
S T. M A R Y ’ S H I G H S C H O O L
I recognize there was much to celebrate in this 140th year of St. Mary’s High School.
We celebrated our alumni, faculty and our student body. We celebrated the Class of 2016. We
celebrated all the great things that happen daily at St. Mary’s. We celebrated classes spending
a day at St. Mary’s Interfaith Dining Hall, we celebrated our award winning theater department,
we celebrated our art department, we celebrated our speech program, we celebrated our music
department, we celebrated our Model UN team, we celebrated the community involvement of
our students and their charitable donations to many causes. We celebrated our athletic program
which included the nationally ranked #1 Girls Basketball Team in the country and we celebrated
Mr. Greg Traverso ’79 as the new Development Director. We are excited to have Greg take on this significant role
in our school community as we look forward to the future.
Mark Apostolon from the Latino Times March 2016, wrote an article about St. Mary’s and it began:
This year, Stockton’s iconic St. Mary’s High School is celebrating a milestone of 140 years with
continued school spirit, reinvigorated commitment from alumni, and a recent exhibition at the
Haggin Museum entitled ‘Saint Mary’s: 140 Years of Milestones & Memories,’ which featured
memorabilia from the school and athletic uniforms, to photos and trophies from the school’s
archives. Those milestones are significant because on its 140th anniversary, St. Mary’s is still
making memories for its alumni and student body while continuing its legacy as an important pillar
of the Stockton community.
In refection of the 140th year and my role as president, it is imperative that we always remember our school’s
mission and purpose. This inevitably raises the question: What is your school’s purpose? My response, which I
discovered from my mentor and friend the late Fr. Clark Kelley: Is to get our students to heaven or at least show
them how.
More so today than in the early years of Catholic education, our schools have become the last bastions for truth
and direction for our children. Most high schools, public or private, or charter do a good job of educating our
students in the basic secondary school rigor.
The difference in a Catholic high school education like St. Mary’s should be our formation of students in these
truths: God intended to create them, he loves them, he gave them the whole universe to study in order to find him
and he wants them to become what he created them to be. Consequently, our vision at St. Mary’s for our students
is taken from the words of St. Francis de Sales: “Be who you are and be that well.”
After all we know that God made everything and in everything we should observe his creative hand. As Catholic
educators, we should be expanding our students’ understanding of what God wants them to be and what he
wants them to accomplish.
We know that our value soars beyond the cost of tuition to teach eternal reward and that value makes our parents’
investment in their children’s education priceless.
Therefore, our primary purpose at St. Mary’s, as it has been for 140 years, is to spread the Gospel of Christ, to form
a life of prayer and worship, to serve the needs of others and to build a Catholic Christian community.
Please keep us in your prayers as we do you on the third Wednesday of each month by offering the Mass for all
those who support St. Mary’s.
Respectfully in the Lord,
Peter D. Morelli
President Emeritus
Rev. John P. Fallon, O. S. F. S.
Mr. Peter D. Morelli’ ’69
3 Around Campus
8 Class of 2016
Mrs. Kathy Smith
Vice Principal
Mrs. Karen Gherardi ’71
Academic Dean
Mrs. Alana Weisz ’04
23 In Memoriam
Director of Student Activities
Mr. Luigi Gherardi
24 Class Notes
Director of Athletics
Mr. Jim Brusa
Director of Development
Mr. Greg Traverso ’79
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Kathy Salady ’59
Deans of Students
Mrs. Genesta Jackson
Mr. Joe Wortmann
Traditions is published two times per year
by St. Mary’s High School for alumni,
parents and friends. For more information,
please contact:
St. Mary’s High School
5648 N. El Dorado Street
P.O. Box 7247
Stockton, California 95267-0247
(209) 957-3340, Ext 187
principal’s message
Pursuit of Excellence You hear it all the time, but to actually experience it first-hand is truly
remarkable. Excellence is what leads to success. But it takes courage to pursue excellence. Over
the past 140 years, Saint Mary’s High School has shown the courage and foresight it takes to achieve
excellence. A quote of St. Francis de Sales sums up what SMHS has done for the past 140 years:
“Doing the ordinary things extraordinarily well.”
Kathy Smith
St. Mary’s has always been committed to fostering a Catholic teaching and learning community. Our
students have always been a shining light in our community. As they navigate their way through school,
the administration and faculty have instilled in them that high school is much more than earning a
diploma. Throughout all these years, Saint Mary’s students have always been encouraged to discover
their talents, to pursue their goals and to discover who they are.
Do you remember when?
In 1925 school started on September 2nd and graduation was June 24th. Also that year, Fire Chief
Murphy addressed the students on “Fire Prevention Week,” and the seniors were allowed to use the front
door entrance.
In 1931 Agnes Warren was appointed student body president of St. Agnes and Jack Briscoe was appointed
student body president of St. Mary’s. Father Joseph Tetslaff, Provincial of the Brothers of Mary, paid his
annual visit to the school of St. Mary’s and the seniors spent half the night painting the ’31 on the school
fence. There were only thirty-three students in the senior class.
In 1940 the students of the senior class published their senior memories and dedicated the book to
“our beloved teachers, the Dominican Sisters.” Aimee Arbios said, “Many, many times during these last
four years I have heard the Sisters talk to one another in praise of this class’s ability and industry, and the
splendid showing they have made on the honor roll each month.”
In 1951 The Cauldron was dedicated to the memory of our friend and pastor, Monsignor McGough and
the Korean War brought to many an uncertainty about the future.
In 1962 the faculty had thirteen Sisters and five Priests. On staff was Mr. Seldon Brusa who is the father of
Jim Brusa, our current athletic director.
Art Show
Congratulations to Ms. Jean Aguilar’s Art 3-4 and AP Studio Art students who entered artwork in the Art Expressions of San
Joaquin’s 3rd Annual High School Student Art Show. The Opening Awards Ceremony recognized the following students:
Kristina Hall ’17
1st place in mixed media
Natalie Cortopassi ’16
2nd place in mixed media
Sydney Spurgeon ’16
2nd place in photography
Jessica Rubio ’16, Baleigh Schipper ’17
& Sophia Charles ’16
Honorable Mentions
Alyssa Chavez ’17
People’s Choice Award
Sydney Spurgeon ’16
Best of Show
In 1972 the theme for Homecoming was “Ramelot”, and the winning floats were the senior float for the classes, G.A.A. float for
clubs, and the winning individual entry was the clown. St. Mary’s second annual Ramarama Carnival grossed over $4500, bringing
much-needed funds to the Student Council. Also in the seventies, it was not uncommon to have to share a locker with two or three
other people.
In 1981 for the first time ever, the football team held pre-game meals, the SM retreats took on a new dimension as junior and senior
girls and boys joined together on one big year-ending retreat. SM established a new tradition for initiating freshmen by passing out
green Alma Mater cards and having the freshmen memorize the words. The fall play was “Go Ask Alice,” featuring Mary Ann Vasquez
in the title role.
In the 1992/93 school year, Mick Scatena and Jeannine Cubiburu were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. Five seniors
in the class of ’93 received athletic scholarships to various colleges. Chad Cole received a football scholarship to U.O.P., Damon
Perasso received a football scholarship to U.O.P., Angela Gotelli went to Washington State on a volleyball scholarship, Lauri Hill
received a volleyball scholarship to USC and Jamie Elson received a volleyball scholarship to Santa Clara.
In 2000 a description in The Cauldron reads, “It isn’t the largest high school on the block, or even on the corner. But, contrary to
popular notion, the parts of Saint Mary’s are greater than their sum. The people walking the halls every day are the true essence of
the school. Without students, there is nothing here - no sports, no school, no nothing. The intrepid inhabitants of SM are what keep
the school going, emotionally and spiritually. They are the integral cogs that keep the place running.”
In 2016 100 percent of the senior class graduated and students were offered $15,598,716 in college scholarships.
So there you have it, our most cherished possessions – you the students and alumni of Saint Mary’s High School. It is because
of you that we are able to celebrate 140 years of excellence. We continue to challenge ourselves, as we are committed to
moving forward and finding ways to improve upon the calling that God has brought us to, which is to make a difference in the
lives of our students.
Community, traditions and spirituality have always been at the core of what has made St. Mary’s High School stand out among
other schools in our area. I am often asked what tradition means to me and how I connect it to Saint Mary’s High School. It is
perhaps best explained for me as your principal in the April/May 2009 National Catholic Education association Momentum
magazine, “We must always keep in mind that tradition is not just sitting on the past; but it involves meeting the needs of the
present and moving forward into the future.”
140 years ago we were built on a solid foundation. Our light has shone brightly for all these years and will continue to do so for
many years to come. Happy Birthday Saint Mary’s. Thank you for 140 years of milestones and memories.
around campus
Bio-Psych Fair
The 23rd Annual Bio-Psych Fair was held in Morelli gym and hosted by our biology and psychology classes for the student
body and local junior high school students. Students from local middle schools enjoyed interactive demonstrations and
experiments on topics about the body and brain, including sleep, mind control, cells, exercise and more.
around campus
Prima Voce Choir
The very talented Prima Voce Choir directed
by David Tanner received a Gold Rating at the
World Strides Heritage Festival in Anaheim and
Second Place overall. Congratulations!
Every 15 Minutes
The St. Mary’s student body experienced a life-changing
two-day event through the Every 15 Minutes program.
This two-day event is designed to illustrate the horrific
consequences of driving under the influence of drugs or
alcohol. The program is run in conjunction with the California
Highway Patrol assisted by the Stockton Fire Department,
Stockton Police Department, AMR, San Joaquin County
Sheriff’s Office, Mike’s Towing and many, many faithful
State Delegate
Michael Reyes ’17 was a member on the
Student Advisory Board on Education
(SABE) in November. During the fourday conference, Michael worked with a
group of students representing the voice
of the 6.3 million students in California,
to prepare a proposal on the Academic
Performance Index (API) and lobby the proposal at the State
Capitol. Working with Senator Galgiani and Assembly Member
Talamantes Eggman, they presented their proposal before
the State Board of Education. This is the only conference in
the nation that allows students to directly voice their concerns
to the State Board of Education, and the results have made a
big impact in our schools.
Band received a Gold rating at the 2016 Forum Festival.
International Outreach
Members held a walkathon to raise money for Red Rhino
orphanage near Nairobi, Kenya and a rural school in the
small village of Patzun, Guatemala.
Members of the Think Pink Club made blankets to give
to patients at St. Joseph’s Cancer Center
Christian Relief Outreach Program (CROP)
CROP members work tirelessly throughout the year for Catholic Charities, a local organization providing critical services to
those in need.
Rotary Read-In
In a long standing tradition, students read and
donated a book to the kindergarten through
third grade classes at King Elementary
School during the 2016 Rotary Read-In.
Model UN
Members of St. Mary’s Model UN delegation traveled to UC Berkeley in
March to participate in a simulated United Nations conference and present
solutions to real-world problems
around campus
The Multicultural Club recently participated in the 13th
annual High School Picnic, hosted by the University of the
Pacific. Students from area high schools competed in modern
and Filipino cultural dance. The event is put on each year
to promote unity, cultural awareness, leadership and higher
education. The club took home third place in dance and won
the “SPUF” award for displaying the most spirit, pride, unity,
and friendship.
The yearbook staff worked tirelessly this year to produce
Volume 97 of the Cauldron. Herff Jones awarded the St. Mary’s
Cauldron Staff special recognition for their production of the
2015-16 yearbook. The award was given to the Cauldron
staff and Mrs. Jo Ann Kirby for outstanding performance in
Special Olympics
Students volunteered at the Special Olympics.
Empowering Young Women
Members present their message to middle school students at
St. Anne’s grade school.
Keeping with Tradition
Mr. Paul Scheet, AP US History teacher, prepared and served homemade enchiladas, chicken, asparagus and chocolate chip
pistachio cake to his AP students to enjoy during a question and answer study session on the eve before the AP test.
Theatre: Hello Dolly
The award-winning theatre program proudly presented Hello Dolly! in March at the Stockton Civic Theatre. The show was
directed by Mr. Kevin Costello and sold out to our student body and the St. Mary’s community.
Students help serve at the St. George’s Parish
annual Crab
Mr. Luigi Gherardi has retired as Director of
Student Activities but will stay on campus to run the
student store and continue to teach Italian.
St. Mary’s High School
Class of 2016
100% of the Seniors Graduated.
Class of 2016 was Offered
$15,598,716 in Scholarships.
Yayra Abledu, Azusa Pacific University
David Acosta, CSU Chico
Thomas Alegre, Central Methodist University
Santiago Allen, Sacramento State University
Alexander Almanza, University of the Pacific
Luis Araya, University of the Pacific
Gjilann Asuncion, San Jose State University
Sydney Badel, University of Colorado Boulder
Omar Balanag, San Jose State University
Jeremiah Ballucanag, Pacific Union College
Melody Banal, San Joaquin Delta College
Mark Banes, UC Riverside
Jose Barrios, San Diego City College
Eduardo Bautista, Sacramento State University
Adriana Baysinger, Sonoma State University
Jacob Bechtel, Sacramento State University
Gabriella Beck, San Joaquin Delta College
Isabella Berean, University of Arizona
Diego Bernabe, San Jose State University
Isaiah Bettencourt, Concordia University, Irvine
Malia Blanson, San Joaquin Delta College
Nicholas Bonnifield,** UC Berkeley
Jacquelyn Boyd, CSU Chico
Hunter Bruce,* George Washington University
Celeste Buenrostro, University of San Francisco
Vivian Bui, San Joaquin Delta College
Madasonne Butler, CSU Northridge
Lea Callcott, East Carolina University
Julia Camera, University of the Pacific
Daniel Cardenas, CSU Chico
Madison Cardona, Sacramento State University
Parker Caston, Azusa Pacific University
Christina Catineau, Belmont Abbey College
Mi'Cole Cayton, Undecided
Alex Cedas, University of Laverne
Miguel Chao, San Jose State University
Sophia Charles, San Joaquin Delta College
Matthew Chukwueke, Cal Poly, Pomona
Alyssa Cink, Gonzaga University
Gavin Cline, University of Wyoming
Kelsey Collins, San Joaquin Delta College
Harrison Conlin, CSU Fresno
Noelle Corbett, CSU Long Beach
Desiray Cordova, Santa Barbara City College
David Corralejo, San Joaquin Delta College
Michael Correia, San Joaquin Delta College
Natalie Cortopassi, Boston College
Georgianna Cotta, CSU Fresno
Sydney Cruz, CSU Chico
Megan Culligan, University of Portland
Erica Dias, Cal Lutheran University
Fabian Diaz, Modesto Junior College
Clarina Dimayuga, UCLA
Emily Dunn, San Jose State University
Mark Escobar, Fullerton Junior College
Mary Fabris, University of Oregon
Sydney Fadal, University of the Pacific
Musa Fadai, UC Berkeley
Autumn Farris, California College of the Arts
Kyle Farris, San Joaquin Delta College
Jordan Feneck, University of the Pacific
Emily Ferrell, Sonoma State University
Desarae Finck-Fugazi, Dominican University
Alexandria Flores, Sacramento State University
Salma Flores, University of the Pacific
Michael Fong, University of Arizona
Mia Franco, CSU Long Beach
Breonna Fullard, Las Positas Junior College
Anthony Galindo, San Joaquin Delta College
Julianna Galindo, Oregon State University
Ernest Garcia, U.S. Navy
Bejan Ghavami, San Jose State University
Jovanni Giovannoni, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Claudia Gonzales, Consumnes River Junior College
Jonathan Gordon, UCLA
Miranda Gotschall, Pepperdine University
Samson Goudreau, San Joaquin Delta College
John Grimaldi, San Jose State University
Carson Guendert,** Cornell University
Hamani Guttenbeil, University of the Pacific
Benjamin Hackett, University of the Pacific
Briana Hackett, University of the Pacific
Zachary Haddad, Cal Lutheran University
Anthony Harper, San Joaquin Delta College
Roy Harwell, San Francisco City College
Hannah Hayes, San Joaquin Delta College
Nicholas Heli, The University of Portland
Elizabeth Hernandez, CSU East Bay
Gustavo Hernandez, Creighton University
Tevin Hernandez, San Diego Mesa Junior College
Nicholas Herrera, San Joaquin Delta College
Kiefer Hong, Sierra Community College
Hunter Hovey, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Theodore Hutz, San Joaquin Delta College
Madison Jackson, Boise State University
Savannah Jackson, Boise State University
Ruben Jimenez, Santa Barbara City College
Angel Johnson, Trinity Valley Junior College
Eric Johnson, San Joaquin Delta College
Megan Johnson, University of the Pacific
Ontario Johnson, Fresno City College
Adam Jumaoas, Sacramento State University
Camille Khalili, University of the Pacific
Alec Knowles, San Diego State University
Catherine Koziarz, San Jose State University
Brian Kronenberg,** University of Southern California
An Le, San Jose State University
Jack Lechich, Arizona State
Christopher Leonardini, UC Berkeley
Julia Lepe, UC Santa Cruz
Tiffany Li, UC Santa Cruz
Alyssa Light, University of Southern California
Siobhan Lin-Nugent, UC San Diego
Anne Loewen, Santa Clara University
Kassandra Lua, San Joaquin Delta College
Ronald Lumbab, San Joaquin Delta College
Evan Madill, CSU Maritime
Marquerilyne Mafi, San Joaquin Delta College
Grace Magnasco, San Joaquin Delta College
Nima Mahdyoon, San Jose State University
Taylor Mamola, Santa Barbara City College
Christimarie Manandic, San Jose State University
Sabrina Mariani, San Joaquin Delta College
Jason Marquez, University of Arizona
Brandon Marsh, Boise State University
Larissa Marshall, Career Academy of Cosmetology
Blake Martin, St. Mary's College of California
Morgan Martin, Sacramento State University
Alexis Martinez, Santa Barbara City College
Brianne Martinez, San Joaquin Delta College
Joseph Martucci, Sonoma State University
Aaron Masuda, Las Positas Junior College
Vivian Melgoza, Diablo Valley Junior College
Michael Mendonca, University of the Pacific
Zubin Mendonca, San Jose State University
Zhenia Mendonca, San Jose State University
Hanalyn Menor, San Jose State University
Derrick Moore, Sacramento State University
Patrick Moso, United States Air Force Academy
Sarah Natera, UC Santa Cruz
Olivia Navarro, Cal Lutheran University
Adeline Newman, UC Davis
Julia Niemeyer, UC Merced
Thomas Norman, CSU East Bay
Ngozi Nwabuzoh, Santa Clara University
Gerald Ohan, San Joaquin Delta College
Sarah Okekenta, Sacramento State University
Malissa Orozco, CSU Chico
Caleb Ortis, Santa Monica Junior College
Mariana Ortiz, University of the Pacific
Maximilian Ortiz, University of North Dakota
Abigail Packham, CSU Monterey
Justin Park, University of the Pacific
Sophia Parra, Dominican University
Miguel Paulino, San Joaquin Delta College
Grant Paulsen, University of Southern California
Shawn Payne, Sonoma State University
Matthew Pudwell, San Jose State University
Matthew Ramirez, CSU Fresno
William Ramirez, Point Loma University
Michael Relloque, Pacific University
Leila Rishwain, UCLA
Leonardo Rivera, San Jose State University
Ashley Rocco, University of the Pacific
Anthony Rodriguez, UC Davis
Skyy Rouse, University of Southern California
Jessica Rubio, Chapman University
Jenna Ruiz, Sonoma State University
Hannah Russell, Santa Clara University
Marissa Sadek, CSU Chico
Nikolas Sambado, Purdue University
Alianna Sanchez, UC Davis
Brandon Sanders, Fresno City College
Rachel Sevy, Santa Barbara City College
Olivia Shipp, San Joaquin Delta College
Paul Sicsic, University of San Francisco
Jarron Silva, UCLA
Alyssa Smith, CSU Fullerton
Jesse Soria, CSU Stanislaus
Joseph Spooner, Arizona State
Sydney Spurgeon, San Joaquin Delta College
Spencer Spybrook, University of Arizona
Jonique StaropoliVillalpando, CSU Los Angeles
Nicholas Stefan, University of San Francisco
Jack Stephens, Santa Clara University
Jackson Stephens, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Bradley Stevens, Sonoma State University
Jonah Sumida, San Joaquin Delta College
Katherine Swanson, San Joaquin Delta College
Nicholas Swanson, San Joaquin Delta College
Connor Tatum, Arizona State
Logan Tomlin, Barrett, Honors College at Arizona State
Joseph Traverso, University of Arizona
Cameron Trujillo, San Francisco City College
Katharine Tudor, Oregon State University
Elizabeth Uribe, Gustavus Adolphus College
Juan Vazquez, San Francisco City College
Ramon Vazquez, San Francisco State University
Byrson Vernon, Santa Clara University
Justin Wells, Cal Poly, Pomona
George Williams, Butte Junior College
Karina Winter, University of Southern California
Joseph Wishek, American River College
Jennifer Wright, Loyola University, Chicago
Ryan Yarborough, University of Arizona
Mia Zamora, San Francisco State University
Brandon Zaunbrecher, Contra Costa Junior College
Jaime Zavala, CSU East Bay
Alese Zerka, San Joaquin Delta College
Hana Zumout, University of San Diego
*Valedictorian, **Salutatorians
Saint Mary’s High School welcomes Mr. Greg Traverso as the Director of
Development. Greg comes from a long line of Saint Mary’s graduates. In fact, his
children, Nick ’15, Joey ’16 and Elizabeth ’18, are the fifth generation to attend
Saint Mary’s. Greg graduated from Saint Mary’s in 1979 and worked for his
father at the Yellow Submarine sandwich shop on Harding Way for many years
while intermediately traveling the world. He returned to school and received
his teaching credential from the University of San Francisco, where he met his
wife Susan. Eventually, Greg settled back to his roots at Saint Mary’s in 1994,
teaching World Geography and serving as the Dean of Students for the past
twenty-two years.
Director of Development’s Message...Coming Home
So where is the Development Office heading? We
are Coming Home. We want to provide the road
map through a series of events which will bring all
the Rams back to campus--not only for a fresh look
at a campus that for many has changed, but also
to renew friendships and lend
a much needed hand in the
development of our future. I
experienced coming
home to St. Mary’s, and I want
our alumni—as well as former
teachers and staff, parents,
and supporters—to be excited
about coming home as well.
and guide a fellow Ram. We want our alumni and
supporters to see how hard our students work, how
much pride they have in the Green and White, and
how well they represent our community and legacy.
The journey from our 140th Anniversary in 2016 to
our 150th Anniversary in 2026
will be an exciting time for Saint
We envision a time
when we have a substantial
that will help families who
would otherwise not have the
opportunity to afford to send
their children to Saint Mary's
and be able to enjoy the
lifelong benefits of receiving
a Catholic education. With all
of the challenges we face in
these times, it is reassuring that
Saint Mary’s remains true to its
mission and that it is a beacon
of light in our community for
our students, our alumni, and
all of those who have been
inspired by who we are over
the generations. It is my hope and vision that you
will join with other Rams to shape a future which can
and will be even more outstanding than the past 140
years have been.
Coming home
to Saint Mary’s
to teach at the
school that did
so much for me
in my early years
and cemented
so many life-long
friendships was
an incredible
As we face the future head
on, we are dedicated to
continuing to strengthen our
Saint Mary's relationships and
creating new ones. In an effort
to achieve this, we are excited
to announce that we are in the
process of starting an Alumni
Association and we welcome
ideas and involvement from our
alumni and other supporters.
A project that is beginning to take form is that of
connecting our current and future Rams to alumni
professionals for career guidance. It will be a mutually
beneficial way for our students to gain connections
and build relationships, and for our alumni to mentor
We have started a volunteer community of friends, families and alumni that help
with special events and projects. Please join us!
Contact Stefani Delucchi at (209) 957-3340, ext 195 or
email sdelucchi@saintmaryshighschool.org.
August 24, 2016
A Day of Giving
Donate during 24 hours on August 24, 2016
Join our Alumni from around the world
to support St. Mary’s on its Day of Giving.
Help us make Ram history by making a gift
and spreading the word on social media.
Learn more at GreenandWhite.org/24
President’s Club
The President’s Club Committee welcomed Mr. Patrick McCaskey, Chairman of
Sports Faith International, to speak at the 15th Annual Dinner this past November. Mr.
McCaskey is a Chicago Bears board member, author of two books and known for his
strong Catholic faith.
The President’s Club was founded in 2001, the 125th anniversary year of St. Mary’s
High School, as a way to strengthen and build St. Mary’s legacy. The club provides
the President of St. Mary’s with annual funds to assist in meeting the various needs of
the school. The President’s Club has helped provide iPads and laptops for the faculty,
equipment for the Music Program, upgrades to PowerSchool software and upgrades
to our Wi-Fi capacity throughout campus.
Membership to the President’s Club is encouraged and open to all who believe in
supporting the goals of St. Mary’s High School.
Greg Smith, Kate Rooney, Kevin ’00 Rooney, and
Kathy Smith
Marlene Meadows ’58 and
Judy Green ‘58
Mary Ann Mahoney and Marie Shane
Guest Speaker Patrick McCaskey and
Bob Zanoni
Genesta Jackson, Brother James Dorazio
and Dustin Jackson ‘98
Janet and Bob Kavanaugh
The President’s Club Committee
16th Annual Dinner
November 6, 2016
Featured Speaker Mr. Donald J. Wiley
President & CEO
Dignity Health
St. Joseph’s Medical Center
Alex Winter ’20 and
Dr. Roland Winter
Join the President’s Club
Make a difference in the lives of our students!
[ ] Yes, I/we want to join the President’s Club for the 2016/2017 school year
[ ] President’s Club Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000
• Table for 8, VIP parking, recognition in program at the President’s Club Annual Dinner
• Complimentary admission to all home sporting events (excluding playoff games)
• VIP parking at all home football and basketball games
[ ] President’s Club Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000
• 2 tickets to the President’s Club Annual Dinner
• Complimentary admission to all home sporting events (excluding playoff games)
[ ] President’s Club Junior Member (under 35 years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500
• 2 tickets to the President’s Club Annual Dinner
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Email address
Contact number
Payment method
___ Check payable to SMHS President’s Club P.O. Box 7247 Stockton, CA 95267-0247
___ Credit Card (circle one) Visa
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Exp. Date _____________ Zip code ____________
Please contact Greg Traverso in the Development Office with questions
(209) 957-3340, Ext. 180 or gtraverso@saintmaryshighschool.org
Haggin Museum
Bob ‘69 and Karen ’69 Perasso
St. Mary’s High School invited the community to the Haggin Museum in
February to celebrate 140 years of milestones and memories.
Visitors were transported through the four campuses at Mormon Slough
(1876 - 1914), Corner of San Joaquin and Park Streets (1914 - 1931),
Cathedral of the Annunciation (1927 - 1956), and to its present location
on El Dorado Street (1956 – present) through memorabilia highlighting
the ever-changing landscape of St. Mary’s and the Stockton community.
Joe ’53 and Connie Rishwain
Sherri and Art ’60 Sanguinetti
Bonnie Bloom ’70, Suzi Lucas ’76 and Fran Tabak ’70
Alumni, friends and family celebrated at the 140th Anniversary Dinner in April. The evening began with
Mass in Our Lady, Queen of the Angels Chapel and continued with social hour on senior lawn, golf cart
campus tours, memorabilia exhibits, and dinner, dancing and entertainment in Morelli gymnasium. A
special tribute was given to Fr. John Fallon, O.S.F.S., for his 40 plus years of service to St. Mary’s.
Leticia and Jorge ’85 Robles
Arrionne Taitague ’04 and Lynsie Haley ’04
George Clark ’62 and Mike Clark ’66
Jim ’59 and Joan ’61 Heffernan
Bill Trezza and Brenda Calosso ’84
Chip Salmon ’84 and Doug Carruesco
Jean Aguilar ’77 and Becky Carlson
Earl Harper and Joyce Weber ’84
Greg ’84 and Stefani ’88 Delucchi
Honorary Chairs
William ’50 and Lorraine ’50 Halvorson
Paige Lombardi, Belinda Squires and
Shelly Phillips
Jim Acosta ’76, John Hoornaert,
Pat Morelli ’76, Donald Mazzilli ’77,
Tom Hernandez and Bob Carlson
St. Mary’s Crab Shack
Sold-Out Again!
Everyone had a great time at the 2016 Crab Feed
held in February. We are so thankful to the Crab
Shack committee, all the sponsors, donors and
volunteers. Once again, the Crab Shack was a
sold-out event with all proceeds going towards
campus improvements and scholarships.
I I St. M
rab S
ta b
lis h e
Oyster Bar
Thank you to the wonderful Crab Shack committee
Frank and Patricia Kim
Erika and Scooter Bloom ’05
Joseph Kozina ’06 and Christine Kozina ’10
Judy Canclini ’59, Tess Aberle, Lynn Hoffman,
Louise Andermahr
Hannah Chandler–Youngblood ’19 and
Karen Chandler
George Rishwain and Dan MacDonnell
Grandparents f Family f Friends
Grandparents Mass
Grandparents f Family f Friends
Faculty Luncheon
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who hosted the annual faculty luncheon.
Fifth Annual
Empowering Young Women
Sylvia Rodgers, Rose Rodgers ’19,
Nick Herrera ’16 and Don Rodgers ’55
St. Mary’s hosted its 5th Annual Empowering
Young Women event in March and featured guest
speaker, Sandra Nauer of Catering by Sandra, and
honored Judge Linda L. Lofthus as this year’s Award
Proceeds from the evening benefited eleven student
Peg Sadek and Lorraine Torres
Sandra Nauer
Judge Linda L. Lofthus
Fr. John Fallon, O.S.F.S.
Jim and Angela Brusa
Lorraine Cruz ’81, Sydney Cruz ’16
and Karen Cano
Adeline Newman ’16)
Jenna Ruiz ’16
Taylor Thomas ’17
Adriana Duncan ’17
Anais Tsai ’17
Sarah Maricle ’17
Gianna Thomas ’17
Mary Craig ’19
Nicki Craig Held
Cameron Trujillo ’16
Sydney Badel ’16
Sophia Spybrook ’18
Grace Hayes ’18
Hannah Hayes ’16
Helen and Ernie ’49 Medina
athletics | tcal champions
The men’s varsity water polo team was the
Co-Champion of TCAL and captured the SacJoaquin Division 2 Sections Championship
with a 13-4 overall record.
The women’s varsity basketball team was
ranked #1 in the nation with a 57 game winning
streak that came to an end in the CIF Open
Division NorCal semifinal. The team captured
the Sac-Joaquin Sections Championships.
Overall record was 28-1. The young women
who won the Nike Tournament of Champions,
the Title 8 Games, the Nike Central Valley
Showcase had an extraordinary season.
The softball team captured the TCAL
Championship with a 12-3 league record.
Justin Park ‘16 won
the 100 butterfly
in 53.61 and the
100 backstroke in
57.25 in the TCAL
Carson Guendert ’16
and Alisha Miller ’17
won the TCAL Men’s
and Women’s Diving
The women’s varsity water polo team
captured the TCAL Championship in a 10-7
win over the Lincoln Trojans
The varsity soccer team was named TCAL
Champions with a 8-1-2 league record and
overall record of 15-1-2.
The varsity football team went undefeated in
TCAL and captured the league championship
with a 5-0 league record and had 10-3 overall
record for the season.
The baseball team was victorious in TCAL
with a 12-1 league record.
At press time, St. Mary’s had eleven students
place successfully at the TCAL and SacJoaquin Sections meets and were preparing
to compete at Masters in June.
Visit saintmaryshighschool.org for more sports information.
Athletic College Commitments
Luis Araya
University of the Pacific
Water Polo
Adriana Baysinger Sonoma State University
Madasonne Butler CSU, Northridge Water Polo
Mi’Cole Cayton*
University of Nebraska
Natalie Cortopassi Boston College Rowing
Gavin Cline
University of Wyoming
Erica Dias
Cal Lutheran University
Sydney Fadal
University of the Pacific
Evan Madill CSU, Maritime
Ngozi Nwabuzoh Santa Clara University
Mike Relloque
Pacific University (Oregon) Football
Hannah Russell
Santa Clara University
Jarron Silva
Katharine Tudor
Oregon State University
*Now de-committed after resignation of Husker’s long-time coach. New commitment pending.
Receiving the Naismith Award for being the top girl’s high school coach in the country
is a very humbling experience for me. I take coaching very seriously and have spent
my adult life working to perfect my craft. My level of passion and work ethic has
enabled me to enjoy tremendous successes, like winning this prestigious award.
- Tom Gonsalves
Tennis partners Hannah Ketcherside ’16 and
Madison Cardona ’16 fought their way to the
finals and captured the TCAL doubles title.
Tony Franks
The Record’s All-Area Football Coach of the Year
This was an extremely rewarding year, coaching-wise. This
was one of those years where you really saw a significant and
dramatic improvement in our team’s ability to play football from
the beginning of the season to the end of the season.
- Tony Franks
campus ministry
Mission Trip
A group of 18 St. Mary’s students, organized by Mr. Harrison Brehm and Mrs. Margo
Kozina, spent their Easter vacation in McAllen, Texas to refurbish homes for the poor
through Catholic Mission Trips. Thank you to all the generous donors who contributed to
make this trip possible.
This mission trip to McAllen, Texas has been such an enriching experience that has
emphasized and instilled in me the values of humility, selflessness, and fidelity to the
Lord. We worked with Habitat for Humanity and Catholic Charities to renovate and rebuild
worn down houses for families who especially needed our help. The opportunity to help
these struggling families who are so less fortunate than I am showed me to value all the
many blessings and luxuries that I have and to not waste any single one of them. As well
as building houses, we were encouraged to strengthen our faith in Christ and to focus
on the themes of God’s infinite love and mercy. It was a very emotional experience, and I
can honestly say that I’ve never felt closer and more sought by God during this trip. It was
as if he was talking to me throughout the whole trip. I formed unbreakable bonds with my
classmates through this experience and formed memories that I will never forget.
- Raina Mendonca (’17)
The second annual Blue Mass, celebrated
by Bishop Stephen Blaire honored
local law enforcement, fire fighters and
emergency personnel.
Campus Ministry
in memoriam
May They Rest In Peace
Friends of St. Mary’s
September 21, 2015 – April 29, 2016
Mildred Evanhoe Bottarini Baldo......1932
Thomas Ferrari.................................1938
Virginia Cannon Schwall...................1938
Janice Gianelli Matson.....................1940
Darlene Long....................................1942
Augustine Gustilo.............................1942
Isabelle Monte Skidmore..................1944
Ethel Tener Short..............................1946
Patricia Barron Rodinsky..................1947
Ronald Schenone.............................1948
Frank Bevilaqua................................1949
Mary Zarate Crutchfield....................1950
Patrick McHugh................................1953
Barbara Giacchero Faulkner............1956
Jo Ann Puccinelli Veltri.....................1956
Jerene Vix Newman..........................1957
Jeanne Cunningham Reina..............1957
Ralph Cesena, Sr.............................1958
Stephen Fenton................................1958
Margaret McGuire Mack..................1960
John McGovern................................1960
Peter Silvani......................................1962
Kathleen McElhany Tremaine...........1964
William Muller...................................1965
William Ghiglieri................................1968
Joseph Santella, II............................1971
Adam Casillas..................................1983
Scott Waters.....................................1984
Robert Marchesotti...........................1986
James Chavez..................................1988
Christopher Mark Ortega .................2004
Henry Armstrong..............................2010
Jacob Reyman.................................2010
Ronald Joseph
Schenone ‘48
Ron Schenone passed away
peacefully at his home in San
Jose on April 11, 2016. He grew
up in Stockton and attended St.
Agnes Grammar and St. Mary’s
High School. At St. Mary’s, he
played basketball and football
and was Student Body President.
He continued his education and received a Bachelor of
Science in Political Science from Santa Clara University
in 1952. He had a thirty-six year career in the field of
personnel, industrial and labor relations with Shell Oil
and United Technologies Chemical Systems. He was an
emeritus member of the Labor and Employment Relations
Association. He received a United Technology Award in
1981. A firm believer in the value of education and a lifelong
learner himself, Mr. Schenone continued his ongoing
intellectual pursuits throughout his life by taking numerous
classes and pursuing his Masters after retirement. He
was a devout Catholic and proud of his Italian heritage.
Mr. Schenone is the founder of the St. Mary’s High School
Class of 1948 Memorial Mass. In 2006, he created St.
Mary’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Mr. Schenone was inducted
into the school’s Hall of Fame in 2009. He also sponsored a
scholarship each year for a senior student for outstanding
achievement and participation in music. His strong
presence and leadership will be surely missed.
Shirley Michael (Sept. 22, 2015)
Father Tom O’Neill, O.S.F.S.
Dr. Patrick Rooney (Nov. 9, 2015)
John Cardoza (Jan. 17, 2016)
Merle Marquez (Feb. 28, 2016)
Honor the
memory of your
loved one and
help a student
who has lost a
parent with a
Tribute Gift.
Memorial Gifts Program
A tribute gift is a special way to honor or remember a loved one.
Upon receipt of your contribution an acknowledgment card will
be sent to the person designated, stating that a donation has
been received in their honor. When you honor the memory of
a deceased person, you help a student who has lost a parent.
Memorial gifts may also benefit scholarships and departments.
St. Mary’s living benefactors are remembered at Mass on the
First Friday of each month. The names of the deceased are
inscribed in our In Memoriam book and are remembered in a
special Mass on the third Wednesday of each month in the St.
Mary’s Chapel.
Please mail form below to:
St. Mary’s Alumni Office | P.O. Box 7247 | Stockton, CA 95267-0247
In the Name of:
Mail Acknowledgement Card to:
How do you wish the card signed:
Amount: $
 In Memory of  Scholarship  Birthday
 Anniversary  Special Occasion__________________
class notes
Mary Lou Hoffman ’48 was recently honored
for her 50 years of teaching and for serving
as principal at three Catholic elementary
institutions, including St. Anthony of Padua in
Fr. Michael Guinan, OFM, ’56 retired after
teaching Scripture and Semitic Languages for
40+ years at the Franciscan School of Theology
in Berkeley, and moved to Old Mission San
Luis Rey in Oceanside. He continues writing
and teaching part time as well as helping in
nearby parishes. He has recorded 10 courses
for NowYouKnowMedia, a producer or courses
(audio CDs and video DVDs) in all areas of
Catholic thought and theology.
Brenda Pedro Liles ’58
retired from teaching
3 years ago and her
husband earned his BA
in History from Syracuse
University in 2014, with
one daughter, seven
grandchildren and just had their fifth great-grandchild! They live in
Historical East Coast and she has written three children’s books and
two novels...still in publishing stages.
Jerilyn/Muffy Blackmun Ratto ’59, Barbara Briscoe Holmes ’59,
Rosemary Castanon Happoldt ’59, Bonnie Malpasso Ciabattari
’59, Marylou Monasterio Bowyer ’59 wrote to say: Our years at
SMHS were very exciting! We were the first sophomore class at
the El Dorado St. Campus after spending our freshman year at the
Annunciation Campus. We received such a good education, and
were blessed with so many memories
and friendships. Our high school YA
YA’s (as we call ourselves) have been
a bond of lasting friendships since our
graduation. We have been gathering
over the years just so we can keep up
to date with each other’s lives. Our time
together is a time for sharing, laughter,
and reminiscing good times, bad times,
sad times, success stories, and life’s challenges. We are there for
each other whenever there is a need. We talk about our high school
days as if it were yesterday, not to mention keeping track of all our
children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, husbands and friends.
These visits remind us of how special these lasting friendships are
and only hope the high school students of today can maintain their
memories and friendships as we have done.
wrote: Senior year in high school at St.
Helena’s High School in New York City
and Dad and Mom say we are moving
to California!! The world has come to
an end, right? Wrong. Transferring into
St. Mary’s High School in September
of 1958 turned out to be an incredible
move. I met life long friends and through them my husband of 53
years! The path was laid to go on to college, which I never would
have done, and I had a lifelong career as a teacher and loved every
minute. Scary? Yes! Life Changing? Yes! Thank you St. Mary’s for
helping to shape my future!
Jean Serra ‘64 who works under the artist name of Linda Serrao,
recently installed two bronze sculptures by Levi’s Stadium in
celebration of Super Bowl 50. The sculptures were commissioned
by the City of Santa Clara and the installation is entitled “Anything’s
Possible.” It depicts a star Quarterback passing the football to a
young Fan, the dream of every football enthusiast. The motto of Santa
Clara is “The Center of What’s Possible” thus tying the theme of the
City to the celebration of the 50th Super Bowl. The outdoor sculptures
will remain permanently as a reminder of the Really Big Game and an
icon for future ones.
Judith Auwinger ’68 wrote “She loves St.
Mary’s. Her girls Lenzi ’97 and Anne-Marie
’00 (pictured) loved St. Mary’s and now Judi
is looking forward to her grandchildren going
to St. Mary’s. Her granddaughter, Ellie Marie
Leonard, starts kindergarten at Annunciation
next year!
Gary Porter ’77 retired in March after 36-1/2 years as a Quality
Control Inspector in the precast concrete industry. He is now enjoying
life at the lake home.
Rick Paulsen ’77 was New York Life’s #1 Agent
in the nation in 2015 and also served as New York
Life’s Agent’s Advisory Council President. It was the
first time an agent had served as AAC President
and Council President at the same time. Rick was
presented with a special jersey in New York at the
corporate headquarters.
Trevor Alt ’86 wrote: I practiced law in California for 10 years and
then I became a firefighter for the city of Reno for 12 years. I’m
married to a Washoe County Patrol Deputy and we have four children.
Joanne Morelli Leach ’75 retired from AT&T in San Ramon in May,
2015. She was a Senior Business Manager at AT&T for 32 years.
Joanne resides in San Ramon with her husband, Chris. They have
two daughters: Christiana, age 21 and Alexandra, age 17.
Marielena Vierra Atkinson ’87 wrote that she is now living in Alabama
with her husband who came as a paramedic for the Gulf Oil Spill. She
is a retired realtor and has 5 beautiful daughters, aged 13-26.
Marcella Torres ’92 graduated from the University
of San Francisco in 1996 with a B.S. in Biology.
She joined the Peace Corps and served two years
in Panama working on Environmental Education.
It was there that she met her future husband,
Bradley Meyer, from Nebraska, who was also
serving in the Peace Corps. She returned to
Stockton after the Peace Corps and, and after
receiving her teaching credential and teaching for four years, both
Marcy and Brad quit their jobs and, while traveling in Southeast Asia,
got jobs teaching in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It was while volunteering at
a refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border while on vacation from her
teaching job in Thailand that Marcy decided she wanted to become a
doctor. This entailed moving to Sacramento to study at Sacramento
State for several years before being accepted into medical school
at U.C. Irvine. While in medical school she took a fifth year to get a
master’s degree in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, and graduated from medical school in May,
2015. She was accepted into the three-year family practice residency
program at the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in Martinez,
and is currently finishing up her first year there now. She and Bradley
married in 2013 on Beetle Rock in Sequoia National Park. Bradley
also got a master’s degree in Social Policy and Development at the
London School of Economics in London while Marcy was there, and
works for Lao Family Community Development, Inc. in San Pablo,
California. They reside in Martinez.
Allison Silva ’04 teaches third grade at Taylor
Leadership Academy in Stockton and was
recently featured in a Notre Dame University
documentary series called “First Time Fans” to
highlight the work of Silva, who is determined to
teach her students, many of whom live in south
Stockton public-housing projects and would be
first-generation college students, that attending a
university is indeed an option for them.
Danny Hauger ’05 spent ten years in radio and
television working with the Los Angeles Angels
and then two years as Director of Communications
for The Salvation Army. He is currently in his first
year of teaching seventh grade at St. Perpetua
School in Lafayette, CA. “I am putting into practice
all of my life lessons and morals from St. Mary’s!”
Stephanie Puccinelli and Austin Jackson ‘08 were married in
Sacramento on October 10, 2015. Austin is completing his third year
at Santa Clara University Law School. Stephanie graduated from
UC Davis with a B.S. in Clinical Nutrition and is currently pursuing a
Masters in Education at Santa Clara University. Stephanie and Austin
live in Santa Clara.
Lincoln Boyd ’11 graduated from
Lewis & Clark College in the spring
of 2015, earning a B.A. in Political
Science. While at L&C, Lincoln served
as the Student Body President and
created the Pioneers for Pioneers
scholarship fund for students who face
unforeseeable financial setbacks; he led the L&C football team in
interceptions his final season; and he reinstated the L&C Chapter of
College Republicans.Lincoln currently works with Teach for America
as a fifth and sixth grades math teacher in the Mississippi Delta.
As a member of the Clarksdale community, Lincoln also coaches
defensive backs for the Higgins Middle School football team, teaches
an afterschool music program, and can be found some nights playing
guitar at Morgan Freeman’s Ground Zero Blues Club.
Juan Daniel ’15 moved to Gonzales
California and is attending Hartnell
College. At St. Mary’s, he played sports
for all four years, but it wasn’t until his
junior year that he fell in love with the
sport of wrestling. He is now assistant
coach at Gonzales High School. He was welcomed with open arms
from the staff and students. It has been 13 years since Gonzales
High won a league title, but that all changed this past year. Juan
wrote, “I helped coach Gonzales High School to a 2015-2016 MTAL
League Championship. I also assisted in taking 13 wrestlers to
the CCS (Central Coast Sections) Championship, with one of the
wrestlers advancing to the CIF State Championship in Bakersfield,
California. “ In addition, Juan is also the assistant coach at Fareview
Middle School.
Jack Kirby ‘15 was among 150 student-athletes
inducted into the California Lutheran University
Scholar Athlete Society. Members are CLU
student athletes with a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or
higher. Jack is a freshman at CLU, majoring in
Accounting and Spanish. He is on the water polo
team and is also a member of the swimming and
diving team at the NCAA D-3 school.
60th Reunion
September 18, 2016 @ 12:00 noon
University Plaza Waterfront Hotel
110 West Fremont Street in Stockton
Questions: Joan Bottini
email bnoni18@comcast.net
55th Reunion
November 12, 2016
St. Mary’s High School
Questions: Loretta Lechich (415) 826-0226
or email lalechich@yahoo.com
50th Reunion
September 9, 2016
River Mill in Lathrop, California
Visit our Facebook page dedicated to our classmates
Questions: Gary S. Giovanetti (209) 603-5460
10th Reunion
October 29, 2016 at 6:00pm
St. Mary's High School Cafeteria
Questions: Ben Dillen at (209) 471-0099
Contact the Development Office to help organize
your class reunion!
Saint Mary’s High School
Development Office
P.O. Box 7247
Stockton, CA 95267-0247
Face of God
“Face of God” was created by Jared Emerson, an American
artist who travels the world offering performances that
raise significant financial resources for global charities. Mr.
Emerson painted with only his hand and fingers to an eight
minute selection by the Stockton Symphony Orchestra. His
work is signed in the upper right corner of the canvas with
the palm of his hand.
“Face of God” was donated by Bill ’75 and Angie Rogan
’75, Billy Rogan, and Mia Rogan ’08. They pray that our
Lord, Jesus Christ, blesses the staff and students of St.
Mary’s. and may the Face of God watch over all SM families
and keep them in His loving care.