Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 5/e
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 5/e
LIPID METABOLISM & LIPID BIOSYNTHESIS Reference: Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry 4&5th edition Chapter 17 – Lipid catabolism Chapter 21 – Lipid Biosynthesis Sources of Fatty Acid Fuels 1. Diet •About one third of our energy needs comes from dietary triacylglycerols Adipocytes •~80% of energy needs of mammalian heart and liver are met by oxidation of FA. 2. Lipid droplets stored in cells/seeds (triacylglycerols - TAGs) 3. Synthesis and transport to another organ (TAGs) (excess sugar in liver fatty acids) Many hibernating animals, such as grizzly bears rely almost exclusively on fats as their source of energy Fat stores in cells. Cross section of four guinea pig adipocytes, showing huge fat droplets that virtually fill the cells. Also visible are several capillaries in cross section. Fats Provide Efficient - Fuel Storage The advantage of fats over polysaccharides: – Fatty acid carry more energy per carbon because they are more reduced – Fatty acids carry less water along because they are nonpolar (unsolvated) Glucose and glycogen are for short-term energy needs, quick delivery Fats are for long term (months) energy needs, good storage (chemically inert), slow delivery Glucose Protein Glycogen CHO Fats Fats are first converted digested, transported, and delivered to cells as free fatty acids Fatty acids transported to the mitochondria where they are oxidized Each two carbon segment is converted to acetyl-CoA that can be further oxidized in the CAC Significance Fats store ~ 2 x energy/weight compared to protein and carbohydrate, and triacylglycerols provide over half the energy required for the liver, heart and resting muscle Fuel Usage in Humans Fat: 400 000 kJ Protein: 100 000 kJ CHO: 2 500 kJ Fat (fatty acid) catabolism provides: 1. Reducing equivalents that will ultimately produce ATP 2. Acetyl-CoA that can a) be oxidized by the CAC ATP b) be converted to ketone bodies (alternate fuel source for brain and other tissues) in the liver c) be used for cholesterol biosynthesis d) act as a biosynthetic precursor Relationship to Other Pathways Glycerol glycerol 3phosphate DHAP G3P Glucose Glycolysis Glycerol FATS Triacylglycerols Pyruvate PDH Acetyl-CoA Fatty acids Ketone bodies Cholesterol Oxaloacetate Citrate Citric Acid Cycle Digestion Bile salts produced in liver The Digestion and Absorption of Fats Animation: http://bcs.whfreeman.com/thelifewire/content/chp50/5002001.html Digestion and Transport 1. Mixed micelle formation between dietary fats and bile salts (amphipathic) increase availability to lipases 2. Lipases break down triacylglycerols to mono- and di-acyl glycerols, free fatty acids, and glycerol that diffuse to epithelial cells of intestine 3. Products taken up by epithelial cells of intestine where they are reconverted to triacylglycerols 4. TAGs incorporated into chylomicrons, made fro a. triacylglycerols b. cholesterol c. apolipoproteins d. phospholipids for transport to other tissues Digestion and Transport 5. Chylomicron: hydrophobic TAGs at center, hydrophilic head groups and proteins face out – chylomicrons are exocytosed and transported by blood/lymphatic system Chylomicron 6. Lipoprotein lipase in the capillary of tissue releases FAs + glycerol (glycerol can enter glycolysis) 7. Cells uptake fatty acids: a) adipose: storage as TAGs b) muscle: oxidized for energy 8. Excess chylomicrons are taken up by the liver and their components recycled Mobilization & Transport • Hormones signal when metabolic energy is required – mobilization • When glucose is low, glucagon and epinephrine are secreted • Adenylyl cyclase is activated, triggering a cascade response – always involves a second messenger, in this case cAMP • Lipase converts TAGs FAs that are transported by serum albumin to skeletal muscle, heart, and kidney where they enter cells by a transporter for fuel Fatty Acid Transport to Mitochondria • Fats are degraded into fatty acids and glycerol in the cytoplasm • -oxidation of fatty acids occurs in mitochondria • Small (< 12 carbons) fatty acids diffuse freely across mitochondrial membranes • Larger fatty acids are transported via acylcarnitine / carnitine transporter 1. Activation Fatty acid + CoA + ATP Fatty acyl-CoA + AMP + 2Pi Transport to Mitochondria 2. Transfer to Carnitine fatty acyl carnitine 3. Transport (IM space Mitochondrial matrix) 4. Removal from Carnitine * * Acyl-carnitine/carnitine transporter – rate limiting step 5C. Fatty Acid Oxidation Left: palmitate Right: Albert Lehninger The Big Oxidative Picture Where do all these reactions take place? The Mitochondria n-ox = (nC/2) - 1 The cell stands to make a large amount of energy in the form of ATP by oxidizing only one fatty acid Stages of Fatty Acid Oxidation Stage 1 consists of oxidative conversion of two-carbon units into acetyl-CoA with concomitant generation of NADH Stage 2 involves oxidation of acetyl-CoA into CO2 via citric acid cycle with concomitant generation NADH and FADH2 Stage 3 generates ATP from NADH and FADH2 via the respiratory chain The -Oxidation Pathway • Every other carbon is converted to a C=O • Allows nucleophilic attack by CoA-SH on remaining chain • 1 CoA is used for every 2 carbon segment to release acetyl-CoA • Each round produces 1 FADH2, 1 NADH, 1 Acetyl-CoA (2 in the last round) Which three contiguous enzymes in either a pathway or cycle are analogous to three enzymes in -oxidation, and why? Step 1: Dehydrogenation of Alkane to Alkene -Catalyzed by isoforms of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (AD) on the inner mitochondrial membrane Step 2: Hydration of Alkene -Catalyzed by two isoforms of enoyl-CoA hydratase: Soluble short-chain hydratase (crotonase) Membrane-bound long-chain hydratase, part of trifunctional complex Water adds across the double bond yielding alcohol Step 3: Dehydrogenation of Alcohol -Catalyzed by -hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase The enzyme uses NAD cofactor as the hydride acceptor Only L-isomers of hydroxyacyl CoA act as substrates Analogous to malate dehydrogenase reaction in the CAC Step 4: Transfer of Fatty Acid Chain -Catalyzed by acyl-CoA acetyltransferase (thiolase) via covalent mechanism The carbonyl carbon in -ketoacyl-CoA is electrophilic Active site thiolate acts as nucleophile and releases acetyl-CoA Terminal sulfur in CoA-SH acts as nucleophile and picks up the fatty acid chain from the enzyme The net reaction is thiolysis of carbon-carbon bond The -Oxidation Series is Repeated Until Only CoA Remains • 14 C 7 Acetyl-CoA • 16 C ? • How many ATP would be produced by one round of the citric acid cycle? • CAC: 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1 GTP (7.5 + 1.5 + 1) ATP 10 ATP/1 Acetyl-CoA Figure 17-8 For a C14 lipid: 7 x 10 ATP = 70 ATP Monounsaturated Fatty Acids Require Enoyl-CoA Isomerase • enoyl-CoA hydratase can only use a trans double bond as a substrate • enoyl-CoA isomerase converts the cis double bond to trans • polyunsaturates need yet another enzyme Figure 17-9 Oxidation of Propionyl-CoA Most dietary fatty acids are even-numbered Many plants and some marine organisms also synthesize odd- numbered fatty acids Propionyl-CoA forms from -oxidation of odd-numbered fatty acids Bacterial metabolism in the rumen of ruminants also produces propionyl-CoA Odd Numbered Fatty Acids Require Three More Enzymes • Once proprionyl-CoA has been formed, it can be converted to succinyl-CoA as shown • One ATP is used in the first reaction to facilitate CO2 transfer by biotin • Coenzyme B12 is required for the mutase step – this is an isomerization reaction with a free radical mechanism (see box 17-2) Regulation 1. Fat mobilization is regulated by hormones and is related to blood glucose levels 2. Regulation of Fatty Acid Oxidation - Considerations • Tightly regulated – fat is a precious fuel • Compartmentalization: Fatty acyl-CoA used for: 1. Synthesis of Triacylglycerols (cytosol) 2. Oxidation to Acetyl-CoA (mitochondria) • The rate-limiting step is transport to the mitochondria • Once in the mitochondria, FAs will be oxidized • Malonyl CoA (first step in FA anabolism) shuts down transport to the mitochondria, cutting off -oxidation • Two enzymes are regulated by metabolites that signal energy sufficiency ([NADH]/[NAD+] and acetyl-CoA) Formation of Ketone Bodies in the Liver Entry of acetyl-CoA into citric acid cycle requires oxaloacetate When oxaloacetate is depleted, acetyl-CoA is converted into ketone bodies The first step is reverse of the last step in the -oxidation: thiolase reaction joins two acetate units Production of ketone bodies increases during starvation Ketone bodies are released by liver to bloodstream Organs other than liver can use ketone bodies as fuels Too high levels of acetoacetate and -hydroxybutyrate lower blood pH dangerously • Ketone bodies can be synthesized from 2 Acetyl-CoA molecules • Two acetyl groups are joined and reduced • Acetone is exhaled • Ketone bodies are water soluble, can be transported in the blood to other tissues including the brain either it enters CAC or is used to make myelin Ketone Bodies as a Fuel Source • Once transported, D--Hydroxybutyrate can produce 1 NADH and 2 Acetyl-CoA • If Acetyl-CoA is required, will there be enough Succinyl-CoA to fuel this reaction? • Where have we seen succinyl-CoA before? CAC Brief Fats are an important energy source in animals Two-carbon units in fatty acids are oxidized in a four-step - oxidation process into acetyl-CoA In the process, lots of NADH and FADH2 forms; these can yield lots of ATP in the electron-transport chain Acetyl-CoA formed in the liver can be either oxidized via the citric acid cycle or converted to ketone bodies that serve as fuels for other tissues http://www.wiley.com/college/grosvenor/0470197587/animatio ns/Animation_Lipid_Metabolism/Energy/media/content/met/an ima/met4a/frameset.htm
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