Connections - Summer 2015


Connections - Summer 2015
Vol. 9, No. 2
The Rev. Janice Robbins
Annual Report
of Giving
Elizabeth Starke
Assistant Head of School
and Graduation
Class of ‘08
Earth Day
7525 Min Tom Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421-1835
(423) 899-1999 •
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our
Connections news. If any information is listed incorrectly
or if there are omissions, please contact us. We apologize
for any errors or omissions.
Mark Fallo, Head of School
Janice Robbins, Chaplain | Assistant Head of School
Dexter Cantelou, Development Director
Kathy Daugherty, Executive Assistant | Website Manager
Jeff Denton, Business and Facilities Manager
Cori Hasden, Admission Director
A Year of Celebration - The Rev. Janice Robbins ........ 4,5
Board of Trustees 2014-2015
Dr. Ted Arrowsmith
Mrs. Carolyn Brock
Mrs. Meg Brock
The Rev. Robert Childers
Mr. Don Curtis
Mr. Hiren Desai
Mr. Mike Drew
Mrs. Linda Elkins
Mrs. Penny Grant
Mrs. Annie Hostetler
Dr. Lizabeth Kennedy Thomas
Mrs. Maria Matthews
Mr. Mitch Patel
Mrs. Carol Quinn
Mr. Paul Richard, Chair
Mrs. Fern Shire
Mr. Roger Talley
Mrs. Liz Thompson
Mr. Justin Wilhoit ‘88
Mrs. Jo Ann Yates
Stanyarne Burrows Jr. Award 2015................................ 6
Young Southern Student Writers Contest................... 7,8
Celebrating Mrs. Sandra............................................... 7
Front Cover
Promotion and Graduation 2015
Memories (the Grace Church Nave
during the ceremony).
A Lesson To Be Learned by Mrs. Ginny Young.............. 8
Children of Creative Purpose
Theme Field Day Activities
Annual Report of Giving...................9,10,11,12,13,14,15
Alumni Weddings.........................................................16
Top Honors at Girls Preparatory School........................17
Cum Laude - A High Honor.......................................... 18
Reed Hayes ‘00............................................................18
Mark Fallo, Editor
Janice Robbins, Co-Editor
Kathy Daugherty, Co-Editor and Designer
Tyler Thurston Jeffrey ‘96............................................ 19
Cory Walker ‘05...........................................................18
With appreciation to the following local schools for alumni
submissions: Baylor School, Boyd Buchanan School,
Girls Preparatory School, and McCallie School.
April Forsthoffer ‘08.................................................... 20
Thank you to Chattanooga Times Free Press, Anne Exum
with Girls Preparatory School, Billy Faires with McCallie
School, and Barbara Kennedy with Baylor School.
Tripp Polen ‘93.............................................................21
Photography submissions:
Board of Trustees - Departing Trustees
Mandy Bohner
Tammy Combs
Wendy Elrod
Cori Hasden
Gretchen Igou
McCracken Poston
Elizabeth Starke
Rekha Thomas
St. Nicholas School Faculty Members
Various Alums and Alumni Parents
Amy Polen Stallings ‘90...............................................21
Natalie Brackett ‘02..................................................... 22
Reception for High School Grads ‘08........................... 23
Back Cover
2015 Early Learning Center
Promotion (Riley Medley and
Michael Revis).
Alumni News................................................ 24,25,26,27
Earth Day | Celebrating Mr. Johnny............................. 28
Class of 2015 Graduation............................................ 29
Connections is published by St. Nicholas School.
Mark Fallo, Head of School;
Janice Robbins, Chaplain/Assistant Head of School;
Paul Richard, Board of Trustees Chair;
Dexter Cantelou, Development Director; Cori Hasden, Admission Director;
Kathy Daugherty, Executive Assistant / Website / Development-Publications.
© by St. Nicholas School. Member: NAES, NAIS, TAIS, SACS, SAIS
Meet Elizabeth Starke, New Assistant Head........... 30,31
Honoring Departing Trustee, Carol Quinn................... 31
A Year of Celebration
The Rev. Janice Robbins
he Rev. Janice Robbins, otherwise known as Mrs. Robbins, Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. “McG”, Mrs. “McR”, and “Little
Janice,” has made an indelible impression on all those who have had the honor to work with her and learn from
her. Numerous students, parents, teachers and staff members have wonderful stories to share about how their lives
have been impacted by this special woman. How do we honor a
person who has changed us with her wisdom, humor, empathy,
and kindness?
Last August Mrs. Robbins shared with staff members her
plans to retire after this school year. To celebrate her legacy,
the year was filled with special events and surprises, from April
Theme Day events to special May events. On May 3, there
was a reception at the Chattanooga Golf & Country Club with
around 300 in attendance, including people from every decade of
Janice’s career. Zelma (Hammel) Lansford, the visionary person
who began the St. Nicholas School program, was in attendance.
She joked that since she had hired Janice in the 70’s, she thought
she’d “come and see how it worked out.” Zelma is shown with
Janice in the photo to the right.
Clockwise from bottom left: Hannah Thel ‘08,
Satako Thel, Kate Thel ‘11; Shandia DeLoach,
Judy Taylor, Diana Peterson; Tom Wolfe and
Mandy Bohner ‘83 with Mrs. Robbins; Judy
Schwartz, Larry Ettkin, Bill Haisten; Janice
and Buckley Robbins; Janice’s Bored Box;
Ramesh and Vijaya Appareddy,.
4 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
At the country club reception, photos
clockwise from bottom left: Tracy
McCarley, Parul Patel, Audra Vetzel,
Mary Negus; Michael Quinn ‘12, Ethan
Richard ‘12, Jared Richard ‘11; Ella
Marie, Jessica, and Will Melton ‘10 with
Mrs. Robbins; Kyli Erwin ‘11 with Mrs.
Robbins; Shanzeh Rizvi ‘13, Jadyn
Matthews ‘13, Kiera Kyzer ‘13,
Olivia Combs ‘12.
Below, St. Nicholas chapel: gift to Mrs. Robbins designed by all students; Middle Primary
May 8 was the campus chapel event in
students honoring “Little Janice” with red hairbows; Suzy Baggett, Jeff Denton, Dexter
Cantelou, Curtis Baggett; Mrs. Robbins with students Andrew Negus, Arjun Patel, Vivian
Janice’s honor, where students offered gifts
Vetzel; Mrs. Robbins with Nia Sanders ‘08 and her granddaughter, Maddie Logan ‘08.
of song, video messages and “Little Janice”
memories. Middle Primary students came
adorned with “Little Janice” red bows. The
St. Nicholas community was invited to both
events and it was
wonderful to
renew friendships and
reminisce with alumni,
parents, and friends.
The chapel concluded
with the presentation of
the Burrows Award to
Janice. (See page 6 for
more information about
the Stanyarne Burrows
Spring/Summer 2015 |
2015 Stanyarne Burrows Jr. Award
The Rev. Janice Robbins
Mark Fallo’s Address
he Burrows Award is given to an individual whose leadership and contributions have benefited the unique Episcopal identity of St. Nicholas School.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this year we’d like to honor the person who has worked the hardest, done the
most, and meant more to the Episcopal identity of St. Nicholas . . . . our chaplain, The Reverend Janice Robbins.
Janice was one of the first recipients of the award, recognized in 1996. At that time, I think it would be fair to say
that the recognition was for her contributions during the previous twenty years of
her time at St. Nicholas.
Today we’re recognizing her for the
next 20 or so years since 1996. During
that time, Janice continued to influence
the Episcopal identity of the school. She
became a deacon in the Episcopal
church and officially became the school’s
chaplain. The chapel program and
experience as we know it today would
not be what it is without Janice’s
continued influence and attention.
Some Episcopal schools go to chapel
once or twice a week. St. Nicholas
gathers together each morning. Janice
has always been very protective and
nurturing of that experience. Some
schools take a “canned” or limited
approach to chapel . . . if it’s the second
Tuesday in May, today’s topic is . . . (fill
in the blank). We don’t do that . . . while
we have a “big picture” theme each year,
we prefer to let the messages evolve and
not become formulaic or predictable.
This is another of Janice’s influences.
As the leader of the chapel program, she’s let it develop in its own space, allowing the concept of creative purpose
to be expressed by each person willing to lead chapel. And Janice has worked very hard to encourage, support and
nurture many different chapel presenters, from the staff as well as from the community.
We can’t think of chapel and of Janice without thinking of . . . Little Janice. A few years ago, Janice was starting to
think that perhaps Little Janice had run its course . . . that she shouldn’t do that anymore. About the same time, I had
the occasion to speak with several of our graduates, and I asked them about chapel. In each of the meetings, the
consensus was loud and clear - Little Janice was universally one of their strongest and most favorite memories of
chapel. So Janice stuck with it and Little Janice continued . . . . . thank goodness!
I’ve heard it said that chapel informs our day. In reality, chapel informs our lives . . . and Janice has given the
better part of her life to develop chapel in form and in substance, enabling it to have the impact we experience today
and will continue to experience for many years to come.
. . . and for that, we are grateful and pleased to recognize you with the Burrows Award.
6 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Around the School
Young Southern Student
Writers Contest Recognizes
Twelve St. Nicholas Students
years, the
contest has
and writing skills in
our student
in grades
K-12, in
public and
schools, enter original works in prose and poetry to be
judged by the English Department of the University of
Tennessee at Chattanooga. Each year, the judges see
between 4,000-5,000 submissions that are often hilarious, poignant and witty, but always remarkable. The
contest culminates in a festive awards ceremony, which
(continued on page 8)
Mrs. Sandra
20 years of Service
Food Services Manager Sandra Sampson retired in
December. She was the first to manage the cafeteria service at
the school, beginning in 1994. Over the years Sandra knew all
the students by name.
In typical St. Nicholas style, students and staff found
numerous ways to celebrate her love and care for our children.
Many of the
students wrote
letters to Mrs.
Sandra and she
was presented
with a crown
made of silverware and a sash
fit for a queen.
Sandra and wish
her many years of rest and relaxation with her family.
Photo top: Will Kline and Mrs. Alice Chitty; photo below:
Mrs. Katie McCorkle, Jackson Babb, Brown Harbison,
and Sofia Bell. (See page 8 for additonal photos.)
Spring/Summer 2015 |
Annual Report of Giving 2013-2014
A Lesson To Be Learned
(Note: The 2014-2015 Annual Report will be published in the next issue.)
Every gift to St. Nicholas counts ...
By Ginny Young, former St. Nicholas Teacher
hen the elegant gold envelope arrived at my home, I knew it was a special parcel. I had no idea how special. Inside contained two beautifully decorated cards inviting my husband and me to the wedding and reception of a student I taught many years ago at St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas has always held a special place in my heart. As a teacher there for twelve years, it was the perfect environment for my style of teaching. It allowed the freedom to teach each child individually
and to take each day as it comes and explore what that day may allow. Each teacher could truly teach from our hearts
and educate and challenge every child. Most importantly, it was a happy place. I was fortunate enough to be part of
this moving staff and it was like manna from heaven!
At the wedding reception, the parents of former students
in attendance each stopped to share their child’s story with me.
Educations from Vanderbilt, Yale, Brown, Medical School at John
Hopkins, jobs at St. Jude because they want to make a difference
in our world. Then the students suddenly arrived around me to
share their adventures. What respect they all showed!
Each one was still talking about St. Nicholas and their
wonderful experiences there. These parents understand what an
excellent education truly means and hold educators in deep respect. I was rewarded as I had never been in my career.
I loved the children and joy of teaching, the music man, our chapels, Suzy’s woodworking, and the constant imagination, laughter, and love! It was a place of wonderment. Thank you St. Nicholas.
“... each one was still
talking about St. Nicholas
and their wonderful
experiences there.”
“The wedding was that of Jay Patel ‘98. I sat with Dr. Bhakta and his son, Nikhill, who is at St. Jude
working with his wife, talked with Dr. Bhatia (daughter Shalini ‘99). I spoke with and saw Davy Pollock ‘98,
Barrett Thomas ‘99, Devon Patel ‘95, Jason Patel ‘98, Mehul Tejani ‘91, ShalinTejani ‘94, Neha Patel Shah ‘00,
Rachna Patel ‘00 and Radhika Patel ‘01, Anushri ‘Desai ‘00 and Svetang Desai ‘91. There were so many I can’t
name them all, but it was wonderful to see them.”
Whether the gift is large or small, your gift illustrates your confidence in our educational program and
mission. The St. Nicholas community of donors – alumni, parents, parents of alumni, grandparents,
trustees, faculty, staff and friends – all help enhance our school. Thank you for your generosity.
The majority of gifts to St. Nicholas are in the form of cash, check or credit card. Credit cards accepted
include Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Gifts can also be made online at www.
For more information, contact Dexter Cantelou at (423) 899-1999 or
By giving appreciated long-term stock directly to
St. Nicholas, you may receive a charitable income tax
deduction for the full value of the stock.
More than 1,000 companies match donations made by
their employees and retirees to independent schools. The
value of an individual’s gift can be doubled – even tripled –
through corporate matching gifts. Since matching gifts must
be initiated by the donor, please inquire whether your
employer has such a program.
The St. Nicholas School Legacy Society was established
Around the School
(continued from page 7, photos below)
floods the Tivoli Theatre with
hundreds of young southern
student writers and their
St. Nicholas Lower
Primary and Upper Primary
students who won this year are:
Level 3: Sofia Bell and Brown
Level 4: Jackson Babb and Joe
Level 6: Will Kline, Caroline
Schenck, Evelyn Stein, Zachary
Ubamadu, and Addison Yelton
Level 7: Audra Bell, Maddie
Flynn, Iris Love
Young Southern Student Writers Contest
Recognizes Twelve St. Nicholas Students
to acknowledge alumni, parents and friends who have
included St. Nicholas School as a beneficiary in their estate
plans. Testamentary designations can be by amount, or as
a percentage of the estate value.
St. Nicholas School is a 501(c)3 non-profit.
Therefore, all gifts are tax deductible.
You can make a pledge and pay in one sum or in
multiple payments. Our fiscal year ends on June
30th each year.
Jackson Babb
Audra Bell
Sofia Bell
Maddie Flynn
Brown Harbison
Joe Howalt
For more information, or to make a gift, please
contact Dexter Cantelou at
or (423) 899-1999.
Will Kline
8 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Iris Love
Caroline Schenck
Evelyn Stein
Zachary Ubamadu
Addison Yelton
St. Nicholas School Legacy Society
The following friends of St. Nicholas School have
remembered the school in a long-term way. These
people have either named St. Nicholas in their
estate plans or they have made a deferred gift.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Baggett
Ms. Mary Helen Bailey Bondurant ‘81
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Brock, Jr.
Ms. Andrée Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Cooper
Dr. Elisabeth Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Tony M. D’Andrea, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. W. Roger Fitch
Dr. and Mrs. Jitendra Gandhi
Mr. and Mrs. David Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Haisten, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Haskins
Mrs. Maria Kain Matthews
The Rev. Buckley Robbins and
The Rev. Janice Robbins
We have made every effort to accurately compile our lists of donors. If you are omitted or listed
incorrectly, please contact the Development Office and accept our sincere apologies.
Spring/Summer 2015 | | 9
Annual Report of Giving 2013-2014
Annual Report of Giving 2013-2014
(Note: The 2014-2015 Annual Report will be published in the next issue.)
(Note: The 2014-2015 Annual Report will be published in the next issue.)
his report represents contributions to the Annual Fund, fundraising benefits and other
gifts to the school, restricted and non-restricted, from July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014.
Gifts to St. Nicholas School come from alumni, parents, past parents, grandparents,
friends, foundations, faculty and staff. On behalf of the entire St. Nicholas family, thank
you to each and every one of the donors listed, whose donations were made during the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2014.
Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of each of our donors. If any
information is listed incorrectly or if there are omissions, please contact us. We apologize
for any errors or omissions.
Headmaster’s Circle
The Annual Fund is an essential component of St. Nicholas’ yearly operations. The school
depends on the support of families, alumni, grandparents, friends, foundations and
corporations to make the difference between income from tuitions and fees and the actual
cost of providing a St. Nicholas experience for each student.
$15,000 and Up
$10,000 – $14,999
$7,500 – $9,999
$5,000 – $7,499
$2,500 – $4,999
1958 Society
Chip and Cindy Howalt
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore
1958 Society
$1,958 - $2,499
S. Craig and Julie Humphreys
Dr. Rickey Hutcheson and Sandra Hutcheson
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Patel
Dr. and Mrs. David Wendt
Honor Roll
$1,000 – $1,957
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Riker Arrowsmith
Ben and Carolyn Brock
Matthew and Tara Brown
10 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
$500 – $999
Mandy ‘83 and Alex Bohner
Class of 2001
Ms. Audrey Barth
Honor Roll
Class of 2005
Mr. James Barth
Mr. Luke Hamilton
$1,000 - $1,957
$1,000 – $1,957
$500 - $999
$500 – $999
Class of 1983
Mrs. Mandy Bohner
Mr. Peter Petruzzi
$2,500 – $4,999
Class of 1998
Mr. William Caldwell
Honor Roll
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Buiel
Jabo and Beaumont Covert
Dr. Tonia Cox and Mr. Will Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Durst
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Eck
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Elrod
Dr. Chip and Dr. Cindy Harris
Jennifer and Will Kline
Dr. and Mrs. N. Eric Love
Joseph and Audra Vetzel
Headmaster’s Circle
$10,000 - $14,999
$1,958 – $2,499
$1 – $499
Dr. Anuj Chandra and Dr. Lotika Chandra
Ms. Tammy O. Combs
Dr. Derek and Mrs. Tiffany Holland
Annie Stephenson Hostetler
Brad and Kristen Jacobs
Mike and Nan Jenne
Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid Mills
Dr. Brian and Mrs. Mary Negus
Mr. Russ Pierce and Dr. Jennifer Bivens
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pratt
Brian Schenck and Yvette Burns
Steve and Candy Scoggins
Jimmy and Michelle Scotchie
Dr. and Mrs. James Stanfield
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Talley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thomas
Mr. Brewster Yates
Headmaster’s Circle
Class of 1998
Mrs. Alice Revenig Chitty
$1 – $499
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown
Ms. Courtney P. Brunetz
Mr. Koushick and Dr. Upasana B. Chakraborty
Ms. Gloria Chien
Mr. Jeffrey and Dr. Allyson Cornell
Val and Stefanie deOlloqui
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis R. Duncan
Mr. Steven and Dr. Elizabeth Forrester
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Harris
Ms. Kathi Schiavone
Kevin and Catherine Leckenby
Jeff and Julie Manning
Ms. Melanie Mayo
Brian and Kara Miscio
Malvika and Chirag Patel
Mr. Jeff Scotchie and Dr. Jessica Scotchie
Dr. Manvesh N. Sinha and Dr. Naina Sharma
Dr. and Mrs. An Tran
$1 – $499
Class of 1981
Mrs. Mary Helen Bailey Bondurant
Mr. Matt Rhoden
Class of 1982
Ms. Janette A. McMahan
Class of 1984
Mrs. Molly Baggett Jamieson
Class of 1989
Mr. Ojas Tejani
Class of 1991
Mrs. Amy Garvey Douglass
Class of 1993
Mrs. Jayme Place O’Donnell
Ms. Claudia Polancich
Class of 1994
Lauren Worley Knauth
Class of 1995
Mr. Wes Bell
Susan Pala
Class of 1996
Dr. Maithilee Kunda Niedhoefer
Class of 1997
Mr. David Ray
Class of 1999
Mrs. Carly Russell Dick
Class of 2000
Ms. Lauren E. Barth
Mr. Alex Shoaf
Headmaster’s Circle
$5,000 - $7,500
Mr. and Mrs. Olan Mills, II
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rayborn
Honor Roll
$1,000 - $1,957
Dale and Kathy Hanson
Mrs. Jo Ann Yates
$500 - $999
John and Joan Seaton
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smartt, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Scotchie
Mr. and Mrs. Toby Silberman
Sara Steele
Dr. Thomas and Theresa Tang
Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Vachon
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Wendy Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Wilkinson
$1 – $499
Mr. Peter D. Arrowsmith
Mrs. Beverly B. Clements
Henry and Anne Crutchfield
Denis and Roxana Donegan
Headmaster’s Circle
Mrs. Louis Franta
Mrs. Marie Gilreath
$15,000 and Up
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hanna
Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga
Mrs. Sue Hawk
$5,000 - $7,499
Mrs. Carolyn J. Humphreys
Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund
Thomas and Ann Jacobs
Dr. Victor Thomas and Dr. Lizabeth Kennedy Thomas
Jane and Lowry Kline
$2,500 - $4,999
Janet C. Kostelec
Mark and Monica Fallo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lefkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maize
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McGee, II
1958 Society
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paden
$1,958 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Patel
Tennessee Valley Bone and Joint
Mrs. Cheryl Patterson
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Judge and Mrs. Don Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reilly
The Rev. Buckley and The Rev. Janice Robbins
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schenck
Jim and Sarah Scoggins
Spring/Summer 2015 || 11
Annual Report of Giving 2013-2014
(Note: The 2014-2015 Annual Report will be published in the next issue.)
Honor Roll
$1,000 - $1,957
Gary and Sally Chazen
Alice ‘98 and Chuck Chitty
Don Curtis
David and Cynthia Garvey
Arlin and Penny Grant
Dr. and Mrs. Drew E. Haskins, III
Mrs. Maria Kain Matthews
National Philanthropic Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richard
Dr. and Mrs. Madison Torrence
Yates Bleachery Company
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Brock
Dexter and Elaine Cantelou
Al and Mary Ceren
The Rev. Robert Childers
Mr. and Mrs. Hiren S. Desai
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Haskins
Jim and Shelley Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lockaby, Jr.
Geoff and Marnie Rodgers
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Shire
Alice and Alfred Smith
The Generosity Trust
The Hand Foundation, Inc
Mark and Satoko Thel
$1 – $499
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Baggett
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Barth
Tracey and Glenn Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brice
Mr. and Mrs. George Bright
Mrs. Sandra Russell Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brookshire
Mr. and Mrs. R. Brian Card
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Chitty
Dr. Elisabeth Craig
Tommy and Pamper Garner Crangle
The Rev. Dr. James D. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Tony D’Andrea, Jr.
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Lisa Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Elkins
Joe and Carol Fallo
Andy and Amy Fincher
Jim and Karen Fulmer
Jeffrey and Monique Gefter
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gilbreath
Mr. Danny Gork
Dr. and Mrs. David Haddock, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. David Hetzler
Mr. Jack and Mrs. Linda Ireland
Dr. Sarma Kunda and Dr. Prabha Kunda
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Lasky
Carol and Dick Lewallen
Mr. Cartter Lupton
Dub and Heather Maedgen
Jude and Kate Malican
Bob and Kelly Maxwell
Dr. and Mrs. John McCarley
William and Karen McGuffee
Mr. and Mrs. Jay O. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Moore, Jr.
Norton Films
Dr. and Mrs. Michel C. Paré
Ms. Carrie Phelps
Phil and Susan Pollock
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Carol Quinn
Michael and Lisa Revenig
Mr. Robert and Dr. Virginia Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Royal
Dr. Kit Rushing and Dr. Fran Bender
Mr. Tony and Mrs. Coleen Scales
Henry and Rachel Schulson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Swartout
Mr. and Mrs. L. Clark Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and
Elizabeth Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Doug Vanderbilt
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Penny Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Werk
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Baggett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Brock, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Harrison Brown
Dexter and Elaine Cantelou
Community Foundation of
Greater Chattanooga
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Davenport, Jr.
Mark and Monica Fallo
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fitch
Arlin and Penny Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny W. Holden, Jr.
Mike and Nan Jenne
Mrs. Maria Kain Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Olan Mills, II
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Patel
Henry and Rachel Schulson
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Shire
Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Vachon
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Mrs. Jo Ann Yates
12 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Annual Report of Giving 2013-2014
In Memory of Mr. Bobby Caldwell
Mr. William Caldwell ‘98
In Memory of Mr. Hal F. S. Clements
Mrs. Beverly B. Clements
In Memory of Mrs. Julie Pogue Feagans
Dr. and Mrs. David Haddock, Jr.
In Memory of Mrs. Adele Hampton
Al and Mary Ceren
In Memory of Mr. Peter Hampton ‘81
The Rev. Janice Robbins
In Memory of Mrs. Carolyn Humphreys
S. Craig and Julie Humphreys
Dr. and Mrs. Doug Vanderbilt
In Memory of Dr. Fred Lansford
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gilbreath
In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Mouron
Mr. and Mrs. David Mouron, Jr –
Nancy Mouron Memorial Fund
In Memory of Mr. John E. Shanks ‘97
Mr. David Ray ‘97
The Rev. Janice Robbins
In Honor of Mr. Benjy Bertani
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bertani
In Honor of In Honor of
Mrs. Alice Revenig Chitty ‘98
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Chitty
In Honor of Mrs. Barbara Dawkins
Dr. Victor Thomas and Dr. Lizabeth Kennedy Thomas
In Honor of Ms. Emma Gefter ‘08
Jeffrey and Monique Gefter
In Honor of Mr. Jax Hatmaker
Mrs. Marie Gilreath
In Honor of Mr. Zach Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bentley
In Honor of Mr. Clark Maize ‘14
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maize
In Honor of The Rev. Janice “Mrs. McR” Robbins
Jeffrey and Monique Gefter
In Honor of Ms. Carly Russell ‘99
Jeffrey and Monique Gefter
In Honor of Miss Farrah Tran
Dr. and Mrs. An Tran
In Honor of Mrs. Augusta & Mr. Adam Webb
Alice and Alfred Smith
In Honor of Mr. Luke Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Wilkinson
In Honor of Mrs. Jo Ann Yates
Dr. Victor Thomas and Dr. Lizabeth Kennedy Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wilson
Dr. Derek and Mrs. Tiffany Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fitch
McCracken Poston Law Offices
Truck ‘N Trailer USA, Inc.
(Note: The 2014-2015 Annual Report will be published in the next issue.)
We wish to thank all parents, grandparents and friends of
St. Nicholas students for their generosity in gifts to the
St. Nicholas School Burrows Library. The Birthday Book
Club is a means chosen by many to honor a child’s birthday
by donating a book in the child’s name. Others make
contributions to the library as memorial or celebration gifts.
We thank you for remembering the St. Nicholas
Stanyarne Burrrows Jr. Library.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Abney, Jr.
Raymond and Michelle Bertani
Dr. Krish Bhadra and Mrs. Christiane Maisch
Dr. Nicholas Boér and Marianne Wilson
Mandy ‘83 and Alex Bohner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brown, III
Matthew and Tara Brown
Mr. Neil Brunetz
Ms. Courtney P. Brunetz
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Buiel
Dr. Anuj Chandra and Dr. Lotika Chandra
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cheemakoti
Ms. Tammy O. Combs
Mr. Jeffrey and Dr. Allyson Cornell
Jabo and Beaumont Covert
Dr. Tonia Cox and Mr. Will Cox
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Crutchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Durst
Ms. Shelley Ealy
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Eck
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Elrod
Mr. Steven and Dr. Elizabeth Forrester
Mr. and Mrs. Berry Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Ty Gay
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilliland
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Harbison
Dr. Chip and Dr. Cindy Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Harris
Vincent and Carie Fitch ‘97 Hatmaker
Bob and Bay Hawk
Ms. Christy Holden-Petty
Dr. Derek and Mrs. Tiffany Holland
Dr. Shawn Holsonback
Annie Stephenson Hostetler
Chip and Cindy Howalt
S. Craig and Julie Humphreys
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jackson
Brad and Kristen Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Kaylor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert King
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kizziah
Dr. Richard Kos and Dr. Anjum Raja
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Kreek
Bruno and Rhonda Lijoi
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Long
Dr. and Mrs. N. Eric Love
Jeff and Julie Manning
Timothy and Katie McCorkle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Mrs. Stephanie Miller
Michael and Holly Miller
Brian and Allyson Millican
Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mirabella
Brian and Kara Miscio
Dr. Brian and Mrs. Mary Negus
Mr. and Mrs. Kiff L. Newkirk
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Dhaval N. Patel
Malvika and Chirag Patel
Mr. Russ Pierce and Dr. Jennifer Bivens
Drs. Jamie and Heather Ponce
Mr. and Mrs. Bejan Poureshmenantalemy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pratt
Tony and Lynda Pritchett
Mr. Venu Puttagunta and Dr. Vani Bollineni
Kevin and Cindy Ragsdale
Dr. Farhan Rizvi
Dr. Naushaba Rizvi
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Ruth
Mr. Kirk Sanford
Dr. Nancy and Ms. Andrea ‘87 Schurr
Steve and Candy Scoggins
Mr. Jeff and Dr. Jessica Scotchie
Jimmy and Michelle Scotchie
Dr. and Mrs. Will Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sosebee
Dr. L. Richard Sprouse, II
Dr. and Mrs. James Stanfield
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Levi Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Suh
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Talley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thomas
Michael and Michelle Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ubamadu
Joseph and Audra Vetzel
Dr. and Mrs. David Wendt
Justin and Kiersten Wilkins
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Wilkinson
Kert and Sally Williams
Ms. Deedee Yates
Dr. Munford R. Yates, III
Dr. Paul M. Zmaj and Ms. Marianne L. Lorren
Spring/Summer 2015 || 13
Many people donated their valuable time to
make this auction a fun and successful event.
Many thanks to the Auction Committee
Members, Executive Committee, Level Reps,
and Faculty and Staff of St. Nicholas.
Barbara Brown & Whitney Gay
Solicitations: Chair: Amy Gibson
Solicitation Committee: Kat Cantelou, Tammy Combs,
Jennifer Kreek, Amanda Steele, Daisy Tucker, Tanya Wilkinson
Decorations: Mandy Bohner
Class Projects: Augusta Webb and
Mandy Bohner
Invitations: Louise Harbison, Misa Ankar, Kristen Jacobs, Jennifer Kreek, and Catherine Minor
Auction Set-Up: Mandy Bohner,
Kari Gilliland, and Mary Negus
Wine Pull: Tom and Lisa Moore
Pass the Hat: Brad Jacobs, Kevin Leckenby, and Mystery Guest
Photography: Mandy Bohner
Photo Booth: Connor Choate
Live music by “The Breakfast Club”
14 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis & Suzy Baggett
Mrs. Louise Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Mandy Bohner
Ms. Miriam B. deOlloqui
Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Linda Elkins
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Sharon Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Monica Fallo
Mr. Mark Feagans
Mr. & Mrs. Garron & Arlyn Haycock
Dr. & Mrs. Paul & Jacque Haycock
Dr. & Mrs. Derek & Tiffany Holland
Mrs. Ruth Kizziar
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Catherine Leckenby
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene & Rebecca Long
Mr. & Mrs. Girish K. & Anju Patel
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch & Parul Patel
Mrs. Sandra Sampson
Mr. & Mrs. James & Sarah Scoggins
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Candy Scoggins
Mrs. Cathy Snyder
Ms. Elizabeth Starke
TOTTO Sushi & Grill
Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Audra Vetzel
1307 Home and Gift
2 Flea Charmers
Abuelo’s Restaurant
Advanced Dental Ceramics
Advanced Water Systems
Alleia Restaurant
Allstar Tint & Alarm
Alterations Unlimited
American Girl
Aqua-Tots Chattanooga
The Ark Pet Spa and Hotel
Art Creations
Astro Jump of Chattanooga
Balance Studios
Barley Bones Craft Dog Treats
Baylor School
Bayne’s Business Machines
Bike Chattanooga
Blanche’s Turn Salon for Hair and Skin
Boathouse Rotisserie & Raw Bar
Booth Western Art Museum
The Bread Basket
Carley Boehm, Carley Rare and Refined
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brown, III
Mr. & Mrs. K. Harrison & Barbara Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John & Ann Bryant
Burns Tobacconist
Capital Toyota Detail
The Casual Pint
Mr. Ned Caswell
Center MedSpa
Mrs. Leona Chadwick
Charlotte’s Web Monogramming & Gifts
Chattanooga Brewing Co.
Chattanooga Coca-Cola Bottling
Chattanooga Ducks
Chattanooga Photo Booth Company
Ms. Gloria Chien
The Clay Pot
Mrs. Kristy Kay Coleman
Crabtree Farms
CraftWorks Restaurants and Breweries, Inc.
Cupcake Kitchen
CWJ Properties
D1 Sports Training
Mrs. Elisabeth Eaton
The Egg & I
Elizabeth Adams Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Tony & Wendy Elrod
The Epicurean Restaurant
Euro Med Spa
Mr. & Dr. Steven & Elizabeth Forrester
The Fresh Market
The Galleries on Williams Street
Mr. and Mrs. Ty Gay
Good Dog
Main Street Meats
Grand Item Donations
Grand Ole Opry
McCallie School
Greg Roy’s Tiger Rock Martial Arts
Merch Northshore
Hamilton Family Denistry
Mouton Salon
North Shore Family
Olive Chattanooga
Dr. & Mrs. James &
Amy Jo Osborn
Pam’s Healing Hands
Mrs. Tammy W. Pierce
Mr. John Petros
Pigtails & Crewcuts
Pin Strikes
Pixie Hair Bar
Hamilton Family YMCA
Hamilton Place Car Wash
Plexus Worldwide, Catherine Minor
Hamilton Skate Place
Plum Nelly Shop & Gallery
Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Louise Harbison
Porkers BBQ
Healthy Glow Studio & Boutique
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Kim Pratt
Premier North America
Mr. McCracken Poston
Dr. & Mrs. Derek & Tiffany Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Chip & Cindy Howalt
Pure Barre
Huck & Peck
Pye Automobiles
Hunter Museum
Dr. Kevin Ragsdale
IceForum at Town Center
Ms. Gretchen Igou
Mr. Zachary Reynolds
Island Point Wine and Spirits, Inc
River City Photo Lab
J. Hilburn Men’s Clothier
The Rustic House
J.Alexander’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Mitzi Ruth
Joseph P. Payne, DDS
The Sandbox, Children’s Boutique
Julie Darling Donuts
Ms. Kay Sanford
The Jump Park
Shallowford Family Dental Group
K::A Boutique by Katherine Roberts
Shire Facial Plastic Surgery
Kayce Hughes
Siglers Craft Beer & Cigars
Ken DeFoor Properties
Signature Catering of 30-A
Kim’s Nail Salon
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Cathy Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Kreek
Southern Comfort Gun Dogs
Larimar Medspa
Southern Steak & Oyster
LearningRx of Chattanooga
Southern Surgical Arts
Lucidity: Chattanooga
Southside Social
Float Center
Sports Barn
80’s Celebration
Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Krista Stein
St. Nicholas School
Starbucks Coffee Company
Studio 59 Salon & Spa
Summitt Pianos
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Talley
Tellus Science Museum
Tennessee Titans
Mrs. Julie Thornburg
TOTTO Sushi & Grill
Track 29
Tremont Tavern
Truck ‘N Trailers USA
US Stove Company
UTC Athletics
Ms. Jill Vernon
Vision Hospitality Group
Mrs. Augusta Webb
Dr. & Mrs. Brian & Tanya Wilkinson
WindStone Golf Club
Wright Jewelers
Photo top: Wendy Elrod, Whitney
Gay, Jessica Crutchfield, Natasha
Durst, Heather Ponce, Tonia Cox
Second photo: Lisa and Tom
Moore, Amy Jo Gibson with her
Spring/Summer 2015 || 15
St. Nicholas ‘08 Alumnae Receive
Girls Preparatory School Top Honors
Rebecca Schmitt
Gaylord ‘04
Anjali Chandra and Hannah Thel
Rebecca married Cory Gaylord on July 4, 2014 at the
Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina. Her brother
Aaron Schmitt ‘00 and her friend, Onshalee Promchitmart
‘04, were included in the wedding party.
She writes, “We met two years ago in Orlando, Florida.
Cory says he knew from the moment he laid eyes on me that
he was going to marry me. We were immediately infatuated
with one another and were married two years later.”
Rebecca is a graduate of Rhodes College, with a BA
in Commerce and Business. Cory graduated from the
University of Memphis with a BA in Sports and Leisure
Management. They live in Chattanooga where Rebecca is
working at the Mountain City Club as their Special Events
Coordinator. Cory works for Northwestern Mutual as a
Financial Representative.
njali Chandra and Hannah Thel were Class of 2015 Co-Valedictorians, and Ragan Foley was the class Salutatorian.
In their separate valedictory addresses, Anjali Chandra
talked about community and Hannah Thel spoke of time
and energy wasted on the pursuit of perfection. Anjali
identified her GPS (Global Positioning System) as an
authentic one that “creates leaders, engaging the mind,
stimulating the spirit and working to produce young
women of character and intellect who approach the world
as global citizens and leaders in this society.”
Lindsay Mallen
Marx ‘00
Lindsay and Matt were married at
Bluff View Inn on November 8, 2014.
She is currently employed at the
Beacon Health Alliance night clinic “where
I take care of sick kiddos after hours - it’s
the best!” Lindsay graduated from the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with
her bachelors in nursing in 2011, worked
in intensive care at Erlanger for a year,
and then attended Vanderbilt University
where she obtained her MS in nursing as a
pediatric nurse practitioner. Her husband Matthew Marx,
graduated from Rutgers in 2009 with his
degree in economics. He works for the
Department of Defense as a contracts
Hannah described a GPS education as “a rare gift that
we have been very fortunate to receive. Put what you have
learned to use, to identify problems in the world and find
solutions to them,” she said in addressing her class.” She
also referenced her time as a second grader at St. Nicholas
School and working in woodworking class.
Dr. Graves and Assistant Heads Jessica
Good and Elaine Milazzo presented awards
for character and integrity, wise leadership,
unselfish service to the school, enthusiasm,
dedication, loyalty, and love of GPS to nine
students, including St. Nicholas graduates
Nia Sanders, April Forsthoffer, and Ragan
Ragan Foley, Salutatorian
Hannah Thel, Jessica Good, and Anjali Chandra
Additional Graduate Awards
Anjali Chandra
James Madison Award for American Government • Lucy Ann Adams Science Cup
12th Grade John Locke History Award for Excellence • Voted Most Likely to Succeed
Ragan Foley
Eula Lea Jarnigan Love of Language Award: Spanish • Pete Wood Award
April Forsthoffer
Barbara Johnson Prickett Award for a senior “who demonstrates wise leadership,
sincere friendship, and involvement in a variety of school activities.”
All-American Swimming and Academic All-American Swimming
Maddie Logan
Critics Choice Award in Drama
Anina Mu
National School Orchestra Award
Nia Sanders
Founders Award, which goes to a senior “whose character and integrity have
had a most wholesome influence on the GPS community.”
Terpsichord Award in Honor of Peggy Thomas • Voted Most Respected
Hannah Thel
12th Grade Science Award
Hannah Thel and Ragan Foley
16 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Spring/Summer 2015 || 17
Cum Laude - A High Honor
5 of 8 Honorees
St. Nicholas School Alums
he Latin phrase “cum laude” translates as “with honor.” As an honorary organization celebrating academic achievement, Cum Laude
was founded in 1906, perhaps not coincidentally
the same year that Girls Preparatory School was
born. Induction into Cum Laude at GPS is one of
the highest honors a girl can achieve, and as Cum
Laude faculty committee member Bryant Haynes
said at the 2015 ceremony on Thursday, April 9,
“each of the eight girls honored “chose her own
path and challenged herself in achieving a large
measure of academic success.”
From left, Nia Sanders (second), April Forsthoffer (third), Ragan Foley (fourth),
Hannah Thel (sixth), and Anjali Chandra (seventh)
Seniors Anjali Chandra, Ragan Foley, April
Forsthoffer, Hannah Geerlings, Najia Humayun, Anna Claire Pierce, Nia Sanders, and Hannah Thel were held up as
examples of a quote from Louis Pasteur, who said, “…strength lies solely in tenacity.”
In the words of one faculty member, these are “women to watch.” Their focus, grit, humility, bold thinking, wisdom,
subtlety, curiosity, and persistence was celebrated in presentations that used musical metaphors, allusions, and paradox. (Article from Girls Preparatory School)
Reed HayesNext‘00
Stop . . . MIT Sloan
eed was accepted in the MBA program at MIT Sloan School of Management and began the program in June. Reed writes, “My goals from my MIT education include joining a venture capital firm and working with start ups that improve the quality of
care for dementia and elderly care patients. I am particularly interested in leveraging emerging technology like Oculus Rift and other virtual reality systems for elderly patients. My
background in supply chain and analytics will aid me in my goals because it has forced me
to lead with a data-driven decision making philosophy. Being accepted into MIT has already
opened many doors for me that were previously unavailable. I have begun an internship with
a MIT start up that uses big data (satellite images, text-mining, web crawling, etc.) to making investment decisions.”
After graduating from St. Nicholas, Reed attended
Boyd-Buchanan where he played soccer all four years of high
school. He attended the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
from 2006-2010. While in college he competed in several
Judo tournaments and placed 2nd in a Southeastern Tournament. He worked with Volkswagen Group in Michigan;
Coca Cola in Atlanta; and as a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Instructor at
Blalocks MMA.
Reed writes, “I remember my time at St. Nicholas
as some of the best years of my life and I would send
my children to no other school in Chattanooga.” 18 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Tyler Thurston Jeffrey ‘96
Tennessee Department of Environment (TDEC)
Regional Director for External Affairs
yler Jeffrey is the Regional Director for External Affairs for the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
(TDEC) in the Chattanooga Field Office. The Chattanooga Field Office
serves 10 counties in Southeastern Tennessee including: Bledsoe,
Bradley, Grundy, Hamilton, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Polk, Rhea and
Sequatchie. The Office of External Affairs division for TDEC provides
assistance to improve the customer service delivery, coordination
and overall responsiveness between TDEC and local governments,
regulated entities, advocacy groups and other state agencies.
Regional Directors serve as the department’s primary point of
contact for the general public and stakeholders in their respective
regions and serve as the public outreach arm of the Commissioner’s
Office. There are 8 total Regional Directors on the External Affairs
team that serve counties throughout the state of Tennessee.
Tyler serves as a starting point for TDEC customers regarding any questions, concerns or
complaints including: Local Government, Federal and State Agencies, Economic Development
Officials, Regulated Industries, Small Business, Community Organizations, and Individual Citizens.
Tyler received her Master of Science in Geosciences from Mississippi State University in
2012. She also holds a B.S. in Geosciences from MSU and B.A. from the University of Tennessee
at Knoxville. Currently, she is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (In-Training
Status) and is TDEC Level 1 certified.
“Governor Haslam visited Cleveland, TN last year to announce
recreational grants. He is standing with some local leaders in
Cleveland including from left: Representative Kevin Brooks,
Governor Haslam, Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland and Tyler.”
“Out on site at the rockslide on Hwy 64
last August and I am talking with TDOT
officials (my sister, Lyndsay Thurston
Botts ‘‘87, is the Deputy Commissioner
of TDOT by the way).”
Spring/Summer 2015 |
Amy Polen Stallings, MD ‘90
Cory Walker ‘05
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Duke University Hospital
Software Engineering Consultant
graduate of Baylor School, Cory Walker ‘05 is currently a senior at the
University of Tennessee at Knoxville in computer engineering. He also works
as a software engineering consultant for a company called Binatix. He works with
them independently, but was able to work in their San Francisco office last summer
and is working in their office in Israel this summer.
Cory is one of the three-person
team My Banner Plus. My Banner Plus
is an intuitive scheduling program that
builds off Banner, a scheduling system
used by many major universities. My
Banner Plus uses course names or
numbers to provide users with a list of all possible scheduling options. To date,
My Banner Plus has been used by students at eight different universities,
logged 44,860 hits from 10,771 unique visitors, and generated 25,484 schedules.
My Banner Plus is one of six student companies honored in the UT
Undergraduate Business Plan Competition this year. The Undergraduate
Business Plan Competition is held every spring. It is open to UT undergraduate
students from any field of study. It is judged by an outside panel of members
from the business community. This year the students competed through three
rounds of judging for first, second and third place in two different categories—
high-growth businesses and lifestyle businesses. The My Banner Plus team
took second place with winnings of $3,000.
Cory shared the photo to left from Old City of Jerusalem.
April Forsthoffer ‘08
Tennessee State Finalist to Swim for
Drexel University
pril signed to swim for Drexel University in Philadelphia, a Division I member of the Colonial Athletic Association and
the alma mater of both of her parents. She is a record holder in the
200 medley relay, State Meet finalist in multiple events, and 2014
State Champion in the 400 freestyle relay.
Swimming for Girls Preparatory School at the 2014 TISCA
Tennessee High School Swimming and Diving Championships,
April placed sixth in the 200 IM (2:08.42) and fourth in the 100 fly
(57.18). She is shown in the center of the photo to the left holding
the state plaque.
“Forsthoffer will have an immediate impact on the Dragons’ results: her 100
and 200 fly and 200 and 400 IM times would each make Drexel’s all-time top-five
20 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
my is a physician at Duke University Hospital and specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. She lives in the Raleigh-Durham area with her
husband Seth, who graduated from the Naval Academy in 2001 and is currently
getting an MBA at UNC Chapel Hill. They have two sons Luke (7) and Reed (5),
and a new golden retriever puppy named Rusty!
After graduating from GPS in 1996, Amy attended NC State University in
Raleigh as one of the members of the first class of Park Scholars, and then The
Brody School of Medicine in North Carolina. She did her Allergy and Immunology
training at the University of Virginia.
“Amy has always felt that St. Nicholas is responsible for
teaching her the love of learning that has stayed with
her through her career. Ever since a she was a Level 3 at
St. Nicholas, Amy has known that she wanted to be a doctor!”
Amy and Tripp were the first siblings to both be named
Park Scholars at North Carolina State University.
Tripp Polen ‘93
Vice President,
Global Human Resources
Bank of America
ripp lives in Charlotte, NC, and works as Vice President,
Global Human Resources with Bank of America. Tripp also
went to NC State University, and was the first sibling of a previous
recipient to receive the Park Scholarship at NC State.
Tripp is married to the very talented Julie Loven, of Linville,
NC, who writes a lifestyle blog Tripp and
Julie got married after Tripp proposed in New York City on The
Bethenny Frankel Show!
One of Tripp’s daughter’s favorite songs is also Tripp’s St. Nicholas favorite, “Hymn of Promise.”
The two of them like to sing “In the bulb there is a flower...” together!
Spring/Summer 2015 || 21
Graduating Seniors Alumni Chapel and Reception
Natalie Brackett ‘02
Research Assistantship Vanderbilt
Full Scholarship
atalie was accepted at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, as well as Penn’s GSE and Vanderbilt’s Peabody College, to pursue
her Master’s in International Education Policy. “I received a research
assistantship with a full scholarship at Vanderbilt, so that is where I
will be attending!”
Recently Natalie worked as a paralegal at a DC law firm. Prior
to that, after graduating from Baylor School in 2009 and Washington
University in 2013, she spent a year in remote northern Thailand as
a teaching fellow with the international non-profit Princeton in Asia.
She continued to work with populations from South and Southeast
Asia during her time in DC as a volunteer tutor at the International
Rescue Committee’s refugee resettlement center, and at a local
English center teaching ESL to adult immigrants. “I’m interested in
continuing work with refugees & immigrants domestically, or designing and implementing education programs through international
development organizations like USAID or World Bank.”
2015 High School Grads
Class of 2008 College Choices
“I’m particularly passionate about equity, access and education in crisis and conflict-affected environments, and
previous study and travel in Nepal, Bhutan and India have led me to plan to return to those areas next summer for my
degree’s required international internship. The photo is of me with a student in Nan, Thailand, where I taught English,
math and science to 6th graders and kindergarteners.”
“I spent so much of my time there (in Thailand)
reminiscing and feeling grateful for the
wonderful teachers and loving support of the
St. Nicholas community throughout my childhood.
I look forward to a long career thinking about
that high quality of education, and how to
emulate and share it around the world!”
– – Natalie Brackett
Roots Benefit Auction
Doubletree by Hilton
22 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Noah Ankar
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Angela Baucom
Gap Year
Nicole Blohm
University of Memphis
Harrison Booker
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Hayden Brown
Montana State University
Savannah-Raye Camp University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Anjali Chandra
Harvard University
Zach Choi
University of Pittsburg
Annie Collom
University of Richmond
Annalisa D’Andrea Samford University
Ragan Foley
UGA Honors College
April Forsthoffer
Drexel University
Emma Gefter
Middle Tennessee State University
Garrett Glenn
Auburn University
Haley Golding
Howard University
Luke Hamilton
Samford University
Lily Haskins
Samford University
University of Denver
Reed Jacobs
Brianna Kyzer
Berry College
Maddie Logan
Emerson College
Kelli Marcum
Dickinson College
Tyler Mastey
Vanderbilt University
Brynnan Miller
Hannah Mills
Bard College
Anina Mu
Georgia Tech
East Tennessee State University
Sally Newman
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Faraaz Noorani
University of Alabama
Caitlyn Riley
Brown University
Nia Sanders
Grace Sanford
High Point University
Analisa Stratienko
Sewanee, University of the South
Hannah Thel
Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy
Auburn University
Madie Wirz
Left to right, sitting: Haley Golding, Sally Newman, Ragan Foley, April Forsthoffer,
Emma Gefter, Hannah Thel, Anina Mu, Nia Sanders, Maddie Logan.
Standing: Garrett Glenn, Tyler Mastey, Noah Ankar, Luke Hamilton, Anjali Chandra,
Hayden Brown, Annalisa D’Andrea, Madie Wirz, Grace Sanford, Brianna Kyzer,
Nicole Blohm, Analisa Stratienko, Lily Haskins, Angela Baucom.
Spring/Summer 2015 |
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How to share your news . . .
•By e-mail/internet: Send your news to Dexter
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•By regular mail:
St. Nicholas School
7525 Min-Tom Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Congratulations to the following St. Nicholas Graduates
Dillan Desai ‘12
Zoe McCarley ‘12
Middle School
Chinese Award
Middle School Dance Award
Mary Margaret Rodgers ‘09
Julia Duncan ‘09
Upper School
Honors Math Award
Cl ass of 1995
■ Jennifer Clements, née Goldsmith, was recently awarded a 2015 Artist
Fellowship by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. She earned her
MFA in creative writing from George Mason University in 2010, and works as a
professional writer, editor, and theatre critic in Washington, DC.
“In a Washington Post online article entitled “Arts Leaders to be Honored,” the
name of Jennifer G. Clements was one of several DC residents listed. According to
the article, she will use her fellowship to compile a book of essays on the performing arts.” (Girls Preparatory School)
■ Clay Sanders and his wife Amanda have a son, Jackson Lee, born on May 9,
Cl ass of 1996
■ Mae Cooper has taken a job as a Learning and Development Specialist at
George Washington University.
Cl ass of 1997
■ Rachel Sherbak Stevener has a baby daughter,
Charlotte Lynn “Lottie.”
Cl ass of 2000
Anjali Chandra
■ Marshall Bright is an intern with Studio 360 at
WNYC in New York. The program is a product of
National Public Radio.
Class of 2008
Girls Preparatory School Class of 2015
Cl ass of 2008
American Lung Association
Young Woman of Distinction
■ Nia Sanders served on the Mayor’s Youth Council
for Chattanooga, helping plan and facilitate action
plans to renew Chattanooga. Nia was on the May Day
Court (see photo to the
left). Nia was also a
National Merit Achievement Semifinalist.
njali Chandra is one of five Chattanooga
area high school seniors selected by the American Lung Association of
Tennessee as a 2015 Young Woman of
Distinction. Anjali’s outstanding leadership,
academics, and character were considered by
the ALA in choosing her for recognition.
The ALA Young Women of Distinction
Award is offered each year to high school
seniors who set themselves apart as outstanding in leadership, academics, and character.
“Every year we see so many gifted young
ladies, but this year is really special,” said ALA
Development Director Shirley Cudabac. “The
level of dedication these ladies have to making
the world a better place is humbling and
Anjali is shown above at her GPS
graduation with her sister Alisha.
■ Hannah Thel is one
of three GPS students
honored by Mayor Jim Coppinger and the County
Commission for their award-winning Constitution
Day essays. They were recognized with an official
proclamation applauding academic excellence. They
spent time conversing with the individual Commission
members about the importance of active and participatory citizenship, especially timely on the day following
the 2014 mid-term elections. All three students were
enrolled in Advanced Placement United States Government and History. (Hannah is pictured to the right.)
Cl ass of 2009
■ Ayushi Sinha was named a Tennessee State
Winner by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT).
The Aspirations in Computing designation is awarded each year to girls with an
aspiration to use computing in their future, not necessarily as a programmer,
but in any career, .Ayushi was chosen as one of two National Runners Up.
■ Will Snead was a member of the 2014-2015 Baylor STAT Council (Students
Today, Alums Tomorrow).
24 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Upper School
German Award
Girls Preparatory School
Class Day Awards 2015
(Grades 6-11)
Congratulations to the following
St. Nicholas Graduates
(List for Senior Awards on page 17)
Cecilia Rodriguez ‘12
Lily Haskins ‘08
Upper School Orchestra
Middle School
Dance Award
Shannon Urey ‘12
Larkin Brown ‘12
Tucker River Fellow
(Multi-Year Elective Study of the Tennessee River
and Water Conservation)
Middle School Ethics Award
National Merit Recognition
Baylor School 2014-2015
Haley Golding ‘08 was selected as a semifinalist in the 51st
National Achievement Scholarship Program. The program
was initiated in 1964 to recognize academically promising
black students throughout the United States and to provide
scholarships to a substantial number of the most outstanding
program participants.
Lily Haskins ‘08 is one of nine Baylor seniors who were
named commended students in the 2015 National
Achievement Scholarship Program.
Cl ass of 2010
■ Amelia Land is part of the Terpsichord team at GPS.
Cl ass of 2011
■ At Baylor School, Andrew Hoffman was named to the East
Tennessee Vocal Association All-East choir last fall. Andrew was also
a member of the winter acting troupe, which presented one-act shows
for children at Baylor’s community service sites.
■ Sawyer Richardson was on the McCallie Headmaster’s List in
Spring 2014 (accidently omitted from previous issue).
■ Kate Thel was part of the GPS Tennis Team in 2014-2015. At the
USTA GPS Winter Open tennis tournament on March 7, Kate won three
matches in the girls 18’s singles and tied for 5th.
Cl ass of 2012
■ Based on an assigned essay for English class about the middle
school experience, Olivia Combs was among nine students chosen
to read their essay at the 8th grade celebration end-of-year ceremony.
The nine girls selected to deliver the Class Speech talked of their middle
school years as a journey that has given them the confidence, awareness, and independence to “walk across the lawn” to the Upper School.
■ During 8th Grade Class Award Day at GPS, a music presentation
was perfomed by Olivia Combs, Brianna House, and Ruchi Patel.
Molly Milam performed with the Coordinate Choir’s other 8th grade
■ Baylor School 8th graders, Dillan Desai and Cecelia Rodriguez,
were selected as 2014-15 middle school spirit team captains.
■ Mitchell Negus was recognized by McCallie Headmaster Lee Burns
at the Middle School Awards Day for making straight A’s throughout his
three years in Middle School.
Olivia Combs ‘12
8th Grade English Award
Middle School DAR Citizenship Award for 8th Grade
Brianna House ‘12
8th Grade Music Award
Environmental Engineering First Place Junior Division
(Regional Science Fair)
Carolina Kelley ‘14
6th Grade Motion Makers Dance Award
Emma Kirkpatrick ‘09
Fine Arts Award for Dance – Terpsichord
Jadyn Matthews‘13
Ruth Schmidt Award for 7th Grade
(given to a girl whose love and enthusiastic
support for her school make her an invaluable asset,
not only to her class but to the entire GPS family)
Erin Maxwell ‘13
7th Grade Science Award
Ruchi Patel ‘12
7th Grade Math Award
Astha Sinha ‘14
Joan Haley Frierson Award
(to a 6th grader whose “positive attitude and strong
leadership abilities set her apart,” who “has made
a significant contribution to the school”
and “leads in a wise and gracious manner.”
Ayushi Sinha ‘09
Grace McCallie Scholarship Co-Recipient
Earth and Environmental Sciences First Place
Senior Division (Regional Science Fair)
Rebecca Torrence ‘10
Algebra 2 Award
Energy Chemical First Place Senior Division
(Regional Science Fair)
Spring/Summer 2015 |
Girls Preparatory
McCallie Awards 2015
St. Nicholas Graduates Make the
Grade at McCallie School
Congratulations to our St. Nicholas graduates who have been recognized for their academic achievements at McCallie School
Fall 2014
Congratulations to the following St. Nicholas Graduates
Mac Poston ‘12
Algebra I Honors Award
Congratulations to our St. Nicholas
graduates who have been recognized
for their academic achievements at GPS
Bond Ragsdale ‘09
Fall 2014
Materials Science Senior Division First Place
Head of School’s List*
Headmaster’s List*
George Arrowsmith ‘10
John Arrowsmith ‘13
Hampton Clark ‘09
Athey Crump ‘09
Aidan Foley ‘11
Tyler Mastey ‘08
Mitchell Negus ‘12
Luke Parker ‘10
Riley Parker ‘13
Mac Poston ‘12
Patrick Ramey ‘11
Bruce Renner ‘11
Sawyer Richardson ‘11
■ Jadyn Matthews (photo to right)
was the recipient of a Computer
Science Award at GPS in 2014. Jadyn
was also on the Honor Roll at GPS
(inadvertently omitted in a previous
Michael Quinn ‘12
Bond Ragsdale ‘09
Ishmael Sanford ‘14
Charlie Thel ‘10
Holden Wilhoit ‘14
Jack Young ‘13
GPS Duke Tip Talent Search
Honor Roll**
Noah Ankar ‘08
Garrison Brock ‘11
Brandon Brown ‘11
Hayden Brown ‘08
Ian Campbell ‘12
Rex Ealy ‘14
Raif Gork ‘12
Jacob Gossett ‘13
Chase Holsonback ‘11
Max Milam ‘09
Corbin Morrison ‘13
Connor Quinn ‘10
Faculty Recognition List***
Noah Ankar ‘08
George Arrowsmith ‘10
John Arrowsmith ‘13
Hampton Clark ‘09
Athey Crump ‘09
Aidan Foley ‘11
Tyler Mastey ‘8
Max Milam ‘09
Corbin Morrison ‘13
Luke Parker ‘10
Mac Poston ‘12
Ishmael Sanford ‘14
Abinav Siddamreddy ‘14
Blake Snetman ‘10
Ross Stitts ‘11
Charlie Thel ‘10
Jack Young ‘13
Spring 2015
Headmaster’s List*
John Arrowsmith ‘13
Ian Campbell ‘12
Rex Ealy ‘14
Aidan Foley ‘11
Corbin Morrison ‘13
Mitchell Negus ‘12
Luke Parker ‘10
Riley Parker ‘13
Patrick Ramey ‘11
Bruce Renner ‘11
Abinav Siddamreddy ‘14
Ross Stitts ‘11
Charlie Thel ‘10
Holden Wilhoit ‘14
Alex Williams ‘14
Jackson Yates ‘10
Reagan Yates ‘14
Honor Roll**
George Arrowsmith ‘10
Garrison Brock ‘11
Brandon Brown ‘11
Hayden Brown ‘08
Athey Crump ‘09
Raif Gork ‘12
Jacob Gossett ‘13
Tyler Mastey ‘08
Max Milam ‘09
Mac Poston ‘12
Connor Quinn ‘10
Michael Quinn ‘12
Bond Ragsdale ‘09
Sawyer Richardson ‘11
Ishmael Sanford ‘14
Jack Young ‘13
Faculty Recognition List***
George Arrowsmith ‘10
John Arrowsmith ‘13
Garrison Brock ‘11
Aidan Foley ‘11
Max Milam ‘09
Corbin Morrison ‘13
Mitchell Negus ‘12
Luke Parker ‘10
Patrick Ramey ‘11
Jordan Richardson ‘10
Blake Snetman ‘10
Sawyer Richardson ‘11
Ross Stitts ‘11
Charlie Thel ‘10
Alex Williams ‘14
Ford Yates ‘09
Jackson Yates ‘10
Jack Young ‘13
* Headmaster’s List - students must earn all “A’s” for the semester.
** Honor Roll - must earn an overall 3.5 average or better with no grade lower than a B-.
*** Faculty Recognition List - recognizes students who faculty member think deserve special recognition for their academic efforts during the semester.
26 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Anjali Chandra ‘08
Murfee Jones ‘11
Astha Sinha ‘14
Ayushi Sinha ‘09
Cl ass of 2013
Ishmael Sanford ‘14
Abinav Siddamreddy ‘14
Ross Stitts ‘11
Alex Williams ‘14
Jackson Yates ‘10
Reagan Yates ‘14
Distinguished List**
GPS students Maddie Logan ‘08, Carly Perry ‘09, and Alina Poston ‘11 were
invited by READ20 to present “Cowboy Joe at the High Noon Saloon” at Red Bank
Elementary School, “The hilarious, interactive story is always a huge hit with kids
who never stop laughing,” says Kurrelmeier-Lee.
(Carly is second from left, Alina is third from right and Maddie is far right.)
Mary Margaret Arrowsmith ‘11
Anna Baldree ‘09
Jessica Melton ‘10
Olivia Combs ‘12
Anina Mu ‘08
Ragan Foley ‘08
Ruchi Patel ‘12
Brianna House ‘12
Kate Thel ‘11
Hailey Kreek ‘13
Daphne Thomas ‘11
Jadyn Matthews ‘13
Alie Williams ‘14
Of the seventeen seventh graders at
GPS chosen to participate in the Duke
Tip Talent Search, Jadyn Matthews,
Shanzeh Rizvi, and Isabelle Torrence, are 3 of 10 who
qualified for state recognition.
Honors List***
Larkin Brown ‘12
Carter Davenport ‘12
Carolina Kelley ‘14
Lexie Kyriakidis ‘09
Amelia Land ‘10
Cora Long ‘12
Erin Maxwell ‘13
Ella Marie Melton ‘10
McCallie 7th Graders Get State Honors
for Work in Duke Academic Talent Search
Of the ten seventh graders at McCallie chosen to participate in
the Duke Tip Talent Search, John Arrowsmith, Corbin
Morrison, and Riley Parker, earned Tennessee state awards
for strong scores in SAT and ACT testing. The students qualified for the Duke TIP program by scoring in the 95th percentile
in grade level testing, qualifying them to take the SAT and ACT
early in their academic career. After testing, Duke University will
provide feedback and other resources to these students to help
them continue to grow academically throughout their time at
Riley Parker Also Gets National Recognition
for High Scores in SAT and ACT Testing
Riley Parker, who also qualified for a national recognition,
traveled to Durham, N.C., for the national awards ceremony at
Duke University. (Riley is shown at the ceremony in the photo
Hannah Thel ‘08
Isabelle Torrence ‘13
Rebecca Torrence ‘10
Katie Millican ‘13
Isabel Millan ‘14
Shanzeh Rizvi ‘13
Nia Sanders ‘08
Annie Sanford ‘14
Grace Sanford ‘08
Lily Shire ‘11
Spring 2015
Head of School’s List*
Mary Margaret Arrowsmith ‘11
Anjali Chandra ‘08
Ayushi Sinha ‘09
Olivia Combs ‘12
Hannah Thel ‘09
Murfee Jones ‘11
Kate Thel ‘11
Ruchi Patel ‘12
Isabelle Torrence ‘13
Astha Sinha ‘14
Rebecca Torrence ‘10
Baylor students Rosa Anderson-Barrera ‘14 and Charlie Hooks ‘13 were part of
the cast in the Baylor Middle School Players’ presentation of The Twelve Daughters
of Hercules, an action-comedy by Ben Kingsland. Anika Iqbal ‘13 was part of the
crew. (Rosa is seated in the center and Charlie is far right.)
Distinguished List**
In Memoriam ... Remembering Our Alumni Members
Anna Baldree ‘09
Ragan Foley ‘08
Brianna House ‘12
Hailey Kreek ‘13
Jadyn Matthews ‘13
Ella Marie Melton ‘10
Allison Flint ‘91
Allison Flint, 34, of Chattanooga, TN, passed away on June 21, 2013. She is survived by
her mother, Wanda Smith O’Neal and many extended family members.
Peter Hampton ‘81
Peter Hampton, 46, of Signal Mountain, passed away on July 21, 2013. Survivors include
his twin brother, Andrew (Ann) Hampton; godfather, Deaderick Moon; and wonderful
friends and family.
Honors List***
Larkin Brown ‘12
Carter Davenport ‘12
Caroline Eck ‘14
Carolina Kelley ‘14
Lexie Kyriakidis ‘09
Amelia Land ‘10
Erin Maxwell ‘13
Chas Holsey ‘06
Chas Holsey, 19, of Chattanooga, TN, passed away on March 2, 2015. He is survived by
his parents, Rev. Dr. Charles Maceo Holsey Jr. and Dr. Tanja Anderson Holsey; a beloved
sister, Trevor Anderson Holsey; and an adored little brother, Caleb Anderson Holsey, all
of Chattanooga.
John Shanks ‘97
John Shanks, 29, of Chattanooga, TN, passed away on September 9, 2013. Survivors
include his mother, Maxine Shanks; sister Carrie Morrow Crawford ‘90, and many friends
and extended family.
Jessica Melton ‘10
Anina Mu ‘08
Lily Shire ‘11
Daphne Thomas ‘11
Alison Williams ‘14
Katie Millican ‘13
Molly Milam ‘12
Isabel Millan ‘14
Ishani Patel ‘12
Ruchika Rathi ‘13
Nia Sanders ‘08
Kathryn Thomas ‘11
* Head of School’s List - students must earn all A’s”
** Distinguished List - must earn no grade lower than A- for
the semester.
*** Honors List - must earn no grade lower than a B- for the semester.
Spring/Summer 2015 || 27
Class of 2015
Left to right:
Row 1: Sara Grace Snead, Julia
Combs, Ava Scotchie, Candace Brown,
Audra Bell, Olivia Scotchie, Louisa
Bohner, Lily Grace Greenwood.
Row 2: Watson Brown, Zane Smith,
Emily Kreek, Iris Love, Colby Hawk,
Shalizeh Rizvi, Maddie Flynn, Brock
Ragsdale, Kielen Kniegge, Gavin
Row 3: Harrison Gilliland,
Rahul Patel, Shayan Bajestani, Joshua
Cornell, William Duncan, P.A. Yates,
Jacob Lefkoff, Ian Brunetz, Andrew
Earth Day Chapel
and Celebration
for Mr. Johnny
Earth Day was a beautiful morning for outdoor chapel.
Students shared special banners that were words made from
their photographic study of symmetry in nature. The words
are “grow” ...“explore” ... “wonder” ... and “observe.” It was
a special morning with music by Mr. Carey and a lesson by
Ms. Mayo.
As part of the Earth Day festivities, we celebrated Mr.
Johnny’s years working in the maintenance and facilities
department at St. Nicholas. Planting trees and beautifying
our outdoor spaces were among the many jobs he did for the
The St. Nicholas staff and students found unique ways to celebrate Mr. Johnny’s final year with the school. Early
Learning Center students made a book for him and gave him his own set of plastic keys so he wouldn’t miss the weight in his
pocket. Lower Primary students gave him a tool box filled with cards and notes to read that will help him pass the days (while
he is fishing). Middle Primary and Upper Primary wrote personal cards.
Carrying cross and flags, left to right: Shalizeh Rizvi, Louisa Bohner, Ian Brunetz;
Above clockwise: graduates during ceremony; Adam Webb with Shayan
Bajestani, The Rev. Janice Robbins with Ava and Olivia Scotchie.
Where Did They Go From Here?
See the list below to find out where our St. Nicholas graduates will continue their education for the 2015-2016 school year.
Clockwise from bottom left: Children in the
reception line; Group of attendees;
Mr. Johnny with his daughter, Belinda,
Shannon Mirabella, Michelle Turner, Michelle
Scotchie; Mr. Fallo presenting keys; Group
with Mr. Johnny’s son to the right; Center:
Jeff Denton, Johnny Miller, Terry Hood;
28 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Shayan Bajestani
Audra Bell
Louisa Bohner
Candace Brown
Watson Brown
Ian Brunetz
Julia Combs
Joshua Cornell
William Duncan
Baylor School
Baylor School
Girls Preparatory School
OLPH School
Baylor School
McCallie School
Girls Preparatory School
McCallie School
Baylor School
Maddie Flynn
Harrison Gilliland
Lily Grace Greenwood
Colby Hawk
Kielen Kniegge
Emily Kreek
Joshua Lefkoff
Iris Love
Andrew Negus
Girls Preparatory School
McCallie School
Girls Preparatory School
Baylor School
McCallie School
Girls Preparatory School
Baylor School
Girls Preparatory School
McCallie School
McCallie School
Rahul Patel
Brock Ragsdale McCallie School
Shalizeh Rizvi
Girls Preparatory School
Ava Scotchie
Girls Preparatory School
Olivia Scotchie
Girls Preparatory School
Zane Smith
Baylor School
Sara Grace Snead Baylor School
Gavin Turner
Baylor School
P.A. Yates
Baylor School
Spring/Summer 2015 |
Leadership Profile
Leadership Profile
Meet the St. Nicholas Assistant Head of School
Elizabeth Starke
was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, where I spent my youth playing school with my two sisters. Our bedrooms were decorated like classrooms and every Christmas our stockings were filled with teaching supplies. My mom would take us to the teacher store to purchase lesson plan books and my dad would find textbooks at used bookstores.
I was raised in a family that instilled the value of education. My grandfather worked hard to ensure his
eight children would attend college. As a result, my mother, five aunts, sister, and two cousins have all chosen
the education profession. I was blessed with a talent of
working with children and followed the family tradition.
My childhood prepared me for job opportunities
working as a nanny and camp counselor in high school
and college. I graduated from Randolph-Macon College
with a B.A. in Psychology, History, and Education and
began teaching in Richmond Public Schools. I spent most
of my teaching career in kindergarten and third grade.
After a few years in the classroom, I had the
desire to improve my instructional skills. While teaching, I completed a Masters of Education degree from
the University of Virginia. During this time, I welcomed
student teachers from local universities to my classroom
to share my passion for education. This eventually led to
my transition to higher education where I supervised
student teachers at Virginia Commonwealth University
and taught education courses at the University of
Richmond. Furthermore, I have been completing an
Ed. D. in Educational Leadership at the College of William
and Mary and working in their School of Education.
While I have enjoyed my experience in higher
education, I truly miss the joy of working with children.
It is wonderful to watch the excitement of learning
through the eyes of children. Therefore, I am elated
to begin a new journey as an assistant head of school
where I can collaborate with teachers and students each
One statement in a St. Nicholas brochure resonated with me. “Don’t expect neat little rows of desks. Do
expect children who love going to school.” I have always been described as the teacher with an unorthodox
classroom where students worked in various settings on different learning activities. On my initial visit to
St. Nicholas School, I was amazed to find an entire school that mirrored my teaching style. Students were
30 | Connections Spring/Summer 2015
Assistant Head of School
Honoring Departing Trustee
(continued from page 30)
working collaboratively in groups or independently
on individualized assignments, and teachers were
facilitating learning through questioning.
My philosophy of education statement includes
the following beliefs:
Children construct their own knowledge
through exploration. I believe teachers serve
as facilitators who develop lessons that allow
students to take ownership of their learning.
Teachers should infuse critical thinking and
creativity skills in the curriculum and provide
opportunities for collaboration. Incorporating
problem solving, rigorous challenges, authentic
assessments, and active learning experiences
allows students to develop a love of learning.
The learning environment should incorporate
flexibility and independence as students
develop lifelong learning skills. Therefore, I
believe St. Nicholas School will be a great fit for
me as my philosophy of education aligns with
the school’s mission.
In the Spring, I had the opportunity to visit the
school and join students on their daily schedules.
I began the morning singing in chapel, listened to
Spanish conversations, picked onions in the garden,
learned the art of duct tape creations, explored
aspects of the Google drive, and felt the splashes of
water from children swimming. Of course, I still had
time to observe students’ math and reading skills by
visiting the core classrooms.
The St. Nicholas community has already
been so welcoming to me. The administration and
teachers have provided me with insights about moving to Chattanooga, parents have shared their stories
about connections to Virginia, and students have
given me hugs and fist pumps as I roamed the
Finally, Mrs. Robbins has spent time sharing her
wisdom and strengths of scheduling to ensure
a smooth transition. I am eager to be part of the
St. Nicholas community and look forward to
joining the school this summer.
– – Elizabeth Starke
Carol Quinn
With Gratitude
At the May 19 Board of Trustees meeting, Carol Quinn was honored
for her service to St. Nicholas School. A presentation of a framed
piece that included the traditional St. Nicholas birthday prayer was
made by Head of School Mark Fallo. The school was blessed for
nearly a decade by the service of Carol Quinn.
Carol joined the
St. Nicholas Board
of Trustees in 2006
and served as board
chair from 2009-2012.
Prior to serving on
the board, she was
very involved in the
Parent Association, in
the role of President,
Vice-President, Level
Carnival Co-Chair and
a member of the
Auction Solicitation
Committee. She was instrumental in arranging the “Trick or
Trot” Benefit Run for St. Nicholas in the Fall of 2005.
Carol’s two
children, Connor
‘10 and Michael
‘12, attend
McCallie School.
She continues
to be involved with
the St. Nicholas
School capital
campaign on
various levels.
Carol is truly
a friend of
St. Nicholas and we are grateful for her many years of
sacrifice and her caring wisdom.
The photos above are from the Quinn family vacation: top
photo: Carol and her husband Brian Quinn; bottom photo is
Connor and Michael, with Carol and Brian.
Spring/Summer 2015 |
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Promotion and Graduation 2015
Connections is published by St. Nicholas School.
Mark Fallo, Head of School;
Janice Robbins, Chaplain/Assistant Head of School;
Paul Richard, Board of Trustees Chair;
Dexter Cantelou, Development Director; Cori Hasden, Admission Director;
Kathy Daugherty, Executive Assistant / Website / Development-Publications.
© by St. Nicholas School. Member: NAES, NAIS, TAIS, SACS, SAIS
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