8th International Organ Competition Musashino


8th International Organ Competition Musashino
Musashino Tokyo
Marcussen & Søn,
Official Title
The Eighth International Organ Competition Musashino-Tokyo
The purpose of the International Organ Competition Musashino-Tokyo is to discover
talented organists, not only in Japan but also from abroad, to contribute to their
development, and to promote international exchange.
Established in 1988
Organizing Committee of the Eighth International Organ Competition Musashino-Tokyo
City of Musashino
The Musashino Cultural Foundation
Cooperating Agencies
Japan Association of Organists
Japan Organ Society
Musashino City Urban Tourism Corporation
Supporting Agencies
(presently under application)
Honorary Committee
† Marie-Claire ALAIN (France)
Christoph BOSSERT (Germany)
Michel BOUVARD (France)
Guy BOVET (Switzerland)
† Jean BOYER (France)
James David CHRISTIE (USA)
† Xavier DARASSE (France)
Juror, Fifth Competition
Juror, Sixth Competition
Juror, Fifth and Sixth Competition
Juror, Second Competition
Juror, Third and Fourth Competitions
Juror, Sixth Competition
Juror, First Competition
Thierry ESCAICH (France)
François ESPINASSE (France)
Bernard FOCCROULLE (Belgium)
Arvid GAST (Germany)
Lorenzo GHIELMI (Italy)
HAYASHI Yuko (Japan)
HIROE Rie (Japan)
HIRONO Tsuguo (Japan)
Jan Willem JANSEN (The Netherlands)
Piet KEE (The Netherlands)
Leo KRÄMER (Germany)
Edgar KRAPP (Germany)
KUBOTA Seiji (Japan)
KWAK Tong-Soon (Republic of Korea)
Mireille LAGACÉ (Canada)
Ludger LOHMANN (Germany)
Christophe MANTOUX (France)
Andrea MARCON (Italy)
OH Ja-Kyung (Republic of Korea)
PARK So-In (Republic of Korea)
Pier Damiano PERETTI (Italy)
Michael RADULESCU (Austria)
Daniel ROTH (France)
SUZUKI Masaaki (Japan)
Carole TERRY (USA)
Harald VOGEL (Germany)
Gillian WEIR (UK)
† YOSHIDA Minoru (Japan)
Wolfgang ZERER (Germany)
Audition Jury
EBISAWA Bin, Chair
IMAI Naoko
AKIYAMA Masahiro
HIRAOKA Masahiro
Juror, Seventh Competition
Juror, Fifth Competition
Juror, Seventh Competition
Juror, Seventh Competition
Juror, Sixth Competition
Juror, Third Competition
Juror, First Competition
Juror, First and Sixth Competitions
Juror, Seventh Competition
Juror, Second-Sixth Competitions
Juror, Third and Fifth Competitions
Juror, First Competition
Juror, First Competition
Juror, Second and Third Competitions
Juror, Fourth and Fifth Competitions
Juror, Fourth Competition
Juror, Sixth Competition
Juror, Fourth Competition
Juror, Seventh Competition
Juror, Fourth and Fifth Competitions
Juror, Sixth Competition
Juror, Seventh Competition
Juror, Seventh Competition
Juror, Second and Third Competitions
Juror, First and Sixth Competitions
Juror, Second Competition
Juror, Fifth Competition
Juror, Fourth Competition
Juror, Seventh Competition
Juror, Fifth Competition
Juror, Second Competition
Juror, First-Third Competitions
Juror, Fifth Competition
Professor Emeritus, Shobi University Graduate School
President, Japan Organ Society; Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of the Arts
President, Japan Association of Organists; Professor, Tohoku Gakuin University
President, The Musashino Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Director, The Musashino Cultural Foundation; Professor, Seitoku University
President, The Musashino Cultural Foundation
Director, Civic Activities Promotion Section, City of Musashino
Executive Director, The Musashino Cultural Foundation
Guy BOVET (Switzerland), Chair
Hans-Ola ERICSSON (Sweden / Canada)
François ESPINASSE (France)
Bernhard HAAS (Germany)
HIROE Rie (Japan)
Susan LANDALE (UK / France)
SHIN Dong-ill (Republic of Korea)
KOBAYASHI Hideyuki (Japan), Chair
Jürgen ESSL (Germany)
FASSANG László (Hungary)
Professor Emeritus, Basel Music Academy
Professor, McGill University
Professor, Conservatoire national supérieur musique et danse de Lyon
Professor, Hochschule für Musik und Theater München
Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts
Professor, Royal Academy of Music, London
Associate Professor, Yonsei University
Professor, Ueno Gakuen University
Professor, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart
Lecturer, Liszt Academy
MATSUI Naomi, Secretary-general
The Musashino Cultural Foundation
Secretariat of the 8th International Organ Competition Musashino-Tokyo
Musashino Shiyakusho #801, 2-2-28 Midori-cho, Musashino-City, Tokyo 180-8777 JAPAN
(From April 1, 2017: Musashino Shimin Bunka Kaikan, 3-9-11 Naka-cho, Musashino-City,
Tokyo 180-0006)
Telephone: +81-(0)422-54-8822 Fax: +81-(0)422-54-2014
E-mail: organ1984@musashino-culture.or.jp
URL: www.musashino-culture.or.jp/iocm
*All correspondence regarding the competition should be written in either Japanese or English.
Venue and Instrument
Musashino Shimin Bunka Kaikan (Musashino Civic Cultural Hall), Recital Hall
Marcussen & Søn, 1984 (see organ specifications for further information)
The submitted audio and video recordings of the required repertoire will be the basis
for selection of participants in the First Round of the competition (fifteen performers, as
a rule). The results of this audition will be announced by Tuesday, February 28, 2017,
and will be communicated to applicants by email. (Inquiries concerning the result of the
audition cannot be accepted.) Applicants chosen to participate in the competition will
receive formal notification and related documents by post.
Required Repertoire
for Audition
Applicants should prepare the following two works.
a) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): either Sonate in Es BWV525 or in e BWV528
For a), choose and perform the second movement, in addition to the first or third
movements (1st and 2nd or 2nd and 3rd movements)
b) Robert Schumann (1810-1856): “Studien für den Pedalflügel” Op.56, IV
1) Audio recording of the required repertoire and a video recording (with sound) of the
same, filmed from the side of the performer that shows his or her entire body, shall
be submitted.
2) The order of the recorded repertoire must be J. S. Bach, followed by R. Schumann,
and must have been recorded within six months of the submission period.
3) Recordings must be made on a pipe organ. However, different instruments may be
used for the different works on the recording.
4) The audio recording and video recording may be from different sessions.
5) Both recordings are to be made live, and no editing whatsoever is permitted.
6) Proof that the recordings were made by the applicant is to be given in the competition
application in the form of the signature of a witness.
From Tuesday, December 20, 2016
till Friday, January 20, 2017 (postmark should reflect these dates)
February, 2017 (not open to the public)
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
First Round:
Saturday, September 9 and Sunday, September 10
Second Round: Wednesday, September 13 and Thursday, September 14
Sunday, September 17
Prizewinners' Concert: Monday (National Holiday), September 18
First Prizewinner’s CD Recording: Tuesday, September 19 and Wednesday, September 20
Note: As far as is possible, the audio and video recordings should be of high quality.
Required Repertory
First Round: perform the three works from the list below.
a) Johann Sebastian Bach: either Praeludium et Fuga in D BWV532 or in E BWV566
b) Max Reger (1873-1916): “Neun Stücke für die Orgel” Op.129.
Perform the three movements listed below:
1. Toccata
3. Kanon
6. Basso Ostinato
c) Jehan Alain (1911-1940): Variations sur un thème de Clément Jannequin AWV 99
Second Round: peform the three works from the list below.
a) Georg Muffat (1653-1704): “Apparatus musico-organisticus” Toccata Septima
b) either Vincent Lübeck (1654-1740): “Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ”
or Nikolaus Bruhns (1665-1697): Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
c) Johann Sebastian Bach: “Dritter Teil der Clavierübung”
Perform the following three compositions:
Vater unser im Himmelreich BWV682
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir BWV686
Jesu Christus, unser Heiland BWV688
The Finals for this competition will consist of recitals by each of the finalists, consisting
of their own selections. One original piece for organ written by a composer born in or
after 1960 must be included in the program (no longer than 10 minutes in length). The
time allotted for each contestant is between forty (40) and fifty (50) minutes, without
breaks; including entrances, exits, and time between pieces.
Please Note:
1) The program for the Finals must have noted composer's names, composition title (in
the original language), and time required to perform the program.
2) Once submitted, changes in a performer's program are not permitted.
3) Selections from the required repertory of the First and the Second Rounds are not to
be used in the Finals.
4) Works chosen are to be limited to those originally composed for performance on
pipe organs.
How to Apply
1) Send the following required documents by registered mail:
(a) Application form
(b) One (1) letter of recommendation in English or Japanese from a third-party organ
instructor or specialist.
(c) One (1) recent photo (above the waist, directly facing the camera, a high resolution
(d) Audio and video recordings of the required repertoire for the Auditions.
*The applicant may submit (c) and (d) in either CD and DVD or by data transfer service through the Internet.
Send application to:
Secretariat of the 8th International Organ Competition Musashino-Tokyo
Musashino Shiyakusho #801, 2-2-28 Midori-cho, Musashino-City,
Tokyo 180-8777 JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)422-54-8822
Email: organ1984@musashino-culture.or.jp
2) All applicants must pay a participation fee of 15,000 yen via bank transfer as designated
below during the following application period. Service charges for bank transfers and
other related fees incurred when paying from outside Japan are the responsibility of the
individual. The participation fee cannot be refunded under any circumstances.
Bank transfer to:
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Kichijoji Branch
Account No. 0798461
Account Holder: International Organ Competition Musashino-Tokyo
(Information below is for overseas applicants only)
Swift code: BOTKJPJT
Bank Address: 1-15-2 Kichijoji-Honcho, Musashino-City, Tokyo 180-0004
3) Applications must be postmarked between Tuesday, December 20, 2016 - Friday,
January 20, 2017
*Once submitted, all forms, photographs, recordings, participation fees, etc., become property of the
competition Secretariat, and will not be returned under any circumstances.
*Please inquire to the Secretariat if the applicant has not received confirmation by email by Tuesday,
January 31, 2017.
20 Age Limit for Applicants
There is no age limit for applicants.
The application and procurement of a visa is the responsibility of the individual
contestant in the event that one is necessary for the auditionee or contestant to enter
Japan. Please contact the Secretariat if guarantor documents are required for visa
Visa Procurement
22 Travel Expenses
For the participants of the First Round, travel expenses will be provided under the
following conditions:
<Non-residents of Japan>
Participants who are not residents of Japan will be given round trip airplane tickets
(economy class) between a designated international airport and Tokyo. However,
transportation to the airport and all travel expenses within Japan are the responsibility of
the contestant.
<Residents of Japan>
Travel costs are the responsibility of the contestant. However, those participants living at a
considerable distance from Tokyo may discuss travel assistance with the committee.
23 Lodging Expenses
Lodging expenses (not including meals) for the duration of the competition will be provided
for those contestants requiring accommodations, from the evening of Wednesday,
September 6, 2017 as follows:
• First-round contestants.......... until the morning of Monday, September 11
• Second-round contestants....until the morning of Friday, September 15
• Finalists..................................... until the morning of Monday (National Holiday), September 18
• Awardees................................. until the morning of Tuesday, September 19
• First Prize winner.....................until the morning of Thursday, September 21
Accommodations will be provided at a hotel designated by the competition sponsors.
24 Orientation
Contestants must attend the following orientation.
Time: 15:00, Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Place: Musashino Civic Cultural Hall
25 Order of
The order of performances and rehearsal times will be decided by drawing at the times
given below:
• First Round......... at the time of orientation
• Second Round.... immediately following the announcement of Second Round contestants
• Finals................... immediately following announcement of finalists
Contestants must be present by their designated time of performance. In the event of
tardiness, performance will be allowed only if the Secretariat deems that it would not
interfere with the overall program.
26 Rehearsals
Each contestant will be provided with rehearsal time at the venue. In addition, there will
be other organs available for use outside the competition venue. Any contestant who
desires to make use of these organs should state so on the application form.
27 Registrants
Registrants are to be provided by the contestant in the event that one is deemed
necessary. If a registrant is required but the contestant is unable make suitable
arrangements, this fact should be stated on the application form; the competition
office will make arrangements for an assistant in this case.
28 Judging
Judging will be conducted according to judging standards set by the Organizing
Committee. No objections may be raised against the decisions of the jury.
29 Performance Rights
The following rights attendant to appearance in the competition are reserved by the
competition sponsorship, and no contestant may raise objection to or demand payment
in relation to their use:
1) Radio or televised broadcasting or dissemination via Internet
2) Recording or filming whether or not for broadcasting purposes
3) Recording for the purposes of producing CDs, or the duplication and/or sale thereof
4) Taking of photographs and/or videos and the duplication thereof, as well as their
distribution and/or sale
30 Awards and Prizes
First Prize
Second Prize
Third Prize
Award certificate and 1,200,000 yen in prize money
Award certificate and 800,000 yen in prize money
Award certificate and 600,000 yen in prize money
*Taxes will be deducted from the above-mentioned prize money in accordance with Japanese tax law.
Other finalists
Award certificate
Audience Award (awarded to finalist selected by audience vote)
Other Awards
Award certificate, souvenir
1) A CD of the First Prize winner will be released from Naxos. The recording sessions are
scheduled for Tuesday, September 19 and Wednesday, 20, 2017 at Musashino Civic
Cultural Hall.
2) The First Prize winner will be provided the opportunity to perform on tour in Japan at
the invitation of The Musashino Cultural Foundation in fiscal year 2019.
32 Prizewinners Concert
Those who have been awarded First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, and the Audience
Award, must perform in the Prizewinners Concert to be held on Monday (National Holiday),
September 18, 2017 at Musashino Civic Cultural Hall. Please note that performance fees are
not to be paid.
33 Addendum
Any issues arising in regard to the above articles are to be resolved in accordance with
the meaning intended in the original Japanese language and according to Japanese law.