“Uglies” by Scott Westerfeld - lyttle


“Uglies” by Scott Westerfeld - lyttle
“Uglies” by Scott
A Novel Study
Written by Shelley Gray
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Resources by
Shelley Gray
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Written by Shelley Gray
Table of Contents
Pre-Reading Activity: Before You Get Started
page 5
Pre-Reading Activity: Internet Author Research
pages 6-7
Personal Dictionary
page 8-9
Check for Understanding: Chapter 1
page 10
KWL Chart
page 11
Check for Understanding: Chapters 2 and 3
page 12
Attribute Webs: Tally and Shay
pages 13-14
Check for Understanding: Chapters 4 and 5
page 15
Making Connections: Text-to-World
page 16
Check for Understanding: Chapters 6 and 7
page 17
View from Above
page 18
Finding Similes
page 19
Check for Understanding: Chapters 8, 9 and 10
pages 20-21
Venn diagram: The City vs. The Outside
page 22
Check for Understanding: Chapters 11 and 12
page 23
Write a Persuasive Letter
pages 24-25
Check for Understanding: Chapters 13 and 14
page 26
Range of Emotions
page 27
Check for Understanding: Chapters 15 and 16
page 28
Sequencing: Comic Strip Style
pages 29-30
Check for Understanding: Chapters 17, 18 and 19
page 31
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Written by Shelley Gray
Create an Advertisement
page 32
Check for Understanding: Chapters 20, 21 and 22
page 33
Considering the Pros and Cons
page 34
Check for Understanding: Chapters 23, 24 and 25
page 35
Attribute Wheel: The Smoke
page 36
Check for Understanding: Chapters 26, 27 and 28
page 37
Character Sketch: David
page 38
Check for Understanding: Chapters 29 and 30
page 39
Reading Body Language
page 40
Check for Understanding: Chapter 31 and 32
page 41
Sequencing and Transition Words
page 42
Check for Understanding: Chapter 33 and 34 and 35
page 43
Write a Newspaper Article
page 44
Check for Understanding: Chapters 36, 37 and 38
page 45
Making Connections
page 46
Check for Understanding: Chapters 39, 40 and 41
page 47
Finding Synonyms
page 48
Check for Understanding: Chapters 42, 43 and 44
page 49
Story Pyramid
page 50
Check for Understanding: Chapters 45, 46 and 47
page 51
Action-packed Timeline
page 52
Check for Understanding: Chapters 48, 49 and 50
page 53
Write a Book Review
page 54
Write a Chapter
page 55
Write about It (Real Issues)
page 56
Create an Advertisement
page 57
Answer Keys
pages 58-63
Credits and Copyright Information
page 64
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Written by Shelley Gray
Before You Get Started…
1. Have you heard of this book before? If so, write a couple of sentences
describing what you know about it.
2. Look at the front cover and read the back of the book. Predict what you
think this book will be about.
3. Now, read the first 2 pages of the book and the last 2 pages of the book.
Does this change your predictions? If so, write your new predictions about
what the book will be about.
4. Looking through the novel, find the following information:
a. Who is the author of this book?
b. What is the copyright date of this book?
c. Who is the publisher of this book?
d. Where was this book published?
e. What are the titles of the other books in this series?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Before You Get Started - Internet Research
Scott Westerfeld is the author of “Uglies”. Before beginning reading this novel, it
is valuable to know some background information about the author. Using at least
2-3 different websites, find the following information about Scott Westerfeld and
record it using point form notes. Remember to write down the websites where you
found the information.
1. Tell a bit of personal information about Scott Westerfeld. (eg. How old is
he? Where does he live? Where is he from? etc…)
The websites where I found this information:
2. Describe Scott Westerfeld‟s writing history. (How long has he been writing
for? Has he written a lot of books before “Uglies”? etc.)
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Written by Shelley Gray
The websites where I found this information:
3. Read about some of the other novels that Scott Westerfeld has written. Do
any of them look particularly interesting to you? Which one? Why or why
The websites where I found this information:
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Written by Shelley Gray
Personal Dictionary
Throughout this novel, you will find a lot of vocabulary that is different. As
you come across names of objects that you are not familiar with, write them
in the first column. Once you find a description of the object, write it in the
second column. Lastly, draw a picture of what you believe the object looks
Word that I am not
familiar with
A picture of what I think it
looks like
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Written by Shelley Gray
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “New Pretty Town”
1. The first line of the book says, “The early summer sky was the color of
cat vomit.” Why do you think the author wrote this as a first line?
2. Who is the main character in this story?
3. What surprised or interested you as you read this chapter?
4. From what you have read so far about the main character, list a couple of
adjectives/phrases that describe her.
5. Read the last line of this chapter. Is this a metaphor? Explain.
Predict: Do you think that Tally will find Peris? How do you think Peris will react if
Tally finds him?
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Written by Shelley Gray
KWL Chart
After reading the first chapter, it is apparent that the world in
this book is quite different than the one in which we live. Think
about the parts of the first chapter that surprised or
interested you as you read. Fill in this KWL chart with the
things that you know so far about the setting, and what you
want to know. As you read the rest of the book, fill in the “L”
section with the information that you learn about the setting.
K – What do I know so far
about the setting of this
W – What do I want to
know? What questions do
I have about the setting
of this novel?
L – What have I learned
about the setting of this
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Best Friends Forever” and “Shay”
1. List and describe a couple of ways that “technology” is very different in New Pretty
Town from where you live.
2. Explain your understanding of a “hoverstrut.”
3. Explain your understanding of an “interface ring.”
4. In your opinion, is Tally jealous of the Pretties? Explain.
5. How do you think Peris felt about Tally showing up in New Pretty Town?
6. What seems to be the difference between New Pretties and Middle Pretties?
Predict: Do you think that Tally and Shay will escape New Pretty Town without problems?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Attribute Web – Tally
Fill in as much information as you can about Tally on the attribute web. As you
continue reading, continue filling in the web. By the end of the book it should be
Other interesting facts about Tally:
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Written by Shelley Gray
Attribute Web – Shay
As you continue to read about Shay, fill in the attribute web. By the end of the
book it should be full!
Other interesting facts about Shay:
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Wipe Out” and “Facing the Future”
1. At the end of the chapter “Wipe Out”, Tally says that the Pretties never
come back to visit because “we‟re so ugly” (page 38). Do you believe that this
is the reason? Why or why not?
2. What is a „morpho‟?
3. How do you think Shay feels about becoming a Pretty when she turns 16?
4. Near the end of the chapter, “Facing the Future”, we begin to get an idea of
why people are made “pretty” when they turn 16. Explain.
5. In which year do you think this story is taking place? Explain.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Making Connections – Text-to-World
Near the end of the Chapter, “Face the Future”, Tally and Shay speak of a „past‟
world where people were judged on their appearances. It is obvious that they are
speaking about the world in which we live. Do you think that there is too much
emphasis on appearance in our world today? Have you seen evidence of it? Explain.
Now, do some research. Using the Internet or other sources, find factual
information on how appearance affects perceptions of one another, the workplace,
politics and life in general. Remember to record the websites where the
information was found.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Pretty Boring” and “Rapids”
1. What is beyond the city?
2. Why is Tally nervous about going where they are not allowed to go?
3. Describe how the hoverboards work.
4. Shay seems to know a lot about the world outside of the city. Does this seem
odd to you?
Predict: What do you think Tally and Shay will find in the Rusty Ruins? Will they
encounter any trouble?
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Written by Shelley Gray
View From Above
At the beginning of the chapter “Pretty Boring”, the author describes what the
view from the hoverboard looks like. He describes New Pretty Town, the greenbelt,
the suburbs, and beyond the city. Reread this description and sketch a picture of
what you think the view from above looks like.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Finding Similes
A simile is a comparison that uses the words “like” or “as,” for example, “The house
was as big as a mountain.” The author, Scott Westerfeld, uses similes often in his
writing. Browse through the pages that you have read so far and find as many similes
as you can! Include the page number where the simile was found.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “The Rusty Ruins”, “Waiting for David” and “Fight”
1. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Reread the paragraph on page
67 in “The Rusty Ruins”:
Shay nodded. “But they all get turned pretty in the end.”
“Happy ending,” Tally said.
Shay shrugged.
Think about the significance of the line, “Shay shrugged.” What emotion is
the author trying to convey?
2. Although Tally was nervous about going to the Ruins, she ended up happy
that Shay had taken her. Why?
3. At what age do uglies leave their parents‟ homes and move into the dorm?
4. What are „uglies for life‟?
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Written by Shelley Gray
5. Reread the paragraph at the end of “Fight”:
“Maybe just being ugly is why uglies always fight and pick
on one another, because they aren‟t happy with who they
are. Well, I want to be happy and looking like a real
person is the first step.” (page 84)
What are your thoughts as you read this?
6. Do you believe that the reason that people pick on one another in our society
is because they aren‟t happy with who they are? Explain.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Venn Diagram
A Venn Diagram compares two different people or things. Using the Venn diagram
below, compare the city to the Rusty Ruins and the rest of the space outside the
city. You may keep filling in the Venn diagram as you continue to read.
the city
outside the city
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Last Trick” and “Operation”
1. Why does Shay want to escape?
2. What is the name of the place where David lives?
3. Looking on page 92, explain what is meant by the following conversation:
“And everyone‟s ugly.”
“Which means no one‟s ugly.”
Tally managed to laugh. “Which means no one‟s pretty, you mean.”
4. Explain your reaction to the author‟s description of what happens on Operation
day (page 97).
Predict: What do you think will happen in the next chapter? What might be the
problem with Tally‟s operation?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Persuasive Letter
Tally wishes that she would‟ve tried harder to persuade Shay to stay and become
pretty. Shay wishes that she would‟ve told Tally about her plan to escape sooner so
that she would‟ve had more time to think about it. Choose one character (either
Tally or Shay) and write a persuasive letter to the other one trying to convince
them of your opinion. Remember to state your arguments and support each one
with reasons why the other person should agree. Use language that is descriptive,
clear and concise.
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Written by Shelley Gray
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Special Circumstances” and “Ugly for Life”
1. What is “Special Circumstances”?
2. Why was Tally taken to Special Circumstances?
3. If you were in Tally‟s place, would you have told Dr. Cable where to find Shay and
her friends? Why or why not?
4. Shay‟s letter to Tally uses references that only the two of them know. Predict
what you think this message means.
5. How do you feel about how Tally‟s parents reacted to the situation? How do you
feel about Tally‟s parents at the end of the Chapter, “Ugly for Life”?
Predict: What do you think Tally will do? Will she tell what she knows about Shay
just so that she can be pretty?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Range of Emotions
In the chapter, “Ugly for Life”, Tally goes through many emotions. Find evidence of
how Tally is feeling at different times throughout the chapter and record the
sentence that shows the emotion.
Emotion: _________________________
Emotion: _________________________
Page number: __________________
Page number: __________________
Emotion: _________________________
Emotion: _________________________
Page number: __________________
Page number: __________________
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Peris” and “Infiltrator”
1. Were you surprised that Peris came to Uglyville to see Tally? Why or why not?
2. How do you think Tally is feeling at the end of the chapter, “Peris?” Use at least
two adjectives in your explanation.
3. In your opinion, did Tally make the right choice by telling Dr. Cable about Shay?
Predict: This is the end of Part 1. Predict what you think will happen in Part 2: The
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Written by Shelley Gray
Sequencing – Comic Strip Style!
Use the following comic strip template to summarize the events that
happened in Part 1 of this novel. You will need to do a rough draft first.
Remember to choose the main points only. Draw a picture and write a
brief description for each part of your comic.
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Written by Shelley Gray
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Leaving”, “Spagbol” and “The Worst
1. Why did Tally have to travel fast to make up for lost time?
2. Explain what the line, “Cold is the sea and watch for breaks” meant.
3. What was “the worst mistake”?
4. The author, Scott Westerfeld, uses descriptive language frequently in his
writing. He uses exciting adjectives, similes and metaphors. Find 3 descriptive
phrases that “jumped” out at you as you were reading.
a) __________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________
Predict: This chapter, “The Worst Mistake” has a suspenseful ending with the line,
“Something was coming. Something big.” What do you think it is? Make a prediction.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Create an Advertisement
As Tally spends more time in the wild, she really begins to miss certain
aspects of Uglyville, even though not long ago all she wanted to do was get
out of Uglyville and into New Pretty Town. Create an advertisement for
Uglyville, trying to persuade people to move there. What are the positive
aspects of Uglyville? Remember to include only brief but descriptive words
and phrases.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “The Side You Despise”, “Firestorm” and
“Bug Eyes”
1. What was “the strange machine” that Tally saw?
2. After Tally saw people in “the strange machine”, she realized that she really was
not alone in the wilderness. If you were in Tally‟s situation, would this make you
feel more comfortable or more scared? Why?
3. What are the “bug eyes” that Tally refers to?
4. Why were the rangers spreading the fire?
Predict: Do you believe that Tally will continue the lie, or will she end up telling
Shay about Dr. Cable? What would you do?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Considering the Pros and Cons
Tally has a lot of inner conflict going on. She desperately wants to be pretty, but
she feels guilty breaking her promise to Shay. Imagine that you are Tally. Fill in
the following tables with the pros and cons of each decision. Use point-form notes.
Option#1 – Break promise to Shay; return to the city and become pretty
Option#2 – Keep promise to Shay; remain ugly forever
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Lies”, “The Model” and “Work”
1. Give a physical description of David, from Tally‟s point of view.
2. Why did Shay discourage Tally from giving her Spagbol to Croy?
3. In the chapter, “The Model”, the author gives us more insight into approximately
what year this novel is taking place. Explain what year you think it is
(approximately) and how you know.
4. Do you think that Shay and her friends were suspicious when Tally was telling
her story about her trip to The Smoke, or did they believe everything that she
said? Explain your reasoning.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Attribute Wheel - The Smoke
In these chapters we are learning more and more about The Smoke in terms of
physical attributes and how its inhabitants live. Fill in the attribute wheel with
facts about The Smoke. Continue to add facts as you keep reading.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “David”, “Heartthrob” and “Suspicion”
1. At the end of the chapter, “David,” why does Tally have serious second thoughts
about activating the pendant?
2. What did Tally buy at the trading post?
3. Explain what Shay thinks about why Tally is acting strange in the chapter,
4. Think about the line on page 230: “Nature, at least, didn‟t need an operation to
be beautiful. It just was.” Is there any irony to this statement, especially since
Tally is the one thinking it?
5. Explain why Croy is suspicious of Tally.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Character Sketch – David
Tally begins to learn more about David as she spends more time in The
Smoke. In the chart below, define some of David‟s characteristics. In the
“evidence” column, find specific evidence from the novel that supports these
characteristics. Remember to include the page number where you find the
Character Sketch - David
Evidence and Page Number
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Bravery” and “The Secret”
1. Explain your understanding of the line on page 243: “Like the rest of her day,
this meal tasted brutal and serious.”
2. When the author says, “But it was as if something had changed inside Tally‟s
head, something that had turned his face pretty to her.” (page 250) when
speaking about David, what do you think he means?
3. Explain the phrase, “the preference toward the mean” from page 256.
4. Why do you think Tally is surprised that David and his father look alike?
Predict: What do you think “the secret” is?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Reading Body Language
In his writing, Westerfeld frequently uses descriptions of characters‟ body
language to show how they feel rather than describing the feeling with words. Look
at the following examples of body language from the two chapters, “Bravery” and
“The Secret.” In the second column of the table describe the feeling that
Westerfeld is trying to evoke.
Excerpt from Novel
“Not even pretties, whose bodies were perfectly
balanced, designed for elegance in every kind of
clothing, moved with such effortless control.
Tally deliberately turned her eyes away from him.
(page 245)
He laughed. “Yeah, Croy told me about his big
“He did?” She opened her eyes. (page 248)
“She blinked, her breath catching, for a moment
unable to speak. David and his father somehow
looked…alike.” (page 255)
“Tally realized that she was still shivering, but not
from the cold outside. This was all so weird.” (page
“Shay?” I don‟t believe we‟ve met her, Az said.
Tally looked at David, who shrugged . He had
never brought Shay here? (page 258)
Ah. I mean…sorry. I‟ve never had tea before,
Az‟s eyes widened. “Really? But it was very popular
back when we lived there.” (page 259)
“Well, he said you ran away a long time ago.
Before he was born.”
“Oh, did he?” Az said. The expression on his face
was exactly like David‟s when a member of the
railroad crew did something thoughtless and
dangerous with a vibrasaw. (page 259)
“I should know what?” she asked softly.
They all looked at her, Maddy and Az measuring
her with their eyes. (page 260)
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Pretty Minds” and “Burning Bridges”
1. What is the Committee for Morphological Standards?
2. What is “the secret”?
3. Who does not have the lesions?
4. Tally wonders “Was becoming pretty just the bait to get everyone under the
knife? Or were the lesions merely a finishing touch on being pretty?” (page 273)
What is your opinion? Explain.
Predict: How did Special Circumstances find The Smoke?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Sequencing and Transition Words
Below is a list of transition words to use when retelling the events of a story.
after that
to begin with
in the morning
first of all
Now use some of these transition words to help you retell the main events of “Part
2: The Smoke.”
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Invasion”, “The Rabbit Pen” and “In Case of Damage”
1. What is the “weapon” that the Boss has at the beginning of the Chapter
2. Where was Tally when the Invasion happened?
3. In “The Rabbit Pen”, why is Croy no longer suspicious of Tally?
4. Describe the significance of the line, “If the pendant had been damaged, it
would have sent a signal automatically.” (page 306)
5. Where did Tally pretend that she had hidden the pendant?
Predict: Will Tally get away? Where will she go?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Write a Newspaper Article
Pretend that you are a news reporter traveling with Special Circumstances.
Write a newspaper article to describe the commotion in The Smoke from an
outsider‟s point of view. Remember to include the 5 W‟s: who, what, when,
where and why.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Run”, “Amazing” and “Ruin”
1. Why did Tally have to be careful riding the hoverboard as she was trying to
2. According to David, what does the second operation do for the Specials?
3. Tally continues lying to David, thinking that he would never forgive her if she
told him the truth. This results in the lie becoming bigger and bigger. Do you
think that Tally should continue lying to David, and tell him the truth later on?
Or should she just tell him the truth right now? Explain your point of view. What
do you think would be David‟s reaction if Tally told him the truth?
4. Why were there scattered pairs of shoes in the rabbit pen when Tally and David
returned to The Smoke?
Predict: What do you think happened to Maddy and Az? Did they escape, get
caught, or are they still in their home?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Making Connections
Make connections between the entire novel so far, and yourself, the world,
and other books you have read.
Connection: Text-to-Self
Connection: Text-to-Text
Connection: Text-to-World
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Maddy and Az”, “The Oil Plague” and “Familiar Sights”
1. Why does David think that his parents did not get away?
2. What supplies had David‟s parents stashed away in the secret cave?
3. Describe the “oil plague” that killed the Rusties.
4. Describe what you think it means when Tally thinks, “And that was her city in a
nutshell…Nothing left to itself. Everything turned into a bribe, a warning, or a lesson.”
(page 351)
5. On page 352, Tally says that she is not a pretty, but she doesn‟t feel like an ugly
anymore. Describe what she means.
Predict: Do you think Tally and David will get into Special Circumstances without getting
caught? What will they find?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Finding Synonyms
In this novel, Scott Westerfeld uses a lot of adjectives to add description to his
writing. Looking through these past three chapters, find ten examples of
adjectives. Then, using the thesaurus on your computer or a “Rustie-style”
thesaurus, find as many synonyms for that adjective as you can. Remember, that
the synonym must be a word that also makes sense in the context of the
Sentence and Page
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Accomplices”, “Over the Edge” and “Inside”
1. Why does David seem uncomfortable in Uglyville?
2. Who are the accomplices?
3. How did Tally and David use the accomplices to help with their plan?
4. Does it surprise you that Tally and David were able to get inside Special
Circumstances? Explain.
5. List 2-4 words to describe how Tally must feel after seeing that Shay has been
made pretty.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Story Pyramid
Fill in the story pyramid with information from the past three chapters.
Characters (2 words)
Setting (3 words)
Event #1 (5 words)
Event #2 (7 words)
Your prediction of how the book will end (9 words)
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Rescue”, “Getaway” and “Night Alone”
1. What is your reaction to the fact that Shay has been made pretty, and the way
that she is acting throughout the Chapter, “Rescue?”
2. Why did Maddy give the others pieces of the orange jumpsuits?
3. Are you surprised with Shay‟s attitude towards Tally‟s relationship with David?
Why or why not?
4. What information did Maddy find on Dr. Cable‟s tablet?
Predict: Do you think that Shay‟s operation will be reversed?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Action-Packed Timeline
The chapters about the rescue and getaway were action-packed! Create a timeline
of these chapters, including all main events, in chronological order. Since there
are no dates mentioned, think about other ways to specify when events are taking
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Hippocratic Oath”, “Confessions” and
“Down the River”
1. Why did the Smokies start spreading the rumor about the brain lesions among
city friends?
2. Shay knows that she has changed, but why does she believe that she is
3. Explain how Az died.
4. David and his mother disagree about whether or not Tally should turn herself in,
be made pretty, and then be given the experimental pill by Maddy. Whose side
are you on? Is Tally making the right decision? Why or why not?
Will you read the sequel to this book?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Write a Book Review
Review this book as if you are writing for a magazine. Remember to include: a “star”
rating, an attention-grabbing introduction, reasons why you would/would not
recommend it, and an interesting conclusion. Include exciting adjectives
throughout your writing.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Write a Chapter!
Write the first chapter of the sequel, “Pretties.” Think about whether you want to
begin your story before Tally‟s operation, or after the operation.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Write About It!
Choose a topic from the following list and write about it, connecting information
from “Uglies” to real-life.
The Price of Beauty
Beautiful on the Inside
What Beautiful Really Means
How Beauty Affects our Perceptions
Hollywood Beauty – Real or Fake?
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Written by Shelley Gray
Create an Advertisement
If you were trying to create a new village for runaways, similar to The Smoke, how
would you persuade uglies from Uglyville to join you? Create an advertisement for
your new village, trying to persuade people to move there and forgo the operation.
Remember to include only brief but descriptive words and phrases.
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “New Pretty Town”
Tally Youngblood (page 3)
Some might consider it a metaphor; the pig mask being compared to Tally‟s „ugliness‟
(page 10)
Check for Understanding – “Best Friends Forever” and “Shay”
Some examples of different “technology” includes: bungee jackets, hoverstruts,
interface ring, elevators that „listen‟, the way that objects recycle themselves (Chapter –
Best Friends Forever)
Middle pretties had different features (broad shoulders, firm jaw, sharp nose, high
cheekbones). They had a different kind of authority and always seemed to know what
to do. (page 26)
Check for Understanding – “Wipe Out” and “Facing the Future”
1. Opinion
2. A morpho is a computer generated image of what you might look like once you
became pretty. Facial features can be played with to change one‟s appearance.
3. Opinion
4. They speak of the „past‟, where people were judged based on their appearances;
beauty affected who could get what jobs, and who was voted for. People were killed
because of racial differences. (page 44)
5. Opinion
Check for Understanding – “Pretty Boring” and “Rapids”
Beyond the city are real trees, mountains and the Rusty Ruins (the remains of an old
city) (page 48)
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Written by Shelley Gray
2. Tally is nervous because she promised Peris that she would take it easy for the next
couple months. She is nervous that if she gets into trouble they will get mad and she
will not be made Pretty. (page 55)
3. Hoverboards work on magnetic levitation. There has got to be some kind of metal
around for them to hover. (page 58)
4. Opinion
Check for Understanding – “The Rusty Ruins”, “Waiting For David” and “Fight”
The author is showing that Shay does not agree with the statement “Happy ending”
made by Tally. Perhaps he is trying to convey the emotion of sadness or confusion.
She was glad that Shay had taken her to the Ruins because it made everything seem
so real. Everything is the city seemed so fake. The mess left by the Rusties proved to
Tally that everything could go terribly wrong if people weren‟t careful. (page 74)
Uglies leave their parents‟ homes when they are 12 years old. (page 76)
Uglies for life are people for whom the operation to be pretty does not work. They
usually stayed in hiding, too embarrassed to be ugly and old. (page 83)
Check for Understanding – “Last Trick” and “Operation”
She wants to escape because in the place where David lives people are
not separated, you can leave anytime and go anywhere, you never have
to get the operation, you don‟t have to look and act like everyone else.
She has friends who have escaped. (page 89)
2. The place where David lives is called The Smoke. (page 91)
3. Opinion
4. Opinion
Check for Understanding – “Special Circumstances” and “Ugly for Life”
Special Circumstances is a group of minders that take care of the city. They investigate
problems such as when other cities or people who live outside cities make trouble.
(page 107)
Tally was taken there because they want to know where Shay went, and they are sure
that Tally knows something. (page 105)
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “Peris” and “Infiltrator”
1. Opinion
2. Opinion
3. Opinion
Check for Understanding – “Leaving”, “Spagbol” and “The Worst Mistake”
Tally was supposed to tell Shay that she had left the day before her 16 th birthday. If she
was too late, it would seem suspicious. (page 140)
2. There were breaks in the bridge, where she could easily fall into the sea below if she
wasn‟t careful. (page 148)
3. The worst mistake was edging the hoverboard off of the bridge, over the cliff and
toward the water. Luckily, there were metal deposits in the river that caught the
hoverboard. (page 159-160)
4. Opinion
Check for Understanding – “The Side You Despise”, “Firestorm” and “Bug Eyes”
The strange machine was a helicopter. (page 164)
The “bug-eyes” are the masks worn by the rangers. (page 178)
The rangers were spreading the fire to burn the flowers. They spread too rapidly,
becoming a monoculture. They crowd out every other species of plant life. (page 181182)
Check for Understanding – “Lies”, “The Model” and “Work”
David had a nice smile, a confident looking face, a crooked smile and a high forehead.
(page 189)
2. Shay didn‟t want Tally to give her Spagbol to Croy because dehydrated food is hard to
get in the Smoke, and Shay thought that Tally should save it to trade. (page 190)
3. The Librarian, the Boss, says that the magazines are over three centuries old, meaning
over 300 years old. That would mean that the year that the book is supposed to be
taking place in is probably between 2300 and 2400. (page 202); this is also a
personal opinion question
4. Opinion
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Written by Shelley Gray
Check for Understanding – “David”, “Heartthrob” and “Suspicion”
Tally finds out that David is not a runaway. His parents were runaways, and he has
lived his entire life here in the wild. If she activates the pendant and the Specials find
The Smoke, it would mean that David‟s entire life would be stripped away. (page 219)
Tally bought a sleeping bag and a sweater. (page 222)
Shay thinks that Tally feels guilty because she met a special someone before she left
and told him about The Smoke. Shay believes that this is how she got the pendant.
(page 224)
Nature was beautiful, but nature is far from perfect. (page 230) & personal opinion
Croy is suspicious because Tally said that it took her nine days to get to The Smoke, but
when she arrived she still had tons of food left. If it actually took her that long, and she
only had enough food for two weeks, she should‟ve had barely any left. (page 236)
Check for Understanding – “Bravery” and “The Secret”
1. Opinion
2. Opinion
3. This explains the operation. The overall average of human facial characteristics is the
primary template for the operation. (page 256)
4. Opinion
Check for Understanding – “Pretty Minds” and “Burning Bridges”
Also called „the Pretty Committee; a global institution that made sure pretties were all
more or less the same. It would ruin the whole point of the operation if people from
one city wound up prettier than everyone else. (page 262)
2. The secret is that the operation not only changes how you look, but also the way you
think. David‟s parents found lesions in the brains of pretties which were intentionally
put there during the operation. (Pretty Minds)
3. The lesions seem to be based upon profession. People whose professions require them to
react quickly, face conflict, danger and challenges do not have the lesions. (firefighters,
wardens, doctors, Special Circumstances) (page 265)
4. Opinion
Check for Understanding – “Invasion”, “The Rabbit Pen” and “In Case of Damage”
The Boss had Habanero pepper, dried and ground down to dust. It stings your eyes and
makes them water if it gets too close. (page 291)
2. She was still sleeping, because she had been out late with David the night before.
(page 287)
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Written by Shelley Gray
3. Croy is no longer suspicious of Tally because Tally resisted, just like the rest of them.
(page 298)
4. Tally realizes that throwing the pendant into the fire had sent a signal to the Specials.
5. She pretended to have hidden it on the roof of the trading post. (page 308)
Check for Understanding – “Run”, “Amazing” and “Ruin”
Tally had to be careful because she was barefoot and she had forgotten her crash
bracelets (page 313). Also, she was riding Croy‟s hoverboard, and it didn‟t know her
style (page 314)
2. The operation augments all their muscles and rewires their nervous system; makes
them „superhuman‟ (page 321)
3. Opinion
4. Tally thinks that when Croy saw her escape on the hoverboard, her realized she did not
have any shoes. By leaving their shoes in the rabbit pen, the people who had been
captured were helping the Smokey who had escaped (page 329)
Check for Understanding – “Maddy and Az”, “The Oil Plague” and “Familiar Sights”
David does not think that his parents got away because Az‟s knife had been left in the
house; Az always said that the knife was the most useful thing he‟d brought from the
city, and so David knows that he would never leave without it. (page 336-337)
The supplies included: water purifiers, direction finders, lightweight clothes, sleeping
bags, hoverboards, belly sensors, flashlight, food (page 338)
Somehow, a bacterium was invented that infected petroleum; it changed the chemical
composition of the oil, causing it to explode on contact with oxygen. The spores
continued to grow and spread as they were released in the smoke. Because oil was
used for everything, it killed the Rusties. (page 345-346)
Check for Understanding – “Accomplices”, “Over the Edge” and “Inside”
David is uncomfortable because he is not used to seeing so many houses all together,
and he is imagining all of the people inside, all crowded together. (page 359)
2. The accomplices are Sussy, An and Dex – 3 seniors who had heard rumors about the
Smoke and wanted to know if it was real. (page 364)
3. They had them sneak into New Pretty Town, and write with sparklers in the sky, “The
Smoke Lives”. As a result, several hovercars from Special Circumstances left to check
what was going on, and Tally and David were able to get onto the building. (page
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Written by Shelley Gray
4. Opinion
5. Opinion
Check for Understanding – “Rescue”, “Getaway” and “Night Alone”
1. Opinion
2. Maddy gave them pieces of the jumpsuits because there were trackers in them and she
wanted to trick the Specials (page 391)
3. Opinion
4. Maddy found Dr. Cable‟s notes about making pretties into specials – the physical part
and the information about the brain lesions. (page 404)
Check for Understanding – “Hippocratic Oath”, “Confessions” and “Down the River”
Maddie decided that every ugly had the right to know what the operation really
entailed. (page 406)
2. She believes it is the result of growing up, moving on and leaving all the overheated
emotions of ugliness behind. (page 409)
3. Dr. Cable was experimenting with a new operation that would erase people‟s
memories. Az died during the operation.
4. Opinion
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License
Written by Shelley Gray
Credits and Copyright Information
This book was written and created by Shelley Gray.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ca/ or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco,
California, 94105, USA.
Some artwork and graphics copyright Thistlegirl Designs and Scrappin
Doodles. Some original artwork by Alice Smith.
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Written by Shelley Gray
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Written by Shelley Gray