OF THE YEAR - FDNY Columbia Association
OF THE YEAR - FDNY Columbia Association
Volume45 46No. No. 22 Volume InINThis THIS Issue ISSUE v v President’s Cigar Night Award Recipient 2014 v v Special Recognition Awardee 2014 v Scholarship A Lesson v in Italian v Scholarship Dinner Dance 1st Annual Ravioli Eating at Contest Russo’s v On The Bay Retiree’s June 19, Corner 2014 v 7pm Please RSVP to Craig Silvino (516) 286-1796 2ndQuarter Quarter2013 2014 2nd 2013 PERSON James Esposito OFChief THE YEAR Of Operations NYS SENATOR DIANE SAVINO 2014 Person Of The Year Chief Jim Esposito is a 40 year member of the Fire Department of the City of New York. He was appointed on January 26, 1974. His first assignment upon graduation from the Bureau of Training was with Engine Company 256 in Brooklyn. Across the street from Brooklyn tech and formerly owned by Spike Lee, his was a classic old- time firehouse where many of the senior men were WW 11 veterans, coal heated the firehouse and units were dispatched by the telegraph (bell) system. However, his time in Engine 256 was short lived as Diane Savino dedicated herproportions entire professional career towardsofimproving the livesNYC of NYC was facing a fiscalhas crisis of enormous that witnessed the slashing services throughout workingthe families. began herEngines career in public a caseworker for New York City’s Child including closingShe of firehouses. 256, alongservice with theasremaining firehouse 2nd sections throughout Welfare Administration, assistance to abused to and neglected children. the city were closed in June,providing 1974. FFdirect Jim Esposito was transferred East New York’s Engine Company 236 An active member of her local labor union, the Social Service Employees Union, Local 371, in Brooklyn under then Fire Commissioner John T. O’Hagan and Mayor Abe Beame. Engine 236 was a rapid DC 37 of AFSCME, she quickly rose through the ranks to become the Vice President for Political water company in 1974 and rodewhere with 6 firefighters. Forone a year, FF Esposito rode on the backleaders step responding Action & Legislative Affairs, she became of the most respected labor in New toYork overState. 6,500 runs and virtually all being fire calls. NYC was facing a difficult time and crime and vacant building fires rampant throughout many and sections of the 5 Boroughs. On for Julyan1, increase 1975 Jim in was off along Aswere a labor official, she actively successfully campaigned thelaid minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.15—the raise than for New in over a citywide. decade. At that time, he returned with 10 other FF’s from Engine 236 first and more 1,000Yorkers other firefighters In 2004, she was elected to represent the 23rd Senatorial District, encompassing to Manhattan College and in December, 1975 he graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree. the North Staten 25, Island of Brooklyn, Borough Coney Shore ofDecember 1976and was aportions great Christmas for Jim. including He was re-hired to thePark, New York City Island, Fire DeBensonhurst, and Sunset Park. partment. He was assigned to another Brooklyn firehouse, Engine Company 249 stationed with Ladder 113 on In their endorsement of Senator Savino, the New York Times described her as “scrappy and Rogers Avenue. During his time in Engine Company 249, he was able to gain valuable experience by working effective”. Her dedication to her constituents earned her the Staten Island Advance’s “strongest with some of thefor most seasoned of the Department among those of which was a young Lieutenant endorsement a third term”,members saying “no lawmaker works harder and no lawmaker commits her Sal Cassano. Thisfor Midwood section of Brooklyn fared wellSavino". up until the hot July summer blackout of 1977. This self to the fight her constituents more than Ms. area, like so many otherhas areas throughout the city exploded in firehardworking and civil unrest. Senator Savino championed legislation protecting New Yorkers. Among the laws she has had be enacted the first the nation Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights, expanding basic Not wanting to ever laid offisagain, Jiminlearned his craft, studied hard and was promoted to Lieutenant on worker protection to domestic workers; Promptand Paycovered Bill, which ensures prompt April 2, 1983. He wasrights sent across the East River to the Manhattan in Battalion 4 and was payment eventually to construction andMoving their employees; Theft Prevention Act, assessing assigned to Enginecontractors Company 10. up the ladderWage fairly quickly, he was promoted to Captain, preventa September tive andand punitive on to employers thatassigned steal income employees. 23, 1989 found measures his way back Brooklyn and to thefrom 10th their Division where he became the ComShe has served as chair of both the Civil Service and Pensions Committee and currently the pany Commander of Engine Company 239. Shortly on August 1, 1992, the Captain Jim Esposito was Children and Families Committee. From thosethereafter, committees she authored law that would limit promoted to Battalionfrom Chief and was assigned to Battalion in the Park Brooklyn. pro public authorities contracting out for services that40can be Borough performed bysection public of employees; vided a costofliving Eight years later on July in 1, the 2000, 25 years after laid off, Jim Esposito wasofficers promoted increase death benefit forbeing widows andChief widowers of police andto the of Deputy theexpanded rank for a short period permanent of time, Chief Esposito assigned firerank fighters killedChief. in theAfter linecovering of duty in and and made the Familywas Differential (FAR)15. Program. toResponse work in Division In the early post 911 era, Chief Esposito became the Division 15 Commander and on Local include establishment of a and Quiet Zone on the to Staten Island Ferry, an annu April 17, 2004initiatives was promoted to the Deputy Assistant Chief was appointed the Bronx Borough Command Transportation Service Survey, a Mobile DistrictJoe Office, Back School Fairs, Women’s Health asalExecutive Officer to the Bronx Borough Commander, Callan. He to was promoted to Assistant Chief, July a series of hearings on the foreclosure and subprime lending crisis, districtwide workshops 1,Events, 2006 and was designated the Bronx Borough Commander, where he was responsible for all fire operations for seniors on the Medicare prescription drug plan, and statewide hearings on HPV, the virus that incauses the Borough of the Bronx.and Onthe December 19, 2009, Chief Esposito was designated the Manhattan Borough cervical cancer HPV vaccine. Commander, overseeing all operations in thatarray Borough. Senator Savino sponsors a wide of programs in the 23rd District, including the only September 1, 2012, Jiminreplaced BobCity, Sweeney Chief ofDowntown Operations,DriveIn managing daily fire operations and kosher soup kitchen New York StatenasIsland’s Movies, a mobile mam overseeing Department’s firefighters.for atrisk youth and senior citizens. mographythe unit, as well as 11,500 a wideofficers varietyand of programs Standing Committee Assignments 2012: inChildren and Family (Chair), Service of and Chief Esposito has two sons and resides Howard Beach, Queens with hisCivil wife Margaret 37 Pensions, and City Veterans years, who isBanks, a New York schoolHomeland teacher. Security and Military Affairs. Vist Our Online Store & Shop For Official FDNY Columbia Association Merchandise. All Proceeds Benefit The Columbia Association Scholarship Fund. www.fdnycolumbia.com Fire Department, City of New York Page 1 Volume Volume 46 45 No. No. 22 Our “Presidents Award” will be presented to 2nd Quarter Quarter 2013 2014 2nd PRESIDENT’S AWARD Our 80th Annual SpecialScholarship Recognition Dinner DanceAward FDNY BUREAU OF TRAINING June 19, 2014Signoretti Bruno Fusato at P R E Marrone SENTED TO Michael Staten Island Borough Commander Fire Department City of New York TOMAS Michael Marrone was born in Brooklyn to Vito and Marie. He would be the second of three children following Virginia by fifteen months and preceding another sister Marie by ten years. Vito was a World War II Navy veteran and NYPD police officer. Marie was a homemaker. Vito, a first-generation Italian – American, was born in SheepsCHIEF OFwasTRAINING head Bay, Brooklyn and Marie, a second-generation, born in Little Italy. Michael grew up in Sheepshead Bay. He attended St. Mark’s grammar school, Brooklyn Prep High School, and St. Francis College. Chief Thomas Galvin began He was appointed to the Fire Department in October of 1978 and assigned his 35year career with the to Engine 22 on his birthday six weeks later. He moved across the floor to FDNY 1978 he was Ladder 13 in 1980. It was a great house to learninabout thewhen job. Michael was a s s i gtonBattalion e d t o1. After E n bouncing gine promoted to Lieutenant in 1986 and assigned about a year he went to Ladder 10 covering UFO and eventually got the spot Company 234 in Brooklyn, in August of 1987. New York.As a company It was there that he met this year’s Columbian Man of the Year, then Lieuofficer he worked in Harlem MidTown Manhattan. tenant Jim Esposito who was assigned toand Engine 10. Jim was always willing to He passhas on tips and share knowledge experience. were many served the his FDNY as aand Chief officerThere for over 22 new members Ladder 10, re-established 1984. Their44 eageryears.. Heinserved as aacompany Battalion Chief in inBattalion in ness to learn made being a Lieutenant easy. He learned a lot there; it was Brooklyn and then as a Deputy Chief in the 3rd Division another great house. in Manhattan. Michael made Captain in April of 1990 and was assigned to Division 15. He welcomed the increased fireevents duty andofafter a few long-term covering After the tragic september 11, 2001 he assignwas ments, he transferred to Engine 254 in Gravesend in May of 1994. asked to become a member of the FDNY Command Staff. Leaving Avenue U in September of 1996 upon his promotion to Battalion He initially served as the Deputy Borough Commander Chief, Michael was assigned covering in Division 15. Within a year he of was Manhattan and then as the Brooklyn Borough UFO in Battalion 38 and was assigned there in October of 1998. Avenue U and St. John’s East: two morehegreat to to work. Commander.In 2004 wasplaces asked become the Chief in Mike said farewell to St. John’s East in August Charge of the Bureau of Training. of 2002 when he was promoted to Deputy Chief and assigned to Division 11. He spent almost eight The Bureau of Training consists com years as a member of Tillary Street, almost seven of of themseveral as Division Commands including the Fire Academy, EMS Academy, mander before joining the FDNY Staff as the Staten Island BoroughFort Commander in 2010 where he remains today. Totten Operations, the Ceremonial Unit and the Fire Michael credits the Firefighters, Company Officers, and Chiefs he has Safety Education Unit. Chief Galvin acknowledges the worked with over the years for preparing him for his assignment. It is their outsatanding workandconduted by that numerous members, knowledge, experience, dedication and of the members workingoftoallthat ranks, have day he haswho learned from.assited in enhancing the training of Michael has lived onofStaten Island since marriage years the members the FDNY andhisthe safetyover of thirty-three the citizens ago to his wife Mary Pat. They have one daughter, Patty (a former Columof New York City. bian Scholarship recipient), married to Adam. Patty and Adam will be making Galvin resides infor Miller Place, MichaelChief and Mary Pat grandparents the first time inNew July. Yor, Emily GALVIN and Megan. p will r ebes held e non ted to B Russo’s on the Bay runo Fusato Signoretti descends from one of the oldest and most prestigious families in Venice. The family, since the 15th 162-45 Cross Bay Boulevard Century, consists of a distin Howard Beach Section guished line of gondoliers, and of Queens Bruno himself began by learning and practicing this art. In 1986, he p.m. Cocktails start 7:00 purchased a disused factory on Dinner and dancing to follow Murano Island. Through his hard work, philosophy of life Donation of $95 personof Venice, the and boundless love for the deepper traditions Serenissima Republic, builtupSignoretti into an iconic Tablesheseat to 14 world of artistry in glass, admired the world over. He is an esteemed Knight of San Marco, as well as a Contact Dance Chairman Commendatore of the Republic of Italy and a Craigdell’Ordine Silvino atdei (516) 286-1796 Commendatore Templari. He was award ed an honorary doctorate in Business administration from the Constintinian University of Rhode Island. all checks payable to:Bruno and Please make his wife Suzy have recently celebrated their 50th wedding Columbia Association Scholarship Fund anniversary. They have three daughters, Maria Luisa, Elisabetta and Barbara, as well as three grandchildren. Long renowned for charitable works in Venice, Bruno Bring a Friend! was one of the first to support the restoration of the his toric Fenice Opera House destroyed by fire in 1996. He continues as a patron and member of the Gran Teatro La Fenice Foundation. He has been active in art restoration and supports cultural and educational projects too numer ous to mention. Following the tragic events of September 11th 2001, Bruno immediately came to the support of our firefighters and their families. He has hosted, in Venice, delegations from New York, and has made many gener ous contributions to our Scholarship Fund. He is truly a man with strength of character, warmth and an irrepress ible commitment to charity. He is a proud member of our organization and we are proud to be able to call him our friend. Bocce Ball Tournament al “Humanitarian Award” to upresented n n A Columbia Association d n 2 Wounded Warriors Project 9th Annual Scholarship To honor and empower Wounded Warriors Thursday, June 13th 2013 GOLF OUTING Games start: 11am 5pm (Warmups at 10am) Wounded Warrior Project Limited Space: 1624,Wounded 2player teams. Single Elimination Tournament. The mission of Wounded Warrior Project® is to honor and empower Warriors. Purpose Eisenhower Park, 1899 Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow, NY To raise awareness and to enlist the public’s aid Enter for theparking needs oflotinjured helpofinjured servicemen #1 on service Merrickmembers; Ave (just to north Hempstead Tpke), and women aid and assist each other; and to provide unique, directwill programs andright services to meet their turn right. Parking be on the and the courts, justneeds. in front of you September 2013 History (LOOK for our BANNER). We willby have raffles the day! Date to Project be announced Wounded Warrior (WWP) began when several veterans and friends, moved stories of during the first wounded serEntree fee: $30 player vice members returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq, took action to help others in need. Whateach started as a program Hudson Valley Spa members has grown into a complete Contact: John Signorile 7825343 to provide comfort itemsResort to wounded&service rehabilitative effort(516) to assist warriors (Formerly the Granit) as they recover and transition back to civilian life. Thousands of injured warriors and caregivers receive support each wine tasting contest, contact if interested. All are welcome. Food year through WWP programs designed to nurtureHomemade the mind and body and encourage economic empowerment and enInformation coming soon and drinks will be served! Come spend the day with some friends and gagement. Wounded Warrior Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. have a great time! Fire Department, City of New York Page 2 Volume 46 45 No. No. 22 Volume 2nd 2nd Quarter Quarter 2013 2014 COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION NEW YORK CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT ADVERTISING CONTRACT This is an authorization to insert our advertisement in the 80th Annual Souvenir Journal to be published by the Columbia Association, NYC Fire Department. This Journal is published in conjunction with the Association’s Annual Scholarship Dinner Dance, to be held on June 19, 2014 at Russo’s on the Bay in Howard Beach, Queens. Price List: Inside Cover ……….. Gold Page …………... Silver Page ………….. $ 600.00 $ 350.00 $ 300.00 Back Cover…… $1,200.00 Bronze Page …………. Full White Page …….. Half White Page ……. $ 250.00 $ 150.00 $ 100.00 Name/Organization: ___________________________________________________________ Contact person: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Type of ad requested: ____________, for which we agree to pay the sum of $________. This contract must be returned to our Committee no later than May 28, 2014. **PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION – FDNY** Please forward Ads, Contract and payment to: Grace M. Cacciola 526 Henry Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 gmcacc@aol.com The Columbia Association reserves the right to refuse to publish any advertisement. For further information please call; Grace Cacciola @ (516) 852-3318. (or) Visit our website @ WWW.FDNYCOLUMBIA.COM Fire Department, City of New York Page 3 Volume 46 45 No. No. 22 Volume 2nd 2nd Quarter Quarter 2013 2014 Come stai? Molto bene. Bongiorno. Ciao. A r r iv e d e r c i . Our 79th Annual Scholarship Dinner Dance will be held on Every Italian from Italy knows these words and every Italian-American should. But June 20, 2013 what about the goomba speech pattern? Those words and phrases that are a little Italian, at a little American, and a lot of slang, words every Paesano and Bacciagaloop have heard, words we hear throughout our Little Italy neighborhood of New York. This form of language, the 'Goomba-Italiano' has been used for generations. It's not gangster slang terms like 'whack' or 'vig', if that's what you are thinking---nope, this is real Guido talk! The goomba says ciao when he arrives or leaves. He says Mama Mia anytime emo16245 Cross Bay Boulevard tion is needed in any given situation. Mannaggia, meengya, oofah, and of course, va fongool can also be used. Capeesh? Howard Beach Section of Queens He uses a moppeen to wipe his hands in the cuchina, gets agita from the gravy and will shkeevats meatballs unless they are homemade from the famiglia. Cocktails start 7:00 p.m. Always foonah your bread in the pot of gravy (sauce) or you will be considered a real googootz or Mezzo-finookio. Dinner and dancing to follow There are usually plenty of mamalukes and the girl from the neighborhood with the Donation of $95 per person reputation is a facia-bruta, puttana or a schifosa. Tables seat up to 14 If called cattivo, cabbadost, sfatcheem, stupido, or strunz, you are usually a pain in the ass. A crazy diavlo can give you the malokya (evil eye), but that red horn (contra malokya) will protect you if you use it right. Contact Dance Chairman Don 't forget to always say per favore and grazia and prego. Craig Silvino at (516) 2861796 If you are feeling mooshadda or stounad or mezzo-morto, always head to Nonna's and she will fix you up with a little homemade manicott', cavadell', or calamar ', or some ricotta cheesecake. Please make all checks payable to: Mangia some zeppoles, canolis, torrone, struffoli, shfoolyadell', pignoli cookies, or a Columbia Association Scholarship Fund little nutella on pannetone. Delizioso! I think I will fix myself a sangweech of cabacol' with some proshoot and mozarell' or maybe just a hot slice of peetza. So salud' if you have any Italian blood in you and you understood anything written here! Then, you are numero uno and a professore of the goombas. If you don't get any of this, then fa Nabola with the whole thing and you are a disTHEN, and only then - NEVER AT THE BEGINNING OF graziato. Scuzi, Mia dispiachay, I didn't mean that. Just... Fu-ghedda-boudit. Bada Bing... THE MEAL - would you eat the salad drenched in homemade This is also so true. Enjoy! oil & strong, red-vinegar dressing... Change plates. Italians have a $40,000 kitchen, but use the $100, 35 year-old stove fromCongratulations Sears in to ourcourse, fruit & nuts - in the shell - on paper plates Next the basement to cook things on. becauseAssociation you ran out of the real ones. Yourecipients pinched yourself 2014 Columbia Scholarship There is some sort of religious statue in the hallway, living room, bedroom, front on that damn nutcracker how many times? porch and backyard. (A Mary on the half shell). Award for College Last was coffee with anisette, some espresso for The outdoor table is linoleum covered with small, chrome metal trim along the Gerard edges.BarbaraNonno, Scholarship 'American' coffee for the rest - with hard cookies (bisThe living room is filled with old wedding favors with bows and stale almonds Award(they cottis) Name to dunkMember Unit fruit and some cheese. in the coffee with more are too pretty to open and eat). $2800.00* Jessica E-247 The kidsJoseph wouldCioffi go out to play. $2500.00 All lampshades, stuffed chairs and stuffed couches are covered with stiff, clear plas- DonaldThe menMichael wouldGallino go lay down.E-90 They slept so soundly that Bruno Fusato Signoretti Scholarship tic. you could do brain surgery on them anesthesia. $1500.00 Alexandria Christopher Catalano L-76without Ret A portrait of the Pope and Frank Sinatra hang in the dining room. The women $1500.00 Christopher Louiscleaned Morbelli the kitchen. Fleet Mant God forbid if anyone EVER attempted to eat 'Chef Boy-ar-Dee', 'Franco American', We got screamed at by Mama or Nonna, and half of the Alice Sullivan Scholarship 'Ragu', 'Prego', or anything else labeled as Italian in a jar or can. The 2014 Memorial College Scholarship award the winner will be chosen at the Dinner Dance sentences were English, other half in Italian. Meatballs are made with pork, veal and beef, mixed together. ($1000.00) Italian mothers never threw a baseball in their life, but Award and for Highcould Schoolnail you in the head or back with their shoe thrown from Turkey is served on Thanksgiving AFTER the manicotti, gnocchi, lasagna, International Columbia Association Scholarship minestrone or shcarole soup. the kitchen while you were in the living room. Award Name Member Unit If anyone EVER says ESCAROLE, slap 'em in the face -- it's SHCAROLE. Other things $1600.00** Anthony Jamesparticular Lodispoto to Italians... E-326 Sunday dinner was at 1:00 PM sharp. The meal went like this... The prom dress that Zia Ceserina made for her kid, $1400.00 Madeline Thomas Carrera L-168 The table was set with everyday dishes. It doesn't matter if they don't match. They'reSuzyCarmella, cost Scholarship only $20.00, which was for the material. Vincenzo, and Ilaria Marra New York City wanted to take part to the celebraclean; what more do you want? Wine, homemade, is served up in small water or old, Camryn $1200.00 Michael Smithwick The prom hairdo was done SOC free by Cousin Angelina. tions theAtcanonization of Popes XXIII cheese for glasses. the table all the utensils go on theJohn right side of theand plate and$1000.00 the nap- Thomas E-167 Turning Richard aroundDiOrio at your prom to see your entire family, Family Scholarship kin goesPaul on theII. left. A clean kitchen towelGeneral was put at Nonno's Papa's platesTriola because including your Godparents, standing in the back of the John The Consulate of the &Repub$1000.00 Michael Minogue E-280 they won't use napkins. Homemade wine, a pitcher of water and bottles of 7-UP are on Michael simply PRICELESS! lic of Poland and the Consulate General of Italy $1000.00 gym...was Emily Albert Petrocelli Bn-22 the table. TrueatItalians love this. Those of you who married Each award will be present the 2014will Scholarship Dinner Dance on June 19,are 2014 First course, Antipasto... Change plates. organized a special evening at Saint Patrick’s Ca- *Highest SAT score to Italians understand this. And those (Rosina will Higgins/Edward Scott Schettino Award)who wish they were Second course, macaroni or ravioli. All pasta was called macaroni...or **Highest `paste’...STS Score Italian, and those who are friends with Italians, will remember (Marcello-Murphy Award) thedral. The festivities included performances of Change plates. Gerard Barbarawith FireTech Scholarship a smile. religious music of selected Third course was and usuallyreadings roast beef, some chicken with excerpts potatoes and vegetables... FF Thomas Lopez E-15 Spring Semester Lieut Douglas Zimmardi L-24 Spring Semester Change plates. of both Pope’s encyclicals. eâááÉËábÇg{xUtç Congratulations To Our 2014 Columbia Association Scholarship Recipients The Canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II Fire Department, City of New York Page 4 Volume 46 45 No. No. 22 Volume 2nd 2nd Quarter Quarter 2013 2014 FDNY T-SHIRTS && NYPD Columbia Associations BOCCE BALL Retirees’ SWEATSHIRTS for Corner w Tournament scholarships Niloable at B U CvAa D Imonthly B E P Pmembership O I TA L I A N R E S TA U R A N T Thursday, 12th 2014 1st ZadrogaJune Filing Period A S P O Nmeetings SORS F R Scontacting T A N N U A L R AV I O L I E AT I N GClosing C ONT E S T orI by 3, 2013, and GamesOctober start at 11am-4pm RAISE $10,000 by JOHN SIGNORILE On March 20th, faced off a ravioli eating JOE officially DEPAOLA,“National L-27 at Ravioli Day,” NY First responders Failure to in Register May contest (Warm ups start at 10am) at(845) the 558-4410 newly opened Bucalive4tonight@optonline.net di Beppo Italian Restaurant in Times Square.Result Teams in from the NYPD and FDNY Denial of Claims or email Space: 16-2 teams Columbia Associations rushed to finish plates of ravioli in record time. TheLimited event was hosted by player celebrity guests The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and This will be a single elimination Jenny McCarthy and reigning Miss USA 2012 Nana Meriwether. Compensation Act of 2010 reopened the tournament. Special thanks to Buca Di Beppo for the generous donations to our September scholarship you’re in Times 11thfund. VictimIfCompensation Fund Square stop by – the food is amazing! of 2001. Individuals suffering from, and rep 2013 Annual 2014 Annual ScholarshipLottery Scholarship Lottery ONLY 200 TICKETS nd Be Sold 1st prize $10,000 2to prize $2,000 3rd prize $1,000 It is that time again. Our lottery tickets were mailed out on December 15, 2012. If you are interested in a specific number, please call Sal Mirra at (516) 322 7588. We will only sell 200 tickets. We print 2000 tickets numbered 0012000. The first 200 sold will be accepted. So hurry. Don't miss out! ONLY 200 TICKETS to Be Sold It is that time again. Our lottery tickets were mailed out on December 15, 2013. If you are interested in a specific number, please call Sal Mirra at (516) 3227588. 1st prize $10,000 2nd prize We $2,000 prize $1,000 will only sell3rd 200 tickets. We print 2000 tickets numbered 0012000. The first 200 sold will be accepted. So hurry. Don’t miss out! Eisenhower Park resentatives of individuals who have died of 1899 Hempstead Turnpike health conditions or diseases presumptively Meadow, York causedEast by World TradeNew Center exposure may be eligible for benefits which include Enter parking lot #1 on Merrickand Avenue both monetary compensation health (Just north of Hempstead Tpke) turn right benefits from the VCF. However, claims parking is on the right and courts just in must be properly registered within specific front of you. (LOOK for our BANNER!) time periods. A failure to register will likely Please for contact: result in ineligibility compensation and benefits. John Signorile 516-782-5343 or Individuals wholike knew or should We would to have a have known,Homemade prior to October 3, 2011, that they Wine Tasting suffered a physical harm caused by their Contest too! exposure, have until October 3, 2013, to reg ister with the VCF. In other words if you have Contact if interested. been suffering any physical WTC related All are welcome condition before October 3, 2011, you must register a claim before October 3, of this year. Once you are registered you will need to establish eligibility and medical proof Columbia Association to receive benefits. October 3, is rapidly approaching and eligible members are strongly delay filing,toas last Monday,urged Junenot 2nd,to2014 • 7pm 11pm minute claims leave little time to correct Vetro Restaurant (By Russo’s On The Bay) errors and may result in loss of benefits. There is shelf a second • 4 hour top openfiling bar period for indi who name become aware qualifying •viduals 4-5 brand cigars at of thea door •condition Full buffet and dessert after October 3, 2011. Those indi •viduals Thousands worth of raffle prizes must register within two years of the •date Neat casual attire that the individual thebut VCF determines (no jeans or t-shirts please)that they suf knew or should have known •fered All are welcome from a qualifying condition. • Very limited- 1st 100 paid guests Robert Ungaro & Nicholas Cifuni annual cigar night • Reservations a must (no walk ups please) • $125 all inclusive You can find more information at: Contact: Keith Tanico by May 26th Ungaro & Cifuni 917-337-7413 ATpayable LAW PleaseATTORNEYS make checks to: www.nycdisabilitylaw.com Columbia Association Scholarship Fund Tanico or c/o callKeith 212 7665800 14 Ivanhoe Drive, Merrick, NY 11566 Fire Department, City of New York Page 7 5 Volume Volume 46 45 No. No. 22 2nd Quarter Quarter 2013 2014 2nd COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION visits HERSHEY PARK DESIGN A VACATION TO MAXIMIZE YOUR ENJOYMENT OF THE AREA 1. HOTEL & HERSHEY PARK COMBINATION 2. HOTEL ONLY 3. HERSHEY PARK ONLY* *THE PARK TICKET IS GOOD FOR ANY DATE DURING THEIR SUMMER SEASON (May - August.) Call Park for details about their night before park preview and exact dates. DATES: Wednesday July 16, 2014 to Sunday July 20, 2014 LODGING: Best Western The CENTRAL Harrisburg, PA phone (717) 561-2800 Hotel price is $135 per room/per night. Check in 3pm HERSHEY PARK: PAY ONE PRICE PARK PASS (DAILY) (Food & parking not included) Admits Holder to all attractions for the day. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE: ( ) E-Mail Worksheet 1. Calculate Rooms and Tickets needed # of ROOMS Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Totals 2. Kids (3-8) # of passes Adults (9-54) Senior (55-69) XXXXX Calculate the PRICE: TOTALS 135 $38 $30 $30 x x x x (# of Rooms ___________) = ____________ (# of Adult Passes ___________) = ____________ (# of Kid Passes ___________) = ____________ (# of Senior Passes ___________) = ____________ ___________) = ____________ = ______________ $5 Park passes mailed to you TOTAL = TICKETS SELL OUT QUICKLY ORDER YOURS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST HOTEL RESERVATION DEADLINE IS JUNE 30TH TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE ALL YEAR WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ______________ Payment in FULL for hotel due: June 30, 2014 Make Checks Payable to: “Columbia Association” Mail to: Sal Belmonte 1616 Stevens Ave. Merrick, NY 11566 - Phone (516) 233-8142 (proceeds benefit Columbia Association Scholarships) Fire Department, City of New York Page 6 Volume 46 45 No. No. 22 Volume 2nd 2nd Quarter Quarter 2013 2014 Congratulations To Retirees’ Fire Commissioner NYC Fire Dept. Columbia Association presents… T-SHIRTS &Year’s Getaway featuring California New The Tournament of Roses Parade SWEATSHIRTS with Optional 3-Night Las Vegas Post Tour Extension w 29, 2014 – January 2, 2015 December Niloable at a monthly membership v A meetings or by contacting Corner Daniel A. Nigro by JOHN SIGNORILE Book Now & Save $100 P P Double $1,999 * Single $2,299; Triple $1,969 Regular rates: Double $2,099 Single $2,399; Triple $2,069 Included in Price: Round Trip Air from New York, Air Taxes and Fees/Surcharges, Hotel Transfers Highlights… Float Viewing, Bandfest, New Year’s Eve Party, Tournament of Roses Parade, Legends in Concert Show 1st Zadroga Filing Period Closing October 3, 2013, and Failure to Register May entered the New York City Fire Result in Denial of Claims JOE DEPAOLA, L-27 at (845) 558-4410 or email live4tonight@optonline.net Daniel Nigro Department at 21 years of age on November Day 1: Monday, December 29, 2014 Long Beach, California - Tour Begins 29, 1969 as a firefighter was9/11 assigned The Jamesand Zadroga Health andto Ring in the New Year in style with Collette’s ever-popular tour featuring the Compensation Act of 2010 reopened the Tournament of Roses Parade. Engine Company 21 in midtown Manhattan. September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Daniel Nigro’s vast experience includes service Day 2: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 Float Viewing - Bandfest An early of 2001. Individuals suffering from, and rep morning departure takes you to Pasadena for a day combining the excitein the boroughsresentatives of, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, of individuals who have died of ment of the season with fun-filled activities surrounding the Tournament of administrative health positions in the office of Fire Roses. You’ll have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view the floats in their conditions or diseases presumptively final stage of decorating. Next, attend Bandfest, featuring selected bands Commissioner, caused Chief byofWorld Personnel andexposure Chief Trade Center from all over the country that will perform in the parade, giving you a chance may be eligible for benefits which include to see these talented musicians, dancers and auxiliary performers in acof Health Services. During Daniel Nigro’s tion. A stop will be made for time at leisure to enjoy lunch on your own and bothsome monetary compensation and health career he earned of the Department’s most explore the town of Pasadena. Upon returning to your hotel, the remainder ONLY 200 TICKETS benefits from the VCF. However, claims of the afternoon is yours to relax at your hotel and enjoy the area honored and prestigious awards, including the Fire must be properly registered within specific Day 3: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Day at Leisure - New Year’s Eve to Be Sold Commissioner’stime award for Service and Party The day is yours to relax, explore the area independently or perhaps periods. outstanding A failure to register will likely purchase one of the many optional tours that will be offered. Your tour the 15, Leon retired from result in Award. ineligibilityDaniel for compensation and It is that time again. Ourplan lottery were mailed on December 2012.Lowenstein manager will be on hand to help your tickets day. Then, get ready for out tonight’s benefits. New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner Dance with live entertainment and a chamFDNY If you are interested in a specific number, please call Sal Mirra the at (516) 322in 2002 as the 29th Chief of Department. 2013 Annual ScholarshipLottery pagne toast to help ring in the New Year. Individuals who knew or should have known, prior to October 3, 2011, that they suffered a physical harm caused by their exposure, have until October 3, 2013, to reg ister with the VCF. In other words if you have beenth suffering any physical WTC related condition before October 3, 2011, you must register a claim before October 3, of this year. Once you are registered you will need to establish eligibility and medical proof $ benefits. October 3, is rapidly to receive approaching and eligible members are urged not to delay filing, as last DATE: Septemberstrongly 8-9, 2014 (Monday to Tuesday) minute claims leave little time to correct and may result in (formerly loss of benefits. WHERE: Hudsonerrors Valley Resort & Spa the Granit) There is a second filing period for indi whountil become aware of a qualifying CHECK IN: Can’tviduals get room after golf Monday condition after October 3, 2011. Those indi TIME: Monday 1stviduals roundmust tee times register within two years of the Tuesday 2nd round shotgun date the VCF determines that the individual knew or should have known that they suf INCLUDES: Golf,fered Cart,from Room, Cocktailcondition. Hour, Dinner, and a qualifying Breakfast. Any extra golfyou will have to for cartCifuni only. Robert Ungaro &pay Nicholas 7588. We will only sell 200 tickets. We print 2000 tickets numbered 0012000. Day 4: Thursday, January 1, 2015 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade The first 200 sold will be accepted. So hurry. Don't miss out! Happy New Year! Welcome to the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade, 1st prize $10,000 a grand tradition each New Year’s day since 1890. When the parade debuted, 2,000 citizens were on hand to witness history in the making. Today, more than one million spectators line the parade route. As Collette’s guest, you will join them with reserved seating for prime viewing. After the parade, return to Long Beach and enjoy time at leisure. This evening, enjoy another evening of spectacular live entertainment carefully orchestrated just for you…a private Legends in Concert show. 10 Annual Scholarship Golf Outing 2nd prize $2,000 3rd prize $1,000 190 Day 5: Friday, January 2, 2015 Long Beach - Tour Ends Depart California with many memories of your Extend your vacation with Optional 4 Days 3-Night Las Vegas Post Tour Extension Rate: $499.00 USD per person, double, land only -2 Meals: 2 Breakfasts Day 5: Long Beach - Las Vegas, Nevada Today you travel, via motor coach, to Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world. Day 6: Las Vegas -Today is your day to do as you please. Lounge by the pool sipping cool drinks, experience an amazing one-of-a-kind show, go hiking, or try your luck in the casino. Today breakfast will be included. Day 7: Las Vegas Enjoy another day at leisure to explore the hotels on the strip with themes that capture your attention as you get swept away by the wonders inside. Take time to visit Mandalay Bay’s Shark Reef aquarium or Luxor to see the sphinxes and pyramid. New York-New York brings the “Big Apple” to life right on the Vegas strip. See the Eiffel Tower, “ooh” and “ahh” at the Mirage volcano, or watch pirates battle at Treasure Island. The Las Vegas strip brings the world to you. Today breakfast will be included. Day 8: Las Vegas - Tour Ends Your tour ends today in Las Vegas. Full Brochure located on our website www.FDNYCOLUMBIA.COM For more information contact Joe Smithwick 1-516-662-3699 tuck130@optonline.net PLEASE HAVE CHECKS IN ASAP Foursomes Going Fast MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO You can find more information at: COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION. Ungaro & Cifuni MAIL TO: JOSEPH SMITHWICK 20 PIPER LANE, LEVITTOWN, 11756 ATTORNEYSNY AT LAW Home:www.nycdisabilitylaw.com (516) 796-0975 or call 212IN7665800 **** PLEASE SEND MEMBERS FOURSOME AND ROOMING ASSIGNMENTS **** Fire Department, City of New York Page 7 LA SOTTO VOCE LA The SOTTO Newsletter VOCE of the FDNY LA SOTTO The Newsletter VOCE of the FDNY Columbia Association The Newsletter of the FDNY Columbia Association La Sotto Voce is published Columbia Association La Sotto Voce isVOCE published four times annually. LA SOTTO La Sotto Voce is published four times annually. The Newsletter of four times annually.the FDNY What does the word DUES mean above Columbia Association your labelabove mean? Whatname does on theyour wordaddress DUES mean We updating our your Membership program. One of our new LaareSotto is address published What doesVoce the word DUES mean above your name on label mean? features includes our a Membership history located We are name updating Membership program. Onedirectly of our new your on your address label mean? four updating times annually. above nameour your addresshistory label. located Please features includes aon Membership directly We areyour Membership program. Onecheck of ourthe new PRSRT STD PRSRT STD US Postage PRSRT STD US PAID Postage US Postage PAID# 1 Permit PAID# NY Permit 1 Bethpage, Permit # NY 1 Bethpage, PRSRT STD Bethpage, NY US Postage PAID Permit # 1 Bethpage, NY Fire Department, City of New York 14 Ivanhoe Drive City of New York Fire Department, Merrick, NY 11566City of New York 14 Ivanhoe Drive Fire Department, Merrick, NY 11566 14 Ivanhoe Drive Merrick, NY 11566 Fire Department, City of New York 14 Ivanhoe Drive Merrick, NY 11566 If you only see theAssociation: word DUES above your name, this Columbia Executive Board & Committee Members means you are uptodate and no action is needed. We apologize Columbia for any confusion. Association: Executive Board & Committee Members Executive Board: Columbia Association: Executive Board & Committee Members President Keith Tanico Division 13 917 3377413 Executive Board: 1st Vice President Craig Tanico Silvino Ladder 127 516 3377413 2861796 President Keith Division 13 917 Executive Board: 2ndVice VicePresident President Joseph Smithwick Engine 127 303 6623699 President Keith Tanico Division 13 917 1st Craig Silvino Ladder 516 3377413 2861796 3rd Vice President John Signorile RetL126 7825343 1st Vice Craig Silvino Ladder 516Members 2861796 2nd VicePresident President Joseph Smithwick Engine 303 6623699 Columbia Association: Executive Board & 127 Committee Treasurer Stephen Forlenza Division 8 347 2668781 2nd Vice Vice President President Joseph Smithwick Engine 303 516 7825343 6623699 3rd John Signorile RetL126 Financial Secretary Nick DePierro Ladder 24 917 6489305 3rd Vice President John Signorile RetL126 516 7825343 Treasurer Stephen Forlenza Division 8 347 2668781 Executive Board: Recording Secretary Sal Belmonte Ladder 516 Treasurer Stephen Forlenza Division102 8 347 2668781 Financial Nick DePierro 24 917 2338142 6489305 President Secretary Keith Tanico 13 3377413 SergeantAtArms Enrico Boletti Squad 1102 2074773 Financial Secretary Nick DePierro 24 917 2338142 6489305 Ladder 126 Recording Secretary Sal Belmonte Ladder 516 1st Vice President Craig Silvino 127 2861796 Paul Fischetti 4 5820011 Recording Secretary Sal Belmonte Ladder 516 SergeantAtArms Enrico Boletti Squad 917 2338142 2074773 2nd Vice President Joseph Smithwick Engine 1102 303 6623699 Manhattan Trustee James Pisano Squad 14 917 SergeantAtArms Enrico Boletti 2074773 Paul Ladder 516 7518335 5820011 3rd Vice President John Fischetti Signorile RetL126 7825343 Queens Trustee Sal Mirra 138 516 3227588 SergeantAtArms Paul Fischetti Ladder 5820011 Manhattan Trustee James Pisano Squad 917 Treasurer Stephen Forlenza Division14 8 347 7518335 2668781 Staten Island Trustee Vito Verde Engine 1138 153 646 3227588 5296346 Manhattan Trustee James Pisano Squad 917 7518335 Queens Trustee Sal Ladder 516 Financial Secretary NickMirra DePierro 24 6489305 Brooklyn Trustee Phil Mirra LaRocco Ladder 153 148 347 8841169 Queens Trustee Sal 138 516 5296346 3227588 Staten Island Trustee Vito Verde Engine 646 Recording Secretary Belmonte 102 2338142 Bronx Trustee Joseph DePaola 27 845 5584410 Staten Island Trustee Vito Verde Engine 153 646 5296346 Brooklyn Trustee Phil LaRocco Ladder 347 SergeantAtArms Enrico Boletti Squad 1148 917 8841169 2074773 EMS Trustee Grace Cacciola Division27 516 5584410 8523318 Brooklyn Trustee Phil Ladder 148 347 8841169 Bronx Trustee Joseph DePaola 845 SergeantAtArms PaulLaRocco Fischetti 45 5820011 Legal Advisor Stuart Esq. Bronx Trustee Joseph DePaola Ladder 845 5584410 EMS Trustee Grace Cacciola Division 5 516 Manhattan Trustee JamesSalles, Pisano Squad 127 917 8523318 7518335 Spiritual Advisor Msgr. Marc Filacchione Archdiocese EMS Trustee Grace Cacciola Division 5 of NY 516 8523318 Legal Advisor Stuart Salles, Esq. Queens Trustee Sal Mirra Ladder 138 3227588 Legal Stuart Salles, Esq. Spiritual Advisor Msgr. Marc Filacchione Archdiocese StatenAdvisor Island Trustee Vito Verde Engine 153 of NY 646 5296346 Committee Chairs: Spiritual Msgr. Marc Filacchione Archdiocese BrooklynAdvisor Trustee Phil LaRocco Ladder 148 of NY 347 8841169 Trips Keith Tanico/Joe Committee Chairs: Bronx Trustee Joseph DePaola Smithwick Ladder 27 845 5584410 Membership Joseph SmithwickSmithwick Division 5 Committee Trips Keith EMS TrusteeChairs: GraceTanico/Joe Cacciola 516 8523318 Dues Steve Forlenza Trips Keith Smithwick Membership Joseph Smithwick Legal Advisor StuartTanico/Joe Salles, Esq. Lottery Sal Mirra Membership Joseph Smithwick Dues Steve Forlenza Spiritual Advisor Msgr. Marc Filacchione Archdiocese of NY Parade Phil LaRocco Dues Steve Forlenza Lottery Sal Mirra Good & Welfare John Signorile Lottery Sal Mirra Parade Phil LaRocco Committee Chairs: Joe DePaola/Paul Fischetti Scholarship/Dinner Dance Craig Silvino Parade Phil Good John Signorile Trips & Welfare KeithLaRocco Tanico/Joe Smithwick Hershey Park Trip Dance Sal Belmonte Good & Welfare John Signorile Scholarship/Dinner Craig Silvino Membership Joseph Smithwick Dinner Grace Cacciola Scholarship/Dinner Craig Silvino Hershey Park Trip Dance Sal Belmonte Dues Journal Steve Forlenza Editor Craig Silvino Hershey Park Trip Sal Belmonte Dinner Grace Cacciola Lottery Journal Mirra Dinner Grace Cacciola Editor Craig Silvino ParadeJournal Phil LaRocco Editor Craig Silvino Good & Welfare John Signorile Scholarship/Dinner Dance Craig Silvino Hershey Park Trip Sal Belmonte Dinner Journal Grace Cacciola Editor Craig Silvino vVisit our website: www.fdnycolumbia.com vVisitAssociation:keith@fdnycolumbia.com our website: www.fdnycolumbia.com vE-mail the Columbia vVisit our website: www.fdnycolumbia.com vE-mail the vColumbia Columbia Association:keith@fdnycolumbia.com Association Hotline: (516) 303-4209 vE-mail the vColumbia Columbia Association:keith@fdnycolumbia.com Association Hotline: (516) 303-4209 vColumbia Association Hotline: (516) 303-4209 Fire Department, City vVisit of New York Page 8 our website: www.fdnycolumbia.com Fire Department, City of New York Page 8 vE-mail the Columbia Fire Department, City of New Association:keith@fdnycolumbia.com York Page 8 vColumbia Association Hotline: (516) 303-4209 2014 Association Borough Meetings 20 13 Culu o lu mb mb iaat A ss A ococ iat ion ion Borough Borough M M eet eet ings ings 20 13 Co 20213 l013 umColumbia CbC ol iao Ass mb io aia ci A sso ioss ci n aBiat tior on ough Borough M eet ings M eet ings label. The numbers above your name indicate we the have above your name aonMembership your address label. Pleasethat check features includes history located directly not received your on dues foraddress that particular year.that With new label. The above your name indicate weany have above yournumbers name your label. Please check the What does word DUES mean above system there arethe glitches. your records vary with ours, not received your dues forIfyour that particular year.that Withwe any new label. The numbers above name indicate have please give a on call at (516) 3034209. Financial your name your address label mean? system thereusyour are glitches. your recordsOur vary with ours, not received dues forIfthat particular year. With any new We are updating our Membership program. One of our new Secretary Steve will return yourOur call. please usare a Forlenza call at (516) 3034209. Financial systemgive there glitches. If your records vary with ours, featuresgive includes a Membership history directly Secretary Steve Forlenza will3034209. return yourlocated call. please us a2006 call at (516) Our Financial Below indicates and 2008 dues have not been received. above yourSteve nameForlenza on yourwill address label. Please check the Secretary return your call. 06 08 Below indicates 2006above andDUES: 2008 dues have not been label. The numbers your name indicate thatreceived. we have Columbia Association DUES: 06 08 Below indicates and 2008 have not been received. LE2006 not received your dues for thatdues particular year. With any new P 14 Ivanhoe Dr Columbia Association M E DUES: 06 08 systemSthere your A Pare L glitches. Merrick, NYrecords 11566 14 If Ivanhoe Dr vary with ours, Columbia Association MusLE please give a call at (516) 3034209. Our Financial NYabove 11566 P see theMerrick, 14 Ivanhoe Dr your name, this SAonly If you word DUES Secretary Steve Forlenza will return your call. AM means you are uptodate and no action is needed. Wethis apologize Merrick, NY 11566 S If you only see the word DUES above your name, for anyyou confusion. Below indicates 2006 andand 2008 have not beenWe received. means are uptodate nodues action is your needed. apologize If you only see the word DUES above name, this 06 08is needed. We apologize for anyyou confusion. means are uptodateDUES: and no action Columbia Association E for any confusion. L 14 Ivanhoe Dr MP Merrick, NY 11566 SA Brooklyn March 12 & October 8 Brooklyn Brooklyn VFW Post, 2414 Geritsen March 12 & Feb Brooklyn 11 & October Sept 9 8Ave. March & October VFW Post,12 2414 Geritsen8Ave. VFW Post, 2414 Geritsen Ave. VFW Post, Queens 2414 Geritsen Ave. April 9Queens & November 12 Queens Queens VFW Post 19-12 149th St. April 9 Brooklyn & November Mar 11 & Oct 1412 March && October 8St. April 9 12 & November 12 (between 19th 20th Ave.) VFW Post 19-12 149th VFW Post 19-12 149th St VFW Post, 2414 Geritsen Ave. VFW Post 19-12 149th St. Whitestone NY 11357 (between 19th & 20th Ave.) (between 19th & 20th Ave) (between 19th & 20th Ave.) (718) 746-0540 Whitestone NY 11357 Whitestone NY11357 11357 Queens Whitestone NY (718) 746-0540 April(718) 9 & November 746-0540 (718) 746-0540 Staten Island 12 VFW Post 19-12 149th January 8 & June 11 St. Staten Island Staten Island (between 19th &June 20th Staten Island Hillside Club January 8Swim & 11Ave.) April &&NY Nov 11 Whitestone 11357 January 8Swim June 11 151 8Signs Rd. Hillside Club Hillside Swim Club (718) 746-0540 Hillside SwimRd. Club 151 Signs 151 Signs Rd. 151 Bronx Signs Rd. FebruaryStaten 12 & Island September 10 Bronx Bronx January 8&&September June 11 10 Maestro's Caterers February 12Bronx Jan 12 14 & June 10 10 Hillside Swim Club February & September 1703 Bronxdale Ave. Maestro's Caterers Maestro’s Caterers 151 Signs Rd. Maestro's Caterers 1703 Bronxdale Ave. 1703 Bronxdale Ave. 1703 Bronxdale Avenue Long Island Bronx May 14 Long Island Long February 12May &Island September Long Island American Legion 10 14 May 13 Maestro's May Caterers 14 250 Franklin Ave. American Legion American Legion 1703 Bronxdale Ave. American Legion Malverne, LI 250 Franklin Ave. 250Malverne, Franklin LI Ave. 250 Franklin Ave Long Island Malverne, LI 2013Malverne Christmas Party LI May 14 Party To Be Announced 2013 Christmas American Legion 2014 Christmas Party 2013 Christmas Party To Be Announced 250 Franklin Ave. To Be Announced To Be Announced LI held on the All borough Malverne, meetings are SECOND TUESDAY OF are EVERY All borough meetings held MONTH. on the There are2013 no meetings meetings inEVERY July August. SECOND TUESDAY OF are Christmas Party All borough held& MONTH. on the Meetings begin at 8:00 p.m. Food & refresh There are TUESDAY no Be meetings July & MONTH. August. SECOND OF inEVERY To Announced ments are always served. Meetings at 8:00 p.m. & refresh There arebegin no meetings in Food July & August. ments arebegin always Meetings atserved. 8:00 p.m. Food & refresh ments are always served. All borough meetings are held on the SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH. There are no meetings in July & August. Meetings begin at 8:00 p.m. Food & refresh ments are always served.
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