
A.P. Chen, MD
Director, Developmental Therapeutics Clinic
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis
National Cancer Institute
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CTCAE v 5: Assessing Drug
Induced Hepatic Injury
Alice Chen, M.D.
NCI Core Committee
March 18, 2015
CTCAE History
• The Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) of NCI
developed the original Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC)
in 1983 to aid in the recognition and grading severity
of adverse effects of chemotherapy
• CTCAE v4 was released in May 2009
• All AEs were MedDRA terms
• Categories became SOC
• CTEP stopped supporting all prior versions of CTCAE as of
Sept 2010
• Ongoing lifecycle governance was established
• NCI Core Committee (CC) has monitored the comments since
publication of v4.0 in 2009
– Helpdesk email
– TRI-CTEP’s AE contractor
– Personal communications
• The CC has met as needed to monitor the comments and use
of CTCAE v4
• Reviewed the impact of the comment
Frequency of use
Confusion of grade
Clinical significance
MedDRA terms
• Consulted experts
– Working Group members from v4
– NIH members
– Academic Experts
What has not changed in CTCAE v5
• SOCs and term placement within SOCs
• MedDRA Terms
• 5 grades with no change in the general
guidelines for grade definition
• No deletion of AE terms
• ULN or LLN will remain instead of actual
Changes in CTCAE v5
New AE terms
Clarification of Definitions
Add, clarify or change grading
Editorial Changes
Navigational Notes
Examples of new AEs
• Disease Progression
– Though not AE, this was added to allow tracking
• Bacteremia
• Reactivation of viral infection
Hep B
Epstein-Barr virus
Cytomegalovirus Infection reactivation
• Pregnancy Loss (replaces Fetal death)
• Budd-Chiari Syndrome
• Nephrotic Syndrome
Examples of changed or revised
• Spleen Disorder
– An disorder abnormality of the spleen
• Diarrhea
– A disorder characterized by an increase in
frequency and/or loose or watery bowel
• Peripheral sensory/motor neuropathy
– A disorder characterized by damage or
dysfunction of the peripheral sensory/motor
Examples of added and changed grades
• Grade 4 myositis
• Grade 1 Capillary Leak Syndrome
• Death Neonatal
– Change grade 5 to grade 4 so patient could
continue on study
Examples of grade clarifications
• Allergic reaction added bronchospasm to
grade 3
• Proteinuria add 3+ proteinuria to grade 2 and
4+ proteinuria to grade 3
• Sleep Apnea clarify associated with
“pulmonary” hypertension
• Diarrhea added limiting instrumental ADL to
grade 2
• Seizure added “new onset seizures (partial or
generalized)” to grade 3
Examples of Navigational Notes
• Direct to a more definitive AE term
– Under Enterocolitis directed to consider Colitis if
site of abnormality known
• Direct to a different AE
• Direct to include another AE
– AST, ALT, Bilirubin: Consider also reporting
Hepatic failure if appropriate
• Death NOS, Sudden Death or Disease
– If death is due to a specific AE, report as grade 5
under that AE
CTCAE v4: Hepatic Toxicities
Hepatobiliary Disorder SOC
• Bile Duct Stenosis, Biliary Fistula, Cholecystitis
• Gallbladder (fistula, necrosis, obstruction,
pain, perforation)
• Hepatic (failure, hemorrhage, necrosis, pain)
• Portal (hypertension, vein thrombosis)
• Budd-Chiari syndroe
• Perforation bile duct
CTCAE v4: Hepatic Toxicities
Infections and Infestations SOC
Biliary tract infection
Gallbladder infection
Hepatic infection
Hepatitis viral
Hepatitis B reactivation
CTCAE v4: Hepatic Toxicities
Investigational SOC
Activated PTT, INR increased,
ALT, AST, Alk Phos, GGT increased
Blood bilirubin
Fibrinogen decreased
Haptoglobin decreased
Areas of Discussion
Alkaline proposal to map grade 3&4 to grade 2, change
definition of grade 1 to > Baseline -2.5 xULN, grade 2
increased >2.5xULN
proposal to map grade 3&4 to grade 2, change
definition of grade 1 to > Baseline -2.5 xULN, grade 2
increased >2.5xULN
grade4 in
ALT, AST, The need for grade 4 (life-threatening) AST, ALT given
these should be reported as hepatic failure
• Other AEs we need to add
• Other CTCAE changes that would assist in better
assessment of drug induced liver injury in drug
• Where to find CTCAE
How to contact us?