Monday, September 16 at 8pm on WOSU TV
Monday, September 16 at 8pm on WOSU TV
Monday, September 16 at 8pm on WOSU TV WOSU Public Media • • September 2013 WOSU Radio WOSU TV WOSU Members Choosing Here & Now—An Inside Look • Page 5 Check Out the Changes for September on WOSU TV• Page 8 MemberCard Benefit: Fort Rapids Indoor Waterpark Resort • Page 2 VOLUME 34, NUMBER 9 Classical 101 Honors Anne Melvin We are sometimes inspired by a person whose influence leaves its mark, but doesn’t take root instantly. For Anne Melvin, it was her grandmother who stamped a passion for classical music in her heart by always playing her record collection. Anne says a switch went on as she became an adult and her devotion to classical music deepened, despite it being the era of The Beatles and rock ‘n’ roll. Anne was born in Columbus and grew up in Long Island and Chicago. She returned after graduating from Smith College with a degree in Art History and soon married Columbus attorney Noel Melvin. Anne spent three years in the mid-1970s studying music history at Capital University, before joining WOSU to work in the music library where she says “every day was different and a joy.” For eight years she worked the afternoon shift at WOSU radio. Anne Melvin has devoted her life in central Ohio to growing an appreciation of classical music and supporting the genre. Her recent gift to WOSU Public Media was critical to “I remember how much Anne cared— both for the staff and entire operation at WOSU. She was so glad to be part of a radio service that provided endless hours of classical music to central Ohioans.” — Mary Hoffman, former Music and Program Director, and host of “The Classics” on WOSU FM, 1966–1988 To m Airfare (UPS 372670) is published monthly except for June, July and August by: nd ela Ri creating Classical 101, one of the rare 24-hour classical music stations in the country. As she says, “it’s a moral imperative to make sure classical music grows and is sustained.” On April 30th, WOSU proudly honored Anne Melvin’s lifetime devotion to the arts and classical music by naming the Anne Melvin Classical Music Studio, where Classical 101 is regularly hosted by our talented team. You’ll hear mention of the Melvin Studio throughout the day on Classical 101. Anne is challenging others with a passion for classical music to help sustain Classical 101 through contributions and estate gift planning. Please contact Amy Milbourne at or (614) 292-9678 to help with the WOSU Classical Campaign. By Tom Rieland, General Manager WOSU MemberCard Benefit of the Month September’S FEATURE: Fort Rapids Indoor Water Park and Resort Present your WOSU MemberCard during the month of September for this special offer! Valid for 2-for-1 admission all month long. 2 (877) 337-7527 • Columbus Neighborhoods: South Side only on WOSU TV See pages 3 & 10. WOSU Public Media 2400 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43210, (614) 292-9678 Copyright 2013 by The Ohio State University. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without express written permission from the publisher. Subscription is by a minimum contribution of $60 to WOSU Public Media, of which $3.25 is allocated to Airfare. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Airfare, 2400 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43210 WOSU Public Media Graphic Designer/Assoc. Editor Ann Draghi General Manager Tom Rieland Chief Operating Officer Karen Olstad Director of Marketing & Communications Meredith Hart Membership Rob Walker Friends of WOSU Board President Dale Heydlauff Vice President Karen Ickes Secretary/Treasurer Kathleen McGinnis Board Members Joel Brown Allen Coleman Dan Cvetanovich Laura Ecklar Fred Hadley Patricia Hatler Emily Howard Sharron Kornegay Ray LaVoie Ed Lentz Anne Melvin working in WOSU's music library in the early 1980s. ON THE COVER Tiffany Miller Debbie Mitchell Christine Mortine Bill Ress Tom Rieland Bill Schiffman Michael Schwaiger David Stallings Steve Warren WOSU Mission: The mission of WOSU Public Media is to enrich lives through programming and community services that educate, inform, entertain, and inspire. Questions? Comments? Contact our Audience Services Advocate, Alysia Gobert-Smith, at (614) 292-9678 or via e-mail at Friends of WOSU Board Adds New Members This month, two new members will join 20 others on the Friends of WOSU Board—Allen Coleman and Emily Howard. Columbus Neighborhoods: South Side Premieres Monday, September 16 at 8pm on WOSU TV Columbus Neighborhoods, the Emmy® awardwinning documentary series and community engagement project, returns this fall with the premiere of South Side on Monday, September 16 at 8pm on WOSU TV. Once an industrial center anchored by Federal Glass and Buckeye Steel, residents still use the phrase “Steel and Glass” to describe its heritage. Many of them are descendants of the Hungarians, Croats, and Appalachians— black and white—who found jobs at those once-thriving manufacturers. A boxing program at Barrack Recreation Center was a gathering place for area athletes. The documentary looks at how the sons and daughters of Appalachian migrants and Hungarian immigrants return to the South Side to celebrate their heritage with festivals, church dinners, traditional dancers, and jam sessions. Columbus Neighborhoods: South Side documents the rise and fall of established industries and explores the impact Nationwide Children’s Hospital has had on the neighborhood. It examines how churches and institutions are partnering to address substandard housing, health care and other critical needs; and the love for the neighborhood that inspires suburbanites to come back every Sunday for church and moves people who grew up on the South Side to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to create a community center in a historic school. Columbus Neighborhoods: South Side also explores the resurgence of historic neighborhoods such as Merion Village, where Jenny Brodie and other young residents are fixing up old houses that are conveniently located to downtown. “My mom told me that she always wanted to live in a neighborhood where everyone hung out on their porches and knew each other,” Brodie says. “My block is full of young people and we all park on the street so we’ve Allen Coleman currently is the Digital Media and Instructional Technology Coordinator for the Colleges for the Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University. Coleman is pursuing his Ph.D. in Education and Human Ecology and has been with Ohio State since 1996, working on the Early Literacy Learning Initiative as well as in various Information Systems roles. Emily Howard is the Director, Marketing and Creative Services, at the Department of Recreational Sports, also at Ohio State. Howard is originally from Michigan and has held marketing communications posts at a nonprofit in Michigan and at Ohio University, before coming to Ohio State. The Friends of WOSU Board has served since 1972 as a community advocate for WOSU Public Media. Board members commit to serving the mission of WOSU Public Media for a minimum of three (3) years and are eligible for two terms. In the 60s and 70s, bluegrass clubs that catered to Appalachians who worked in South Side industries flourished on Parsons Ave. all become friends, and on a Friday or a Saturday night we’re usually all hanging out on someone’s porch unwinding after a work week … so that happens a lot here.” Discover more about the history and traditions of this community. Tune in to the premiere of Columbus Neighborhoods: South Side Monday, September 16 at 8pm, only on WOSU TV. Allen Coleman Emily Howard 3 Our Sponsors Thank you! Please consider supporting the generous corporate and organizational partners who support the programming on WOSU Public Media! • • • • • • • • • • A&B Theatricals American Electric Power (AEP) AEP Foundation ARC Industries Art & College Pre Academy Assistive Technology of Ohio Bailey Cavalieri BalletMet Columbus Bethel Dental Care The Blackwell Inn and Conference Center •CAPA •CAS •CATCO • Chamber Music Columbus • Charles Barton Weaver Trust Fund •Chevron •Chase • CityScene Magazine • Columbus Dance Theatre • Columbus Food Adventures • The Columbus Foundation • Columbus Medical Association Foundation • Columbus Metropolitan Club • Columbus Symphony •COSI • Council for Older Adults • Dental Care Plus • Dispatch Home & Garden Show and Holiday Fest • Edible Columbus • El Vaquero Restaurants • Fahlgren Mortine • Fisher & Phillips • Franklin Park Conservatory • Giant Eagle • Goldberg, Dr. Richard and Lynda • Green B.E.A.N. Delivery • Hocking Hills Adventure Trek Theatre • Home Care Assistance • Homeport - NOBO on Long Condos • Ingram-White Castle Foundation • Jazz Arts Group - Columbus Jazz Orchestra • Johnson Investment Counsel • Jones Topsoil • KA Menendian Rug Gallery • Kendal at Granville Continuing Care Retirement Community • Lazarus Fund, Hattie and Robert • Levi's 4 Floors • Local Matters • Marburn Academy • McCoy Center for the Arts •Meijer • Nationwide Insurance • Newark Granville Symphony • Ohio Dominican University • Ohio Education Association • Ohio Northern University • Ohio Tuition Trust Authority • Ohio University • On the Square Yoga • Opera Columbus • OSU College of the Arts • OSU Optometry • OSU Neurological Dept. • OSU Wexner Medical Center • Plante & Moran • Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur •ProMusica • Queen City Shows • Recognize and Refer to Recover • Reinberger Foundation • Ross, Sandy & Andy • Rutherford Funeral Homes and Crematories • Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Service • The Sherrington Group •Sodexo • State Auto Insurance Companies • State Farm Agent, Bill Alsnauer •TEDxColumbus • The Mitchell House of Powell • The Original Mattress Factory • Thurber House • Time Warner • United Way of Central Ohio • Upper Arlington Cultural Arts Commission • Varment Guard • Wellington School • Wesley Glen/Wesley Ridge Retirement Communities • Westerville Symphony • Wexner Center for the Arts • Wexner Heritage Village • Wiebold Studio • Wild Birds Unlimited • Zanesville Museum of Art Day Sponsorships Programming on WOSU is supported by the Jerome and Margaret Cunningham Charitable Gift Fund honoring the dedicated staff and volunteers of the Capital Area Humane Society. Planned & Major Giving Naming WOSU as beneficiary of your charitable gift annuity, remainder trust, or will are ways in which you can help leave a legacy to preserve public broadcasting for future generations. WOSU Arts and Media Partners •BalletMet •Chamber Music Columbus •CityMusic •Columbus Metropolitan Club •Columbus Symphony •COSI •Greater Columbus Arts Council •Jazz Arts Group •Midland Theatre •Ohioana Library •Opera Project Columbus •ProMusica Chamber Orchestra •Thurber House •Wexner Center for the Arts •Women’s Fund of Central Ohio • The Works Consider Underwriting on WOSU TV and Radio On-air underwriting announcements on WOSU Public Media recognize your company’s support of public broadcasting and give you an opportunity to share your company’s message with our highly desirable audiences. For more information on underwriting programs seen or heard on WOSU Public Media, please contact us at or: Christine Šadić Manager of Corporate Support (614) 247-4469 If you are interested in a radio day sponsorship message, please contact: Rob Walker (614) 292-9678 If you are interested in planned or major giving, please contact: Dana Viglietta (614) 292-9678 R adio H ighlights 89.7 NPR News & Classical 101 Highlights The All-Day NPR News Station Fisher (10am–noon) and On Point (1pm–2pm) provide 89.7 listeners the chance to participate in the discussion while Here & Now fills the news gap between Morning Edition and All Things Considered. And the new format makes NPR better equipped to cover major breaking news for 89.7 listeners. M ik Choosing Here & Now— An Inside Look pson hom eT Radio is perhaps the most personal medium. Radio is your companion as you wake up, prepare meals, drive to work, and even take a shower. The strength of that personal connection with individual listeners is most evident when we change programming. Of course, the biggest change is the hosts. Here & Now’s Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson sound very different than Neal Conan, but we feel they are the perfect complement to Ann Fisher, Fresh Air’s Terry Gross and On Point’s Tom Ashbrook. In March, we were as surprised as our listeners when NPR announced the end of Talk of the Nation’s 22-year run. Neal Conan, Ken Rudin and the Talk of the Nation staff are great friends of WOSU Public Media and the show served 89.7 listeners very well. But NPR’s decision left WOSU with the opportunity and challenge of selecting a new program for weekday afternoons. Even after we settled on Here & Now, we had to decide what to do with Science Friday—Talk of the Nation’s long-running science program. Many stations stopped airing Science Friday, or moved it to another time slot, preferring to We considered every option, from totally re-arranging our midday schedule, to simply replacing Talk of the Nation with another program. The many providers of public radio programs offered very compelling alternatives. have Here & Now on their schedules Monday through Friday. With Columbus home to many scientific research organizations—Ohio State University, Battelle, Chemical Abstracts, and Ashland Chemical—we felt Science Friday was the best choice for our listeners, so we kept it on Fridays from 2pm–4 pm. When a radio station changes its programming it can eliminate a beloved daily companion for many of our listeners. We know that, and we give great thought to our decisions. But like in their personal lives, listeners make new friends. We fully expect Here & Now’s Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson will provide the friendly voices to keep 89.7 NPR News listeners company and informed weekday afternoons. By Michael Thompson, News and Public Affairs Director Here & Now Co-hosts Jeremy Hobson and Robin Young As a newsmagazine, Here & Now does not take listener phone calls, and we miss hearing people from Columbus offering their insight on NPR. But we felt that All Sides with Ann Photo Credit: Liz Linder We chose NPR’s new midday news magazine, Here & Now which now airs on 89.7 from 2pm–4pm Monday through Thursday. Here & Now offers our listeners a great public radio program but it sounds much different than Talk of the Nation. While Neal Conan and his guests covered one to two topics per hour, Here & Now covers at least six stories per hour; research shows that’s what public radio listeners want. Midday listeners tune in and out as they run errands, work around the house or listen between meetings at the office. Here & Now provides the perfect balance between in-depth non-sensational reporting and a variety of topics. 5 R adio H ighlights Classical Music All Day, Every Day Serenata “Adventures with the Art Song” Saturdays at 1pm with Christopher Purdy September 7 Tune in to Classical 101 for 3 September Specials (No program today) High Holidays with Itzhak Perlman Russian Nights: Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky and Rachmaninoff; Songs with Anna Netrebko, Dimitri Hvorostovsky, Sergei Leiferkus and Nicolai Gedda This year the Jewish High Holy Days fall at their earliest point on the Gregorian calendar since 1899 – Rosh Hashanah at sundown on Sept. 4th and Yom Kippur at sundown on Sept. 13th. Legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman guides us through the traditions of the Jewish High Holidays, sharing music, personal recollections and even a recipe or two! September 21 Herbst, L’automne, Autunno—The First Day of Autumn September 28 (No program today) A new season of “Opera and More” Saturdays at 1:30pm with host Christopher Purdy The world's biggest classical music festival wraps with a bang! Join us as Marin Alsop becomes the first female conductor of the Last Night of the Proms, and mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato and violinist Nigel Kennedy join the BBC Symphony Orchestra and BBC Symphony Chorus in a concert that runs from Rossini and Handel arias to Bernstein and a mass sing-along. (1pm start time) Gilbert and Sullivan: The Mikado and The Sorcerer, two recent “hits” from the Ohio Light Opera performed at the College of Wooster, conducted by J. Lynn Thompson Mozart’s Requiem for Patriot Day Wednesday, September 11th at 8pm hosted by Christopher Purdy In March of 2013, it had been over a decade since Mozart’s Requiem in D Minor was presented on the Ohio State campus. Conductor Robert J. Ward brought together Ohio State’s Chorale, Symphonic Choir, Men’s Glee Club, Women’s Glee Club, and Symphony Orchestra for this performance, featuring 252 vocalists and 35 orchestra members. 6 → For detailed listings, visit September 15 Ceruti’s Al campo sale Maria, Demantius’ Vespers for Pentecost, Tchaikovsky’s Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Selections from Handel’s first & last oratorios, The Triumph of Time and Dissolution (1707) and Jephtha (1752) 1000: A Mass for the End of Time, Leonarda’s Salve Regina; Beatus vir, and Elgar’s The Dream of Gerontius September 14 Bellini: Norma, with Cecilia Bartoli, Sumi Jo, John Osborn and Michele Pertusi. Orchestra La Scintilla conducted by Giovanni Antonini Photo Credit: Dean Alexaner Marin Alsop September 8 Stravinsky’s Requiem Canticles, Britten’s Abraham and Isaac, Jenkins’ Te Deum, Mozart’s Requiem September 29 September 7 Sunday, September 8th from 1–4pm Monteverdi’s Vespers of the Blessed Virgin 1610, Jenkins’ Gloria September 22 Saturday on Stage Last Night of the Proms Sacred choral music both familiar and rare Sundays at 8pm with host Christopher Purdy September 1 September 14 Tuesday, September 3rd at 8pm Musica Sacra The American Sound Cecilia Bartoli September 21 Wagner: The Flying Dutchman (Sung in English), with Nina Stemme, John Tomlinson, Peter Wedd and Kim Begley. London Philharmonic conducted by David Parry September 28 (1pm start time) Meyerbeer: The Huguenots, with Joan Sutherland, Gabriel Bacquier, Nicolai Ghiuselev and Martina Arroyo, conducted by Richard Bonynge Music in Mid-Ohio Sundays at 6pm with host Christopher Purdy Join us for encore performances from our 2012– 2013 season while our latest programs are being prepared for broadcast…at a new time! More information coming soon. Saturdays at 6pm with host Jennifer Hambrick The arrival of Labor Day can only mean one thing: summer vacation season is over and it’s back to the three R’s. But not so fast: during September on The American Sound we’ll make time for the last gasp of summer with music for the back-to-school bustle, even as we enjoy a Labor Day weekend of (hopefully) a little late summer lazing about. We’ll explore American classical music’s bluegrass roots on "Bluegrassical," a special edition of The American Sound. And we’ll open the Columbus concert season with a performance by the spectacular American vocal ensemble Cantus. Monday → Thursday 5:00 am 5:30 Friday Saturday Sunday Classical Music Classical Music 6:00 am Classical Music 6:30 7:00 am 7:30 8:00 am Classical Music with WOSU’s Boyce Lancaster Sunday Baroque 8:30 9:00 am 9:30 Classical Music with WOSU’s Boyce Lancaster 10:00 am 10:30 11:00 am Classical Music with WOSU’s Jennifer Hambrick 11:30 John Williams Fretworks Saturdays at 7pm with host John Rittmeyer Noon 12:30 1:00 pm 1:30 2:00 pm 2:30 3:00 pm 3:30 During the month of September, we’ll hear music arranged for classical guitar. 4:00 pm September 7 6:00 pm September 14 It’s music for lute, violin, and cello by Bernhard Joachim Hagen, and we have music for the guitar by Antonio Lauro, Venezuela’s leading composer for the instrument, with Pepe Romero performing several dances. September 21 We head into autumn with an arrangement for solo guitar of Astor Piazzolla’s Estaciones portenas (The Four Seasons). We have music from Paganini and Variations on a Theme of Scriabin by Alexander Tansman. Sharon Isbin will play a concerto by Vivaldi with the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra. The beautiful, anonymous Romance arranged for guitar and orchestra and a sonata for viola and guitar by Erik Marchelie will get things started. Then the grand Guitar Concerto in E Minor by Francesco Molino follows as well as a contemporary piece from the Minneapolis Guitar Quartet. Classical Music with WOSU’s John Rittmeyer Serenata Saturday on Stage with WOSU’s Christopher Purdy Classical Music 4:30 Classical Music Performance Today 6:30 7:00 pm 7:30 Symphony at 7 with WOSU’s John Rittmeyer The American Sound Music in Mid-Ohio Fretworks From the Top Classical Music Musica Sacra with WOSU’s Christopher Purdy 8:00 pm 8:30 9:00 pm 9:30 Classical Music Pipedreams (10pm–12am) 10:00 pm → Overnight Classical 101 can also be heard in Columbus on HD Radio 89.7-2 as well as streaming online at Monday → Friday Saturday 5:00 am BBC World Service 5:30 6:00 am 6:30 7:00 am 7:30 Sunday BBC World Service Humankind Morning Edition with Steve Inskeep, Renée Montagne, and WOSU’s Debbie Holmes Columbus on the Record Marketplace Money On Being BBC NewsHour Weekend Edition Weekend Edition Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! Car Talk Fresh Air with Terry Gross Radiolab Travel with Rick Steves On Point with Tom Ashbrook This American Life 8:00 am 8:30 9:00 am 9:30 10:00 am 10:30 11:00 am WOSU’s All Sides with Ann Fisher 11:30 Noon 12:30 1:00 pm 1:30 2:00 pm 2:30 3:00 pm Here & Now (Mon–Thurs) Science Fridays (Fri) 4:30 5:00 pm 5:30 6:00 pm 6:30 The Moth Radio Hour To the Best of Our Knowledge The TED Radio Hour On the Media All Things Considered with Robert Siegel, Michele Norris, Melissa Block, and WOSU’s Marilyn Smith Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal All Things Considered The Dinner Party Download This American Life All Things Considered All Things Considered WOSU’s All Sides with Ann Fisher WOSU’s Bluegrass Ramble WOSU’s Bluegrass Ramble 3:30 4:00 pm September 28 Classical 101 By Request 5:00 pm 5:30 Giovanni De Chiaro entertains us with music from The Guitar on Broadway. Violinist Itzhak Perlman joins John Williams for a sonata by Paganini. We’ll also hear the Guitar Concerto No. 1 by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, and music better-known from Ottorino Respighi’s orchestration will be heard in its original version for the lute. Amadeus Deli with WOSU’s Jennifer Hambrick Classical Music with WOSU’s Jennifer Hambrick Classical Music with WOSU’s Jennifer Hambrick 7:00 pm 7:30 8:00 pm 8:30 9:00 pm → Overnight BBC World Service 89.7 FM NPR News can also be heard on our regional network stations on HD Radio and streaming online at 7 T V H ighlights Primetime & Weekend Full repeat schedule on Sunday, 9/1/13 Check Out the Changes for September ia Sta c Every year in May, PBS reveals to the station programmers the new shows for the upcoming television season. It’s our first chance to get a look at what’s coming and there are lots of good programs in the pipeline! Here’s a quick review of what you can look forward to in September. ntz He This year, WOSU TV starts the new television season in early September with a brand new PBS NewsHour Weekend edition. Like the weekday PBS NewsHour, PBS NewsHour Weekend will feature a summary of the day's national and international news, and original in-depth field reporting. Anchored by Hari Sreenivasan, the PBS NewsHour Weekend will air Saturday and Sunday evenings at 5:30pm beginning September 7. This means there will be some changes to the weekend schedule, so be sure to check the listings. Sundays continue to be drama night on WOSU TV. I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that Season Four of Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey is set to premiere on Sunday, January 5, 2014. If you can’t wait that long, WOSU TV will air encore presentations of Downton Abbey Seasons One and Two on Saturday nights throughout September and October beginning September 14. I’ve also heard from many viewers that they would like to see an encore presentation of Call the Midwife. So beginning Sunday, September 8 at 7pm we will air encores of Season One and Two of Call the Midwife. A brand new Season Three is scheduled to air in the spring of 2014. But don’t change the channel when Call the Midwife ends because beginning at 8pm is a brand new drama from the folks at the BBC. Last Tango in Halifax was voted best new drama in England last year 8 8 → For detailed listings, visit 6:00 am Betsy’s Kindergarten Adventures 6:30 am Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series 7:00 am Curious George and now it’s here on WOSU TV! Last Tango in Halifax stars Derek Jacobi and Anne Reid as widowers who reunite after 60 years via Facebook, only to discover that first love can sometimes be ageless. 7:30 am Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 8:00 am Sid the Science Kid 8:30 am Dinosaur Train 9:00 am Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 9:30 am Zoboomafoo 10:00 am Arthur 10:30 am Wild Kratts 11:00 am Religion & Ethics Newsweekly If you enjoy Antiques Roadshow, you’re sure to like Genealogy Roadshow premiering Monday, September 23 at 8pm. Genealogy Roadshow takes an historical look into a community by exploring the genealogy of its citizens. 11:30 am Columbus on the Record Wednesday nights soar out of the gate with Nature’s six part mini-series, Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation. Premiering on September 4, Earthflight is a breathtaking visual journey of the world from the bird’s-eye view. The producers used state-of-the-art technology and sophisticated camera techniques to show the world from an amazing aerial perspective. This mini-series is visually stunning to watch. 4:00 pm In Performance at the White House We’re very excited to present South Side, the newest documentary in our Columbus Neighborhoods series. This new special profiles the once industrial neighborhood known as South Side. Its Hungarian immigrants, Appalachian migrants and bustling Jewish neighborhood forged a thriving community that changed with the times. Columbus Neighborhoods: South Side premieres Monday, September 16 at 8pm. Lots of good things are in store for our viewers in September. But this is just the start of a new television season. October and November will bring even more great national and local specials, including new shows for PBS KIDS®. Stacia Hentz, TV Program Director 12:00 pm McLaughlin Group 12:30 pm Truth About Money with Ric Edelman 1:00 pm Nature 2:00 pm Market Warriors 3:00 pm In Performance at the White House 5:00 pm In Performance at the White House 6:00 pm In Performance at the White House 7:00 pm In Performance at the White House 8:00 pm Bletchley Circle Part 3 Susan tells the other women that she came face-toface with the killer—and he let her go. Next Air 9/2/13 4:00 am 9:00 pmMasterpiece Mystery! New Series Silk: Episode 1 Barrister Martha Costello (Maxine Peak) is under pressure to win cases as she aspires to rise to the rank of Queen’s Counsel, also known as “taking Silk.” In an effort to boost her Silk application, Martha takes on challenging cases to prove her merit — and an ambitious student pupil (Tom Hughes). Next Air 9/2/13 1:30 am Monday, 9/2/13 8:00 pm Antiques Roadshow Tasty Treasures Celebrate the season with a cornucopia of appetizing antiques and delectable collectibles. Next Air 9/7/13 5:30 pm 9:00 pm National Parks: America’s Best Idea The Scripture of Nature (1851–1890) In 1872, Congress acts to protect land that will become America’s first national park, Yellowstone. Next Air 9/3/13 1:00 am Tuesday, 9/3/13 8:00 pm Glacier Park Remembered Historical memorabilia and old film showcase what Montana’s Glacier Park was like 100 years ago. 9:00 pm National Parks: America’s Best Idea The Last Refuge (1890–1915) At the end of the 19th century a conservation movement takes shape to protect America’s wilderness. Next Air 9/4/13 1:00 am Wednesday, 9/4/13 8:00 pm Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation 9:00 pm National Parks: America’s Best Idea 7:00 am Curious George Going Home (1920–1933) The automobile allows more people to visit parks and the Smoky Mountains and Tetons become parklands. 7:30 am Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 8:00 am Sid the Science Kid Next Air 9/6/13 2:30 am 8:30 am Dinosaur Train Friday, 9/6/13 9:00 am Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 pm Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 8:30 pm Columbus on the Record Next Air 9/8/13 11:30 am 9:30 am Zoboomafoo 10:00 am Arthur 10:30 am Wild Kratts 9:00 pm National Parks: America’s Best Idea 11:00 am Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Great Nature (1933–1945) During an economic crisis and a world war, the parks provided a source of jobs and much-needed peace. 12:00 pm McLaughlin Group 11:30 am Columbus on the Record Next Air 9/7/13 2:00 am 12:30 pm Truth About Money with Ric Edelman Saturday, 9/7/13 1:00 pm Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation 6:00 am Aviators 2:00 pm National Parks: America’s Best Idea 6:30 am Motorweek 4:00 pm Niagara Falls 7:00 am Best of the Joy of Painting 7:30 am Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting 5:00 pm Joe Nuxhall, My Life: Baseball & Beyond 8:00 am Sewing with Nancy 5:30 pm PBS NewsHour Weekend 8:30 am Katie Brown Workshop 6:00 pm Market Warriors 9:00 am This Old House 7:00 pm Call the Midwife 9:30 am Hometime 8:00 pm Last Tango in Halifax 10:30 am Woodsmith Shop 11:00 am Ciao Italia 11:30 am Lidia’s Italy in America 12:00 pm Sara’s Weeknight Meals New Series 12:30 pm Martha Bakes 1:00 pm America’s Test Kitchen 1:30 pm Cook’s Country North America Take a breathtaking voyage with the world’s birds witnessing spectacular animal migrations and great natural wonders. Snow geese, pelicans and bald eagles fly over the Great Plains, the Grand Canyon, Alaska and the Golden Gate Bridge as they encounter and engage with bears, dolphins, bison and spawning fish. Next Air 9/5/13 1:00 am 2:00 pm Chef John Besh’s Family Table New Series 2:30 pm Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen 3:00 pm Garden Smart 3:30 pm Growing a Greener World 4:00 pm Ask This Old House 4:30 pm Rudy Maxa’s World 5:00 pm Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 pm PBS NewsHour Weekend Episode 1 Celia and Alan, childhood sweethearts reunited after 60 years, are stranded when Alan’s car is stolen. They phone their respective daughters, arrogant Caroline and happy-go-lucky Gillian, to pick them up. Next Air 9/9/13 4:00 am 6:00 pm Antiques Roadshow 9:00 pm National Parks: America’s Best Idea The Empire of Grandeur (1915–1919) Established in 1916, the National Park Service protects the Grand Canyon from commercial interests. Next Air 9/5/13 2:00 am 7:00 pm Lawrence Welk Show 8:00 pm Keeping Up Appearances 8:30 pm Keeping Up Appearances 9:00 pm As Time Goes By 9:30 pm As Time Goes By Thursday, 9/5/13 10:00 pm Masterpiece Mystery! 8:00 pm This Old House Poirot X: Murder on the Orient Express When a passenger is found brutally murdered on the train, the sleuth is called upon to investigate. Essex 2012/13, Liquid Assets Roger Cook helps aquatic systems specialist Yorgos Gregory revive a neglected water feature. 8:30 pm This Old House Essex 2012/13, Cottage Style Geothermal bore holes are filled and shingles are weaved around a corner for a cottage look. Next Air 9/6/13 4:30 am 9:00 pm Masterpiece Mystery! Silk: Episode 2 Both Martha and Clive have their Silk interviews and Martha takes on the biggest case of her life. Next Air 9/9/13 1:00 am Monday, 9/9/13 8:00 pm Antiques Roadshow Next Air 9/8/13 3:00 am Wichita, KS - Hour Two A guest gets a big surprise when her set of 1914 and 1915 Cracker Jack baseball cards is appraised. Sunday, 9/8/13 9:00 pm Antiques Roadshow 6:00 am Betsy’s Kindergarten Adventures 6:30 am Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series Next Air 9/12/13 9:00 pm Wichita, KS - Hour Three A bronze sculpture by Edward Onslow Ford and an 18th-century surveyor’s compass are discovered. Next Air 9/10/13 1:00 am All programs are subject to change. 9 T V H ighlights Monday, 9/9/13 continued… Friday, 9/13/13 7:00 am Curious George 10:00 pm Our Vanishing Americana 8:00 pm Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 7:30 am Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! Photographer Mike Lassiter discusses his book "Our Vanishing Americana: A North Carolina Portrait." 8:30 pm Columbus on the Record 8:00 am Sid the Science Kid Next Air 9/15/13 11:30 am 8:30 am Dinosaur Train 9:00 pm Il Volo: We Are Love 9:00 am Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Young Italian tenors Piero Barone, Ignazio Boschetto and Gianluca Ginoble perform in Miami. 9:30 am Zoboomafoo Next Air 9/14/13 2:00 am 10:00 am Arthur Billie Jean King The professional tennis star who fought for equality on and off the court presents her own story. 10:00 pm Idina Menzel Live: Barefoot at the Symphony 10:30 am Wild Kratts 9:30 pm FRONTLINE Next Air 9/14/13 3:00 am Next Air 9/10/13 2:00 am Tuesday, 9/10/13 8:00 pm American Masters Next Air 9/11/13 1:00 am The Suicide Plan The world of assisted suicide, one of the most polarizing social issues of our time, is explored. Next Air 9/11/13 2:30 am Wednesday, 9/11/13 8:00 pm Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation Africa Fly and arrow-dive with cape gannets among sharks, dolphins, whales and the great sardine run. Next Air 9/12/13 1:00 am 9:00 pm NOVA The Tony Award-winning Broadway, television and recording artist performs with an orchestra. Saturday, 9/14/13 2:00 pm Reagan Presidency 7:00 am Best of the Joy of Painting 3:00 pm Reagan Presidency 7:30 am Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting 8:00 am Sewing with Nancy Determining Guilt Alan Alda explores how neuroscience and brainscanning technology are being used in the courtroom. Next Air 9/12/13 3:00 am Thursday, 9/12/13 5:00 pm Joe Nuxhall, My Life: Baseball & Beyond 9:00 am This Old House 5:30 pm PBS NewsHour Weekend 9:30 am Hometime 6:00 pm Market Warriors 10:00 am American Woodshop 7:00 pm Call the Midwife 10:30 am Woodsmith Shop 8:00 pm Last Tango in Halifax 11:00 am Ciao Italia Episode 2 Celia and Alan are enjoying their new life together, but Gillian and Caroline are having problems. 1:30 pm Cook’s Country 2:00 pm Chef John Besh’s Family Table 2:30 pm Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen 3:00 pm Garden Smart 3:30 pm Growing a Greener World 4:00 pm Ask This Old House 4:30 pm Rudy Maxa’s World 5:00 pm Rick Steves’ Europe Next Air 9/13/13 4:30 am Wichita, KS - Hour Two A guest gets a big surprise when her set of 1914 and 1915 Cracker Jack baseball cards is appraised. Next Air 9/14/13 5:30 pm 10 → For detailed listings, visit Next Air 9/16/13 1:00 am 10:30 pm POV Ping Pong Elderly players compete in the Over 80 World Table Tennis Championships in China’s Inner Mongolia. Next Air 9/20/13 1:00 am Monday, 9/16/13 8:00 pm Columbus Neighborhoods 8:00 pm Keeping Up Appearances 9:00 pm As Time Goes By 9:00 pm Antiques Roadshow Foyle’s War, Series VII: The Eternity Ring MI5 asks Foyle to investigate the possibility of a Russian spy network in the heart of London. 7:00 pm Lawrence Welk Show 8:30 pm Keeping Up Appearances Essex 2012/13, Rustic Plaster, Advanced Septic Wallboard installer Brian Jones shows how he uses a panel lift to install ceilings singlehandedly. 9:00 pm Masterpiece Mystery! 6:00 pm Antiques Roadshow Essex 2012/13, Clam Flats & Lightning Rods The barrier-free walk that leads to the house is finished using granite and bluestone but no steps. 8:30 pm This Old House Next Air 9/16/13 4:00 am 5:30 pm PBS NewsHour Weekend 8:00 pm This Old House Next Air 9/13/13 4:00 am 4:00 pm Reagan Presidency 8:30 am Katie Brown Workshop 1:00 pm America’s Test Kitchen 10:00 pm Brains on Trial with Alan Alda 12:30 pm Truth About Money with Ric Edelman 6:30 am Motorweek 12:30 pm Martha Bakes Next Air 9/12/13 2:00 am 12:00 pm McLaughlin Group 1:00 pm Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation 12:00 pm Sara’s Weeknight Meals Return to Ground Zero to witness the final chapter in an epic story of engineering, innovation, and the perseverance of the human spirit: the completion of One World Trade Center. 11:30 am Columbus on the Record 6:00 am Aviators 11:30 am Lidia’s Italy in America Ground Zero Supertower 11:00 am Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Premiere 9:30 pm As Time Goes By 10:00 pm Masterpiece Classic Downton Abbey, Season 1 - Episode 1 When the Titanic goes down, Lord Grantham loses his heirs, and his daughter Mary loses her fiancé. Next Air 9/15/13 3:00 am Sunday, 9/15/13 6:00 am Betsy’s Kindergarten Adventures 6:30 am Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series South Side South Side was once an industrial powerhouse, shaped by the thousands of people who moved there to work its furnaces and factories. From Hungarian immigrants to Appalachian migrants and the bustling Jewish neighborhood, they forged a thriving community. Next Air 9/17/13 2:00 am Monday, 9/16/13 continued… 9:00 pm Antiques Roadshow Grand Rapids, MI - Hour One An 1881 painting by Jasper Cropsey and a letter by Gerald Ford to his former teacher are appraised. Next Air 9/21/13 6:00 pm 10:00 pm Antiques Roadshow Grand Rapids, MI - Hour Two Showcases a quilt of fabric scraps signed by 200 celebrities and a collection of wooden fish decoys. Next Air 9/17/13 1:00 am Tuesday, 9/17/13 8:00 pm Latino Americans Foreigners in Their Own Land/Empire of Dreams The first Spanish explorers in North America and the US expansion in the Southwest are examined. 8:30 pm Columbus on the Record 9:00 am Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Former Ohio Governors Bob Taft and Ted Strickland Former Ohio Governors Bob Taft and Ted Strickland discusses the political climate with Host Mike Thompson. 9:30 am Zoboomafoo Next Air 9/22/13 11:30 pm 9:00 pm Great Performances The Hollow Crown: Richard II The foolish, young Richard initiates his downfall by banishing two men as a resolution to their feud. Saturday, 9/21/13 10:00 am Arthur 10:30 am Wild Kratts 11:00 am Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 11:30 am Columbus on the Record 12:00 pm McLaughlin Group 12:30 pm Truth About Money with Ric Edelman 6:00 am Aviators 1:00 pm Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation 6:30 am Motorweek 2:00 pm Columbus Neighborhoods 7:00 am Best of the Joy of Painting 7:30 am Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting 8:00 am Sewing with Nancy 3:00 pm Columbus Neighborhoods 4:00 pm Columbus Neighborhoods 8:30 am Katie Brown Workshop 5:00 pm Joe Nuxhall, My Life: Baseball & Beyond 9:00 am This Old House 5:30 pm PBS NewsHour Weekend 9:30 am Hometime 6:00 pm Market Warriors 10:00 am American Woodshop 7:00 pm Call the Midwife 10:30 am Woodsmith Shop Wednesday, 9/18/13 8:00 pm Last Tango in Halifax 11:00 am Ciao Italia 8:00 pm Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation 11:30 am Lidia’s Italy in America Episode 3 While planning their civil marriage ceremony, Celia and Alan get locked in an eerie medieval hall. Next Air 9/18/13 1:00 am 10:00 pm FRONTLINE Egypt in Crisis Martin Smith and Charles Sennott look at the rise and rapid fall of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. Next Air 9/18/13 3:00 am Europe Cranes and geese rise over Venice, Dover, Edinburgh and the monkey-guarded Rock of Gibraltar. Next Air 9/19/13 1:00 am 9:00 pm NOVA Why Ships Sink The events that led up to famous cruise disasters are reconstructed, including the Costa Concordia. Next Air 9/19/13 2:00 am 10:00 pm Brains on Trial with Alan Alda Deciding Punishment Alan Alda discovers how neuroscience is already influencing the sentencing of defendants on trial. Next Air 9/19/13 3:00 am Thursday, 9/19/13 8:00 pm This Old House Essex 2012/13, Wooden Ships & Shiplap Boards Norm Abram visits Essex’s last shipyard and Tom Silva builds shiplap barn board walls and a mantel. Next Air 9/20/13 4:00 am 8:30 pm This Old House Essex 2012/13, from Our House to Daryl’s House Salvaged hearth tile and stained quarter-sawn oak floors revive the look of the original cottage. 12:00 pm Sara’s Weeknight Meals 12:30 pm Martha Bakes 1:00 pm America’s Test Kitchen 1:30 pm Cook’s Country 2:00 pm Chef John Besh’s Family Table 2:30 pm Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen 3:00 pm Garden Smart 3:30 pm Growing a Greener World 4:00 pm Ask This Old House Next Air 9/21/13 4:00 am Friday, 9/20/13 8:00 pm Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 10:30 pm POV The World Before Her This tale of two Indias follows a female militant leader and a woman competing in a beauty pageant. Next Air 9/27/13 1:00 am 8:00 pm Antiques Roadshow 5:30 pm PBS NewsHour Weekend Grand Rapids, MI - Hour Three A painting by French artist Edouard Cortes and prop spears used in The Wizard of Oz are appraised. 6:00 pm Antiques Roadshow 7:00 pm Lawrence Welk Show 8:00 pm Keeping Up Appearances Next Air 9/24/13 1:00 am 9:00 pm Genealogy Roadshow 8:30 pm Keeping Up Appearances 9:00 pm As Time Goes By 9:30 pm As Time Goes By 10:00 pm Masterpiece Classic Sunday, 9/22/13 The Greek Interpreter Mr. Mela tries to gain a signature to confirm a marriage and confides in Holmes’ brother, Mycroft. Next Air 9/23/13 1:00 am Monday, 9/23/13 South Side South Side was once an industrial powerhouse and is still a thriving community that changed with the times. 10:00 pm Sherlock Holmes Foyle’s War, Series VII: The Cage Foyle finds a mysterious military facility full of secrets that can threaten British Intelligence. 5:00 pm Rick Steves’ Europe 9:00 pm Columbus Neighborhoods Next Air 9/22/13 4:00 pm 9:00 pm Masterpiece Mystery! 4:30 pm Rudy Maxa’s World Downton Abbey, Season 1 - Episode 2 Mary entertains three suitors, including a Turkish diplomat whose boldness leads to a surprising event. Next Air 9/20/13 4:30 am Next Air 9/23/13 4:00 am New Series Next Air 9/22/13 3:00 am 6:00 am Betsy’s Kindergarten Adventures 6:30 am Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series 7:00 am Curious George 7:30 am Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 8:00 am Sid the Science Kid 8:30 am Dinosaur Train Nashville Follow a diverse cast of participants on an emotional journey that uses history and science to uncover their fascinating family stories. Each individual’s past will link to a larger community history, revealing the rich cultural tapestry of America. All programs are subject to change. 11 T V H ighlights Monday, 9/23/13 continued… 9:00 pm Great Performances 6:30 am Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series The physical majesty of the soaring Maryland bridge and its distinct personality are highlighted. Next Air 9/24/13 2:00 am Tuesday, 9/24/13 New Series 8:00 pm Latino Americans War and Peace/The New Latinos Trace the World War II years and those that follow, as Latino Americans serve their new country. Next Air 9/26/13 1:00 am 10:00 pm FRONTLINE Life and Death in Assisted Living A look at the nation’s largest assisted living company sheds light on this billion dollar industry. Next Air 9/25/13 3:00 am South America Condors and scarlet macaws take us to the Andes and the Amazon. Hummingbirds feed at Iguazu Falls. 7:00 am Curious George 7:30 am Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 8:00 am Sid the Science Kid 8:30 am Dinosaur Train The Hollow Crown: Henry IV, Part 1 In the first of this four-part series, the heir to the throne, Prince Hal (Tom Hiddleston), defies his father, King Henry (Jeremy Irons), by spending his time at Mistress Quickly’s (Julie Walters) tavern in the company of the dissolute Falstaff (Simon Russell Beale) and his companions. Wednesday, 9/25/13 8:00 pm Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation Sunday, 9/29/13 6:00 am Betsy’s Kindergarten Adventures 10:00 pm Chesapeake Bay Bridge: Spanning the Bay 9:00 am Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 9:30 am Zoboomafoo 10:00 am Arthur 10:30 am Wild Kratts 11:00 am Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 11:30 am Columbus on the Record 12:00 pm McLaughlin Group 12:30 pm Truth About Money with Ric Edelman Saturday, 9/28/13 6:00 am Aviators 6:30 am Motorweek 1:00 pm Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation 2:00 pm Buckeye Classics 7:00 am Best of the Joy of Painting 2:30 pm Buckeye Classics 7:30 am Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting 3:00 pm Buckeye Classics Secrets of the Viking Sword Science and detective work are used to reconstruct the revolutionary, high-tech Ulfberht sword. 8:00 am Sewing with Nancy 3:30 pm Buckeye Classics 8:30 am Katie Brown Workshop 4:00 pm Buckeye Classics Next Air 9/26/13 2:00 am 9:00 am Ask This Old House 4:30 pm Buckeye Classics 10:00 pm Skeletons of the Sahara 9:30 am Hometime A prehistoric human burial ground is discovered in the middle of Africa’s large, forbidding desert. 10:00 am American Woodshop 5:00 pm Joe Nuxhall, My Life: Baseball & Beyond Next Air 9/26/13 1:00 am 9:00 pm NOVA Next Air 9/26/13 3:00 am Thursday, 9/26/13 10:30 am Woodsmith Shop 11:00 am Ciao Italia 11:30 am Lidia’s Italy in America 8:00 pm This Old House 12:00 pm Sara’s Weeknight Meals Essex 2012/13, Design for Everyone Reclaimed marble tile in the foyer and hand-painted border tile in the kitchen are installed. 12:30 pm Martha Bakes Next Air 9/27/13 4:00 am 8:30 pm This Old House Essex 2012/13, A Home for Mom & Dad Interior designer Keith Musinski gives a grand tour of the beautifully decorated "English cottage." Next Air 9/27/13 4:30 am 9:00 pm Antiques Roadshow Grand Rapids, MI - Hour Three A painting by French artist Edouard Cortes and prop spears used in The Wizard of Oz are appraised. 1:00 pm America’s Test Kitchen 1:30 pm Cook’s Country 2:00 pm Chef John Besh’s Family Table 2:30 pm Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen 3:00 pm Garden Smart 3:30 pm Growing a Greener World 4:00 pm Ask This Old House 4:30 pm Rudy Maxa’s World 5:30 pm PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:00 pm Market Warriors 7:00 pm Call the Midwife 8:00 pm Last Tango in Halifax Episode 4 A police search begins for Alan and Celia, who are locked inside the hall without phone service. Next Air 9/30/13 4:00 am 9:00 pm Masterpiece Mystery! Foyle’s War, Series VII: Sunflower Foyle must protect Karl Strasser, a Nazi officer turned MI5 informant who believes he’s in danger. 10:30 pm POV Best Kept Secret A high school teacher races to make preparations for her autistic students before graduation. Next Air 10/04/13 1:00 am Next Air 9/28/13 6:00 pm 5:00 pm Rick Steves’ Europe 10:00 pm Sherlock Holmes 5:30 pm PBS NewsHour Weekend Monday, 9/30/13 A Scandal in Bohemia A masked nobleman asks Holmes and Watson to save one of the royal houses of Europe from ruin. 6:00 pm Antiques Roadshow 8:00 pm Antiques Roadshow 7:00 pm Lawrence Welk Show Hartford, CT - Hour One Discover a 1963 poster for a Joan Baez/Bob Dylan concert and 200-year-old Wedgwood pottery buttons. Next Air 9/28/13 4:00 am Friday, 9/27/13 8:00 pm Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 8:00 pm Columbus on the Record Next Air 9/29/13 11:30 pm 8:00 pm Keeping Up Appearances 8:30 pm Keeping Up Appearances Next Air 10/1/13 1:00 am 9:00 pm As Time Goes By 9:00 pm Genealogy Roadshow 9:30 pm As Time Goes By 10:00 pm Masterpiece Classic Downton Abbey, Season 1 - Part 3 Growing into his role as heir, Matthew brings out the bitter rivalry between sisters Mary and Edith. Next Air 9/29/13 3:00 am 12 → For detailed listings, visit Detroit Follow a diverse cast of participants on an emotional journey to uncover their fascinating family stories. 10:00 pm 10 Buildings That Changed America Geoffrey Baer journeys across America to explore ten groundbreaking works of art and engineering. Next Air 10/01/13 2:00 am Digital channels: Daytime & Early Evening on WOSU TV Weekday Schedule, 5am–7:30pm 5:00 am BBC World News 5:30 am Mondays & Fridays: Sit and Be Fit Tuesdays & Thursdays: My Generation Wednesdays: Classical Stretch III 6:00 am Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 6:30 am Zoboomafoo Overnight on WOSU TV 11:00 pm As Time Goes By 11:30 pm Tavis Smiley 12:00 am Charlie Rose 1:00 am → Overnight Visit for details. Saturday 11:30 pm Austin City Limits 12:30 am Music Voyager 1:00 am Live from the Artist Den 2:00 am → Overnight Visit for details. Arthur Sunday 7:30 am Martha Speaks 8:00 am Curious George 11:00 pm → Overnight Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 9:00 am Super Why! 9:30 am Dinosaur Train 10:00 am Sesame Street 11:00 am Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 11:30 am Sid the Science Kid 12:00 pm Barney & Friends 12:30 pm Caillou 1:00 pm WordWorld 1:30 pm Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps 2:00 pm Curious George 2:30 pm The Electric Company 3:00 pm WordGirl 3:30 pm Wild Kratts 4:00 pm Arthur 4:30 pm Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman 5:00 pm Cyberchase 5:30 pm Mondays: Curiosity Quest Tuesdays: DragonflyTV Wednesdays: Hands on Crafts for Kids Thursdays: Biz Kid$ Fridays: State of Ohio 6:00 pm PBS NewsHour 7:00 pm Nightly Business Report 7:30 pm Are You Being Served? Time Warner 1007 Insight 916 WOW! 205 Over-the-air 34.1 Monday → Friday 7:00 am 8:30 am High Definition or Digital Widescreen programming featuring art, culture, nature, and more. Visit for details. Visit for a detailed overnight schedule. Programming from The Ohio Channel ( which includes live legislative and public affairs coverage from the statehouse along with arts and culture from around Ohio. Digital channels: Time Warner 991 Insight 190 WOW! 150 Over-the-air 34.2 Digital channels: Programming that is a oneday delay of primetime PBS programming as well as CREATE, a daytime how-to and lifestyle series. Time Warner 994 Insight 191 WOW! 153 Over-the-air 34.3 LOCAL-ON-DEMAND Local-on-demand on Time Warner’s channel 1111. National Parks: America's Best Idea Week 9/2 thru 9/6, 9pm This 12-hour, six-part documentary series directed by Ken Burns and written by Dayton Duncan is the story of an idea as uniquely American as the Declaration of Independence and just as radical: that the most special places in the nation should be preserved, not for royalty or the rich, but for everyone. Look for Changes on Saturdays & Sundays Katie Brown Workshop Saturdays, 8:30am The lifestyle guru prepares simple recipes, works magic with plants, and transforms ordinary items into ornate gifts. PBS NewsHour Weekend Saturdays & Sundays, 5:30pm Hari Sreenivasan anchors a summary of the day’s national and international news. Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Saturdays, 10pm Enjoy an encore presentation of Seasons 1–2 and catch up with the iconic show from the beginning. Call the Midwife Sundays, 7pm (starting 9/8) Relive the true-to-life adventures of Jenny Lee in London's East End in an encore presentation of Seasons 1 & 2. All programs are subject to change. 13 T V H ighlights Primetime Schedule, 8pm–11pm 8:00 pm American Masters: Bille Jean King Tuesday, September 10 at 8pm on WOSU TV King presents her own story in the series’ first profile of a sports figure. The show commemorates the 40th anniversaries of the famous Billie Jean King v. Bobby Riggs “The Battle of the Sexes” tennis match and the launch of the Women’s Tennis Association. 2 Monday Antiques Roadshow National Parks: America's Best Idea 3 Tuesday Glacier Park Remembered 4 A Nature Special Wednesday Earthflight, Presentation North America National Parks: America's Best Idea Thursday This Old House This Old House National Parks: America's Best Idea Friday Washington Week Columbus on the Record National Parks: America's Best Idea Saturday Keeping Up Appearances Keeping Up Appearances As Time Goes By 8 Sunday Last Tango in Halifax Masterpiece Mystery! 9 Monday Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow 10 Tuesday American Masters 11 A Nature Special Wednesday Earthflight, Presentation Africa NOVA Brains on Trial with Alan Alda Thursday This Old House This Old House Antiques Roadshow Sherlock Holmes 13 Friday Washington Week Columbus on the Record Il Volo: We Are Love Idina Menzel Live: Barefoot at the Symphony 14 Saturday Keeping Up Appearances Keeping Up Appearances As Time Goes By Masterpiece Classic Downton Sunday Last Tango in Halifax Masterpiece Mystery! 16 Monday Columbus Neighborhoods Antiques Roadshow 17 Tuesday Latino Americans 18 A Nature Special Wednesday Earthflight, Presentation Europe NOVA Brains on Trial with Alan Alda Thursday This Old House This Old House Columbus Neighborhoods Sherlock Holmes Friday Washington Week Columbus on the Record Great Performances Saturday Keeping Up Appearances Keeping Up Appearances As Time Goes By Sunday Last Tango in Halifax Masterpiece Mystery! 23 Monday Antiques Roadshow Genealogy Roadshow 24 Tuesday Latino Americans 25 A Nature Special Wednesday Earthflight, Presentation South America NOVA Skeletons of the Sahara 26 Thursday This Old House This Old House Antiques Roadshow Sherlock Holmes Friday Washington Week Columbus on the Record Great Performances Saturday Keeping Up Appearances Keeping Up Appearances As Time Goes By 29 Sunday Last Tango in Halifax Masterpiece Mystery! 30 Monday Antiques Roadshow Genealogy Roadshow 5 6 7 19 20 21 28 14 → For detailed listings, visit 10:30 pm Masterpiece Mystery! 27 Sunday, September 15 at 9pm on WOSU TV With one war ended, a new one is looming as the iron curtain falls across Europe. Suspecting that British atomic research has been infiltrated, MI5 asks Foyle to investigate the possibility of a Russian spy network in London. 10:00 pm Bletchley Circle 22 Masterpiece Mystery! Foyle’s War, Series VII: The Eternity Ring 9:30 pm Sunday 15 Friday, September 13 at 9pm on WOSU TV Fall in love with Il Volo, the young tenor trio that has won hearts across America with exquisite vocals, in this live concert of love songs filmed in Miami Beach. Il Volo performs “Questo Amore,” “We Are Love” and other songs in Spanish, English, Italian and French. 9:00 pm 1 12 Il Volo: We Are Love 8:30 pm Part 3 POV 5 Broken Silk: Episode 1 Tasty Treasures Episode 1 Wichita, KS - Hour Two Cameras (1.5 hr) The Scripture of Nature (1851–1890) National Parks: America's Best Idea The Last Refuge (1890–1915) (2.5 hrs) The Empire of Grandeur (1915–1919) Going Home (1920–1933) Great Nature (1933–1945) As Time Goes By Masterpiece Mystery! Poirot X: Murder on the Orient Express (1.5 hrs) Silk: Episode 2 Wichita, KS - Hour Three Our Vanishing Americana FRONTLINE Billie Jean King The Suicide Plan Episode 2 South Side Ground Zero Supertower Wichita, KS - Hour Two As Time Goes By Grand Rapids, MI - Hour Three Grand Rapids, MI - Hour One Hartford, CT - Hour One Abbey, Season 1 - Episode 1 (1.5 hrs) POV Ping Pong (1.5 hr) Antiques Roadshow Grand Rapids, MI - Hour Two FRONTLINE Egypt In Crisis Why Ships Sink Deciding Punishment South Side The Greek Interpreter The Hollow Crown: Richard II (3 hrs) As Time Goes By Masterpiece Classic Downton Abbey, Season 1 - Episode 2 (1.5 hrs) POV The World Foyle's War, Series VII: The Cage Nashville Before Her (1.5 hr) Chesapeake Bay Bridge: Spanning the Bay FRONTLINE War and Peace/The New Latinos Episode 4 The Copper Beeches Foyle's War, Series VII: The Eternity Ring Foreigners in Their Own Land/Empire of Dreams Episode 3 Determining Guilt Life and Death In Assisted Living Secrets of the Viking Sword Grand Rapids, MI - Hour Three A Scandal in Bohemia The Hollow Crown: Henry IV, Part 1 (2.5 hrs) As Time Goes By Foyle's War, Series VII: Sunflower Detroit Masterpiece Classic Downton Abbey, Season 1 - Episode 3 (1.5 hrs) POV Best Kept Secret (1.5 hr) 10 Buildings That Changed America WOSU TV: Programming on WOSU TV is a variety of national PBS features as well as award-winning locally produced shows, such as Columbus Neighborhoods, Columbus on the Record and In the Know. Primetime Schedule, 8pm–11pm Great Performances at the Met: Giulio Cesare Tues., September 7 at 8pm on WOSU Plus David Daniels and Natalie Dessay sing the leading roles of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra in David McVicar’s new production of Handel’s Giulio Cesare. Soprano Renée Fleming hosts and conducts backstage interviews with the stars. Thurs., September 12 at 10 pm on WOSU Plus On trial is Jimmy Moran, who at 18 took part in a store robbery during which the storeowner’s wife was shot and injured. Presiding is distinguished U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff, who has a longstanding interest in neuroscience and its effect on criminal law. Latino Americans: Foreigners in Their Own Land/Empire of Dreams Wed., September 18 at 8pm on WOSU Plus Survey the history and people from 1565–1880, as the first Spanish explorers enter North America, the U.S. expands into territories in the Southwest, and the MexicanAmerican War strips Mexico of half its lands. All programs are subject to change. 8:30 pm America’s Test Kitchen 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:30 pm Ask This Old House Rick Steves’ Europe Sunday Essential Pepin 2 Monday Bletchley Circle 3 Tuesday Great Performances at the Met 4 Roadshow Wednesday Antiques Tasty Treasures 5 Thursday Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation North America NOVA scienceNOW NOVA scienceNOW 6 Friday Between the Lines… Charlie Rose: The Week Columbus Collaborative McLaughlin Group 7 Saturday Martha Bakes Martha Bakes Global Spirit Moyers & Company 8 Sunday Essential Pepin America’s Test Kitchen Chef John Besh’s Martha Bakes New Orleans Cheesecake Ask This Old House 9 Monday Last Tango in Halifax Masterpiece Mystery! 10 Tuesday Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow 11 Masters Wednesday American Billie Jean King Family Favorites Chef John Besh’s Martha New Orleans Stewart’s… 10:00 pm 1 Masterpiece Mystery! Part 3 Silk: Part 2 Giulio Cesare ( 4hrs) Puff Pastry Rollin' In Dough Angel Food Cake Episode 1 Wichita, KS - Hour Two Glacier Park Remembered What Makes Us Human? FRONTLINE The Untouchables Can Science Stop Crime? Seeds of Growth 2013, Part 2 Art and the Creative Spirit Columbus on the Record Rudy Maxa's World Silk: Episode 2 Our Vanishing Americana Wichita, KS - Hour Three FRONTLINE The Suicide Plan Thursday Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation Africa NOVA Brains on Trial with Alan Alda 13 Friday Between the Lines… Columbus Collaborative McLaughlin Group 14 Saturday Julia and Jacques Joanne Weir's Cooking… Cooking… Global Spirit Moyers & Company 15 Sunday Essential Pepin Chef John Besh’s Martha Bakes New Orleans Meringue Ask This Old House 16 Monday Last Tango in Halifax Masterpiece Mystery! 17 Tuesday Columbus Neighborhoods Antiques Roadshow 12 Brains on Trial with Alan Alda 8:00 pm Souper Soups… Charlie Rose: The Week America’s Test Kitchen Episode 2 South Side Ground Zero Supertower Determining Guilt Seeds of Growth 2013, Part 2 The Journey Towards Oneness Latino Americans Rick Steves’ Europe Globe Trekker Foyle's War, Series VII: The Eternity Ring Grand Rapids, MI - Hour One Columbus on the Record Nigeria (1.5 hr) Antiques Roadshow Grand Rapids, MI - Hour Two FRONTLINE 18 Wednesday Foreigners in Their Own Land/Empire of Dreams 19 Thursday Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation Europe NOVA Brains on Trial with Alan Alda 20 Friday Between the Lines… Charlie Rose: The Week Columbus Collaborative McLaughlin Group 21 Saturday Taste This! Jazzy Vegetarian Global Spirit The Shaman, Moyers & Company 22 Sunday Essential Pepin America’s Test Kitchen Ask This Old House 23 Monday Last Tango in Halifax Masterpiece Mystery! 24 Tuesday Antiques Roadshow Genealogy Roadshow 25 Americans Wednesday Latino War and Peace/The New Latinos Chicken Milanese Eggs-Quisite Egypt In Crisis Why Ships Sink Deciding Punishment Seeds of Growth 2013, Part 2 Easy Paella Dinner The Spirit Healer and the Earth Episode 3 Grand Rapids, MI - Hour Three Chef John Besh’s Martha Bakes New Orleans Pâte Brisée Columbus on the Record Rick Steves’ Europe Globe Trekker Foyle's War, Series VII: The Cage (1 hr) Chesapeake Bay Bridge: Spanning the Bay Nashville FRONTLINE Life and Death In Assisted Living 26 Thursday Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation South America 27 Friday Between the Lines… Charlie Rose: The Week Columbus Collaborative McLaughlin Group 28 Saturday America’s Test Kitchen Cook's Country Global Spirit Moyers & Company 29 Sunday Essential Pepin America’s Test Kitchen Chef John Besh’s Martha Bakes New Orleans Pâte à Choux Ask This Old House 30 Monday Last Tango in Halifax Fowl Play Episode 4 Great American… NOVA Skeletons of the Sahara Secrets of the Viking Sword Seeds of Growth 2013, Part 2 The Mystical Experience Masterpiece Mystery! Foyle's War, Series VII: Sunflower WOSU Plus: Programming that is a one-day delay of primetime PBS programming as well as CREATE, a dynamic how-to and lifestyle series. Columbus on the Record Rick Steves’ Europe Globe Trekker Around the… (1 hr) Featured sponsors of programs seen on CREATE are Jones Topsoil, Levi’s 4 Floors and Quilt Beginnings. 15 TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL 614.292.9678 2400 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43210 PERIODICAL
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