2010 - MyLoopCard
2010 - MyLoopCard
105 St. Andrews Columbiana, OH 44408 330-482-7888 (PUTT) “Rated best new affordable public golf course in Ohio and ninth nationally.” -GOLF DIGEST www.linksatfirestonefarms.com Welcome to The Links at Firestone Farms Developed on the rolling hills of Firestone Farms, the original homestead of Harvey Firestone, this golf adventure combines awesome panoramic views of our 84 acre lake, plush fairways, over fifty bunkers, and five sets of tees which challenge golfers of all abilities. The majestic beauty of Eastern Ohio is developed with simplicity and grace in the flowing contours of The Links at Firestone Farms. Designed by Brian Huntley, The Links at Firestone Farms offers all the amenities and conditioning of a top-ranked facility without the price. These features include a full-size driving range with all-grass tees, a chipping and putting green, a fully stocked pro shop, and a snack bar. We were recognized by Golf Digest in 2003 as the best new affordable public golf course in the state of Ohio and ninth nationally. U.S.G.A. Rules apply except as amended by Local Rules • Expected Pace of Play for 18 Hole is 4.5 Hours • Allow faster players to play through. • Please fix all ball marks on green. • No personal coolers. • Proper golf attire is required. • Soft spikes only. • No fivesomes. • 90° rule at all times. • Keep cart on paths on all Par 3’s. • Out of bounds defined by white stakes. • Please respect home owners’ personal property. • USGA rules are in effect. • Green stakes denote environmentally protected area - please play similar to red stakes Brock Lesko Brian Huntley Course Superintendant Course Architect Delmar Campbell Director of Golf LEGEND L EGEND Hole Par Tee Shot How to T Trr a c k To To d a y ’s “ L o o p ” Approach Accuracy Yards G-I-R 7 Par4 Greenside Putts Y N Y N Feet TEE SHOT Total yds of drive Fairway Missed Left Fairway Hit Penalties Up&Down Sand Save 1st Putt Distance 2nd Putt Distance 3rd Putt Distance # Penalties GREENSIDE UP & DOWN Player took two shots or less to put the ball in the hole from within 50 yds of the hole (regardless of score). 1st Putt Feet ft. Putt Missed Left PENALTIES Number of penalty strokes on a hole ft. SAND SAVE Player was able to get ‘up & down’ once in a green-side bunker (regardless of score). Fairway Missed Right Feet PUTTS Putt 2nd Made Putt * 3rd *If Needed Putt APPROACH Green Missed Long Green Missed Left Green Hit Green Missed Short SO MANY DISCOUNTS SO LITTLE AD SPACE David Mollenkopf • Tom Klim 330-332-1586 CrabbInsurance.com Green Missed Right After your ‘loop’ simply go to www.mylooptracker.com and insert today’s stats. PLAY Hole Par TRACK Tee Shot EVALUATE Approach Accuracy Yards PRACTICE Greenside Putts Penalties Up&Down Sand Save 1st Putt Distance 2nd Putt Distance 3rd Putt Distance # Penalties G-I-R 1 Par4 Y N Y N 2 Par3 Y N Y N 3 Par4 Y N Y N 30 30 36 32 13 10 THRU FAIRWAY TO BUNKER 299 272 243 206 100 DROP AREA 150 A straightforward opening hole. Keep your tee shot out of the water and good things await. 289 326 347 361 383 289 267 244 212 87 122 200 142 194 205 113 117 The first of four challenging Par 3’s. Wind is always a factor so choose a club wisely. Concentration early is a must. Make a few good scores now because the course will get tough soon. 100 150 188 293 325 344 355 378 PLAY Hole TRACK Tee Shot Par EVALUATE Approach Accuracy Yards G-I-R PRACTICE Greenside Putts Penalties Up&Down Sand Save 1st Putt Distance 2nd Putt Distance 3rd Putt Distance # Penalties 4 Par5 Y N Y N 5 Par4 Y N Y N 6 Par4 Y N Y N Interesting Par 5 with many different ways to play. A well placed tee shot right of the creek is the norm but under the right conditions you can get greedy. 33 19 100 33 16 271 241 211 171 100 244 239 226 207 150 150 281 248 229 206 250 30 22 Play to your strength on this Par 4. Pick a yardage 253 that you are 268 comfortable with and play your tee shot 284 accordingly. 289 Keeping your ball in play here is a must. A draw off the tee will allow for an easier approach. 273 200 236 209 176 157 134 371 387 426 448 For Active Adults 55+ Free Membership and Golf at Seb Sebring Country Club Bring this ad in when you tour our 250+ acre campus and we'll treat you to lunch at Copeland Oaks! www.copelandoaks.com 1-800-222-4640 PLAY Hole TRACK Tee Shot Par Accuracy Yards EVALUATE Approach PRACTICE Greenside Putts Penalties Up&Down Sand Save 1st Putt Distance 2nd Putt Distance 3rd Putt Distance # Penalties G-I-R 7 Par5 Y N Y N 8 Par3 Y N Y N 9 Par4 Y N Y N 32 28 38 19 100 26 53 71 14 100 200 290 260 226 185 512 531 546 200 237 202 182 159 123 Depending on conditions, this Par 5 is reachable. Be aggressive here and try to make birdie. 473 150 296 261 240 207 150 123 422 189 143 161 209 Aim for the middle of the green because trouble awaits everywhere. 341 361 386 413 442 This is not only beautiful; it can be deadly with water all the way down the left side. You need to bite off as much of the lake as you can. Track Today’s Loop! Brand NEW! HOLE GOLD 74.4/136 BURGUNDY 72.9/132 BLACK 70.9/127 WHITE 68.9/123 GREEN 68.9/123 HANDICAP 1 PAR DATE: 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 OUT 383 205 378 536 289 448 546 209 442 3436 361 194 355 518 284 426 531 189 413 3271 347 157 344 503 273 387 512 161 386 3070 326 142 325 481 268 371 473 143 361 2890 289 122 293 439 253 236 422 123 341 2518 10 14 12 8 16 2 4 18 6 4 3 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 SCORER: Casuall American C A i Cuisine C i i * with Golf Receipt *some restrictions may apply Daily Specials & Happy Hour Route 224 near Tippecanoe Road 1497 Boardman-Canfield Rd. Boardman, Ohio 330-629-8040 4 www.stonebridgegrill.com 36 Have a nice Loop and be sure to track your stats 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN TOT HCP NET 443 488 563 422 462 184 465 214 576 3771 7207 427 473 525 372 373 164 450 196 558 3538 6809 414 433 506 353 359 148 411 176 544 3344 6414 381 397 482 328 302 120 393 154 536 3102 5992 326 327 428 311 277 120 284 145 402 2620 5138 11 3 7 9 15 13 1 17 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 5 36 72 ATTEST: “We are the Valley’s Golf Store” Shop online at GOLFHQ.com Your Next $100 Purchase With this coupon offering Some manufacturer’s restrictions may apply. Not in combination with any other offer. Prior sales excluded. Excludes Golf Balls. 1 Coupon per customer per visit. Coupon excludes gift certificates. Expires 12/31/10. GHC Niles (330) 652-4292 GHC Boardman (330) 726-3880 INDOOR/OUTDOOR STORAGE RV STORAGE | BOAT STORAGE CAR STORAGE | TRAILERS RESIDENT MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLERS 100 S Bridge St. Building C Struthers, OH 44471 louvigs@yahoo.com Need a Pre-approval? Thinking about refinancing? Need advice on improving your credit score? Mark Calvaruso (330) 782-0800 860 Boardman Canfield Rd, Suite 101 Youngstown, OH 44512 www.1stequitymtg.com MB #802.191 NMLS # 228224 PLAY Hole TRACK Tee Shot Par EVALUATE Approach Accuracy Yards G-I-R Putts Y N Y N 11 Par4 Y N Y N 12 Par5 Y N Y N 32 100 150 200 32 19 28 26 Tee shots are a priority on the back. Keep them in the fairway to be able to control your approach shots. 286 265 283 229 262 217 232 171 185 103 250 326 381 414 443 100 100 150 33 150 200 250 312 262 232 184 327 Rip it. If you struggle with fairway woods or long irons, your short game better 397 be on. 433 427 Penalties Up&Down Sand Save 1st Putt Distance 2nd Putt Distance 3rd Putt Distance # Penalties 10 Par4 10 PRACTICE Greenside 473 488 250 245 203 172 125 Demanding Par 5. The key is a solid tee shot and an accurate placement of your second shot. Need to be in fairway to have clear access to the green. 428 482 506 525 563 Being there is why I’m here. Janis Cefalu Insurance Agy Inc Janis L Cefalu, Agent Poland, OH 44514 Bus: 330-726-2112 Get them all with Discount Double Check.™ It’s a quick and easy way to make sure you’re saving all you can. And it’s free. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY. Whether you need a question answered, a problem solved or a claim reported, my job is to make it happen. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. Derek Knepper, Agent 1745 Niles Cortland Rd NE Howland, OH 44484 Bus: 888-DER-EKSF Bus: 330-856-4834 www.derekknepper.com P097193 06/09 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL PLAY Hole Par TRACK Tee Shot EVALUATE Approach Accuracy Yards G-I-R PRACTICE Greenside Putts 13 Par4 Y N Y N 14 Par4 Y N Y N 15 Par3 Y N Y N 30 33 11 Penalties Up&Down Sand Save 1st Putt Distance 2nd Putt Distance 3rd Putt Distance # Penalties 28 100 150 200 Keep your ball out of the left fairway bunkers. Big green so pay attention to pin placement. 347 297 289 246 204 100 150 23 16 22 225 175 167 124 82 250 DROP AREA DROP AREA 277 311 328 353 372 422 Fun hole here. You may want to hit an 302 extra club to this elevated green. 359 373 416 Landscaping/Landscape Design Water Fall Features Certified Landscape Lighting Tree Removal/Lawn Maintenance 120 A solid golf shot is 148 164 needed here with not 184 much room to bailout. Left is better than right. EgZb^Zg7VcfjZi BZZi^c\;VX^a^i^Zh 8ZcigVaanAdXViZYCZlanGZcdkViZY ((%",**"&)-) *%(%Ndjc\hidlc"EdaVcYGY7dVgYbVc!D= PLAY Hole Par TRACK Tee Shot EVALUATE Approach Accuracy Yards PRACTICE Greenside Putts Penalties Up&Down Sand Save 1st Putt Distance 2nd Putt Distance 3rd Putt Distance # Penalties G-I-R 16 Par4 Y N Y N 17 Par3 Y N Y N 18 Par5 Y N Y N 32 35 14 18 113 34 100 15 100 Last of the long Par 4’s. Thank goodness. 117 150 150 244 201 172 200 284 304 282 273 249 127 145 154 250 176 402 196 214 393 411 450 465 Another demanding Par 3. If you’re going to miss, short and in the fairway is the place. End on a strong note. Two good shots will get you in position for a birdie. 536 544 558 576 The First Tee of Mahoning Valley is a non-profit organization located at the Creekside Golf Dome. The First Tee of Mahoning Valley’s mission is to teach life’s core values through the game of golf to the youth of our world. Game Description Scramble, Skins, Best Ball, etc. HCP www.thefirstteemahoningvalley.org 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOTAL (330) 545-5000 WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE 2010 SPONSORS + PLAYERS For their participation in the MyLoopCard Penn-Ohio League The MyLoopCard Penn-Ohio League is now in it’s 65th year of existence. The league pairs local sponsors with the best players in the area for six events held throughout the summer. Tee Times April 18th May 16th June 13th July 11th August 1st August 28th - 10:30 11:28 11:40 9:30 11:00 10:30 Youngstown, C.C. Reserve Run Firestone Farms Candywood Salem Hills Millcreek To enter a team in the 2011 MyLoopCard Penn-Ohio League call Chad Hanysh (330) 502-5940 1- 8 8 8 - 3 6 9 - 5 6 6 7 HOT TUBS, SWIMMING POOLS, CHEMICALS, POOL TABLES, GAME TABLES, AND MORE. 330-758-SPAS 226 Boardman-Canfield Rd. | Boardman, OH 44512
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