Toorak Campus Newsletter


Toorak Campus Newsletter
Toorak Campus Newsletter
EDITION 23 Thursday 14th August 2014
An Anglican Coeducational Boarding and Day School
Visit us at
Head of Campus
Library News
Page 2
Year 4: Humans Express Spirituality
in Diverse Ways
Page 3
Page 4
Snowsports Update
Page 5
Glamorgan Association News
Page 6
Jean’s work life was filled with passion for
working with children, helping them to learn to
Page 8 read and most importantly, to believe in
themselves. She brought warmth, humour and a
sense of mischief to her teaching and many a
young reader has been inspired on their literacy
journey. Jean provided the GGS Toorak
Year 5 and 6 Speakers’ Festival
community with a legacy filled with the love of
‘Big Science, Big Fun’ Performance
children, a love of learning, a passion for life and
Book Week
Book Week Parade, 9am
a reminder to have fun and live life to the fullest
Victorian Interschools - Mt Buller
in everything you do. - The Learning Support Team
Parents’ Association Meeting - Cottage,
Equestrian Achievement
Thurs 14th
Fri 15th
Mon 18th—22nd
Fri 22nd
Mon 25th—31st
Fri 29th
Mon 1st
Fri 5th
Wed 10th—14th
Fri 12th
Sun 14th
Wed 17th
Fri 19th
Page 7
Maths activities afternoon Prep - Year 6
Church Service, St John’s Toorak
ELC Father’s Day Breakfast - Pottery
Australian Interschools
ELC Celebration 9am - 1pm
Prep - Year 6 Assembly
GGS Athletics Carnival - Corio Campus
Year 6 PYP Exhibition
Prep - Year 2 and Year 3 - 6 Assemblies
END OF TERM 2, 3.30pm
Jean was nice and she helped me read a lot. I use to get to do fun stuff and I got to
write on the board. We had fun using the letters on the lids. She read with me. We did
lots of reading together and we normally read 5 books a day. - Oscar Kirby
Jean helped me read. Jean use to say funny things and make me laugh. She was nice
and she talked a lot. Sometimes she has an accent and sometimes her voice was just
normal. - Campbell Barras
From Year 1 to Year 2 a few of the students had a wonderful teacher, Jean. She was
one of my biggest influences. Every day we did reading. As I went up the levels we both
got to know each other more and more. I felt proud of such a great teacher. She was
very nurturing towards me. With her by my side I felt like I could read anything after
Year 2. She unfortunately stopped teaching me every day. I felt like something was
missing even though we saw each other in the yard. I am glad that other students
experienced Jean’s teachings too. - Myles Penfold
In loving memory of a wonderful lady called Jean Adams. She was a great lady and
teacher at GGS. She was loved dearly by me, and many others. She taught me in Prep,
Year 1 and Year 2. When mum would talk to Jean when she was worried about my
progress, Jean would always say, “No, no, he’ll be fine and is doing well.” Guess what
Jean, I am fine and doing very well. A big thank you to you. She taught me to read, write
and spell. I thank her so much for what I am, and what I will achieve academically. You
were a wonderful, positive and loving lady who is sadly missed. - Conrad Noonan-Barros
The snow was one of Jean’s passions. There was
nothing she liked more than watching GGS kids
enjoying the snow and giving their all racing down the
mountain. - Marshall Radcliff
Toorak Campus, Geelong Grammar School, 14 Douglas Street, Toorak, 3142 Tel: 03 9829 1444. Email
EDITION 23 Thursday 14th August 2014
From the Head of Campus
The front page of our newsletter this week is dedicated to Jean Adams, whose relationship with Geelong Grammar School, not
only as a former member of the Toorak Campus staff but also a Geelong Grammar School parent, spanned twenty years.
Jean will be greatly missed by so many. She was a colleague and a friend who was loved by us all. She embraced all things
‘Geelong Grammar’. Her work with the children was driven by her passion to make a difference and her desire to inspire them in
their reading, with some remarkable achievements – and of course she loved her skiing and the Doggies.
I have received a number of responses from parents, but cannot include them all. They do have one common theme – Jean’s
dedication to her job and her enthusiasm for all things associated with reading. I include below text from one parent that
highlights Jean’s very special and unique qualities:
Dear Garry
May you please pass on our deepest condolences to Jean's family and let them know the huge impact she had on our
son / family. We were blessed that our son was one of Jean's students and her impact on turning his life around in his
approach to learning and reading. Jean not only embraced him, she embraced us as a family and implemented every
possible strategy to move him forward. Jean was an artist of her craft, gifted in connecting with children and calming
their families. Although our time with Jean was brief, the impact was immense.
We hope the family know how special her involvement at GGS has been.
With great sympathy
We will have an opportunity to gather next Thursday at St. John’s, Toorak at 2pm to support Jean’s family and remember with
great fondness what a wonderfully kind and caring person she was to all who were lucky enough to know her.
The 2014 Annual Music Concert took place last night in the Isabel McComas Hall. Charlie Scudamore, Vice Principal and
currently Acting Principal was present along with Jodie Townsend, Director of Music at Geelong Grammar School and two Year 12
students, Callum Cronin and Harrison Tanti who played their guitars and sang for the audience prior to the concert. I am most
grateful to all of these people for giving up their time to support our students. There was such breadth and depth to the
performances and I felt that the quality was exceptionally high, reflecting a blossoming music department with such enthusiastic
music staff led so well by Catherine Spehr. My congratulations to all involved. Photos to come next week.
Last Thursday the Parents’ Association held its biennial Fundraising Dinner at the Sheraton Hotel. It was a fantastic event,
organised so efficiently by parent volunteers, with Denise Wong at the helm of a dedicated team of helpers. The whole night
reflected great warmth and was a huge success. I would like to convey my sincere thanks to all parents involved, for their
ongoing support for the campus and its community. All you do is greatly appreciated.
Next week is Book Week and Fiona O’Rourke together with Lyn Pool have been working very hard to organise a week of
celebration and activities. There will be a number of author visits, activities and the Parade. It is sure to be a fun-packed week!
Today we look forward to welcoming Year 5 and 6 students from Middle School Corio, for the annual Speaker’s Festival. Students
will be performing Class Poems, Performance Readings and Spontaneous presentations. The day is bound to bring some stunning performances.
Finally I would like to draw your attention to Sunday 14th September, which is the Whole School GGS Athletics Carnival held at
our Corio campus. This is an event that requires all students from Prep to Year 12 to gather for a day of
sport and fun. Please mark this in your diary and further details will be forthcoming.
Garry Pierson
Just a couple of more sleeps and Book Week is here! We have a really fun week planned. Author
visits will happen in Year level Research classes.
Monday: Visiting Authors - Roland Harvey and Brian Nankervis
There will be a Book Treasure Trail at Lunchtime. Students will
be given clues to find hidden photos of books around the
campus. Collect the letter at each station to figure out the
‘MAGIC’ word!
Visiting Author - Glenda Millard
There will be a Teddy Bear’s Picnic at lunchtime. Do not forget
to be in a touch of your PJs and bring your favourite Teddy and book.
Visiting Author - Sarah Brennan
The highlight of Book Week festivities culminates with the Book Week Dress-Up
Parade. This year it will be held from 8.45am to 9.15am in the Hall. Don’t forget
the theme is ‘What book first connected you to reading?’ All family members are
welcome and there will be a prize for the best dressed parent! Afterwards the
students will be divided into their House groups to complete Book Week Activities. There will be a short presentation at Assembly with photos from the week.
Book Week Competitions:
Treasure Trail: Prep to Year 2 teams and Year
3 to Year 6 teams
Design a Bookmark: using ‘Connect To Reading’ as the theme. ELC – Year 6
Write a book: (Entries for this competition will
close at the end of the Term 3.)
Best Question for Visiting Author
Pictured right:
Bonnie Muir,
Spiros Karvela
and Myles Baker
from Year 5 entering
the ‘Best Question
for Roland Harvey
Toorak Campus, Geelong Grammar School, 14
EDITION 23 Thursday 14th August 2014
Year 4: ‘Humans Express Spirituality in Diverse Ways’
Year 4 have been researching the concepts of spirituality and diversity, to better
understand the similarities and differences within religions and belief systems.
Throughout this inquiry, students have examined major world religions and have
had a number of experiences that have helped them understand the practices and
beliefs associated with many of these faiths.
After our most recent church service at St John’s Toorak, the Year 4 students had
a guided tour of St John’s Church with Reverend Kirsty Ross. They also had a
questions and answers session with our very own Reverend Eleanor O’Donnell,
exploring the diversity within the Christian faith.
This week the Year 4 students conducted a Balinese Hindu prayer
ceremony in Lyle’s Garden at the front of the school and also had the
opportunity to explore Judaism with the help of the wonderful Gabby
Gocs who is part of the Toorak Campus Learning Support team.
Below are some reflections from our students of the ceremony
“I enjoyed the Hindu ceremony. It was very captivating. I especially
liked the part where we had to take the petals off the flowers that
we bought in as a gift to the Hindu gods.”- Theodore Herbst
Jen Ryan
Year 4 Teacher
“Gabby showed us some photos of her son’s Bar Mitzvah. She gave us a type of
cracker called Matzos. It tasted plain but also tasty. We also got to try some Halla
bread.” - Oliver Grodski
“Miss Ryan showed us how Hindu people in Bali pray and show respect to their Gods.
We used petals from our flowers to pray with and place in our hair after each prayer.
We also placed rice on our heads and Miss Ryan put holy water over us at the end. I
really enjoyed this ceremony because it let us know how other people live and what
they believe in. This ceremony made me feel calm and relaxed. I felt so calm I would
defiantly do it again.” - Eliza Crutchfield
“I liked that we wore the sarongs and scarfs. I realised that Hindu’s have a completely
different culture.” - Cail Thomson
“I really liked learning about Judaism. Gabby taught me that on Fridays they do not
eat anything that rises.” - Hamish Pierson
Luca Malatesta asked Reverend Eleanor, “Why didn’t God make us all perfect?”
Toorak Campus, Geelong Grammar School, 14 Douglas Street, Toorak, 3142 Tel: 03 9829 1444. Email
EDITION 23 Thursday 14th August 2014
“Equipped with his five senses,
man explores the Universe
around him and calls the adventure
Science.” - Edwin Powell Hubble
There was a strong sense of ‘Mindful synchronicity’ as I ran the Mindfulness program at the Toorak Campus last week: ABC and
SBS television featured two very pertinent programs on Monday and Tuesday evenings. The first was ‘Michael Mosley: Don’t
Worry, Be Happy’, where he explored the latest science about how our personalities are created – and whether they can be
changed. The answer is Yes: with commitment to specific practices, our behaviour (and our neural functioning and brain
chemistry) can change. Mindfulness was one of these practices. As Garry Pierson mentioned in last week’s Newsletter, the programme ‘Life at 9’ dealt with creativity: exploring how creative children are: what inhibits creativity and what helps it to flourish.
Both of these programs highlighted the need to create time and space to focus, engage and fully connect to the senses in the
present moment. ‘The Senses’ have provided the theme for classes in ELC – Grade 4 this week. Edwin Powell Hubble said
“Equipped with his 5 senses, man explores the Universe around him and calls the adventure Science”. ELC students explored
ways of noticing, with eyes, ears, nose and hands as they mindfully moved, mindfully sat and then practiced focusing their
attention on a diverse range of plants. They discovered that although the plants were similar … they were also very different.
Some plants were edible, and some were not. Textures, shapes, smells and surfaces were intently noticed. Outer awareness
shifted to inner awareness with meditation.
Prep to Year 2 enjoyed discussing the concepts of ‘equipment’ and how we can own and use external equipment but also have
the wonderful ‘inner equipment’ of our focus and 5 senses. Years 3 to 4 extended this enquiry with pondering how our awareness
can change from moment to moment and explored the reality of how we can all ‘lose our minds’. They recognised what happens
when attention is directed to the past or the future. All the children enjoyed a ‘Mystery Sock’ activity. Sitting in groups they
connected to the sense of touch to identify the mystery item in each sock and close their eyes to form a mental picture. Their
ability to recall the objects later on the meditation quilt was impressive.
Years 5 and 6 enjoyed stepping around a physical, coloured vinyl ACT (Acceptance, Commitment Therapy) Matrix.
They explored concepts of Mental Experiencing, 5 Senses Experiencing, connecting to Purpose and Meaning and
actions aligned to these. Development of personal awareness was central to this activity. Each student recorded
their own personal ‘Matrix’ to add to take with them.
Janet Etty-Leal, Author, Speaker, Mindfulness Educator and Registered Teacher
“Janet ring the bell and the bowl and when the sound has gone we need to close our eyes.” - Ethan Wu
“I know about meditation and she talked about science and she rang the bell.” - Miller Keith
“We put the flowers in the middle and then we picked some and then we looked at them and then we stroked
them on our cheeks…because they were so soft and we closed our eyes. It was called a pear leaf tree. They were
so soft and they give us happiness and we can share our happiness.” - Beatrix Dundee
“Meditation is listening to the singing bowl.” - Ned Kirby
“Meditation makes you relaxed. It stops your body being busy, it makes you slow down and notice.” - Ethan Lefkos
“Meditation is sharing ideas and kindness.” - Indira Smith
“Meditation makes you feel happy and peaceful.” - Millie Freeman
Toorak Campus, Geelong Grammar School, 14 Douglas Street, Toorak, 3142 Tel: 03 9829 1444. Email
EDITION 23 Thursday 14th August 2014
Last Sunday nine competitors from the Toorak Campus and Corio Junior School represented Geelong
Grammar at the Victorian Cross Country Interschools Championships. Our competitors did an amazing
job in cold and snowy conditions. ALL of our teams have qualified for the Australian championships to
be held at Perisher on 10th September 2014, by being in the top 6 teams and/or top 10 individuals.
Special mentions to Banjo Burrell and Will Maisano who won Gold and Silver individually in the Division 5 Classic
Race, and to Lily Maisano who won the Bronze medal individually in the Div 5 Girls Classic race. The GGS Juniors
came third in the Primary School Co-ed awards. Well done!! The results are posted below:
Div 5 Boys - Team Silver Medal Classic Race and
Team Silver Medal in Skate Relay
Banjo Burrell - individual 1st
Will Maisano - individual 2nd
Ayrton Stockdale - individual 12th
Div 5 Girls - Team Bronze Medal Classic Race and
Team Bronze Medal Skate Relay
Lily Maisano - individual 3rd
Isla Burrell - individual 13th
Skye Calvert Jones - individual 20th
Div 4 Boys - Team 4th Classic Race and Team 7th relay
Liam Leslie - individual 22nd
Julian Armstong - individual 12th
Harrison Thompson - individual 17th
Congratulations to all of our team members. And thankyou to Mr Radcliff
for joining us to help coordinate training, bibs and moral support, and all
the families for supporting our competitors.
Eva Stockdale
Congratulations to the nine students and their
families who participated in the XC Interschools
at Mt Buller on the weekend. There were some
outstanding results which was an amazing
achievement by our team.
Thank you to all of the families for their support
and to the parent committee. We look forward
to the next event later this month.
Marshall Radcliff
Campus Sport Manager
Toorak Campus, Geelong Grammar School, 14 Douglas Street, Toorak, 3142 Tel: 03 9829 1444. Email
EDITION 23 Thursday 14th August 2014
Glamorgan Association News
What a fantastic night we had last Thursday at the Sheraton Melbourne Hotel. Thanks to
everyone who attended and for contributing to an amazing night!! Thank you to our
wonderful organising Committee for all their hard work in putting the night together Anabelle Guest, Michael Davis, Sarah Sefton and Mandy Coupe. Stay tuned next week for
more details regarding the funds raised on the night. Thank you to Owen Guest, our outstanding MC and Auctioneer, for his reflection on page 7.
Father's Day Stall
With Father's Day fast approaching we are busily planning for our inaugural GGS Toorak
Father's Day Stall. This will be held at school on Thursday 4th September - further details in
next week's Newsletter. If you would like to donate items to our stall or help out in any way, please contact
Antonietta Acquaro on 0432 329 823 or Charmian Huggett on 0418 100 676.
Denise Wong, President
Toorak Campus, Geelong Grammar School, 14 Douglas Street, Toorak, 3142 Tel: 03 9829 1444. Email
EDITION 23 Thursday 14th August 2014
Glamorgan Association News cont.
On Thursday 7th August about one hundred parents and teachers supported the Glamorgan Association’s (GA)
biennial fundraiser at the Sheraton Melbourne Hotel. Despite being an old boy and parent of a boy now into his
6th year at Geelong Grammar School (GGS Toorak) I am embarrassed to say that this was my first introduction to
the goings on of the Glamorgan Association. It will not be my last. Denise Wong and her very able committee
(Anabelle Guest, Michael Davis, Sarah Sefton, Mandy Coupe, Rachael Kelly and Amanda Muir) put together a fun
night that finished only when the band stopped playing around midnight.
The night provided a marvellous opportunity for parents to mingle and enjoy each other’s company whilst at the same
time contributing to the GA’s effort to raise money for the Art School, Music Department and last but not least, for the
building of a new Arbour for Lyle’s Garden. Thanks to the generosity of many school families and local
businesses there were forty odd items scattered around the perimeter of the room available for sale via silent
auction, however three items were kept in reserve, and noisily auctioned off by a wannabe auctioneer who struggled
not only with being outshone by his glamorous assistants (Denise, Anabelle and Garry Pierson) but with the indignity
of having to auction a signed Hawthorn football jumper!
The highlight of the auction was the bright and colourful painting called “The Enchanted Garden” produced by
children from Years 1, 2 and 3 in Art Club. Some spirited bidding was had amongst the parents for this wonderful
Aside from the auction we were all entertained by the band. Those who like dancing danced and those whose
partners liked dancing also danced while the Urban Playboys played. Despite the name, there were no bunnies or
playboys to be seen (my only criticism) but they were very good and in keeping with the mood of the evening which
was generosity and fun.
Well done to everyone for getting involved and making it a successful night.
Owen Guest
On 2nd August I competed in the State Interschool Show
Jumping Grand Final. It was held at the National Equestrian
Centre in Werribee on a 3c degree day. I qualified for the
Grand Final at a recent competition, which I came 3rd. In
the first round I went clear and was placed 9th, which earns
2 points for the school. Next round was higher and against
the clock. Unfortunately I got two refusals, but I still got to
do the next round where you do a shortened version of the
same course but even higher. Sadly I did not get to the
jump off (last round) because of my stops, but it was worth
the effort of the day and waking up at 3.45am for! The day
ran smoothly, even with the absence of mum and dad. I
was very lucky to have some kind friends to take me instead. All in all I was very proud of my achievements and
making it to a State level Grand Final.
Miles Baker, Year 5 on Maggie
On Sunday I did my first horse riding
competition on my friend’s pony called
Tozzy. I did a dressage test and showjumping.
After that I waited for the results and I
came first and I won a trophy and ribbon
and a rug. Lots of people took pictures of
me with my trophy!
I felt very happy with my achievement.
After the competition my brother, sisters
and I went back to the float to pack up and go home.
Zara Baker, Year 1
Toorak Campus, Geelong Grammar School, 14 Douglas Street, Toorak, 3142 Tel: 03 9829 1444. Email
EDITION 23 Thursday 14th August 2014
Please remember that we are an
Allergy Aware Campus and ask for your
co-operation by not using nut and nut
products as far as practicable.
For more information
regarding Anaphylaxis, please visit
Register your child’s lunch order at:
Orders MUST be placed before 9am
on the day required.
You may pre-order lunches up to a term in advance.
The website does not allow for mobile phone ordering.
PC, MAC or tablets only.
After School Chinese Programme
Learn Mandarin Chinese while having fun!
Chinese painting, crafts, cooking, games...
listening, speaking, reading and writing basic Chinese
When: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Every Tuesday
Where: Butler Centre
Cost: $10/class
Please take an application form from
Contact: Xinjinshan Chinese Language and Culture School Inc.
Program Coordinator: Jeanine Ma 9888 1688
Toorak Campus, Geelong Grammar School, 14 Douglas Street, Toorak, 3142 Tel: 03 9829 1444. Email