May 2015
May 2015
2014-2015 Newton Lions Lions Club Motto: “We Serve” Slogan Club Officers Tom Schneider President Carrie Herman 1st Vice President Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety Web Site Mike Petitjean May 2015 2nd Vice President Elaine Brown Secretary Daryl Cooper The Lions Roar Treasurer District Governor Elect Dwayne Willis welcomes former Newton Lions back to being a member once again. BILL WILSON and DAN HEINZE Ron Bretz Membership Director Directors Bob Burke Brenda Dalton Erin McDaniel John Back WELCOME ! Roar, roar, roar, roar Jim Daily Tail Twister Pat Kirkpatrick Lion Tamer Matt Seger Past President Les Heisz Past District Governor JAMES WILSON IS INDUCTED INTO THE NEWTON LIONS CLUB BY LION MIKE. SPONSOR LION RON WELCOME 1 BULLETIN BOARD FAMILY POT LUCK PICNIC JUNE 17TH —Installation of Officers Where: at east shelter in Centennial Park (park is north of 12th street in eastern half of newton, across from Blue Sky sculpture) Time: Gather and social at 5:30 p.m. Eat at 6:00 p.m. Installation of officers/board members at 6:30 p.m. Ballgame at 7:00 p.m. What-to-bring: Bring your favorite side dish (dessert or vegetable or bean or potato or salad, etc.) What-will-be-provided: LIONS CLUB will provide chicken, table service, paper products, cups, water and tea. RSVP: Very important, please let Craig Baier know how many you’ll be bringing (spouse, children, friends, guests, prospective members). Also let Craig know what food item you plan to bring. RSVP TO CRAIG AT CWBAIER@HOTMAIL.COM OR leave phone message with him on his cell at 316 217-4547. Please let us know of your plans for attending by Friday, June 12. 2 Bulletin Board HOPEFEST VISION SCREENING JULY 25TH NEWTON RECREATION CENTER 10:00 am to 1:00 pm SAND CREEK CLEANUP JULY 8TH—6:00 pm SEPTEMBER 23RD—5:00pm NEXT MEETING—June 10th Board meeting June 18th No meeting on June 24th FAMILY POT LUCK PICNIC JUNE 17TH —Installation of Officers for July 1, 2015 to June 31, 2016 Carrie Herman—President Mike Petitjean—1st Vice President Elaine Brown—- Secretary TWO YEAR DIRECTORS Erin McDaniel John Back Daryl Cooper—-Treasurer ONE YEAR DIRECTORS Pat Kirkpatrick—Lion Tamer Bob Burke Melanie Swanson-Tail Twister Brenda Dalton—-Membership Dir. Tom Schneider—Past President Les Heisz——Past District Governor 3 Matt Seger EXCELLENT PROGRAMS FOR NEWTON LIONS CLUB MEETINGS Craig Bright, Director with the “We Can” program from Newton High School helping mentally challenged obtain a skill Cynthia Linscheid—Manager of Et Cetera Shop Discussed about many collections of offerings that are for sale. Gave a summary of the history and data about their store in helping others. District “N” Governor Dwayne Willis from Moundridge was at this meeting Chris Zuercher, Prairie View ,Vocational Service Director. The program assists persons with disabilities and/or economic barriers find the fringe benefits and sense of self that comes with being employed. Lion Robert Hamilton—VA Hospital in Wichita. Lion Robert talked about his role of helping blind or sight handicap Veterans transportation to a VA Hospital for treatment. Need to have transportation assistance help especially in Western Kansas. 4 HUMOR Lettin’ the cat otta the bag Is a whole easier’n than putting” it back in the bag. Will Rogers Jim Goering presented a very interesting program about Cuba. He and his wife, Shirley, traveled to Cuba in 2014. He talked briefly about the history of Bastia and Castro regimes. He gave us an update on what is going on today with the possible of improved relations of Cuba and the United States. He mentioned very excellent schools and free health care for all of their citizens as a example. Jim mentioned excellent fine arts also. Growing of food products seemed to be the biggest concern because of no modern equipment and knowledge of farming today. Newton Lions presenting a check for $1,000.00 to help purchase a vision screener for the School District. Pictured at a school board meeting are Supt. Debbie Hamm Board President Carol Sue Stayrook Hobbs Lions Vic & Ron Lion Bob Burke was present for the presentation 5 NEWTON LIONS CLUB BUDGET BUDGETED FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 Budget American Legion Baseball $ Big Brothers Big Sisters $ 500.00 Bill West Santa Parade $ KU Audio Reader $ 200.00 Melvin Jones Fund—LCIF $ 250.00 Newton Community Choir $ 500.00 Newton Recreation Basketball $ 300.00 BCAPA $ 500.00 Cookie Daze Race $ 125.00 Halloween Walk $ 300.00 Harvey County Homeless Shelter $ 300.00 Harvey County United Way $ 500.00 Kansas Lions Band $ 500.00 Kansas Lions Foundation $ 300.00 Storage Rental of Equipment $ 300.00 Lions Deaf/Hard of Hearing Camp $ 225.00 Newton Panthers $ 200.00 Newton Recreation Baseball Teams $ 285.00 Paid 50.00 50.00 Parade of Lights $ 20.00 Peace Connections $ 200.00 Salvation Army(Direct donation) $ 500.00 Salvation Toy Run $ 250.00 Total (WITHOUT eyesight ) $ 6,135.00 $ 50.00 $500.00 $125.00 $ 200.00 $ 1,025.00 USD 373 Pedia Vision Device $ 1,000.00 Eyesight $ 2,500.00 $ Grand Total WITH Eyesight $ 8,635.00 $2,525.00 6 500.00 7 Newton Lions Club Board Meeting April 16, 2015 12:00 noon @ Asbury Park Lakeside Lounge Present: Tom Schneider, Carrie Herman, Mike Petitjean, Daryl Cooper, Elaine Brown, Erin McDaniel, Bob Burke, Les Heisz, Bill Richter, and Melanie Babbitt Absent: John Back, Jim Daily, Brenda Dalton, Pat Kirkpatrick, Ron Bretz Call to order: Quote from Lions Club International President, Joe Preston was given. Prayer given by Lion President Tom Schneider. Minutes of Last meeting and the Treasurer’s Report were received and approved. Discussed and finalized the budget. Items listed in the budget are not guaranteed to be paid or donated, but rather as a guide as to where the Club’s resources may be spent over the coming year. The majority of the line items will need approval from the Club Board before they can be distributed. See page six of newsletter for detail of proposed budget . It was approved to disburse $200 to the Newton Panthers softball team to help tournament fees and purchase catcher’s equipment. It was approved to donate $200 to Peace Connections/Circles of Hope to be used in whatever manner they decided. It was approved that the Newton Lions Club would pay pick up the difference in cost of 18 meals for the regular Lion’s club meetings if there are not 18 meal-paying attendees. This will help to make sure that the cost of the meals that Asbury Park provides is met. It was decided that the Lions Club would make application to the City of Newton for funds for a 4th of July firework display in the amount of $8000.00. Respectfully Submitted, Elaine Brown, Secretary Upcoming Events Sand Creek Clean-Up: April 22 @ 5 pm; July 8 @ 6 pm Chisholm Trail Bike Ride: May 2nd District 17 N Cabinet Meeting: Aug 23 @ Burlington 8 LIONS CLUB STATE BAND CAMP JUNE 2-6, 2015-UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Newton Lions is sponsoring two Newton High School students two attend the Band Camp this year. Both will be seniors next school year: Adrian Rogers, 2nd year attending; Roberto Toribio, 1st year attending. USD 373, Newton School District, is starting to use the Pedia Vision Screener at Cooper Early Education School this summer. Starting this next school year all schools in the school district, also at Burrton Schools, two private schools in Halstead, Newton Bible Christian School and other private schools in the county. A LIONS CLUB EMBLEM has been placed on the vision screener to tell that the Newton Lions Club helped with the purchase. 9 THINK OF SOMEONE AND GO ASK THEM TO COME TO THE NEXT MEETING The following pages are to help Newton Lions to recruit new members. 10 11 12 13 14
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