Fall 2013 - Northwest Christian Schools in Spokane


Fall 2013 - Northwest Christian Schools in Spokane
Headmaster: Jack Hancock Chairman of the Board: Roger Smith NWCS Foundation Co-Chairs: Greg Brown & Josh Stelly
Fall 2013
Image Bearers with a Purpose
God has made many of us to
be visual learners. Consequently,
our culture is filled with creative,
sometimes simple images. What
image flashes through your mind
when you hear McDonalds,
Apple, Oregon University, or
Washington State University?
What emotional or cognitive
response did you gain as each
image beamed through your brain? Indeed it seems
images, not words, are the language of the 21st
century (Elmore, 2010).
Volume 15
16 Issue 2
Have you heard that Northwest Christian Schools has
introduced a new athletic logo, confirmed a distinctive
academic logo, and adopted a systematic policy to
protect our brand? We desire that our brand promotes
a distinctive message to others about who we are as
an educational institution that wants to represent our
great Creator with passionate sincerity.
Therefore, this year our school theme is that we
were created in His image (Genesis 1:27). In fact,
all people are image bearers of Him, but those who
have been blessed with spiritual regeneration have a
great charge to be His ambassadors with a message of
love and hope through Jesus Christ our Lord. Indeed
the creation account from Genesis gives us a picture
of our stature and our
- Continued on Page 8 mission in a self-obsessed
IMPACT NWC 2013 with Keynote Speaker, Janet Parshall, Just Around the Corner
Northwest Christian Schools is excited to welcome
nationally syndicated talk show host and family
advocate, Janet Parshall, who will be keynoting
Janet Parshall’s address is entitled “Truth Champions:
Preparing Kids to Stand in the Marketplace of Ideas.”
In her new book, Buyer Beware, she takes the reader on
a journey through the public square where ideas are
“bought” and “sold” but where Truth is sometimes
difficult to find. Janet Parshall tells about an early
patriot, Elias Boudinot, who was both the president
of the Continental Congress and President of the
American Bible Society. She writes, “For Boudinot,
there was no choice between either evangelizing or
engaging the culture. Being a Christian meant taking a
Christian worldview out in to the world...”
Register Now
2013, Janet Parshall
Saturday, November 2, 2013
will address how to
7:00 p.m.
prepare students to
Spokane Convention Center
stand and engage the
509.238.4005 ext 146
culture for Christ
and the vital role
of Christian education in that
Throughout her career, Janet
Parshall has been a devoted
advocate of the family. She
speaks nationwide on public
policy issues that impact family
preservation and promotion,
and has appeared on numerous
national television and radio
programs. Janet Parshall hosts a daily show called
In the Market. For her continued excellence in radio,
she was awarded the National Religious Broadcasters
(NRB) On-Air Personality of the Year. In the Market
can be heard locally Monday through Friday on KMBI
(107.9 FM) from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Please join us at IMPACT NWC 2013 for this
Inside this Edition:
address and the
Alumni Notes
to support
School Life
Giving Opportunities 8
Christian Schools.
Alumni Notes
Est. 1949
Class of 1964
Save the Date
50 Year Reunion
Saturday, June 7, 2014
12:30 to 3:00 pm
NWC Colbert Campus
Activity Center
Alumni of the Class of 1964, please
join us to celebrate your 50th High
School Reunion. We will honor
you during our Senior Graduation
ceremony. Additonal details are
being worked out. Please contact
Jana Baldwin, Alumni Relations
If you would like to plan your class reunion
for 2014, please contact us:
T |509.238.4005 ext 146
E | alumni@nwcs.org
Mike Biel
Class of 2009
God has truly blessed me since
graduation. I really did not know what
God was calling me to do after high
school, but after going on a “ridealong,” I knew being a police officer
was my true calling.
I received my Associate in Criminal
Justice degree from Spokane
Community College, volunteered with
the Spokane Police Department, and worked security at Riverfront
Park and SCC to prepare me for the field which has become my
passion. I am currently in the police academy in Tucson, Arizona,
preparing for my dream job, anticipating graduation in November.
On June 21, 2013, I married Emily, the love of my life. God has
blessed me with an awesome woman! Unfortunately, she is still in
Spokane while I am at the academy. Leaving her behind has been one
of the hardest experiences in my life, but God has been our support.
Emily is excited to join me in Arizona to start the first year of our
marriage in a whole new place.
Tim Hill
Class of 2009
After graduation, I attended Whitworth
University with many of my fellow
Crusaders. With some encouragement
from my cross country and track
coaches Terry Meyer and Stephen
Fritsch, I continued my running career
at Whitworth. Running was a huge
highlight of my college experience as
I was able to be a part of a great team and meet lots of amazing
people; one of those people was my now wife Celeste. In addition
to being on the team together, Celeste and I both earned degrees
in Health Science. We were married this past summer and are
now working and taking a year off from school while we apply
for graduate school. I am applying for physical therapy school,
and Celeste is looking to
pursue nursing. My wonderful
experiences at Whitworth
will never be forgotten, and
The Crusader is a biannual publication I attribute the opportunities
that I have had largely to
5104 E. Bernhill Road
Colbert WA 99005
the amazing teachers and
t |509.238.4005
community at NWC. GO
f |509.238.2242
Jana Baldwin, Editor
Crusader | Fall 2013
Sara (Fairburn) Hurn
Class of 2005
(former student)
In May 2013, I graduated 13th out of
158 students at Gonzaga Law School.
In July, I took the bar exam and recently
was notified I passed with flying colors.
In August, my husband, Brad, and I
moved to
Brad was
selected to
be a part
of a staff
for a future campus pastor position with
Elevation Church. This is an exciting and
unexpected adventure for both of us.
After a visit to Oxford where my sister,
Amelia, is studying, I plan to explore a
career in my field.
Northwest Christian Schools, Inc.
Alumni Notes
Est. 1949
Chris Peterson
Class of 2004
Some may remember a near
fatal car accident on December
19, 2003, where Kayla White
and I were t-boned as we
crossed Hwy 2 at Colbert Road.
Kayla walked away and I spent
the next three weeks in a coma
with a severe brain injury that almost took my life.
After a life saving surgery, lots of prayer support,
and six weeks in the hospital, I was released. Due to
my injuries, I never attended school full time again,
but was thankful to graduate with my class. In the
midst of years of recovery, I was able to attend
Whitworth, major in music, and finally graduate
in 2008 with degrees in Computer Science and
Mathematics. Two weeks later, I started working as
a software developer and database administrator at
Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital.
God designed our scull intricately, so with missing
pieces and inflexible titanium, mine has difficulty
maintaining itself. God graciously provided Dr.
Alan Neil, a fantastic professional, who continually
helps me with cranial pain relief. I cling to Jeremiah
29:11 and Romans 8:20 and am reminded that God
holds the plan for my life and he works everything
together for good. Please pray for my frequent pain.
I know He is the Healer and nothing is impossible
with Him.
Brandon Hill
Class of 2007
Since graduating from high
school I have worked with
an inner-city ministry called
Youth for Christ. Their goal
is to provide inner-city youth
with after-school programs
and once a week clubs for
middle school and high
school students. The past three years I have worked
with this organization as an intern helping to oversee
both their high school and post-high school programs.
While serving, I met Caitlin Gilbert, who is a graduate
from Whitworth University and was also serving as an
intern. We were married on July 6, 2013. In addition to
my work with Youth for Christ I have been finishing
my undergraduate education at Eastern Washington
University, getting my Bachelor of Science Applied
Technologies degree.
Northwest Christian Schools, Inc.
Caleb Clark and
Chloe (Crittenden) Clark
Class of 2009
After graduating from Northwest Christian in
2009, Caleb and I dated while we were both in
school at Whitworth University. On June 21st
of this year we were married! Caleb is now
working as an accountant at Secured Investments
Corporation in Coeur d’Alene while I am
beginning my first year
teaching 3rd grade here at
Northwest Christian. We
are currently living in the
Spokane Valley and attend
Calvary Chapel. We feel so
blessed to have met each
other at Northwest Christian
and are excited to be a part
of this community again!
Thomas Hughes
Class of 2012
In September 2012 life got busy real fast with
13 grueling weeks of Marine boot camp.
I graduated with a meritorious promotion
to Private First Class and sharp shooter
qualification in December. In the new year, I
graduated from Combat Training after another
nine weeks of intense weapons and tactics
training. In April, I surprised my parents with
a visit home and became engaged to my fellow
NWC graduate and sweetheart Julia Vogelsang
(Class of 2012)! I am currently deployed in
Okinawa, Japan. In June, I was promoted to
Lance Corporal. I also earned my grey belt in
the Marine Corps Mixed Martial Arts Program
and hope to reach black belt in the next year. In
July, Julia was able to travel to Japan and spend
two wonderful weeks seeing the sights and
Marine and
life. We
will be
married next
Crusader | Fall 2013
School Life
Est. 1949
NWC Choir
NWC Band Movements
Spring was a busy time for our choirs!
In February, Abigail Graham and
Rachel Peterson performed in the
Eastern Washington Music Editors
Association Solo and Ensemble
Festival - both received high honors.
Rachel went on to perform at the
state level. Later in May, they both
participated in Musicfest Northwest
- both won silver medals, and Rachel
also won gold.
April was our choir tour to Western
Washington. We visited Shoreline
Christian School, Cedar Park Christian
School, and Seattle Christian Schools.
We performed for their choirs, and
they performed for us. In one instance,
we knew the same song and sang it
together - the uniting power of music
is amazing! Before we headed home
our Jubilee Girls’ Choir performed
The National Anthem at the King’s
Invitational track meet, where our track
team was competing.
Our annual spring concert was in
May, and included a standing-room
only audience. The enthusiasm of
the middle school choir, high school
concert choir and Jubilee Girls’ Choir
made for an amazing evening of song.
In June, we had the privilege of singing
at both the high school and eighth
grade graduations.
I look forward to an exciting new year
with wonderful music and fantastic
students, to the glory of God!
Give thanks to the LORD with the
lyre; make melody to him with the
harp of ten strings! Psalm 33:2
Northwest Christian Schools has
been blessed with tremendously
talented students and a
prospering music department.
Spring of 2013 was a very busy
season for our band kids. The
NWC Advanced Band traveled to Kalispell, Montana for a music
festival, and to Eastern Washington University for the Jazz Dialogue
and evening concert.
The elementary and middle school bands participated in the Jr. Lilac
Parade and earned respectable scores. Elementary placed 3rd in
Division 1, while middle school placed 5th (out of 9) in Division 2.
We finished off the year with “Music in the Parks” - a competition
accompanied by a fun day at Silverwood. There, both the Concert and
Jazz Bands, earned 1st place trophies.
God has moved in the hearts of families and friends to help ease our
growth pains by providing support in various ways. In 2012-2013
the music department received donations of a Euphonium, Alto
Saxophone, Trombone, Acoustic Guitar, Marimba, Piano, and nearly
$2000 in anonymous financial gifts. “Praise God, from whom ALL
blessings flow!” (Doxology)
Help NWC continue to give our students the opportunity to have a
well-rounded, impactful, and memorable education. Please support the
Band with your donations - whether it is and instrument collecting dust
in your closet or a financial gift - either will help enhance the student
learning environment.
By Stefani Peterson, Choir Director
Crusader | Fall 2013
By Mr. Tom Brown, Band Director
Girls Varsity Softball
Repeats as Second in
NWC Girls Varsity Softball
returned to the State Tournament
again this year and duplicated
their 2nd place finish. Junior
Hanna Hustad was voted as
1st Team League MVP for the
2012 and 2013 seasons. Seniors
Photo by Kim Chaffin, NWC Parent
Hanna Chaffin and Hayden Smith
and Junior Chloe Baughn also made 1st Team League. Sophomore
Mackenzi Gray made 2nd Team League.
In the semi-final game, the catcher was running a fever and was
pulled from the game. Several girls were called from their regular
positions to play where the team needed them most. In that game
they shut out DeSales for a 5-0 win.
Northwest Christian Schools, Inc.
School Life
Est. 1949
High School Students Assemble Meal Packets for the Hungry
Each year, NWC High School students pick a charity to support through
fundraising among the student body. This year, the Associated Student
Body officers chose Jeremy Affeldt’s (1997 NWC Alumni) organization
Generation Alive.
It is estimated that 1 in 5 people in Spokane don’t know from where
their next meal will come. Generation Alive’s “Something to Eat”
campaign is a crisis response meal packaging program that binds
together the privileged and the poor.
A majority of the fundraising was during the Annual Battle for the Holy
Grail – a rivalry competition between NWC and St. George’s. During
the boys and girls basketball games, Northwest Christian students asked
for pledges for each point scored. Other fundraisers consisted of a coin
drive and a Panda Express fundraiser. With a matching gift, they raised a
total of $3,000.00 – enough to make 12,000 meals.
The meals consist of rice, soy, dried veggies, and vitamin powder. Each
bag will feed four people and is easy to cook (just add boiling water).
The meals are specifically designed to provide all the necessary nutrition
for adolescent development as required by the Food and Drug Administration.
On Friday, May 17, Northwest Christian students packaged up the meal packets. There were 10 assembly lines
with 10 students each and a supervising adult. After assembly, the meal packets were sealed and boxed. All of the
meals went to the 2nd Harvest Food Bank.
Eighth Graders Return to an Age of Elegance
Certainly, as image bearers of the King, and future participants of that great and glorious wedding banquet, one
must learn how to conduct oneself during the most formal of occasions. As adults we know that tackling a place
setting with multiple forks is the epitome of intimidation, however, our 8th graders willingly took on a six-course
formal luncheon at Glover Mansion as part of their “Age of Elegance” field trip on Thursday, May 23rd.
Armed with knowledge of Spokane’s history, dressed for a formal day on the town, and prepared to test their
etiquette skills, this group of 8th grade Washington State History students took a trip back in time. This field trip
to Spokane is designed to make textbooks come alive, beginning with a stop at the Northwest Museum of Arts
and Cultures to explore a trunk exhibit featuring artifacts from Spokane’s own age of elegance. Then it was off
to the Campbell House, where students had an opportunity to reenact a scene from the Campbell’s lives through
But the greatest challenge for
these time travelers was waiting
at the Glover Mansion dining
room, where the formally
dressed students used their new
mastery of etiquette to dine
at a six-course luncheon.“We
use this opportunity not only
to help the history of Spokane
come alive for the students, but
also to encourage the students
to evaluate the legacies left by
these families,” said Middle
School Principal Dave Jennings.
“We want our students to know
that they too can impact their
community in powerful ways.”
Northwest Christian Schools, Inc.
Crusader | Spring 2013
School Life
Est. 1949
Spring in Washington, DC
By Mrs. Christina Hilderbrand
Over spring break, fourteen middle school students and parent
chaperones traveled to Washington, DC, New York, Gettysburg
and Boston! We spent eight days experiencing our Nation’s rich
Christian heritage firsthand. Starting in Washington, DC, we
visited the different monuments and memorials and were able
to respectfully honor the men and women who have given so
much to our country, and the world. We traveled to the Capitol
Building, White House, and museums. Our students were given
the opportunity to lay a wreath at the Unknown Solider in
Arlington Cemetery. We then walked the grounds where soldiers
of Gettysburg fought. We crowded into the dark space used to
hide the fleeing slaves traveling the Underground Railroad. In New
York, we shopped, visited historic places and admired the Statue
of Liberty from a boat traveling into New York. We encountered
Spiderman on Broadway and then proceeded to Boston. In
Boston, we visited Paul Revere’s home, traveled to the bridge that
witnessed the “shot heard around the world,” and walked portions
of the Freedom Trail. At the Plymouth Plantation and Plymouth
Rock, students learned about the faith of our founding fathers at
the National Monument to the Forefathers. It was a whirlwind of
activity in eight short days!
For eighth grade students and parents, we are considering taking this trip again for Spring Break 2014. To learn
more, or if you have questions about an upcoming trip, please contact Christina Hilderbrand at childerbrand@
Class of 2020
Board of Regents Confirm
New Crusader Logo
In an effort to increase a unified messagae and create
brand recognition, the Board of Regents comisssioned
and confirmed a new, exclusive Crusader Athletic
logo. Gone is the ever changing Crusader. He is now
a strong, but not violent, forward looking mascot who
will be present on all athletic communication. The
academic shield (as seen on the top of this newsletter)
that has been around in various version over the
school’s history will represent the school in an academic
capacity. New Crusader wear will be sold by The
Crusader Club (Booster Club) this school year.
Crusader | Fall 2013
On Saturday April 20th, Victoria
Cadwallader, a NWC 5th grader, was
crowned Petite Miss Washington
Pre-Teen 2013, which is a part
of the Mrs. Washington/Mrs.
America Pageant system. To win the crown, Victoria
had accumulated the most points in the areas of
Introduction, Interview, Casual Wear Modeling
and Formal Wear Modeling. Victoria is a volunteer
for Northeast Youth Center and for SpokAnimal
C.A.R.E. and is excited that her crown may give her
more opportunities to help underprivileged and/or
special needs children, and animals that are in need of
a good home. She does plan to continue to compete
in pageants as she feels that she is learning valuable
skills in poise and public speaking, which she believes
prepares her for what God has for her future. By
watching the televised Mrs. Washington Pageant on
January 18, 2014, you may catch sight of Victoria!
Northwest Christian Schools, Inc.
School Life
Est. 1949
Theatre Productions 2013-2014
Nobody Sleeps
Class of 1993
20 Year Reunion
A comedy featuring a loveable
character named Spike. He is a
bumbling burglar who is trying
to make an “honest” living.
Little does he know his target house has four
wonderful characters who try and help out.
Show Dates:
Sunday, November 3 ~ 3:00 pm
Monday, November 4 ~ 7:00 pm
Tickets are $3.00 at the door
A genuine classic
show! Follow Tevye,
a humble milkman,
as he tries to adapt
to a changing world,
juggle family, and
have some fun along
the way. The NWCS
Theater department
is very excited to bring this production to the
stage. We hope to make the audience laugh, cry,
and look at life from a new perspective as we
see Tevye adapt to change – a universal truth.
Come join us!
Show Dates:
March 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 ~ 7:00 pm
March 15 Dinner Theatre ~ 6:00 pm
March 16 Matinee ~ 2:00 pm
Tickets available for sale in February!
From left to right: Bryan Donaldson, Dave Heglin,
Cassie (West) Breithaupt, Chris Wells, Tina (Turnbough)
Laughary, Chuck Boren, and Brett Erdman.
This past summer the class of 1993 met for our 20
year high school reunion. On Friday, July 19, we had
a very intimate group at Clinkerdagger’s Restaurant in
downtown Spokane.The small group enjoyed a wonderful
time of re-connecting in a great atmosphere while eating
delicious food.
Saturday, July 20, a few classmates met for a tour of the
NWC Colbert Campus. We toured the Upper Campus
which houses 9th-12th grade and also the brand new
Lower Campus, now home to the elementary and
middle school. We reconvened a few hours later for a
family picnic at Audubon Park. It was nice to see a few
of the classmates that were unable to make it to dinner
the previous evening and to meet everyone’s children.
Overall, we had a fun time, however, we missed the
teachers and several classmates that were unable to attend!
Pray for Our Alumni in Uniform
Pat McGlade, ’88
Bryan Zeski, ’95
Glen Miller, ’96
David Blackorby, ‘97
Noah Hindman, ‘98
Eric Pederson, ’98
Angela (Smeltz) Scharnhorst, ’98
Jack Pederson, ‘99*
Nathan Thew, ‘01
David Blair, ‘02
Alicia Jasper, ‘03
Jeremy Meyers, ‘04
Bethany Indahl, ‘05
Kalina Schmidt, ‘06
Jared Shaw, ‘07
Nathan Robar, ‘07
Ryan Rabe, ‘07*
Thomas Hughes, ‘12
*Former student
If you know of an alumnus or former student that
should be on this prayer list, please contact us!
Northwest Christian Schools, Inc.
Save the Date
21st Annual
NWC Benefit Auction
Saturday, March 29
Doors Open 4:30 pm
Tickets on sale in February
509.238.4005 ext 117
Crusader | Spring 2013
Giving Opportunities
Est. 1949
Giving in Focus
Glen Arneson Award
- Continued from Page 1 -
Glen Arneson, Class of 1956, went home
to be with the Lord in February 2001.
This in itself is not unique. We all face the
time when we too will be called upon to
meet our Heavenly Father. But, his story
is unique in that it was at the NWCS 50th
Year Celebration that Glen released a heart
of bitterness that had grown due to an
unpaid tuition bill which prevented him
from receiving his diploma with the rest of his
graduating class of 1956. In 2000, Glen Arneson returned to NWC with
a check to cover that unpaid balance. He was honored at the graduation
of the Class of 2000 and finally presented with his high school diploma.
Glen passed away less than a year later. In his memory, his widow and
fellow classmates set up the Glen Arneson Award Fund to assist a senior
student(s) who might not otherwise receive their diploma because of
unpaid tuition to become a proud graduate of NWC.
To date, this fund has received over $16,500 and has helped 16 students
to complete their high school education and become proud graduates of
Donations can be made to the Glen Arneson Award Fund to help future
NWC seniors. If you have any questions, please contact Pam Vaughn,
Gift Processing, at 509.238.4005 ext. 142 or at pvaughn@nwcs.org.
Correspondence & Gifts
NWCS Development Team
5104 E. Bernhill Rd.
Colbert, WA 99005
509.238.4005 ext. 146
We love to hear from you!
Other Ways to Give:
Bank of America United Way Campaign
3/13 – 8/13
McKinstry Co Charitable Foundation
3/13 – 8/13
United Way Contribution
3/13 – 8/13
Wells Fargo Community Support
3/13 – 8/13
NWCS Foundation Endowments
Dr. Eugene Fadel Fine Arts Chair
Lew Button Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dorothy Allen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Arnold Pierce Memorial Scholarship Fund
Moody Harmon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joshua William Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund
To Donate Online www.nwcs.org
click on the button
Crusader | Fall 2013
and lonely world.
Note that in Genesis 1 man was
created last in order of all the
creatures. Sequentially, from first
to last, elements in creation grew
in favor and honor. Man was
created last with a perfect palace
to move into and a purpose to
steward the rest of creation.
Initially, before the Fall, man was
a perfect image bearer, but by His
Sovereignty, and with mystery, man
sinned against God, and yet we
remained His image bearers.
Effective image bearers embrace
their role to live a life that denies
selfishness, is transformed by the
Holy Spirit and empowered by the
Word of God. Moreover, image
bearers with purpose will be viewed
by others with a positive image that
ultimately may lead them to the
empty Cross.
Glen Arneson
Award Fund
In Memory of Glen M. Arneson,
Class of ‘56
• With Love, a gift from Evelyn
• Bonnie (Murray) Ryan,
Class of ‘56
(At the end of each school year,
the fund helps high school seniors
pay tuition costs if needed.)
Gifts since 9/1/2013: $1,000.00
Students helped since the fund was
established in 2000: 16
Give the Gift of Prayer
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Prayer Point e-mails
contact us at
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Northwest Christian Schools, Inc.