CWR Exchange Connector CMYK - E


CWR Exchange Connector CMYK - E
CWR Exchange Connector
CWR Exchange Connector
Synchronization without Needing to Open Outlook
Break free from opening Microsoft Outlook on your laptop
Microsoft Dynamics® CRM provides a powerful set of tools for managing
customers through the entire customer lifecycle, from tracking new marketing
leads, to tracking each step of the sales process, and for tracking ongoing
customer support issues. When used in conjunction with Microsoft Office
Outlook®, Dynamics CRM provides an unparalleled platform for managing
email, appointments and tasks – all synchronized through Outlook on the
However, typical on-the-go sales people, do not always have access to their
desktop computer. They may not even have a chance to open their laptop
during the day or even while on a sales trip. And, without Outlook to synchronize their appointments and tasks between CRM and Exchange, they will get
more and more out of date as they continue to work offline. Imagine inside
sales rescheduling an appointment for them during the day but not receiving
the update. Or imagine a workflow triggering a scheduled meeting or task that
did not get delivered. None of these changes will be sent to the phone’s native
calendar and task applications, which is where most users look to manage their
daily activities.
Key Features
Seamless sharing of appointment, service
activity and task information between
Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft
The Mobile Information Life Cycle
Server-to-server interoperability for
Microsoft Exchange environments
The following scenario describes the bi-directional flow of information between
the mobile devices and the servers for a common CRM activity.
Calendar sharing with Apple® Mac®
users (via Microsoft Exchange)
1. Having qualified a lead, the sales rep uses CWR on her phone to convert
the lead to an opportunity. The company uses a CRM workflow to
support their sales process which automatically schedules a follow-up
call for a week later.
Single server-based installation for
synchronization needs
2. Since the sales rep is out in the field, the CRM system pushes the CRM
appointment to Microsoft Exchange which then pushes the appointment down to the sales rep’s native phone calendar.
Without opening her desktop (or laptop), the
appointments and tasks were automatically
synchronized between CRM and Exchange.
The CWR Exchange Connector eliminates the
need for client-based synchronization, and
shares new appointment and task information directly between the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server and the Exchange server.
However, there is a solution. The CWR Exchange Connector provides
bi-directional integration between Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Exchange,
including continuous synchronization of appointment, service activity and task
information between Dynamics CRM and Exchange.
3. While reviewing her upcoming appointments, the sales rep realizes that
she will have a conflict with the proposed time. She opens her native
phone calendar and drags the appointment to a new time slot. Her
calendar then synchronizes back through Exchange, which pushes the
updated appointment back into Dynamics CRM.
CWR Exchange Connector
Feature Highlights
Up-to-the-Minute Sharing of Calendar Information
Seamless synchronization of
calendar information
support for consistent
and accurate data
•With the CWR Exchange Connector,
The mobile sales force can enter
information on a mobile device, in CWR
Mobile CRM or in a native application on
the mobile device that connects to
Microsoft Exchange. The CWR Exchange
Connector ensures that the information is
synchronized between Microsoft Dynamics
CRM and Microsoft Exchange.
mobile field professionals won’t have
to connect to a desktop or laptop in
order to share and synchronize
• Appointments
• Activities
• Phone calls
• Other CRM information
Server-to-Server transfer of information
eliminates any client dependencies
Since the CWR Exchange Connector
synchronizes data at the server level, there
is no dependency on client-side
synchronization tools. The salesperson can
use native mobile tools that connect to
Microsoft Exchange, including applications
Deployment Scenarios
• On-premise
• Dynamics CRM Online
• Partner Hosted CRM
• Mobile workforce with limited
desktop access
• Heterogeneous client
environment (e.g. PCs and Macs)
• Workforce with mixed mobile devices
• Companies with limited field support
One single server-side installation
supports the entire mobile workforce
CWR Exchange Connector eliminates costly
deployment and support for client-side
synchronization tools.
• Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011/4.0
• Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP2
• Android
A single installation supports the entire
mobile workforce, keeping all mobile field
professionals and sales data up-to-date.
Without CWR Exchange Connector,
contact synchronization is dependent on a client-based application,
resulting in fewer sync cycles and
inaccurate information
Copyright 2011-2012 CWR Mobility BV. All rights reserved. The Power of Close is a registered trademark of CWR Mobility BV. All other trademarks mentioned in
this document are the property of their respective owners.
CWR Mobility |
+1 (425) 605-0825 | +31 (24) 3711170 | |

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