Small Satellites
Small Satellites
Small Satellites quo vadis? Professor Sir Martin Sweeting OBE FRS FREng Executive Chairman, SSTL Director, Surrey Space Centre AIAA Space 2012, Psadena, California © SSTL Predicting the future… Alan Turing, in a 1950 paper, had predicted that “by the turn of the century, computers would have a billion words of memory”. © SSTL Moore‟s „Law‟ Electronics, Volume 38, Number 8, April 19, 1965 “Cramming more components onto integrated circuits” Intel co-founder Gordon Moore observed that the number of transistors on a chip was increasing exponentially: doubling every two years – or 10 times every 6.5 years © SSTL Moore‟s „Law‟ has held for 40 years CPU transistor counts 1971-2008 © SSTL Not just Mflops but also Mbytes Hard Disk Drive (HDD) capacity (note log scale!) Capacity GBytes 1980 © SSTL 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 and also imaging… Courtesy Kodak © SSTL Revolution in manufacturing process The enormous commercial market for industrial and consumer electronics has driven manufacturing processes for: • high volume, density • low unit cost • high reliability This has resulted in dramatically reduced component failure rates COTS has become the new „Hi-Rel‟ © SSTL The basis of the „smallsat revolution‟ Exploiting Moore‟s Law and the enormous commercial investments in microelectronics, we can now build highly capable, low-cost, rapid-response and reliable operational small satellites – built using the latest „COTS‟ terrestrial technologies… Changing the Economics of Space © SSTL What are „Small Satellites‟ ? = f (Mass + Time + Cost + Utility) Innovative use of the latest technologies © SSTL 30 years of Space @ Surrey SSTL: spin-out from University of Surrey (1985) – now owned by EADS (2009) 508 staff; £100M revenues (2011); £500M exports; 20% y-y growth Small satellites for operational missions (SSTL) and services (DMCii) end-to-end: design, manufacture, integration, test, launch services, orbital operations rapid response (15-18 months), low cost (£10-20M), high capability ©SSTL Surrey Space Centre Surrey Space Centre: ~100 academic researchers specialising in space engineering, small satellite techniques & academic training (MSc, PhD). SSC+SSTL: synergy of academic research and commercial exploitation ©SSTL 39 small satellites in 31 years © SSTL Early microsatellite missions LEO digital store-&-forward communications SIGINT Technology demonstration/verification Space science Earth observation © SSTL Constellations & Swarms „Constellations‟ and „Swarms‟ of small satellites achieve an affordable capability: Rapid revisit – increased temporal resolution Contemporaneous data gathering – data merging Particularly for Earth observation & surveillance ©SSTL International Constellation: DMC Disaster Monitoring Constellation Novel International Collaboration – 6 countries Individual satellite ownership Collaborative operation Data sharing and exchange Daily imaging worldwide (600km swaths) National, disaster and commercial use ©SSTL DMC: Large area imaging ©SSTL DMC in the International Charter International charter space and major disasters Activations nearly every week 200 rapid response images per year from DMC typically same day delivery ©SSTL DMC: Katrina (USA) Nigeria-DMC provided one of first images of Katrina ©SSTL Agriculture - Precision farming ©SSTL Earth Observation business Commercial, Government and Humanitarian Land usage Mineral features 20 ©SSTL High Resolution (4m GSD) Imaging (2005) ©SSTL Data Fusion: simultaneous MS & PAN © SSTL Very High Resolution (2.5m GSD) Imaging (2011) launch: 17 August 2011 on Dnepr from Yasny 2.5m PAN 5m 4-band multispectral 19m 4-band multispectral 320km swath 300kg 7 year life $15M s/c For NASRDA (Nigeria) – significantly enhancing Africa‟s ability to monitor its environment ©SSTL ©SSTL 2.5-metre GSD pan-sharpened m/s ©SSTL ©SSTL Navigation/Timing minisatellites SSTL GIOVE-A: first Galileo satellite to secure frequency allocations for Europe‟s navigation system Built by SSTL in 30 months and €30M, launched on time; 660kg 6+ years operations in MEO – exceeding its 2.5 years planned operational lifetime ©SSTL GALILEO: FOC for EU/ESA OHB + SSTL GALILEO Full Operational Constellation 22 satellites SSTL navigation payloads OHB platforms Delivery for launch in 2013-14 ©SSTL SSTL Small Geostationary platform SSTL „small‟ platform for MEO, GEO, HEO & Interplanetary missions Key parameters: 15 year design life modular & flexible design 1500-2500kg (wet mass) payload 300kg, 4.5kW, ~32 active transponders Flight heritage: ESA GIOVE-A (2006-12) Development with ESA ARTES-4 Ready for flight in 2014 ©SSTL The next generation… New commercial business model for providing leased EO capacity services through DMCii 1-metre resolution EO imaging constellation 3 satellites to be launched in 2014 100% imaging capacity of first 3 satellites already contracted for 7 years for £115M © SSTL Radar remote sensing: NovaSAR NovaSAR Low-Cost (£45M) S-band SAR satellite Maritime surveillance De-forestation, flood monitoring 4 Modes: 6-30m resolution Airborne demonstrator flown 400kg – ready in 2014 SSTL & ASTRIUM UK ©SSTL Constellation to complement DMC So, are we following Moore‟s Law? Early microsatellite EO missions Poor location / timing Poor pointing control Necessitated the use or 2-D arrays, limited swath Later missions improved attitude control & used GPS positioning Early GG Use of pushbroom arrays Wider swath stabilised EO smallsats Progression in Ground Sampling Distance for SSTL missions 10000 3-axis stabilised high performance EO smallsats GSD (m) 1000 100 10 1 07-May- 31-Jan- 28-Oct- 24-Jul- 19-Apr- 14-Jan- 10-Oct90 93 95 98 01 04 06 Year ©SSTL GSD trend Follows Moore‟s Law (or better) 10000 1000 100 GSD 10 1 1990 0.1 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year ©SSTL But it is not just GSD… EO missions also drive data volume Two orders of magnitude improvement per decade – data return – data storage Microsatellite mission data rates (Mbps) and data volumes (kbyte) generally tracking “Moore‟s Law” (or better)… 1000 1000000 100 100000 10 10000 1 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 1000 0.1 100 0.01 10 0.001 1 1990 0.0001 data rates (Mbps) - v- year 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 data volumes (kbytes) -v- year ©SSTL Can it continue…? The laws of physics – resolution requires aperture 10000 1000 100 10 1 1990 0.1 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 ? The size of the optical telescope for higher spatial resolutions with useful MTF, signal-to-noise and swath requires large apertures. The limit for a small satellite (300kg) with conventional optics is probably ~0.5 m GSD ©SSTL … so… for higher spatial resolution …… distributed sparse aperture “Virtual satellite” formed by a network of co-orbiting satellites Deployable small mirrors – flying in formation Distributed /sparse apertures – larger effective apertures Distributed adaptable architecture – different tasks Future replacement for very-high resolution satellites (or Hubble, JWST) at lower cost? ©SSTL Latest Surrey nanosatellite… On-board SmartPhone SSTL & SSC STRaND nanosatellite launch in 2012 ©SSTL Next generation space telescopes SSC R&D programme with CalTech and NASA/JPL to demonstrate autonomous in-orbit robotic assembly and reconfiguration of a multi-mirror space telescope “Mirrorcraft” based on STRaND nanosat with RDV and docking technology ©SSTL Addressing space debris ©SSTL SNAP-1 nanosatellite SMA (km) SMA Derived from On-Board GPS Data Tsinghua-1 SNAP-1 RD V © SSTL 1998 Beyond LEO…… for small satellites…… ©SSTL Future lunar exploration & business Explore the use of small satellite techniques to lower the cost and increase the tempo of exploration Prepare the commercial infrastructure for sustained human presence on the Moon – and later Mars Lunar surface internet & mobile comms positioning / navigation prospecting © SSTL So…. Quo vadis..? Small satellites Cost-effective, affordable solutions to focussed user needs Complementing „super-satellites‟ where performance rather than price is critical Exploiting „consumer‟ COTS technologies Doing more, more often … with less Networking (constellations/swarms) provide spatial or temporal coverage No „one-size-fits-all‟ – nano/pico through to micro/mini depending on mission requirements Self-organising swarms/clouds and in-orbit reconfigurable assembly is the future ©SSTL So…. Quo vadis..? BUT Launch availability & cost is seriously constraining the development and exploitation of smallsats DELTA ARIANE TSYKLON ZENIT SS18/Dnepr COSMOS ATHENA SOYUZ ATLAS ? ©SSTL Conclusions Modern consumer electronics have enabled and revolutionised small satellite capabilities – now performing operational missions A disruptive exploitation of technology that is changing the economics of space ©SSTL ©SSTL
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