API Guide - Trayport
API Guide - Trayport
Trayport® GlobalVision API Guide 8.12.4 for Broker Trading System API Guide ® SM SM This document describes the Trayport GlobalVision Broker Trading System API (Application Programming Interface). The document is aimed at developers who are integrating GlobalVision with another system, such as a back or middle office system. Legal Notice All rights reserved. ® The software contains proprietary information of Trayport Limited; it is provided under a licence agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited. Due to continued product development this information may change without notice. The information and intellectual property contained herein is confidential between Trayport Limited and the client and remains the exclusive property of Trayport Limited. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Trayport Limited does not warrant that this document is error-free. This guide is for the client's internal use with a licensed Trayport product only. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Trayport Limited. All information submitted to Trayport will be subject to Trayport’s Privacy Policy as amended from time to time. The privacy policy can be found at www.trayport.com. Trayport is a registered trademark of Trayport Limited. This document was written using Author-it in British English. It was last updated on 22/04/2014 (16:56). 7th Floor, Broadgate West, 9 Appold Street, London, EC2A 2AP Trayport Home Page http://www.trayport.com © Copyright 2014 Trayport Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to the API Guide .......................................................................................3 Chapter 2: API Overview ................................................................................................................5 2.1 Using the API ................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.1 Using the API for Straight-Through Processing .................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 The API functions ................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Requirements and Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 7 2.3 Connectivity Issues ....................................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Sample Code ................................................................................................................................................. 8 2.5 Language Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 9 2.6 Comments .................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.7 Valid XML .................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.8 User Accounts ............................................................................................................................................. 10 2.9 Error Handling ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Chapter 3: IGlobalVision8API Interface ........................................................................................ 11 3.1 Login ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 LoginGUI ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3 ConnectionSettings..................................................................................................................................... 12 3.4 Logout ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.5 UseSchema ................................................................................................................................................. 13 3.6 QueryXMLRecordSet .................................................................................................................................. 14 3.7 Subscribe .................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.8 Unsubscribe ................................................................................................................................................ 15 3.9 ExecuteAction ............................................................................................................................................. 16 3.10 SetAPIOptions ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 4: _IGlobalVision8APIEvents Interface............................................................................. 21 4.1 OnServerConnect ....................................................................................................................................... 21 4.2 OnServerDisconnect ................................................................................................................................... 21 4.3 OnNewData ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Appendix A: XML Query Format.................................................................................................. 23 A.1 Introducing the Query Format ................................................................................................................... 23 A.1.1 Constructing More Complex Filters .................................................................................................. 23 A.1.2 The All Option ................................................................................................................................... 23 A.2 Companies .................................................................................................................................................. 24 A.3 Users........................................................................................................................................................... 25 A.4 Instrument Properties ................................................................................................................................ 26 A.5 Instrument Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 27 A.6 Instrument Attributes ................................................................................................................................ 27 A.7 Orders......................................................................................................................................................... 29 A.8 Instrument Specifier ................................................................................................................................... 32 A.9 Order Summary Information ...................................................................................................................... 33 A.10 Trades and Historical Trades .................................................................................................................... 33 A.11 Trade Summary Information .................................................................................................................... 37 A.12 Sequences ................................................................................................................................................ 37 A.13 Sequence Items ........................................................................................................................................ 38 A.14 Term Formats ........................................................................................................................................... 39 A.15 Trading Accounts ...................................................................................................................................... 40 A.16 Groups ...................................................................................................................................................... 41 A.17 Market Events .......................................................................................................................................... 42 i A.18 Historical Orders ...................................................................................................................................... 42 A.19 Order History ............................................................................................................................................ 43 Appendix B: XML Record Format................................................................................................. 44 B.1 Company Records ....................................................................................................................................... 44 B.2 User Records .............................................................................................................................................. 46 B.3 Instrument Properties Records .................................................................................................................. 47 B.4 Instrument Definition Records ................................................................................................................... 54 B.5 Order Records ............................................................................................................................................ 55 B.6 Instrument Specifier ................................................................................................................................... 59 B.7 Constituents ............................................................................................................................................... 60 B.8 Order Summary Records ............................................................................................................................ 61 B.9 Trade Records ............................................................................................................................................. 62 B.10 Trade Summary Records .......................................................................................................................... 70 B.11 Sequence Records .................................................................................................................................... 71 B.12 Sequence Item Records ............................................................................................................................ 71 B.13 Terms ........................................................................................................................................................ 72 B.14 Term Format Records ............................................................................................................................... 73 B.15 Trading Account Records .......................................................................................................................... 74 B.16 Groups Record .......................................................................................................................................... 75 B.17 Market Event Records .............................................................................................................................. 75 B.18 Historical Orders Records ......................................................................................................................... 78 B.19 Order History Records .............................................................................................................................. 78 B.20 Annotations .............................................................................................................................................. 83 Appendix C: XML Action Format ................................................................................................. 85 C.1 Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Deals ..................................................................................................... 85 C.2 External Reference Prices ........................................................................................................................... 90 C.3 Market Events ............................................................................................................................................ 91 C.4 Starting a Matching Session ....................................................................................................................... 97 Appendix D: Return Codes and Messages .................................................................................... 98 Appendix E: GlobalVision 8 API Change History .......................................................................... 103 Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 106 Chapter 1: Introduction to the API Guide This document is divided into the following sections. Chapter 1: Introduction to the API Guide - provides information about what this document contains. Chapter 2: API Overviewintroduces the API and provides important information that you should know before you start writing your own applications using the API. Chapter 3: IGlobalVision8API Interface - provides detailed reference information about the event handlers that can be raised by the API. Chapter 4: _IGlobalVision8APIEvents Interface - provides detailed reference information about the API functions that you can use in your applications. Appendix A: XML Query Format - describes the XML query format you will need to use when constructing XML strings to query the API. Appendix B: XML Record Format - describes the XML record format used by the API. It is important to understand this format so that your application can correctly parse the data it receives from the API. Appendix C: XML Action Format - describes the XML format used to submit actions to the API. Appendix D: Return Codes and Messages - provides a list of the return codes and messages generated by the API. Appendix E: GlobalVision 8 API Change History - provides a summary of the changes that have been made to the API in recent releases. If you have written an application against an older version of the API, you should refer to this section to see what changes you need to make to your application so that it works with the latest version. Glossary on page 106 - provides definitions of the terms used in this document. Typographical Conventions Typographical conventions used in this document: Note Notes emphasise points related to the current topic. Tip Tips provide information that helps you to apply the techniques and procedures described in the text, to your specific needs. Tips can provide alternative methods that may not be obvious, and they can provide assistance with understanding the benefits and capabilities of the feature or process that is being described. Warning Warnings contain information about issues that might cause a problem in the future, or essential instructions. Italic Italic is used when referring to the names of entities such as: dialog boxes, file names, directory paths, service names, and names of documents. It is also used for figure captions and when introducing a term for the first time. 3 Bold Bold is used to emphasise the importance of a point, and, in a series of numbered steps, to indicate items that you must select, for example: menu options, command buttons, or items in a list. 4 Chapter 2: API Overview The GlobalVision API provides a programmatic interface that allows you to retrieve data from GlobalVision (such as details of orders and trades), and use that data in other applications. For example, you could use the API to integrate your back and middle office systems with GlobalVision. This Chapter introduces the API and provides important information that you should know before you start writing your own applications using the API. 2.1 Using the API In order to use the API, you must write an application to communicate with GlobalVision. Your application must first login to the GlobalVision server. Your application can only communicate with GlobalVision once the login has successfully completed. Once it has logged in, your application can begin using the API functions to send requests to GlobalVision in order to retrieve live market information. There are two ways for your application to retrieve information from the GlobalVision server. Your application can perform a query to request all the data about a particular aspect of the market. For example, your application could request details of all the orders in the market for a particular instrument, or all the trades that have taken place for that instrument. Your application can subscribe to notifications about particular events. Every time an event of that type takes place, GlobalVision will send your application details of the event. For example, your application could subscribe to details about deals taking place for a particular instrument. Every time a deal takes place on that instrument, GlobalVision will send details of the deal to your application. Note It is only possible to subscribe to certain types of events. For full details on which events support subscriptions, and which do not, please refer to the individual sections in XML Query Format. When your application has finished using the API, it must disconnect by logging out. 2.1.1 Using the API for Straight-Through Processing The GlobalVision API is often used to perform straight-through processing of deals, integrating GlobalVision with a back-office system. In order to perform straight-through processing, your application should subscribe to notifications about the relevant type of deals. Once this subscription is in place, the GlobalVision server will send your application details of each deal taking place, as it takes place. Your application can then process the deal details and send the information to your back-office system. 2.1.2 The API functions To query the server for live data, your application should call the QueryXMLRecordSet function, indicating what information is required by passing a string of XML to the function. The format of the XML is described in XML Query Format. GlobalVision will respond to the request with a result in XML. For example, your application might send a request to GlobalVision for details of all the orders in the market for a particular instrument. GlobalVision will return a set of XML records describing the orders (the format of the returned XML is described in Appendix B: XML Record Format). Your application can then parse the records and perform whatever processing is required to manipulate the returned information. 5 In order to subscribe to notifications about specific events taking place, your application should call the Subscribe function, indicating what to subscribe to by passing a string of XML to the function. Every time an event that your application has subscribed to takes place, GlobalVision will send a notification in the form of an OnNewData event containing details of the event. The following figure shows a typical series of function calls and events occurring in an API session. Figure 1: A typical series of function calls and events Warning The API is case-sensitive. Any elements and attributes that appear in your XML strings must match the case shown in this document exactly. 6 2.2 Requirements and Prerequisites The following table lists the hardware and software requirements and prerequisites for the API. Area Requirements Installed Software In order to use the API, the following software must be installed on the machine running the API: One of the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows Vista Business Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 2003 Server with Service Pack 2 (SP2) Microsoft Windows 2003 Server R2 Microsoft Windows 2008 Server with Service Pack 2 (SP2) Microsoft Windows 2008 Server R2. Microsoft XML Parser version 6.0 with Service Pack 1 (SP1). Connectivity The API acts as a client to the GlobalVision server, so the application using the API is therefore subject to the same connectivity requirements as the GlobalVision Front-End. For more information about connectivity requirements, see the Administration Tools Guide. GlobalVision Server This version of the API is designed to work only with servers that are GlobalVision 8 and above. Supported Languages The API is implemented as a COM component. It therefore supports any development languages that support COM. The API has been tested with the following languages: ASP C++ C# JavaScript (HTML) .NET VBScript Visual Basic Visual Basic for Applications. Note In this document, all interface functions are described in Visual Basic format. C++ users should refer to the supplied Interface Definition Language file (gvapi.idl, located in the src directory in the API installation location) to find the C++ alternatives. 2.3 Connectivity Issues If you configure your application to subscribe to notifications about a particular type of event, and the API loses its connection with the server, any events taking place during the disconnection will not be sent to your application. You should therefore make sure that your application is designed to handle disconnections. If a disconnection occurs, the API raises the OnServerDisconnect event, and automatically attempts to reconnect to the server every 30 seconds. Once the API has successfully reconnected, it raises the 7 OnServerConnect event. On receiving this notification, your application should specifically query the server for details of events that it may have missed. For example, to find out about any trades that took place during the disconnection, your application can use QueryXMLRecordSet to query for <TRADES> with a <LASTUPDATE> time that is more recent than the last update time on the last trade event successfully received by your application before the disconnection. Using this value should ensure that the API returns details of all the missed trades. You can also use the <LASTUPDATE> time to query for any updates to <ORDERS/> that have taken place during the disconnection. Warning In some cases, using this strategy will cause the API to return duplicates of records you have already received, in addition to the missed records. For this reason, it is important that your application also specifically checks for duplicates when parsing the results. For record types that do not return time information, the only way to retrieve any records that your application missed during the disconnection is to query for all the records and compare the result against those already received by your application. 2.4 Sample Code The following table lists the sample code provided with the API. Language Code Provided ATL An example using VCPROJ. C# An example using Visual C# project. JavaScript (HTML) A sample demonstrating how the API could be called by a web application. Microsoft Access (VBA) A sample Microsoft Access 2000 database. Microsoft Excel (VBA) A sample demonstrating how the API could be used from Microsoft Excel. The sample demonstrates how order and trade details can be imported in real time. The sample also demonstrates how the API could be used to display data from different servers on the same screen in Microsoft Excel (it currently supports the concurrent login of up to four different servers). 8 2.5 Language Issues The following table lists some issues you may encounter with using the API with specific languages. Language Potential Issue Visual Basic All dates and times used by the API are expressed in ISO 8601 format. This format combines the date and time in a single string. You cannot pass a date and time in this format directly into a Visual Basic Date object. The following are two possible solutions to this problem: Validate all XML in your application against the schema. The schema defines the data types of the attributes: in Microsoft XML Parser you can then use this method to return a Date object directly: IXMLDOMNode::nodeTypedValue Alternatively, convert the String containing the date into a suitable format by using some code similar to the following. This code removes the milliseconds and the delimiting T from the string. Dim myStr as String Dim myDate as Date myStr = xmlparser.getNamedItem("DateTime") Mid(myStr, 11,1) = " " 'Replace the delimiting T myStr = Left(myStr, 19) 'Remove the milliseconds myDate = myStr C++ You may also encounter this problem when using dates and times in C++. You can also solve the problem by validating the data against the schema, which defines the attribute data types. Your C++ application can then use IXMLDOMNode::nodeTypedValue in Microsoft XML Parser to retrieve the data directly from the API DateTime fields. This method returns data of type DATE, which COleDateTime can take in using one of its constructors. 2.6 Comments If necessary, you can include comments in the XML strings that you pass to the API, as long as the string is still valid XML. Comments must start with <!-- and end with -->. The following is an example of a valid use of comments within an XML string. In this query, both the text This is a comment, and the entire <TRADES> element are commented out. <CRITERIA> <!-- This is a comment --> <ORDERS> <SIDE>Bid</SIDE> <STATUS>Firm</STATUS> </ORDERS> <!-- TRADES> <INITTRADER>My</INITTRADER> <TRADEDATE From="2006-08-25T00:00:00" Until="2006-08-25T23:59:59"/> </TRADES --> </CRITERIA> The following is an example of a use of comments that is not valid. In this example, the user has attempted to comment out one of the attributes on the <TRADEDATE> element. This is not valid XML because the < and > characters that start and end the comment appear inside the element. Attempting to pass an XML string like this to the API generates an error. 9 <CRITERIA> <ORDERS> <SIDE>Bid</SIDE> <STATUS>Firm</STATUS> </ORDERS> <TRADES> <INITTRADER>My</INITTRADER> <TRADEDATE <!-- From="2006-08-25T00:00:00" --> From="2006-09-25T00:00:00" Until="2006-09-25T23:59:59"/> </TRADES> </CRITERIA> 2.7 Valid XML It is important to ensure that your XML query strings are valid and well formed. In particular, you must ensure that you escape any of the following characters if you need to include them in your query strings: &, <, and >. You must replace these characters with their entities (&, <, and >). You must also escape any quote marks you need to include in your XML string. If the XML string is enclosed in double-quotes (") then you will need to escape any double quotes by replacing them with ". Alternatively, if the string is enclosed in single quotes ('), then you will need to escape any single quotes by replacing them with '. Failing to escape these special characters will result in error messages being returned by the API. 2.8 User Accounts In order to use the API, your application must log in to the GlobalVision server using a user account that has been assigned the Read-Only API user permission (in the User Administration tool). Both Trader and Broker user accounts can connect to the GlobalVision server through the API, but the available functionality will vary depending on the type of account used to connect to the server. In addition, the market information returned by the API is subject to the same permissions as other methods of accessing the server. For example, if you connect to the API using a Trader user account, then that account will typically not have permission to see the aggressor and initiator details for trades where the user was not one of the counter parties. This information will therefore not appear in <TRADE/> records returned by the API to that user (just as this information would not appear in the Deals window in the GlobalVision Front-End). Note When using a trader account to connect using the API, you should note that you will not be able to simultaneously connect to the GlobalVision Front-End with the same user account unless you have been allocated more than one concurrent login. The number of concurrent logins assigned to a user is specified in the User Administration tool. 2.9 Error Handling To improve error handling, the following changes have been made. The GlobalVision8 API now implements ISupportErrorInfo http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/ms221083.aspx, to provide more information when an error occurs in the API. The GlobalVision8 API has been improved to return more appropriate return codes if an exception occurs while processing a request, rather than allowing the exception to propagate across the COM boundary. 10 Chapter 3: IGlobalVision8API Interface This Chapter provides detailed reference information about the API functions that you can use in your applications. COM Object Gvapi.GlobalVision8API Interface IGlobalVision8API Class ID CE92C3B9-9A93-40E1-85AB-6A49170AEF7F 3.1 Login Login logs in and authenticates with the server. Synopsis Login(string strServerAddress, int nPortNumber, string strUserName, string strPassword) as string Inputs Parameter Description strServerAddress The address of the server to connect to. The server address must either be in the form of a domain name (a series of words separated by dots, rather like a website address, for example server.company.com) or an IP address (four numbers separated by dots, for example, nPortNumber The port number to connect to on the server. The port number is usually 11997. strUserName The username of a valid account on the server. strPassword The password associated with the account specified in strUserName. 3.2 LoginGUI LoginGUI opens the standard GlobalVision login window. Synopsis LoginGUI() as string Outputs Returns Description string A result in XML. If the function is successful, the API will return the following. <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> 11 Returns Description <REPLY Code="0" Message="Success." Reason=""/> </GV8APIREPLIES> If the function fails, the API will return something similar to the following. <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <REPLY Code="301" Message="Login Failure." Reason="Cannot establish connection to server.example.com::11997."/> </GV8APIREPLIES> Note LoginGUI can be used as an alternative to Login if you do not want to pass the user credentials, server details, and port number as parameters. If LoginGUI succeeds, the OnServerConnect event is fired, and a persistent TCP level connection is maintained with the specified server until Logout is called. Only one concurrent connection to a server is permitted for each instance of the API. If a subsequent connection attempt is received, LoginGUI will return an error. 3.3 ConnectionSettings ConnectionSettings displays the standard GlobalVision Connection Settings dialog box where you can configure the API's connection to the server (for example, you can configure whether the API will connect through a proxy server). Synopsis ConnectionSettings() as boolean Outputs Returns Description boolean True if the dialog box was displayed and the user clicked OK. <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <REPLY Code="0" Message="Success." Reason=""/> <SERVERSUBSCRIPTIONINFO Enabled="false" MaxSubscriptions="0"/> </GV8APIREPLIES> If the function fails, the API will return something similar to the following. <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <REPLY Code="301" Message="Login Failure." Reason="Cannot establish connection to server.example.com::11997."/> <SERVERSUBSCRIPTIONINFO Enabled="false" MaxSubscriptions="0"/> </GV8APIREPLIES> Note For more information about the GlobalVision connection settings, see the Administration Tools Guide. 12 Tip The connection settings are stored in the server's registry. This ensures that the settings persist between sessions. 3.4 Logout Logout terminates the TCP level connection. Synopsis Logout() as void Note When Logout completes, the OnServerDisconnect event is fired. 3.5 UseSchema UseSchema sets the type and location of the schema that will be referenced by all future XML returned by the API. Synopsis UseSchema(string strSchemaLocation, int nSchemaType) as void Inputs Parameter Description strSchemaLocation The location and name of the schema to be referenced. URLs and file locations are both valid. nSchemaType The type of schema to be referenced. The following are valid values: 0 - SchemaType_NONE: No schema should be used. 1 - SchemaType_XDR: XDR (Microsoft XML parser) format schema. 2 - SchemaType_W3C: XSD (W3C Standard) format schema. Outputs Returns Description void N/A Note This function sets the namespace declaration used in the root tag of the XML returned by the API. The appropriate namespace declaration will depend on the type of schema you wish to validate the XML against (the XML parser will use the declaration to locate the appropriate schema). Although the API can return XML formatted for validation with XDR Compatible parsers, an XDR schema is not supplied (only an XSD schema, 13 Trayport-api-schema.xsd, is supplied with the API). XSD is the W3C standard schema. It is widely supported, and is the recommended option. Examples The following examples show how the XML output may look as a result of using each of the different options. SchemaType_NONE <ORDER xmlns='gv8api-trayport-com'> ... </ORDER> SchemaType_XDR <ORDER xmlns='x-schema:c:\schema\trayport-api-schema.xdr'> ... </ORDER> SchemaType_W3C <ORDER xmlns='gv8api-trayport-com' xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="gv8api-trayport-com c:\schema\trayport-api-schema.xsd"> ... </ORDER> 3.6 QueryXMLRecordSet QueryXMLRecordSet retrieves the specified information from the server. For example, your application can use this function to return details of all the orders currently in the market, or the trades that have taken place. Synopsis QueryXMLRecordSet(string strXMLCriteria) as string Inputs Parameters Description strXMLCriteria An XML string indicating the data records to return. See XML Query Format for full details of the format you need to use to construct XML queries. Outputs Returns Description string A list of records in XML. The format of this data is described in XML Record Format. 14 3.7 Subscribe Subscribe allows you to define the types of event taking place on the server that you want to receive notifications about. Your application will only receive notifications about events that you have subscribed to. Synopsis Subscribe(string strXMLCriteria, string strXMLReturn) as integer Inputs Parameters Description strXMLCriteria An XML string indicating the data records to show in notifications. For example, the XML string might instruct the API to return details of trades as they take place, or of new orders submitted to the market. By making use of the available options, you can filter the notifications so that they contain only the specific information that you are interested in. See XML Query Format for full details of the XML string format used by this parameter, and the various options that are available for filtering the notifications. Outputs Returns Description integer If the subscription succeeds, it returns a unique subscription ID (if you need to unsubscribe from this notification, you can do so by calling Unsubscribe using this ID). The function will also populate the string strXMLReturn with a message similar to the following. <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <REPLY Code="0" Message="Success." Reason=""/> </GV8APIREPLIES> If the function fails, it returns 0 and populates the string strXMLReturn with an error message formatted in XML. For a full list of return codes and their meanings, see Return Codes and Messages. Note Once you have successfully subscribed to notifications, an OnNewData event will be raised every time an event matching your subscription criteria takes place. It is only possible to subscribe to certain types of events. For full details on which events support subscriptions, and which do not, please refer to the individual sections in XML Query Format. 3.8 Unsubscribe Unsubscribe cancels a subscription. Synopsis Unsubscribe(int nSubscriptionID) as boolean 15 Inputs Parameters Description nSubscriptionID The ID of the subscription to unsubscribe from (the ID previously returned by a successful call to Subscribe). Outputs Returns Description boolean True if the unsubscription is successful; false if the unsubscription is unsuccessful. 3.9 ExecuteAction ExecuteAction attempts to carry out the specified action on the server. This function allows you to insert non-tradable feed prices into GlobalVision using the API. You can also use this function to add, delete, or update deals. Synopsis ExecuteAction(string strXMLAction) as string Inputs Parameters Description strXMLAction An XML string indicating the deal to add, update, or delete, or the feed price to submit. See XML Action Format for full details of the format you need to use to construct XML strings to submit deals using this function. Outputs Returns Description string A result in XML. If the function is successful, the API will return the following. <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <REPLY Code="0" Message="Success." Reason=""> <SERVERSUBSCRIPTIONINFO Enabled="false" MaxSubscriptions="0"/> </GV8APIREPLIES> If the function fails, it returns an error message. For a full list of return codes and their meanings, see Return Codes and Messages. Note In order to insert a non-tradable feed price using this function, you must be logged in using an account with permission to insert feed prices. The following is an example of the type of XML string you must construct to 16 insert a feed price. The <INSTSPECIFIER> element identifies the instrument to insert the feed price for. This must be an instrument that uses the Price Feed Transaction Engine. For more information about the format of the <INSTSPECIFIER> element, see Instrument Specifier. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <ORDER Action="InsertFeed" Price="10.45" Side="Bid"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="6" SeqSpan="N/A"/> </ORDER> </GV8APIACTIONS> To remove a feed price that you have previously inserted, call ExecuteAction again with the same XML string, but change the Action to DeleteFeed. 3.10 SetAPIOptions SetAPIOptions sets various options for the API. Synopsis SetAPIOptions(string strXML) as string Inputs Parameters Description strXML A string of XML indicating the API options to set. The XML string can consist of any of the elements listed the table API Connection Options (in the Notes section) enclosed in <CONNECTIONOPTIONS> ... </CONNECTIONOPTIONS> tags. Outputs Returns Description string A result in XML. If the function is successful, the API will return the following. <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <REPLY Code="0" Message="Success." Reason=""/> </GV8APIREPLIES> If the function fails, it returns an error message. For a full list of return codes and their meanings, see Return Codes and Messages. API Connection Options The following table lists the child elements (and their options) that you can include in the XML string passed to SetAPIOptions. 17 Child Element Description <DISCONNECT_ACTION> Specifies what the server should do if the API loses its connection to the server. This element takes one of the following options: <KEEPALIVETIMEOUT_MS> Withhold Withhold all firm orders on the server owned by the trader using the API. Remove Delete all firm orders owned by the Trader using the API. Nothing Take no action. Specifies how often (in milliseconds) the server and the API should send each other keep-alive messages. The lower the value of this setting, the more sensitive the connection will be to network problems. The default is 240000 ms (any value you specify will be rounded to the nearest 60000 ms). Note If you want to change the timeout, you must set your preferred alternative value before logging in to the API using Login or LoginGUI. <DIRECT_CONNECTION_PORT> Selects a port to use for the connection. You may need to change the port if the computer running the API does not have a direct connection to the Internet. This element takes one of the following options: GlobalVisionDirect Use the port specified in the login method (usually 11997). SSL Use port 443. HTTP Use port 80. Note If you want to change the port, you must set your preferred alternative value before logging in to the API using Login or LoginGUI. <WEB_PROXY> 18 Specifies the HTTP proxy server to use to connect to the server. This element has the following attributes: Address The address of the HTTP proxy server. The server address must either be in the form of a domain name (a series of words separated by dots, rather like a website address, for example server.company.com) or an IP address (four numbers separated by dots, for example, PortNumber The port number to connect to on the proxy server. Username The username to use to connect to the proxy server. This attribute is optional. Child Element Description Password The password to use to connect to the proxy server. This attribute is optional. Note If you want to change the web proxy, you must specify your preferred alternative before logging in to the API using Login or LoginGUI. <PASSWORD> Changes the login password. This element has the following required attributes: Old The old password. New The new password. Note If your attempt to change the password fails (for example because you did not specify the correct old password), then you will not be able to log in to the API again until you have either called SetAPIOptions again with an empty <CONNECTIONOPTIONS/> string, or used SetAPIOptions to successfully change the password. If you are logged in to the API when you initiate the failed call to SetAPIOptions, then you can continue to use the API until you log out. However, once you have logged out, any subsequent attempts to log in will fail with error 203 (the password could not be changed), and you will have to either call SetAPIOptions either with an empty <CONNECTIONOPTIONS/> string, or use it to successfully change the password before you can log in again. <CALCULATED_PRICES> Specifies whether the API should return calculated orders. This element has the following attributes: Enabled Set this attribute to "true" to configure the API to return calculated orders, or "false" to configure the API not to return calculated orders. This attribute is required. MaximumDepth The maximum number of iterations to use to generate calculated orders. By default, this value is set to 10. Notes If you want to retrieve calculated orders using the API, you must ensure that you have already logged in to the API using Login or LoginGUI before calling this function to enable calculated orders or configure the maximum depth. The ability to retrieve calculated orders through the API is subject to additional licensing. You will not be able to retrieve details of calculated orders unless your server is appropriately licensed. 19 Example: Setting the API Options The following example XML string configures the API to: withhold the API user's orders on disconnection use a 60 second (60000 ms) timeout connect using the specified HTTP proxy server, with the specified username and password. <CONNECTIONOPTIONS> <DISCONNECT_ACTION>Withhold</DISCONNECT_ACTION> <KEEPALIVETIMEOUT_MS>60000</KEEPALIVETIMEOUT_MS> <WEB_PROXY Address="proxyserver.company.com" PortNumber="80" Username="charlottestant" Password="g0ld3nb0wl"/> </CONNECTIONOPTIONS> 20 Chapter 4: _IGlobalVision8APIEvents Interface This Chapter provides detailed reference information about the event handlers that can be raised by the API. An event is raised when something happens (for example, an event is raised whenever a connection or disconnection to the API takes place). COM Object Gvapi.GlobalVision8API Interface IGlobalVision8APIEvents Class ID CE92C3B9-9A93-40E1-85AB-6A49170AEF7F 4.1 OnServerConnect The OnServerConnect event is raised when the API successfully connects to the server (both at login, and during a reconnection). Synopsis OnServerConnect() Note If your application is listening for real-time information by handling the OnNewData event, and there is a loss of connection to the server, any transactions that take place during the disconnection will be missed. When the OnServerConnect event is raised, your application should query for any transactions that missed during the period of disconnection. 4.2 OnServerDisconnect The OnServerDisconnect event is raised every time the API disconnects from the server (either because the API received a call to Logout or because the API lost the connection to the server). Synopsis OnServerDisconnect() 4.3 OnNewData The OnNewData event is raised when an action relating to the data on the server occurs. Synopsis OnNewData(string strData) Outputs 21 Returns Description string An XML record notification indicating that some event has occurred to the data on the server. The format of this data is described in XML Record Format. Note In order to receive notifications about any given type of event (for example events relating to users, orders, or deals), you must have subscribed to receive those notifications using Subscribe. 22 Appendix A: XML Query Format This section describes the XML query format used by the API. You will need to construct XML strings in this format in order to provide input to the functions QueryXMLRecordSet, and Subscribe. A.1 Introducing the Query Format XML queries passed to the API consist of one or more of the elements described in this section, enclosed in <CRITERIA> ... </CRITERIA> tags. For example, the following string could be passed as input to QueryXMLRecordSet (to retrieve all order and trade details), or it could be passed as input to Subscribe (to subscribe to notifications about all order and trade details). <CRITERIA> <ORDERS/> <TRADES/> </CRITERIA> A.1.1 Constructing More Complex Filters In the previous example, the <ORDERS> and <TRADES> elements were included with no options, so the API returns all the corresponding records. It is also possible to restrict the data returned for any given element by specifying various options that filter the results. For example, the following is a slightly more complex query string. Instead of simply returning all the order and trade details, this example uses the options of those elements to restrict the data returned so that it only includes: orders that are firm and on the bid side, and; trades executed on the 25th August 2014, where the initiator is the currently logged in user. <CRITERIA> <ORDERS> <SIDE>Bid</SIDE> <STATUS>Firm</STATUS> </ORDERS> <TRADES> <INITTRADER>My</INITTRADER> <TRADEDATE From="2014-08-25T00:00:00" Until="2014-08-25T23:59:59"/> </TRADES> </CRITERIA> As shown in this example, some of the elements that you can use in a query have multiple optional child elements. If you include more than one child element in a single query, the options specified for each child element are combined in the filter to form a logical AND. Only records satisfying each child element are returned by the API. For example, in the above example only orders that are firm and on the bid side are returned. The query would not return other types of order from the bid side, or firm orders from the ask side. A.1.2 The All Option Many of the elements accept the option All. This instructs the API not to filter on that element, and to therefore return all matching results for that element (subject to any other filters set for the same element). As 23 an alternative to explicitly specifying the option All, you can also achieve the same result by leaving the element empty. The API considers each of the following XML strings to be the same: <COMPANIES>All</COMPANIES> <COMPANIES></COMPANIES> <COMPANIES/> Note Where an element has more than one child element, setting the All option on one of those elements will not actually return all the matching results if you also filter on one of the other child elements. For example, as described in Users, the <USERS> element has two child elements (<USER> and <COMPANY>). If you use both child elements in a single query, then only records satisfying the combined options specified by both child elements are returned. For example, if your query requests all users but also specifies a company ID, the API will only return all the users from the specified company, rather than returning all the defined users. If you want to return all the currently defined users from all companies, you must either omit the <COMPANY> child element altogether, or specifically request results from all companies (by using <COMPANY/> or <COMPANY>All</COMPANY>). A.2 Companies The <COMPANIES> element returns details about companies defined on the server. Note You can use this element both to query for information about the defined companies, and to subscribe to updates to the company records. The COMPANIES Element Options Element Option Returns <COMPANIES> My The currently logged in user's company. All All companies currently defined on the server. A Company ID The company with the specified ID. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a company record, see Company Records. Example: The COMPANIES Element The following XML string retrieves the company of the user who is currently logged in. <CRITERIA> <COMPANIES>My</COMPANIES> <EXECUTIONVENUEID>ABC</EXECUTIONVENUEID> </CRITERIA> 24 A.3 Users The <USERS> element returns details about users defined on the server. Note You can use this element both to query for information about the defined users, and to subscribe to updates to the user records. The USERS Element Options Child Element Option Returns <USER> My The currently logged in user. All All users currently defined on the server (or all users from the specified company or companies, if the <COMPANY> element is also specified in the query). A User ID The user with the specified ID. My Users from the currently logged in user's company. All Users from all companies currently defined on the server. A Company ID Users from the company with the specified ID. <COMPANY> Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a user record, see User Records. Example: The USERS Element The following XML string retrieves: all users from the company with ID 27, and all users from the logged in user's company. <CRITERIA> <USERS> <USER>All</USER> <COMPANY>27</COMPANY> </USERS> <USERS> <USER/> <COMPANY>My</COMPANY> </USERS> </CRITERIA> 25 A.4 Instrument Properties The <INSTPROPERTIES> element returns details of the defined instrument properties. Note It is not possible to subscribe to instrument property updates. You can only use this element to query for the instrument properties. Child Element <INSTSPECIFIER> Options Returns Instrument properties for the instrument matching the specified instrument filter. For full details of the format of this element, see Instrument Specifier. The information you need to specify to retrieve the properties will depend on the type of instrument. Live Atomics and Combinations Specify the instrument's ID (InstID) and a SeqSpan of either All or N/A. Sequentials Specify the instrument's ID (InstID), a SeqSpan of either Single, Spread, or Range (depending on the type of instrument), the ID of the appropriate sequence on the instrument (FirstSequenceID), and the ID of a sequence item on that sequence (FirstSequenceItemID). If you are querying for the properties of a spread or range instrument, then you must also specify the ID of the second sequence item (SecondSequenceItemID). Note You can only specify one instrument in a given <INSTPROPERTIES> element. To retrieve the properties of multiple instruments, you must use multiple <INSTPROPERTIES> elements, as shown in the example query below. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in an instrument properties record, see Instrument Properties Records. Example: The INSTPROPERTIES Element The following XML Query retrieves the properties for: the live atomic instrument with ID 232 the single period sequential instrument with ID 233 the spread on a different sequential instrument (an instrument with ID 234). <CRITERIA> <INSTPROPERTIES> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="232" SeqSpan="N/A"/> </INSTPROPERTIES> <INSTPROPERTIES> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="233" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="84"/> 26 </INSTPROPERTIES> <INSTPROPERTIES> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="234" SeqSpan="Spread" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="84" SecondSequenceItemID="85"/> </INSTPROPERTIES> </CRITERIA> A.5 Instrument Definitions The <INSTDEFINITIONS> element returns details about instruments defined on the server. Note It is not possible to subscribe to instrument definition updates. You can only use this element to query for the instrument definitions. The INSTDEFINITIONS Element Options Option Returns All All instrument definitions. An Instrument ID Instruments with the specified ID. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in an instrument definition record, see Instrument Definition Records. Example: The INSTDEFINITIONS Element The following XML Query retrieves the definitions for the instruments with IDs 35, 48, 61, 62, and 63. <CRITERIA> <INSTDEFINITIONS>35</INSTDEFINITIONS> <INSTDEFINITIONS>48</INSTDEFINITIONS> <INSTDEFINITIONS>61</INSTDEFINITIONS> <INSTDEFINITIONS>62</INSTDEFINITIONS> <INSTDEFINITIONS>63</INSTDEFINITIONS> </CRITERIA> A.6 Instrument Attributes The <INSTATTRIBUTES> element returns details of the defined Instrument Attributes. Note You can use this element both to query for information about the instruments attributes, and to subscribe to updates to the instruments you are interested in. Example: Querying Instrument Attribute Data on a Single Instrument The following XML returns the instrument attributes for a single instrument: <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> 27 <CRITERIA> <INSTATTRIBUTESDATA> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="29" SeqSpan="N/A" /> </INSTATTRIBUTESDATA> </CRITERIA> Example: Querying All Instrument Attribute Data The following XML queries all instrument data: <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <CRITERIA> <INSTATTRIBUTESDATA/> </CRITERIA> Example: Querying Default Instrument Attribute Data If the Instrument Attributes Data has not been explicitly set using the API, then the Front‐End displays the price format defaults configured by Instrument Creation or overridden in the Instrument Administration Tool. These defaults can be retrieved using the API by querying for <INSTPROPERTIES>. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <CRITERIA> <INSTPROPERTIES> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="29" SeqSpan="N/A"/> </INSTPROPERTIES> </CRITERIA> Warning Once Instrument Attributes for an instrument have been set using the API, any changes to instrument defaults in Instrument Creation or the Instrument Administration Tool will be ignored. However, Instrument Attributes can be removed, which restores the instrument defaults. Example: Subscribing to Instrument Attribute Data Updates An API user can subscribe to updates to Instrument Attributes Data. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <CRITERIA> <INSTATTRIBUTESDATA> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="29" SeqSpan="N/A" /> </INSTATTRIBUTESDATA> 28 </CRITERIA> Example: Receiving Updates When the Instrument Attributes data is updated, the API receives XML similar to the example for Open Interest shown below. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <INSTATTRIBUTES> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="29" SeqSpan="N/A" FirstSequenceID="0" FirstSequenceItemID="0" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="12" InstName="TEST_INSTRUMENT" FirstSequenceItemName="" SecondSequenceItemName=""/> <TERM Label="Open Interest" Desc="Open Interest" Default="0" Type="integer">100</TERM> <TERM Label="Open Interest Trade Delta" Desc="Open Interest Trade Delta" Default="0" Type="integer">2</TERM> <TERM Label="Open Interest Day Delta" Desc="Open Interest Day Delta" Default="0" Type="integer">10</TERM> </INSTATTRIBUTES> </GV8APIDATA> A.7 Orders The <ORDERS> element returns details about orders in the market. Note You can use this element both to query for information about the orders in the market, and to subscribe to order updates. The ORDERS Element Options Child Element <ORDERIDENTIFIER> Option Returns Orders matching the specified order ID and engine ID. This element has the following attributes: EngineID 29 Child Element Option Returns The EngineID of the order. OrderID The OrderID of the order. Note You can include multiple <ORDERIDENTIFIER> elements in your query, in which case the API will return all the matching orders. Please note that the returned information will not necessarily be in the same order as the <ORDERIDENTIFIER> elements in your query. <TRADER> <TRADERCOMPANY> <BROKERCOMPANY> <LASTMODIFIERUSER> <SIDE> <STATUS> <CREDITOK> 30 My Orders belonging to the currently logged in user. All Orders belonging to any user. A Trader ID Orders belonging to the trader with the specified ID. My Orders belonging to the currently logged in user's company (if the user is a trader). All Orders belonging to any trader company. A Company ID Orders belonging to the trader company with the specified ID. My Orders belonging to the currently logged in user's company (if the user is a broker). All Orders belonging to any broker company. A Company ID Orders belonging to the broker company with the specified ID. My Orders last modified by the currently logged in user. All Orders last modified by any user. A Trader ID Orders last modified by the trader with the specified ID. Bid Orders from the bid side of the market. Ask Orders from the ask side of the market. Both Orders from either side of the market. Firm Orders with a status of "Firm". Withheld Orders with a status of "Withheld". Reference Orders with a status of Reference. Indicative Orders with a status of Indicative. All Orders with any status. true or 1 Orders that the currently logged in user can trade (because there is a trading agreement in place with the other party). The Child Element Option Returns user will only actually be able to trade the order if the order's status is set to firm. false or 0 Orders that the currently logged in user does not have an agreement to trade. <INSTSPECIFIER> Orders matching the specified instrument filters. See Instrument Specifier for more details about the format of this element. <LASTUPDATE> Orders last updated between the specified dates and times (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). This element has the following attributes: From The start date and time for the range. Until The end date and time for the range. If necessary, you can omit one of the attributes. If you specify only a From time, the element returns everything from after that time. If you specify only a To time, the element returns everything that took place up to that time. For example, the following returns all orders updated between 07:00:09 on the 25th August 2014 and 17:01:05 on the 1st September 2014: <LASTUPDATE From="2014-08-25T07:00:09" Until="2014-09-01T17:01:05"/> <IMPLIEDTYPE> Native Orders that have been automatically generated by GlobalVision. External Orders that have been automatically generated externally and submitted to GlobalVision as calculated orders. None Orders that are not automatically generated. All Orders that have been automatically generated and orders that have not been automatically generated. Venue Orders that are generated by the venue. You must be configured to receive this type of implied price. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in an order record, see Order Records. Example: The ORDERS Element The following XML string retrieves all firm orders that have been updated on the 25th November 2015, and that belong to the currently logged in trader's company. 31 <CRITERIA> <ORDERS> <TRADERCOMPANY>My</TRADERCOMPANY> <SIDE>Both</SIDE> <STATUS>Firm</STATUS> <LASTUPDATE From="2015-11-25T00:00:00" Until="2015-11-25T23:59:59"/> </ORDERS> </CRITERIA> A.8 Instrument Specifier The <INSTSPECIFIER> element specifies how to filter data in terms of instruments. You can use the instrument specifier when querying for both orders and trades. If necessary, you can combine multiple instrument specifiers within a single query (in which case records matching any of the instrument specifiers will be returned). The INSTSPECIFIER Element Attributes Attribute Returns InstID Records for the instrument with the specified ID. FirstSequenceID Records for the sequence with the specified ID. SeqSpan Records for the specified type of instrument (one of Single, Spread, Range, N/A, and All). FirstSequenceItemID Records for the sequence item with the specified ID (or records for the range or spread defined by the specified ID and the ID specified as the SecondSequenceItemID, if this is a range or a spread instrument). SecondSequenceItemID Records for the sequence item with the range or spread defined by the specified ID, and the ID specified as the FirstSequenceItemID. This attribute is only applicable to range or spread instruments. FirstSequenceItemName The full name associated with the FirstSequenceItemID. SecondSequenceItemName The full name associated with the SecondSequenceItemID. TermFormatID The Price Format associated with the instrument as specified by the broker. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned on an instrument specifier, see Instrument Specifier. Example: The INSTSPECIFIER Element The following XML string shows how you might use the <INSTSPECIFIER> element when querying for orders. This example returns all firm orders belonging to the currently logged in trader's company that have been updated on the 25th November 2015, and that match either of the instrument specifier filters: orders that belong to the spread instrument with ID 121, the sequence with ID 1, and the spread defined by IDs 31 and 32 orders that belong to the single period instrument with ID 126, and the sequence with ID 1. 32 <CRITERIA> <ORDERS> <TRADERCOMPANY>My</TRADERCOMPANY> <SIDE>Both</SIDE> <STATUS>Firm</STATUS> <LASTUPDATE From="2015-11-25T00:00:00" Until="2015-11-25T23:59:59"/> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="121" SeqSpan="Spread" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="31" SecondSequenceItemID="32"/> FirstSequenceName="Euro – Euro Months" SecondSequenceName="Jan-14" TermFormatID="32" TGTermFormatID="3"/> </ORDERS> </CRITERIA> A.9 Order Summary Information The <INSTORDERSUMMARIES> element returns a summary of the current orders in the market for the specified instrument. The summary contains information such as the current best orders in the market, and the total available quantity. Note You can use this element both to query for order summary information, and to subscribe to order summary updates. The INSTORDERSUMMARIES Element Options Option Returns <INSTSPECIFIER> Orders matching the specified instrument filter. See Instrument Specifier for more details about the format of this element. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in an order summary record, see Order Summary Records. Example: The INSTORDERSUMMARIES Element The following XML Query retrieves summary information about the orders that belong to the spread instrument with ID 121, the sequence with ID 1, and the spread defined by IDs 31 and 32. <CRITERIA> <INSTORDERSUMMARIES> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="121" SeqSpan="Spread" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="31" SecondSequenceItemID="32"/> </INSTORDERSUMMARIES> </CRITERIA> A.10 Trades and Historical Trades The <TRADES> element returns details about trades that have taken place. 33 Note You can use this element both to query for information about trades that have taken place, and to subscribe to trade updates. The <HISTORICALTRADES> element queries the database and returns details about trades that have taken place. The TRADES and HISTORICAL TRADES Element Options Child Element Option Returns <TRADEID> All Trades with any ID. A Trade ID Trades with an ID equal to or greater than the specified ID. My Trades where the initiator trader is the currently logged in user. If the currently logged in user is not a trader, selecting this option returns no results. All Trades where the initiator trader is any user. A Trader ID Trades where the initiator trader is the trader with the specified ID. My Trades where the initiator trader is from the currently logged in user's company. If the currently logged in user is not a trader, selecting this option returns no results. All Trades where the initiator trader is from any trader company. A Company ID Trades where the initiator trader is from the company with the specified ID. My Trades where the initiator broker company is the currently logged in user's company. If the currently logged in user is not a broker, selecting this option returns no results. All Trades with any initiator broker company. A Company ID Trades where the initiator broker company is the company with the specified ID. My Trades on orders that were last modified by the currently logged in user. All Trades on orders last modified by any user. A Trader ID Trades on orders last modified by the trader with the specified ID. My Trades where the aggressor trader is the currently logged in user. If the currently logged in user is not a trader, <INITTRADER> <INITTRADERCOMPANY> <INITBROKERCOMPANY> <INITLASTMODIFIERUSER> <AGGTRADER> 34 Child Element Option Returns selecting this option returns no results. <AGGTRADERCOMPANY> <AGGBROKERCOMPANY> <AGGLASTMODIFIERUSER> <INITACTION> All Trades where the aggressor trader is any user. A Trader ID Trades where the aggressor trader is the trader with the specified ID. My Trades where the aggressor trader is from the currently logged in user's company. If the currently logged in user is not a trader, selecting this option returns no results. All Trades where the aggressor trader is from any trader company. A Company ID Trades where the aggressor trader is from the company with the specified ID. My Trades where the aggressor broker company is the currently logged in user's company. If the currently logged in user is not a broker, selecting this option returns no results. All Trades with any aggressor broker company. A Company ID Trades where the aggressor broker company is the company with the specified ID. My Trades executed by the currently logged in user. All Trades executed by any user. A Trader ID Trades executed by the trader with the specified ID. Buy Trades where the initiator action was buying. Sell Trades where the initiator action was selling Both Trades with either initiator action. <INSTSPECIFIER> Trades matching the specified instrument filters. See Instrument Specifier for more details about the format of this element. <TRADEDATE> Trades that took place between the specified dates and times (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). This element has the following attributes: From The start date and time for the range. Until The end date and time for the range. If necessary, you can omit one of the attributes. If you specify only a From time, the element returns everything from after that time. If you specify only a To time, the element returns everything that took place up to that 35 Child Element Option Returns time. <LASTUPDATE> Trades that were last updated between the specified dates and times (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). This element has the following attributes: From The start date and time for the range. Until The end date and time for the range. If necessary, you can omit one of the attributes. If you specify only a From time, the element returns everything from after that time. If you specify only a To time, the element returns everything that took place up to that time. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a trade record, see Trade Records. Example: The TRADES Element The following XML string retrieves all trades involving the currently logged in trader's company that took place on the 25th May 2009 from your local cache. <CRITERIA> <TRADES> <TRADEID>All</TRADEID> <INITTRADERCOMPANY>My</INITTRADERCOMPANY> <LASTUPDATE From="2009-05-25T00:00:00" Until="2009-05-25T23:59:59"/> </TRADES> <TRADES> <TRADEID>All</TRADEID> <AGGTRADERCOMPANY>My</AGGTRADERCOMPANY> <LASTUPDATE From="2009-05-25T00:00:00" Until="2009-05-25T23:59:59"/> </TRADES> </CRITERIA> Example: The HISTORICALTRADES Element The following XML string retrieves all trades involving the currently logged in trader's company that took place between the 25th May 2009 and the 30th May 2009 from the database. <CRITERIA> <HISTORICALTRADES> <TRADEID>All</TRADEID> <INITTRADERCOMPANY>My</INITTRADERCOMPANY> <LASTUPDATE From="2009-05-25T00:00:00" Until="2009-05-25T23:59:59"/> </HISTORICALTRADES> <HISTORICALTRADES> <TRADEID>All</TRADEID> <AGGTRADERCOMPANY>My</AGGTRADERCOMPANY> <LASTUPDATE From="2009-05-25T00:00:00" Until="2009-05-25T23:59:59"/> 36 </HISTORICALTRADES> </CRITERIA> A.11 Trade Summary Information The <INSTTRADESUMMARIES> element returns a summary of the trades for the specified instrument. The summary contains information such as the price value of the last trade, and the quantity of the last trade. The summary information is taken from the IPTS deal cache. If the last trade for the specified instrument is outside of the IPTS deal cache, then no value will be returned. Note You can use this element both to query for trade summary information, and to subscribe to trade summary updates. The INSTTRADESUMMARIES Element Options Option Returns <INSTSPECIFIER> Trades for the instrument matching the specified instrument filter. See Instrument Specifier for more details about the format of this element. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a trade summary record, see Trade Summary Records. Example: The INSTTRADESUMMARIES Element The following XML Query retrieves summary information about the trades for the spread instrument with ID 121, the sequence with ID 1, and the spread defined by IDs 31 and 32. <CRITERIA> <INSTTRADESUMMARIES> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="121" SeqSpan="Spread" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="31" SecondSequenceItemID="32"/> </INSTTRADESUMMARIES> </CRITERIA> A.12 Sequences The <SEQUENCES> element returns details about sequences defined on the server. Note It is not possible to subscribe to details of updates to sequences. You can only use this element to query for the sequence details. 37 The SEQUENCES Element Options Option Returns All All sequences currently defined on the server. A Sequence ID The sequence with the specified ID. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a sequence record, see Sequence Records. Example: The SEQUENCES Element The following XML string retrieves the sequences with IDs 43, 58, 59, and 60. <CRITERIA> <SEQUENCES>43</SEQUENCES> <SEQUENCES>58</SEQUENCES> <SEQUENCES>59</SEQUENCES> <SEQUENCES>60</SEQUENCES> </CRITERIA> A.13 Sequence Items The <SEQUENCEITEMS> element returns details about the defined sequence items. Note It is not possible to subscribe to details of updates to sequence items. You can only use this element to query for the sequence item details. The SEQUENCEITEMS Element Options Child Element Option Returns <SEQUENCES> All All sequence items from all sequences. A sequence ID Sequence items defined for the sequence with the specified ID. <TRADING> Sequence items where the trading start and end dates are between the specified dates and times (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). This element has the following attributes: From The start date and time for the range. Until The end date and time for the range. If necessary, you can omit one of the attributes. If you specify only a From time, the element returns everything from after that time. If you specify only a To time, the element returns everything that took place up to that time. <PERIOD> 38 Sequence items where the period start and end dates are between the specified dates and times (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). This Child Element Option Returns element has the following attributes: From The start date and time for the range. Until The end date and time for the range. If necessary, you can omit one of the attributes. If you specify only a From time, the element returns everything from after that time. If you specify only a To time, the element returns everything that took place up to that time. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a sequence item record, see Sequence Item Records. Example: The SEQUENCEITEMS Element The following XML string retrieves all the sequence items defined for the sequence with ID 1000001 for which the period start and end dates are between the 1st January 2015 and the 31st March 2015. <CRITERIA> <SEQUENCEITEMS> <SEQUENCES>1000001</SEQUENCES> <PERIOD From="2015-01-01T00:00:00" Until="2015-03-31T23:59:59"/> </SEQUENCEITEMS> </CRITERIA> A.14 Term Formats The <TERMFORMATS> element returns details about defined price format terms. Note It is not possible to subscribe to details of updates to term formats. You can only use this element to query for the term format details. The TERMFORMATS Element Options Option Returns All All term formats currently defined on the server. An ID The term format with the specified ID. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a term format record, see Term Format Records. 39 Example: The TERMFORMATS Element The following XML string retrieves the term formats with IDs 81, 85, and 89. <CRITERIA> <TERMFORMATS>81</TERMFORMATS> <TERMFORMATS>85</TERMFORMATS> <TERMFORMATS>89</TERMFORMATS> </CRITERIA> A.15 Trading Accounts The <TRADINGACCOUNTS> element returns details about trading accounts defined on the server. Note You can use this element both to query for information about the defined trading accounts, and to subscribe to updates to the trading account records. The TRADINGACCOUNTS Element Options Child Element Option Returns <TRADERCOMPANY> My The trading accounts defined for the currently logged in user's company. All All trading accounts currently defined on the server. A Company ID The trading accounts defined for the company with the specified ID. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a trading accounts record, see Trading Account Records. Example: The TRADINGACCOUNTS Element The following XML string retrieves: all trading accounts defined for the company with ID 27, and all trading accounts defined for the logged in user's company. <CRITERIA> <TRADINGACCOUNTS> <TRADERCOMPANY>27</TRADERCOMPANY> </TRADINGACCOUNTS> <TRADINGACCOUNTS> <TRADERCOMPANY>My</TRADERCOMPANY> </TRADINGACCOUNTS> </CRITERIA> 40 A.16 Groups The <GROUPS> element returns details about instrument groups defined on the server. Note It is not possible to subscribe to details of updates to instrument groups. You can only use this element to query for the instrument group details. The GROUPS Element Options Child Element Attribute Returns <GROUP> IncludeInstruments If you set the IncludeInstruments attribute on the <GROUPS> element to false, the returned XML will not include details of the instruments in the groups. If you set the IncludeInstruments attribute to true (or omit it), then the instrument details will be returned. Name The group with the specified name. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a groups record, see Groups. Example: The GROUPS Element The following XML string returns details of all groups defined on the server: <CRITERIA> <GROUPS/> </CRITERIA> The following XML string returns details of all groups defined on the server, but omits the details of the instruments associated with each group: <CRITERIA> <GROUPS IncludeInstruments="false"/> </CRITERIA> The following XML string returns details of the instruments associated with the Gas group: <CRITERIA> <GROUPS> <GROUP Name="Gas"/> </GROUPS> </CRITERIA> 41 A.17 Market Events The <MARKETEVENTS> element returns details about Market Events that have been created on the server. Note You can use this element both to query for information about the defined Market Events, and to subscribe to Market Event updates. The MARKETEVENTS Element Options Child Element Option Returns <ID> All All Market Events currently defined on the server. A Market Event ID The Market Event with the specified ID. Tip For full details of the format of the information returned in a Market Event record, see Market Event Records. Example: The MARKETEVENTS Element The following XML string retrieves the Market Events with IDs 12 and 13. <CRITERIA> <MARKETEVENTS> <ID>12</ID> <ID>13</ID> </MARKETEVENTS> </CRITERIA> A.18 Historical Orders The <HISTORICALORDERS> element returns details about orders placed during a specified period. The HISTORICALORDERS Element Options Child Element Option Returns <WITHACTIVITY> From The start date of the period for which order information will be returned. Until The end date of the period for which order information will be returned. Tip For details of the format of the information returned in a historical orders record, see Historical Orders Records. 42 Example: The ORDERS Element The following XML string retrieves orders placed between 00:00 on 12th October 2012 and 00:00 on 13th October 2012. <CRITERIA> <HISTORICALORDERS> <WITHACTIVITY From='2012-10-12T00:00:00.000' Until='2012-10-13T00:00:00.000'/> </HISTORICALORDERS> </CRITERIA> A.19 Order History The <ORDERHISTORY> element returns information on the history of a specific order. The ORDERHISTORY Element Options Child Element Option <PERSISTENTORDERID> Returns The persistent ID of the order for which you want to return historical information. This is a unique ID that represents this order throughout its lifetime in the system. This ID remains the same throughout the order's lifetime. Tip For details of the format of the information returned in an order history record, see Order History Records. Example: The ORDERHISTORY Element The following XML string retrieves information for an order with the ID 396894. <CRITERIA> <ORDERHISTORY> <PERSISTENTORDERID>396894</PERSISTENTORDERID> </ORDERHISTORY> </CRITERIA> 43 Appendix B: XML Record Format This section describes the XML record format used by the API. All XML records returned by the API have the following format: <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> ... </GV8APIDATA> B.1 Company Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a company record. The table below describes the attributes that may appear in a company record. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <COMPANY CompanyID="1000000" Action="Query" CompanyCode="EUPO" CompanyName="Euro Power" CompanyDetails="The Euro Power Company." CompanyType="Trader"/> <UNIQUEIDENTIFIER Authority="Emp. ID" Identifier="123456"/> </GV8APIDATA> COMPANY Record Attributes Attribute Description CompanyID The company's ID. Action The action that has caused the record to be returned. This attribute can have the following values: Query The record has been returned as a result of a query. Insert A new company has been added to the system. Update The details for an existing company have been changed. Remove An existing company has been removed from the system. CompanyCode The company's code. CompanyName The company's name. CompanyDetails The company's details, as defined in the User Administration tool. CompanyType The company's type. This attribute can have the following values: 44 Broker Trader 45 UNIQUEIDENTIFIER Record Attributes Attribute Description Authority The issuing authority. Identifier The unique company identifier. B.2 User Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a user record. The following table describes the attributes that may appear in a user record. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <USER UserID="6" Action="Query" UserName="Peter Quint" UserDetails="Contact on 555 2123" CompanyCode="COMA" CompanyID="100001" Type="Trader" CreationTime="2012-09-14T10:27:55.083"> <UNIQUEIDENTIFIERS> <UNIQUEIDENTIFIER Authority="Trayport" Identifier="TRAYPORT1234"/></UNIQUEIDENTIFIERS> <ADDITIONALDATA> <METADATA Name="Desk Location" Value="Trading Desk 5"/> </ADDITIONALDATA> </USER> </GV8APIDATA> USER Record Attributes Attribute Description UserID The user's ID. Action The action that has caused the record to be returned. This attribute can have the following values: Query The record has been returned as a result of a query. Insert A new user has been added to the system. Update The details for an existing user have been changed. Remove An existing user has been removed from the system. UserName The user's username. UserDetails The user's details, as defined in the User Administration Tool. CompanyCode The code for the user's company. CompanyID The ID of the user's company. 46 Attribute Description Type The user's type. This attribute can have the following values: CreationTime Broker Trader Trader Read Only SysAdmin The datetime stamp of when the user was created in the system. UNIQUEIDENTIFIER and ADDITIONALDATA Record Attributes Attribute Description Authority The issuing authority. Identifier The unique user identifier. Name The name of the additional metadata associated with the user. Value The value of the additional metadata associated with the user. B.3 Instrument Properties Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API within an instrument properties record. The <INSTSPECIFIER> element identifies the instrument that the properties relate to, while the <PROPERTIES> element describes the properties themselves. Instrument Properties records may also contain a <TERMFORMAT> element indicating the price formats associated with this instrument (any <TERMFORMAT> details that are returned during an instrument properties query will show any price format overrides that have been configured in the Instrument Administration tool). The following table describes the attributes that may appear in a <PROPERTIES> element. For more information about the attributes associated with the <INSTSPECIFIER> and <TERMFORMAT> elements, see Term Format Records and Instrument Specifier. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <INSTPROPERTIES> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="233" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="83" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Apples" FirstSequenceItemName="Dec-06" SecondSequenceItemName=""/> <PROPERTIES Tradable="true" AllowVolumeDealing="true" AlwaysAllOrNone="false" AllowSingleDealing="true" ShowCounterPartyName="true" NeverBidHigherThanAsk="true" EnableHiddenQuantity="true" EnableAllOrNone="true" FindBestSingleDeal="true" AllowChoiceMarket="true" DenyWorsePricesDespiteQuantity="false" AllowGoodForDay="true" AllowGoodTillDate="true" DefaultToAllOrNone="false" PriceRangeMin="-1000000000" PriceRangeMax="1000000000" SanePriceRangeMin="-1000000000" 47 SanePriceRangeMax="1000000000" QuantityRangeMin="1" QuantityRangeMax="32000" QuantityDecimalsMin="0" QuantityDecimalsMax="0" QuantityStepping="1" DefaultQuantity="1" PriceDecimalsMin="2" PriceDecimalsMax="2" PriceStates="Withheld Firm" TradeImpliedPrices="true" AllowMarketOrder="false" AllowTakeOverMarket="false" NoVolumeWorkupForHiddenQuantities="false" ConfirmVoiceDeals="false" AllowBasketDealing="true" ShowDealConfirmPaidGiven="true" DisableManualDeal="false" UseSimpleDealVolumeAlgorithm="true" AllowClientDealVolume="false" UseHiddenQuantityVolumeDealing="true" PriceWarningThreshold="0.05" InstrumentDefinition="" ReasonabilityDelta="0" RoFRTimeout="0" NegotiationRounds="None"> <ORDERPRICESTEPPING Max="0.01"/> <MANUALDEALPRICESTEPPING Max="0.01"/> </PROPERTIES </INSTPROPERTIES> </GV8APIDATA> PROPERTIES Attributes Attribute Description PriceWarningThreshold The price warning threshold. GlobalVision will generate a warning message if a trader using the GlobalVision Front-End attempts to submit an order that is more than the specified percentage off the current market best price. For example, if the price warning threshold is 5, traders see a warning message if they try to submit an order that is off the market by 5%. The trader will still be able to submit the price, if he or she still wants to, after seeing the warning message. Tradable Indicates whether or not the instrument is tradable. When this property is set to false, no users are able to trade the instrument, regardless of any other permission settings. InstStatus The instrument's status (the actions permitted for this instrument, as defined by either the currently applicable session, or a Market Event). If a Market Event has been run to override the default settings for the current trading session, then this field will show the Market Event's status string. AllowVolumeDealing Indicates whether or not orders on this instrument can be dealt using volume dealing. AlwaysAllOrNone Specifies that all orders on this instrument trade on an all or none basis. AllowSingleDealing Indicates whether or not orders for this instrument can be dealt using single dealing (the dealing of specific individual orders). ShowCounterPartyName Specifies that the names of the counter parties involved in any deals on this instrument should always be shown in the deal confirmation message. If this property is set to false, users may still be able to see the name of the other party involved in a deal if they have the appropriate permissions 48 Attribute Description over that user (as defined in the User Administration Tool). NeverBidHigherThanAsk Indicates whether or not this instrument accepts orders with: a bid price that is greater than or equal to the current best ask price an ask price that is less than the current best bid price. This instrument property is not considered for calculated orders. If the best order on one side of the market is a calculated order, the instrument will still accept orders that break these rules even if this property is set to true. TradeImpliedPrices Indicates whether or not this instrument allows trading of orders that have been automatically calculated based on other orders in the market (subject to trading agreements and permissions on the underlying orders). EnableAllOrNone Specifies that orders for this instrument can be submitted on an all or none basis. FindBestSingleDeal Specifies that if a single deal is submitted for this instrument, the deal will actually take place using the best tradable order with the same quantity as the one specified in the single deal command. EnableHiddenQuantity Indicates whether or not orders for this instrument can be submitted with a hidden quantity (an order with a hidden quantity is sometimes referred to as an iceberg order). AllowChoiceMarket Indicates whether an order for this instrument on one side of the market can have a price value equal to the current best order on the other side of the market. This property is only used in conjunction with NeverBidHigherThanAsk, which would otherwise cause the server to reject an order with a price value equal to the price value of the current best order on the other side of the market. DenyWorsePricesDespite Quantity Allows only the best order to be dealt during a single deal, by preventing worse orders from being considered even if the quantity of the best order is smaller than the quantity requested in the single deal command. ShowDealVolumesTrade SelectedVolumes If this is set to true, users can select an option in the Deal Quantity dialog box that indicates that they will only trade the volume displayed in the Deal Quantity dialog box. This property is equivalent to the Show Deal Volume's Trade Selected Volumes setting in the Instrument Administration tool. AllowGoodForDay Indicates whether this instrument allows orders that expire at the end of the current trading day. AllowGoodTillDate Indicates whether this instrument accepts orders that expire at a specified date and time. DefaultToAllOrNone Specifies that the default setting for orders for this instrument is to deal on an all or none basis. FillOrKill Indicates whether orders for this instrument can be submitted on a fill or kill basis. 49 Attribute Description FillAndKill Indicates whether orders for this instrument can be submitted on a fill and kill basis. PriceRangeMin The minimum valid price value for this instrument. It will not be possible to submit an order for this instrument with a price value that is less than this setting. PriceRangeMax The maximum valid price value for this instrument. It will not be possible to submit an order for this instrument with a price value that is greater than this setting. SanePriceRangeMin The lowest realistic price value for this instrument. If a trader using the GlobalVision Front-End attempts to submit an order with a price value below this setting, but above the minimum valid price value, then the trader will see a warning message. The trader will still be able to submit the order, if he or she still wants to, after seeing the warning message. SanePriceRangeMax The highest realistic price value for this instrument. If a trader using the GlobalVision Front-End attempts to submit an order with a price value above this setting, but below the maximum valid price value, then the trader will see a warning message. The trader will still be able to submit the order, if he or she still wants to, after seeing the warning message. QuantityRangeMin The smallest quantity permitted for this instrument. QuantityRangeMax The largest quantity permitted for this instrument. Note For instruments on the Price Priority First In First Out transaction engine, the maximum quantity setting applies to the visible quantity plus any hidden quantity, and users cannot submit orders where the total quantity exceeds the maximum quantity setting. For instruments on other transaction engines, the maximum quantity setting applies only to the visible quantity. QuantityDecimalsMin The minimum number of decimal places permitted for a valid quantity for this instrument. QuantityDecimalsMax The maximum number of decimal places permitted for a valid quantity for this instrument. The maximum number of decimal places permitted by the API schema is 6. QuantityStepping The quantity stepping. For a quantity to be valid, it must be a multiple of this value. For example, if the quantity stepping is 5, then only quantities that are a multiple of 5 will be accepted. DefaultQuantity The default quantity for this instrument. This value is displayed by default when a user opens the Order Entry dialog on the GlobalVision Front-End. PriceDecimalsMin The minimum number of decimal places permitted for a valid price for this instrument. PriceDecimalsMax The maximum number of decimal places permitted for a valid price for this instrument. The maximum number of decimal places permitted by the API 50 Attribute Description schema is 6. PriceStates A list of order types applicable to this instrument, separated by spaces. The order types can include the following values: Indicative Withheld Reference Firm Stop Order SettlementPriceDecimals Min The minimum number of decimal places permitted for a valid Settlement Price on this instrument. SettlementPriceDecimals Max The maximum number of decimal places permitted for a valid Settlement Price on this instrument. AllowMarketOrder If this is set to true, GlobalVision supports Market Orders for this instrument. GlobalVision only supports market orders for instruments that use the Price Priority FIFO Transaction Engine. AllowTakeOverMarket If this is set to true, users can right-click on an order and select the Take Over Market option. For more information about this feature, please see the Trader User Guide. CashLimitInstrument Configures this instrument to use the Risk API to check position limits on an External Position System (EPS). IPTS will check with the EPS before allowing any orders or deals to be submitted on this instrument. For more information about using the Risk API, see the Risk API Guide. VoiceDealsAreNotPNC Specifies whether or not voice deals are considered Private and Confidential. Deal confirmation messages on PNC deals are only sent to the counter parties involved. HasSettlementPrice Configures GlobalVision to automatically calculate the Settlement Price for orders on this instrument. This is only relevant if GlobalVision has been specifically configured to perform settlement price calculations. Please contact Trayport Support on +44 (0) 20 7960 5555 or support@trayport.com for more information about this feature. NoVolumeWorkupForHidden Quantities If this is set to true, GlobalVision does not initiate volume workup on orders with an associated hidden quantity. If this option is selected, and an order with a hidden quantity is traded, the hidden quantity is automatically added to the market as normal. Volume workup does not take place, regardless of the volume workup settings specified for the instrument. ConfirmVoiceDeals If this is set to true, GlobalVision requires the counter parties to confirm voice deals. If this option is selected, and a deal is added to the system as a voice deal (either through the GlobalVision Front-End, or using the Deal Editor), the counter parties involved will be prompted to confirm or reject the deal. The deal remains in a pending state until the counter parties have confirmed it. 51 Attribute Description AllowBasketDealing If this is set to true, GlobalVision allows users to add orders for this instrument to the Deal Basket. ShowDealConfirmPaidGiven If this is set to true, GlobalVision adds either PAID or GIVEN to each message in the Deal Confirmation Window to indicate whether the deal is on the bid or the ask side. This setting only applies to deal confirmation messages displayed as plain text using the Deals as Text option. When confirmation messages are displayed in list form, using the Deals as List option, you can configure the displayed columns using the options in the GlobalVision Front-End. DisableManualDeal If this is set to true, GlobalVision prevents users from adding manual deals for this instrument. UseHiddenQuantityVolume Dealing If this is set to true, GlobalVision uses the hidden quantity volume dealing algorithm, which allows users to deal into hidden quantity when using the Deal Quantity option. With this algorithm enabled, GlobalVision uses the following rules to process automatically matching orders and fulfil volume deal requests: In order to fill a requested quantity, the system first considers both the visible and hidden quantity of any order with the best price value that the aggressor has the right of first refusal over. If there is no such order, or if that order does not have enough quantity to fill the request, the system considers the visible quantity for all the orders with the best price value (proceeding through the orders according to their rank in the market). If the visible quantity is not enough to satisfy the requested quantity, then GlobalVision uses any hidden quantity associated with those orders (proceeding through the orders according to their rank in the market). GlobalVision will only ever consider orders with the best price value in the market, even if this means that there is not enough available quantity to completely fulfil the volume deal request. In this case, the deals will go through with whatever quantity (visible and hidden) is available at the best price value. UseSimpleDealVolume Algorithm If this is set to true, GlobalVision uses the simple volume dealing algorithm for volume deals on this instrument. Simple volume dealing calculates the composition of a volume deal using a different set of rules to the standard volume dealing logic. Simple volume dealing provides fast calculations, but does not guarantee the best price in certain situations. AllowClientDealVolume If this is set to true, users can select an option in the Deal Quantity dialog box that indicates that they will only trade the volume displayed in the Deal Quantity dialog. This property is equivalent to the Show Deal Volume's Trade Selected Volumes setting in the Instrument Administration tool. RoFRTimeout Specifies the time period (in seconds) to provide the right of first refusal on new orders. For example, a timeout of 5 configures the system to make new orders available only to the company with right of first refusal for 5 seconds. After the specified time period expires, if the order is still in the market, it becomes tradable to all users (subject to the defined trading 52 Attribute Description agreement). NegotiationRounds Indicates how many rounds of volume workup will take place for this instrument. This setting takes one of the following values: None No volume workup. Single One optional round of volume workup. Multiple Multiple optional rounds of volume workup (volume workup continues until one of the traders no longer wants to deal additional volume, or all the additional quantity has been dealt). TimeoutFirstPhase Specifies the initial timeout (in seconds) for the Volume Workup dialog box. If a trader does not submit an additional volume within this period, GlobalVision automatically terminates the volume workup session. TimeoutOther Specifies the timeout (in seconds) for each subsequent round of volume workup. This setting is only used when multiple rounds of volume workup are enabled. ReasonabilityDelta Specifies a limit that prevents market orders from trading at a price value that is too far from the current best order. A market order will not trade with any order that has a price value that is worse than the price value of the current best order by more than the reasonability delta. For example, if the reasonability delta is set to 1, and the current best ask in the market has a price value of 8.50, then a market order to buy the commodity will only be filled using orders whose price value is between 8.50 and 9.50 (inclusive). If there is not enough quantity available in the market within that range of price values, the remaining quantity requested in the market order will be dropped. DealConfirmationTimeout Enabled If this is set to true, then GlobalVision has a timeout period for deal confirmation requests. Any deals requiring confirmation that have not been confirmed within the specified timeout will expire. DealConfirmationTimeout Minutes The length of the timeout period for deal confirmation requests (in minutes). InstrumentDefinition Specifies a link to somewhere users can find more information about the instrument. The link must be in the form of a URL. Users can access the link by selecting the Product Description menu option from the right-click menu in the GlobalVision Front-End. This feature is typically used to provide a link to more information about the instrument, such as the trading conditions. This setting may include some numbers before the URL. These values set the size and position of the window that opens to display the link. For more information, see the description of the Instrument Administration tool's Product Info URL field in the Administration Guide. 53 The following table describes the format of the <ORDERPRICESTEPPING> and <MANUALDEALPRICESTEPPING> elements, which appear inside the <PROPERTIES> element to indicate the price steppings configured for orders and manual deals. Typically, the price stepping is a single value, but it is also possible to configure a set of different steppings that apply depending on the current price value. If this instrument uses multiple steppings, then the <ORDERPRICESTEPPING> and <MANUALDEALPRICESTEPPING> elements will contain a <RANGE> element indicating each range of price values and the stepping that applies when the price value is within that range. ORDERPRICESTEPPING and MANUALDEALPRICESTEPPING Attribute Attribute Description Max The price stepping. For a price value to be valid, it must be a multiple of this value. For example, if the price stepping is 0.01, then only price values that are a multiple of 0.01 will be accepted. If the <ORDERPRICESTEPPING> or <MANUALDEALPRICESTEPPING> element contains one or more <RANGE> elements, then the instrument has a different stepping depending on the current price value, as described in the following table below. When there is at least one range defined, the Max stepping only applies if the price value is above the highest threshold specified in a <RANGE> element. RANGE Attributes Attribute Description Threshold The upper threshold limit for this stepping range. This stepping will apply if the price value is between this value and the next lowest defined threshold value. If there is no lower threshold value, then this stepping will apply for all price values up to this threshold. Stepping The price stepping that applies for this range of price values. B.4 Instrument Definition Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for an instrument definition record. The <DERIVEDFROM> element indicates the instrument that this instrument has been derived from. For example, if the instrument is a sequential instrument derived from an underlying atomic instrument, the <DERIVEDFROM> element describes the atomic instrument. <INSTDEFINITION> and <DERIVEDFROM> have the same attributes. The <SEQUENCE> element identifies the sequences associated with this instrument. For more information about the attributes associated with the <SEQUENCE> element, see Sequence Records. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <INSTDEFINITION InstID="233" InstType="Sequential Instrument" InstCode="SEQ-APPLES" InstName="Apples" UnitCode="Lots" Unit="Lots" Live="true" EngineID="1" TermFormatID="1000002"> <DERIVEDFROM InstID="230" InstType="Atomic Instrument" InstCode="ATOM-APPLE" InstName="Atomic Apples" UnitCode="Lots" Unit="Lots" 54 EngineID="1" TermFormatID="1"/> <SEQUENCE SeqID="1" SeqName="Simple Monthly Sequence"/> <SEQUENCE SeqID="2" SeqName="Simple Quarterly Sequence"/> <SEQUENCE SeqID="3" SeqName="Simple Yearly Sequence"/> </INSTDEFINITION> </GV8APIDATA> INSTDEFINITION and DERIVEDFROM Attributes Attribute Description InstID The instrument's ID. InstType The instrument's type. This attribute can have the following values: Sequential Instrument Combination Instrument Atomic Instrument InstCode The instrument's code. InstName The instrument's name. UnitCode The code for the instrument's units. For example, MW. Unit The instrument's units. For example, Megawatts. Live The instrument's status. If this instrument has the Live Instrument flag selected (in Instrument Creation), this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. EngineID The ID of the transaction engine associated with this instrument. TermFormatID The ID of the term formats associated with this instrument. Term formats define the additional terms associated with an instrument. PriceSorterID The ID of the price sorters associated with this instrument. AliasBundleID The ID of the set of aliases associated with this instrument. SeriesOfSessionsID The ID of the Series of Sessions associated with this instrument. B.5 Order Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for an order record. The table below describes the attributes that may appear in an order record. The <INSTSPECIFIER> and <TERM> elements indicate the instrument the order relates to, and any additional terms associated with it. For more information about the attributes associated with these elements, see Instrument Specifier and Terms. If the order record is for a calculated order, it will also contain a <CONSTITUENTS> element indicating which orders were used to construct the calculated order. For more information about the <CONSTITUENTS> element, see Constituents. 55 Note The ability to retrieve calculated orders through the API is subject to additional licensing. You will not be able to retrieve details of calculated orders unless your server is appropriately licensed. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <ORDER Action="Query" EngineID="1" PersistentOrderID="4" OrderID="7594" OldEngineID="1" OldOrderID="0" DateTime="2006-05-08T15:23:56.000" Price="8.50" Volume="15" HiddenVolume="0" PriceDelta="0.00" Side="Bid" Status="Firm" Company="The Apple Company" CompanyID="108" Broker="Mixed Fruits" BrokerID="0" User="Louis Strether" UserID="14" Trader="Louis Strether" TraderID="14" OrderType="GoodTillCancelled" AllOrNone="false" CounterPartyOk="true"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="126" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceItemID="31" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Apples" FirstSequenceItemName="Jun 2006"/> <TERM Label="Strike" Desc="A strike price" Type="double">30</TERM> </ORDER> </GV8APIDATA> ORDER Record Attributes Attribute Description EngineID The ID of the transaction engine used by this order. PersistentOrderID A unique ID that represents this order throughout its lifetime in the system. This ID remains the same throughout the order's lifetime. This information is only returned if you have identify permission over the order. OrderID An ID representing this order. This ID changes every time the order is updated. OldOrderID The previous OrderID. This value is only returned if the Action is set to Update. Otherwise, OldOrderID is set to 0. If you have queried for orders, therefore, the old order ID is not returned in the order record (because the Action in the returned order record is set to Query). However, the old order ID is returned in records sent as a result of your application subscribing to order updates. Note Sometimes an updated order record may be sent out with the same OrderID and OldOrderID. One example of a situation where this occurs is if the order record has been sent because the trading agreements have been updated on the server. In this case, the order itself has not changed, and therefore it is not assigned a new OrderID. Action 56 The action that has caused the record to be returned. This attribute can have Attribute Description the following values: Query The record has been returned as a result of a query. Insert A new order has been added to the system. Update An existing order has changed in some way. For example, the price value, quantity, or status, have changed. Remove An existing order has been removed from the system. DateTime The date and time the order action took place (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). Price The price value of the order. SettlementPrice The settlement price for this order. This is only relevant if GlobalVision has been specifically configured to perform settlement price calculations. Please contact Trayport Support on +44 (0) 20 7960 5555 or support@trayport.com for more information about this feature. Volume The order's available quantity. HiddenVolume The amount of hidden quantity associated with the order. PriceDelta The amount to change the price value when adding the hidden quantity to the order. Side The side of the market the order has been submitted on. This attribute can have the following values: Status Bid Ask The type of order. This attribute can have the following values: Firm Withheld Reference Indicative StopOrder Company The name of the trader company that owns the order. CompanyID The ID of the trader company that owns the order. Broker The name of the broker company the order was submitted to. BrokerID The ID of the broker company the order was submitted to. User The username of the user who added the order to the market. If the order was submitted by a broker on behalf of a trader, this attribute contains the broker's username. 57 Attribute Description UserID The ID of the user who added the order to the market. If the order was submitted by a broker on behalf of a trader, this attribute contains the broker's ID. Trader The username of the trader who owns the order. TraderID The ID of the trader who owns the order. OrderType The type of order. This attribute can have the following values: GoodTillCancelled The order remains in the market until it is cancelled. GoodForDay The order remains in the market until the end of the day it was submitted. GoodTillDate The order remains in the market until the specified ExpiryTime. FillOrKill A type of order used in auto-matching. The order is only placed if it can be matched in full. FillAndKill A type of order used in auto-matching. The system matches as much of the order as possible, and does not place any remainder in the market. MarketOrder An order to buy or sell a commodity as soon as possible at the current market price. AllOrNone The all or none status of the order. If the order has been submitted on an all or none basis, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. CounterPartyOk The currently logged in user's counter party status in relation to this order. This attribute is set to true if the currently logged in user is allowed to hit the order. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. ExpiryTime The date and time when the order will expire (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). This attribute only applies to orders with an OrderType of GoodTillDate. Duration The original expiry duration set by the user who inserted the order. This attribute only applies to orders with an OrderType of GoodTillDate. SystemRank The system rank of the order. The system rank is used internally by GlobalVision when sorting orders on the GlobalVision Front-End. StopPrice The order's stop price (if the order is a stop order). ImpliedType Indicates whether this order is a calculated order, and if so whether the order has been generated by GlobalVision, or submitted to the market as an externally generated calculated order. This attribute can have the following values: 58 Native The order is a calculated order that has been generated by GlobalVision. External The order is a calculated order that has been generated externally. None Attribute Description The order is not a calculated order. AccountID The ID of the trading account associated with this order. AccountName The trading account associated with the order. Trading accounts are designed to be used in markets with tightly controlled membership restrictions, such as certain exchanges, by allowing traders with access to the market to act on behalf of clients who do not have direct access to the market. IsTradable If the order is a calculated order, this attribute indicates whether the order is tradable. This attribute can have the following values: Quote Yes The order is a tradable calculated order. No The order is an untradable calculated order. Unknown The order is a calculated order with unknown tradability. Indicates whether the order was submitted as part of a mass quote. If this order was submitted by a market maker as part of a mass quote, this attribute is set to true. Mass quoting is only used in certain markets. For most orders, this attribute is set to false. Note The information returned in a record is subject to permissions (and, in some cases, subject to the features enabled on the server). For example, information such as the amount of hidden quantity associated with an order, or counter parties involved in a trade, is only included in the record if the currently logged in user has permission to see that information. B.6 Instrument Specifier The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API in an instrument specifier. The API uses the instrument specifier to indicate the instrument that the XML record relates to. The following table describes the attributes that may appear in an instrument specifier. <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="121" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Spread" FirstSequenceItemID="31" SecondSequenceItemID="32" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Coal" FirstSequenceItemName="May 2014" SecondSequenceItemName="Jun 2014"/> INSTSPECIFIER Attributes Attribute Description InstID The instrument's ID. InstName The instrument's name. FirstSequenceID The ID of the specific sequence on the instrument that this record relates 59 Attribute Description to. SeqSpan The type of instrument. This attribute can have the following values: Single Spread Range N/A FirstSequenceItemID The ID of the specific sequence item that this record relates to. SecondSequenceItemID The ID of the second sequence item that this record relates to. This attribute only applies to spread or range instruments. FirstSequenceItemName The name of the specific sequence item that this record relates to. SecondSequenceItemName The name of the second sequence item that this record relates to. This attribute only applies to spread or range instruments. TermFormatID The ID of the term formats associated with this instrument. B.7 Constituents The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API in a constituents element. The API uses the constituents element to return the details of the constituent orders of an automatically calculated order. An order record for a calculated order will contain a constituents element similar to the following. The two constituent elements shown here identify the two legs used in the calculated order. The <INSTSPECIFIER> elements indicate the instruments that the constituent orders relate to. For more information about the attributes associated with the <INSTSPECIFIER> element, see Section, "The Instrument Specifier". The following table describes the attributes used in the constituent elements. <CONSTITUENTS> <CONSTITUENT EngineID="3" OrderID="246" DealVolume="0"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="126" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceItemID="31" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Apples" FirstSequenceItemName="Jun 2015"/> </CONSTITUENT> <CONSTITUENT EngineID="1" OrderID="62" DealVolume="0"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="126" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceItemID="35" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Apples" FirstSequenceItemName="Oct 2015"/> </CONSTITUENT> </CONSTITUENTS> CONSTITUENT Attributes Attribute Description EngineID The ID of the transaction engine used by this constituent order. 60 Attribute Description OrderID An ID representing the constituent order. This ID changes every time the order is updated. DealVolume The quantity to deal from this constituent. If this calculated order has been generated by GlobalVision, this value is set to 0. If this calculated order is externally generated, this value indicates the quantity to deal from this constituent. If this order is an externally generated calculated order, then a value of 0 indicates that this order is for informational purposes only (an informational order will not be dealt). B.8 Order Summary Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for an order summary record. The table below describes the attributes that may appear in an order summary record. The <INSTSPECIFIER> element indicates the instrument the order summary relates to. For more information about the attributes associated with this element, see Instrument Specifier. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <INSTORDERSUMMARY BidBestPrice="1.95" BidBestQty="15" BidTotalQty="30" BidBestTradablePrice="1.95" BidBestTradableQty="15" BidTotalTradableQty="25" AskBestPrice="2.05" AskBestQty="5" AskTotalQty="45" AskBestTradablePrice="2.15" AskBestTradableQty="5" AskTotalTradableQty="25"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="121" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Spread" FirstSequenceItemID="31" SecondSequenceItemID="32" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Apples" FirstSequenceItemName="May 2015" SecondSequenceItemName="Jun 2015"/> </INSTORDERSUMMARY> </GV8APIDATA> INSTORDERSUMMARY Record Attributes Attribute Description BidBestPrice The price value of the current best bid in the market. BidBestQty The quantity of the current best bid in the market. BidTotalQty The total quantity currently in the market on the bid side. BidBestTradableQty The best tradable price available in the market on the bid side BidBestTradablePrice The price value of the best bid that the currently logged in trader can trade. BidTotalTradableQty The total tradable quantity currently in the market on the bid side. AskBestPrice The price value of the current best ask in the market. 61 Attribute Description AskBestQty The quantity of the current best ask in the market. AskTotalQty The total quantity currently in the market on the ask side. AskBestTradablePrice The price value of the best ask that the currently logged in trader can trade. AskTotalTradableQty The total tradable quantity currently in the market on the ask side. AskBestTradableQty The best tradable price available in the market on the ask side B.9 Trade Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a trade record. The following table describes the attributes that may appear in a trade record. The <INSTSPECIFIER>, <TERM> and <ANNOTATIONS> elements indicate the instrument the order relates to, and any additional terms associated with it. For more information about the attributes associated with these elements, see Terms and Instrument Specifier. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <TRADE Action="Insert" TradeID="9" RelationshipID="2" DateTime="2014-05-15T12:21:42.000" Price="8.50" AggressorCompany="The Power Company" AggressorCompanyID="85" AggressorTrader="Gas Trader 1" AggressorTraderID="3" AggressorUser="Gas Trader 1" AggressorUserID="3" AggressorAction="Sell" AggressorBroker="The Power Broker" AggressorBrokerID="2" AggressorBrokerage="false" GoldCode="Golden" InitiatorCompany="The UK Gas Company" InitiatorCompanyID="108" InitiatorTrader="Gas Trader 2" InitiatorTraderID="14" InitiatorUser="Gas Trader 2" InitiatorUserID="14" InitiatorAction="Buy" InitiatorBroker="The UK Gas Broker" InitiatorBrokerID="2" InitiatorBrokerage="true" LastUpdate="2014-05-15T12:21:42.000" ManualDeal="false" VoiceDeal="false" InitSleeve="false" AggSleeve="false" PNC="false"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="126" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceItemID="31" TermFormatID="1" InstName="API 2" FirstSequenceItemName="Jun 2014" SecondSequenceItemName=""/> <TERM Label="Strike" Desc="A strike price" Type="double">10</TERM> <TERM Label="Vintage" Desc="The vintage" Type="string">vin02</TERM> <ANNOTATIONS> <NOTE Label="AGGRESSOR_CORPID_(Aggressor Company ID)">124</NOTE> <NOTE Label="AGGRESSOR_USERID_(Aggressor User ID)">1235</NOTE> <NOTE Label="AGGRESSOR_BROKERAGERATE">8.5</NOTE> <NOTE Label="BROKER_AGGRESSOR_BROKERAGERATE">8.5</NOTE> <NOTE Label="BROKER_AGGRESSOR_USER_DATA_(Aggressor User Metadata)">Value2</NOTE> <NOTE Label="BROKER_INITIATOR_USER_DATA_(Initiator User Metadata)">Value3</NOTE> 62 <NOTE Label="BROKER_INITIATOR_BROKERAGERATE">8.0</NOTE> <NOTE Label="BROKER_UniqueDealID">ca96c284-2cf1-48e1-a2539d50928fb922</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_Calendar">UK Gas</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_CalendarID">2bf4a5f2-0c51-4b4b-a086-c62017e6c6c7</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_Commodity">Aluminium</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_CommodityID">656506d6-f05d-4b2b-b77e-775685c99785</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_ContractType">Future</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_ContractTypeID">a8cb7900-bb2c-4dec-a1ff5ad03d4fb022</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_CurrencyScale">1.00</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_DeliverySchedule">Off Peak (Inc. Holidays)</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_DeliveryScheduleID">62e53n42-5k3d-b1a525624a5c1be6</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_DeliveryShape">Off Peak (Inc. Holidays)</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_DeliveryShapeID">42b8be4e-7cfc-42b0-b2a360634b5c3eb5</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_Region">Americas</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_RegionID">2</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_SettlementIndex">The Steel Index</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_SettlementIndexID">3747gd23-aa5d-f3ff-5ad25f88ab4c</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_SettlementType">Physical</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_SettlementTypeID">a1be915c-c833-4592-83b7efb683898506</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_Symbol">X</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_SymbolIssuer">CME Group Inc.</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_SymbolIssuerID">65277f68-317e-4e68-831c9504f19634cf</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CommingledProduct">123</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CommingledVenue">ICE</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CommingledVenueID">b83720cb-3fe8-457c-8d2c-d57587167e8f</NOTE> <NOTE Label="ContractSize">2.0</NOTE> <NOTE Label="Currency">EUR</NOTE> <NOTE Label="GoldCode">3714</NOTE> <NOTE Label="INITIATOR_BROKERAGERATE">8.5</NOTE> 63 <NOTE Label="Initiator_Company_IDs">129</NOTE> <NOTE Label="Initiator_User_IDs">2139</NOTE> <NOTE Label="LotSize">0.0</NOTE> <NOTE Label="Unit">KTherms</NOTE> <NOTE Label="UnitGUID">a83520ad-3ad8-489c-2d6a-d24287167c2g</NOTE> </ANNOTATIONS> </TRADE></GV8APIDATA> TRADE Record Attributes Attribute Description TradeID An ID representing this trade. OrderID The OrderID of the traded order. This value is only returned if the Action is set to Insert. Action The action that has caused the record to be returned. This attribute can have the following values: Query The record has been returned as a result of a query. Insert A new trade has taken place. Update The details for an existing trade have been changed. Remove An existing trade has been removed from the system. RelationshipID An ID identifying related trades. If a spread trade is broken, automatically or manually, into its constituent legs then the resulting trades are assigned the same RelationshipID. A RelationshipID can also be assigned to deals which were dealt via Volume Dealing or Indirect Aggression. In all other cases the RelationshipID is set to 0. DateTime The date and time the trade took place (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). Price The price value of the trade. SettlementPrice The settlement price for this order. This is only relevant if GlobalVision has been specifically configured to perform settlement price calculations. Please contact Trayport Support on +44 (0) 20 7960 5555 or support@trayport.com for more information about this feature. Volume The quantity traded. LastUpdate The date and time when the trade was last updated (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). AggressorCompany The name of the aggressor company involved in the trade. 64 Attribute Description AggressorCompanyID The ID of the aggressor company involved in the trade. AggressorTrader The username of the aggressor trader involved in the trade. AggressorTraderID The ID of the aggressor trader involved in the trade. AggressorUser The username of the user who carried out the trade. If a broker traded the order on behalf of a trader, this attribute contains the broker's username. AggressorUserID The ID of the user who carried out the trade. If a broker traded the order on behalf of a trader, this attribute contains the broker's ID. AggressorAction The action of the aggressor in this trade. This attribute takes the following values: Buy Sell AggressorBroker The name of the aggressor broker company. AggressorBrokerage The aggressor brokerage. If this is set to true, there is a fee for spread deals. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false (this field is only available to broker users). AggressorBrokerID The ID of the aggressor broker company. AggressorAccount The name of the trading account associated with the deal aggressor. Trading accounts are designed to be used in markets with tightly controlled membership restrictions, such as certain exchanges, by allowing traders with access to the market to act on behalf of clients who do not have direct access to the market. AggressorAccountID The ID of the trading account associated with the deal aggressor. InitiatorCompany The name of the initiator company involved in the trade. InitiatorCompanyID The ID of the initiator company involved in the trade. InitiatorTrader The username of the initiator trader involved in the trade. InitiatorTraderID The ID of the initiator trader involved in the trade. InitiatorUser The username of the user who added the order involved in the trade to the market. If the order was submitted by a broker on behalf of a trader, this attribute contains the broker's username. InitiatorUserID The ID of the user who carried out the trade. If the order was submitted by a broker on behalf of a trader, this attribute contains the broker's ID. InitiatorAction The action of the initiator in this trade. This attribute takes the following values: InitiatorBroker Buy Sell The name of the initiator broker company. 65 Attribute Description InitiatorBrokerage The initiator brokerage. If this is set to true, there is a fee for spread deals. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false (this field is only available to broker users). InitiatorBrokerageRate The brokerage rate for the initiator. This is only returned if the 'Visible to trader' flag is set in Deal Edtior for the deal. InitiatorBrokerID The ID of the initiator broker company. InitiatorAccount The name of the trading account associated with the deal initiator. InitiatorAccountID The ID of the trading account associated with the deal initiator. ClearingStatus The clearing status of the trade, if the trade uses clearing. This attribute takes the following values: N/A Refused Pending Granted ClearingID The clearing ID associated with the trade. ClearingIDString The clearing ID string associated with the trade. ClearingHouse The clearing house that the trade has been sent to. ManualDeal The type of trade. If this was a result of a trade added to the system manually, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. AuctionedDeal The type of trade. If the trade took place during an auction, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. VoiceDeal The type of trade. If this was a result of a trade added as a voice deal, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. InitSleeve The type of trade. If this trade is a third-party trade where the initiator is trading on behalf of a company that does not have a trading agreement with the aggressor, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. AggSleeve The type of trade. If this trade is a third-party trade where the aggressor is trading on behalf of a company that does not have a trading agreement with the initiator, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. PNC The trade's confidentiality status. If the trade is marked "Private and Confidential", this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. PncTillCleared If this attribute is set to true, the trade will have “Private and Confidential” status until it has been cleared. InitiatorOwnedSpread The type of spread order involved in the trade. If this trade is a spread 66 Attribute Description order that was submitted to the market as an outright spread order (rather than a spread order that was automatically generated by the system based on other orders in the market), this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. AggressorOwnedSpread The type of spread order involved in the trade. If this trade is a spread order that was submitted to the market as an outright spread order (rather than a spread order that was automatically generated by the system based on other orders in the market), and this trade took place as a consequence of someone trading a generated leg order, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. FromBrokenSpread The deal is from a spread deal that has been broken and consequently deleted. If the deal came from breaking a spread, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. UnderInvestigation The deal is under investigation. This setting is only used when GlobalVision displays information from certain third-party trading systems. PriceSetting The type of trade. If this is a price-setting trade, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. Price-Setting Trades are only used in certain markets (where a trade is considered to be "price setting" if it is on-market and above a certain minimum size threshold). AggressorVoiceDeal ConfirmState InitiatorVoiceDeal ConfirmState If the deal is a voice deal that requires the counter parties to confirm the deal details, this attribute indicates whether the aggressor has confirmed the deal. This attribute can have one of the following values: Confirmed Pending Rejected Timed Out If the deal is a voice deal that requires the counter parties to confirm the deal details, this attribute indicates whether the initiator has confirmed the deal. This attribute can have one of the following values: Confirmed Pending Rejected Timed Out EngineID The ID of the engine that trade was executed on. GroupID The ID of the group executing the trade. ContractSize The size of the contract. Synthetic Indicates if the trade is synthetic. JTT Indicates if the trade was executed using a JTT session. MatchingSession Indicates if the trade was executed using a matching session. 67 Attribute Description OverrideCredit Indicates if the trade's credit is overridden. IsBlockTrade Indicates if the trade is a block trade. <ANNOTATIONS> Elements Attribute Description AGGRESSOR_CORPID_(Aggressor Any Unique Identifier metadata specified for the aggressor company. Company ID) AGGRESSOR_USERID_(Aggressor Any Unique Identifier metadata specified for the aggressor. User ID) AGGRESSOR_BROKERAGERATE The brokerage rate for the aggressor. This is only returned if the 'Visible to trader' flag is set in Deal Editor for the deal. BROKER_AGGRESSOR_USER_DATA_ Any additional metadata specified for the aggressor. Visible only to (Aggressor User Metadata) brokers. BROKER_INITIATOR_USER_DATA_ Any additional metadata specified for the initiator. Visible only to (Initiator User Metadata) brokers. BROKER_AGGRESSOR_BROKERAGER The brokerage rate for the aggressor. Visible only to brokers. ATE BROKER_INITIATOR_BROKERAGER The brokerage rate for the initiator. Visible only to brokers. ATE BROKER_UniqueDealID The UniqueDealID on the broker side. Visible only to brokers. CPTY_Calendar The Calendar used by the instrument. CPTY_CalendarID The CalendarID used by the instrument. CPTY_Commodity The Commodity assigned to the instrument. CPTY_CommodityID The CommodityID assigned to the Commodity on the instrument. CPTY_ContractType The ContractType used by the instrument. CPTY_ContractTypeID The ContractTypeID used by the instrument. CPTY_CurrencyScale The CurrencyScale used by the instrument. CPTY_DeliverySchedule The delivery schedule used by the instrument. CPTY_DeliveryScheduleID The ID of the delivery schedule used by the instrument. CPTY_DeliveryShape The DeliveryShape used by the instrument. CPTY_DeliveryShapeID The DeliveryShapeID used by the instrument. CPTY_Region The region that the trade was carried out in, for example, Europe. 68 Attribute Description CPTY_RegionID The region ID that the trade was carried out in, for example 1. CPTY_SettlementIndex The SettlementIndex used by the instrument. CPTY_SettlementIndexID The ID of the SettlementIndex used by the instrument. CPTY_SettlementType The SettlementType used by the instrument. CPTY_SettlementTypeID The SettlementTypeID used by the instrument. CPTY_Symbol The Symbol used by the instrument. CPTY_SymbolIssuer The Issuing Authority used by the instrument. CPTY_SymbolIssuerID The ID of the Issuing Authority used by the instrument. CommingledProduct The CommingledProduct used on the instrument. CommingledVenue The CommingledVenue used on the instrument. CommingledVenueID The CommingledVenueID used for the CommingledVenue on the instrument. ContractSize The contract size of the trade. Currency The code for the currency used, for example, EUR for Euros, or GBP for Great British Pounds. GoldCode The Gold code associated with the instrument. INITIATOR_BROKERAGERATE The brokerage rate for the initiator. This is only returned if the 'Visible to trader' flag is set in Deal Editor for the deal. INITIATOR_CORPID_(Initiator Any Unique Identifier metadata specified for the initiator company. Company ID) INITIATOR_USERID_(Initiator Any Unique Identifier metadata specified for the initiator user. User ID) Lot Size The size of each lot. Unit The unit associated with the instrument. UnitGUID The GUID of the unit associated with the instrument. UnitID The ID of the unit associated with the instrument. Note The information returned in a record is subject to permissions (and, in some cases, subject to the features enabled on the server). For example, information such as the amount of hidden quantity associated with an order, or counter parties involved in a trade, is only included in the record if the currently logged in user has permission to see that information. 69 B.10 Trade Summary Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a trade summary record. The following table describes the attributes that may appear in a trade summary record. The <INSTSPECIFIER> element indicates the instrument the trade summary relates to. For more information about the attributes associated with this element, see Instrument Specifier. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <INSTTRADESUMMARY LastTradedPrice="1.95" LastTradedQty="15" LastTradedTime="2015-01-19T13:43:05.190" TotalQtyTradedToday="35" AggressorAction="Buy"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="121" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Spread" FirstSequenceItemID="31" SecondSequenceItemID="32" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Coal" FirstSequenceItemName="May 2015" SecondSequenceItemName="Jun 2015"/> </INSTTRADESUMMARY> </GV8APIDATA> INSTTRADESUMMARY Record Attributes Attribute Description LastTradedPrice The price value of the last trade. LastTradedQty The quantity of the last trade. LastTradedTime The date and time the last trade took place (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). TotalQtyTradedToday The total quantity that has been traded so far during today's trading session. LastTradedPricePS The price value of the last price-setting trade. LastTradedQtyPS The quantity of the last price-setting trade. LastTradedTimePS The date and time the last price-setting trade took place (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). TotalQtyTradedTodayPS The total quantity that has been traded so far in price-setting trades during today's trading session. OpeningAuctionPrice The auction price at which orders matched during the last opening auction. If no orders matched during the last opening auction, this will be set to the value of the ERP. ClosingAuctionPrice The auction price at which orders matched during the last closing auction. AggressorAction The action of the aggressor in this trade. This attribute takes the following values: 70 Buy Sell Note Price-Setting Trades are only used in certain markets (where a trade is considered to be "price setting" if it is on-market and above a certain minimum size threshold). The <INSTTRADESUMMARY> element includes a number of attributes that contain trade summary information for price-setting trades. If price-setting trades are not used on your system, then both the standard and price-setting versions of the attribute will contain the same information (for example, LastTradedQty and LastTradedQtyPS will always contain the same value). However, if price-setting trades are in use, then the non price-setting version will always contain the value for the last trade regardless of whether it was price-setting or not, while the price-setting version will show the value for the last price-setting trade, and not the value of any non price-setting trades that have subsequently taken place. B.11 Sequence Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a sequence record. The following table describes the attributes that may appear in a sequence record. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <SEQUENCE SeqID="1" SeqName="Simple Monthly Sequence"/> </GV8APIDATA> SEQUENCE Record Attributes Attribute Description SeqID The sequence's ID. SeqName The sequence's name. SeqDisplayName The display name of the sequence. B.12 Sequence Item Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a sequence item record. The following table describes the attributes that may appear in a sequence item record. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <SEQUENCEITEM SeqID="100001" ItemID="21" OrderID="21" ItemName="Jun 2006" TradingStart="2010-01-01T00:00:00.000" TradingEnd="2015-05-31T23:59:59.000" PeriodStart="2015-06-01T00:00:00.000" PeriodEnd="2015-06-30T23:59:59.000"/> </GV8APIDATA> SEQUENCEITEM Record Attributes Attribute Description SeqID The ID of the sequence that this sequence item is associated with. 71 Attribute Description ItemID A unique ID that identifies this sequence item. OrderID An ID indicating the position of this sequence item in the sequence. ItemName The name of this sequence item. TradingStart The start of the tradable period for the sequence item (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). TradingEnd The end of the tradable period for the sequence item (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). PeriodStart The start of the period represented by this sequence item (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). PeriodEnd The end of the period represented by this sequence item (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). B.13 Terms The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API in a term element. The API uses term elements to show the additional terms for the instrument that the XML record relates to. The table below describes the attributes that may appear in a term element. <TERM Label="Strike Price" Desc="Strike Price" Default="8.50" Type="double"/> <TERM Label="Premium" Desc="Premium" Default="1.50" Type="double"/> TERM Attributes Attribute Description Label A label for the term. Desc A description for the term. Default The default value for this term. Type The data type of the term. This attribute can have the following values: Phase string integer double dateTime boolean dateList doubleList The phase setting for this term. This attribute can have the following values: 72 price This term is specified when the order is submitted. Attribute Description deal This term is specified when the order is dealt. post-trade This term is specified after a trade has taken place. instrument This term is specific to the instrument. system This term is specified by the system. Note The phase is not always returned. For example, if the term record is returned as part of an <ORDER> record, then the phase setting is not returned, because it conveys no useful information in this context. The phase is usually returned when querying for the term format definition. If the phase setting is not returned in a term format definition, then this means that the phase is the default (price). Counterparty The counter party that this term applies to. This attribute can have the following values: common The term is common to both counter parties. both The attribute is specific to both counter parties. buyer The attribute is specific to the buyer. seller The attribute is specific to the seller. Note By default, terms are common to both counter parties. If the Counterparty is not returned in a term record, then the term is common to both counter parties. B.14 Term Format Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a term format record. Term formats define the additional terms associated with an instrument. The following table describes the attributes that may appear in a term format record. The <TERM> element indicates the additional terms associated with this term format. For more information about the attributes associated with the <TERM> element, see Terms. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <TERMFORMAT TermFormatID="1" Name="Option" Desc="A term format used in options"> <TERM Label="Strike Price" Desc="Strike Price" Default="8.50" Type="double"/> <TERM Label="Premium" Desc="Premium" Default="1.50" Type="double"/> </TERMFORMAT> </GV8APIDATA> 73 TERMFORMAT Record Attributes Attribute Description TermFormatID The term format ID. Name The name of the term format. Desc A description of this term format. Note When term format information is returned as a result of a direct query (using a query string containing the <TERMFORMATS> element) the information returned will be the term format settings defined in Instrument Creation. When term format information is returned as a result of an instrument properties query, it will return any settings that have been overridden in the Instrument Administration tool. You are therefore recommended to query for term format instrument properties as part of an instrument properties query. This ensures that the returned information reflects the formats that are actually in use on the system. For more information about instrument property queries, see Instrument Properties. B.15 Trading Account Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a trading account record. The following two tables describe the attributes that may appear in a trading account record. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <TRADINGACCOUNTS CompanyID="6"> <ACCOUNT AccountID="25" AccountName="Power Consortium"/> <ACCOUNT AccountID="28" AccountName="Power Trading Limited"/> </TRADINGACCOUNTS> <TRADINGACCOUNTS CompanyID="8"> <ACCOUNT AccountID="22" AccountName="Small Power Broking"/> </TRADINGACCOUNTS> </GV8APIDATA> TRADINGACCOUNTS Record Attributes Attribute Description CompanyID The ID of the company the accounts are defined for. ACCOUNT Record Attributes Attribute Description AccountID The unique ID associated with the trading account. AccountName The name defined for the trading account. 74 B.16 Groups Record The following is an example of the XML that might be returned when querying for instrument groups. The following table describes the attributes that may appear in the record. Each <INSTSPECIFIER> element identifies an instrument that is in the group. For more information about the attributes associated with this element, see Instrument Specifier. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <GROUPS> <GROUP Name="Instruments"> <GROUP Name="Coal"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="695" SeqSpan="N/A" FirstSequenceID="0" FirstSequenceItemID="0" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Atomic Coal" FirstSequenceItemName="" SecondSequenceItemName="" InstCode="ATOM-Coal"/> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="696" SeqSpan="N/A" FirstSequenceID="0" FirstSequenceItemID="0" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="1" InstName="Atomic Gas" FirstSequenceItemName="" SecondSequenceItemName="" InstCode="ATOM-International-Coal"/> </GROUP> <GROUP Name="Electricity"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="235" SeqSpan="N/A" FirstSequenceID="0" FirstSequenceItemID="0" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="0" InstName="Atomic Electricity" FirstSequenceItemName="" SecondSequenceItemName="" InstCode="ATOM-Electricity"/> </GROUP> </GROUP> </GROUPS> </GV8APIDATA> GROUP Record Attributes Attribute Description Name The group’s name. B.17 Market Event Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a Market Event record. The table MARKETEVENT Record Attributes describes the attributes that may appear in a Market Event record, and the table MARKETEVENT Record Child Elements describes the child elements that may appear in a Market Event record. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <MARKETEVENT Action="Query" ID="25" Status="Expired" DateTime="2007-0504T10:00:05.000"> <ACTIONS> <OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS StatusString="Allow Trading"> <ALLOWORDERENTRY/> <ALLOWMANUALDEAL/> </OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS> <SENDMESSAGE Message="Trading Open"/> </ACTIONS> 75 <INSTRUMENTS> <INSTSPECIFIER <INSTSPECIFIER <INSTSPECIFIER <INSTSPECIFIER </INSTRUMENTS> </MARKETEVENT> </GV8APIDATA> InstID="233" InstID="233" InstID="234" InstID="234" FirstSequenceID="1"/> FirstSequenceID="2"/> FirstSequenceID="1"/> FirstSequenceID="2"/> MARKETEVENT Record Attributes Attribute Description Action The action that has caused the record to be returned. This attribute is set to Query in a record returned as a result of a query for Market Events. ID The ID of the Market Event. Market Event IDs are assigned automatically by the system. Name The name assigned to the Market Event by the user who created it. Status The Market Event's status. This attribute can have the following values: DateTime Enabled The Market Event is active and fires at the specified time. Disabled The Market Event has been disabled and will not fire. Expired The Market Event has already fired. Template The Market Event record is for a template Market Event to be used as a basis for creating new Market Events. The date and time that the Market Event was scheduled for (server time of the machine hosting the API). This attribute is not returned for template Market Events that are configured as Run Now events. DisplayDateTime The display time of the Market Event (the publicly visible time of the Market Event, which is the server time of the machine hosting the API). This attribute is only returned to users who have permission to create Market Events. These users receive both the DateTime and the DisplayDateTime attributes, with the DateTime attribute containing the actual time the Market Event was scheduled for, and the DisplayDateTime containing the time specified as the publicly visible time of the Market Event. Users without permission to create Market Events can only see the DateTime attribute, but this attribute actually contains the DisplayDateTime (the publicly visible time for the Market Event), rather than the actual time the event was scheduled for. 76 MARKETEVENT Record Child Elements Element Description ACTIONS The actions specified on the Market Event. This element can contain the following child elements: STARTAUCTION Indicates that this Market Event initiates an auction on the specified instruments. The value of the Action attribute is set to one of the following values to indicate the type of auction that this Market Event starts: OpeningAuction IntradayAuction ClosingAuction SENDMESSAGE A message sent as part of the Market Event. This element has a Message attribute that contains the message itself. OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS This element indicates the new status of the instruments after the Market Event has fired. This element can contain any of the following child elements, which correspond to the check boxes in the instrument status section of the Market Events Dialog in the GlobalVision Front-End. If a child element is present in the Market Event record, then it indicates that the option is selected. ALLOWORDERENTRY ALLOWMANUALDEAL ALLOWORDERVOLUMEREDUCTION ALLOWTRADING DISALLOWORDERWITHDRAWAL This element also has a StatusStringattribute, which contains the instrument status string that was specified when the Market Event was created. This element only applies if the GlobalVision server has been specifically configured to enable this option. If the corresponding setting (Disallow Order Withdrawal) does not appear when configuring Market Events in the GlobalVision Front-End, then your system has not been configured to allow this setting, and it does not apply to you. If you would like to have this setting enabled on your system, please contact Trayport Support. ALLOWOPTIONEXERCISE This element determines whether or not an option can be exercised during a session. REVERT Indicates that the Market Event reverts the instruments to their default settings (as defined by the series of sessions). PRICEACTION Indicates that a price action is carried out as part of the Market Event. This element has an Action attribute, which is set to either WithdrawPrices or DeletePrices, depending on the price action that was set when the Market Event was created. 77 Element Description INSTRUMENTS The instruments that this Market Event applies to, if the Market Event has been configured to apply to one or more specific instruments. This element contains an <INSTSPECIFIER> element for each instrument that the Market Event applies to. The Market Event record either contains an INSTRUMENTS child element or a GROUPS element. GROUPS The instrument groups that this Market Event applies to, if the Market Event has been configured to apply to one or more instrument groups. This element contains a <GROUP> element for each instrument group that the Market Event applies to. The Market Event record either contains an INSTRUMENTS child element or a GROUPS element. B.18 Historical Orders Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for a Historical Orders record. The table below describes the attributes that may appear in a Historical Orders record. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <ORDER PersistentOrderID="126" Action="Query"/> <ORDER PersistentOrderID="127" Action="Query"/> <ORDER PersistentOrderID="124" Action="Query"/> <ORDER PersistentOrderID="125" Action="Query"/> <ORDER PersistentOrderID="2" Action="Query"/> </GV8APIDATA> HISTORICALORDERS Record Attributes Attribute Description PersistentOrderID A unique ID that represents this order throughout its lifetime in the system. This ID remains the same throughout the order's lifetime. This information is only returned if you have identify permission over the order. Action The action that has caused the record to be returned. This attribute will be set to Query in a record returned as a result of a query for Historical Orders. B.19 Order History Records The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API for an order history record. Order history records contain <ACTIVITY> elements, which provide information about each activity carried out on the order. For instance, the example below describes the order being inserted, updated and then dealt. The attributes that may appear in an <ACTIVITY> element are described in a table following the XML example. 78 Order History records will contain an <INSPECIFIER> element, indicating the instrument that each order relates to, and may also contain a <TRADE> element, describing any trades carried out on the order. See Instrument Specifier and Trade Records for more information on these elements. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <GV8APIDATA xmlns="gv8api-trayport-com"> <ACTIVITY Action="Query" EngineID="1" PersistentOrderID="1" OrderID="1" OldEngineID="0" OldOrderID="0" DateTime="2013-08-28T12:37:17.267" Price="10.00" Volume="1" HiddenVolume="0" PriceDelta="0.00" Side="Bid" Status="Firm" Company="Company A" CompanyID="2" Broker="Broker Company" BrokerID="1" User="Trayport Administrator" UserID="1" Trader="Bdd_trader_A1" TraderID="41" OrderType="GoodTillCancelled" SystemRank="1" AllOrNone="false" Broadcast="false" CurrentSessionOnly="false" CounterPartyOk="false" UnderRightFirstRefusal="false" ImpliedType="None" OrderAction="Inserted"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="145" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="1" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="1" InstName="JTT_FixedYes_Sequential" FirstSequenceItemName="Jan" SecondSequenceItemName=""/> </ACTIVITY> <ACTIVITY Action="Query" EngineID="1" PersistentOrderID="1" OrderID="2" OldEngineID="0" OldOrderID="0" DateTime="2013-08-28T12:37:44.407" Price="20.00" Volume="1" HiddenVolume="0" PriceDelta="0.00" Side="Bid" Status="Firm" Company="Company A" CompanyID="2" Broker="Broker Company" BrokerID="1" User="Trayport Administrator" UserID="1" Trader="Bdd_trader_A1" TraderID="41" OrderType="GoodTillCancelled" SystemRank="2" AllOrNone="false" Broadcast="false" CurrentSessionOnly="false" CounterPartyOk="false" UnderRightFirstRefusal="false" ImpliedType="None" OrderAction="UpdatedBySystem"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="145" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="1" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="1" InstName="JTT_FixedYes_Sequential" FirstSequenceItemName="Jan" SecondSequenceItemName=""/> <TRADE Action="Query" TradeID="1" RelationshipID="0" Price="20.00" Volume="1" DateTime="2013-08-28T12:37:57.130" LastUpdate="2013-08-28T12:37:57.130" AggressorCompany="Company B" AggressorCompanyID="3" AggressorTrader="Bdd_trader_B1" AggressorTraderID="42" AggressorUser="Trayport Administrator" AggressorUserID="1" AggressorAction="Sell" AggressorBroker ="Broker Company" AggressorBrokerID="1" InitiatorCompany="Company A" InitiatorCompanyID="2" InitiatorTrader="Bdd_trader_A1" InitiatorTraderID="41" InitiatorUser="Trayport Administrator" InitiatorUserID="1" InitiatorAction="Buy" InitiatorBroker ="Broker Company" InitiatorBrokerID="1" ClearingStatus="N/A" ClearingID="0" ClearingIDString="" ClearingHouse="" ManualDeal="false" AuctionedDeal="false" VoiceDeal="false" InitSleeve="false" AggSleeve="false" PNC="false" PncTillCleared="false" Synthetic="false" InitiatorOwnedSpread="false" AggressorOwnedSpread="false" UnderInvestigation="false" 79 PriceSetting="true" FromBrokenSpread="false" JTT="false" MatchingSession="false" GroupID="1"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="145" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="1" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="1" InstName="JTT_FixedYes_Sequential" FirstSequenceItemName="Jan" SecondSequenceItemName=""/> <ANNOTATIONS> <NOTE Label="BROKER_UniqueDealID">94678eea-a510-463b-8cea-e98825d82670</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_Commodity">POWER</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_CommodityID">7a8525c0-8123-4e08-9421-1a8da0bb8054</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_DealCreationDT">2013 08 28 12 37 57 139</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_Region">Belgium</NOTE> <NOTE Label="CPTY_RegionID">27b52f88-baff-43f7-ad5f-526134f8be9c</NOTE> <NOTE Label="Unit">None</NOTE> <NOTE Label="UnitGUID">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</NOTE> <NOTE Label="UnitID">1</NOTE> </ANNOTATIONS> </TRADE> </ACTIVITY> <ACTIVITY Action="Query" EngineID="1" PersistentOrderID="1" OrderID="3" OldEngineID="0" OldOrderID="0" DateTime="2013-08-28T12:37:57.137" Price="20.00" Volume="0" HiddenVolume="0" PriceDelta="0.00" Side="Bid" Status="Firm" Company="Company A" CompanyID="2" Broker="Broker Company" BrokerID="1" User="Trayport Administrator" UserID="1" Trader="Bdd_trader_A1" TraderID="41" OrderType="GoodTillCancelled" SystemRank="2" AllOrNone="false" Broadcast="false" CurrentSessionOnly="false" CounterPartyOk="false" UnderRightFirstRefusal="false" ImpliedType="None" OrderAction="Dealt"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="145" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="1" SecondSequenceItemID="0" TermFormatID="1" InstName="JTT_FixedYes_Sequential" FirstSequenceItemName="Jan" SecondSequenceItemName=""/> </ACTIVITY> </GV8APIDATA> ACTIVITY Record Attributes Attribute Description Action The action that has caused the record to be returned. This attribute will be set to Query in a record returned as a result of a query for Historical Orders. 80 Attribute Description EngineID The ID of the engine that trade was executed on. PersistentOrderID The ID of each order returned by the <HISTORICALORDERS> query. OrderID An ID representing this order. This ID changes every time the order is updated. OldEngineID The previous EngineID. This value is only returned if the Action is set to Update. Otherwise, OldEngineID is set to 0. OldOrderID The previous OrderID. This value is only returned if the Action is set to Update. Otherwise, OldOrderID is set to 0. DateTime The date and time the order action took place (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). LastUpdate The date and time when the trade was last updated (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). Price The price value of the order. Volume The order’s available quantity. HiddenVolume The amount of hidden quantity associated with the order. PriceDelta The amount to change the price value when adding the hidden quantity to the order. Side The side of the market the order has been submitted on. This attribute can have the following values: Status Bid Ask The type of order. This attribute can have the following values: Firm Withheld Reference Indicative StopOrder Company The name of the trader company that owns the order. CompanyID The ID of the trader company that owns the order. Broker The name of the broker company the order was submitted to. BrokerID The ID of the broker company the order was submitted to. User The username of the user who added the order to the market. If the order was submitted by a broker on behalf of a trader, this attribute will contain the broker's username. 81 Attribute Description UserID The ID of the user who added the order to the market. If the order was submitted by a broker on behalf of a trader, this attribute will contain the broker's ID. Trader The username of the trader who owns the order. TraderID The ID of the trader who owns the order. OrderType The type of order. This attribute can have the following values: GoodTillCancelled The order will remain in the market until it is cancelled. GoodForDay The order will remain in the market until the end of the day it was submitted. GoodTillDate The order will remain in the market until the specified ExpiryTime. FillOrKill A type of order used in auto-matching. The order is only placed if it can be matched in full. FillAndKill A type of order used in auto-matching. The system matches as much of the order as possible, and does not place any remainder in the market. MarketOrder An order to buy or sell a commodity as soon as possible at the current market price. SystemRank The system rank of the order. The system rank is used internally by GlobalVision when sorting orders on the GlobalVision Front-End. AllOrNone The all or none status of the order. If the order has been submitted on an all or none basis, this attribute is set to true. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. Broadcast Indicates whether the order has been broadcast to other brokers on the system. This is only used with Trayport’s Multi-Broker Trading System (MBTS). CurrentSessionOnly Indicates if the order is valid only for the current session. If this attribute is set to true, the order can only be traded during the current session (this is indicated in the Front‐End by investigating the order). If the session status changes, the order is withheld. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. CounterPartyOk The currently logged in user's counter party status in relation to this order. This attribute is set to true if the currently logged in user is allowed to hit the order. Otherwise, this attribute is set to false. UnderRightFirstRefusal Indicates whether an order is subject to the right of first refusal feature. 82 Attribute Description ImpliedType Indicates whether this order is a calculated order, and if so whether the order has been generated by GlobalVision, or submitted to the market as an externally generated calculated order. This attribute can have the following values: Native The order is a calculated order that has been generated by GlobalVision. External The order is a calculated order that has been generated externally. None The order is not a calculated order. OrderAction The trading action associated with a particular activity on an order. This attribute can have the following values: Inserted UpdatedBySystem UpdatedByUser PartDealt DealtHiddenQty Expired StopOrderActivated Dealt CancelledBySystem CancelledByUser Dropped ExpiredByDelete ExpiredBySystem B.20 Annotations Some trades executed on the Trayport platform carry trade meta data added at the point of execution. The annotations element shows additional information about the trade. The following table describes some of the attributes that may appear in an annotations element. Trade meta data on the BTS is automatically added to the trade record and passed to the TGW API. It is then available programmatically in the <ANNOTATIONS> node of the GV8 XML API Trade Record. The following is an example of the XML that might be returned by the API in an annotations element. For a full list of trade annotations available, see Trade Records. <ANNOTATIONS> <NOTE Label="LotSize">1</NOTE> <NOTE Label="Unit">Lots</NOTE> <NOTE Label="UnitGUID">133b2c67-0464-4b68-b930-c806d187d967</NOTE> <NOTE Label="UnitID">33</NOTE></ANNOTATIONS></TRADE></GV8APIDATA> </ANNOTATIONS> 83 Example ANNOTATIONS Attributes Attribute Description LotSize The size of each lot. Unit The quantity unit to be used for the instrument. Unit GUID The GUID of the unit. Stored by the static data XML file. UnitID The ID of the unit. 84 Appendix C: XML Action Format This section describes the XML format used to submit actions to the API. You will need to construct XML strings in this format in order to provide input to ExecuteAction. All XML actions passed to the API must be in the following format: <GV8APIACTIONS> ... </GV8APIACTIONS> Note Use the <GV8APIACTIONS/> tag to enclose trade, and order actions. C.1 Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Deals This section describes how to use the <TRADE> element when inserting, updating, and deleting deals. In order to insert, update, or delete deals through the API, you must be connected to a server that is specifically licensed to allow either Trader or Broker users to insert deals (depending on your user type). Additionally, in order to insert trades your user account must have been assigned the Enter Manual Deals and Read-Only API permissions in the User Administration tool. In order to update or delete trades, your account must also have been assigned the Deal Editor (read/write) permission. When inserting a deal, you must include an <INSTSPECIFIER> element within the <TRADE> element to indicate which instrument the deal applies to. If there are additional terms associated with the instrument, you can also include some <TERM> elements to set their values for this deal. For more information about the attributes associated with these elements, see Instrument Specifier and Terms. Note When specifying additional terms, you must include a <TERM> element for each of the instrument's terms. Use the Label attribute to identify each term. For example, <TERM Label="Strike">8.50</TERM> specifies a value of 8.50 for the term with the name "Strike". When submitting a deal involving additional terms, you must specify all the terms for both the order entry and deal phases. In addition, if there are terms that are counter party-specific, then you must explicitly specify which counter party the terms apply to, using the Counterparty attribute. For example, <TERM Label="Order Origin" Counterparty="buyer">V</TERM> indicates that the term is specific to the buyer. If you do not specify the counter party, it will default to common. Depending on the deal you are inserting, you may also need to include a <TRADECONFIRM> element, which you can use to force the deal to be added to the system (even if it would otherwise fail, for example because the counter parties do not have agreements to trade with each other) and to cause a confirmation message to be displayed on the GlobalVision Front-End. For more information about the attributes associated with this element, see the table TRADECONFIRM Element Attributes. The TRADE Element Attributes Attribute Description Action The deal action to carry out. This attribute can have the following values: Insert 85 Attribute Description Inserts a new deal. Update Updates an existing deal. When you update a deal, you must specify the TradeID, but the only other attributes that you need to specify are the ones you want to update. Any attributes that you do not specify will keep their existing values. Remove Deletes an existing deal. When you delete a deal, the only other attribute that you need to specify is the TradeID. TradeID The ID of the deal to update or delete. You must specify this value if you are updating or deleting a deal. If you are inserting a deal, you should not specify a TradeID (any value that you do specify in this case will be ignored). DateTime The date and time the deal took place (in UTC time, written in ISO 8601 format). If you do not specify a date and time for the deal, it will be added with the current date and time. Price The price value that the deal took place at. Volume The quantity traded. AggressorCompanyID The ID of the aggressor company involved in the trade. AggressorTraderID The ID of the aggressor trader involved in the trade. AggressorUserID The ID of the user who carried out the trade. If you want the trade to indicate that a broker traded the order on behalf of a trader, specify the broker's ID. AggressorAction The action of the aggressor in this trade. You must specify the aggressor action when inserting a deal. This attribute takes the following values: Buy Sell AggressorBrokerID The ID of the aggressor broker company. AggressorAccountID The ID of the trading account associated with the deal aggressor (if applicable). This is optional: you can specify the account either by its name (using the AggressorAccount attribute) or by the account ID. It is not necessary to specify both the ID and the name although if you do you must ensure that the ID is the ID associated with the account of that name. If you specify an ID and a name that do not match, then GlobalVision will return an error. If you are updating a deal that previously had a trading account associated with the aggressor, and you want to remove the trading account, then you can do so by setting this attribute to 0. AggressorAccount The Name of the trading account associated with the deal aggressor (if applicable). This is optional: you can specify the account either by its ID (using the AggressorAccountID attribute) or by the account name. It is not necessary to 86 Attribute Description specify both the ID and the name, although if you do you must ensure that the ID is the ID associated with the account of that name. If you specify an ID and a name that do not match, then GlobalVision will return an error. If you are updating a deal that previously had a trading account associated with the aggressor, and you want to remove the trading account, then you can do so by setting this attribute to an empty string. InitiatorCompanyID The ID of the initiator company involved in the trade. InitiatorTraderID The ID of the initiator trader involved in the trade. InitiatorUserID The ID of the user who carried out the trade. If you want the trade to indicate that a broker submitted the original order on behalf of a trader, specify the broker's ID. InitiatorAction The action of the initiator in this trade. You must specify the initiator action when inserting a deal. This attribute takes the following values: Buy Sell InitiatorBrokerID The ID of the initiator broker company. InitiatorAccountID The ID of the trading account associated with the deal initiator (if applicable). This is optional: you can specify the account either by its name (using the InitiatorAccount attribute) or by the account ID. It is not necessary to specify both the ID and the name although if you do you must ensure that the ID is the ID associated with the account of that name. If you specify an ID and a name that do not match, then GlobalVision will return an error. If you are updating a deal that previously had a trading account associated with the initiator, and you want to remove the trading account, then you can do so by setting this attribute to 0. InitiatorAccount The Name of the trading account associated with the deal initiator (if applicable). This is optional: you can specify the account either by its ID (using the InitiatorAccountID attribute) or by the account name. It is not necessary to specify both the ID and the name, although if you do you must ensure that the ID is the ID associated with the account of that name. If you specify an ID and a name that do not match, then GlobalVision will return an error. If you are updating a deal that previously had a trading account associated with the initiator, and you want to remove the trading account, then you can do so by setting this attribute to an empty string. VoiceDeal If you want to indicate that this deal took place over the phone, you can set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. InitSleeve The type of trade. If this trade is a third-party trade where the initiator is trading on behalf of a company that does not have a trading agreement with the aggressor, set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. 87 Attribute Description AggSleeve The type of trade. If this trade is a third-party trade where the aggressor is trading on behalf of a company that does not have a trading agreement with the initiator, set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. PNC The trade's confidentiality status. If you want to mark the trade "Private and Confidential", set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. ClearingStatus The clearing status of the trade (if the instrument uses clearing to determine whether the counter parties can trade). If the trade does not use clearing, you can omit this attribute. Otherwise, set it to one of the following values: N/A Refused Pending Granted ClearingID The clearing ID associated with the trade, if applicable. ClearingHouse The clearing house that the trade has been sent to. UnderInvestigation If you want to indicate that the deal is currently under investigation, set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. PostTradeNegotiating The type of trade. If some of the quantity traded as a result of a period of volume workup between the counter parties, set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. The TRADECONFIRM Element Attributes Attribute Description ForceTrade If you want to force the deal to be inserted, even if it would otherwise fail (for example because the counter parties do not have a trading agreement in place), set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. PopupTradeConfirm If you want a confirmation message about the deal to be displayed on any connected GlobalVision Front-Ends, set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. IgnoreMinQuantity If you want to override the configured minimum quantity setting for this instrument, set this attribute to true. Otherwise, you can either omit this attribute, or set it to false. In order to override the configured minimum quantity, you must have been assigned the Ignore Minimum Qty (Manual Deals) user permission. For more information about user permissions, see the User Administration Tool section of the Administration Guide. When a deal is successfully inserted, the GlobalVision API returns a response in XML similar to the following: <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> 88 <REPLY Code="0" Message="Success." Reason=""> <RESULT EngineID="0">96</RESULT> </REPLY> </GV8APIREPLIES> The returned XML indicates the TradeID of the inserted deal (in this example, the ID of the inserted deal is 96). Example: Inserting a Deal The following XML string inserts a deal for the instrument with ID 126. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <TRADE Action="Insert" DateTime="2006-05-15T12:21:42.000" Price="8.50" Volume="25" AggressorCompanyID="85" AggressorTraderID="3" AggressorUserID="3" AggressorAction="Sell" AggressorBrokerID="2" InitiatorCompanyID="108" InitiatorTraderID="14" InitiatorUserID="14" InitiatorAction="Buy" InitiatorBrokerID="2" VoiceDeal="true" InitSleeve="false" AggSleeve="false" PNC="false"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="126" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceItemID="31" TermFormatID="1" /> <TRADECONFIRM PopupTradeConfirm="true"/> </TRADE> </GV8APIACTIONS> Example: Inserting a Deal with Additional Terms The following example XML string inserts a deal for an instrument that has additional terms. In this case, the instrument has an account reference that is specific to the counter parties, so the Counterparty attribute is used to indicate which counter party each term applies to. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <TRADE Action="Insert" Price="8.50" Volume="100" AggressorCompanyID="85" AggressorTraderID="3" AggressorAction="Sell" AggressorBrokerID="2" InitiatorCompanyID="108" InitiatorTraderID="14" InitiatorAction="Buy" InitiatorBrokerID="2" VoiceDeal="true" InitSleeve="false" AggSleeve="false" PNC="false"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="136" FirstSequenceID="1" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceItemID="31" TermFormatID="1" /> <TERM Label="Account Reference" Counterparty="buyer">1000121425</TERM> <TERM Label="Account Reference" Counterparty="seller">121245454512</TERM> <TERM Label="Strike Price">1.50</TERM> 89 <TRADECONFIRM PopupTradeConfirm="true"/> </TRADE> </GV8APIACTIONS> C.2 External Reference Prices You can use the <EXTREFPRICE> element to set an instrument's External Reference Price (ERP). ERPs are used in certain types of spread trading. To set or remove an ERP, use the <EXTREFPRICE> element with the following attributes. In addition, the <EXTREFPRICE> element must contain an <INSTSPECIFIER> element that identifies the instrument to set the ERP on. For more information about the attributes associated with the <INSTSPECIFIER> element, see Instrument Specifier. The ORDER Element Attributes Attribute Description Action Either Set to set the ERP, or Remove to remove an existing ERP. Price The price value of the ERP. You must only specify a price if you are setting the ERP. It is an error to specify a price value if Action is set to Remove. Type The type of ERP. This attribute takes values of either ExternalReferencePrice or ExternalClosePrice, depending on the type of ERP that you are setting or removing. This attribute is optional. If you do not specify a type, it will be set to the default (ExternalReferencePrice). When an ERP is successfully set, the GlobalVision API returns a response in XML similar to the following: <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <REPLY Code="0" Message="Success." Reason=""/> </GV8APIREPLIES> Note Only users who have been assigned the Insert External Reference Prices permission in the User Administration Tool will be able to use the API to set and remove ERPs. In addition, any ERP that is set through the API will not be used in a spread calculation on this instrument unless the instrument has been configured with the Use External Reference Price and Break Period Spread Deals flags selected on the Sequence Adapter. For more information about configuring user permissions and instrument settings, please refer to the Administration Tools Guide. Example: Setting the ERP The following XML sets the ERP on the sequential spread instrument with ID 696. If there is currently an ERP set on this instrument, it will be overridden with the new value. 90 <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <EXTREFPRICE Action="Set" Price="8.55"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="696" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="85"/> </EXTREFPRICE> </GV8APIACTIONS> Example: Removing the ERP The following XML removes any ERP that has been set on the sequential spread instrument with ID 696. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <EXTREFPRICE Action="Remove"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="696" SeqSpan="Single" FirstSequenceID="1" FirstSequenceItemID="85"/> </EXTREFPRICE> </GV8APIACTIONS> C.3 Market Events The MARKET EVENT element creates, updates, or deletes a Market Event. This section describes the format of the MARKET EVENT element, and its child elements, the <ACTIONS>, <INSTRUMENTS>, and <GROUPS> elements. MARKETEVENT Element Attributes Attribute Description Action The action that you are carrying out. This attribute can have the following values: ID Update Updates an existing Market Event. The only aspect of a Market Event that you can update is the status. In order to update the status, you must set the Action to Update, and specify the event's ID and the new status (using the ID and Status attributes). Do not specify any other settings. Insert Adds a new Market Event. In order to create a new event, you must include the ACTIONS and INSTRUMENTS child elements to indicate the actions to carry out as part of this Market Event, and the instruments that the event applies to. Delete Removes an existing Market Event. To remove a Market Event, set the Action to Delete, and specify the event's ID. Do not specify any other settings. The ID of the Market Event. You must specify the ID when updating or deleting an existing 91 Attribute Description Market Event, but you must not specify an ID when inserting a new event (when you create a new event, an ID will be assigned automatically by the system). Name The name of the Market Event. This is optional. Status The Market Event's status. You can set this attribute to one of the following values: DateTime Enabled The Market Event is active and will fire at the specified time (or immediately if no time is specified). By default, all Market Events are enabled, so this does not need to be specified when creating a new Market Event. However, you can specify this value if you are updating the status of an existing event (for example to change the status from Disabled to Enabled). Disabled The Market Event is disabled and will not fire unless the status is changed before the time it is due to fire. You can only set the status to this value if the event has a scheduled time. Template The Market Event is a template to be used in the GlobalVision Front-End as a basis for creating other Market Events. The date and time that the Market Event is scheduled for (in server local time). You cannot schedule a Market Event more than 28 days in the future. Note If you omit this value, or specify a time in the past, the Market Event will fire immediately (this is referred to as a Run Now Market Event). MARKETEVENT Child Elements Element Description ACTIONS The Market Event actions. This element can contain the following child elements: STARTAUCTION Indicates that this Market Event initiates an auction on the specified instruments. You must set the Action attribute to one of the following values to indicate the type of auction to start: OpeningAuction IntradayAuction ClosingAuction SENDMESSAGE Specifies a message to send out as part of the Market Event. This element has a Message attribute that contains the message itself. The message will appear in Market Event records returned by the API. OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS or SETINSTRUMENTSTATUS This element indicates the new status of the instruments after the Market Event has fired. This element can contain any of the following child elements, which correspond to the check boxes in the instrument status section of the Market Events Dialog in the 92 Element Description GlobalVision Front-End. To select the options, specify the child element. Omitting any of these elements is equivalent to deselecting the option in the Market Events Dialog. ALLOWORDERENTRY ALLOWMANUALDEAL ALLOWORDERVOLUMEREDUCTION ALLOWTRADING DISALLOWORDERWITHDRAWAL This element also has a StatusString attribute, which you must use to set the instrument status string if you are overriding or setting the instrument status. The status string will be displayed on the Front-End, if the Work Sheet has been configured to show either an Instrument Details Object or an Instrument Group Object that includes the Current Instrument Status field. The DISALLOWORDERWITHDRAWAL element only applies if the GlobalVision server has been specifically configured to enable this option. If the corresponding setting (Disallow Order Withdrawal) does not appear when configuring Market Events in the GlobalVision Front-End, then your system has not been configured to allow this setting, and it does not apply to you. If you would like to have this setting enabled on your system, please contact Trayport Support. Note In some cases, the GlobalVision server is configured such that the series of sessions functionality is controlled entirely by Market Events. If this is the case, then the system does not use any of the series of sessions settings defined in Instrument Creation, but instead applies the settings from special "session" Market Events, which can only be created through the API. If your GlobalVision server has been configured to use session Market Events, then you can use the SETINSTRUMENTSTATUS element instead of the OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS element to create and update session Market Events. Both elements have the same attributes and child elements. When GlobalVision is configured to use session events, you can use the OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS element to temporarily override the settings from the previous session event. You can subsequently use a REVERT element to revert to the settings from the session event. If your system has not been configured to use session events, then you will not be able to use the SETINSTRUMENTSTATUS element. Please contact Trayport Support for assistance configuring your server to use session Market Events. REVERT Reverts the instrument status to the session defaults (as defined by the series of sessions, or the last session event, if your system is configured to use session events rather than the Instrument Creation series of sessions functionality). MARKET EVENT Can include either an OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS child element, or a REVERT element, but not both. PRICEACTION Specifies a price action to carry out as part of the Market Event. This element has an Action attribute, which can be set to either WithdrawPrices or DeletePrices. If you do not want to withdraw or delete the orders in the market for this instrument, then omit this element. 93 Element Description INSTRUMENTS The instruments that this Market Event applies to. This element must contain an <INSTSPECIFIER> element for each instrument that the Market Event applies to. The <INSTSPECIFIER> must contain an InstID attribute (indicating the ID of the instrument). If the instrument is a sequential instrument, it must also contain a FirstSequenceID attribute (indicating the ID of the sequence on this instrument that this Market Event applies to). The Market Event action can contain either an INSTRUMENTS child element or a GROUPS element, but not both. GROUPS The instrument groups that this Market Event applies to. If you want to indicate that the event applies to all groups, you can use an empty <GROUPS/> element. Alternatively, to specify that the event applies to one or more specific instrument groups, include one or more child <GROUP> elements with the Name attribute set to the name of the group that you want the event to apply to. If your instrument group hierarchy includes nested groups, and you want to identify a specific group or groups within this hierarchy, then you must replicate the hierarchy when specifying the group by nesting <GROUP> elements within each other. For example, if your instrument groups include a Coal group, which in turn contains an API2 group, an API4 group, and a API5 group, and you want to create an event that applies to the API2 group and the API4 group but not the API5 group, then you would identify this group using the following XML: <GROUPS> <GROUP Name="Coal"> <GROUP Name="API2"/> <GROUP Name="API4"/> </GROUP> </GROUPS> If you want the event to apply to all the sub-groups, you can instead specify just the parent group, as follows: <GROUPS> <GROUP Name="Coal"/> </GROUPS> The Market Event action can contain either an INSTRUMENTS child element or a GROUPS element, but not both. When a Market Event is successfully inserted, the GlobalVision API returns a response in XML similar to the following: <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> 94 <REPLY Code="0" Message="Success." Reason="Success."> <MARKETEVENTRESULT ID="25"/> </REPLY> </GV8APIREPLIES> The returned XML indicates the ID of the inserted Market Event (in this example, the ID of the Market Event is 25). Example: Creating a new Market Event to Halt Trading The following XML submits a new Market Event: The Market Event overrides the instrument status, and does not specify any of the instrument settings, so no market activity will be allowed once the event has run. The Market Event does not specify a time, so it will run immediately. The Market Event includes a message ("Market Halted"). The Market Event specifies the WithdrawPrices action, so all orders currently in the market for the specified instruments will be withdrawn. The Market Event applies to the sequences with IDs 1 and 2 on the instruments with IDs 233 and 234. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <MARKETEVENT Action="Insert" Name="Halt Trading"> <ACTIONS> <SENDMESSAGE Message="Market Halted"/> <OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS StatusString="Market Halted"/> <PRICEACTION Action="WithdrawPrices"/> </ACTIONS> <INSTRUMENTS> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="233" FirstSequenceID="1"/> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="233" FirstSequenceID="2"/> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="234" FirstSequenceID="1"/> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="234" FirstSequenceID="2"/> </INSTRUMENTS> </MARKETEVENT> </GV8APIACTIONS> Example: Creating a new Market Event to Allow Trading The following XML submits a new Market Event: 95 The Market Event overrides the instrument status, so that order entry, trading, and manual deals are all now permitted. The Market Event does not specify a time, so it will run immediately. The Market Event includes a message ("Start Trading"). The Market Event applies to the instrument group with the name "Coal" and the instrument group with the name "Gas". <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <MARKETEVENT Action="Insert" Name="Start Trading"> <ACTIONS> <SENDMESSAGE Message="Start Trading"/> <OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS StatusString="Start Trading"> <ALLOWORDERENTRY/> <ALLOWTRADING/> <ALLOWMANUALDEAL/> </OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS> </ACTIONS> <GROUPS> <GROUP Name="Coal"/> <GROUP Name="Gas"/> </GROUPS> </MARKETEVENT> </GV8APIACTIONS> Example: Updating a Market Event The following XML updates the Market Event with IDs 25 and 26, setting the status of both events to Disabled. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <MARKETEVENT Action="Update" ID="25" Status="Disabled"/> <MARKETEVENT Action="Update" ID="26" Status="Disabled"/> </GV8APIACTIONS> Example: Deleting a Market Event The following XML deletes the Market Events with IDs 123, 124, and 125. 96 <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <MARKETEVENT Action="Delete" ID="123"/> <MARKETEVENT Action="Delete" ID="124"/> <MARKETEVENT Action="Delete" ID="125"/> </GV8APIACTIONS> C.4 Starting a Matching Session The <STARTMATCHINGSESSION> element creates a new Matching Session. This section describes the format of the <STARTMATCHINGSESSION> element, and its attributes. When starting a session, you must include an <INSTSPECIFIER> element within the <STARTMATCHINGSESSION> element to indicate which instrument the session applies to. For more information on Matching Sessions, see the Liquidity Sessions Guide. STARTMATCHINSESSION Element Attributes Attribute Description Price The price for the instrument during the matching session. Duration The duration of the matching session. This should be specified in seconds. Example: Starting a Matching Session The following XML starts a Matching Session with a price of 10.00 and a duration of 20 seconds. The details of the instrument that the session is applied to are specified within an <INSTSPECIFIER> element. <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?> <GV8APIACTIONS> <STARTMATCHINGSESSION Price="10.00" Duration="20"> <INSTSPECIFIER InstID="27" SeqSpan="N/A"/> </STARTMATCHINGSESSION> </GV8APIACTIONS> 97 Appendix D: Return Codes and Messages The API uses return codes and messages to indicate the outcome of a function. This section describes the possible return codes and explains what they mean. API Return Codes and Messages Code Message Explanation 0 Success The operation has completed successfully. 1 The XML does not validate. An XML string provided as input to the API functions must be well-formed (it must contain elements that are properly delimited and nested) and valid (it must conform to the rules defined in the schema). The API uses Microsoft XML Parser to parse and validate XML strings. If you receive this message, it indicates that your input has failed the validation process. If the validation fails, the API returns any error messages from Microsoft XML Parser in the Reason attribute of the return message. For example: <GV8APIREPLIES xmlns="gv8api-Trayport-com"> <REPLY Code="1" Message="The XML does not validate." Reason="The element: '{gv8- Trayportcom}DISCONNECT_ACTION' has an invalid value according to its data type. Line:1 Row:101"/> </GV8APIREPLIES> 2 Network Error. The server did not reply in time to the request. By default, all requests are subject to a timeout of two minutes. 3 COM Error. An error associated with COM has occurred (this error is probably caused by Microsoft XML Parser). Check that Microsoft XML Parser is correctly installed, and try again. 4 MS XML DOM Error. Microsoft XML Parser caused an error, or failed to load. Check that Microsoft XML Parser is correctly installed, and try again. 5 Unknown error. This type of error is generated when the API cannot determine the cause of the error. Contact Trayport for assistance with this type of error. 6 Error deleting Market Event. There has been an error deleting the Market Event. 7 Error updating market event. There has been an error updating the Market Event. 8 Error inserting market event. There has been an error inserting the Market Event. 9 Client and Server version mismatch. The client and server versions of the software are different. 107 The order does not exist. The order may have been deleted from the system. Therefore the actions cannot be applied to the order. 108 The action was refused by the server. The server cannot process the requested transaction. 98 Code Message Explanation 110 This server does not support this action. The server cannot process the requested transaction. 116 Permission denied. You may not have the permissions required to carry out the transaction. 118 Invalid term format for this group/instrument. The TERM data validation failed. Check the available term formats. 119 The trader ID could not be found. The request either did not specify a trader ID, or specified an invalid trader ID. 120 The company ID could not be found. The request either did not specify a company ID, or specified an invalid company ID. 121 Missing This error refers to the BrokerID. If the BrokerID is not missing it could indicate that the user does not have read permissions over the broker even if it is specified (a default ID of 1 will apply if it is not specified). BrokerCompanyID. 130 Invalid clearing state. You have attempted to insert or update a deal without setting a valid ClearingStatus for the deal. 131 Not a clearing instrument. You have attempted to set the ClearingStatus or ClearingID of a deal you are inserting or updating, but the instrument does not use clearing. 132 The trade does not exist. You have attempted to delete a deal that does not exist. Check that you have specified the correct TradeID for the deal you are attempting to delete. 133 The initiator company does not exist. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but the initiator company you have specified does not exist. 134 The initiator broker does not exist. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but the initiator broker company you have specified does not exist. 135 The initiator trader does not You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but the initiator trader you exist. have specified does not exist. 136 The initiator user does not exist. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but the initiator user you have specified does not exist. 137 The aggressor company does not exist. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but the aggressor company you have specified does not exist. 138 The aggressor broker does not exist. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but the aggressor broker company you have specified does not exist. 139 The aggressor trader does not exist. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but the aggressor trader you have specified does not exist. 140 The aggressor user does not You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but the aggressor user you exist. have specified does not exist. 141 Missing instrument specifier. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but you have not provided an instrument specifier to indicate what instrument the deal relates to. 99 Code Message Explanation 142 A required attribute is missing. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but you have not specified a required attribute. 143 Inconsistent initiator and aggressor actions. You have attempted to insert or update a deal, but have not correctly set the AggressorAction and the InitiatorAction. You must specify both when inserting or updating a deal. 160 The Trading Account does not exist. You have attempted to submit a trade with an associated trading account, but the account information does not match any of the configured trading accounts. 163 The record may not contain The record is not allowed both price and settlement price in its attributes. both price and settlement price. 164 Invalid value for PNC specified. You have attempted to submit a deal with the PNC attribute set to true, but the Voice Deals are not PNC option has been selected for this instrument in the Instrument Administration Tool. When this option is selected, manual (voice) deals are not considered Private and Confidential (PNC). 201 Invalid disconnect action. You have attempted to set the disconnect action using SetAPIOptions, but you have specified an invalid disconnection action. For full details of the valid options for setting the disconnect action, see SetAPIOptions. 202 Invalid connection option. The attempt to connect has been rejected by the API. 203 Password could not be changed. The user's password could not be changed. This may be because the old password specified was incorrect, or because the new password does not meet the user ’s password policy. If you receive this error on attempting to log in to the API, then this is because you have previously initiated a failed password change request. You must use SetAPIOptions either with an empty <CONNECTIONOPTIONS/> string, or to successfully change the password before you will be able to log in to the API again. 300 Not logged in. Your application must login using a valid API user account in order to use any of the API functions. Login to the API, using either Login or LoginGUI, and try again. 301 Login failure. The login request has failed. This may be due to problems with the connection, problems with authentication, or problems with permissions. 302 Already logged in. Your application has attempted to login with a user account that is already logged in. 303 Password needs changing. The password on this account must be changed before your application can successfully log in. Your application should use SetAPIOptions to change the password, and then attempt to log in again. Alternatively, you can change the password manually by logging in to the GlobalVision Front-End. 304 Login aborted. This message is generated when your application uses LoginGUI to attempt to login, and the API user clicks cancel on the login window. 100 Code Message Explanation 305 Crypto failure. Data could not be encrypted for transmission. Check that the API is installed correctly, and check the Microsoft Windows login permissions, and try again. 306 Connection Lost. The function could not be completed because the connection to the server was temporarily lost. 307 Invalid Engine ID. You have attempted to submit an order with an engine specified that is not valid for the type of order. For example, this error would be generated if you attempted to submit a feed order for an instrument that does not have a price feed engine. 309 The action rate has been exceeded for this connection. This message indicates that too many actions have been received from this application within a short space of time. Your application should wait for a short period before resubmitting the action (the text in the message will indicate how long it should wait). This is designed to prevent any particular application from overloading the server by sending too many actions too quickly. 318 Instrument code change rejected. Too many attributes supplied. The instrument cannot be updated as the number of supplied attributes do not match those that the instrument has. 343 Invalid Market Event ID specified. You have tried to update or delete a Market Event but the ID you have specified for the Market Event is not valid. 344 The status is not valid for the Market Event. You have attempted to set the Market Event's status to a setting that is not valid. 345 No actions specified on the new Market Event. You have tried to create a Market Event but have not specified any actions. 346 No targets specified on new You have tried to create a Market Event but have not specified any Market Event. instruments. 347 One of the specified targets One of the instruments or groups you have specified in your Market Event does not exist. does not exist. 348 Invalid target specified. One of the instruments or groups you have specified in your Market Event is not valid. 349 Internal Market Event selected. You have attempted to delete an internal Market Event. Internal Market Events are created automatically by the system and cannot be deleted. 350 Set Instrument Status Actions are not allowed on this Server. You have attempted to use the SETINSTRUMENTSTATUS child element without first configuring the server not to use the default series of sessions settings. 352 Revert cannot be specified with override/set instrument status for a single event. You have attempted to create a Market Event but have attempted to include a REVERT element and either an OVERRIDEINSTRUMENTSTATUS or SETINSTRUMENTSTATUS element. A Market Event can either set/override the instrument status, or revert the instrument to the default. You cannot include both types of element within the same ACTIONS element. 353 Status String must be You have attempted to create a Market Event that changes the instrument 101 Code Message Explanation specified with override/set instrument status. status, but have not specified a value for the StatusString attribute. The status string is required when overriding or setting the instrument status. 354 You have exceeded the maximum number of server side instrument subscriptions. Your server uses the subscriptions feature to control the amount of bandwidth used on the server, and you have attempted to subscribe to updates on more instruments than your configured subscription limit allows. You will need to unsubscribe to some of the instruments that you are already subscribed to before you can make additional subscriptions. 355 The server rejected your subscription changes. The GlobalVision server has rejected your subscription changes. This is probably because you have attempted to subscribe to more instruments than you are permitted to subscribe to. 356 You do not have sufficient permissions to subscribe to all instruments at once. You must specify which instruments you are interested in. You have attempted to subscribe to more information than you are permitted to subscribe to. Could not load key files There was a problem loading the public key file for connecting to the GlobalVision server. Check that the correct key file is available in the same directory as the API DLL, and try to connect again. 357 102 You should limit your subscription query to a smaller number of instruments and submit the subscription request again. Appendix E: GlobalVision 8 API Change History This Appendix provides details of changes that have been made to the API in the different versions of GlobalVision 8. If you have an application written against an earlier version of the API, you should check these details to see what changes you need to make to your application (if any) to support the latest version of the API. Version Change(s) 8.12.1 The <HISTORICALORDERS> and <ORDERHISTORY> query elements have been added. 8.12.0 The <INSTATTRIBUTESDATA> and <HISTORICALTRADES> query elements have been added. You can also subscribe to the <INSTATTRIBUTESDATA> query. The <INSTATTRIBUTES> element has been added. Annotations have been added. These specify additional metadata for companies, users and trades, including brokerage rates and instrument static reference data. ContractSize is included for relevant <TRADE> elements. CreationTime has been added to the <USER> element. The <STARTMATCHINGSESSION> element has been added, allowing users to create matching sessions. 8.6.8 8.6.2 8.6.0 8.5.8 A <JTTSETTINGS> element has been added allowing users to query instruments that are JTT enabled. It is now possible to query User Permission Group information in the API. The FromBrokenSpread, InitiatorBrokerage, and AggressorBrokerage attributes have been added to the trade record. The OverrideCredit has been added to the <TRADECONFIRM> element. For consistency, the AllowGoodTilDate attribute in the instrument properties record format has been renamed to AllowGoodTillDate. The <MARKETEVENTS> element was added to allow users to interact with Market Events through the API. The InstStatus attribute was added to the instrument properties record format. The SettlementPrice attribute was added to order and trade records, and the AuctionedDeal attribute was added to trade records. The <SETTLEMENTSETTINGS> element was added, and the HasSettlementPrice attribute was added to the <TRADINGFLAGS> element, to enable users to set the settlement price properties through the API. The "price-setting" and auction attributes were added to the <INSTTRADESUMMARY> element. The API has been modified as a result of changes to the way price steppings are defined in GlobalVision. This change affects the record format used to represent price steppings. 103 Version Change(s) 8.5.6 The <EXTREFPRICE> element was added to allow users to use the API to set an instrument's External Reference Price (ERP). The <TERM> element has been modified so that it is now possible to use the Label attribute to identify the terms being specified. In previous versions of the API, the terms had to be specified in exactly the same order as they were defined. To provide backwards compatibility, the API continues to support the old method, but you are recommended to use the new method in future. The <TERM> element now has new Phase and Counterparty attributes to support the new phase and counter party specific types of price format that were introduced in this release. Prior to the introduction of the new price format functionality, price formats always had a phase equivalent to order and a Counterparty equivalent to common. Therefore, for backwards compatibility reasons, these settings are the defaults and the attributes can therefore be omitted if the term is specified at order entry and common to both counter parties. 8.5.4 8.5.2-1 The <GROUPS> element was added so that it is now possible to use the API to query for information about instrument groups, and to modify the groups. Subscribe and Unsubscribe to <INSTTRADESUMMARIES> and <INSTORDERSUMMARIES> is fully supported as of This was first introduced in 8.3.0. The <INSTPROPERTIES> element was added to make it possible to use the API to query for instrument properties. The <ORDERS> query format was updated so that it is now possible to query for details of a specific order by specifying the order's ID and transaction engine ID (within the <ORDERIDENTIFIER> child element). The API was updated to add the ability to retrieve details of orders that have been automatically generated based on other orders in the market. The ImpliedType attribute was added to the ORDER record format to indicate whether or not an order is a calculated order. The <ORDER> record format now also contains a <CONSTITUENTS> element that identifies the individual orders that have been used to calculate the order. Note In order to configure whether or not the API should return calculated orders, you must use the <CALCULATED_PRICES> element of the SetAPIOptions method. Please note that this feature is subject to additional licensing. You will not be able to retrieve details of calculated orders through the API unless your server is appropriately licensed. The TRADINGACCOUNTS element was added. You can use this element to receive details about the configured trading accounts. The <ORDER> and <TRADE> record formats were also updated to show trading account information. <ORDER> records now have AccountID and AccountName attributes, and <TRADE> records have AggressorAccount, AggressorAccountID, InitiatorAccount, and InitiatorAccountID attributes. 104 The StopPrice attribute was added to the <ORDER> record format. Version Change(s) 8.4.0 The PersistentOrderID attribute of the <ORDER> record format was modified so that it is only returned if the API user has identify permission over the order. This ensures that it is not possible for users to track orders during periods when the user does not have the appropriate permissions. The AggressorVoiceDealConfirmState and InitiatorVoiceDealConfirmState attributes were added to the <TRADE> record format to indicate whether the counter parties have confirmed the deal details (when voice deals that require confirmation are added to the system). The OrderID attribute was added to the <TRADE> record format. 8.3.6 The UnderRightFirstRefusal attribute was added to the <ORDER> record format to indicate whether an order is subject to the right of first refusal feature. 8.3.4 The Duration attribute was added to the <ORDER> element. 8.3.0 The <INSTTRADESUMMARIES> and <INSTORDERSUMMARIES> elements were added. You can use these elements to retrieve summary information about orders and trades. The (unused) <INSTRUMENTSUMMARY> element was removed. The <ENGINEID> element was removed from the <TRADES> element. As a result, <TRADE> information returned from queries and subscriptions no longer contains the EngineID attribute. The OrderType attribute of the <ORDER> element was changed to take the following additional values: GoodForDay GoodTillDate GoodTillCancelled (this replaces GoodUntilCancelled). The ExpiryTime attribute was added to the <ORDER> element. The InitiatorOwnedSpread and AggressorOwnedSpread attributes were added to the <TRADE> record format. 105 Glossary The following table provides definitions of the terms used in this document. Term Definition Aggressor Someone who hits a bid or lifts an offer in GlobalVision. All or None An order that is All or None can only be dealt if it is dealt in full. All or None orders in GlobalVision are displayed with an asterisk next to the price value. Ask The ask price is the sell price. The best ask price is the single lowest price. For example, if you want to buy 10 barrels of oil and there is one potential seller who is asking £5 per barrel and another who is asking £8 per barrel, your preference will be to buy from the seller who is offering the lowest price as this as this is the price that benefits you the most. On the trading screen, the best ask price is displayed as the lowest price. Auto-Matching In some markets it is appropriate for a deal to take place automatically when there is a matching bid and ask for the same instrument and sequence. This process is referred to as auto-matching. Bid The bid price is the buy price. The best bid price is the single highest price. For example, if you want to sell 10 barrels of oil and there is one potential buyer who is willing to pay £5 per barrel and another who is willing to pay £8 per barrel, your preference will be to sell to the buyer who is willing to offer the highest amount as you would stand to make a higher gain from the second buyer. On the trading screen, the best bid price is displayed as the highest price. COM Component Object Model. An object-oriented programming model that defines how objects interact within an application or between applications. Counter party One of the participants involved in a trade. Domain Name The internet name for a network or computer system. The name consists of a sequence of characters separated by dots, for example server.company.com. EPS The External Position System (EPS), checks a user's position limits every time an order or deal is submitted in GlobalVision. The EPS uses the Risk API in conjunction with GlobalVision to inform IPTS whether or not to allow the action to take place, and IPTS processes the deal or order accordingly. Fill And Kill A type of order that is used in some markets. A Fill and Kill order is submitted to the market on the basis that as much as possible of the order should be filled, and the remainder should be cancelled if it cannot be fulfilled in its entirety almost immediately. Fill Or Kill A type of order that is used in some markets. A Fill Or Kill order is submitted to the market on the basis that it should be cancelled if it cannot be fulfilled in its entirety almost immediately. 106 Term Definition Front-End Traders who want to carry out deals with GlobalVision use a program called the GlobalVision Front-End. The Front-End displays a Work Sheet into which orders can be entered, and deals can be done. Hidden Quantity An order with hidden quantity (also referred to as an iceberg order) is used to divide a large order into smaller portions. Only the first portion (the tip of the iceberg) is displayed on screen. When the first portion is dealt, GlobalVision automatically submits the next part of the order (the hidden quantity) until the full volume is traded. GlobalVision can optionally change the price by a specified amount every time a portion is dealt (referred to as the delta). Initiator A person who submits an order to the market. IP Address An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a special number used to uniquely identify all the computers on a network, such as the internet. It takes the form of four numbers separated by dots, for example ISO 8601 An international standard for the representation of dates and times. Keep-Alive Messages Messages sent between a server and a client to indicate that the connection is still active. For example, the GlobalVision Front-End and the GlobalVision server send keepalive messages to each other at regular intervals. If either one stops receiving the messages, it automatically drops the connection. Market Order An order to buy or sell a commodity as soon as possible at the current market price. Period The period by which a payment is to be made or received. Periods are usually displayed on the left hand side of a Work Sheet. Periods are associated with sequence items in GlobalVision. Price-Setting Trades Price-Setting trades are only used in certain markets. A trade is considered to be price setting if it is on-market and above a certain minimum size threshold. Proxy Server A server that acts as an intermediary between a user's computer and a network, (such as the Internet). When the user requests some information from the network, such as a web page, the request is routed through the proxy server rather than being sent directly. The proxy server retrieves the information on behalf of the user, and returns it to the user's computer. Proxy servers are often used in corporate networks, where they form an additional layer of security between the end user and the Internet. Server A computer that is designed to be accessed by many other computers to provide access to shared files and data. For example, when you visit a web page on the Internet, your computer sends a request to the server hosting that website. The server responds to the request by returning the page to your computer where it is displayed in your web browser. The GlobalVision server is one of the central components of GlobalVision. The server is a central resource that provides price and market information to the traders, and also allows deals to take place. 107 Term Definition Spread Either: the difference between the bid and the offer, or the profit margin, or the simultaneous purchase and sale of two instruments in a single on-screen transaction. For example, NBP March 2014 x April 2014 would buy NBP March 2014 and sell NBP April 2014 at the same time. This strategy tries to transform outright price risk into a basis or relationship risk position. Stop Order An order to buy or sell a commodity/stock when its market value reaches a certain price (known as the stop price). When the stop price is reached, a stop order becomes a market order. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Uniform Resource Locator. The address of a specific web site or file on the internet. A URL cannot have spaces or certain other characters and uses forward slashes to denote different directories Volume Dealing 108 In GlobalVision, the term Volume Dealing refers to any deal where the volume requested for a deal is created by the system by combining the available volume in a number of individual orders. GlobalVision automatically calculates the best way to create the required volume based on the orders currently available in the market.