Colloquies Skit
Colloquies Skit
Action Network Innovations Presentation Say What? Washington Judicial Court Colloquies JUVENILE COURT CASE SCENARIO 1 George Yeannakis as the Judge Nadia Seeratan as the Juvenile Defender Sarah Walker as the Juvenile Client Preparing the Juvenile Client Before Court Court is in Session I get to go home! Case Closed! What just happened there??? This sucks! This judge is trippin’ JUVENILE COURT CASE SCENARIO 2 Nadia Seeratan as the Judge Sarah Walker as the Juvenile Client as the Juvenile Defender Prepping the Client Before Court ADJUDICATION COUNSEL RECOGNIZANCE RESOLUTION JUDGEMENT ABIDE ARRAIGNMENT MODIFICATION PURSUANT TO JURISDICTION PENDING FILE RESTITUTION NOTWITHSTANDIN G Youth Name:_________________________________Scomis:_________________________________ PROBATION DO’S 1 Come to court when I am told to come to court. 2 Report to probation staff when asked and obey all probation rules. 3 Live with _________________________________ and obey their rules. 4 I am on probation (also called community supervision) for ______ months. 5 5 Go to school every day and obey all school rules. 6 Obey all curfews. 7 Attend and complete all counseling, treatment, and programs as directed. PROBATION DON’TS 7 DO NOT commit any crimes. 8 DO NOT drink alcohol or use drugs that were not given to me by my doctor. 9 DO NOT have or use any weapons. 10 DO NOT have contact with the following persons or anyone on probation or parole: a. Name: b. Name: c. Name: _____ This means I will NOT talk to or send messages by mail, phone, computer, or through other persons or by any other way. OTHER: 11 Complete _____ hours of court-approved Restorative Community Service. 12 Pay restitution, if owed. 13 Pay the Crime Victim’s Fund. 14 Other Conditions: Court is in Session She seems okay. Ugh. I wish I wasn’t here. I get to go at home! 85 % OF ALL JUVENILE OFFENDERS CAN’T READ AT AN 8TH GRADE LEVEL 68 % OF THOSE ARRESTED ARE ILLITERATE JPC Recommendation Supervision Attend hearings On average Judges gave 10 conditions of release Meet with Attorney Submit to UAs No drugs or alcohol Possess no weapons No contact No new referrals Attend School Follow Home Rules House arrest 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% immediate supervision mt. with attorney Youth understood an average of 3.5 conditions of release Attend hearings No drugs or alcohol No contact No new referrals Attend School Follow Home Rules House arrest Don't Know 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% KNOWING? INTELLIGENT? VOLUNTARY? On average judges gave youth 6 conditions of probation Youth understood an average of 2 conditions of probation 70.0% 70.0% 60.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0% -10.0% NAME: ______________________________________ CAUSE#/RO#:________________________________ 1 2 3 Bail Amount: $___________________ RELEASE DO'S No. Benton-Franklin County Superior Court Juvenile Division No. ________________________________at _______a.m./p.m. and will take place at the Benton/Franklin Juvenile Court, 5606 W. Canal Place, Suite 106, Kennewick, WA 99336. 9 I will call my lawyer ________________________________. Phone # _________________________ 10 I will attend all meetings scheduled by my probation counselor and call as directed. My probation counselor is 11 Immediate Supervision: I will NOT leave my house unless a courtapproved adult in #4 is able to go along and see me at all times. I am allowed to attend school, work, or other activities approved by my probation counselor but I will NOT be anywhere else 9A without my court-approved adult. I can go directly to and from school or work without my court 9B approved adult. I will NOT travel outside of Benton or Franklin Counties or _______________ County without permission from my probation counselor. I will NOT drink or have alcohol. I will NOT use or have drugs unless they have been given to me by my doctor. _________________________ and the phone # is (509) 783-2151. 12 I will NOT commit any crimes or get arrested. I will come to court and go to all hearings scheduled by the court for my case(s). My next hearing is: I will have NO CONTACT with the following persons/place: I will live with ______________________________________________ a.__________________________________DOB: _________ at the following address: _____________________________________ 4 Phone #: _________________________. I will obey all their rules. 5 Other adults the court has approved to supervise me are: ______________________________________________ House Arrest: I will stay home. I am only allowed to leave the house to come to court. I will always have one of the court-approved adults referenced 5A in # 4 with me at home. I will get permission from my probation counselor each time I 5B want to leave the house. 6 I will follow Curfew. I will be at home and stay home: Every night from ______pm until _______am. 7 I will follow gang conditions. I received the gang conditions appendix in Court. 8 RELEASE DON'TS 13 b.__________________________________DOB: _________ _________________________________________________ This means I will NOT talk to or send messages by mail, phone, email, text, internet, any other person, or by any other way. 14 I will NOT be alone with children 3 or more years younger than me. If I am around children, a parent and/or approved adult who knows about what I have been accused of, and the rules the judge gave me, must be able to see me at all times when the children are in my presence. 16 I will NOT have, look at, or listen to, anything that shows or describes any sexual acts. I will NOT have or look at anything that shows or describes the uncovered private parts of the human body. I will NOT have or use any guns, knives, or other weapons. 17 Other: 15 Other: I understand that if I break any of the rules that the Judge reviewed with me, I may have to return to Detention and will have a Court hearing to address the violations.
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