Ave Maria Gift Shop - Saint Mary Cathedral


Ave Maria Gift Shop - Saint Mary Cathedral
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekly Calendar
Cathedral now open for Daily Masses
and Confessions during the week.
Labor Day—Cathedral Office/School closed
No Ministry meetings or activities scheduled.
As of 6/28/2016:
Campaign Goal:
Amount Pledged to Date:
Amount Paid to Date:
Pledges/One-time Donations:
$ 2,400,088.96
6:00pm... Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
process begins, Donahue Cafeteria
8:30am... CSSM Mass, Cathedral
6:30pm... Legion of Mary, Library
7:00pm... Catholic Scripture Study
On behalf of the Notre Dame Club of Austin, we welcome this
week Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame,
as well as alumni and friends. Our relationship with the Congregation of the
Holy Cross goes back many years.
In 1872, Rev. Edward Sorin, Superior General of the Holy Cross Congregation, came to Austin from Notre Dame to receive land donated for what
would be St. Edward’s College (now St. Edward’s University). Two years
later, and for 116 years, the Congregation also had charge of Saint Mary’s
until the Diocese of Austin assumed this responsibility in 1990.
The Cathedral’s architectural design can be attributed to the connection
between Holy Cross and Architect Nicholas Clayton. At present, we are in
the midst of a capital campaign to restore our beautiful cathedral. For more
information about RestoreRenewRejoice, see our campaign materials in the
east narthex of the church; visit our website, smcaustin.org, or call the
Cathedral Office at 512-476-6182.
Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities: Acknowledging
the recent incidents of violence and racial tension in communities across the
country, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has invited all dioceses
across the country to unite in a Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities
on Friday, Sept. 9, the Memorial of Saint Peter Claver. In addition to the
activities happening around the diocese, Bishop Joe Vásquez will celebrate
Mass at St. Austin Parish at 8:15am. All are invited to attend.
Day of Prayer for Peace
5:00pm... Wedding Rehearsal, Cathedral
6:00pm... Wedding Rehearsal, Cathedral
9:00am... Baptism Class in Spanish, Donahue
Center Cafeteria
2:00pm... Wedding, Cathedral
7:30pm... Wedding, Cathedral
Patriot Day
8:00am... Sunday Breakfast (Los Amigos),
Bishops Hall
10:45am.. CFF Classes
4:30pm... SJLMS Meeting, Library
Cathedral Office will be closed
Monday, Sept. 5.
Office reopens Tues., Sept. 6.
La oficina estará cerrada
el lunes, 5 de septiembre.
Jornada de Oración por la paz en nuestras comunidades: Recono-
ciendo los recientes incidentes de violencia y tensión racial en las comunidades de todo el país, la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos
ha invitado a todas las diócesis de todo el país para que se unan en una jornada de oración por la paz en nuestras comunidades el viernes 9 de septiembre, el Memorial de San Pedro Claver. Además de las actividades ocurriendo alrededor de la diócesis, el Obispo Joe Vásquez celebrará una Misa
en la Parroquia de San Austin a las 8:15am. Todos están invitados a asistir.
Visit our website using your cell phone by
scanning the barcode. This can be read by
iPhone/Android/Windows phone.
Thinking of becoming Catholic? RCIA is the
process of discernment and instruction in the beliefs and
practices of the Catholic Faith that begins Tuesday, Sept.
6, 6:00-8:00pm, in the Donahue Center Cafeteria, for
non-baptized persons, persons baptized in another
Christian faith, and baptized Catholics lacking the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. See website for
more information. Call Deacon Vince at 512-576-4788.
Ave Maria Gift Shop
Hours of Operation
A volunteer ministry of Saint Mary Cathedral
September 4, 2016
Please pray for:
Mass Intentions
Christina Barron Almaguer, Esther Baltierra, Trina Baltierra, Ebodia Bautista, Reef Bonsmann,
Juan Burrola, Sr., Susan Campbell, Aaron Carroll, Russell Cherry, John Cobb, Luis Constantin,
Glenn Gardner, Suzanne Garvil, Magdalena Gonzales, Mary Gott, Gabriela Gray & Family,
Sammy Greco, K. Gressett, Marc Griffin, Eloisa Harkrider, Lillian Eve Herrera, Diane
Ballesteros-Houston, Ledesma Family, Roslyn Limones, Tony Madere, David Mallak,
Guadalupe Martinez, San Juanita Martinez, Consuelo Medina, Ralph Mergler, Msgr. Frank
Miller, Kiera Miller, Michael Miller, Fabio Morales, Sr., Gary Porfirio, Mary Elizabeth Powell,
Carol Richardson, Jorge Rivera, James Roberts, Alberto & Rachel Rocha, Maria Catarina
Rosales, Marrlene Sato, Frances M. Strickland, Bill Tarpley, Linda Trevino, Roland Trevino,
Sherry Trevino, Jesse Vielma, Thomas Walker, Louise Walters, Cicely White & her children,
Vivian Whitmore, Bob Wommack, Carol Young, Vicente Zavala
Monday, September 5
6:30am………………………..Andrew True
12:05pm……………Teresa Olvera Castillo†
Tuesday, September 6
6:30am……………………...Giuse Nguyen†
12:05pm…………………...Theresa Barrera
Wednesday, September 7
6:30am……………….Karma Wibbenmeyer
12:05pm……………………….Manon Gray
Thursday, September 8
6:30am………………………..Marie Gieske
12:05pm………………….Faithful Departed
Friday, September 9
12:05pm………………Karma Wibbenmeyer
Saturday, September 10
12:05pm……………………..Madere Family
5:30pm…………………..Virginia Marchan†
Sunday, September 11
8:00am……………..Teresita Cutillar Conol†
9:30am………………………...Ed Nicklaus†
12:00pm …………….Cathedral Parishioners
1:45pm…………………Angel Impagliazzo†
5:30pm……………………….Leila Morera†
Please pray for our honored loved in the military:
1LT Kyra Barone
Capt. David McGuire
Capt. Mary E. Boyle
Capt. Lawrence McNamara
PFC Andrew DiCarlo
1LT Patrick McPhee
1LT Cory Houck
Christopher Mercado, USAF
HN2 Jinuel Jehlen
Capt. Chris Morrow
HM3 Joseph Jehlen
Ensign Evan Moses
1LT Patrick Kuiper
LT Shane Moses
LCPL Christopher Madere
LCPL Eric E. Muñoz
LT Nicholas Naquin
Capt. Sean Snook
LT Ladd Spears, USN
Sgt. William Speer
Spec 4 Chris Trevino
Christopher Ty Trevino
and for those who have died:
Troy Christopher Anaya, Jr., Susan Overbey, Helene Alt, Blaine Whitmore
Catholicism—The Pivotal Players: A new journey to
unlock the truth behind the Catholic Church's most influential people, this film
series by Bishop Robert Barron illumines a handful of saints, artists, mystics,
and scholars, who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course
of civilization. Program consists of twelve compelling episodes on DVD,
followed by a discussion. Join us Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm, starting
Sept 14, in the Donahue Center Cafeter ia. No cost for this pr esentation.
Any questions, contact Deacon Vince, 512-576-4788.
Stewardship of Treasure
Special Collection Sept. 17-18 for Louisiana flooding: At the
Twenty-Third Sunday in
Ordinary Time
request of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops all parishes in the Diocese
of Austin are asked to take up a special collection to aid the victims of the
2016 Louisiana floods. The money collected the weekend of Sept. 17-18 will
be used to support the humanitarian efforts of Catholic Charities USA and to
provide pastoral and rebuilding support to the dioceses with flood damage.
For more information, visit usccb.org.
A petición de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos
todas las parroquias de la Diócesis de Austin se le pide que tome una
colección especial para ayudar a las víctimas de las inundaciones de 2016 en
Louisiana. El dinero recaudado durante el fin de semana del 17-18 de
septiembre ser án utilizados par a apoyar los esfuer zos humanitar ios de
Catholic Charities USA y prestar apoyo a la reconstrucción y pastoral de la
diócesis con daños por inundación. Para obtener más información, visite
Marriage Preparation Series:
Together in God’s Love is a 4-part series, presenting
an overview of the Church’s teachings on the
sacrament of Holy Matrimony to be held Sundays,
Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23. Couples should have taken the
PMI (Pre-Marital Inventories), FOCCUS or
PREPARE/ENRICH assessments prior to registering. Classes are from 6:45-8:45pm, in Bishops Hall. Registr ation fee:
$95/couple. Couples must attend all 4 sessions to obtain certificate of
completion. Register with Lydia at weddings@smcaustin.org.
Jesus tells the crowd that only those who
renounce all of their possessions can be His
disciples. Is He truly asking us to give up
everything? Perhaps instead He is trying to
help us see that everything we think we own is
really a gift from God. Good stewards know
that and strive to use those gifts accountably.
Budgeted amount needed each week: $21,500
Weeks ending August 28, 2016:
Actual Collection
$ 19,696
($ 1,804)
Second Collection
Columbian Missionaries
$ 5,779
FY 2017 Year-to-Date Budget
$ 193,500
FY 2017 Actual Collection
$ 157,819
($ 35,681)
Debt Balance as of 11/25/2015 $ 415,119
Mass Attendance
Next Sunday’s Second
September 10-11, 2016
Cathedral Debt Reduction
Thank you for your generosity!
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Alley parking is reserved for handicap
parishioners with State issued handicap license
plates or placards, and high occupancy vehicles
on weekends and holy days.
Estacionamiento en el callejón se reservará para
los feligreses y visitantes con placas de veteranos discapacitados o personas con discapacidad o una pancarta
de discapacidad valida los sábados, domingos y días santos .
Getting Married soon? Attend Natural Family
Planning Class: Learn the CCLI Sympto-Thermal method of
NFP. Course consists of 3 classes : Mondays, Sept. 12, Oct. 10,
and Nov. 14, 7:00- 9:30pm in the Libr ar y. Register at http://
register.ccli.org/ or contact Randy and Grace-Marie Kolb at
512-891-5341 or rkolb@austin.rr.com for more info. Cost is
$140 per couple. This course also fulfills diocesan NFP requirement for marriage prep.
Baptism classes for parents and godparents
are held in English each month on the first
Saturday of the month at 9:00am. The
course is three hours long. For more
information, visit the website at
Clases de Bautismo en español para los
padres y padrinos se ofrece el segundo
sábado de cada mes a las 9:00 de la
mañana. Las clase dura tres horas.
Para mas información, visite el sitio web
en www.smcaustin.org.
Diocesan Guidelines for baptizing a child:
Blessing of Animals: To celebrate the Memorial of St. Francis
of Assisi, bring your pets, on leashes or in crates, or your stuffed
animals, for the Blessing of Animals in the Marian Courtyard,
Saturday, Oct. 1, 10:00am.
Bendición de Mascotas será el sábado, 1 de octubre a las 10:00
de la mañana. Favor de traer sus mascotas en jaula o con una
25th Annual Red Mass, will be held Thursday, Oct. 13,
6:00pm, at the Cathedral. Speaker will be Anthony R. Picarello,
Jr., Associate General Secretary and General Council for the
U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. A reception at the Austin
Club will follow the Mass. For more information, visit
Pilgrims and the Holy Door—Cathedral is open for visitors
who would like to receive a plenary indulgence by walking
through the Holy Doors.
If the PARENTS are not members of the Cathedral, a
letter from the parish in which the parents reside or are
registered must be presented, giving permission for the
child to be baptized at Saint Mary Cathedral. This
must be done prior to registration for Baptism.
Copy of the state birth certificate or hospital birth
certificate for the child being baptized.
Single godparents must be practicing Catholics living
according to the norms of the Church.
Married couples serving as godparents must be
married by the Catholic Church.
Parents and godparents must attend a Baptismal
Preparation class prior to the Baptism. If the class is
taken in another parish, proof of attendance must be
Godparents must have received all the Sacraments of
Initiation: Baptism, First Communion and
All Baptism documents must be received in the office
before a Baptism date can be set.
Requisitos de la Diócesis para bautizar a un bebe:
La catedral está abierta para los visitantes que deseen recibir
una indulgencia plenaria caminando a través de las puertas
Catholic Faith Formation
Register for CFF: Contact Yvonne Saldaña at
512-476-6182, ext. 142. Join us Sunday, Sept. 11, at 10:45am,
for classes.
Registrarse para el CFF: Contacto Yvonne Saldaña al
512-476-6182, ext. 142. Únase a nosotros el domingo 11 de
septiembre, a las 10:45am, para las clases.
In thanksgiving from the Madere Family
August 21-September 10, 2016
Sanctuary Candles are available for those who would like to
honor their loved ones, living or deceased, or commemorate
a special day or event. Contact the Cathedral Office for more
information: 512-476-6182.
Si los PADRES no son miembros de la Catedral,
necesitaran presentar una carta de la Parroquia a la que
pertenezcan, ya sea por residencia o donde se
encuentren registrados, dando permiso para bautizar al
bebe aquí en la Catedral. Esto se requiere antes de
registrarse para bautizar.
Copia del acta de nacimiento del Estado del niño(a)
Padrinos/Madrinas solteros(as) deben ser Católicos
practicantes viviendo según las normas de la
Todos los padrinos casados deben estar casados por la
Iglesia Católica. Se deberá presentar una copia del
acta de matrimonio por la Iglesia.
Padres y Padrinos, deberán atender la clase de
Bautismo antes de bautizar. Si la toman en otra
parroquia, se requiere presenten comprobante de
Padrinos tienen que haber recibido todos los
Sacramentos de iniciación: Bautizo, 1ª Comunión y
Antes de que la fecha del Bautismo se pueda fijar ,
la oficina necesitará obtener el paquete completo
satisfaciendo todos los requisitos.
September 4, 2016
Liturgical Minister Schedule
5:30 PM Vigil
8:00 AM
September 3-4, 2016
9:30 AM
12:00 Noon
1:45 PM
John Hellerstedt
Greg Vrana
John Posey
John Donatucci
Rosario Nava
Sadie Pack
Teresa Pione
Stephen Dickman
Monica Ballard
Rosy Jalifi
Rosa Cervantes
Mario Garcia
H3—John Posey
H4—Hee-Jung Kim
H2—Rosy Jalifi
H3—Jose Poutou
H4—Harry Crawford
H5 Choir—J. Crawford
C1—Rachel Cortez
C2—E. Guevara
C3—Larry Morris
C4—Charlene Morris
H2—C. G. Sanchez
C1—Juanita Tovar
C2—Rosa Cervantes
H2—B. Vinklarek
C1—Marsha Mitchell
1:45 PM
5:30 PM
H2—Jim Gray
C1—JoAnn Arroyo
C2—Julie Gray
H2—Sulema Vielma
C1—Louise Porfirio
C2—Steve Dickman
C1—Bob Baker
C2—Alex Pong
C3—Edna Dunger
C4—Phyllis Patrick
H=Host Minister
C=Chalice Minister
5:30 PM
September 10-11, 2016
5:30 PM Vigil
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
12:00 Noon
James Marrs
James Arrington
Richard McClory
Edisson Guevara
Vanessa Matocha
Hee-Jung Kim
Larry Morris
Mario Garcia
Eliseo Ramirez
Ricardo Martinez
Paul Seals
Holly Alt
H3—Lee Smith
H4—Philip Williams
C1—Mike Nicklaus
C2—Rudy Gonzales
C3—John Posey
C4—Edna Dunger
H2—Rosy Jalifi
H3—John Donatucci
H4—R. Walker
H5 Choir—E. Guevara
C1—Rachel Cortez
C2—JoAnn Arroyo
C3—Larry Morris
C4—Charlene Morris
H2—Rosa Cervantes
C1—C. G. Sanchez
C2—Juanita Tovar
H2—Marsha Mitchell
C1—F. Fuentes
H2—Martin Aleman
C1—Ali McGraw
C2—Brian Trinque
H2—Louise Porfirio
C1—Margaret Myers
C2—Steve Dickman
H=Host Minister
C=Chalice Minister
Coordinator: Rudy Gonzales, gotexas2015@yahoo.com
Lead Ushers
Saturday 5:30pm Vigil
Sunday 8:00am
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 12:00pm
Sunday 1:45pm (Spanish)
Sunday 3:30pm Latin Mass
Sunday 5:30pm
Gary Porfirio
Jesse Vielma
Rudy Gonzales
Fernando Cortez & AJ Jalifi
Eliseo Tovar
José Melendez
George Hindman
Did you forget your
checkbook and
have no cash? You can
securely donate to the Cathedral
by scanning the QR Code with
your phone. Thank you for your stewardship!
Altar Server Team Schedule
Liturgical Ministry Coordinators
Altar Servers—
Lectors—Natacha Wagner: npdubya@gmail.com, &
Teresa Pione: tmpione82@gmail.com
5:30 PM Vigil 8:00 AM
9:30AM 12:00 Noon 5:30 PM
K. Farris
C. Dunia
M. Kuang
J. Tybor
K. Farris
D. Sutton
J. Kuang
H. Martinez
D. Myer
V. Castillo
A. Fuentes
D. Gorrell
D. Gabler
N. Gabler
J. Tybor
Catholic Scripture Study: Thursdays from 7:00-9:00pm in
the Bishops Hall. For questions email LJSmith78704@yahoo.com.
Readings for WEEK OF SEPT. 5--11, 2016:
Mon….1 Cor 5:1-8 Ps 5:5-7,12 Lk 6:6-11
Tues…. 1 Cor 6:1-11 Ps 149:1b-6a,9b Lk 6:12-19
Wed…. 1 Cor 7:25-31 Ps 45:11-12,14-17 Lk 6:20-26
Thurs...Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30 Ps 13:6abc Mt 1:1-16,18-23
Fri…… 1 Cor 9:16-19,22b-27 Ps 84:3-6,12 Lk 6:39-42
Sat…... 1 Cor 10:14-22 Ps 116:12-13,17-18 Lk 6:43-49
Sun…...Ex 32:7-11,13-14 Ps 51-3-4,12-13,17,19 1 Tm 1:12-17
Lk 15:1-32
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas
2017 Mass Intention Book opens Tuesday, Sept. 6:
Call Judy at the Cathedral Office, 512-476-6182, at that
time, to schedule a Mass intention for next year.
Changed your address or phone number? Tell us of
recent changes by calling 512-476-6182, ext. 111, or emailing
your updates to Loretta at llozano@smcaustin.org.
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
7 Secrets of Divine Mercy: Relevant Radio invites you to
Turning Point 2016, an opportunity to hear from the “Divine
Mercy Man,” Vinny Flynn, best-selling author and renowned
Catholic speaker. Mr. Flynn will talk about his latest book, 7
Secrets of Divine Mercy, on Friday, Sept. 23, 6:00-9:00pm, at
San Jose Catholic Church. For details and to purchase tickets,
go to https://2016turningpointvinnyflynn.eventbrite.com or
call Dawna Cekuta at 512-413-3333.
World Missions Sunday Mass and Dinner: The
National Catholic Singles Conference, Sept. 30Oct. 2: Join hundreds of single Catholics of all ages at the
Mission Office of the Diocese and the Cathedral Parish will
host a Mass with Bishop Vásquez, Oct. 22, 5:30pm,
followed by dinner in Bishops Hall. Everyone is invited to
celebrate our common vocation as missionaries. Evening will
conclude with a complimentary dinner at 6:30pm, and
presentations by Fr. Jesus Rodriguez and Fr. Father Bruce
Nieli. Seating is limited for the dinner, so reserve a spot today
at http://www.austindiocese.org/missionsunday or contact
Christina Krueger, 512-949-2407 or
at the Embassy Suites Dallas DFW Airport North in
Grapevine. For more information and to register, visit
www.NationalCatholicSingles.com. Use promo code
NCSCDFW to receive a special discount! Can’t find your
question answered on website? Call 888-267-8885, ext. 4.
Traditional Latin Mass
September 11, 3:30pm—Low Mass—Seventeenth Sunday
after Pentecost. SJ LMS Meeting after Mass in the school
September 18, 3:30pm—Low Mass—Eighteenth Sunday
after Pentecost. Blessing of r eligious items after Mass.
Sept. 25, 3:30pm—Low Mass—Nineteenth Sunday after
Pentecost. Benediction of the Blessed Sacr ament after
Pilgrimage to Rome,
Assisi, Florence, Venice,
Lourdes, Fatima with
Deacon Guadalupe Rodriguez,
Deacon Dan Lupo, and Fr. Hai
Nguyen. Hosted by Proximo
Travel, April 29-May 12, 2017.
Cost $4,700. Highlights
include audience with Pope
Francis in Rome, daily Mass,
100th Anniversary of Fatima
apparitions. Contact Proximo
Travel at 855-842-8001.
Latin phrase of the week: Domine, exaudi orationem meam,
et clamor meus ad te perveniat. O Lord, hear my prayer,
and let my cry come unto thee.
To receive news and updates visit our website:
AustinLatinMass.org. Be social, “Like” us on Facebook: St.
Joseph Latin Mass Society.
September 28November 6,
our community will take part in 40 Days for Life … a groundbreaking, coordinated international mobilization. We pray that,
with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of
abortion in our city—and beyond. For more information, visit
Pro-Life/Pro-Family Fair: You are invited to participate
and enjoy the 2nd Pro-Life/Pro-Family Fair at Sacred Heart
Catholic Church, Austin, Sunday, Oct. 9, from 9:00am4:30pm, in the Cafeteria. Sponsored by St. John Paul II
Life Center and Sacred Heart Parish. For more information,
visit http://www.sacredheartchurchaustin.org. Scroll down to
the Pro-Life Fair video.
Provida Pro-Family/Feria: Ustedes están invitados a participar y disfrutar de la 2ª/Pro-Family Pro-vida Feria en la Iglesia
Católica del Sagrado Corazón, Austin, el domingo, 9 de
octubre, de 9:00am-4:30pm, en la cafeter ía. Patr ocinado
por San Juan Pablo II y el centro de la vida de la parroquia del
Sagrado Corazón. Para obtener más información, visite http://
www.sacredheartchurchaustin.org. Desplácese hacia abajo
hasta la Feria Provida vídeo.
Support our bulletin advertisers!
Bulletin advertisers have the support of our parishioners.
Their ads defray the expense of printing the bulletin.
You may have noticed there are currently several ad spaces
available. Please contact Thomas Miner, at 512-452-3413.
September 4, 2016
Cathedral Staff
Cathedral School
Dear Parishioners,
Last Sunday was our first school-sponsored breakfast. The 3rd grade students
enjoyed making signs and greeting everyone who entered Bishops’ Hall. Likewise, the parents had a great time cooking and building community among those
who attended the breakfast. We thank you for your support!
On Friday, September 9, we will welcome all of our families and students during
our Back to School Night. The Saint Mary Cathedral Knights of Columbus will
be preparing barbecue hamburgers for everyone to enjoy. The event will be
sponsored by IBC Bank and the CSSM Parent/Teacher Club.
Our opening Sesquicentennial Mass is just three weeks away. Please mark your
calendars for Wednesday, Sept. 28, 8:30am, and plan to join the school
community as we open a year of celebrating 150 years of Catholic Education.
Robert LeGros, M.S.A., Principal
Rector……………..Very Reverend Tim Nolt
Parochial Vicars……..Reverend Hai Nguyen
Reverend Jayaraju Polishetty
Deacons……………….Deacon Vince Boyle
Deacon Guadalupe Rodriquez
Business Administrator...………Greg Vidal
Administrative Assistants…..Jessica Burrola
Judy Henschen
Loretta Lozano
Yvonne Saldaña
Kathy Thomas
Facilities Manager………….Harlan Lawson
Facilities Staff……………...Ruben Villarreal
Bookkeeper………………….Yvonne Bedell
Vocation Discernment
Save the Date for World Priest Day! World Priest Day is a celebration
and affirmation of the men who commit their lives to the Lord and the church via
the sacrament of Holy Orders. It is an opportunity for Catholic parishioners to
thank, affirm and share their love and support for our priests. This year the
Austin-Central Texas Area Worldwide Marriage Encounter Community will
honor our priests along with deacons and seminarians within the Diocese of
Austin on October 20 at St. William Parish in Round Rock. For more
information, visit austindiocese.org and click on The Friday E-pistle (Aug. 19).
Father, you call each one of us by name and ask us to follow you.
Bless your church by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our
families and friends who will serve your people as Sisters, Priests, Brothers,
Deacons, and Lay Ministers.
Inspire us as we grow to know you, and open our hearts
to hear your call.
Director of Catholic Faith Formation…….
Jaeson Drummond
Director of Music...Dr. Jeffrey Jones-Ragona
Organist and Wedding Music Coordinator
Dr. Brooks Whitmore
Principal…………….Robert LeGros
Phone Numbers
Cathedral Office……………..512-476-6182
School (Pre-K through 8th)….512-476-1480
Catholic Faith Formation……512-476-4801
Ave Maria Gift Shop………...512-617-5880
Office of Sacred Music……...512-472-4540
We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
St. Vincent de Paul…………..512-476-3750