Excellence...Strengthened by Faith!


Excellence...Strengthened by Faith!
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
October 8, 2014
Est. 2001
Rev. Tom Rafferty
Reneé B. Nunez
Susan Leddy
Assistant Principal
Kendall Shamas
Dean of Middle
School & Auxiliary
Dear School Families,
We were blessed with such beautiful weather over the weekend. It’s great that the first hints of what is to come for
fall have arrived! We continue reciting our daily decade of the Rosary each morning during the month of October. There is a
great sense of peace felt during our prayer time together. Thank you to the families reciting rosaries this month for world
peace. We hope you can join us for our annual Living Rosary next Wednesday.
We want to welcome Mrs. Prudence Osman as our new Kindergarten Assistant in K1. She started the year as a long
-term substitute in the technology lab for Mrs. Wilson. We’re glad to have Mrs. Wilson back from maternity leave and glad
to have Mrs. Osman as a full-time member of our staff. Our search continues for a first grade teacher to replace Mrs. Danysh.
We wish Mrs. Danysh and her family the best as they make the move to South Carolina later this week. They have been a
part of our community for a very long time and will be greatly missed.
Our discipleship message for the week is focused on October as Respect Life Month. How is that related to being a
Disciple of Christ? The focus of the month gives us a great opportunity to remember that as a Catholic school we are called to
respect the dignity of each person we meet and that we have the responsibility of helping each other reach our God given potential. Disciples see Christ in others and share the Christ within them. We have been working on this since the school year
began. Do you always respect others? Do you treat them in a way that you want to be treated? These are great questions for
all of us to think about during Respect Life Month. Remember, it's all about being Christ-like in our words and actions and
leading each other closer and closer to Christ.
The month of October is a busy one and it is flying by quickly. Mark your calendar so you don’t miss a thing. The
holidays will be upon us before we know it. Don’t forget that PTO and the Booster Club are calling all golfers to sign up for
their one and only fundraiser of the year – the fall golf tournament. We look forward to possibly seeing you on the course.
May the coming week bring God’s blessings to you and yours.
Sincerely in Christ,
Reneé B. Nunez
Susan Leddy
Kendall Shamas
Assistant Principal PreK-5
Dean of Middle School & Auxiliary
Friday, October 24, 2014 • 8:00 AM Shotgun Start
The vision of St.
Anthony of Padua
Catholic School is to
guide the mind, body,
and spirit of the next
generation of Catholic
leaders to live the
Gospel of Jesus Christ
and to meet their full
potential as people
created in the image
of God.
New Golf Clubs!
Other Fun Prizes!
(Click HERE for the registration form or for more information.)
Donation Dollars at a Glance:
Excellence...Strengthened by Faith!
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
The Messenger, Weekly Newsletter
The 14th Annual Golf Tournament is right around the corner, and
we are in need of a few more volunteers. If you’re looking for
something fun to do on Friday, October 24 come join us at the
Golf Tournament. Volunteer opportunities are limited, so sign up
now! Visit Volunteer Spot if you are interested.
Great things are happening inside
Congratulations to the following students for being named
Writing Leaders for the month of September. Keep up the
excellent writing!
2nd Grade: Anna Bong, Matthew Dampf, Cooper Hansen, Jaden
Leddy, Cameron Leslie, Madeline McCollor, Cadence
Moorman, Andrew Pitre, Bella Rios, and Molly Snipp
3rd Grade: Jessica Bazaldua, Josie Domitrovic, Alexander Harris,
Joseph Jardina, and Kento Nakao
4th Grade: Jacob Rios and Rebeca Amparan
5th Grade: Leo Danysh and Perrin Nguyen
6th Grade: Emma Williams and Chloe Porras
7th Grade: Isabela Suter and Megan Abib
8th Grade: Abby Fraizer and Abby Philipps
We are currently taking sign-ups for SAOP 6th-8th grade basketball.
If you are interested in playing basketball for SAOP this season,
please fill out a Basketball Commitment form with your parents
and turn it in to Coach Quickel by Friday October 10th. Forms can
be picked up from the bulletin board outside Coach Quickel’s
office, in the kiosk in the front office, or online at the link above.
Deadline for registration is Monday, October 13.
(Click Here)
Student Council is selling pumpkins! The pick-up date is Friday,
October 17 from 3:30-4:30 PM on the basketball courts behind
the school. Order forms were sent home today and are due by
Monday, October 13. Please be sure to send payments with your
order form.
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
and outside our classrooms...
The Messenger, Weekly Newsletter
We are happy to welcome Mrs.
Emily Booth to the Office Staff.
Emily has been working with
Mrs. Cunningham for the past
few weeks as our newest
Administrative Services & Support Assistant. Some may know
her already as the Kindergarten Assistant in K1. The
transition from classroom to office has been very
smooth. Please stop by the front desk to say hello.
With Mrs. Booth moving into a
different role, the Kindergarten
Assistant position became available.
Please help us give a warm welcome
to Mrs. Prudence Osman. Prudence
has been substituting for us for a
couple years now and is a very familiar face — mostly in
our middle school hallways. She has officially joined the
SAOPCS team as our new Kindergarten Assistant in K1
with Mrs. Abby Smith.
Thu, 10/9
Fri, 10/10
Mon, 10/13
Tue, 10/14
Wed, 10/15
Welcome Emily and Prudence! We’re so happy to have
you both on the team.
The following families will be reciting Rosaries for
world peace next week:
12th: Marsan, Frazier, Rodriguez
13th: Saucier, Guerrero
14th: Janda, West, Lee
15th: Pena, Osman, Pavlock
16th: Otero, Knoepffler, Castillo
17th: Hernandez, Kurzy, Conde
18th Snipp, Trainor, Brandon
Week of October 13, 2014
Belgian Waffles or French Toast (with
Syrup), Fruit Toppings,
Sausage Links
Popcorn Chicken (Oven-Baked), French
Fries, Green Beans
Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy, Mixed
Vegetables, Fresh Fruit
Chicken Parmesan with Penne Pasta in
Marinara Sauce, Steamed Broccoli,
Garlic Bread
Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni),
Carrot Sticks with Dip, Fresh Fruit
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
Thu, 10/16
Fri, 10/17
Sat, 10/18
Mon, 10/20
Wed, 10/22
Thu, 10/23
Fri, 10/24
PTO Sponsored Rosary, 2:30 PM
Booster Club Meeting, 6:00-7:00 PM, PLB Room 203
Volleyball Games @ SEAS, 4:30 PM
Soccer (MAKE-UP) Games vs. Sacred Heart Conroe, JV=4:30
PM; V=5:30 PM, @ Home
All School Mass (Led by 5B), 9:00 AM
MS Social, 6:30-8:30 PM, Gym
2014-15 Basketball Commitment Forms Due to Coach Quickel
PTO Sponsored Rosary, 8:15 AM
Varsity Soccer Game @ St. Cecilia, 4:30 PM
Order Forms for Student Council Pumpkin Sale are Due
Deadline to Register for Parent Retreat, “One in the Lord”
Early Release—Dismissal at 10:30 AM for PreK AM
Classes; PreK PM arrives at 11:30 AM; 2:15 dismissal for
afternoon PreK-3rd; and 2:30 for 4th-8th
Volleyball Games vs. St. Anne TB @ Home, C=4:30 PM;
JV=5:30 PM; V=6:30 PM
Living Rosary, 8:15 AM, Piazza
Community Partner Spirit Day—Crust Pizza, Alden Bridge
Soccer Game vs. Regis, JV=4:30 PM; V=5:30 PM, @ Home
Quiz Bowl Practice, 7:00-7:40 AM
PTO Sponsored Rosary, 2:30 PM
Jr. Master Gardener (3rd-5th Grade), 3:45-5:00 PM
M&D Meeting, 5:00-6:00 PM, Office Suite
Volleyball games vs. St. Cecilia, JV=4:30 PM; V=5:30 PM, @
PTO Sponsored Parent Retreat, 8:15 AM-3:15 PM, AMR
Talks with Fr. Tom, 8:15-9:00 AM, PLB Room 202
Mass (Led by 7-1), 9:00 AM
Student Council Pumpkin Sale, 3:00-4:00 PM, Basketball
Quiz Bowl Practice, 3:45-5:00 PM
EC Pumpkin Day
PTO Sponsored Rosary, 8:15 AM
Soccer Games vs. St. Martha @ Home, JV=4:30 PM; V=5:30
Box Tops for Education Due
RISE UP! MS Parent Session, 7:00-8:00 PM, AMR
Soccer Game vs. St. Cecilia, 4:30 PM, @ Home
PTO Sponsored Rosary, 2:30 PM
Class Pictures & Individual Picture Make-Ups
ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT, 8:00 AM, Windrose Golf Club
Mass (Led by 7-2), 9:00 AM
Quiz Bowl Practice, 3:45-5:00 PM
The Messenger, Weekly Newsletter
The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston requires that all
school volunteers who have frequent, ongoing or
recurring contact with students complete the Protecting
God’s Children (PGC) workshop. Volunteers who attended PGC over five years ago are required to attend a
Keeping the Promise Alive (KPA) refresher workshop.
Did you attend a PGC workshop in 2009?
You must register for a KPA workshop before the
end of 2014 in order to stay in compliance with
VIRTUS© and continue volunteering.
Did you attend a PGC workshop in 2008 or earlier?
If you HAVE NOT attended a KPA workshop, you are
out of compliance with VIRTUS© and unable to volunteer on campus. Once you attend a KPA workshop, your VIRTUS© account will be reactivated and
you will be back in compliance for another five
PTO Spirit Store order forms were sent home with
students today. You can also find copies in the kiosk in the
front office or online at: PTO SPIRIT STORE.
Listed below are PGC and KPA workshops in our area
however you can attend workshops anywhere in the
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. To register for a
PGC or KPA workshop go to www.virtus.org. Questions
about VIRTUS© can be directed to Cathy Russell at
crussell@staopcs.org. Please put VIRTUS© in the subject
*NOTE: Per the Archdiocese, as of September 8, 2014,
pre-registration is strictly required and walk-ins are no
longer permitted. To ensure your registration is complete, please register at least 24 hours in advance.
Protecting God’s Children (PGC) Workshops
Tue., 10/14
6:30pm Sts. Simon & Jude Church
Sat., 10/25
9:00am Sacred Heart Church
Keeping the Promise Alive (KPA) Workshops
Sat., 10/25 9:00am St. Anthony of Padua Church
Sat., 10/25 2:00pm Sacred Heart Church
Preparation for First Reconciliation & First Eucharist
“Walk Through Reconciliation” - For Parent and Child to learn
the practical aspect of celebrating the Sacrament
Mon., 10/13
Wed., 10/15
6:00-7:30 PM
5:00-6:30 PM
Last name A-K
Last name L-Z
Remember to turn in your Box Tops. They are due on
Wednesday, October 22. The class that collects the most
will win an ice cream party!
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
During parent-teacher conferences last week, a
generous school family left an envelope at the front desk
labeled “School Fund”. There was no family information
included in the envelope with the cash donation. Will the
family please help us solve this mystery so we can give
you a proper thank you? Please contact Lynda Eichler in
the front office. Thank you for your help!
The Messenger, Weekly Newsletter
SAOPCS Red Ribbon Poster Contest
“Love Yourself, Be Drug Free!”
Help decorate our school for Red Ribbon Week!
Students in 3rd through 8th grade are encouraged to design a poster that reflects this year’s
Alcohol Awareness and Abuse or Drug Awareness and Abuse
There will be four winners, two from each of the following categories:
3rd – 5th grade-an Alcohol Awareness and Drug Awareness Winner
6th – 8th grade-an Alcohol Awareness and Drug Awareness Winner
Posters must reflect either the theme of Alcohol Awareness and Abuse or Drug
Awareness and Abuse.
Each poster should be the original work (including concept, layout, slogan and any
visual images) of a single person.
Posters must be 11X17 inches in size. Please stop by the counselor’s office or the
front office to pick up your poster board paper.
The name, grade and age of the person entering the poster should be included on the
back of the poster.
Each of the winners will receive a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble.
RED RIBBON WEEK 2014 is October 27th – October 31st
The theme for this this year is
“Love Yourself, Be Drug Free!”
BY Wednesday, OCTOBER 22nd, 2014
If you have any questions, please contact Janay O’Connor at
joconnor@staopcs.org or 832-482-4168
Advancement Update:
Thank you to those who Rise Up
for the 2014 Annual Fund
Bob and Therese Abib*Charlotte Aldrich*Danny and
Jennifer Amador*Barrett and Stacy Ballay*Eric Bazaldua*Geoffrey and Abby Beatty*Ann Beetz*Daniel and
Ree Belhumeur*Eduardo and Dilcia Betancourt*Chris
and Cindy Bierbaum*Matthew and Patricia Black*James
and Anna Bollinger*John and Heidi Bong*Tim and Emily
Booth*John and Elvira Brandon*Jeff and Susan Branson*Brian and Rosalia Burke*Colette Carson*Jerome
and Irma Cavaluzzi*Salvador and Mili Ceballos*Richard
and Dianne Clark*Brian and Shannon Coomes*Mark and
Angela Coscio*Mary Cunningham*Chris and Stephanye
Denison*Stan and Adele Doiron*Emily Domingo*Joseph
and Cynthia Eash*Mark and Alicia Filley*Carey and Tammy Fishman*Carlos and Libia Forero Duarte*Stacey Duplantier*Dennis and Lynda Eichler*Suzanne Ettman*Tammy Fishman*Laura Foy*Howard and Annette Franques*Matthew and Jill
Frazier*Peter and Susan Gambertoglio*Andrew and Michelle Giannotti*T. Ernie and Martha Gislason*Barbara Glanville*Randy and
Patricia Guidry*Timothy and Bernadette Haggerty*Karl and Cristen Hansen*Brian and Nancy Haub*Michael and Kimberly
Hoss*Kym Jackson*Paul and Lisa Jardina*Clint and Angela Johnson*Andrew and Kimberly Kim*Jay and Becki Kinch*Heather
Koett*Peter and Sue Ann Kowalchuk*Jason and Tricia Kraiss*Neven and Melita Krstulovic Opara*Michael and Lisa Kurzy*Francisco
and Sol Labanca*Michael and Sally Lacourse*Louis and Michelle Lafleur*Andrew and Katrina Larkin*Mary Beth Larkin*Phil and
Donna Laudicina*Joe and Linzay Lawrence*Matthew and Susan Leddy*Kevin and Amy Leslie*David and Elisa Lombardi*Monique
Loyo*Dominic and Tabitha Madrid*Daniel and Mayra Mateos Garza*Christopher Mattern*Thomas and Marcia Mazingo*Rena
McBroom*Byron and Caroline McDonald*Bruce and Jeannette McIninch*Jonathan and Michelle McKeig*Patrick and Eva McKenna*Rex and Stacey McMullan*Mark and Catherine Miller*David and Kim Morgan*Michael and Rebecca Morris*Mitsutaka and Eiko
Nakao*Christopher and Michelle Nelli*Brittany Nevlud*Joe and Penny Newcomb* Guillermo and Gloria Ocejo* Janay O’Connor*Andrew and Unwana Oghena*Daniel and Linda O'Hare*Juan Paramo and Veronica Onate*Steve and Michelle Parsons*Douglas
and Leslie Pavlock*Ricardo and Alma Pena*Gayle Perkins*Michael and Lauren Peschier*Brett and Nicole Petillo*Steven and Mellissa Petit*Michael and Cheryl Philipps*Robert and Aida Picone*John and Elsa Piekielniak*Andrew and Siomara Pitre*Marco and
Joyce Poisler*Meghan Preuss*Dale Quickel*Meghan Ryan and Genny Rabalais*Jeffrey and Heidi Reid*Sidney and Michelle Reynaud*Scott and Christine Richards*Jason and Jennifer Rivers*Mona Rodriguez*Rolando and Lis Rodriguez* Jeffrey and Diana Scarborough*Matthew and Jennifer Schmittauer*Michael and Beth Seifer*Kendall Shamas*Joshua and Abby Smith*Ed and Maria
Smith*Brandy and Juliana Snipp*Frank and D'Ette Sommers*David and Melanie Stevens*Judi Strapp*Matthew and Monica
Stroud*Kelly Sturgeon*Nelson and Ndeloke Tajong*Patricia Tamez*Theresa Thompson*Luther and Elizabeth Tow*Michael and
Mindy Vacek*Spiros and Celina Vassilakis*Eric and Libby Watts*Barton and Courtney West*Michael and Lynice Wing*Catherine
Wogan*Olga Wunch*Christopher and Karen Zurowick
In the know:
The 14th Annual Golf Tournament will take place on October 24 at WindRose Golf Club. Click on this
link for more information: www.staopcs.org/golf.
Watch for Community Partner nights coming each month. The first one is Crust Pizza, October 15, 4:309:00 PM, Alden Bridge