Issue 18 - Ma`ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls
Issue 18 - Ma`ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls
"The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 1 of 10 Having trouble viewing this email? Click here VOLUME 10 ISSUE 18 FEBRUARY 12, 2016 * 3 Adar I 5776 PARSHAT TERUMAH CANDLE LIGHTING 5:09 PM In this issue... From the Top "Oh Sweet and Lovely Wall" - Our Shakespeare Club in AcƟon School-wide Snow Tubing Trip Ma'ayanot Students Win RecogniƟon in WriƟng Contest An AP Government Shabbat! Ma'ayanot Alumnae are Learning Partners in Israel Varsity Basketball - Looking Back on a Great Season NORPAC 2016 Reminder - Annual Seforim Sale at YU Annual Scholarship Dinner is Approaching February MeeƟng of Ma'ayanot Book Club: Mudbound Spring Semester at Lamdeinu ConƟnuing EducaƟon at Ma'ayanot Parnas HaYom A Look Ahead FROM THE TOP The insƟtuƟon of the haŌarah has been part of our tradiƟon since the Ɵme of the Second Temple. When the Greeks prohibited the Jews from reading the Torah, Chazal chose a secƟon from Navi that was themaƟcally similar to the parsha. Every haŌarah is either connected 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 themaƟcally to that week's parsha or a special occasion on the calendar. The haŌarah for parshat Terumah, where the instrucƟons for the building of the mishkan are given, is the building of the Beit HaMikdash by Shlomo HaMelech in Melachim Aleph. The parallels between the two are clear and the selecƟon for this week's haŌarah seems obvious. However, one might argue that the haŌarah was actually chosen because it forms a contrast with the parsha. In the midbar, the materials for the mishkan were donated freely by Bnei Yisrael. The men who built the mishkan were all Israelites who volunteered to parƟcipate in the construcƟon of the Mishkan, imbued with wisdom by Hashem. In contrast, when building the Beit HaMikdash, Shlomo conscripted Bnei Yisrael as a labor force required to do the work. Shlomo also included Phoenician workers that his ally, King Chiram, sent to assist him. AddiƟonally, the dimensions of the Beit HaMikdash were much larger than those of the Mishkan. The Mishkan measured half the length and breadth (60 cubits by 20 cubits) of the Beit HaMikdash. The added entrance hall contributed a further 10 cubits to the length of the structure. Its height (30 cubits) was triple that of the Mishkan. This was a building of sizeable proporƟons. Abarbanel noted that in the middle of the building project, Hashem warns Shlomo about keeping the mitzvoth because he seemed preoccupied with the grandeur and splendor of the building and seemed to be losing sight of its goal and purpose. It is a place where the Shechina is supposed to rest, a place where the Jewish people are supposed to be able to approach Hashem and bring sancƟty into their personal existence. Conversely, the Mishkan achieved its purpose despite its simplicity, contructed from boards and curtains. It was special because of the beauƟful sense of purpose the people invested in it, and the purity of their desire to achieve closeness to Hashem. This provides us with a valuable lesson in the need for clarity and self-inspecƟon whenever we plan any project in which we invest Ɵme, money and effort that we divert from other acƟviƟes. At Ma'ayanot, any program that takes students out of the classroom must serve a worthwhile purpose. Our recent snow tubing trip is just such an example. This trip was much more than missing classes in order to have fun on the slopes, although we did have to miss classes and the girls enjoyed it very much. More importantly, it was a wonderful opportunity for grade and inter-grade bonding, spending Ɵme with teachers outside of school and just creaƟng a warm, posiƟve feeling of school spirit and unity. There are great things happening every day at Ma'ayanot and appreciaƟng them makes them even more valuable. Shabbat Shalom, Elana Flaumenhaft Ms. Elana FlaumenhaŌ, Assistant Principal "OH SWEET AND LOVELY WALL..." Members of our Shakespeare club, for which Mrs. Enid Goldberg is the faculty advisor, read "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in its enƟrety and then created an original staging of the Pyramus and Thisbe scene, which is really a "play within a play." Club members 2 of 10 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 3 of 10 presented the scene to senior Mehanekhet classes, and other students who wished to aƩend, on Thursday, February 11. To see this producƟon's program, which includes a synopsis of the acƟon, click here. Members of the Shakespeare Club include Annabelle Sinoff '16 (President), Arielle Weinberger '16, Miriam Schloss '16, Chava Zakheim '17, Penina Krischer '19, Maya Wind '19, Elisheva Mirwis '18, Aleeza Katz '16, Mira Simantov '17, Tamar Plotzker '17, Shulamit Dashevsky '17, Shalva Faber '18, Ravi Schwartz '18, Simi Glicksman '18, Batsheva Leah Weinstein '18, Yael Stochel '17, Sol Emunah Richter '19 and Dalia Mermelstein '17. WELCOME BACK SNOW TUBING TRIP To welcome the month of Adar, and to welcome everyone back to school aŌer winter break, our enƟre student body went snow tubing and/or skiing on Wednesday, February 10 (Rosh Hodesh Adar I). Students who preferred less adventurous acƟviƟes could "hang out" in the ski house and read, socialize or play board games. Faculty chaperones included Mrs. Gabrielle Berger, Ms. Sarah Gordon, Mrs. Adele Katzenstein, Mrs. Jen Sanders, Mrs. Rivka Kahan, Mrs. Dena Block, Mrs. Shifra Schapiro and Rabbi Zev Prince. The event was held at Camelback Mountain Resort in Tannersville, PA, under cold but sunny skies. "It was fun having a new experience with my friends," said Amanda Solomon '17. Naomi SanŌ '17 said, "This was my first Ɵme snow-tubing and I wasn't sure what to expect and so I was a liƩle nervous, but it turned out to be great!" To enjoy more pictures, be sure to visit our Facebook page. MA'AYANOT STUDENTS WIN RECOGNITION IN WRITING CONTEST Three Ma'ayanot students won recogniƟon in the "ScholasƟc Art and WriƟng Awards" compeƟƟon for the school year 2015-16. The awards are granted through the 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 4 of 10 Alliance for Young ArƟsts and Writers, which is a nonprofit organizaƟon whose mission is to idenƟfy students with arƟsƟc and literary talent. To read more, click here. Racheli Herzfeld '18, a student in Mrs. Shifra Schapiro's CreaƟve WriƟng elecƟve, won a Gold Key for her poem, "Eclipse." Leora Wasserman '18, also in Mrs. Schapiro's CreaƟve WriƟng class, received an Honorable MenƟon in the "Flash FicƟon" category for her short story "Friends Inside My Head." (Flash ficƟon is a short work; while there is no universal definiƟon, the consensus is 1000 words or less). Senior Shana Adler also received an Honorable MenƟon in the Personal Memoir category for "DeterminaƟon." AN AP GOVERNMENT SHABBAT! Several students in Ms. Caryn Keller's AP Government class spent Shabbat with her and her family at her apartment in New York. "The get-together was moƟvated by us just wanƟng to come," said Chana Fisch '16. "We engaged in poliƟcal discussions and debates," added Ms. Keller," and we made Ɵme for intense games of "SeƩlers of Catan" and "Taboo." This was not the first Ɵme that Mrs. Keller From left to right are Ms. Keller, seniors Bracha graciously opened her home to her Rothschild, Arianna Samet, Nachama Stern, Chaya students. In December, another Robinson, Annabelle Sinoff, Chana Fisch, and Emily Silverstein, Ms. Keller's daughter, Ma'ayanot ??, and in group from AP Gov class had the front is senior Chana Waintraub opportunity to spend Shabbat with the Kellers as well. THAT MA'AYANOT SISTERHOOD: CHAVRUTA-STYLE Allison Alt '11 wrote to us from Israel that "This is my second year as a madricha on the Bar Ilan Israel Experience gap year program, and I love having Ma'ayanot alumnae on the program. Last year, Dakota Gotlib '14 was on the program, and this year we have Dina Fleyshmakher '15." Allison explained that chavrutot with the madrichot typically don't start during the beginning weeks because it takes Ɵme for parƟcipants to acclimate and to get to know one another. "But Dina and I had an instant Ma'ayanot connecƟon on the first Shabbaton," Allison conƟnued, "we started talking about our love for 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 5 of 10 Ma'ayanot, and from there found that we had more in common. By the end of the conversaƟon, we decided that we should definitely have a chavruta." Dina and Allison are trying to learn as much of the five Megillot as they can. They started with Ruth, which they finished in January, and are hoping to finish Esther by Purim. They have been learning at least once a week almost every week since the start of the academic year. "I think our chavruta is very much influenced by our Ma'ayanot educaƟon," Allison Alt (at left) and Dina Fleyshmakher, Allison added. "We both wanted something friends and learning partners textual. We analyze each pasuk and we read and look up what the Daat Mikrah has to say. It's also cool to see Dina bring in new things she learns in her Torah classes at Bar Ilan. Occasionally, we go off on a tangent and start discussing our Ma'ayanot days! Thank you Ma'ayanot for kick-starƟng the friendship we've developed." VARSITY BASKETBALL - LOOKING BACK ON A GREAT SEASON On Thursday, February 4, Ma'ayanot's Varsity Basketball team played an incredible game and ended the season with a win against Westchester. Seniors Adina Rosenberg (12 points), Nachama Stern (10 points), Gabi Lerner (9 points), Chaya Robinson (8 points), Shana Adler (2 points), and Sydnee Anderson (2 points) all played with energy and support of each other to score those 43 points. Juniors Michal Horn (5 points) and Rachelli Zomberg (5 points) added an addiƟonal 10 points. These points could not have been scored without help from other teammates who tried to prevent their opponents from geƫng the ball. The Ma'ayanot Rapids had an outstanding season working together as a team, puƫng all their effort into each game. Even when they lost a game, they stayed posiƟve and tried to win the next one. They lost as a team and won as a team, and accomplished so much throughout the season. They came together and did not give up on themselves. This season created memories that will last forever including finishing with an amazing victory over Westchester, 53-16. The team would not have been complete without Coach Atara Polinsky '10, who put Ɵme and effort into making us a team. We could not have done it without her! -by EsƟ Knapp '17, Manager 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 6 of 10 NORPAC 2016: STAND UP AND BE COUNTED! ANNUAL SEFORIM SALE AT YU Yeshiva University will 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 7 of 10 be holding its annual Seforim Sale from February 7 - 28. Be a part of the largest Jewish book sale in North America! YU has been offering this service to the Jewish community since 1964, and each year close to 15,000 people parƟcipate. This year, YU has added a program which allows parƟcipaƟng schools, such as Ma'ayanot, to get cash-back credits from any purchases made using our unique code, which is MAAYANOTGIRLS. For more informaƟon, including Ɵme and locaƟon, click here. ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP DINNER HONOREES ARE ANNOUNCED Mark your calendar for Saturday evening, March 5, 2016, when Ma'ayanot's Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner will be held at 8:30 PM at CongregaƟon Keter Torah in Teaneck. This year's dinner is dedicated to the memory of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, zt"l, who served as Ma'ayanot's posek from the Ɵme that our school was in the planning stages. Mrs. EsƟ Rosenberg, Rav Lichtenstein's daughter, will be an honored speaker, who will share words on video. This year's dinner honorees will be Mrs. Ria and Mr. Tim Levart (Keter Shem Tov Award), Rabbi Mark and Mrs. Chumi GoƩlieb (Amudei Ma'ayanot), Mr. Doug and Mrs. Shera Dubitsky (Parents of the Year) and Dr. Julie Goldstein (Teacher of the Year). To make a pledge or a reservaƟon, click here. 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 8 of 10 LAMDEINU'S SPRING SEMESTER BEGINS Lamdeinu's exciƟng new Spring semester began on Monday, February 1. Classes taught by renowned rabbis and educators, including Ma'ayanot faculty member Dr. Julie Goldstein, are offered Monday through Thursday mornings and Tuesday evenings. You may register for Parshanut HaMikra on Bereishit, Talmud Berakhot, Parashat HaShavua, Sefer ShoŌim, Yeshayahu, and some smaller mini-courses on the various holidays and Jewish Philosophy. All classes cover new topics. New students are welcome to join any class. Holiday programming and special events will be announced on the website. To see the full list of course offerings, click here. Lamdeinu, a center for Jewish learning founded by Dean Rachel Friedman, is located at CongregaƟon Beth Aaron, 950 Queen Anne Rd., Teaneck, NJ. For more informaƟon and registraƟon, please visit CONTINUING EDUCATION 2015-16 Ma'ayanot's ConƟnuing EducaƟon program will conƟnue with a series of shiurim offered by Mrs. Dena Block, Director of Student Programming, Talmud and History teacher, who will present "Making of a Gadol's P'sak: Responsa of Rav Moshe Feinstein on Contemporary Issues." Mrs. Block's classes began on February 4 and will conƟnue on February 18 and 25 and March 3, from 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM. 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 9 of 10 Shiurim by Mrs. Leah Herzog and Mrs. Rivka Kahan will follow. For the complete schedule of dates and topics, click here. PARNAS HAYOM Through our Parnas HaYom program, families are able to sponsor a day of learning or a special school program in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special occasion, or in the merit of the recovery of a loved one. Each dedicaƟon is publicly announced at an appropriate Ɵme during the school day, and sponsorship noƟces are displayed in our lobby and noted in "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's weekly online newsleƩer. For more informaƟon regarding sponsorship of these or other programs, or if you would like to schedule sponsorship of a day of learning, please contact Pam Ennis at or call 201-833-4307 x265. Torah learning on February 11, 2016 (2 Adar I 5776) was generously sponsored by Daniel and Gabrielle Altman in memory of Hon. Myriam Altman, Myriam Bat Shlomo,z"l, grandmother of Avigayil '17 and Sophia '20. A LOOK AHEAD February 15-16 (Monday-Tuesday) Presidents' Day Recess-no school February 26-27 (Friday-Saturday) Freshman Shabbaton, Edison, NJ (details to follow) March 1 (Tuesday) Family Learning Night, at Ma'ayanot, details coming soon! March 14 (Monday) Family Conferences, 3:10 PM dismissal March 23 (Wednesday) Ta'anit Esther, 1:50 PM dismissal March 24 (Thursday) Purim, no school March 29 and 30 (Tuesday and Wednesday) Drama Performance, 7:30 PM April 20 (Wednesday) no clubs, last day of classes for seniors, 4:40 PM dismissal April 21-May 1 (Thursday-Sunday) Pesach recess June 10-13 2/12/2016 9:01 AM "The Stream," Ma'ayanot's Online Newsletter, #18 (Friday-Monday) Shavuot recess To download a calendar of important dates for the enƟre 2015-16 academic year, click here. The Stream is a publicaƟon of Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls 1650 Palisade Avenue Teaneck, NJ 07666 Mrs. Rivka Kahan, Principal Mrs. Tamar Appel and Ms. Elana FlaumenhaŌ, Assistant Principals Rachel Feldman, Administrator Mr. Saul Kaszovitz, President Mrs. Madeline Schmuckler, ContribuƟng Editor and Layout visit us on the web at To read an interesƟng arƟcle from the "Washington Post," including commentary on how to punctuate this holiday, click here. Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School, 1650 Palisade Ave., Teaneck, NJ 07666 SafeUnsubscribe™ Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with 10 of 10 2/12/2016 9:01 AM
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