Golf Outing Brochure - Central Grand Rapids Young Life
Golf Outing Brochure - Central Grand Rapids Young Life
WHAT IS young life? MAY 4, 2015 11:00-1:00 p.m. Registration 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Tee Off Scramble Format SPONSOR A GOLFER 1:00-5:30 p.m. Golf 5:30-7:00 p.m. Dinner & Prizes YOUNG LIFE GOLF OUTING THORNAPPLE POINTE GOLF CLUB Young Life Club and WyldLife Club — Clubs are weekly meetings within a local community that are open to any kid who wants to attend. Young Life clubs are for high school kids, and WyldLife clubs are for middle school kids. Approximately 100,000 attend club each week to sing, laugh, play games and hear a leader share great news about God’s love in terms they can understand. Camp — Young Life owns and operates 22 premier properties across the country, where more than 74,000 kids spend a weekend during the school year or a week each summer hiking, boating, biking, swimming, horseback riding, climbing through ropes courses, speeding around go-cart tracks and hanging out with their friends and leaders from home. They have the opportunity to take a closer look at how much God loves them. GOLF OUTING 2015 Campaigners — Kids often meet in small groups with a leader during the week to discuss their ideas and questions about faith and explore the Bible together. Committee — Each area has its own committee of adults who believe in the mission of Young Life. More than 11,000 adults serve on Young Life committees across the country. Ask your area staff person for a local list, and feel free to call these folks with your questions at any time. Contact Work — Young Life is not a facility-based ministry — we don’t ask kids to come to us. Leaders go to them, wherever they may be. Contact work is about building relationships and earning the trust and friendship of teenagers. Church — Young Life is not officially connected to any particular church, but we believe church is a very important part of nurturing a relationship with Christ. Our staff and leaders are committed followers of Jesus Christ and come from many denominations. We encourage kids to become involved in the churches that are most familiar to their families. MAY 4 TH Can’t make it to the event? Consider sponsoring another golfer to go. Please view further information or sign up for the event by visiting our website: GOLF 2015 Central Grand Rapids Young Life PO Box 68206 Grand Rapids, MI 49516 (616) 901-2298 Central Grand Rapids Young Life YOUNG LIFE GOLF OUTING 2015 MAY 4, 2015 ______________________________________ Name ______________________________________ Address (_____) _______________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Email Other players in your foursome: 1)____________________________________ Name - Email 2)____________________________________ Name - Email 3)____________________________________ Name - Email Payment option: $150 (30 and under) $200 (31 and up) You can sign up online by visiting: Please return this panel to: Central Grand Rapids Young Life PO Box 68206 Grand Rapids, MI 49516 WE HOPE YOU WILL JOIN US FOR THIS CHANCE TO HELP KIDS AND ENJOY A GREAT DAY OF GOLF. YOUNG LIFE GOLF OUTING 2015 REGISTRATION FOR We invite you to join us on May 4 at the Thornapple Pointe Golf Course for the Young Life Golf Outing 2015 - a fundraiser that will benefit Central Grand Rapids Young Life. Golfers will play a scramble format with prizes for longest drive and closest to the pin. It is going to be a great day of golf benefiting a great organization. Please view further information or sign up for the event by visiting our website: