it here - Goddess Conference


it here - Goddess Conference
Welcome to the Twentieth Annual
Glastonbury Goddess Conference
Tuesday 28th July to Sunday 2nd August 2015
Celebrating Anu, An Cailleach,
Stella Nolava Queen of Heaven and
Earth, Cosmic Star Mother
Sharing Goddess spiritual practices
Time of the Cailleach by Jane Brideson
Glastonbury Goddess Conference is a unique transformative, spiritual, psychological, emotional
and physical experience. In our Twentieth Anniversary year we are celebrating the Goddess of
the North, the Mother of Air, who is Anu, An Cailleach, Stella Nolava, Queen of Heaven and
Earth, the Cosmic Star Mother. Priestesses, Presenters, Melissas and Participants from all over the
world journey together through Sacred Ceremony, Presentations, Workshops and Performances,
moving ever more deeply into the Heart of the Mysteries of An Cailleach in Avalon.
Who knew when we began twenty years ago that our Goddess Conference would come to play
such an important part in the lives of so many people, as an annual re-Source of Goddess love,
magic and wisdom, which inspires us through the rest of the year? Goddess takes us into Her
Realm when we surrender to the Mystery of Her ways. We are so grateful for everything that
She gives to us in the Goddess Conference.
Goddess Conference 2015
Welcome and Information
Your Conference Webster and Spinners
Welcome to our Twentieth Anniversary Goddess Conference, Fringe
and Exhibitions, which are visioned by Conference Webster Kathy
Jones, and spun and woven together with the help of many other
people. In creating the Conference Kathy is supported by a Spiral
of Very Special Spinners in the Conference Ceremonial Circle, this
year – Erin McCauliff, Katie Player, Katinka Soetens, Marion Van
Eupen, Michelle Patten, Sally Pullinger, Sharlea Sparrow and
Sue Quatermass. We work together through the year, creating and
designing the transformative Conference Ceremonies.
Invaluable contributions to the Conference are made by
wonderful Roz Bound from Canada on Registration; our new Melissa
Mother Amanda Baker; inspired artist Tiana Pitman co-ordinates
the DREAMS & VISIONS Exhibition in the Glastonbury Assembly
Rooms; glorious artist Wendy Andrew presents STILLNESS & STARS
in the Miracles Room of the Glastonbury Experience; crafting Mandie
Thorne co-ordinates Artists and Craftspeople in the Small Town Hall;
lovely Iona Jones organises Coventina’s Healing Day Spa; playful
Lina Spyrou, Kaye Cooksey, Lisa Newing and team look after Young
People; and amazing webmistress Geraldine Charles responds to
Conference bookings and creates our wonderful website. We all work
together to create the best possible Goddess event we can imagine.
The Conference takes place through the energy, vision, efforts
and hard work of many, many women and men who are named here,
as well as you, the participants, who make a huge contribution to the
Conference. Without all of us the Goddess Conference would not be
the fabulous event that it is and we are very grateful for the gifts and
talents offered by all who come to the Conference. Together we are
bringing the Goddess back into the world, creating new forms for Her
expression. The Glastonbury Goddess Conference is a truly magical
Goddess event, where we gather together to express our love for Her
and encourage others to do likewise in their own lands and cultures,
bringing the Goddess back into our recognition in Her world.
Our Nine Year Cycle
2015 is the eighth in our current nine year cycle of Goddess
celebration, as we travel around Britannia’s Wheel to the North. Here
we honour the Mother of Air, of Winter, of Ice and Stone, of Breath
and Bone, of the Space between death and rebirth. We honour Her
as An Cailleach, Divine Hag, Veiled One, Ancestral Mother, She who
is An, Ana, Anu and Her expressions AnuDanaa, AnuBree, AnuUrs,
AnuRhia, AnuOmnu, AnuKora, AnuBha, AnuWen & AnuLova. This
year, as our ancestors did before us, we have connected to and named
a Goddess-shaped smudge of stars within the Orion Nebula, which
we can see with the naked eye for most of the year from Glastonbury.
We are calling Her Stella Nolava, the Star Womb of our Lady of
Avalon. In our Conference we are reaching out from the Earth into
the endlessness of Space to the Cosmic Star Mother, that we might
receive Her Rays of Love and Light through the lens of Stella Nolava.
During the Conference Stella Nolava is shining upon us during
daylight hours, and will be visible in the night sky just before dawn.
The Moon becomes full on Friday 31st July at Lunar Lammas.
Starlight which began travelling towards the earth 4/5,000years
ago when Goddess was loved everywhere in the world, when there
were Goddess Temples and Sacred Sites in many places, is now arriving
on the earth. It comes to reawaken our consciousness to the memory
and presence of Goddess. We will present some of the Prayers and
Spiritual Practices that allow us to experience Goddess directly in our
bodies, which we can take home with us when Conference is over.
The Spiritual Pilgrimage of this Goddess Conference
The Goddess Conference and Fringe is a spiritual and cultural feast
dedicated to Goddess. Taken as a whole it is a nine day spiritual
pilgrimage to meet the Goddess as She expresses Herself within the
sacred landscape of Glastonbury and the Isle of Avalon, in creative
ceremony, workshops, performances, talks, music, artworks, song, etc.,
as we see Her in each other and in the world around us.
To make a Pilgrimage to Goddess is to journey to Her holy places
as an act of spiritual devotion, an act of love for Her. It is both an
outer and an inner journey, at times individual, at times communal.
Throughout this year’s Goddess Conference we are consciously making
our pilgrimage to Anu, to Stella Nolava, the Cosmic Star Mother, in our
ceremonies, talks and workshops, as we walk on the land that is Her
physical body, as we journey through Glastonbury’s sacred landscape
visiting the holy places. We are seeking to recognize the Mother of Air
all around us, as we breathe Her in, in each moment and as She shows
Herself to us as we move through the Veil into Avalon.
Entering the mystical Isle of Avalon is all about consciousness,
awareness and perception. It is about opening our hearts to Her as
we walk through the town and countryside of Glastonbury. It is about
listening to our intuition as we look through Her Veil of Mystery,
recognising that there is more to life than meets the eye. It is about
seeking and finding Goddess in and beneath the surfaces of the
obvious. We can help each other to do this by holding focus, staying
connected to Her, by being aware.
As we begin our pilgrimage to An Cailleach in Avalon we open
our eyes, ears and consciousness to Her throughout the Conference.
We recognise Her around us, in our breath, in the wind, in the wide
skies above us, in the night-time stars. We open our hearts to Her
Presence and receive Her Wisdom. We notice who comes to us –
birds, animals, people who appear at relevant moments. We notice
the synchronicities that mark our paths. We notice what we see out of
the corner of our eyes and allow what is there to reveal itself to us, so
that we may recognise Her.
As we walk from place to place in the landscape we make small
offerings of water, herbs, flower seeds or grains to scatter in gratitude
on the earth, wherever we stop to pray. All offerings are biodegradable
so that they return harmlessly back to Her body.
Nine Orb Circles
On arrival Conference participants are invited to join one of Nine
Orb Circles, for companionship and support. The Orb symbolises
our awakening Soul potential, and the Group Orb is a symbol of
the Group Soul of each Circle. Each Orb Circle gathers to share
experiences and to participate in ceremony. The Young People in the
Conference have their own additional Circle. We ask you to welcome
and include newcomers in your Orb Circle as well as old friends to
the Conference.
Priestesses of the Goddess and of Avalon,
and other traditions
Priestesses of the Goddess and of Avalon facilitate the many
Conference ceremonies. Nine Ceremonial Group Priestesses hold the
Motherweb of the Conference and facilitate ceremonies on behalf
of the whole Conference. A second circle of nine Orb Priestesses
facilitate ceremonies, sharing and support within each of the Nine
Orb Circles. They are Ali Harrison, Angie Twydall, Anna Saqqara
Price, Ann Staniland, Dawn Kinsella, Gina Willow, Luiza Frazao,
Mary Bruce and Vicki Phelps. Other Priest/esses will help priestess
in other ceremonies, including Heloise Pilkington, Miriam Raven,
Sophie Pullinger and Christine Watts.
Conference Melissas
Conference Melissas (bee priest/esses who support the Queen Bee’s
hive) play a vital role in the smooth running of the Goddess Conference.
Their work is focused by Melissa Mother Amanda Baker. Melissas are
women and men who work in exchange for their conference tickets –
sweeping floors, carrying paintings, staffing registration, looking after
conferees and presenters. They include Alexandra Cichon, Amanda
Posnett, Becky Johansson, Bee Baganz-Dickinson, Brian Harrison,
Cathy Hookey, Ciska Goree, Daniel Holmes, Dave Phelan, David
Mitchell, Johanna Mitchell, John Haxton, John Reeves, Kai Soetens,
Kevin Kirwan, Laura Slowe, Luna Neale, Manon Larlet, Marisa
Picardo, Pat Perkins, Peter Wood, Sam Wartski, Sara Romadero,
Spider Redgold, Stephen Patten, Sue Rushworth, Terry Helyar, Tina
Free and Trevor Nuthall. Thank you all!!
Registration Team
The all-important Registration Team is once again focused by the
fabulous Roz Bound, assisted by Conference Melissas. They are
here to register Conferees, provide information and help with
Talks, presentations, ceremonies and workshops take place in
Glastonbury Town Hall, the Goddess Hall, the Glastonbury
Experience, Glastonbury Assembly Rooms and other venues in the
town, which are given at registration. See map on p13 for venue
Goddess Ground
Goddess Ground tells you about our intentions for the Conference
and the basis on which decisions are made. These are guidelines
and we retain the right to be flexible and to make exceptions and
changes for the good of the whole conference as necessary. We wish:
•• To invite women and men from all over the world who love
Goddess to come to Glastonbury to join us in celebrating
Her living presence upon the Isle of Avalon at Her festival
of Lammas and to create an open, loving space in which we
can all experience Her.
•• To focus each year on a different face of the Goddess
increasing our knowledge and experience of Her.
•• To provide an interesting and varied selection of
ceremonies, rituals, talks, workshops, performances,
exhibitions and celebrations of Goddess, and to provide a
forum where Goddess ideas and artwork can be presented
in a friendly, Goddess-loving atmosphere.
•• To take participants to some of the special places on the Isle
of Avalon.
locations. The Town Hall and
the Goddess Hall have disabled
access. Please ask for assistance
in other places if you need it.
Looking After Yourself at
the Goddess Conference
We hope that you have a
happy and inspiring time at the
Goddess Conference. It is a wonderful event where you can attend all
sorts of ceremonies, talks and workshops, meet old and new friends,
and leave feeling inspired and renewed. However, it can also be a very
intense experience and, if you haven't been before, it can even be a
little overwhelming. There are many people ready to talk to you about
how you are feeling, but it is also important to look after yourself so
here are some thoughts...
Please read the programme carefully. This will give you most
of the information that you might need in planning your time at the
Conference, together with details of which events might be unsuitable
for children. If you are unsure, please ask. There are lots of people at
the Conference who will be happy to talk to you about any thoughts,
feelings or questions that you may have – your Orb Priestess, your
Orb Circle sisters and brothers, the Conference counsellor (see
below), members of the Ceremonial Group, and other Conference
participants who may have attended before and be able to guide you
The Goddess Conference is envisioned as a spiritually
transformative pilgrimage journey and this journey can be engaged
in as deeply as you wish. It weaves its way through all the days of the
Conference and each day is carefully designed to take participants
to a different place within themselves and to shift energy each day.
Your journey may begin on the Fringe, or on Tuesday when you arrive,
leaving behind your everyday life and entering into Goddess space,
with Blessing Ceremonies in the Sacred Landscape followed by the
•• To present to the outside world the Goddess work of British
resident women and men. The Goddess Conference is one
of the few places in Brigit’s Isles where women’s Goddess
creativity is openly presented. We also invite selected
women and men from abroad with particular Goddess
interests and connections to Glastonbury to present their
work at the conference.
•• To provide a fee structure which allows the widest range of
women and men as possible to come to the conference and
which pays well those who do the work. There are therefore
Earlybird tickets which allow us to pay for printing brochures
and advertising the event early in the year, date-related full
price tickets, and bursaries for single parents, unemployed,
disabled, pensioners, etc. There is also work in exchange
for tickets. More than one third of those taking part in the
Conference are either paid presenters, priestesses, people in
receipt of bursaries, or working in exchange for tickets.
•• To provide a market place for artists, performers and
participants who are presenting their Goddess creativity at
the conference, so that they can reach a wider audience.
Opening Ceremony. It deepens through the days into the Heart of the
Mysteries on Friday. We ground that journey on Saturday and Sunday.
In this way we hope to open new pathways for Goddess to work in
our lives. It is not always clear how this will happen and we all have
a part in weaving the extraordinary and unique experience that is the
Goddess Conference.
It is possible to attend the whole Conference or just for one or
two days, choosing what to go to during that time and what to take
away with you. Intention is important and on one level, it is possible
to engage in the Conference as little or as much as feels comfortable
to you. However the Conference is both an individual and a collective
journey and it is important to be aware that those around you may
be deep in the process, even if you aren't. This can affect your own
thoughts and feelings.
Some of the ceremonies at the Conference may not be what
you are used to, and may seem quite different in some way. They are
powerful, transformative ceremonies and it is important to bear this
in mind when attending. The intention of each ceremony is described
in the programme, together with information about whether they are
suitable for children. If you have any questions or concerns please do
speak to a priestess or registration.
It is very important at the Conference to take care of yourself,
knowing what you can and cannot do. The Conference is full of
wonderful things to see and do and you may want to experience
everything, but it is also important to know when you need some
quiet time away from the hurly burly. There are many beautiful places
to rest in, such as the Goddess Temple, which is held by student
priestesses and priests throughout the Conference; the Exhibitions in
the Assembly Room and the Miracles Room; or relax in Coventina’s
Day Spa (see below). Glastonbury Abbey grounds are close by and
there is Chalice Well, the Tor, or just walk in the landscape. Trust your
intuition when it tells you that you need to rest, eat or just be.
After Conference is over please be gentle with yourself. If
possible take time to ground yourself back into everyday life. Honour
the experiences that you have had and the pilgrimage journey that
you have taken. Be aware that feelings may come up suddenly,
whether high or low. If you have the opportunity and time, take a
couple more days off work, go back gently into the world and allow
Goddess to speak to you. She wants nothing more than for us to take
care of ourselves.
We hope that you have a wonderful Conference!
Aromatherapy Massage, Deep Tissue and Therapeutic Massage,
Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Candles and Seated
Acupressure. She is an experienced Holistic Therapist, Counsellor
and Energy Worker living in and working in the magical place of
Glastonbury. Annie Sapsead
offers luxurious, nourishing, deep-soul
transformation Aromatherapy Massages with beautifully blended oils.
Also Reflexology and Reiki Treatments to help you experience the
Divine Energy within and live in the now. Jan May offers Reflexology,
Aromatherapy Massage and Indian Head Massage. She is particularly
passionate about Reflexology and it's healing abilities and can combine
Reflexology and Indian Head Massage or Massage and Reflexology
together. Justine Bonner offers Thai Massage, a unique and powerful
system of healing therapy, combining rhythmic massage, acupressure,
assisted yoga stretches, gentle twisting and energy work. She also
offers Lomi Lomi massage, a restorative healing Hawaiian Massage
which works gently yet deeply on the muscles and psyche. Melanie
Ward offers Shiatsu and Indian Head Massage to relax, transform pain,
difficulty and stuckness. Shiatsu is a form of healing bodywork that
connects deep into muscles, joints and underlying energy (qi) of the
body. So much to enjoy!
Meeting the Needs of Children and Young People
We welcome children and young people to the Goddess Conference.
In 2015 we are providing participatory workshops for young people
between 8 and 18 years of age, on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
9.30 am - 1.00 pm; and Thursday 9.30 am - 11.00 am; facilitated by
LIna Spyrou who organises the Goddess Temple’s young people’s
Arktoi group, and Conference regulars Kaye Cooksey and Lisa
Newing. Please book in at the beginning of the Conference. Children
are the responsibility of their parents at all times and we ask parents
to be sensitive to the needs of other conferees.
Personal Support
The Goddess Conference is a powerful experience for us all, and as
well as your Orb Priestess and others in your Orb Circle, counsellor
Sue Hawksley is available for you to talk with about more difficult
personal matters that can arise during the Conference. If you would
like to talk to Sue please contact her through Registration or on her
mobile Tel. 07837 920 307
* Special Support. If you have a sight, hearing or mobility difficulty, a
Melissa is available to facilitate as comfortable a passage as possible
for you through the Conference. Contact her through Registration.
Coventina’s Healing Day Spa
Take care of yourself with relaxing healing therapies at Coventina’s
Healing Spa, open daily in the Avalon Room in the Glastonbury
Experience (up the wooden staircase, beyond the Goddess Temple).
Organised by holistic therapist Iona Jones, our team of qualified
and experienced therapists offer a range of services, all designed
with your wellbeing in mind. Use our flexible voucher system to
book several inexpensive sessions, from 30 minutes each or for
an hour or more. On offer over the five days of the conference we
have the following Spa therapists and treatments: Anina Fox giving
Art Exhibitions :
28th July to 2nd August
Open daily 10.00 am - 5.00 pm, except during Conference
DREAMS & VISIONS Exhibition created by TIANA PITMAN with
with the help of Sue Quatermass.
Older than I by Jill Smith
MIRACLES ROOM, The Courtyard, Glastonbury Experience
Star Mother by Tiana Pitman
Delight in the creative GODDESS CRAFTWORK of artists / craftspeople brought together by MANDIE THORNE. Artists include
Cheryl Yambrach Rose Hall is a
visionary artist, portrait painter and
researcher. Using historical data along
with her psychic impressions, she
creates empowered oil paintings
based on experiences in sacred sites
and other realms. She calls this ‘NeoMythic Art’ ®.
Her book “Art Through
the Eyes of the Soul” released in 2010
is a rich collection of these
experiences. The associated Oracle
deck was released in 2011. Her
recently released “Art Through the
Starstream Oracle” connects cultures and their stories to their origins in
the stars and other worlds where all possibilities and creations are
waiting to be intuitively chosen. She paints in her studio overlooking the
Vales of Avalon. Website:
Ember Vincent – From The Belly … from the belly of the earth comes
clay, fire, water.
London Goddess Circle – We are the London Goddess Circle, a group
of Goddess-loving women who have come together to bring sacred
Temple space to the London area. We are a creative lot and are looking
forward to raising some funds for our Temple spaces and future projects
by selling beautiful things we have created with Goddess in mind.
Nic Phillips is an artist and author living in
Glastonbury specialising in Goddess imagery,
saints, angels, mythology and iconography. He
is the designer of a Goddess and God Tarot
and author of 'Celtic Saints of Western Britain'
(2015 Avalonia Ltd). For more info see Nic
Phillips Sacred Art on Facebook or www.
Ronnie Hudson – I am bringing statues and jewellery featuring
Goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon … Scarves, veils, headdresses,
robes and lush clothes, lovely ritual objects and sparkly stuff.
I am a professional ceramicist, a practicing pagan and a mother and
have been working with clay for nearly 20 years. Some of the first
things I made from clay were Goddesses – it seemed natural – almost
compulsive to shape a female figure from the earthy mud I held in
my hand. When I create a new image I work intuitively with the clay.
Sometimes I research a particular Goddess first; sometimes she just
appears, emerging from the clay and into the world. I will be bringing
to the Goddess Conference a collection of lovingly handmade ceramic
Goddesses and related items for reflection, inspiration, protection,
comfort, reassurance, enjoyment, ritual, practical use or anything in
Gwen Davies – I have been celebrating Goddess through art for many
many years. I take inspiration from The Earth and her biodiversity. My
journey has led me to develop the use of body art, and specifically
henna for healing and spiritual development.
Victoria Shillingford has her silversmith workshop where she lives in
the heart of the Sussex countryside. Here she creates jewellery using
inspiration from nature, wildlife, the seasons, moon phases and
dreaming. She enjoys the sheer pleasure of working with metal, stone,
fire, water and hammers!
Victoria adds beautiful and unusual crystals
and fossils into jewellery pieces for the awe, wonder and magic they
bring the wearer. She loves using both copper and silver equally;
Copper for its glorious earthy ancestral feel, making tribal and shamanic
pieces that reflect this and silver for the more subtle magical and etheric
energies, again making jewellery that reflect these qualities.Commissions
taken for that special, shamanic, ceremonial, magical, or celebratory
piece of jewellery.
Facebook page 'Victoria Shillingford the Jewellery
Dreamer’. See
Intuitive Readings with Yeshe Rabbit. Sit down for a spell with Yeshe
to talk through the themes and patterns that are emerging in your life
and path. Yeshe will pull tarot cards and answer your specific and
general questions, offer personalized guidance for you, spiritually and
practically, and work with you to help shape the transformations that
are emerging in your life. Sessions are available in 30 minute and 60
minute increments, at the rate of £20 and £40 respectively. Please sign
up for your time slot at her booth. Website
Tuesday 28th July
Conference Begins
There are changes to our original advertised Conference programme,
because some presenters who travel from other lands have suffered
accidents, or have health problems in 2015. They include Zsuzsanna
Budapest, Lauren Raine and Judy Piazza. We send them all the healing
love of Goddess. Fortunately other wonderful Goddess women have
stepped in and are sharing their talents.
8.30 am - 10.00 am CONFERENCE REGISTRATION opens
in Glastonbury Town Hall.
With apple juice and cider in celebration of Avalon / Afallon – the Isle
of Apples. Enjoy beautiful Goddess banners created by Lydia Ruyle,
Tiana Pitman and Willow Roe in Glastonbury Town Hall. Decorate the
central Goddess, specially made by Foosiya Miller, with your offerings
of ribbons, beads, sparklies, etc. Light prayer candles at the main altar.
Sign up for Conference workshops and pampering sessions in
Coventina’s Healing Spa. Sign up for Young Peoples’ Workshops.
Town Hall, Assembly Rooms and Miracles Room in the Glastonbury
* Throughout the Conference bring your personal crystal with you to all
ceremonies and workshops to charge with Conference energies.
MORNING 10.00 am - 1.00 pm
10.00 am - 11.15 am WELCOME CIRCLE
Welcome to Glastonbury with Green Councillor and Glastonbury
Introduction of participants, contributors and artists. Introductory
announcements with Kathy and the Conference Spinners, plus first
Orb Circles with Orb Priestesses.
11.15 am Coffee Break
FULL CIRCLE Singing Songs for Goddess
Jana Runnalls' songs to the Goddess have a
legendary reputation. She has inspired generations
of seekers, whether performing alone, with the
funky Wild Women or Awen's Celtic sound.
Expect rhythm and harmonies and to be
entertained, moved and inspired! She will be
joined by Kat Brown and friends. See www.
Learning The Lady’s Prayer, which will be spoken daily in the
Conference and which can be taken home as a personal Prayer Practice.
– Learning chants for the Evening
Priestess of Avalon Sally Pullinger is a composer,
musician, professional medium, healer, grandmother, who has lived in Avalon for 32 years. She
has written so many wonderful songs and music for
the Goddess Conference for over ten years, including her song cycle for
1.00 pm - 2.30 pm – LUNCH
This year the Town Hall café is once again open with delicious meals
and snacks will be available. Please support this local Goddess café
or eat in any of the many good cafes and restaurants in Glastonbury.
AFTERNOON 2.30 pm - 5.00 pm
Please meet at the Town Hall ready to leave at 2.30pm. In our ORB
Circles we are consciously and prayerfully walking through the
landscape to receive Anu, An Cailleach’s blessings of Earth, Water, Fire,
Air and Space, preparing ourselves for tonight’s Opening Ceremony
and for the whole Conference. Creating an Orb Prayer Practice.
Please bring your personal Crystal with you.
There is Melissa help and some transport for those who find difficulty
walking the Landscape.
Or an alternative Elemental Blessing Ceremony with Christine Watts
in the Goddess Hall for those unable to go to landscape sites.
EVENING 7.30 pm
Facilitated by Ceremonial Circle of Priestesses of Avalon: ERIN
and Orb Circles, Frame Drumming from ISABELLA VERBRUGGEN
from ROSE FLINT, Drum from LYDIA LITE, with Music from JEROME
You might like to wear your Conference clothing in silver, pale violet,
ice blue, winter grey and sparkling radiance.
Priestesses in the Ceremonial Circle:
Erin McCauliff has been a Priestess of Avalon for
15 years. She serves the Goddess by teaching the
Priestess of Avalon training with Kathy Jones in
Glastonbury and being a Goddess Temple Melissa.
She loves bringing Goddess into people's lives. As
a ceremonialist she feels called to hold the energy
of Goddess so that others can feel Her presence.
Please ensure that you arrive
on time to begin promptly
Kathy Jones is a Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of
the Goddess, Founder and Webster of the
Goddess Conference, Founder and Creative
Director and Temple Weaver of Glastonbury
Goddess Temple, and Motherworld Initiator. She
has lived on the Isle of Avalon in Glastonbury for
35+ years and loves this sacred land of Goddess.
She is a ceremonialist, teacher, writer, wounded
Photo Ann Cook healer, initiator, Temple Melissa and sacred
dramatist. She is the author of several acclaimed
Goddess books, including ‘Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of the Goddess’,
‘The Ancient British Goddess’ & ‘In the Nature of Avalon’. Kathy offers
with Priestess Erin McCauliff, a 3 year training to become a Priestess or
Priest of Avalon, and other Goddess and Soul Healing trainings. See
Katie Player is a Priestess of Avalon and Temple
Weaver at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. She
is available for Handfastings and bespoke
ceremonies of all kinds. She is a Theatre Director
and Sacred Dramatist, holder of a Sacred Drama
Acting Training group, Creative Arts Worker, a
poet, and deep Green activist. Based in Avalon
she loves to greet pilgrims and deepen their
experience here and delights in taking Goddess out into the world.
Katie is currently developing a Fire Priestess Training to call people back
to their centre, to re-member themselves, their inner knowing and their
passion. To remember the times when we sat in circle, around a fire, and
breathed its power into our core. Find her on Facebook as Katie Player,
at and at
Katinka Soetens is Priestess of Avalon and of
Rhiannon, Goddess of Love. Mother of three, and
originally from the Netherlands, she lives in
Glastonbury. She serves Goddess as movement
meditation workshop facilitator, teacher of the
sacred mysteries, doula, natural active birth worker,
tantric massage therapist, shadow huntress and
sexual healer. Katinka holds ceremonies and
workshops in the UK and abroad as part of Her Path of Love: the Mirror
of the Goddess within and all around us, grounded in the indigenous
spirituality of the Celtic / European Lands. She facilitates individual and
couple healing sessions, and runs a two year Priestess of Rhiannon
training for Glastonbury Goddess Temple, as well as a year long
empowerment Soul Quest 'Brotherhood of Rhiannon' for men. She is
director and creator of ‘Soft Power – Full Desire’ online program and
the Modern Magdalene Mystery School, which is a MotherWorld
business. Katinka works with movement, touch, breath, sound, intimacy,
embodiment and meditation and writes a regular newsletter. Her
website is
Marion van Eupen (Marion Brigantia) is a
Priestess of Brighde and Priestess of Avalon. She
originates from The Netherlands, where she trained
priestesses through the Dutch Goddess Temple
and co-organised the Dutch Goddess Conference.
Marion moved to Glastonbury in 2009, where she
now lives with her partner and works as fulltime
Priestess. Marion teaches the loving and healing
turnings of the Wheel of Brighde in the two year Priest/ess of Brighde
training through the Goddess Temple, as well as the Dutch Priestess of
Brigid training, an International Brighde Correspondence course, and
Brighde and other Goddess workshops. Marion serves Goddess by what
she calls ‘Priestessing for You!’ being in service to Goddess as well to the
people who come to her for Sacred Tours on the Land, workshops, oracle
readings, healing, shamanic drumming etc. Through her love and devotion
for and service to Goddess, Marion wishes to build bridges of connection
with ourselves, each other and Her Nature, and bring Goddess’ love and
light, wisdom, healing and abundance into the world and into people’s
lives., Tel.
07948 079 671
Michelle Patten is a Priestess of Avalon and of
Rhiannon and Morgen Sister. She is privileged to
wear many hats, or should that be headdresses?
She runs the ‘Discovery’ training through the
ceremonies of all kinds, works professionally as a
home tutor and self-esteem coach for children,
and provides bed and breakfast for visiting priest/
esses! She joyfully takes her place in the Ceremonial Circle, knowing
that Conference is a time of deep connection, fulfilment and magic.
Sally Pullinger is a full trance medium and musician who has been working
professionally for 38 years. She is a mother, grandmother, and community
mother and has lived with her family in Glastonbury for 31 years. She
became a Priestess of Avalon in 2001 and has had many experiences of
Goddess Presence both privately and in small and large group situations.
See Wednesday for fuller biog. See
Sharlea Sparrow is a Priestess of Avalon and
is looking forward to her third year as a
Conference Ceremonialist. Sharlea is one of
the Glastonbury Goddess Temple Wedding
Celebrants and Registrars in training. Sharlea is
honoured to have been able to take on this
role after the Temple became the first Pagan
establishment to be licensed in England to
conduct legal sacred marriages. For more information please visit
Sue Quatermass - I am Priestess of Avalon, soul
midwife and healer, artist, grandmother, mother
and child. I am Goddess-loving, heart-opening,
creative Inspiritrice, a facilitator of experience,
shape-shifter and woman of Earth and clay. I am
creative weaver of Goddess Temple Gifts, the
Goddess Temple’s shop in the Courtyard of the
Glastonbury Experience, and my love and service is
to bring Goddess imagery into 21st Century global culture. For information
on creative courses and holidays in Glastonbury
For Goddess Temple Gifts go to
Performers and Musicians include:
Isabella Verbruggen has been teaching
Framedrumming for the last 16 years. Inspired by
the ancient tradition of this musical instrument,
she taught herself the different techniques that
come with it. The ancient framedrum will take us
to a new experience connecting body and mind
through rhythms that synchronize with the beat of our hearts. In this
performance Isabella will be supported by Loes Moezelaar. See www.
Please read this programme carefully
Loes Moezelaar is priestess, herbal medicine woman, healer, mother
and frame-drummer in Holland. She prepares herbal-oils, ointments,
goddess-oils, cosmetics, bath-salts and incense on a natural base, using
herbs grown in her own garden. In cultivating, caring and preparing the
herbs she makes use of their medical and magical qualities. In doing so
she continues the tradition of priestesses and magicians of antiquity.
Jerome O’Connell has been recognised as a
talented musician from a very young age, he plays
cello, bass and many other instruments. He loves
to sing and compose in a wide variety of styles
and genres. Jerome’s education has been one of
spirituality, music and the healing arts. He has also
been training as a medium and healer for over 9
years with Sally Pullinger, his mother, and with her
Spirit Guide Old Chinese (Chung Fu). Jerome runs his own recording
studio and plays in several bands. He has been on a deep and beautiful
journey with Goddess and his Spirit Guides in the creation and
development of magical soundscapes that heal, hold, nurture and
create feelings of love and peace deep inside. His soundscapes for the
Glastonbury Goddess Conference Opening Ceremonies have been a
wonderful magical support for the Ceremonial Priestesses during the
last four years. Jerome’s Goddess Conference Soundscapes are available
and may be purchased from the Goddess Temple Gifts Shop in
Glastonbury. Jerome’s music may be sampled at: https://soundcloud.
Lydia Lite is a renowned Glastonbury musician
who works internationally teaching and playing
shamanic drumming with various traditions and
groups, exploring individuality and collective
creativity in her work with others. She plays
regularly with Silver on the Tree, Wild Women,
Vocal Ana, Julie Felix and in the Goddess
Rose Flint is a Priestess Poet, whose poetry is
aligned to the Goddess on the wheel of the year.
She has brought together a new collection of
poems, prayers and incantations honouring
Goddess in the land. Rose has been working for
Mother Earth in the Green movement for many
years. She is an award-winning poet, receiving two
international prizes for her work - the Petra Kenny
Photo Ann Cook Prize and the Cardiff International. See her poems
Saucco de Trivia is a professional Dancer, a
Master of Ceremonies into the Celtic Reclaiming
Tradition and an active member of this community.
He is Dancer of the Goddess and Priest of Iberia
in Spain. As a Sacred Dancer Saucco offers his
dance in ceremonies and rituals for the Goddess.
In his professional career he has danced with the
National Ballet of Spain and in collaboration with the Paris Opera at the
Teatro Real in Madrid. He has danced for the kings of Spain in private
receptions. As dance teacher and director of his own company Saucco
combines his spiritual life and dance dedicated to the Goddess.
Sophie Pullinger is a mother of two and has lived
most of her life in Glastonbury. Sophie channels
her guides in many different ways, working
especially with sacred sounds and creating heartheld space for emotional self-exploration and
personal transformation. She is a deep soul
therapist and counselor. Sophie loves people and
is passionate about this deep work of
empowerment – she is a good ally to have in those hard to reach soul
places. See
Anu, An Cailleach,
Goddess of the North
We are celebrating the Goddess of the North, She who is Mother of
Air, of the enveloping Atmosphere that allows us to live upon our
Mother Earth. She is Mother of the Breath that connects all living
creatures to each other. She is Mother of Winter, Goddess of the Ice
Cold Barren Lands, where any vegetation or living creatures must have
great endurance to survive Her icy touch. She is Bone Woman, all
that remains when flesh and life are stripped away. She is found in
Stillness, in Silence, in Nothingness, No-thing-ness. She has existed
since the beginning of time, Her body made of Stardust, from which
everything in the Yoniverse is formed. The Vastness of the Heavens –
the shining Stars, the Light-filled Stellar Clouds and the Dark Matter
that lies within and between all forms, belong to Her.
We honour Her as An Cailleach, She who dwells within the
Sacred Mounds of our Ancestors. We honour Her as Stella Nolava, our
newly-named Star Goddess Constellation of Avalon, visible within the
Orion Nebula. We honour Her in the nine faces of Anu, as AnuDanaa,
AnuBree, AnuUrs, AnuRhia, AnuOmnu, AnuKora, AnuBha, AnuWen
and Anulova, spiralling through time and space. We are creating a
multi-faceted Goddess lens through which we can invoke awareness
of our Ancestral GrandMother and the vastness of the Cosmic Star
Mother – the great Goddess within whose consciousness we dwell.
Our tiny lives are so infinitely small within Her vastness. We are
opening our hearts, minds and consciousness to comprehend some
small aspect of the magnificence of the Cosmic Star Mother, from
whose Womb we are born, to whose Stars we return.
In the northern hemisphere the north is the place of winter,
when all of Her nature dies away. Seeds lie dormant in the earth, still,
awaiting the return of the light and warmth of Her Sun. Symbolically
on the Wheel of the Year north represents the space between death
and rebirth. When we die we let go of our physical bodies into the
spaciousness of our Souls. In this in-between state of being we
experience Goddess. We pause, stop, sleep, review the past, take
stock, dream, vision, recognise what our soul needs for its fulfilment
in the future. This is the Space of connection to Goddess, to other
Souls, to the larger Group Souls of which we are each a part. It is the
place where we can remember who we are, where we come from and
our Soul’s Purpose in incarnating upon the earth.
Goddess spirituality is an in-the-body spirituality, which
recognises our need to be fully incarnate within our bodies upon the
body of our Mother Earth, as self-aware human beings. In Goddess
spirituality we centre ourselves within all of our bodies, physical,
etheric, emotional, mental and Soul, within time and space, becoming
conscious, present to THIS moment NOW. The Mother of Air is
within us in every moment we are alive. We consciously breathe Her
breath to bring ourselves into the present, circulating Her air through
our lungs and blood, bringing life to our physical incarnate bodies. We
work with our breath to find the places of stillness and silence within.
We use breath, air, sound, silence, mantra, imagination and vision to
make true connections to the seen and unseen worlds, to transport
ourselves into other realms. As birds of the air take flight, they show us
how to lift off, to soar upwards into the heavens, to let go of the earth,
allowing our awareness, our perspective to grow bigger, wider, higher,
deeper, greater, more expansive.
There are many different kinds of Goddess spiritual practice
we can create, from prayer to meditation, dance to art, music, chant,
poetry, craft, all our heart creations, all those activities that bring us
into direct communion with Goddess. The following is the Lady’s
Prayer Practice, which was first received many years ago on a Goddess
Retreat beside Chalice Well. The Prayer has changed over time and
may change in the future. It can be adapted as a Prayer Practice for
any Goddess, substituting Her name for ‘Lady’, and changing words as
you prefer. The practice includes body movements and mudras, which
connect to and awaken each of the seven major chakras in the body.
Moving the physical body moves spiritual energy. It can be carried out
standing or seated, with your eyes open or closed.
The Lady’s Prayer Practice is a personal prayer practice, not a
performance. It is not about speaking the right words loudly, being
heard by anyone else other than Goddess. Pray with total concentration
on words and movements. Move slowly and really mean every word
that you utter. Make this prayer your own and share it with others.
The Lady’s Prayer
Practice three cycles of the Prayer in any one session.
Stand or sit comfortably with legs lightly apart, hands with palms
touching each other in the prayer position at the heart.
Ground and centre yourself by sending threads of light from your heart
down through your legs and feet into the earth, spreading out like
the roots of a great tree. Feel the energy of the earth coming back up
through your body back to your heart, filling your heart with the energy
of the earth. Send threads of light from your heart up through your body
and out through your crown into the sky, spreading out like the branches
of a great tree. Feel the energy of the sky coming down through your
branches back to your heart. Feel the energy of earth and sky meeting
and mingling in your heart. Feel your heart open and your own Soul
energy radiate outwards through your body into the space around you.
Slowly raise your hands and arms, lifting them up above your head and
then parting them. Open the chest, lean slightly back, stretch the back,
reach up to the heavens with your hands. Look upwards, eyes closed
or open. Feel your Crown Chakra open. Feel your connection to Her.
“Lady, awaken my spirit in you.”
Bring your hands together with palms facing outwards, down to your
forehead, to cover the Ajna Chakra between the eyebrows.
“Lady, open …,”
Slowly draw the hands apart, creating an open upward-facing triangle by
connecting the tips of your thumbs and first fingers, over the Ajna. Rest
your thumbs on your nose, spread the other fingers outwards. Pause.
With eyes closed or open, look through the triangular gap created. Feel
your Ajna Chakra open. Slowly draw your hands apart, extending them
outwards to either side of the shoulders, sending your energy out to
your fingertips and beyond, expanding your mind horizontally outwards
on either side of your body, as you say,
“And expand my vision.”
Bring your hands back together on a level with your mouth, with the
palms facing upwards.
Take a deep breath in and a slow breath out, feeling the air moving over
your hands,
“Lady, be in my breath,”
In the first prayer cycle take one conscious deep breath in and out, in
the second cycle take 2 breaths in and out, and in the third cycle take 3
breaths in and out. Feel the Throat Chakra open.
“My voice,”
Hear your own voice, soft or loud, speaking for Her.
Then extend your body, hands and arms forwards, circling your arms
outwards and around on the level of the shoulders, taking them back
so that you can feel the squeeze on your shoulder blades, and bring the
hands back together at the heart, while saying,
“And all my actions in service to you today.”
Cup your hands together at the heart, creating a Chalice for Her love.
“Lady, fill my heart with Your love.”
Feel your Heart Chakra opening further.
Bring your hands down palms facing inwards, spread out over the Solar
Plexus / belly button area.
“Lady, heal my dis-ease.”
Feel your Solar Plexus soften and open. Envision your physical,
emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease being healed in Her love.
Palms facing inwards, create a downward-facing triangle by touching
the tips of the thumbs and first fingers, and spreading the other fingers
outwards over the belly. Move the triangle slowly downwards over your
belly and womb. As you move your hands gently begin to bend your
knees a little.
“Lady, bless my womb of creativity,”
Feel your Sacral Chakra opening.
Move the triangle down over your genital area.
“Bless my sexuality,”
Feel your Base Chakra opening.
Bend your knees further and move your hands down over your legs and
feet to touch the Earth.
“And ground me in your love.”
Feel your connection to Mother Earth.
Extend and circle the arms outwards to the sides. Straightening the legs
bring the hands in a sweeping heart-shaped circle back to the prayer
position at the heart. You are ready to begin the next cycle.
Wednesday 29th July
Celebrating An Cailleach
Each morning for the early birds
9.50 am AN CAILLEACH BHEARRA – A Short Film by
Irish Film Board
Each morning of the conference Louise Tarrier will facilitate a prayer
space in the Goddess Temple. These prayers will weave together the
Conference experience, and we will offer them up body and soul,
through dance and movement, chant and incantation. We will listen
to the wisdom of Anu, An Cailleach, Star Mother, holding Her words
close to our hearts, held in Her silence, making prayers of surrender
and love. This morning act of prayer in beauty, peace and love is open
to all conference participants.
CIRCLE in the Goddess Temple
Louise Tarrier is a Priestess of Avalon, author and creative facilitator.
Working with individuals and groups she helps them to access their
inner creativity and to explore the relationship between Goddess and
the creative process. She uses art, writing, dance and music, and takes
her inspiration from Earth-based practices. Her personal practice is one
of prayer and she believes that when we come together in prayer that
the impact in our internal and external world is magnified. She is author
of the way of the ‘Sea Priestess – an Inner Path’. See Facebook
#seapriestesspath,, Twitter @ltarrier
9.30 am - 1.00 pm Wednesday-Saturday mornings
YOUNG PEOPLE’S WORKSHOPS 8-18 years, begin in the Avalon
The Young People’s morning workshops are designed to help
young people to enter into the spirit of the Goddess Conference,
learning songs, being creative and having fun. They run from
9.30 am - 1.00 pm Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. On Thursday
they run 9.30 am - 11.00 am, after which young people can join in the
main Conference activities. Please ensure that you arrive on time by
9.30 am at the Avalon Centre, to begin promptly.
MORNING 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Conference in the Town Hall begins with :
CEREMONIAL OPENING of the day by this year’s First Spiral trainee
Priest/esses of Avalon including Ana Lopes, Angela Gerrey, Annie
Sapsead, Janet Parfitt, Margareta Nobell, Rachel Bass, Raquel
Twigger, Sharon Watkins and Tressy Driver.
These students are also generously opening and taking care of the
Goddess Temple throughout the Conference.
Followed by announcements with Mystresses of Ceremony, Kathy
Jones and Katinka Soetens.
In 2012 Jill realised she had to embark on A Year of the Cailleach, as
certain places were calling her very strongly. In fact the journey took 2
years and included many powerful Cailleach sites in the Western Isles,
Ireland, and mainland Scotland. Jill's talk tells how she came to the
Cailleach with images of her journey and artwork, tells some of the
legends associated with these places and especially of the Cailleach
Bheure, Mother of Winter and creator of landscapes. Her exhibition
will show the artwork which arose from her experiences of these sites
and the meetings she had with the presence of the Cailleach
Jill Smith is an artist and writer living in the
Western Isles of Scotland. In the early 80s she
made many landscape journeys throughout Britain,
linking ancient sites by the path of her walking and
finding the Cailleach in long barrows and
chambered cairns. The Cailleach became a
powerful and profound part of her life thereafter.
She is author of 'The Callanish Dance' and 'Mother
of the Isles' and is currently in the last stages of writing a book about
these journeys.
10.30 am ‘MAZE’ music video by MARI BOINE
Echoes from the deep forests of the time before old owl women
were turned into dragons and spiraling young whores into princesses
– and when Glass-mountains were sites of wisdom. Hundreds of
borgs, high on mountains leave traces of on-going ceremonial fires,
communicating far away. Finding only pearls, combs, weaving and
spinning tools they tell women stories. Here the Hagga (hag) and
the Kärring (karling) reside. They tied together generations with their
Granny´s Knots, passing on their harsh and allembracing knowledge.
Kirsten Brunsgaard Clausen, Danish and
Swedish storyteller, weaver, shaman and dancer,
psycho/somatic physiotherapist and Feldenkraistherapist, Theological Bachelor Degree and deep
thealogical studies. Organizer of six Swedish
Goddess Conferences. Now dedicating life and
DISCLAIMER : We are unable to accept responsibility for accidents which occur while Conference participants
are out walking in the landscape, or moving between workshops / ceremonial spaces.
Please make your own arrangements for personal travel insurance if you should require it.
PLEASE NOTE : The Conference is a smoke free and mobile telephone free zone
Please leave your mobile switched off in all Conference spaces
Do not use flash photography during ceremonies, talks, performances, etc.
Always ask people if they mind having their photographs taken.
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love to our Scandinavian wise mothers of old – Hel, Brido, Omma and
Källingen (Hel, Bride, Mamma, Cailleach). Their stories, songs, narratives,
legends, local names, archeological findings, seem to fit into and
contribute to a much broader international pattern.
11.00 am - 11.30 am Refreshment Break.
Drinks and snacks are available in the Town Hall Café.
11.30 am - 12 noon DOV AHAVA – WALKING THE PATH
First came the calling, then the pilgrimages and the rituals, and when
the love of The Goddess had taken hold in my heart, I knew a change
from within was necessary: harmony replaced balance and my world
turned upside down forever.
Let us share a time of healing together.
Healing that comes from accepting the harmony of Motherworld.
So, what is harmony and why do we need it in order for the new
world of The Mother to materialize in our reality? Why is it, that our
sacred tattoos are so important, and what is the connection between
the Sacred Womb, the Blessed Earth Mother and leadership of
the Matriarch? Come, let us take the next step in our journey with
Goddess and let us be healed.
Dov Ahava is an Ion – carrier of The Mother's
blessings and memories of Her ways. He has been
serving Goddess for the past 26 years.
He trained
in the Shamanic and Native American traditions,
starting with the Seneca nation where he was
given a teaching certificate (teaching native
American philosophy, prophecy and ceremonies)
and was adopted to the Wolf Clan by tribe elder
grandmother Twylah Nitsch. He was initiated in
Mexico by Ad-Uma – a Mayan Shaman (She changed my world and
life completely), and was also trained by Alexey of the Wolves in
Siberia – Russia.
In 1995, together with Tara – his wife and a renowned
shaman – the one love of my life, he has created UMATA – a center of
studies, where together they teach Shamanism as well as the Old and
Ancient Ways of the Sacred Feminine and Goddess. www.
12 noon - 1.00 pm ORB CIRCLES sharing feelings,
experiences and support.
1.00 pm - 2.30 pm – LUNCH
Lunch in the Town Hall Cafe or any of the many great cafés and
restaurants in town.
AFTERNOON 2.30 pm - 5.00 pm
Enjoy one from a Feast of fabulous two and a half hour workshops.
Venues given at registration.
Sharing the hands-on Priestess skills from the Ancient Temple of the
Healing Arts. The intention is to empower women with skills and
knowledge to self-heal using magical herbs, experience a yoni steam
bath, guided meditation and cleansing breath work through the yoni.
In sacred space women will be able to release the energetic vibrations
of any unwanted past sexual relationships. Physically relaxing and
healing for the tissues of the vagina and cervix.
Angie Twydall is a Priestess of Rhiannon who walks
the path of love and beauty. Together with Frances
Ely she co-created ‘The Kent Goddess Group’. Angie
now lives in Glastonbury, Somerset with her
husband Rod and is actively involved in the Goddess
community. She is a wife, a mother of 2 daughters
and works as a Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Birth Coach
and Doula, teaching general, womb and pregnancy
yoga classes. Together with Rod, they offer on-line and in-person courses as
trained and guided by the Fountain of Life. Her life’s work is as a Womb
Priestess, deeply connected to Gaia, supporting the birth of the Wild
Feminine in others. Offering womb massage, womb yoga, workshops and
ceremonies to feel into grief and pain that comes from ourselves, our
Motherlines and beyond. She is a Womb Wisdom Keeper, particularly
interested in helping to release deeply held emotions and woundings. She
facilitated the Red Tent Moon Lodge in Kent, and now in Glastonbury –
sacred mystery sharing circles for women, a monthly space to give and
receive what we need. Her workshops honour the spiral of life, connecting
through the Divine Feminine by exploring the healing power of movement,
touch, breath, sound and meditation. See
Turning (or Whirling) has been an ancient art and means to connect
Heaven and Earth. In modern times it is one of the core practices of
Sufi groups all over the world. Its expressions range from the simple
joy of movement to the most elaborate ritual performances. In this
workshop we learn about some of the background of Sufi thinking,
the role of music and the different forms of movement practices. We
then start moving, spinning, whirling, turning … experience the World
turning around us … and become She Who Turns the World Around .
Anna de Iberia is a Priestess of Avalon and of Iberia. She is a co-founder
and teacher of the 3-Spiral Mystery School of Iberia in Spain. For many
years she has been researching and exploring Goddess in different traditions,
with a focus on Turkey and the Middle East, where she also offers guided
group pilgrimages. In recent years she has embarked on a journey into the
Sufi world. She holds a Ph.D. in environmental sciences and leads projects
on water and agriculture in many countries, always striving to empower
communities and to help them reconnect with the Divine Feminine.
SAYA is the name the ancients who lived on the sacred mountain gave
the White Bird Mother Goddess. From time out of mind Saya was the
sacred guardian of women, the holy patroness of pregnancy and the
bringer of the benevolent blessings. I invite you into Saya's warm and
loving embrace of white wings. We will call upon Saya's blessings
by creating a Blessings Catcher from Maish twigs – one of the most
sacred trees of Israel, white yarn and feathers, just as our foremothers
have done in the old days. Those spirit catchers once hung next to
our home will catch Saya's blessings drifting upon the winds, and will
fill our homes as well as our lives with her gentle love. We will also
chant her special incantation (a summoning) and experience a special
movement technique called Shimmering Rainbows that will allow us
an intimate experience with the sacred mountain most Beloved White
Bird Goddess. See Wednesday am for Dov’s biog.
At the beginning and end of life is the heartbeat. Beyond life is the cosmic
pulse, an ancient sound. Women have been honouring Goddess and
the deep star spark in their souls with drums for millennia. Our sacred
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communal drum, ‘Grandmother
Drum’, unites us in this magical
prayerful work. ‘Grandmother Drum’
is a woman-made drum by one of
the best drum-makers in the world.
Jana has extra drums available for an
exciting rhythmic ceremonial circle or
bring your own. With drumming and
chanting. See Tuesday am for Jana’s
A Sacred Drama workshop using as inspiration images of British stone
Goddess artefacts. We will journey into our ancient wisdom, honour
and connect with the Goddess artefacts that have emerged from
their long sleep in British soil. Working with drama, dance, voice and
simple ceremony. No experience necessary. Please wear comfortable
clothes and come prepared to move. See Tuesday eve for Katie’s biog.
Deep extended journeying, travelling back to Source, to the Cosmic
Mother, back to our origins, tracking the birth of our souls – Returning
with the treasure of threads spun from the stars –
Reweaving our web to fully incarnate in the here
and now.
Luna Silver is a Priestess of Avalon, Shamanka
and Creatrix. She lives and works on the magical
Isle of Glastonbury. Her passion is for all things
green and wild. Contact
uk Tel. 0781 720 7775, 01458 833 905
Bone and stone – that is the same thing! Källing, the Norse Cailleach
knows! Before anything existed she was there. In skin and bone.
Dropping boulders from Her apron She built the mountains. She
knows – Oh, She knows! Through our bones we connect directly to
the solid earth and will stand strong when the winds blow. When we
let our bones meet in their natural position, easy done by everyone
because we were born to know, our skeleton becomes solid and
reliable to lean on. Challenging our culture´s princess and ballerina
posture, and literally sensing our own bones, we can finally breathe,
speak our minds, sing our songs and dance freely. A workshop where
everyone will get into contact with their skeleton in various positions
and feel the difference it makes in the body. Please bring something
nice to lie on. See Wednesday am for Kirstens’ Biog.
Sally will share some of her trance experiences and lead the group
into an awareness of how to develop yourself to feel Her presence,
helping you to understand the ‘mechanisms’ of your light body that
enable you to have the best possible chance of sensing the vastness
both of the Cosmic Goddess Star Light, and also of your own Star
Goddess Light within. For indeed we are all One with Her in the Inner
Worlds beyond form, beyond density and beyond the limitations
of our minds … and it is possible to bring the experience right
inside our bodies … it is a bliss, an ecstasy, a love that surpasses all
understanding … and we can experience it right now, right here, in our
bodies, on earth. Our souls are made of stars … and She is our Cosmic
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Star Mother. She belongs to us and we belong to Her … we are made
of Her Star Light … She wants to flow through us and live in us.
Sally Pullinger’s main Spirit Guide Chung Fu has been holding deep
soul self-development circles for the last ten years, teaching and training
many people to become Clear and Present, some of them becoming
mediums and channels in their own unique style of expression. During
this last year Sally, her daughter Sophie, her sons Jerome and Deshan,
and many student groups and circles have been receiving strong direct
communication from Solar Beings, Star Goddesses, who speak strongly
of the regeneration of the earth and the bringing through of ‘The New
Creation’, asking us to prepare to receive their strong Radiant Light
which is pouring through from the Inner Central Sun. A Goddess calling
Herself Isa-Isa has been entering Sally in full trance. This is an on-going
development, and Sally will be sharing her experiences with you and
opening up for what she believes will be further exciting developments
during the 2015 Glastonbury Goddess Conference.
In Dharma Paganism, we honor the spirit of the Dakini or Khandro.
She is the still point in meditation as well as the shriek of righteous
feminine rage. She is the complexity of woman – bringing forth both
intellect and intuition, rationality and dream. She is the ability to
contain all states of being within a single breath: birth, joy, suffering,
accomplishment, grief, longing, passion, and death. In this workshop
we will perform a chanting ceremony to awaken the subtle energies
of the Dakini within, and explore her mysteries in our daily lives with
methods and exercises designed to highlight the powers of Silence,
Passion, Action, and Contradiction. Attendees may wish to bring a
shawl or wrap to wear during the chanting ceremony.
Yeshe Rabbit brings together elements of Tibetan
Tantra and Paganism, both centered around the
Goddess as the body of the universe. She serves
the Goddess community in various ways, as
Presiding High Priestess of Come As You Are
Coven, co-owner of the metaphysical store The
Sacred Well, Development & Relationships
Director of The Pantheon Foundation, author of
the Way of the Rabbit blog, host of the online and in-person Tea &
Chanting Sangha, and contributing writer at the Dharma Pagan web site.
EVENING 7.30 pm
A SPARKLING WORK by this stunning Performance
This performance was originally inspired by a research trip to the Arctic,
visits to Abisko Sky Station, the Swedish Institute for Space Physics
and the Institute of Sami Studies at the University of Lapland. The
Polestar Club has become a place of northern
stories, lights in the sky, silver stars and magnetic
rhythms. Birds appear, a figure emerges from
nowhere and creation remembers itself over
cocktails at the bar … Why not call in and see
who’s around?
Christine Watkins – storymaker priestess: I’ve been
a writer and theatre maker for over thirty years.
During that time my work has been produced by many and various
theatre companies, as well as Welsh National Opera, the British Film
Institute, BBC and Channel Four. I initiated as a Priestess of Avalon in
2014. I continue working in collaboration with some wonderful
musicians, visual artists and scientists, exploring ever further along the
pathways of mythmaking and the sacred feminine – a fabulous path of
service and re-membering. See
This performance is a blend of ethereal songs honouring the Mothers
of Air and songs of the Ancestral Grandmothers. The Grandmother
songs arise from the silent primordial depths. Often in an ancient
mother tongue, they speak directly to the heart, awakening primal and
forgotten places deep inside. Heloise will be accompanied by multiinstrumentalist Jennifer Bennet.
Heloise Pilkington has always walked a
combined path of music and healing. For the last
15 years she has toured and performed extensively
in the UK and Europe with her acappella trio ‘The
Madrigirls’, whilst also working as a psychic
medium, healer and ceremonialist. Since
dedicating as a Priestess of Avalon she has been
using her talents to serve the Goddess, singing
and writing devotional songs and chants. In 2013 she released her
album ‘Lady of Avalon’, a collection of songs and invocations celebrating
the Great Goddess who lies in the sacred land of Glastonbury. She
loves working with individuals and groups, creating a sacred space
where people can experience the healing energy of the divine feminine
through sound.
Iris is a fabulous dancer, who embodies magical presence, ritual
creation, the circle, intention, focus and clarity of purpose, rootedness,
centeredness and awareness, within her dance performances.
I am Iris Lican, and I write in the first person. I am
a Dance artist, Medicine Woman or Witch,
Therapist and Doula living in Portugal. I am
mother, woman, sister, lover, companion, friend,
animal and mostly a being at the absolute service
of all beings in the heart of the Mother Goddess.
As did the ancestors, I believe that the artist, the
healer, the philosopher and the witch are one, in
dynamic integrity. This is the basis of my work, be it bodywork, ritual,
birth or soul journeys. I weave my practices from conscious listening,
aware presence and the power of creation of relationship with all. In a
cyclical dance of shadow and light wherein the wild potential of
undifferentiated body and soul reveals itself, allowing us to rediscover
and reinvent ourselves, our life and the collective experience. Although
young I have studied and practiced European Panantheism and Ritual
Magic for 20 years. I am also formed in Tantra (Yoga, therapy, bodywork
and meditation), devotional dances from the ancestral feminine
traditions of middle east, northern Africa and south Europe; conscious
movement, coaching and emotional intelligence. See www.irislican.
com and
Jennifer Bliss Bennett is a multi-instrumentalist specializing in
renaissance and baroque instruments.
Conference Venues 2015
1. Goddess Temple
(upstairs in Glastonbury Experience)
2. Goddess Hall, Benedict Street
3. Town Hall
Chinnock Road
se Road
Manor H
ere L
tt La
21. Abbey Car Park
20. 100 Monkeys
t Roa
19. La Terre
ll St
18. Lazy Gecko
ers Hill
Street Fish
17. George and Pilgrims Hotel
Bushey Combe
16. The Avalon Centre
Silver St.
7 20
Bove Town
ok St.
4 19
15. St. Benedict’s Church
14. United Reform Church
ict Str
Bulwarks Lane
13. White Spring
11. Chalice Well
High Str
Post Office
10. Chalice Hill
12. Bushey Combe
Butt C
9. Glastonbury Tor
rs Way
8. Methodist Hall
Wells Ro
7. Conservative Club
St. Edmunds
The Arche
Rowley Roa
ell S
5. Avalon Room
(upstairs in Glastonbury Experience
6. Miracles Room
(upstairs in Glastonbury Experience)
Sandpits Rd
Old Wells
4. Assembly Rooms
To th
P. Car Park
| 13
Thursday 30th July
Calling the Cosmic Star Mother
love and awareness, bringing Her presence more and more strongly
and tangibly into our lives, preparing us to be co-creators with Her of
a new kind of world based on love, peace, integration, co-operation
and sharing. See Wednesday pm for Sally’s biog.
11.00 am - 11.30 am Refreshment Break.
Drinks and snacks are available in the Town Hall Café.
11.30 am - 1.00 pm A Feast of fabulous one and a half
hour Workshops to choose from. All repeated in the
afternoon. Venues given at registration.
MORNING 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Begins in the Town Hall with Ceremony
With Second Spiral trainee Priestesses and Priests of the Goddess:
Alexandra Cichon, Bee Baganz-Dickinson, Breda Crowley, Helena
Ohstrom, Joan Cichon, Mandie Brea, Matthew Holbrook and Vicki
Phelps. Plus announcements.
The largest most detailed photo ever taken of the stars in the heavens.
The Skydancer twirls among the stars, womanifesting realities in and
out of existence, carving out space for lifetimes in between moments.
Her consciousness is not only linked to the Earth, it is also linked to
the Cosmos, Space and Time. When we unlock our own relationship
to Eternity, we open up new worlds of possibility – worlds in which
Goddess holds her rightful place as Queen of Heaven and Earth,
Queen of Star and Sea. In this presentation, Yeshe Rabbit will examine
how cultivating our individual and community work in the 3 realms
of Earth, Myth and Eternity yields instances of Cosmic Consciousness
and glimpses of the universe through the eye of the Goddess. See
Wednesday pm for Yeshe’s biog.
This year our conference is reaching out beyond our glorious Earth,
Her earthly body, out into space, up through the stars and all the way
to the centre of Her Cosmic Star, the Central Sun, the Source of the
Yoniverse, Her Womb of Creation. She is the stars. She is everything
we see and also everything we cannot see. We all imagine, dream,
see, sense, feel, intuit, hear and experience Her in our own unique
ways. How can we recognise Her presence and bring Her closer to
inspire us on a daily basis, to help us change ourselves, others and
ultimately the whole world? In this 2015 conference we bring you
many practises and experiences of connecting with this most ancient
of ancient beings, She who created all that is … The Cosmic Star
Mother. … She is the Light of the Heavens, the Impulse for all Life, and
right now She is illuminating our minds and hearts with a special new
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Anna-Saqqara, Priestess of Avalon and Sacred Artist will guide you
on a journey of Soul expression to connect with your creativity,
ancestors and the winged ones, to create your own shamanic feather
smudge fan. Working energetically with the Goddess of Air, you will
intentionally and ceremonially create your own Smudge fan, and learn
how to smudge and bless yourself and others. She will have materials,
feathers and sticks available to use and the opportunity to buy special
wings, if you wish please bring any items you have or found yourself
to make your wing personal. So come enjoy and express yourself
Anna-Saqqara is a Priestess of Avalon, of Rhiannon,
and Isa Isa (Isis). She has always loved being able
to express her love of Goddess through the Sacred
Arts. She loves embodying the Goddess in all that
she does as a SoulWeaver healer, Shapeshifter
artist, performer and Priestess. She runs Temple of
the Feminine Arts events with Priestess of
Rhiannon Angie Twydall, and is passionate about
the re-empowerment of women by embracing our womb wisdom, and
honouring our sacred kundalini power. She trained as a Soul Support
Systems Facilitator with Flo Aevia Magdalena, and as Soul Equine
Facilitator and now runs Spirit Horse and Soul Recognition retreats. She
trained with Sally Pullinger in trance mediumship, and loves channeling
Isa Isa, and the Star beings for healing. SoulWeavers combines all her
Soul development, Healing and Priestess Skills. Anna-Saqqara has lived
in Glastonbury for the last 10 years, which has enabled her to develop
her skills. She creates feathers fans, robes and sculptures for the
Goddess Temple, and makes and manages the Glastonbury Goddess
Temple incenses. She is also involved in the development of the
Goddess Temple's Pop up Temples out-reach project. See www.
Erin will introduce you to the transformative spiritual path that is
the Glastonbury-based Priestess / Priest of Avalon Training. This is a
3-year training for women and men who feel they have been called
by Goddess to be Her priestess or priest. It involves learning how to
live your life in Her presence, aware of what is happening in nature
as the year turns, learning about the British Goddesses on the Wheel
of Britannia and in Avalon, and how to call their energies into your
life. You learn to walk a sacred path and to bring ceremony into your
life to empower it. This Priestess Path is a challenging work of inner
reflection and deep reward, learning to serve and to live in Her love.
Come learn about what we will be doing in each Spiral and let Erin
answer all of your questions. See Tuesday evening for Erin’s biog.
The sight of diamond-bright stars wheeling across the heavens,
sparkling against a sky of black velvet, is one of life’s most glorious
experiences and is a revelation of the Great Goddess! The Workshop
will focus on Arianrhod and Danu, who are both Mothers of Air
strongly linked with the stars and galaxies. We will tell their ancient
stories and reflect on modern astronomical knowledge. We will also
present ourselves to the North direction looking at weather-lore and
weather spirits, especially those of the North Wind and of the Aurora
Borealis. Arianrhod of the Silver Wheel is connected to Avalon by
the Labyrinth on Glastonbury Tor, which leads up to the revolving
castle of Caer Sidi. In the night sky, this castle is Corona Borealis – the
Crown of the North Wind. Danu is Mother Goddess of the Tuatha
de Danaan, also called the Shining Ones, who travelled from beyond
the North Wind. Using images painted by Jane Brideson and Carolyn
What are the ancient and newly reclaimed practices of the Sacred
Sexual Priestesses? How do we serve the Field of Love, which is the
radiance of the Goddess of Love alive and present today? How can we
all tune into, manifest and enhance Her ways of Love in our body and
life. This workshop will explore an experiential practice of connecting to
the aliveness of your Source, the sexual life energy in our body, and to
opening our heart through sensual awakening ceremony, in alignment
with the practices of the Priestesses of Rhiannon. From the star seeded
paths of the Priestess of Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Aphrodite and
Ariadne through all of the great times of forgetting, the resonance
of the memory of the sacred ways of sexuality and love have been
remembered in the Myths of Avalon and the stories of the Magdalene,
kept safe in the practices of Tantric traditions and indigenous Goddess
spirituality in tune with Nature. Now re-found, never lost but held
within the deep truth of our body, in the wild freedom of our sex, the
wisdom of our heart, and our womb-source dreaming and ecstasy, it is
time to reclaim the Practices of Her Path of Love, and walk the ways of
the sacred sexual priestess once more. Fully dressed and held in sacred
space, this is an opportunity to explore how the ancient Sacred Sexual
Priestess may have served Her, and how we may choose to walk those
self-loving ways once more. See Tuesday eve for Katinka’s biog
Helen Anthony is a Priestess of the Goddess who
follows a Celtic spiritual path – dedicated
particularly to Brigid and also devoted to LOUISE TARRIER – CREATING A HEALING MANDALA
Arianrhod. Based in Glasgow, she leads a Mandala is the Sanskrit word for ‘Circle’ or
spirituality group, now in its 15th year! As an ‘Completion’. Within the Milky Way galaxy is
active Conference Crone, she has experienced our solar system and within our solar system,
renewed energy for a wide range of interests since is Earth. Each is a mandala that is part of a
turning 70. Her lifelong love of astronomy started larger mandala. In the stars, in the heavens
at age 10 with distance-learning courses taught by Sir Patrick Moore and on our Mother Earth we can see evidence
(1923-2012). Helen is also passionate about service to older people, of mandalas. They are the embodiment and
animal welfare – especially cats, poetry and networking to make and the pattern of all living things. The crystals
maintain connections between people and their ideas and enthusiasms. that form ice, rocks and mountains are made of atoms and each atom,
each cell of our being is a mandala. We see the mandala pattern
everywhere in nature. Flowers, the rings found in tree trunks and
the spiraling outward and inward of a seashell all reflect the primal
mandala pattern. Wherever a center is found radiating outward and
We will begin by weaving together our hearts and voices with songs inward, there is wholeness and there is the mandala. Join Louise to
honouring our foremothers. This will be followed by time to rest, take a journey to find your own cosmic center and to discover your
journey deeply with your soul and receive a transmission of energy personal healing mandala. All materials provided … come with an
through the sounds and songs of The Ancestral Grandmothers. See open heart and your curiosity. See Wednesday am for Louise’s biog.
Wednesday eve for Heloise’s biog.
Isabella invites you to this workshop for women who would like to be
introduced to the path that brought framedrumming from the ancient
rhythm traditions to the Mediterranean World. The framedrum is an
ancient, ritual music instrument and mainly played by women with
bare hands to honour the Goddess, the earth and the rhythms of the
year. The four different drum-strokes we play are connected to the
four elements and represent the sound’s belonging. To really feel the
power and the beauty of the ancient way of drumming we interweave
voice, drumming and dancing into the workshop. Gradually we will
get to learn the skills that enable us to make use of those three ways of
experiencing framedrumming. Playing for a certain amount of time on
this drum we will find ourselves integrating body and mind, stimulated
by the never-ending rhythm that resonates with our heartbeat.
Framedrumming is used for guiding ceremonies, rituals, meditations
and healing sessions. Join my workshop and get to know what joy
drumming can bring to one’s life! See Tuesday eve for Isabella’s biog.
In the far West, where the Sun merges each evening into the deep
endless Ocean, lies the sacred Garden of Cale, Calaica, Cailicia,
the Garden of the Golden Apples of eternity. Nine wise sisters, the
Hesperides, the Sisters of the Sunset, are the keepers of Cale’s sacred
land, keepers of the ancient wisdom and mysteries of life and death.
They have been for ages waiting to be found, willing to allow us to
enter their magical Garden of deep knowing, remembrance, and
wholeness. In this workshop we will explore their Garden, finding the
gifts and treasures they hold for each one of us.
Luiza Frazao is a Priestess of Avalon. She is from
Portugal living now in Glastonbury, and she is the
founder of the Portuguese Wheel of Cale of the
Garden of the Hesperides. She is a researcher on
Goddess traditions, a teacher and a communicator,
authoress of blogs about the Goddess Movement
and gender issues. She holds ceremonies and
Goddess inspired workshops, courses and trainings.
| 15
In the 10 years I have been working intensely with Goddess, I have felt
called by Her in many ways myself and I have witnessed how others
are called by Her. Because this had such a noticeable impact on my
personal life, I’ve quite often been asked to explain what this calling is
all about and how I know who is calling me so strongly that I feel I can
only respond to Her. Its an on-going, fascinating journey, which I’ve
been exploring deeply over the last years through thought, emotion
and experience. Working in quite a philosophical and experiential
way with the different ‘layers’ of energy and manifestations that She
holds and the way we can relate to Her on those levels – I intend to
take you a little bit along on this journey, with the intention to give
you a deeper understanding about who She is and can be in personal
relationship to you. See Tuesday evening for Marion’s biog.
1.00 pm - 2.30 pm – LUNCH
by kind permission of owners Patricia and Clifford Gould. There we
will be greeted by prayerful Priestesses of Brighde : Bee, Elaine, Irene,
Julie, Martine, Matthew, Margaret, Mary, Nandini, Nikki, Valerie
and Vena. We will honour the Moon Goddess, before walking on
to our Lammas Fire Ceremony site at Avaloka, by kind permission of
Lokabhandu. In Avaloka we light the Lammas Bonfire and energise our
crystals in the light of Her Fire. With songs and music. In the darkness
we can lie down upon Mother Earth and gaze at the stars in one of
the least light-polluted areas of the Glastonbury landscape. KATIE
PLAYER leads us into star-gazing as we receive the energies of Stella
Nolava and the Great Cosmic Star Mother.
• Bring your crystal to charge with Moonlight, Firelight and Starlight.
• Bring something waterproof to sit or lie upon the ground, which
may be damp in the evening.
• You might like to bring a torch for walking home, although the
Moon will also light the sky.
Lunch in the Town Hall Cafe or any of the many great cafés and
restaurants in town.
AFTERNOON 2.30 pm - 5.00 pm
2.30 pm - 3.30 pm Orb Circles
3.30 pm - 5.00 pm Repeat of this morning’s workshops
EVENING 7.15 pm Beginning at Glastonbury Town Hall
On the Eve of the Blue Full Moon (the moon is blue when there
are 2 full moons in one solar month), we will walk into the Sacred
Landscape of Glastonbury Avalon to the Sacred Hill of the Chalice,
W or
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/ Cr er Gig
o a
M an
k el
ar e
D Sh
We / Autumn Equinox
Boar / Badger / Fox
Stone / Orb / Crystal
Moer of Ear
Banbha, Brigantia
Gaia, Moronœ
Era e Ear
Ke M Loo ee YE am
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Tr li d ss
ac to es
kw ne s
ay a
Ea / Spring Equinox
Bear / Hare / Hen / Cat
Wand / Rod
Moer of Fire
Ara, Grainne, Sulis
Oara of Springtime, Cliton
Lion / Raven / Cat
Britannia, Brigit Ana
Nolava, Lady of Avalon
Morgen la Fey
n w
ov ll
D he ss le O
/ S de , E nd
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The Sacred Wheel of Britannia / Brigit Anna
16 |
Nor / Winter Solice
Wren / Eagle / Owl / Buzzard
Sceptre / Sword / Feaer / Fan
Moer of Air
Danu, Anu, Arianrhod,
Bone Woman, Stone Woman
Cailleach, Tyrone
Sou / Summer Solice
Dolphin / Whale / Salmon / Seal
Chalice / Shell
Moer of Water
Domnu, Queen of e Deep
Lady of e Springs and Wells
Lady of e Lake, Gliten
Nimue of e Glass Isle
20 years of the
Goddess Conference
| 17
20 years of the
Goddess Conference
Photo Ann Cook
18 |
Photo Ann Cook
Photo Matthew Holbrook
| 19
20 years of the
Goddess Conference
Photo Ann Cook
Photo Mandy Thorne
20 |
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22 |
Friday 31st July
Healing into Motherworld
MORNING 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Begins In the Town Hall with Ceremony
With dedicated Priestesses of Avalon: Daniel Holmes, Jana de Madrid,
Gina Willow, Laura Slowe and Luna Silver. Plus announcements.
Presentations from:
A journey into remembering the star-seed resonance of Ancient
Priestesses through images and words. This presentation will invoke
the footsteps, markings, practices, Temples and service of the Priestess
Past that whispers in our dreaming and calls us home to walking in the
ways of service to Goddess as Her priestess once more. See Tuesday
evening for Katinka’s biog.
We who love Goddess today are the same Souls who loved Goddess
in ancient times. We have returned to bring Her alive again in the world.
This is a wonderful joyous passion, but there are many challenges.
These come not only from the dominant forces of patriarchy around
us, but also from the ingrained patriarchal patterning which we
all carry as individuals, and which we act out in our women’s and
Goddess communities. Kathy will speak from her own experiences of
the process of healing these wounds, which is vital for the emergence
of Motherworld, a renewed society in which mothers and the values
of mothering – love, care and support for each other, are once again
placed in the centre of our lives. See Tuesday evening for Kathy’s biog.
See FB – The Motherworld Community page
11.00 am - 11.30 am Refreshment Break.
wounding. This afternoon we will ceremonially offer healing to the
wounded Group Soul.
2.15 pm - 5.15 pm: Alternative Young People’s Workshop
in the Avalon Centre.
A magical afternoon workshop for young people, with Priestess of
Avalon and Sound Healer Lina Ramona Spyrou. Together, we will
journey together through the elements to Danu's Cave of Dreams,
with sacred singing, healing sound, storytelling and dance.
Lina Ramona Spyrou specialises in sound, breath
and movement medicine and offers an extensive
range of workshops for adults and young people.
She is a qualified and experienced Sound Healing
Practitioner, Singing and Drumming Teacher,
Laughter Yoga Leader, Chi Gung Instructor, and
Sacred Dance Teacher. As a Priestess of the
Goddess and Avalon she is deeply committed to
her path of the heart and enjoys spending her time living between
London and Glastonbury. She offers seasonal Goddess Workshops,
bespoke Ceremonies, Card Readings and Sacred Retreats. Lina enjoys
helping inspire and empower others to follow their dreams, and is also
a transformational Louise Hay Workshop Leader and Coach. She is
available for One to One Sound Therapy, Coaching, Reiki and Shamanic
Healing Sessions and is a Sound Healing Tutor for The College of Sound
5.00 pm - 7.30 pm Break for Dinner
EVENING 7.30 pm
Drinks and snacks are available in the Town Hall Café.
Receive the wisdom and blessings of ANU, AN CAILLEACH, STELLA
NOLAVA, COSMIC STAR MOTHER in Her different forms.
Bring your crystal to be blessed by the Embodiments of Anu
Listen to the mesmerizing sound of the ceremonial frame-drum with
these skilled priestess performers.
12 noon - 1.00 pm ORB CIRCLES For discussion & support
1.00 pm - 2.30 pm – LUNCH
Lunch in the Town Hall Cafe or any of the many great cafés and
restaurants in town.
AFTERNOON 2.30 pm - 5.00 pm
Adult only Ceremony
As Goddess-loving people incarnating once again after eons of
forgetting, this Heart of the Mysteries ceremony will provide the
opportunity for us to meet our personal patriarchal wounding and
to receive healing for that wounding. We are not only wounded as
individuals, but our Group Soul also carries the effects of lifetimes of
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Glastonbury Goddess Temple and Hall
Glastonbury Goddess Temple is now licenced for formal Legal
Marriages, for heterosexual and same sex couples within the
Goddess and pagan traditions. You can now be legally married
in the Goddess Temple by a Priestess of Avalon with the blessing
of Goddess! This is another first for the Glastonbury Goddess
Temple in Britain and in Europe! See
Please contact Dawn Kinsella or Sharlea Sparrow, our priestess
registrars, for details of how to plan and book your wedding. See www.goddesstempleweddings. We also offer wedding planning services.
Glastonbury Goddess Temple is the first and so far, only Goddess
Temple formally registered as a Place of Worship in Britain and Europe,
for perhaps 1500 years. It is a very special place and we hold it with
open hearts and wide loving consciousness as a Sacred Space of the
The Goddess Temple is located in the Courtyard of the Glastonbury
Experience, up the wooden staircase. During the Conference the
Goddess Temple will be opened daily from 10.00 am - 5.00 pm by
students taking the First Spiral of the Priestess of Avalon training,
apart from times when workshops and Orb Circles are happening in
the Temple. It is available for personal prayer, worship, meditation
and ceremonies by arrangement. The Goddess Temple also owns
the Goddess Hall, which is located behind St Benedict’s Church in
Benedict Street. During the Conference this is a venue for Conference
Our Goddess Temple Gifts shop is open in the Courtyard of
the Glastonbury Experience with beautiful Goddess items served by
priestesses, just waiting for you to buy. All profits go to the Goddess
The Glastonbury Goddess Temple was first opened in 2002 and
was formally registered as a Place of Worship on 18th June 2003.
We believe that we are the first public indigenous British Goddess
Temple in Brigit’s Isles and Europe to be officially recognised as such.
This is an herstoric registration as for the first time a sacred space
has been recognised which does not rest within patriarchal religious
belief systems, but within the arms of Goddess. Since then Goddess
Temples – permanent and pop-up, have opened or are being planned
in other parts of the UK, Austria, Italy, Holland, Spain, USA, Hungary,
Argentina, Czech Republic, Sweden and Australia.
The Goddess Temple is open to the public 365 days of the year for
prayer, ceremony, meditation and worship from 12.00 noon - 4.00 pm.
While the Temple is open, volunteer Melissas are in attendance to
look after the space, offer blessings, perform ceremonies, etc. The
Temple is used for smaller public ceremonies, legal Weddings, New
Moon Healings and Ceremonies of Embodiment of the Lady of
Avalon. The Goddess Temple is also available for Handfastings, Rites
of Passage, etc. We happily welcome pre-arranged groups of pilgrims,
school and college students, from home and abroad, who want to
learn more about Goddess and the Temple. We offer a gateway to
the Goddess in Glastonbury and Avalon, where people can come to
pray, attend ceremonies and meet other like-minded Goddess-loving
people and explore our developing Goddess spirituality.
The Goddess Temple and Hall are supported entirely by
donations from the public, from Temple Friends and Madrons, as well
as income from Goddess Temple Trainings, sales and Goddess Temple
Gifts. Please make your donation to support the Goddess Temple.
Become a Goddess Temple Madron
We are very grateful to our wonderful Temple Madrons, who give
regular monthly standing order donations to the Goddess Temple.
These have helped pay off our mortgage bank loan and help pay our
monthly bills. In return we keep you informed of Temple ceremonies
and events and once a year in February we invite our supporters
to a special free Madron day. On this day we gift you interesting
presentations and performances by our priestesses. Please join this
circle of wonderful Temple Madrons.
We would really like to buy a much bigger building and / or
land to create a larger Goddess Temple in Glastonbury. In the
summer months the Goddess Temple and Hall are overflowing with
people who want to attend our ceremonies. Our next venture is to
buy a larger Goddess Temple in the centre of Glastonbury, with
larger and smaller ceremonial spaces. Please help us if you can. Any
donation, large or small, will be gratefully received for this important
Goddess work. We are actively seeking large donations of money
from Goddess-loving people to help towards this. If you can help
us raise the necessary funds, please contact Kathy Jones, email
We are expanding our Goddess Temple Teachings, including
Discovery, for those beginning their journey with Goddess who
want to learn more; as well as the ever popular Priestess of Avalon,
Priestess of Rhiannon, Priestess of Brighde, Priestess Healer and Soul
Healing Trainings. All tutors and Trainings support the work of the
Goddess Temple.
The Goddess Temple is open to all and we need your support. We
need volunteer Melissas to help keep the Temple open to the public
every day. We need all kinds of priestesses, priests, artists, musicians
and creative people to sustain the Goddess Temple as a beautiful
and inspiring Goddess space. We need your financial support. If you
would like to help and be involved, to make a donation, or to organise
your own Goddess ceremonies here, please contact Melissa Mother
Dawn Kinsella on 07791 089 263.
Our Beliefs
Briefly the beliefs of our Goddess community are as follows:
1. We believe in the Great Goddess, who is the One and the Many,
who is immanent and transcendent, personal and impersonal,
constant and changing, local and universal, within and without
all of creation, who manifests Herself through the cycle of the
seasons and the Wheel of the Year.
2. We believe that the Goddess communicates Herself through
the whole of Her Nature and the sacred land, through visions
and dreams, senses and experiences, imagination, ceremony and
prayer. We believe that no form of words can ever encompass Her.
3. As the Goddess People of Avalon we believe in the Goddess,
who is Lady of Avalon, as She expresses Herself through the
spirituality, landscape, mythology and culture of the Isle of
Avalon and in Glastonbury.
4. We are a Motherworld community, where we place the values of
mothering, of love, care and support for each other in the centre
of our society.
See and www.goddesstempleteachings. for further information on all we do.
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Sacred Bee Keeping with
Angie Twydall
On-line courses, Practical days and New 1 Year Bee
Priestess Training
Starting October 2015
Open to the energetic aspects of
Goddess through the timeless
Doorways of scent.
Anointing Oils, Energy Sprays,
Yoni Steam Herbs, Womb Clay Packs.
Available in the Goddess Temple Shop and on-line
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The Return of the Bee
Journey around the Bee year combining Myth, Unity
consciousness, Apiary art and Shamanic drumming.
Be the change you want to see!
Saturday 1st August
Ancient Pathways, New Societies
MORNING 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
In the Town Hall, Ceremony with trainee Priestesses of
Presentations by amongst others:
What happens when Goddess tells you that one of your tasks is to
build the bridge between spirituality and academia? That your path
will be the path of the Priestess-scholar? During the last years, I've
followed the voice of Goddess and I've been researching, teaching
and writing about women authors and spirituality in literature and
culture. I will share with you some of the challenges and obstacles as
well as the adventures and surprises as a Priestess-scholar at university,
which still is a very patriarchal and non-spiritual world. You'll get to
know something about Priestesses, Witches and female Lucifers in
literature and why it is so important to reclaim our ancestresses, who
paved the way for Goddess spirituality today.
Miriam Raven (Dr. Miriam Wallraven) is a
Priestess of Avalon and a Priestess of Brighde. She
is passionate about creating sacred space for
women and men to connect to their own divine
energy and wisdom. She lives in Germany where
she facilitates Goddess workshops and practices
as an Esoteric Soul Healer. She offers a two-year
training to become Priestess / Priest of the
Goddess – Priest/ess of the New Time, working with the Celtic,
Germanic and Roman Goddesses of Germany. Aiming at bridging the
gap between spiritual practice and theory, she is also Assistant Professor
for Literary and Cultural Studies and works on women's spirituality and
gender studies at university, where she has written her PhD on the
history of feminist writing. Her second academic book on spiritual and
occult women authors will be published by Routledge in 2015. See:
To move, to touch and to express our voice are the three most essential
gifts of communication we are born with. They are instruments of pure
power, that remind us that the body is alive, infused with the spirit and
essence of all living things, from the depths of earth to the smallest
star. As children, we long for communication, which is actually the
simple action of creating a common space, where we are listened to
and where we listen to the other. Culturally, we have lost the ability
to express the fullness of our body, the energy that emanates from
it. We forgot how to bring in the Divine into us as we move, sing,
create energy. We forgot how to become a living prayer and a vessel
of infinite energy. By dancing, and mostly, by dancing in nature, you
reconnect every one of your living cells to the elements they are made
of, the spirit becomes free to move, fly, ground and centre. You can be
a shapeshifter, you can emanate and receive pure, blissful healing and
expanding power. See Wednesday evening for Iris’s biog.
Recent scientific studies analyzing the power and efficacy of the
hormone oxytocin to promote health and well-being, peacefulness and
altruism, conveniently leave out the important fact that oxytocin is found
most naturally in abundance in the female of the species; its powers
are amplified exponentially when groups of females come together in
solidarity and a unified healing intention. Rather than creating artificial
oxytocin and injecting it into humans (usually men) to make them behave
better, the most direct route to peace on earth would be for women to
(once again, as in ancient times) govern our societies communally.
Vicki Noble is a feminist healer, artist, scholar, teacher, and writer,
co-creator of the round Motherpeace Tarot, and author of numerous
books, including ‘Shakti Woman’ and ‘The Double Goddess’ (published
in several languages). She travels and teaches internationally, adapting
Tibetan Buddhist Dakini practices for Goddess women and educating
about matriarchal values. She sees private clients for intensive tutorials
at her home in Santa Cruz, California, where she also practices as a
professional astrologer. See
11.00 am - 11.30 am Refreshment Break.
Drinks and snacks are available in the Town Hall Café.
Key concepts behind Theory U and The Presencing Institute (PI),
an awareness-based action-research community at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) that creates social technologies, builds
capacities, and generates holding spaces for profound societal renewal.
Katie Hoffner is a community leader, socialentrepreneur and change-maker based in Fort
Collins, Colorado USA. She brings passion and
magic to the work she does out in the world. In
November of 2014, Katie completed the
Foundation Program for Theory U and since then
has been sharing this phenomenal process with
others who want to create from their emerging
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11.55 am Birthday Blessings for Ann Cook, Conference
photographer extraordinaire, now in her 80th year.
The wonderful Julie will sing for us, so we can sing and dance with her.
Julie Felix is one of our beloved Conference
Crones who has taken part in the Goddess
Conference for many years, gifting us her
wonderful songs and presence. Her international
career began with protest songs in the 1960s &
70s continuing into Goddess songs in the 90s and
00s. Now celebrating her 78th year on Mother
Earth!!! Julie’s numerous CDs include Fire - my
Photo Ann Cook Spirit, The Goddess Collection, Starry Eyed and
Laughing - Songs by Bob Dylan, and Highway of
Diamonds. See
12.30 am ORB Circles For final discussions & support
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm – LUNCH
Ritual dance with shawl, from central Portugal – For fiery spirits in
powerful bodies. The Lady is one of the archetypal forms that the
Great Goddess Mother has along all of the Portuguese territory. She
represents the Goddess, being regionally named in her many guises,
apparently forgotten yet fully alive in the heart of people. She is the
One crossing souls between life and death, as well as death and life.
She is the one guiding the lost spirits, she brings new born into this
world, she takes the dying on their crossing journey, she brings forth
life in form of food in the fields, she protects families, animals, gives
a wise sense to pain and sorrow, brings truth and balance. She is the
one crossing the three ages, the three times, the four seasons and the
directions. She is the heart of the crossroad: in her all ways converge,
and from her all ways depart. She is beginning and the end. She
weaves the intersection between paths. Revered under many names
and attributes this work is about the ancient tradition of the Lady in
Beira Baixa, Portugal, from where my ancestors came from. I have, ever
since I was a child, nourished a deep and respectful devotion for Her.
See Wednesday evening for Iris’ biog.
For this work please bring a shawl (if you have a familiar one it is even
better), drums and / or rattles.
Lunch in the Town Hall Cafe or any of the many great cafés and
restaurants in town.
AFTERNOON 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
This workshop will introduce the key concepts behind Theory
U and The Presencing Institute (PI), an awareness-based actionresearch community at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
that creates social technologies, builds capacities, and generates
holding spaces for profound societal renewal. This community tries
to contribute to shifting the economy from ego to eco, and toward
serving the well-being of all.
In this workshop learn the first steps towards transforming business,
society and SELF. It will involve experiential techniques, meditation,
journaling and sharing amongst participants. See Saturday am for
Katie’s biog.
Another fantastic choice of great Goddess workshops
The 20th Glastonbury Goddess Conference will celebrate the
Cailleach, the Ancestral Mother of Air and Stillness, Bird Woman, and
Goddess Spiritual Practices. This theme is particularly appealing to me
as I look to the ancient teachings on Goddess Spiritual Practices for
much of what I do and create. So Air for me is about singing, prayers,
the spoken word, thoughts, communication, wisdom, inspiration, etc.
and Goddess Spiritual Practice is fundamental to what I teach and
invite students to do on a daily basis. Our workshop will combine all
these elements into an experiential workshop which will use spoken
word, offering of prayers, chanting and a number of sacred practices
and re-create what the ancient Priestesses may have done on a daily
basis in the Temple. We will create our Temple energetically with a
few simple props, cloths and candles, and use our voices and bodies
to enact beautiful rituals.
Anique Radiant Heart is High Priestess of the
Global Goddess, Goddess Scholar, Sacred Singer
Songwriter, author of ‘Chanting the Chakras – A
Way to the Goddess Through Energetic Use of
Voice’, and internationally acclaimed Spiritual
Teacher. Anique is a well loved member of the
International Goddess Community, and has been
a ‘regular’ at this Conference since 2004. A wise crone in her sixties, she
has created CDs celebrating the Goddess, produced Goddess festivals,
conferences, and led tours to sacred sites all over the world. For many
years she has maintained a Goddess Temple in her home for all to enjoy.
She is currently teaching a 3 year Priestess Training program in the
Temple of the Global Goddess in Maitland. Dedicated to assisting
women to reclaim their natural spiritual authority, Anique continues to
teach women the power and joy that comes from a sacred path, which
celebrates the Divine Feminine. See, http://
28 |
We will explore the stories from Irish legend of Aiofe, princess of the
Tuatha de Dannan, who are said to be the descendants of the Goddess
Danu. She became Crane Woman and gave her skin to make the Crane
Bag, which holds mysterious and powerful objects or alternatively
the secret magical alphabet of all knowledge. Through journey and
visioning we will ask to glimpse the Crane Bag, its purpose and its
contents, and begin to craft a bag of our own to carry with us as we
walk our sacred lifepath. See Wednesday pm for her biog.
Meet herbs useful in respiratory and skeletal disease with a brief
introduction to how they work. See, touch, taste and feel them.
Sounding airs through glass, wood, bone and metal flutes, travel to a
deeper place in ceremony. Help create liminal healing spaces between
and through the stones of science and take time to listen to ancient
wisdom of these herbs.
Mary Bruce: I'm a Priestess of Avalon, Herbalist
and Healer. I live, laugh and love with my family
in Avalon / Glastonbury where I have a clinic
and medicinal herb garden. I love moonlight,
plants and the wind beneath my Morgen wings.
I am fascinated by the liminal, in particular
where science and Goddess meet. See www.
Inspired by a deep love for the
Goddess in all Her forms, this
workshop focuses on the Ancient
Wise One, the Great Mother of us all.
Through Shamanic meditation, we
will move together into the Sacred
Dream. Our journey will take us into
a state where Her wisdom can shine
into our heart and we will feel Her
power alive in our spirit. You will feel
a shamanic "quickening" of intuition
and clarity as the Goddess graces us
with Her presence within.
Bridget by Paula Geradi
Paula Girardi is a practicing shaman and intuitive
in Denver, Colorado, USA. For years I have been
blessed with wonderful students and clients and
creating sacred works in the world. Our Great
Mother is so kind! This life is filled with her
abundance. I lead a group of women, over 50 in
count, in shamanic-based path towards healing
and wholeness. Our work is devoted to White Star
Woman and her many thousands of names. Being centered in the
Divine Feminine gives our work a bliss that only She can shine. It is all
flows from Her grace. Over the past few years I and photographer
Suzanne Farmer, have created images of the 12 patron Goddesses to
Shaman Star. The Star is the teaching I have been giving....a path that
leads one to awaken the heart of bliss within. I hope you will find these
images as powerful and moving as we do. See
Holding our still space, the Cailleach will midwife our words and
stories as we write, read and listen in sacred community. Through
sacred practice, imaginative exercises, meditation, and sharing, our
words will call Her in and speak of Her rebirth within us. New and
well-seasoned writers of all ages are welcome. Please bring your
favourite writing materials.
Roz Bound, writer, healer and Elder, creates safe and sacred space as
she nurtures writers in their transformational process. She celebrates
the wheel of the year in her island home in Canada by facilitating
writing courses, healing circles, women’s groups, open floor readings,
labyrinth walks, always stressing the vital importance of Goddess, myth,
and ritual, not only for today, but for our conscious evolution into an
uncertain future. Roz is writing her doctoral dissertation on Aging
Consciously and her poetry books in print are ‘Spirit of Lyme’ and ‘The
Fireman’s Child’.
have been treasured, idolised and used for healing. And there are the
sarsen heads, the breasts and pubic triangles, above all the one with a
cupmark on one side and buttocks-shape on the reverse. This is surely
a fertility stone that was deliberately shaped and probably used for
centuries. This workshop can be taken in its own right and is a good preparation for
the Fringe visit to Overton Down on Monday 3rd August.
Terry Meaden has a long-lasting deep interest in the
beliefs of the peoples of the megalithic period across
Europe; above all this includes extending our
knowledge about the ideas and cultures of the
ancient devotees of the Great Earth Mother or
Mother Goddess. As a professional archaeologist, he
supports the longtime research of Marija Gimbutas,
who he met at her Californian home and knew until
her untimely death in 1994. He seeks to get explanations of the
prehistoric belief in the Earth Mother back into mainstream acceptance
by archaeologists. His website is
In this introduction to the Tibetan Buddhist Dakini, a unique archetype
of female freedom and autonomy, Vicki Noble will teach and transmit
a short, original mandala practice to help women find their power and
stay centered in difficult times. The Tibetan word for Dakini – Khandro,
is gendered female, referring to women and having no male counterpart,
and describes female Goddesses and human women who incarnate for
the purpose of alleviating suffering on the planet. The untamed nature
of the Dakini can be cultivated through practice, helping contemporary
women to become more spontaneous and free from cultural
conditioning and sex-role stereotyping. See Saturday am for Vicki’s biog.
4.30 pm - 7.30 pm Break to get ready for the evening
EVENING 7.30 pm
In this Gala Masque entry is only for those who are dressed as
the Goddess or God you are, masked or veiled. Treat yourself
to a delicious Vegetarian Finger Buffet specially prepared for us
by YAMUNA WYNN, with free wine and soft drinks. Dance and
make merry with special guests and the fabulous DIVINE ROOTS,
our Glastonbury Goddess-inspired band, led by Priestess SALLY
Over the years, on the hills of Overton Down near Avebury, Terence
has found 20 or more sarsen objects and over a hundred flints which
appear to have been adored and / or used in the Neolithic and Bronze
Age. Many are extremely beautiful. In the workshop 7 to 10 of the
sarsen objects and half a dozen of the flint ones will be available
to see and touch. The most precious of the flint items could have
been part of the equipment of a 'medicine woman'. It resembles a
cranium with internal structure that makes one think of brain tissue,
but crystallised. I love holding it in my hands, knowing that this would
| 29
Sunday 2nd August
Goddess Procession and Thanksgiving
Through Glastonbury into the Sacred Landscape of Avalon with
Connecting Meditation with Christine Watts in the Town Hall for
those unable to walk up and down hills.
AFTERNOON 2.30 pm - 4.00 pm
2.30pm GIVE AWAY
In the conference the Give Away ceremony recognises that Goddess
gives us everything that we have, regardless of who we are. By
giving away a gift to another perhaps unknown person, we emulate
the generosity of Goddess and Her bounteous nature. Please bring
a lovely gift that you would like to receive, to freely give away to
another person. Gifts will be randomly given and received.
Thanksgiving , Sharing ORB Prayer Practices, Spiral
CLOSE OF CONFERENCE will be around 4.00 pm.
After the conference is ended Melissas, Spinners and Priestesses
begin the process of dismantling the Temple space we have created in
the Town Hall. We always need extra help. If you can stay on and help
we would be most grateful.
7.30 pm, Sunday 2nd August
Benedict Street, Glastonbury
By donation
2016 GODDESS CONFERENCE : Celebrating the Lady of Avalon,
Goddess of the Isle of Avalon, Nolava of the Sacred Land, Lady of our Hearts
Tuesday 26th July to Sunday 31st July 2016
with Fringe pilgrimages, events and workshops from July 24th
30 |
Goddess of your
A year’s magical journey of creativity,
invocation, connection and dedication to
whichever Goddess you love best.
Journey to meet Her, then find Her in every season:
As Crone Goddess of death and descent …17/18 October 2015
As Mother of Air, of sound and story …12/13 December
As Maiden Goddess of new beginnings … 23/24 January 2016
As Mother of Fire, of growth and courage … 2/3 April
As Lover Goddess of blossom and delight … 7/8 May
As Mother of Water, of movement and flow … 25/26 June
As Mother Goddess of nurture and plenty … 6/7 August
As Mother of Earth, of manifestation and completion …
1 / 2 October
8 weekends in Avalon, culminating in a day of ceremony, presentation
and gratitude when you may dedicate in service to your Goddess.
Facilitated by Michelle Patten, Priestess of Avalon and of Rhiannon
01458 835 086 / 07542 946 776
| 31
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Design for the 2015 Goddess Conference by Paul Williment at Brighid Design, e-mail: