xn workload balance
xn workload balance
Cockpit Cockpi Web Viewer iewer XN-9000 WORKLOAD BALANCE: Right at the heart of things, rather than an accessory. When the tube sorter becomes the sample manager Workload Balance XN-9000 Workload Balance assumes the registration of the EDTA tubes completely and fully automatically. It also takes on order management, including communication with the LIS. Intelligent management of the haematology workflow TYPICAL CUSTOMER SITUATION: A PROPORTIONALLY HIGH NUMBER OF ABNORMAL SAMPLES Expandable configuration CHALLENGING ORDER PROFILES FOR EDTA SAMPLES AND THEREFORE A COMPLEX WORKFLOW PRODUCTIVITY VALUES Technical Technical Validation alidation ■ The tube sorter becomes the EDTA sample manager: it registers the sample entry, retrieves the initial orders (haematology, HbA 1c , ESR, PCR, …), groups the EDTA samples according to the ordered profiles and then optimises the tube – rack assignment. ■ The intelligent workflow management ensures maximum analytical sample throughput with minimum cycle time. This allows all the EDTA analysis orders to be consolidated in one tube per patient, so that the time and material input, and therefore the costs, can be reduced. ■ “Myy rules” rules Validation alidation After complete processing of the orders, the tubes are archived fully automatically or, where there are still outstanding analysis orders, are sorted for subsequent work areas. ■ Reliable turnaround time with high sample throughput – even with a broad or specialised diagnostic spectrum. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ■ The Extended IPU is an integral component of all XN-9000 configurations. ■ The Web Viewer (optional application), as a link between the laboratory and clinic, enables clinicians on their wards to look directly at the results of their analysis orders – including graphic information. XN-9000 WORKLOAD BALANCE example configuration Analysis orders: 87% CBC/DIFF, 4% RET, 9% reflex samples (WPC, PLT-F and/or others) 1. SP-10 XN analysis modules BT 2. Retrieval of the initial analysis orders and corresponding reorganisation of the tubes by the TS for the best possible capacity utilisation of the analysis modules. TS-500/TS-2000 6 3. 5 4b 4c 4a 3 2 The racks containing the unsorted sample tubes are loaded into the rack entry of the tube sorter (TS) of the XN-9000. 1 Registration of the racks and tubes at the bar-code terminal (BT). 4a. Racks with sample tubes for CBC/DIFF analyses move to the right-hand and central XN modules for measurement. Rerun (e.g. for HGB) or reflex analyses with an order extension from CBC to DIFF can be performed immediately on every XN analysis module. 4b. Racks with sample tubes initially requiring RET analysis are transported immediately to the left-hand XN analysis module. EXIT Sample route before completion of the XN analyses Sample route after completion of the XN analyses ENTRY 4c. For additional reflex analyses (WPC, PLT-F, ...) following the initial analysis, the samples are directed to the left-hand XN analysis module. 5. Automated smear preparation and staining in the SP-10 following rule-based criteria. 6. Return of the racks via the return line to the TS for archiving or pre-sorting for other work areas in the laboratory. TS-500/TS-2000 SP-10 XN-CBC XN-DIFF RET PLT-F WPC XN-BF TS-500 and TS-2000 are trademark-protected sample sorters from ROCHE PVT, Germany, for distribution exclusively by Sysmex Corporation, Japan. www.sysmex-europe.com/xn ZE000416.EN.N.09/12 XN analysis modules