562-2806 Free Estimates Buffalo Center HASSEBROEK REFRIGERATION • Commercial Refrigeration & Equip. • GE and Hotpoint Appliances • Heating • Cooling • Heat Pumps • Water Conditioning • Water Heaters Buffalo Center Drs. Klepper & Trainer 115 East Call 295-2196 Algona, Iowa 1-800-330-5198 Your company could be here. Call 641-562-2606 PHONE 641-562-2592 B. C. Veterinary Clinic John Stock, DVM AGPERFORMANCE.COM Fertilizers • Chemicals Seed • Specialty Products 641-562-2370 710 N. Main St., Buffalo Center Buffalo Center and Titonka Iowa Supreme Meats CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1307 330th St., Burt, IA 50522 BLUE EARTH VALLEY EYE CLINIC 435 South Grove Street, Suite 2 Blue Earth, MN 800-934-0358 Phone 507-526-2222 B. C. Repair • Lawn and Garden • Tractors, all makes and models • Combines and Skidloaders • Overhauls, Hydraulic, Electrical Repairs WE MAKE SERVICE CALLS LARRY A. GRAY Hiway 9 West 641-562-2580 or 562-2107 Phone 562-2262 If no answer call 928-2642 Erpelding, Voigt & Co. 562-2521 or Algona, Phone 295-7275 TIGGES CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Family Practice & Sports Injury DR. MERLE TIGGES Bancroft, IA FOR APPOINTMENT 515-885-2582 • Insurance Accepted • Specific Spinal Care • Hands-on Adjusting • Problem Cases Feel the Difference! CLASSIFIEDS Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune RENT BASED ON YOUR INCOME. North Iowa Regional Housing Authority (NIRHA) is accepting applications for one and two bedroom apartments located in secured building at Heritage Place, 105 1st Ave SW, Hampton, IA. Located above the Senior Center. Units are designated for elderly or disabled applicants. Appliances furnished, washers and dryers available, off-street parking. Rent is determined by annual income and allowable deductions. Applications available online at www.nirha. com, or calling 1-888-817-1841, x1 or 1-641-423-0897, x1, or picked up at the NIRHA office, 202 1st Street SE, Ste. 203, Mason City, IA 50401. Office hours are M-Th 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. noon. EHO. THE MILLS THEATER SCHEDULE Screen 1-“Black or White”(PG-13), Feb. 13-19; shows M-Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 3 & 7 p.m. Screen 2-“The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water”(PG), Feb. 13-19; shows M-Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 3:30 & 7:30 p.m. www.themillstheater.com or movie line at 641-592-6455. Employment Opportunities in Buffalo Center Sales Associates - Part-Time Temporary Part-Time positions to help set-up store Apply online at www.dollargeneral.com/careers and follow the below sequence: Select Store Careers (on the left)>Apply Online>Search Openings> Enter store number in Key word field -15914 ARMSTRONG Machinery Consignment Auction FOR RENT: 1 and 2 BR units available in Clear Lake. Rental assistance and utility allowance available. Onsite laundry, no pets. 877-935-9340 www.tlpropertiesiowa.com. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. Handicap Accessible. CALL TO CONSIGN NOW Tuesday, March 10, 2015 9:00 A.M. Advertising deadline: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 to have items listed on sale bill. Very large auction featuring good used and late model machinery. Located west side of Armstrong, Iowa on the hill. Yard hours: No consignments Consignments accepted 8:00-5:00 Monday, March 2 Monday, March 9. through Sunday, March 8 For more information or to consign items, contact auction company. Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 • 9 Iowa Select Farms has local openings for Sow Farm Technicians and Class A CDL drivers. Technicians are responsible for the daily care of animals. Positions start at $28,000/year and increase to $31,000 after just one year plus full benefits. Class A CDL drivers ideally live within 45 miles of Iowa Falls and transport pigs within our production system five days a week, home EVERY DAY. Benefits, competitive salary and $1200 SIGN ON BONUS. Call Allyson at 641-316-3251 for more info! Chinese Smorgasbord at Driver’s Choice Restaurant - Friday, February 13, 5-7 p.m. NEW OR USED appliances. Call or stop. Hasssebroek Refrigeration, 562-2592. (10)3-tfn Wanted: Older skid loader in running or non-running condition. 563-608-9754. FARMLAND FOR SALE 80 ACRES M/L W1/2NE1/4 Sec. 27, Magor Twp, Hancock Co. howellrealestateandauction.com Gary Helmers - 507-236-2921 Larry Howell - 712-260-9693 Mark Howell - 712-260-9690 Jack Rooney - 712-260-9694 SAPP MACHINERY AUCTION Hwy 9 W Buffalo Center IA Thursday, March 19th, 2014 10:00 A.M. Consign Now! We will be accepting: Farm Machinery, Tractors, Construction Equipment, Building Materials, Tools, Trucks, Trailers, Mowers, and Vehicles. Sorry no household items. To Consign: call Hallberg Auction 800-373-2255 Or email: colworks4u@yahoo.com Print Deadline is February 27th Loader available and drop offs accepted March 2nd through March 19th (9:00-5:00 excluding Sundays), or by appointment call Dave Winter at Ledyard Country Store 515-646-2025. www.hallbergauction.com 800-373-2255 toll free 641-561-2255 lot Our December Sale was very strong, and we are already building a nice listing for this auction. GET THE FACTS: The Iowa State Fair, Iowa’s largest annual event, attracts a million visitors each year.* More than 2.6 million Iowans read newspapers. IOWA NEWSPAPERS... GET THE FACTS AND GET IN THE GAME For more information on how to reach Iowa’s newspaper readers, contact *iowastatefair.org; i f i Newton Marketing & Research, 2010 Buffalo Center Psst... Tribune If I had thumbs I could do it myself. Please use the scoop, and pick up the poop. Love, Fido Current Owner: John J. Barnes Life Estate www.centralstatesagency.com Toll Free 888-740-4255 Broker - John Cowin 107 W. Ramsey St. Bancroft, IA 50517 515-885-2649 Broker Associate - Steve Hassebroek 125 N. Main St. Buffalo Center, IA 50424 641-562-2353 Licensed in Iowa and Minnesota SPORTS 10 • Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Taylen Hinders grabs the ball away from Osage’s Destiny Thompson last Friday night in Buffalo Center. Knights edge out Lady Bison in NIC rematch Bison suffer losses to Newman and Osage The North Iowa Lady Bison fell just short of victory in their basketball rematch with the Newman Knights last Tuesday, Feb. 3 in Mason City. North Iowa lost the contest 38-37, as the Lady Bison couldn’t get a shot to fall in during the final seconds. Krista Schutter led North Iowa in scoring for the night with 15 points. “This was a close contest throughout,” said Lady Bison Head Coach Robert Riedinger. “We took a lead into the locker room at the half 19-18, but we were unable to build on that lead in the second half. We shot three for 12 from the free throw line and 29 percent from the field and still had an opportunity to win the game in the last few seconds. Missed ‘bunnies’ and free throws hurt you in close games, and we didn’t convert well on either of those stats.” Newman 12 6 11 938 North Iowa 8 11 11 7 37 The Lady Bison hosted Osage on Friday, Feb. 6, when they were quickly outmatched by the Green Devils by a margin of 62-21. Rebecca Murray led her team with seven points and five rebounds. Schutter and Taylen Hinders each scored four points, and Rachel Hassebroek made four rebounds. “Good first quarter, and then we could not find the basket for the rest of the game, as Osage caused numerous turnovers and then converted them easily,” said Coach Riedinger. “We were held scoreless for nearly 11 minutes in the second half, and that put us in a huge hole that we could not overcome.” North Iowa hosts Eagle Grove this Tuesday for their final conference match of the season, and the Lady Bison travel to Bishop Garrigan on Thursday for the opening round of the Regional tournament, which begins at 7:30 p.m. Osage 16 28 13 562 North Iowa 7 6 5 3 21 Logan Eichenberger readies a pass last Friday night, as the Bison hosted Osage. Austin Haisman led the Bison with 12 points last Friday night against Osage. The North Iowa Bison basketball team headed to Mason City last Tuesday, Feb. 3, as they faced Newman Catholic in a 60-41 loss. The Knights opened a wide lead in the first half, which proved to be too much overcome as the Bison performed better in the second half of the contest. Austin Haisman led the Bison with 11 points, followed by Taylor Ostermann with nine and Logan Eichenberger with eight. Drew Jensen led in rebounds and steals with four each. “We were able to use our offense to get good looks at the goal; unfortunately, we were not able to convert, and they built an early double digit lead,” explained Bison Head Coach Chad Hinders. “We were not able to settle down and chip away at their lead. The Knights were able to score 33 points in the second quarter to build a 30 point halftime advantage. “In the second half, we were more disciplined, maintained our defen- sive assignments, and finished more of our offensive possessions,” noted Hinders. Newman 14 33 9 460 North Iowa 6 11 15 9 41 the Broncos in the first round of the District basketball tournament. That game begins at 8 p.m. Osage 2015101358 North Iowa 10 7 10 8 35 The Bison hosted Osage last Friday, Feb. 6 in Buffalo Center, as they fell in a 58-35 loss. Haisman led North Iowa in scoring with 12 points, followed by Jensen with 11. Jensen led in rebounds with five, and Haisman had three assists. “In the first half, we were out of sync defensively,” said Coach Hinders. “We did not do a good job of recognizing shooters and sealing off people on missed shots. We gave them too many opportunities with our turnovers and our inability to come up with loose balls. We did a better job handling their pressure and actually were able to get into an offensive set most of the game.” The Bison will play their final two conference matches of the season this week, and they head to Belmond next Monday, Feb. 16 to face JV results The JV boys lost a close battle with Newman 31-28 on February 3. The Bison were led in scoring by Damon Olson with 10 points and Colin Weaver with six points. Weaver also added nine rebounds for the Bison. “This was another close game with Newman that we came up short. They had beaten us by two points just the week before and had our number again,” said Coach Justin Ullmann. “While it is difficult to lose another close game, I was proud of our team’s effort offensively and defensively.” The JV boys lost 47-28 against Osage in Buffalo Center on February 6. Taylor Baumann led North Iowa in scoring with seven points, while Alex Balvance and Freddie Eden each scored six points. “We played much better the sec- Ladies pick up first win at final home bowling meet Kendall Melz works her way under the net during last Friday’s basketball game against Osage LIVE & LOCAL RADIO North Iowa News - Information - Events MUSIC MIX Daily: Best Music Variety Weekends: Super Hits of 60’s & 70’s WEATHER Every 30 Minutes 24/7 Warnings When They Happen THE BEST MIX OF Music • News • Weather ;• Sports KIOW Mix 107.3 FM Forest City www.kiow.com kiow@kiow.com Business-Contest-Requests 641-585-1073 The North Iowa bowling teams hosted Waterloo-Columbus last Friday, Feb. 6, as the North Iowa girls won their first match of the season. The Lady Bison defeated Waterloo-Columbus 2183-2038, with Jordan Ostrander rolling the high series for her team with a 301. Jenna Berschman rolled a 292, including the high game of 166. Allison Almelien scored 284, followed by Sydney Giesking with 269, Katie Stelter with a new season high of 254, and Chelsey Roth bowled a 231. The Lady Bison were up 14001328 after the first round, and they outscored Waterloo-Columbus in the baker games as well, 783-710. “This is a great confidence builder, as we will be getting ready for SubState at Forest City on February 17 at 1:00 p.m.,” said North Iowa Head Coach Doug Aukes. The North Iowa boys came up short in their effort against Waterloo-Co- lumbus, as they lost 2782-2420. Spencer Armstrong led his team with a high game of 257 and a high series of 462. This improves his season average to 222, which keeps him among the top 10 Iowa high school bowlers in Class 1A. Noah Melz followed with a 353 series, and William Roeder rolled a new personal best with games of 144 and 171 for a 315 series. Cameron Roth scored 288, and Zach Dirksen totaled 253 pins. “The boys continue to face tough competition,” said Coach Aukes. “Waterloo-Columbus’ baker games were very impressive, as they nearly average 200 per game with a 998 total pin fall to our 749.” Aukes said the top two boys on his team will take part in an individual tournament at Waverly on February 17 at 11 a.m. “This is a singles event to displays some of the top bowlers in our district,” explained Aukes. Ben’s Specials of the Week 2012 Ford Focus SE 2010 Nissan Xterra 4 Door, Red, 52,712 miles, 2.0L L4 DOHC 16V, Off-Road, SUV/Crossover, Grey, 47,100 miles, Auto, FWD 4.0L V6 DOHC 24V, Auto, 4WD Ben’s Special Price Ben’s Special Price $10,999 Call For Price 2009 Honda Odyssey 2012 Ford F350 Crew Cab EX-L, Mini Van, Mocha Metallic, 83,000 miles, Lariat, Full Size Pickup, Black, 40,532 miles, 6.7L 3.5L V6 SOHC 24V, Auto, FWD V8 OHV 16V DIESEL, Auto, 4WD Ben’s Special Price Call For Price Ben’s Special Price $43,000 Full Listing Online at www.forestcityford.com Located at Junction Hwy. 9 & 69 Forest City, IA 1-800-300-6615 ond half of the game. We played better offensively and defensively,” said Coach Ullmann. The JV Bison record stands at 7-12, with two games left in the season. Youth wrestling tournament results Members of the North Iowa Youth Wrestling team have earned the following places during recent wrestling tournaments: Talan Jacobson – Mason City, 1st place; Clear Lake, 1st place. Drew Schutjer – Humboldt, 1st place; Mason City, 1st place; Clear Lake, 1st place. J.T. Kelso – Cedar Rapids, 1st place; Clear Lake, 1st place. Grant Schutjer – Humboldt, 3rd place; Clear Lake, 4th place. Lucas Oldenkamp – Mason City, 1st place. Sam Schutjer – Humboldt, 3rd place; Clear Lake, 2nd place. Austin Kelso – Cedar Rapids, 4th place. Brayden Gray – Clear Lake, 1st place. Doug Aukes, right, was the scratch tournament winner at this year’s Bob Klaassen Tournament, while Dan Hassebroek was the handicap tournament winner. Hassebroek and Aukes win Klaassen Tournament The 14th Annual Bob Klaassen Tournament was held Saturday, Jan. 31 and Sunday, Feb. 1 at Buffalo Lanes in Buffalo Center, with the scratch games taking place on Saturday and the handicap games being bowled on Sunday. Doug Aukes went on to win Saturday’s scratch tournament after placing fifth among the top five bowlers. The top five included Tim Loock, Steve Boyken, Gary Tedeken, Richard Bates and Aukes, with Aukes besting all four of his opponents to take the Title. Dan Hassebroek faced the same challenge on Sunday, when he won the handicap tournament after placing fifth out of the top five bowlers. He beat out the rest of the top five for the Title, including Mike Baumann, Pete Blanshan, Joe Knudson and Rod Smith. Bowling Scores Bison League February 2, 2015 W L Berggren Seeds 28 12 Ron’s Electric 27 13 Bison Graphics/AJ Em 26 14 Ollenburg Motors 21 19 Timber Tree Service 19 21 K & H Coop Oil 18 22 Pete’s Plumbing 13 27 Lake Mills Motel 8 32 Highs Posted: team game, Bison Graphics/AJ Embr (635), team series, Bison Graphics/AJ Embr (1838), ind. game, Dan Hassebroek (245), ind. series, Doug Aukes (667) Wed. Ladies Night February 4, 2015 W Heidi’s Hair Care 23 K & H Coop Oil 22 Buffalo Lanes 20 L 9 10 12 Emporium Furniture 17 15 Parts Plus 9 23 BYE 527 Highs Posted: team game, K & H Coop Oil (626), team series, K & H Coop Oil (1625), ind. game, Sheri Boyken (236), ind. series, Sheri Boyken (598) Twin City League February 5, 2015 W L Nick’s Auto Body 162½ 90½ Murra Hardware 143 110 StateLine Coop 122 131 Ag Performance 121 132 Lofstrom Seeds 120½ 132½ Buffalo Lanes 90 163 Highs Posted: team game, Ag Performance (880), team series, Murra Hardware (2541), ind. game, Lefty Knudson (279), ind. series, Lefty Knudson (791) SPORTS Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Alex Paulson of Forest City ties up with Hampton-Dumont’s Kendrick Suntken in the 220-pound final. Paulson upset the third-ranked wrestler with a takedown in overtime for a 3-1 decision. (Kristi Nixon photo) Beau Sorenson of Forest City reacts after winning the 170-pound Sectional title at Hampton-Dumont High School on Saturday, Feb. 7. (Kristi Nixon photo) The Forest City wrestling team placed three champions and two runners up last Saturday, Feb. 7, at the 2A Sectional wrestling tournament in Hampton. Those five wrestlers will advance to the District tournament this Saturday, Feb. 14 in Webster City, where they will compete for a spot in the State tournament. Alex Paulson was the Sectional champion at 170 pounds on Saturday, as he pinned Tommy Cramer of Iowa Falls-Alden in the semifinals and won an overtime decision over thirdranked Kendrick Suntken of Hampton-Dumont in the first place match. Pierce Gelhaus was the champion at 138 pounds, as he pinned Anthony Sheerwood of GHV in the semifinals and won a major decision over Spencer Orr of Clear Lake in the first place match. Beau Sorenson won the 170 pound in the semifinal round but came back to pin Grady Umbarger of GHV in the third place match. He faced Fristo again in the second place match, where he lost by rule. Taking fourth place on Saturday were Will Kirschbaum (113) and Landon Josten (152). Placing fifth at Sectionals were Alec Fett (106), Easton Jacobs (160) and Adam Eden (285). 106-Alec Fett-5th Quarterfinal: Ben Hillyer (Clear Lake) won by major decision over Fett, 8-0. Cons. Semi: Fett received a bye. 5th Place Match: Fett won by fall over Cameron Peterson (Algona), 3:47. 113-Will Kirschbaum-4th Quarterfinal: Kirschbaum received a bye. Semifinal: Todd Raisch (Iowa Falls-Alden) won by tech fall over Kirschbaum, 2:30 (16-0). 3rd Place Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 • 11 Noah Paulson of Forest City lets Garner-Hayfield/Ventura’s Grady Umbarger know he took exception to the late crossface he gave him after Paulson won the third place match at Hampton-Dumont High School. (Kristi Nixon photo) Five Indians advance to Districts division, with a decision over Michael Kent of Iowa Falls-Alden in the semifinals and a pin over Cade Baker of GHV in the first place match. Maverick Freerksen (132) pinned Austin Chase of Algona in the semifinal round to make it into the first place match, where he was pinned by Hampton-Dumont’s Carter Barkema. He pinned Clear Lake’s Dylon Crotty in the second place match to advance to Districts. Austin Lewis (145) also advanced with a second place finish. He won a decision of Zac Katschke of Iowa Falls-Alden in the semifinals but lost by forfeit in the first place match. He went on to defeat Caleb Chaney of Hampton-Dumont by fall in the second place match. Noah Paulson (182) took third in his division. Paulson lost a 7-6 decision to Hampton-Dumont’s Miles Fristo Match: Alex Bronson (Algona) won by fall over Kirschbaum, 1:58. 132-Maverick Freerksen-2nd Quarterfinal: Freerksen received a bye. Semifinal: Freerksen won by fall over Austin Chase (Algona), 1:51. 1st Place Match: Carter Barkema (Hampton-Dumont) won by fall over Freerksen, 1:34. 2nd Place Match: Freerksen won by fall over Dylon Crotty (Clear Lake), 5:42. 138-Pierce Gelhaus-1st Quarterfinal: Gelhaus received a bye. Semifinal: Gelhaus won by fall over Anthony Sheerwood (GHV), 2:22. 1st Place Match: Gelhaus won by major decision over Spencer Orr (Clear Lake), 13-1. 145-Austin Lewis-2nd Quarterfinal: Lewis received a bye. Semifinal: Lewis won by decision over Zac Katschke (Iowa Falls-Alden), 15-12. 1st Place Match: Ryan Four girls and four boys from NIHS joined together to sing “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles at last Monday’s variety show. Faught (Clear Lake) won by forfeit over Lewis. 2nd Place Match: Lewis won by fall over Caleb Chaney (Hampton-Dumont), 5:35. 152-Landon Josten-4th Quarterfinal: Josten won by disqualification over Daniel Dantas (GHV). Semifinal: Max Lehmann (Hampton-Dumont) won by fall over Josten, 2:56. 3rd Place Match: Brad Hillyer (Clear Lake) won by decision over Josten, 9-6. 160-Easton Jacobs-5th Quarterfinal: Kaleb Froiland (Clear Lake) won by fall over Jacobs, 5:26. Cons. Semi: Jacobs received a bye. 5th Place Match: Jacobs received a bye. 170-Beau Sorenson-1st Quarterfinal: Sorenson received a bye. Semifinal: Sorenson won by decision over Michael Kent (Iowa Falls-Alden), 9-5. 1st Place Match: Sorenson won by fall over Cade Baker (GHV), 1:07. 182-Noah Paulson-3rd Quarterfinal: Paulson received a bye. Semifinal: Miles Fristo (Hampton-Dumont) won by decision over Paulson, 7-6. 3rd Place Match: Paulson won by fall over Grady Umbarger (GHV), 1:21. 2nd Place Match: Miles Fristo (Hampton-Dumont) won by rule over Paulson. 220-Alex Paulson-1st Quarterfinal: Paulson received a bye. Semifinal: Paulson won by fall over Tommy Cramer (Iowa Falls-Alden), 2:32. 1st Place Match: Paulson won in overtime over Kendrick Suntken (Hampton-Dumont), 3-1. 285-Adam Eden-5th Quarterfinal: Nathan Benson (Clear Lake) won by fall over Eden, 3:14. Cons. Semi: Eden received a bye. 5th Place Match: Eden won by fall over Brycen Boge (GHV), 1:15. Dakota Brass, left, sings Kenny Chesney’s “Don’t Blink” as Joe Schutter accompanies on guitar. The bucket band flipped, banged and drummed on their buckets and trash cans for the song “Trashin’ It Up!” during the variety show at North Iowa. Madison Stenersen, center, and Makeila Shortenhaus perform a duet of Coldplay’s “Paradise”, while Jami Goetz accompanies on the drums. Music Boosters Ruth Anne Dirksen, left, and Sheila Larson help to serve desserts following the Music Boosters Variety Show last Monday night. Donations received at the show and at the dessert bar will be used toward the purchase of a new sound shell for the vocal music department at the school. Zach Dirksen sang “Smile” by Charlie Chaplin for his vocal solo at the variety show. Jami Goetz, right, sang “Haven’t Met You Yet” by Michael Buble during a vocal solo at last week’s variety show. He was accompanied on piano by Mrs. Amy Cook, who accompanied a number of the performers during the evening. LOCAL 12 • Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Many groups benefit from Eagle Pool Tournament Dwayne Nyman, center, of Nyman TV and Furniture in Bancroft presents two $615 donations to Lyle Hippen, left, of the Buffalo Center Fire Dept. and Paul Armstrong of the Buffalo Center Ambulance. Armstrong won a drawing held by Nyman TV and Furniture, which gave him the chance to pick which organizations would receive the money. B.C. Fire and Ambulance share Nyman jackpot The annual Eagle Pool Tournament is fast approaching on Saturday, Mar. 7 at the Eagle Center in Lakota. Proceeds from the tournament are distributed each year to support a number of local organizations. Last year’s recipients included the Lakota Little League program, which received a $250 donation. From left are: Noah Bechtel, Coach Shelby Heetland, Coach Zach Meinders and Izzy Salas. The Buffalo Center Fire Department and Buffalo Center Ambulance are two beneficiaries of an annual giveaway from Nyman TV and Furniture in Bancroft. Nyman sets aside $10 of the proceeds from every television it sells throughout the year, with the purpose of giving that money to area fire departments and ambulance crews. Each person who buys a TV at Nyman is entered into a drawing, and the winners get to choose which or- ganizations will receive the money. This year, Paul Armstrong of Buffalo Center was one of the winners, and he had the opportunity to decide who would receive $1,230 from Nyman’s give back program. He elected to split the proceeds in half, with $615 going to the Buffalo Center Ambulance and $615 going to the Buffalo Center Fire Department. Armstrong also happens to serve on the Buffalo Center Ambulance. Dwayne Nyman of Nyman TV and Furniture came to Buffalo Center to present the checks. This is the second time that someone in Buffalo Center has won the drawing, and Nyman has given away a total of $18,590 through this program over the past several years. There have been four drawing winners from Bancroft, two each from Buffalo Center, Algona and Burt, and one each from Titonka, Lone Rock and Fenton. Way back when Lakota Museum representative Char Spear accepts a check representing a portion of the proceeds from last year’s Eagle Pool Tournament. R E B A T E Theresa Berg, right, organizer of the Eagle Pool Tournament, presents a check for $250 to Tim Rowlet of the Bancroft Parks and Recreation Department. Don’t miss the KiCK DiRt Rebate on FiRestone RaDiaL tRaCtoR anD Destination FaRm RaDiaL impLement tiRes! January 1, 2015, through March 31, 2015, get money back on top-performing Firestone farm tires – available only at your Certified Firestone Farm Tire Dealer. $50 back on select Destination Farm aD2™* technology implement radials** $100 back on select standard tractor radials** $125 back on select aD2 technology rear tractor radials** Offer limited to 16 eligible Destination Farm radial implement tires and any combination of 16 eligible standard radial and AD2 radial rear tractor tires per address. Your Certified Firestone Farm Tire Dealer has the tires you want and the “Kick Dirt” rebate form for your money back. Visit FirestoneAg.com to learn more. Rebate paid with a Firestone prepaid masterCard®. Like us on Facebook! *Advanced Deflection Design (AD2) **Limited-time offer valid from 1/01/15 through 03/31/15, subject to product availability. Requests must be postmarked on or before 04/30/15. Once submitted rebate requests are validated, rebate will be issued in the form of a prepaid card. Prepaid card is given to you as a rebate and no money has been paid by you for the card. Prepaid card is issued by MetaBank®, Member FDIC, pursuant to license by MasterCard International Incorporated. MasterCard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International Incorporated. No cash access or recurring payments. Card valid for up to 12 months; unused funds will be forfeited at midnight EST the last day of the month of the valid thru date. Card terms and conditions apply, see MyPrepaidCenter.com/site/mastercard-promo. Offer cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions or discounts. Offer limited to 16 eligible Destination Farm radial implement tires and any combination of 16 eligible standard and AD2 radial rear tractor tires per address – visit FirestoneAg.com for eligible tire list. Offer subject to Terms and Conditions available on the official Claim Form and at FirestoneAg.com. Offer valid only for purchases of eligible tires at participating Certified Firestone Farm Tire Dealers in the 50 United States and DC and void where prohibited, taxed or restricted. This is a limited-time offer and may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC. 101 1st Avenue Northwest Buffalo Center, IA 50424 (641) 562-2029 10 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, February 10, 2005 Arvid Boyken of Buffalo Center was appointed as the regular rural carrier for Rural Route Two, Buffalo Center, effective January 22, 2005. Boyken began his career with the Postal Service in 1992 as a rural carrier associate assigned to the Buffalo Center Post office. The North Iowa Community Schools accepted the gift of an Automated External Defibrillator. The AED was announced and displayed in a ceremony between basketball games with the Osage teams here Tuesday night, February 1 by School Nurse Deb Aukes, RN. 20 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, February 9, 1995 North Iowa Lady Bison had an 11 point win at Garner-Hayfield on Friday night with the final score of 4130. Marjie Tweto collected 12 points, the only one in double digits. Jennifer Gerzema and Sarah Heyer both had 4 boards while Cara Vander Wilt had 5 boards. Stop in and get your Sweetheart a Valentine Bouquet in a Novelty Container for only $18.00 and delivered from the Country Flower Shop. 30 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, February 7, 1985 A Grand Opening is planned in February at the Country Flower Shop, a new business owned by Mrs. Carolyn Don Skogen. After 25 years of working in other shops on part time schedules, she now has decided to go into business for herself. Carolyn’s shop is located 4 and one half miles east of Rake. The Buffalo Center Jaycees are ranked fourth in the State of Iowa in cities of 851-1500 population. The Buffalo Center Jaycees Chapter was formed 4 years ago and has a total of 40 members. 40 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, February 6, 1975 The members of the Board of Education for the Rake Community School and the Buffalo Center Community School Districts have agreed to form a joint office effective July 1, 1975. Mr. Irving Larson of the Buffalo Center Community School District will be serving in an administrative capacity with the Rake Community School District. Shop Carefully! There are many food bargains throughout the store at Larson’s Superette! Delicious apples, 1 pound 29 cents. Butt’r-Topp Red and White Wrapper, 3 loaves only $1.35. Borden’s Glacier Club Ice Cream, ½ gallon, 98 cents. •NewGelBeds •NewE-gellbeds •NaturalLatexbeds 50 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, February 11, 1965 The Boy Scouts will celebrate their 55th Anniversary with the youth movement with the theme, “Strengthen America’s Heritage”. Emphasis on how the program of the Boy Scouts of America helps to strengthen will be the major feature of Boy Scout Week February 7-13. Come see the new Rambler at Sleper Rambler Sales Co. It is the All-New Marlin made by Rambler. 60 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, February 10, 1955 The war against polio is not over. During 1954, it was Iowa’s second worst polio year. There were 289 persons treated for the disease in the State University of Iowa Hospitals alone. The new 3 cents “First of the LandGrant College Commemorative Stamp” will go on sale on February 12, 1955. A piece of mail may be handled 11-18 times from the time it is dropped in the mail box until it is delivered to the addressee. •Space-ageMemoryFoambeds •Adjustablebedswithmassage www.EmporiumFurnitureOnline.com Ph 641-562-2929 Cell 319-541-4775 99th Anniversary TSB is celebrating 99 Years of Business! We would like to thank our customers for your continued patronage over the years. Established as Titonka Savings Bank in 1916 www.tsbbank.com 173 Main Street North Titonka, IA 50480 (515) 928-2142 FAX (515) 928-2042 FirestoneAg.com 101 Hwy 69 N Forest City, IA 50436 (641) 585-3247 FAX (641) 585-3907 11723 Highway 9 Thompson, IA 50478 (641) 584-2275 FAX (641) 584-2575