2010 Summer Conduit - Virginia Water Environment Association


2010 Summer Conduit - Virginia Water Environment Association
Summer 2010
Our vision: The Virginia Water Environment Association (VWEA) will preserve and enhance
Virginia’s water environment, now and for future generations.
Hampton City JAM The City on the Move!
ampton – the city on the move; like Hampton, this
year’s JAM committee keeps on moving, too! We are
busy finalizing details on the 2010 Joint Annual Meeting
(JAM) to be held Sunday September 19th through
Thursday September 23rd at the Hampton Roads
Convention Center (HRCC) in the heart of Hampton.
Whether you come for pleasure or business Hampton
Roads has it all: from 29 miles of Atlantic Ocean beaches,
to historic early American culture; from visual and
performing arts to world class museums celebrating
soaring achievements in air and space, maritime
leadership, and the marine environment from the many
rivers, inlets and streams. A few blocks west of the
HRCC you will discover many hip, new restaurants and
We have received a record number of papers for JAM,
covering everything from small town distribution system
upgrades to cutting edge research on new laboratory
techniques to detect biological contaminants. The
technical review team headed by Scott Dewhirst and
Kraig Schenkelberg has accomplished great things once
again. There were many excellent papers submitted and
the sessions will be organized by topic. The topics
covered include an array of timely and pressing issues to
our industry and include biosolids treatment, nutrient
removal, storm water, planning, design and construction,
sustainability and water reuse. These are just a few of the
topics covered - we have scheduled technical sessions
over three days of JAM – where wastewater operators
can pick up some much needed CPE credits. There will
surely be more than one paper you won’t want to miss!
Shawn Heselton is leading up the effort to ensure all
Audio/Visual and IT needs are met for the conference.
The use of barcode readers to streamline CPE, CEU
credits will be a first for JAM and should simplify record
keeping for attendees. In addition, laptops will be present
in each technical session so the transition between
speakers will be smooth and easy.
The Annual Meeting is a chance for us to keep informed
about new technologies and research, and to network
with other professionals in our field. It is also a chance
for us to have a little fun – and the Local Arrangements
Co-Chairs Stacie Metzler and Kim Clements and the rest
of the folks who serve on their committee have put
together several exciting events during this year’s JAM.
continued on page 4
President’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
VWEA Official Notice of Nominations . . . . . . . . . . .4
2010 JAM Opening Session Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Water For People 5K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Young Professionals Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Young Professionals – Progressing Forward . . . . . .10
YP Community Service Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Winners of Sonny Roden Memorial Scholarships . .11
WaterJAM 2010 Guest Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
VWEA Committee Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Special Pull Out Section:
VA AWWA/VWEA Joint Annual Meeting
(WaterJAM) Registration & Conference Planner
Accident Prevention and Safety Committee . . . . . . .15
Continuing Education and Development
Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Race to Finish Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay
Clean-Up Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Alternative Delivery Seminar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Candidates Sought for 2011 Lab Analyst
Excellence Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Global Water Organizations Launch New Journal . . .25
Central Virginia Regional Activities Committee . . .26
World Water Monitoring Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Rockholt Named Leesburg Plant Manager . . . . . . . .26
VWEA 2010 Corporate Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
V I R G I N I A WAT E R E N V I R O N M E N T A S S O C I AT I O N , I N C .
The Conduit
Summer 2010
Our vision: The Virginia Water Environment Association (VWEA) will preserve and enhance
Virginia’s water environment, now and for future generations.
Proctors Creek WW Treatment
804-751-4406 • Fax 804-318-8493
757-873-8850 • Fax 757-596-2694
Vice President
804-646-0033 • Fax 804-646-0081
Hopewell Regional WW Treatment
804-541-2214 x208 • Fax 804-541-2441
City of Richmond
804-646-8311 • Fax 804-646-8311
WEF Delegate
757-222-1517 • Fax 757-222-1515
WEF Delegate
804-965-0086 • Fax 804- 270-7863
PWO Representative
Chesterfield County
804-768-7557 • Fax 804-748-4692
Young Professional Representative
703-376-5237 • Fax 703-376-5767
Past President
Alexandria Sanitation Authority
703-549-3381 • Fax 703-549-0763
Administrative Coordinator
540-678-1557 • Fax 540-678-9007
The Conduit Communication Committee
KEVIN WOOD, Vice Chair
Mail correspondence to:
Hazen and Sawyer
11242 Waples Mill Road, Suite 250
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 218-2034 • Fax: (703) 218-2040
Email: soton@hazenandsawyer.com
President’s Corner
t is hard to believe that over half of 2010 is already
behind us and before we know it the fun-filled and
stimulating JAM 2010 will be around the corner. A
whirlwind of activities and positive energy radiating from
all the committees has resulted in a lot of great learning
and networking opportunities to its membership. We
already had three very successful and well attended
seminars and workshops in 2010 – Industrial Waste
Pretreatment Seminar, Education Seminar and Good
Laboratory Practice. I am looking forward to the next big
gathering at JAM where I hope to see all of you.
“Sustainability” is the buzz word used in various contexts. For folks in the water and
wastewater field, we not only proactively have to focus on our infrastructure and
resources, but also on the work force. With 30 percent of the workforce potentially
retiring in the next ten years, we have to actively market water and wastewater careers
to the younger generations. VWEA along with VA AWWA are both passionate and
enthusiastic about vigorously promoting this effort. A joint ad-hoc committee under
the leadership of Bob Canova has been formed to determine how to structure a
sustainable effort to highlight careers in the water and wastewater fields. This
initiative presents a unique opportunity where we could use the age diversity within
our organizations to stage a multiple front approach. With the help of our retired
members we could approach the Guidance Counselors in various schools and colleges,
while our Young Professional and Student members could engage in working on the
front lines with the students and other workforce candidates.
The Board of Directors has also been busy revising VWEA’s Organizational Manual
which is posted on the website. Please check out our recently approved policies on
“Continuing Education Certification” for Professional Engineers and “Continuing
Professional Education Certification” for Operators before the next event. The Board
has also approved the services of “GoToWebinar” by Citrix online, so that committee
members have the ability to conduct inexpensive seminars and provide valuable
educational opportunities to its membership.
In closing, I would like extend my warmest welcome and congratulations to all our
new members for becoming a valuable part of VWEA family and many thanks to
Farah Foster Chase for working so diligently with the membership committee. Also, I
would like to extend my sincerest thanks to all the volunteers who have contributed to
VWEA’s success. I hope to see you at JAM 2010 in Hampton. For more information
on this event, please check out our website www.vwea.org.
Abha Sharma
VWEA President
The Conduit is published by the Virginia Water Environment Association, Inc. (VWEA) as a service to its members.
The VWEA expressly disclaims any responsibility arising from the selection of topics on presentation of information, materials
or opinions contained within The Conduit. Each reader of The Conduit shall be solely responsible for determining the adequacy,
accuracy and reliability of any information, materials and opinions presented.The information, materials and opinions presented
in The Conduit represent the knowledge and views on selected topics by the particular individuals and do not necessarily reflect
the position of the VWEA.
The Conduit
VWEA Official Notice
of Nominations
The following candidates are recommended and
placed into nomination by the Association and
Nominating Committee for election at the Virginia
Water Environment Association’s Annual Meeting
(as a part of the JAM 2010) from September 19-23,
2010, in Hampton, Virginia. Nominations may be
made from the floor during the Business Meeting in
accordance with the Bylaws of the Association. The
election of officers will occur during the VWEA
Business and Awards Luncheon on Tuesday,
September 21 from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
in HRCC Ballroom A
President Elect: Grace LeRose
Vice President: Clarke Wallcraft
Treasurer: Steve Johnson
WEF Delegate: Jim Chastain
Young Professional Representative:
Marty Malone
PWO Representative: Scott Shirley
Hampton City Jam, continued
On Monday, the ever-popular golf tournament and clay
shoot will be held. Mark Swilley has arranged the golf
outing at the beautiful Riverfront Golf Club, voted 4 1/2
stars by Golf Digest, situated on the banks of the
Nansemond River. I am told that the course is a “must
play” in the Hampton Roads area. If you go for the golf –
enjoy! If you go for the fun – there will be food, fun and
prizes. Once again, Greg Everhart has coordinated the
clay shoot. The location will be at the Old Forge Sporting
Clays in Providence Forge, Virginia. Any one who has
been to any of the Clay Shoots can attest to how much
fun they are. It truly is a test of coordination and skill.
The Meet & Greet held on Monday night promises to be a
fun time. Eddie Abisaab, Jim Ewing and Lora Reed,
members of the LAC, have planned a great night for
networking and having fun complete with music and
entertainment provided by Lewis McEghee and members
of Blackbeard’s Crew, good food and spirits. This will
truly be an event not to miss.
Wake up early, dust off your shoes, and get pumped up
for the 5-K Run and Walk on Tuesday morning,
September 21, from 6:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Kammie Cox,
and other representatives of the Water for People
committee is hosting this worthy event in Hampton.
To help kick off JAM 2010, Jeff Haas and Karen Levy
have scheduled two interesting speakers for the Opening
Session. The keynote speaker is Doug Domenech, the
Secretary of Natural Resources for the Commonwealth
of Virginia; and the featured speaker is Laura Seltzer,
Producer, Director and Photographer for Seltzer Film &
Brent Waters is coordinating the Water Reach Silent
Auction and Reception which will be held on Tuesday,
September 21 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The silent
auction begins at 2:00 p.m. with final bids at 6:00 p.m. for
artwork from some of Virginia’s finest landscape painters
and artists and items donated by Virginia businesses.
Please join us for hors d’oeuvres and drinks to support
this wonderful event.
Tuesday evening, September 21 is also a Free Night
where no activities have been planned enabling attendees
and vendors to gather together to socialize and dine.
Brochures and informational literature of current
attractions and fine restaurants will be available to help
you decide on your evening.
Casino Night has been expanded to include additional pub
games, and will be open for play before and after the
Awards Banquet on Wednesday evening. The LAC has
rustled up some great prizes. So sharpen up your Black
continued on next page
The Conduit
Jack, No Limit Poker, and pool skills and meet me at the
gaming tables!
Michael Morris and Todd Boykin are handling the very
important job of coordinating the exhibitor portion of the
JAM. We are planning some lively events for the exhibit
area this year – the Rapid Tappin’, Ops Challenge,
Scavenger Hunt and a Raffle drawing. We are grateful to
the Exhibitors for their participation and want to
encourage attendees to visit the exhibit area often.
Lauren Zuravnsky and Erin Doss are providing our young
professionals with numerous networking and education
opportunities. The topic of this year’s workshop is the
Young Professionals – Progressing Forward.
A worthwhile Rain or Shine community service event is
scheduled for Sunday, September 19, at Newmarket Creek
near the Mary Peake Center in Hampton. The event will
be in partnership with the Hampton Clean City
Commission and a local youth group. A happy hour will
follow the event and all JAM attendees are encouraged to
The Young Professionals will again be hosting the JAM
Wii Challenge on Tuesday and Wednesday in the exhibit
hall. Come by and test your skills with this fun light
hearted competition.
Jessica Hou is focusing on our student competition for
engineering and science majors from Virginia universities
in which student teams will address a real world water
quality issue and have a specified time to develop a
proposed solution. In addition, the Joint VWEA and VA
AWWA Student Activities Committee will be judging all
papers presented by students of Virginia’s universities
with awards going to the best water-themed and
wastewater-themed presentations.
To bring all this information together, Kim Hughes and
Kelli Stamm have worked hard to make sure all the
information is included in the Registration and
Conference Planner brochure, which will enable attendees
to track the sessions, events, and programs they want to
attend throughout the week. Also look for the most up-todate information on both the VA AWWA and VWEA
This year’s JAM will be filled with technical information,
product innovations, networking opportunities and
fabulous entertainment. Hampton, Virginia is celebrating
their 400th year – the birthplace of Colonial America,
where centuries of American history blend in with the
most modern technology, the richest culture, the liveliest
night life, and a breathtaking landscape surrounded by
water. You won’t want to miss it!
2010 JAM Opening
Session Speakers
he Opening Session for JAM is Tuesday morning,
September 21, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at
the Hampton Roads Convention Center. Below is a brief
introduction to our Keynote Speaker, Doug Domenech,
and Laura Seltzer this year’s Featured Speaker.
Keynote Speaker: Doug Domenech
is the Secretary of Natural
Resources for the Commonwealth
of Virginia under Governor Bob
McDonnell where he manages five
state agencies (DEQ, DCR, DHR,
DGIF, and VMRC). Secretary
Domenech has over 20 years of
experience in government affairs and natural resource
management. He served in President George W. Bush’s
administration as Deputy Chief of Staff at the US
Department of Interior and as White House Liaison. In
between his time with the US Government and the
Commonwealth of Virginia, he was a Senior Vice
President with Artemis Strategies, a government relations
organization, and was a principal with Chrysalis Energy
Partners, a green energy consulting firm focused on
renewable energy issues. Secretary Domenech graduated
from Virginia Tech with a BS in Forestry and Wildlife
Featured Speaker: Laura
Seltzer: Producer, Director
and Photographer for
Seltzer Film & Video, a full
service production
company producing social
action videos that inspire
change. Ms. Seltzer’s latest production is entitled, “The
Last Boat Out,” which was released on PBS in April and
is a documentary about a family of watermen who are
tirelessly trying to preserve their way of life on the
Chesapeake Bay in the face of relentless development and
diminishing harvests. Ms. Seltzer hopes that her film will
create awareness of the environmental and social
challenges of the Chesapeake Bay.
The Conduit
Water For People 5K
on’t miss out on the Water for People 5K fundraising event this year! Whether you are a walker,
runner, or anything in between join your fellow Jammers and register for the 5K event. You can just
participate, or your company get their logo placed on the 5K T-shirts each participant receives. T-shirts,
drinks, and snacks will be provided.
The Conduit
The Conduit
The Conduit
The Conduit
2010 Young Professionals Workshop
“Young Professionals – Progressing Forward”
he VWEA and VA AWWA Young Professionals
and Student Activities Committees have come
together to organize the Young Professionals (YP)
Workshop at the 2010 Virginia WaterJAM Conference.
This year the theme is focused on young professionals
and finding answers to some of the questions YPs
typically have when working in the water and
wastewater industry.
It is very important to get involved and give back to
the community. There are an overwhelming number of
opportunities with state, national, and international
level organizations. Charles Bott, HRSD will provide
information on some opportunities and share his
experiences. Engineers Without Borders and Water for
People representatives will help YPs learn about the
volunteering opportunities with their organizations.
If you are interested in knowing how the wheels spin
in the water and wastewater industry or want to know
how a project progresses from conception to proposal
stage within a utility you should plan to attend the
workshop. During the workshop Scott Dewhirst, City
of Newport News will provide an insight into City of
Newport News project development.
So plan on attending the YP Workshop on Wednesday,
September 22nd from 1:30pm to 5:00pm. Supervisors
please consider involving your YPs in this fantastic
learning opportunity. Participants must register for the
VA WaterJAM conference for at least one day to
attend. Other YP events have been organized to cater
to YP interests and development.
For every young engineer, getting a PE license is the
important goal. But is that all? Join John McGettigan,
AECOM to learn about what other accreditations
options are available to get you rolling to your next
See the flyer for additional details, or contact Sonali
Ambre at ambresa@cdm.com.
The Conduit
Thanks to YP Event Sponsors:
YP Community Service Event
Newmarket Creek – Clean and Teach
Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010
Time:1:30 PM
VWEA YP Committee
VA AWWA YP Committee
VWEA and VA AWWA Student Activities
YP Community Service Event
Clean-up Bay in Hampton
(Newmarket Creek near the Mary Peake Center)
Sunday, September 19
In an effort to give back to the community hosting
JAM this year, the YPs are organizing a clean-up
event in the City of Hampton. Participants will not
only help to beautify the City of Hampton by cleaning the banks of a local river but will also join with
local youth to help them understand the effects of litter in the waterways. The event will be in partnership
with the Hampton Clean City Commission and a local
youth group. A happy hour will follow the event and
all JAM attendees are encouraged to participate.
Calling All Your Professionals
Mark Your Calendars!
Young Professionals (YP) Workshop to be held in
conjunction with the 2010 WaterJAM Conference
Topic: “Young Professionals – Progressing Forward”
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Time: 1:30 pm to 5 pm
Location: Virginia WaterJAM Conference,
Hampton, Virginia
Participants must register for either full JAM
Conference or one day registration for Wednesday,
September, 2010. Registration forms will be available
at www.vwea.org and www.vaawwa.org.
For more information contact Sonali Ambre at
ambresa@cdm.com or 703-485-8500.
YP Workshop Topics:
Project Life Cycle How a Project Becomes a Project
Speaker: Scott Dewhirst, Newport News Waterworks
Accreditation Options What They Can Do For Your Career
Speaker: John McGettigan, AECOM
Giving Back to the Community Volunteer Opportunities
Speaker: Charles Bott, HRSD (with Engineers Without
Borders and Water for People)
Location: Hampton, VA – Mary Peake Center –
Park in front lot
he YP “Rain or Shine” Community Service Event will
be held on Sunday, September 19 at 1:30pm.
Participants will teach local youth about the
water/wastewater industry, water quality, and water
treatment while helping to beautify the area around
Mary Peake Center and Newmarket Creek. The group
will also participate in World Water Monitoring Day.
The event will be in partnership with the Hampton Clean
City Commission as well as Hampton Roads Sanitation
District. An informal happy hour at Marker 20 Restaurant
in downtown Hampton will be held around 5pm following
the service event. Attendance is highly encouraged. For
more information or to volunteer
please contact Erin Doss at EDoss@brwncald.com or
(757) 518-2412.
Winners of Sonny Roden
Memorial Scholarships
by Nitin Kumar
he VWEA Sonny Roden Memorial Scholarship was
expanded this year to award to more than just one
student. Applications were received from Old Dominion
University and Virginia Tech. The Scholarship Review
Panel members were pleased and impressed with the
submissions; it was clear that the students worked hard
on their applications and there is no doubt they will be
valuable contributors to our industry upon completion of
their studies. Mr. Pusker Regmi from Old Dominion
University has been selected as the 2010 first place award
winner and receives a check for $1,500. In addition, Mr.
Renzun Zhao from Virginia Tech is the 2010 second place
winner with a check for $750. Congratulations to both
deserving recipients! The Student Activities Committee
will present the scholarships at the VWEA/ VA AWWA
Water JAM in Hampton, Virginia on September 22, 2010.
Scholarship judges included:
Rachael Lumpkin, Chesterfield County
Nitin Kumar, CH2M-Hill
Jeff Sparks, Malcolm Pirnie
Steve Turner, Gannett Fleming
Jessica Hou, Gannett Fleming
The Conduit
The Conduit
WaterJAM 2010 Guest Program
Day at the Spa Salters Creek Retreat on Tuesday,
September 21st (11:30 am until completed)
Tour of Hampton, Wednesday, September 22nd
(1:30 pm until 4:30 pm)
This year, the guest program kicks off on Tuesday and will be
a solid day of relaxation at a day spa. We will start the
experience off with wine, cheese, fruits and tea sandwiches in
a quiet, peaceful environment that will take all your stress,
worries and concerns away. Then you will move to the
massage room, to loosen up all those tight muscles.
After your massage, you will be able to choose between
either a facial or a manicure to put the wraps on this
beautiful, peaceful day.
At this point, you will be totally relaxed and ready to get a
good night’s sleep on Tuesday night so that you will be
refreshed for a day of touring the Hampton History Museum
and St. John’s Church on Wednesday.
Come join us as we relax and unwind on Tuesday and
Wednesday. In order for this wonderful program to take
place, we must have at least 10 guests.
Previous guest programs have seen low participation, but this
year’s planning committee is not going to let that be a
deterrent. If you plan on attending the 2010 JAM, and your
guest is interested in attending either of these wonderful
programs, make sure to check the guest program box when
you register for the conference.
Registration fee: Spa: $125.00/person (includes
transportation and lunch)
Hampton Tour: $10/person (includes transportation and
admission to Hampton History Museum and St. John’s
If you have any questions regarding the Guest Program,
contact Kim Clements at clementsk@chesterfield.gov.
The Conduit
VWEA Committee Chairs
Eric Whitehurst, Chair
City of Richmond
Accident Prevention & Safety
Jim Cherry, Chair
City of Virginia Beach
757- 385-1439
Karen Pallansch, Chair
Bioenergy Sub Committee
Lori Stone, Chair
Black & Veatch
Central Virginia Regional Activities
Lauren Zuranvnsky, Chair
Greeley & Hansen
Collections & Stormwater
Stephen Crowe, Chair
Malcolm Pirnie
Sonia Oton, Chair
Hazen & Sawyer
NEW – Continuing Education &
John McGettigan, Chair
The Conduit
Eastern Virginia Regional Activities
Mark Swilley, Chair
York County
Pete Baskette, Chair
Black & Veatch
757-456-5380 x11
Karen Pallansch, Chair
Industrial Waste & Pretreatment
Linda Respess, Chair
Hopewell RWTF
804-541-2214 x246
Lab Practices
Wendy Harding, Chair
County of Chesterfield
Manuf & Reps
Steve Johnson, Chair
Alfa Laval
Farah Foster Chase, Chair
O'Brien & Gere
Karen Pallansch, Chair
Northern Virginia Regional Activities
Thom Lipinski, Chair
Loudoun Water
Andy Nelson, Chair
757- 833-1770
Ops Challenge
Barbara Jackson, Chair
City of Richmond
Public & Government
Bob Canova, Chair
Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Nina Andgren
Strategic Planning
Kathi Mestayer, Chair
KMA Consulting
Student Activities
Nitin Kumar, Chair
NEW – Sustainable Utilities
Nina Andgren, Chair
Utility Management
Robert Forgione, Chair
Clarence Warnstaff, Chair
Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.
Water Reach
Brent Waters, Chair
Water for People
Chip England, Chair
County of Henrico
Water Reuse
Leita Bennett, Chair
Young Professionals
Marty Malone, Chair
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The Conduit
Accident Prevention and Safety Committee
he Accident Prevention and Safety Committee
conducted a seminar on July 22nd. Those in
attendance represented the following Utilities in Virginia:
American Water-MSG; Augusta County Service
Authority; Blacksburg, Christiansburg, VPI Water
Authority; Charlottesville Public Utilities; Hopewell
HRWTF; City of Richmond; Clifton Forge Public Works;
Hollister Inc.; South Central Wastewater Authority
(Petersburg); Spotsylvania County; Town of Monterey;
and Western Virginia Water Authority.
The Committee would like to thank the speakers for their
time and for sharing the knowledge. Theresa Brookman/
DOLI, who presented “VOSH On-Site Inspections,”
enjoyed giving her presentation and addressing the
numerous questions from the audience. Thanks to Jeff
Pratt, Jodie Harp, Richard Hanshew and Brian Miller for
engaging the audience.
Thanks to all those helpers behind the scene: Ed Fox,
Rebecca Johnson, Brian Miller, Neil Norris, Tom Tourje,
Ronnie Baker, and Cathy LaRue. Thanks to our host
Augusta County Service Authority and Sallie Trimble.
Tom Tourje and I are so excited about next year’s seminar
that we are already discussing how we will get the Fire
Department involved in confined space training on July
21, 2011. Don’t miss out!
by Jim Cherry
VWEA & VA AWWA Accident Prevention
and Safety Committee
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The Conduit
Introducing – Your New Continuing Education and
Development Committee
he Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational
Regulation (DPOR) is now requiring Continuing
Professional Education (CPE) credits for all wastewater works
licenses for the license period beginning March 1, 2010 and
each license period thereafter. Additionally, Virginia licensed
Professional Engineers whose licenses expire or who apply for
reinstatement after March 31, 2010 will be required by DPOR
to comply with new continuing education provisions.
VWEA has responded to the new continuing education
requirements for the Professional Engineers and Wastewater
Works Operators by forming the new Continuing Education
and Development (CED) Committee. The objective of the
CED committee is to review abstracts and content associated
with VWEA seminars, conferences and other VWEAsponsored technical programs to determine opportunities for
offering educational credits. Any VWEA committee planning
to host a technical program and interested in offering
continuing education credits, should contact the CED
committee at least 60 days ahead of the planned event. The
CED Committee will review the program content and/or
abstracts against the available guidance documents and offer
an opinion on whether continuing education credits can be
offered. The CED Committee will then help the hosting
committee develop the appropriate forms to be used during
the event, as well as assist in the necessary steps to document
attendance for the attendees and VWEA records.
Current committee members are John McGettigan (Chair)
of AECOM, Eric Whitehurst (Vice-Chair) of the City of
Richmond DPU, and Chris Tabor of CDM. The CED
Committee is looking for new members, especially licensed
wastewater operators, to join the committee. This is a great
opportunity to get actively involved with VWEA and get a
preview of all the technical programs in the works. Plus, the
time commitment is usually less than one hour a month.
Interested individuals should contact John McGettigan
Race to Finish Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Clean-Up Plan
ith the USEPA maintaining its deadline to issue the
Chesapeake Bay nutrient and sediment TMDL by
December 31, 2010, Virginia’s regulatory agencies and
stakeholders are working hard to complete drafts of the
Commonwealth’s clean-up plan, also called the watershed
implementation plan (WIP). Virginia has formed a
stakeholder advisory group to outline how the state will meet
the aggressive goals of 60 percent progress toward the TMDL
by 2017 and 100 percent progress by 2025. During the summer
of 2010, the larger stakeholder advisory group has broken out
into smaller workgroups that are addressing specific sectors
such as agriculture, urban stormwater, wastewater, and septic
Of the major sectors, the wastewater sector has the clearest
implementation path, because Virginia POTWs already have
approximately $2 billion in construction either completed or
planned to comply with Virginia’s stringent point source
nutrient regulations. However, funding these projects to
completion will be challenging due to the recession-driven
shortfall in Virginia’s Water Quality Improvement Fund.
The wasteload allocations for major point sources already
account for a certain amount of growth, because they are
based on 2010 design capacities. However, the loads of
additional growth would have to be offset by other point or
nonpoint load reductions. Stormwater regulations are
intended to prevent increased loads from new development
associated with growth.
The Phase 1 WIPs are due to USEPA on September 1, 2010
and will be finalized by the end of November. These versions
will outline the broad clean-up plans for major basins such as
the Rappahannock and James River basins. The Phase II
WIPs, to completed by late 2011, are expected to provide
more detailed and locality-specific plans. The public
comment period for the Chesapeake Bay TMDL will run
from September 24 to November 8, 2010.
by Clifton Bell
VWEA Government Affairs Committee
Preliminary plans for the agricultural sector include
expansion of BMPs such as conservation tillage, nutrient
management, riparian buffers, and stream fencing. For the
urban stormwater sector, preliminary plans have included
urban nutrient management and the widespread use of high
efficiency stormwater retrofit technologies such as filtration
and infiltration. Due to the high cost of these technologies,
urban stormwater costs could dominate the total projected
implementation costs.
An important element of the WIPs will be an outline of how
the states plan to maintain loading caps in the face of growth.
The Conduit
The Conduit
Speakers at the Utility Management Committee’s Alternative Delivery Seminar had the participants’ full attention!
Alternative Delivery Seminar
he VWEA/VA AWWA Utility Management Committee
hosted a one-day seminar on Alternative Design &
Construction Delivery Options for Water and Wastewater
Projects at the Upper Occoquan Service Authority’s
Millard H. Robbins Water Reclamation Facility.
Presenters included Dave Schwartz of CDM, Dick Dyne
and Wade Vaughn of CH2MHill, who spoke on the various
types of alternative delivery methods from the engineer’s
perspective and laid out the various approaches with
advantages and disadvantages of each. Chuck Weber of
Prince William County Service Authority and Bruce
Husselbee of Hampton Roads Sanitation District discussed
alternative delivery from the owner’s perspective
describing the internal owner cultural changes that help to
make a project successful. Bryan Bedell of Pizzagalli
Construction and Bill Calhoun from Clark Construction
who spoke about alternative delivery from the Contractor’s
perspective, provided discussions of alternative delivery
methods and how the contractor deals with these projects
to make them successful.
The speakers all took a moment between presentations to
answer questions from the audience in an open forum.
Bill Calhoun of Clark Construction tells a full house about
Construction Management at Risk.
Sixty seven people attended the seminar, many from
northern Virginia, but others came from the Tidewater area
and a few from Charlottesville. The presentations were
informative and the audience was very engaged in the
topics and asked a lot of questions. The seminar included
lunch sponsored by Camp Dresser & McKee Inc.
Attendees received 5 CECs for the program. The
committee thanks the speakers for preparing such a great
program and the attendees for showing their interest. If
you are interested in learning more about the Utility
Management Committee, please contact Bob Forgione.
by Leita Bennett
Joint Utility Management Committee
The Conduit
The Conduit
The Conduit
The Conduit
VA AWWA / VWEA Lab Practices Committee Seeks
Candidates for 2011 Lab Analyst Excellence Award
One of the best ways to acknowledge an exceptional performer is by nominating them for an award.
For lab folks, VA AWWA / VWEA offers the Lab Analyst Excellence Award. Eligibility and criteria
requirements for the award are listed in the table below
VA AWWA / VWEA Lab Analyst Excellence Award
MEMBERSHIP – The candidate does not have to be a member of the Water Environment
Federation at the time of nomination. The association will award a membership to the winner, if
the awardee is not a current member.
EMPLOYMENT – The candidate must be employed at an industrial, commercial, or municipal
laboratory facility that conducts water and wastewater analyses.
RESPONSIBILITIES – The candidate must have direct responsibilities for analytical bench
testing and/or field- testing of water or wastewater samples.
RECOGNITION – Only those who have not been recognized by this award before are eligible.
INITIATIVE – The nominee must have shown initiative in pursuing innovative bench or field
technique improvements.
The nominee must have performed duties consistently as outlined by laboratory or field
sampling/analytical methods.
The nominee’s performance must demonstrate a commitment to high quality control
The nominee must be conscientious about laboratory or field safety requirements.
ABILITY – The nominee’s abilities must include problem solving.
PERSPECTIVE – The nominee’s perspective should be dutiful and conscientious.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT – The nominee’s actions should demonstrate a commitment to
professional development; e.g. by maintaining active membership in professional associations
and/or through continuing education.
The deadline for nomination packages is February 18, 2011. It’s never too early to nominate.
So don’t let this recognition opportunity pass you by.
For more information and nomination forms, please contact:
Lea Brooks
Chesterfield County, Proctors Creek WWTP
1200 Coxendale Road, Chester, Va., 23836.
Phone: 804-768-7351
Fax: (804) 748-4692
Email: brooksdl@chesterfield.gov
The Conduit
Summer 2010
Communications Committee
Sonia Oton, Chair
Kevin Wood, Vice Chair
Mail correspondence to:
Sonia Oton
Hazen and Sawyer
11242 Waples Mill Road, Suite 250
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 218-2034 FAX (703) 218-2040
email: soton@hazenandsawyer.com
The Conduit is published by the Virginia Water Environment Association, Inc.
(VWEA) as a service to its members. The VWEA expressly disclaims any
responsibility arising from the selection of topics on presentation of information,
materials or opinions contained within The Conduit. Each reader of The
Conduit shall be solely responsible for determining the adequacy, accuracy
and reliability of any information, materials and opinions presented. The
information, materials and opinions presented in The Conduit represent the
knowledge and views on selected topics by the particular individuals and do
not necessarily reflect the position of the VWEA.
The Conduit
Leading Global Water Organizations Launch New Journal
Publication will highlight water reuse and desalination issues
he Water Environment Federation (WEF), WateReuse
Association (WRA), and the WateReuse Research
Foundation (WRRF) announced the launch of a new trade and
professional journal, World Water: Water Reuse &
Desalination™. The collaborative journal, designed to
address the growing informational, technical and
operational needs of global water reuse and desalination
professionals, will be unveiled at WateReuse’s 25th Annual
Symposium this September in Washington, D.C. The initial
issue will be launched at WEF’s 2010 Annual Meeting,
WEFTEC 2010, in October.
WEF and WateReuse will initially publish the new journal
on a quarterly basis in both print and electronic formats.
Plans call for the expansion to six annual print and
electronic issues by the end of 2011, with translation into
Chinese and Arabic to follow. Also planned is a companion,
peer-reviewed journal that will be aimed towards
academics, engineering students, and the technical reuse
and desalination communities.
“This new journal will allow both the WateReuse
Association and our Research Foundation to communicate
valuable information to our members and subscribers as
well as provide leading edge information on water reuse
and desalination to interested water professionals all over
the globe,” said WateReuse Executive Director Wade Miller.
“We are pleased and excited to be publishing this journal in
partnership with WEF.”
Modeled after WEF’s highly successful international trade
journal, World Water, the editorial content of World Water:
Water Reuse & Desalination will reflect the global outlook,
knowledge, and technical expertise of water supply
solutions unique to the growing area of reuse and
desalination. Editorial content will include potable water
and industry reuse issues; seawater desalination; water
quality issues in reuse and desalination processes; and the
financial, policy, and public acceptance aspects of water
reuse and desalination.
“Increasing pressure on the world’s water resources is
driving the demand for water reuse and desalination, two
sectors experiencing dynamic growth within the global
water community,” said WEF Executive Director Bill
Bertera. “World Water: Water Reuse & Desalination is
designed to address the growing demands for timely
information, insight and technical expertise in these areas.”
For more information please visit the organizations’
Web sites at www.wef.org, www.watereuse.org, or
www.watereuse.org/foundation. For editorial and
advertising information, please contact Nic Christy at
The Conduit
Central Virginia Regional Activities Committee
Early Summer 2010 Update
n May 20th, CVRAC and the Central Region YP Committee cohosted a combination tour and networking event. The Shockoe
Basin Facility tour was guided by Ed Edmondson, City
of Richmond – DPU. Attendees got an inside look at the 35MG storage
basin, located in downtown Richmond, during the final stages of the
recent cleaning project. Afterwards, the group enjoyed a networking
happy hour at Sine Irish Pub. Thank you
to those who attended and helped make this a great event for the Central
The Regional Activities Committee’s objective is to provide opportunities for education, professional development, and networking
through events hosted in the Central Region. CVRAC’s co-chairs
are Lauren Zuravnsky (lzuravnsky@greeley-hansen.com) and Alex
Tellez (TellezN@chesterfield.gov). We are looking for interested
persons in the Central Region to help make 2010 a successful year
for CVRAC. Please contact either Lauren or Alex if you are interested in joining.
World Water Monitoring Day
orld Water Monitoring Day™ (WWMD) is an
international education and outreach program that builds
public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources
around the world by engaging citizens to conduct basic
monitoring of their local water bodies.
An easy-to-use test kit enables everyone from children to
adults to sample local water bodies for a core set of water
quality parameters including temperature, acidity (pH),
clarity (turbidity) and dissolved oxygen (DO). Results are
shared with participating communities around the globe
through the WWMD website.
Picture of Shockoe Retention Basin taken from floor.
Note the operations walkways over head and scale of
the structure as compared to the dump trucks used to
clean the facility.
Monitor from March 22 until December 31!
World Water Monitoring Day is officially celebrated on
September 18 however the monitoring window was extended
for the first time in 2009 from March 22 (World Water Day)
until December 31. Participants are encouraged to celebrate
with WEF and IWA in September or to observe their own
WWMD anytime during the extended window. The deadline
for submitting data to the WWMD database is December 31.
The coordinators of WWMD, the Water Environment
Federation (WEF) and the International Water Association
(IWA) plan to expand participation to one million people in
100 countries by 2012.
Rockholt Named Leesburg’s Water Pollution Control
Facility Plant Manager
d Rockholt, a 29-year employee of the
Town’s Utilities Department, has been
promoted to Plant Manager of the Leesburg
Water Pollution Control Facility.
“The Town is very fortunate to have someone with Ed’s level
of experience, both with Leesburg and with other jurisdictions, on staff and able to step into this position without
missing a beat,” commented Town Manager John Wells.
Ed began with the Town of Leesburg in
January 1981 as an Operator at the Water
Pollution Control Facility. In 1982, he
was promoted to Assistant
Superintendent of the facility. He became the Deputy Plant
Manager in 2005. Ed was selected for the Plant Manager
position through an internal recruitment, following the
retirement of Steve Cawthron.
Prior to joining the Town of Leesburg, Ed worked for the
Town of Herndon as a Waste Water Plant Operator. When the
Herndon plant closed in 1974, Ed was hired by the Town of
Purcellville as Head Operator of the Town’s Waste Water
Plant and 5 pumping stations. While with the Town of
Purcellville, Ed also operated the Town’s water plant and
received his Class I Waste Water and Class III Water
Operator licenses.
The Conduit
The Conduit
Virginia Water Environment Association, Inc.
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Winchester, VA 22601
Non-Profit Org.
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Richmond, VA
Permit No. 1211
Virginia Water Environment Association
AECOM - Water
Johnson Mirmiram & Thompson
AquaLaw PLC
Austin Brockenbrough & Associates, LLP
Black & Veatch
Brown and Caldwell
C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer-Surveryor, Ltd.
Combs & Associates
Draper Aden Associates
Gannett Fleming, Inc.
Greeley and Hansen
Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
HDR Engineering Inc.
Heyward Incorporated
Infilco Degremont
Johnston, Inc
K L Shane, Inc.
KMA Consulting
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
McGuire Woods LLP
Michael Baker Jr., Inc
NSI Solutions, Inc.
Nutri-Blend, Inc.
O'Brien & Gere
Reid Engineering
RK & K
Savin Engineers
Sherwood-Logan & Assoc.
Timmons Group
URS Corporation
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
WW Associates