Provo Lakeview PKWY Phase 1 - Mountainland Association of
Provo Lakeview PKWY Phase 1 - Mountainland Association of
Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] 1.0 | Project Summary Information 2.0 | Project Scope 3.0 | Project Ranking 4.0 | Air Quality Report 5.0 | Project Cost Estimate 6.0 | Supplemental Information 1.0 | Project Summary Information 1.1 Project Name (35 letters max) Lakeview Parkway and Trail - Phase 1 1.2 Project Type Road ‐ New Construction 1.3 Limits (descriptions should be identifiable. i.e: intersections, place names, landmarks, 35 characters max) 3110 West / Mike Jense Parkway (Provo Airport) to Center Street 1.4 Project Description (summary of project) Construction of Phase 1 of the new Lakeview Parkway roadway from the Provo City Airport north to Center Street, including a ten foot bicycle/pedestrian trail on the westside of the roadway. Project design plans, right-of-way design plans, and much of the envorinmental documentation have been completed. 1.5 Sponsor (jurisdiction, agency name) Provo City 1.6 Contact Information Project Manager David Graves Office Phone 801-852-6741 Cell Phone 801-376-2290 Fax 801-852-6730 Email 1.7 Cost Estimate Total Project Cost $8,500,000 requested from non-federal funding source PE Cost $0 ROW Cost $1,500,000 Construction Cost $6,300,000 Funds already available to project $0 Soft Match proposed for project $0 MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 1 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] 1.8 Regional Significance Is project in MPO transportation plan? Yes Is project on a corridor on the Utah State Functional Class Map? Yes 1.9 Air Quality Benefit (summarize CM/AQ Report, NA for non‐CM/AQ eligible projects) NA MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 2 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] 2.0 | Project Scope Enter NA for answers to questions not applicable to your project. 2.1 Describe purpose and need of project. The purpose and need for the project would be to provide improved north-south multi-modal transporation network connectivity, provide improved north-south access to planned development in southwest Provo while minimizing traffic volumes on existing streets, and provide improved northern area access to the Provo Airport. 2.2 Describe existing service/conditions Current condition along the proposed Lakeview Parkway Phase 1 alignment include; a two lane 30-foot wide asphalt roadway with no sidewalks or curb and gutter from Mike Jense Pkwy to 280 south along the existing 3110 West roadway. From 280 South to Center Street the proposed alignment would proceed through existing farmland property. Currently, the existing two lane 3110 West roadway serves as the main north-south access to the Provo Airport from Center Street. 2.3 Highway Project Information SR# or FA# NA - Provo City Road Beginning Mile Post Mike Jense Parkway End Mile Post Center Street Length of project 0.89 miles Existing number of Travel Lanes 0 to 2 Lanes Width of facility. 106-foot right-of-way; Includes four 12-foot travel lanes, 8-foot shoulders, and 10-foot trail Facility surface type. Asphalt roadway with asphalt trail 2.4 Transit / Pedestrian Facility Project Information Route# NA MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 3 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] Length of project 0.89 miles What is the expected use of the facility or program? Shared use pedestrian/bicycle trail. What services are provided in the operating of this project? NA 2.5 Describe any equipment to be purchased (buses, ITS, etc.). NA 2.6 Describe how project is consistent with local plans. Part of the Provo City Transportation Master Plan 2.7 Describe how project is consistent with Utah County ITS plan. NA 2.8 If phased or segmented, describe how the phase has logical termini and what will future phases consist of. The project south terminus, at Mike Jense Parkway (Provo City Airport Entrance), is a continuation of the Provo Westside Connector Project. The project north terminus, at Center Street, is existing arterial/collector roadway that provides access from I-15 to the Provo City Airport. It may be possible to separate Phase 1 into smaller segments to better meet funding requirements. The project could look at right of way acquisition and partial width construction to reduced the required funding amount. Phases 2 and 3 of the Lakeview Parkway would construct a new roadway from Center Street to 2000 North with additional phases constructing a new roadway from 2000 North to Geneva Road / University Pkwy in Orem. 2.9 Is project being coordinated with or constructed with a larger project? Yes. The project has been coordinated with the Provo Westside Connector Project and has / will be coordinated with future Lakeview Parkway project phases. 2.10 Describe how project will alleviate congestion on this or other facilities. Upon full build-out of Lakeview Parkway, it is projected that it would allevieate traffic volumes on Geneva Road and Center Street between 17% - 20% by 2040 and improve traffic time between UVU and the Provo City Airport by 20%. Without the project, Lakeshore Drive daily traffic volume are expected to increase by 160% by 2040. 2.11 Describe any traffic improvements. (i.e lanes, signal coordination, ITS, turn lanes, bus pullouts, etc.) This project will provide turn lanes at major cross streets and provide additional two vehicle travel lanes than currently exists from the Provo City Airport to Center Street. 2.12 Describe any safety improvements for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. (i.e. raised median, MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 4 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] channelization of turn movements, barriers, parkway strips, etc.) Upon full build-out of Lakeview Parkway, it is projected that it would allevieate traffic volumes on Geneva Road and Center Street between 17% - 20% by 2040 and improve traffic time between UVU and the Provo City Airport by 20%. Without the project Lakeshore Drive daily traffic volume are expected to increase by 160% by 2040. 2.13 How are complete streets addressed with this project? (plan for pedestrians, bikes, transit, trails, ITS) The eight foot shoulder provides a place for accel/decel and potential future bus stop movements. With this project, the new trail would provide a complete trail system from the University Avenue Interchange to the Lakeshore Dr and Provo River Pkwy Trail head at Center Street. As future phases are constructed the new 10 foot trail will provide complete connectivity from the University Avenue Interchange to the Geneva Road Trail at University Parkway. 2.14 Describe traffic control changes at intersections. (include info to warrant changes) Traffic control would remain the same at the existing intersections. A new unsignalized T-intersection will be constructed for 3110 West where it ties into the Lakeview Parkway 2.15 What right‐of‐way is already secured? Right-of-Way design plans have already been prepared for this project. No right-of way has been secured for phase 1 other than what is already existing along the 3110 West corridor. Provo City is currently in the proccess of securing right-of-way, from willing property sellers, for the Lakeview Parkway Phase 2 segement. 2.16 What additional right‐of‐way is needed? From the completed right-of-way design plans, the project would require two full property takes, 6-acres of property aquisition, 3-acres of permanent easements, and 2-acres of temporary easements along the corridor. 2.17 Describe utility work to be performed and indicate who will do the work. The Provo City Water Resources Division of the Public Works Department would coordinate with the project contractor to install a new 12-inch water main loop within the project corridor. The project would require relocation of (8) eight Provo City Power poles and approximately 1800-feet of aerial and buried electric lines. The project would also require relocation to existing gas and communications lines. The project contractor will make all minor existing water, sewer, and storm drain utility relocations as part of the contract. MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 5 [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] Mountainland MPO 2.18 What type of environmental work will most likely be needed? Categorical Exclusion 2.19 Facility Design Current Conditions Design Year 2040 Design Year w/o Improvements 3,000 20,000 20,000 Level of Service A A A Functional Class Arterial Complete Street Aertial Arterial Design Speed 40 mph 45 mph Unchanged *Accident Rate NA NA NA Transit Ridership NA Potential Future Transit Route NA Ped/Trail Usage NA 500 plus No Usage Park and Ride Usage NA Potential for Future Usage NA Average Daily Traffic MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 6 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] 3.0 | Project Ranking The following categories will be used by MPO staff to score each project. The points associated with each category show what total points MPO staff can give. MPO staff’s recommendations will be made available to the MPO TAC Committee for their use in making final project selection recommendations. MPO staff ranking is a tool to aid the MPO TAC Committee in their final selection. The committee is not required to pick projects solely on MPO staff ranks. Please note, if questions pertinent to the project are not answered, zero points will be given. 3.1 Congestion Relief (25 Points) Explain if the project… a) Provides an alternate transportation facility that corrects an identified congested problem? It is projected that Lakeview Parkway would alleviate traffic volumes on Geneva Road and Center Street between 17% to 20% by 2040 and improve traffic between UVU and Provo City Airport by 20%. Without the project Lakeshore Drive daily traffic volumes are expected to increase by 160% by 2040. In addition the wide shoulders and trail will further reduce traffic project traffic volumes by encouraging other modes of travel as well as provide opportunity for future transit routes along Lakeview Parkway. b) Reduces congestion by reducing the number of vehicles. As walkers, bikers, and future transit alternatives are accomodated with the construction of Lakeview Parkway, the vehicle use will drop, thus reducing congestion. c) Reduces the need for additional highway lanes for peak hour capacity. The project was needed and designed to reduce the additional highway lanes to existing Geneva Road and Lakeshore Drive roadway facilities from UVU to the Airport. The Lakeview Parkway project will also provide better connectivity thus reducing the need to add additional lanes to existing indirect roadway aterials and collectors in western Provo. d) Increases the efficiency of transportation system through traffic management measures. New shoulders will add capacity to the right in and right out movements. e) Adds turning movements to relieve a congested intersection. The project provides right and left turn lanes for many of the side streets and intersections. Also the project provides a raised center median to control access and vehicle movments as well as control driveway access location to reduce/relieve congestion and improve safety. f) Design year number of users. Users include the average AADT for highways and users per day for transit, trails, and other projects. The 2040 design year estimates 20,000 AADT for Lakeview Parkway and 500 plus daily trail / bicyle users. g) 2020 V/C data (computed by MPO staff) Click here to enter text. MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 7 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] 3.2 Mode Choice (25 points) Explain if the project… a) Benefits multiple transportation systems (transit and highway, pedestrian and transit). The project will provide connectivety between different modes of travel such as the trail system to the airport, provide additional improved secondary access to the airport, and further enhance future transit opportunities in western Provo and Provo City Airport transportation system. b) Promotes alternative transportation solution to SOV use. Current SOV will be reduced since this project will allow separated walking and biking from the arterial and would provide the ability for future bus transit facitilities with the 8' shoulders. c) Creates or improves linkages between transportation modes. With this project, the new 10‐foot trail would provide a complete trail system from the University Avenue Interchange to the Lakeshore Dr and Provo River Pkwy Trail head at Center Street. As future phases are constructed the new 10 foot trail will provide complete connectivity from the University Avenue Interchange to the Geneva Road Trail at University Parkway. In addition, the Lakeview Parkway provides improved secondary access to the Provo City Airport and provides the ability to easily add future transit facitilites along the west side of Provo City from Orem City to the Provo City Airport. d) Reduces physical, psychological, or economic barriers to carpool, bike, walk, or transit use. The project would provide a continuation of the Provo Westside Connector roadway and trail system which would connect the incomplete trail / pedestrain facilities from Mike Jense Parkway to Center Street. The 8 foot shoulders provide and promote safer bike use within the roadway. The Lakeview Parkway project substantially improves direct connectivity barriers and access to existing and future transit facitilities in western Provo which would promote usership of transit facilities. The project would provide additional improved mobiility and access to the Provo City Airport to support future Airport plans and development. e) Provides incentives to carpool, bike, walk, or transit use. Lakeview Parkway would substantially improve transporation system connectivity which would provide incentive for carpools, pedestrains and bicyclists, and transit use. Also, the new trail and wide shoulders would provide intensive for trail and bicycle users to use the facilities as well as provide incentives for future transit routes. 3.3 Environmental Quality (15 points) Explain if the project… a) Provides cost effective emission reductions (amount of reduction justifies cost). Qualitatively from a completed project traffic study, the project would reduce emmission by improving travel times between UVU and the Provo City Airport by 20% by 2040. b) Helps efforts to attain and maintain national air quality standards. This project creates elements found in facilities that maintain national air quality standards MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 8 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] c) Minimizes environmental impacts or reduces existing impacts (e.g. air/water/noise pollution). As part of the initial completed project design, the preferred project alignment was selected to reduce envorinmental impacts to the existing and build environment. For instance, the selected preferred alignment, for all phases, has less than 1 acre of delineated wetland impact. d) Enhances the natural, cultural, or historic environment. The roadway has been designed to provide an inviting landscape, which affords a sense of safety to those using the facilities. The new roadway will stimulate economic activity and provide new community gathering places, and enhance exsiting Utah Lake recreational facilities. This project environmental process determined the project had little impacts to current site vegetation; historical, archeological, cultural, scenic, natural or recreational qualities. e) Mitigates invasive impacts to existing neighborhoods/commercial areas (minimal relocations). Through completed public involvment efforts and enviromental process the preferred Lakeview Parkway alternative was selected that reduced and mitigated invasive impacts to existing, planned, and neighborhoods/commercial developments and areass. 3.4 Safety (20 points) Explain if the project… a) Corrects/improves a verified or potential safety or accident problem. This project provides pedestrian facilities where currently none exist from Mike Jense Parkway to Center Street. The project controls and limits access locations on an aerial road. Seperates bike users from the vehicle travel lanes with the construction of 8‐foot shoulders and 10 foot trail. Provides new left turn lanes and wide shoulders for safer vehicle turn movements. b) Improves information/communications for traffic operations and emergency responders. Lakeview Parkway provides a improved secondary access to the Provo City airport and provides improved emergeny response times within west Provo City. c) Reduces severity of crashes. This project will reduce accident severity by separating the pedestrian/bicycle from the vehicle traffic. Improved intersections with left and right turn lanes, 8‐foot wide shoulders, limiting left turn movements with the raised center median, and controll of access location on the road will reduce the severity of crashes. d) Enhances safe movement of pedestrian, bicycle traffic. This project provides pedestrian facilities where currently none exists from Mike Jense Parkway to Center Street. Controls and limits access locations on an aerial road. Seperates bike users from the vehicle travel lanes with the construction of 8‐foot shoulders and 10 foot trail. e) Provides an intermodal safety improvement (e.g. separation of vehicles‐trains, vehicles‐ pedestrian). MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 9 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] The construction of a 7‐foot parkstrip separates roadway users from pedestrian/trial users. The 8‐foot wide shoulders provide seperation from vehicle and bike users and provides opportunities for future bus transit facilities locations away from vehicle travel lanes. 3.5 Other Considerations (15 points) Explain if the project… a) Effectively distributes funding throughout the MPO area. This project has regional significance by connecting Geneva Road in Orem City through the west side of Provo City to the I‐15 interchange at University Avenue. The project not only benefits Provo City, but benefits all communities in Utah County by improving travel times, access, and safety to a significant regional transporation hub and recreational facilities (Provo City Airport and Utah Lake recreation area). The project also provides for a future transit corridor to these facilities. b) Phases project in a manner that the MPO can use limited funds efficiently. Because of the project size and future funding consideratrions, the Provo City portion of Lakeview Parkway project was designed in three separate project construction phases. Also, with the Lakeview Parkway Phase 1 design and right‐of‐way documents being completed, the project scope can further be reduced based on available project funding. This could include such options as builidng a reduced half‐width roadway for phase 1 and/or securing necessary right‐of‐way for the project. Mutiple options could easily be vetted based on available funding. c) Cost effectiveness is appropriate for the amount of improvement made. Yes. d) Benefits transportation users from adjacent municipalities. The project would benefits all communities in Utah County by improving travel times, access, and safety to a significant regional transporation hub and recreational facilities (Provo City Airport and Utah Lake recreation area). e) Is supported by elected officials. The project is supported by elected officials MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 10 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] 4.0 | Air Quality Report All projects that are eligible for CM/AQ and CM/AQ‐PM2.5 funds must complete this report. These funds are eligible for projects and programs countywide. 4.1 Eligibility CM/AQ funds can only be used for projects and programs that a direct benefit to air quality can be demonstrated. Highway expansion, such as new single occupancy vehicle lanes, is not eligible. Turn lanes at congested intersections, transit programs, pedestrian and trail projects, signal modernization, ITS, and IM programs are typical eligible CM/AQ projects. 4.2 CM/AQ Program The purpose of the CM/AQ program is to fund transportation projects or programs that will contribute to attainment or maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in Ozone (O3), Carbon monoxide (CO), Particulate Matter – 10 microns (PM10), and PM2.5 non‐attainment and maintenance areas. The city of Provo is a maintenance area for CO and Utah County is a non‐attainment area for PM10 and PM2.5. 4.3 Completing this Report All projects eligible for CM/AQ funds must complete this report. Completing this report can be quite technical, Susan Hardy, Air Quality Coordinator at Mountainland, can help with filling out this report. Contact her at 801/229‐3842 or 4.4 Quantitative Analyses A quantitative assessment of how a proposed project or program is expected to reduce emissions is important to assist in selecting the most effective use of this fund. List below all travel benefits directly related to this project. Air quality benefit calculations must utilize Mobile 6. The air quality analysis should include assessing emission reductions of transit, traffic flow improvements, ITS projects and programs, ridesharing, bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Complete at least one of the sections below. If quantitative analyses cannot be done, do a qualitative assessment in 4.3. a) Vehicle Miles Traveled Number of Vehicle Miles Traveled reduced (VMT): Click here to enter text. Average distance of trips reduced: Click here to enter text. Emission reduction per average weekday: Click here to enter text. b) Idling Time Average idling time per vehicle reduced: Click here to enter text. Number of vehicles with reduced idling time: Click here to enter text. Emission reduction per average weekday: Click here to enter text. C) Vehicle Speed Average change in vehicle speed (speed before and after): Click here to enter text. Number of vehicles affected: Click here to enter text. Emission reduction per average workday: Click here to enter text. MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 11 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] 4.5 Qualitative Assessment Although a quantitative analyses of air quality impacts is required whenever possible, some improvements may not lend themselves to rigorous quantitative analysis, because of the projects characteristics or because practical experience is lacking to adequately analyze the project. In these cases, a qualitative assessment based on a reason and logical examination of how the project or program will decrease emissions and contribute to attainment or maintenance of a NAAQS is appropriate. Click here to enter text. MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 12 Mountainland MPO [PROJECT PRIORITAZION CONCEPT REPORT] 5.0 | Project Cost Estimate To development a project cost estimate, please supply a detailed cost breakdown of your unit costs, inflation, equipment, right‐of‐way, contingency, etc. To do so, use the Concept Costs Estimate Excel form provided by UDOT (available on website). Non‐construction projects such as equipment purchases, operations, administration programs, studies, etc. can use other methods to show their estimated costs. All sheets or methods used should be submitted as part of the Supplemental Information accompanying the Concept Report. 5.1 Cost Summary Summarize the information from the Costs Estimate Excel form or other method. Enter NA for items that do not apply to the project. a) Preliminary Engineering Completed b) Environmental Work Completed c) Construction $6,300,000 d) UDOT Review (project cost <$500k = $5k, >500K = $10k) $0 e) Construction Engineering $700,000 f) Subtotal $7,000,000 g) Inflated Cost Factor (inflate to year of construction) None h) Total Cost $7,000,000 i) Non‐MPO Funds Available to Project Unkown at this time j) MPO Federal Funds Request (includes 6.77% local match) $8,500,000 - It would be requested that the funding for this project come from 3rd quarter cent sales tax for Utah County 6.0 | Supplemental Information Please submit any supporting documentation including maps, diagrams, charts, cost estimates, etc. that will allow MPO and UDOT staff and any Technical Advisory Committee to make an informed decision regarding the proposed project. Keep Supplemental Information submittals to 8 pages total. 6.1 Concept Report Submittal In order to facilitate the distribution of the Concept Reports and any supplemental information, all Concept Reports shall be combined with any supplemental information and saved in PDF format as one document. Please note that this might create a large data file that might be too large to emailed. Plan accordingly to submit your report in electronic format (CD, DVD, Flash Drive) by the required due date. Concept Reports are due by Thursday 24 April 2014 at 6pm. 6.2 Contacts, Questions For help with the Concept Report or questions, please contact: Shawn Eliot, AICP 586 East 800 North, Orem, UT 84097 p.801/229‐3841 f.801/229‐3801 email MPO Concept Report | Spring 2014 13 1580 W 1480 W Lakeview Parkway and Trail 1380 W 1600 W BUSINESS PARK DR UNIVERSITY PARKWAY LAKEVIEW PARKWAY EXTENSION TO BE STUDIED BY OREM CITY 1330 S Agricultural Protection Area Alignment Concepts OREM Selected Option UTAH COUNTY Orange Option Alternative N GE Natural Resources AR EV Agriculture Protection Area D Wetlands ConservationEasements § ¦ ¨ Taylor Conservation Easement 15 Cultural Resources OREM 2000 S Historic Road 2000 N PROVO Proposed Villages at Celebration Development X Historic Sites Utilities 3200 W Gas Line Unincorporated Utah County Power Transmission Lines Municipal Boundary Utah Lake Lakeview Elementary School 0 500 1,000 Feet Despain Conservation Easement BLB Drywall Wetlands Mitigation Site. LAKEVIEW PARKWAY PHASES 2 AND 3 LAKEVIEW PARKWAY PHASES 2 AND 3 P Pr ov Ri v vo R ive r er RV Lak C a esid mp e gro un o ro d CENTER ST Airport Related LAKEVIEW PARKWAY PHASE 1 Sunshine Greenhouses Provo Municipal Airport 0 I 500 1,000 Feet PHASE 1 SUMMARY OF ITEMS ITEM NUMBER BUBBLE NUMBER 1 2 3 120 121 122 MOBILIZATION PUBLIC INFORMATION SERVICES TRAFFIC CONTROL 4 123 SURVEY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 1 1 LUMP LUMP LUMP $604,950.00 $60,500.00 $60,500.00 $ $ $ 604,950 60,500 60,500 1 LUMP $60,500.00 $ 60,500 APWA SPEC SECTION APWA STD. PLAN NO. GENERAL 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 REMOVALS 13,851 11 2,500 2 25 REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT REMOVE TREE REMOVE FENCE REMOVE SIGN REMOVE GATE 10 6 REMOVE BUILDING AND FOUNDATION 11 12 7 8 REMOVE CONCRETE RELOCATE MAILBOX 13 14 15 16 17 124 49 48 115 25 2 19 7 ROADWAY 4,717 2,191 82,950 1 1,778 DUST CONTROL AND WATERING ROADWAY EXCAVATION EMBANKMENT (BORROW) GEOTECHNICAL INSTRUMENTATION BONDED WEARING COURSE SQ YD EACH FT EACH FT $ $ $ $ $ 9.00 400.00 1.00 100.00 5.00 $ $ $ $ $ 124,659 4,400 2,500 200 125 SQ YD EACH $ $ $ 50,000.00 9.00 150.00 $ $ $ 100,000 171 1,050 1000 GAL CU YD CU YD LUMP TON $ $ $ $ $ 25.00 9.00 22.00 21,000.00 90.00 $ $ $ $ $ 117,925 19,719 1,824,900 21,000 160,020 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 80.00 30.00 23.00 3.00 15.00 11.00 2,000.00 610.00 1,500.00 500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,018,800 378,510 186,392 16,146 144,900 84,623 30,000 3,050 4,500 1,500 EACH EACH FT SQ YD $ $ $ $ $ 2,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 10.00 20.00 $ $ $ $ $ 7,500 10,000 3,500 86,800 16,420 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT EACH $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.00 2.50 4.50 6.50 2.50 5.00 2.00 200.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,614 24,833 4,145 4,180 32,040 8,895 3,200 $ 210.00 $ 420 $ 175.00 $ 700 $ 125.00 $ 125 $ 80.00 $ 320 $ 400.00 $ 400 $ 250.00 $ 500 $ 150.00 $ 600 $ 250.00 $ 750 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 805.00 20.00 600.00 200.00 250.00 35.00 37.00 40.00 55.00 65.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30,960 4,025 10,700 3,600 600 250 64,925 15,503 53,880 85,475 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 80.00 400.00 420.00 700.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 50.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 53,200 2,000 840 12,000 70,000 8,000 9,000 8,000 2,500 42,000 17,500 50,000 4,000 2,400 28,650 EACH EACH FT EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5.00 4,000.00 350.00 33.00 200.00 800.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 65.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,585 12,000 11,200 891 4,800 2,400 9,000 1,430 02 41 13 02 41 13 02 41 13 33 41 00 02 41 13 02 41 13 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 03 30 04 31 25 00 31 23 16 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 33 41 00 EACH FT EACH EACH $ $ $ $ 1,250.00 1.50 50.00 80.00 $ $ $ $ 5,000 13,854 950 240 31 25 00 31 25 00 31 25 00 31 25 00 EACH 18 14 HOT MIX ASPHALT (3/4-inch) 12,735 TON 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 15 16 24 10 11 12 19 22 23 UNTREATED BASE COURSE GRANULAR BORROW STABILIZATION-SEPARATION GEOTEXTILE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER TYPE E CONCRETE CURB TYPE Q FLARED DRIVEWAY APPROACH PLOWABLE END SECTION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMP DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 12,617 8,104 5,382 9,660 7,693 15 5 3 3 CU YD CU YD SQ YD FT FT EACH EACH EACH EACH 28 17 ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 3 EACH 29 30 31 32 18 13 21 114 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY GRAVEL DRIVEWAY GRADING RIGHT-OF-WAY FENCE SUBGRADE STABILIZATION 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4-INCH SKIP WHITE STRIPE 4-INCH SOLID WHITE STRIPE 8-INCH SOLID WHITE STRIPE 12-INCH SOLID WHITE STRIPE 4-INCH SOLID YELLOW STRIPE 4-INCH DOUBLE YELLOW STRIPE 4-INCH SOLID AND BROKEN YELLOW LINE PAVEMENT MESSAGE 41 28 SIGN TYPE A-1, 40 INCH X 30 INCH 2 EACH 42 29 SIGN TYPE A-1, 30 INCH X 36 INCH 4 EACH 43 30 SIGN TYPE A-1, 24 INCH X 30 INCH 1 EACH 44 31 SIGN TYPE A-1, 18 INCH X 30 INCH 4 EACH 45 32 SIGN TYPE A-1, 72 INCH X 36 INCH 1 EACH 46 33 SIGN TYPE A-2, 36 INCH X 36 INCH 2 EACH 47 34 SIGN TYPE A-2, 18 INCH X 18 INCH 4 EACH 48 35 SIGN TYPE A-1, 36 INCH X 36 INCH 3 EACH 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 68 69 70 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 5 7 8,680 821 SIGNING AND STRIPING 8,307 9,933 921 643 12,816 1,779 0 16 REMOVE CULVERT REMOVE HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE REMOVE CONCRETE LINED DITCH RAISE FRAME TO GRADE REMOVE AND SALVAGE SCREW GATE AND FRAME REMOVE PIPE OUTFALL 15" RCP 18" RCP 24" RCP 30" RCP 42" RCP 48" RCP 19" X 30" ELLIPTICAL RCP 15" PIPE OUTFALL 18" PIPE OUTFALL 36" PIPE OUTFALL CATCH BASIN - SINGLE GRATE CATCH BASIN - DOUBLE GRATE 4' X 6' CLEANOUT BOX - TYPE B 5' x 5' DIVERSION BOX 3' X 3' PRECAST BOX 4' X 4' PRECAST BOX CONCRETE DITCH TO PIPE TRANSITION 4' DIA PRECAST MANHOLE 5' DIA PRECAST MANHOLE 6' DIA PRECAST MANHOLE 24" SCREW GATE AND FRAME 24" HAND SLIDE GATE AND FRAME CONCRETE LINED DITCH 78 83 EARTH DITCH 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 84 85 86 102 116 117 118 119 4' X 4' IRRIGATION DIVERSION BOX 30" FRAME AND COVER - TYPE A 12" RCP 8" X 18" HAND SLIDE GATE AND FRAME 47 3/4" GRATE AND FRAME (VANE GRATE) OPEN CURB CATCH BASIN IN TYPE Q CURB INLINE CHECK VALVE 14" X 23" ELLIPTICAL RCP 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 STABILIZED ROADWAY ENTRANCE SILT FENCE GUTTER INLET BARRIER - FIBER ROLL DROP INLET BARRIER - FIBER ROLL DRAINAGE 1,548 5 535 6 3 1 1,855 419 1,347 0 1,315 1,300 665 5 2 0 4 14 2 0 3 2 5 14 5 10 2 6 573 317 3 32 27 24 3 3 0 22 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL 4 9,236 19 3 01 71 13 01 31 13 01 55 26 01 71 23 01 71 24 FT EACH FT EACH EACH EACH FT FT FT FT FT FT FT EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH FT FT 02 41 14 02 41 13 02 41 13 02 41 13 02 41 13 02 41 13 02 41 19 02 41 14 32 01 07 31 23 16 31 05 13 31 24 01S 32 13 14S 32 12 05 32 12 16.13 32 11 23 31 05 13 31 05 19 32 16 13 32 16 13 32 16 13 32 16 13 32 16 14 32 16 14 32 12 05 32 12 16.13 32 16 13 32 11 23 32 31 14S 31 05 19 205 209 221 235 238 32 17 23 32 17 23 32 17 23 32 17 23 32 17 23 32 17 23 32 17 23 32 17 23 32 01 05 32 17 24S 32 01 05 32 17 24S 32 01 05 32 17 24S 32 01 05 32 17 24S 32 01 05 32 17 24S 32 01 05 32 17 24S 32 01 05 32 17 24S 32 01 05 32 17 24S 360 323 323 315 315 331 332 332 332 341 341 613 613 302 613 309 126 122 90 91 94 95 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 PIPE INLET BARRIER - FIBER ROLL CHECK DAM - FIBER ROLL 10 EACH 1,241 FT LANDSCAPING CLEARING AND GRUBBING (PLAN QUANTITY) 14 ACRE STRIP, STOCKPILE, AND SPREAD TOPSOIL (PLAN QUANTITY) 66,201 SQ YD CONTRACTOR FURNISHED TOPSOIL 4,009 SQ YD EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 9,867 SQ YD WOOD FIBER MULCH 5 ACRE DRILL SEED 5 ACRE BROADCAST SEED 2 ACRE UTILITIES (SEE SEPARATE SPREADSHEET FOR BREAKDOWN) NEW BETTERMENTS BY PROVO CITY 1 LUMP RELOCATIONS 1 LUMP $ $ 100.00 4.00 $ $ 1,000 4,964 31 25 00 31 25 00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,500.00 2.00 4.00 1.50 730.00 500.00 300.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 49,000 132,402 16,036 14,801 3,819 2,616 612 31 11 00 31 11 00 31 05 13 31 25 00 31 25 01 32 93 13 32 93 13 $ $ 713,790.00 248,750.00 $ $ 713,790 248,750 $ $ $ $ 6,370,838 700,792 7,071,631 9,970,999 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FOR FUNDING 10% CONTINGENCY C.E. COST 2013 TOTAL 2018 TOTAL RIGHT OF WAY TAKES 6.00 ACRE $ 120,000.00 $ 720,000 FULL TAKE LAMB PROPERTY 1.00 EACH $ 163,500.00 $ 163,500 ty Assessor's Information FULL TAKE MANGINI PROPERTY 1.00 EACH $ 200,700.00 $ 200,700 ty Assessor's Information PERMANENT EASEMENTS 3.00 ACRE $ 75,000.00 $ 225,000 TEMPORARY EASEMENTS 2.00 ACRE $ 15,000.00 $ 30,000 R/W CONSULTANT COSTS DAMAGES 21.00 21.00 EA PARCELS $ $ 2,000.00 5,000.00 $ $ $ 42,000 105,000 1,486,200 RIGHT OF WAY TOTAL I D A H O Garden Snowville 15 42 City BEAR LAKE STATE OF 142 84 91 218 Smithfield 30 89 RICH 30 UTAH LOGAN RANDOLPH 30 Tremonton 23 38 165 16 101 83 BOX ELDER CACHE Woodruff 39 BRIGHAM CITY GREAT 15 North Ogden WEBER SALT OGDEN Roy W Y O M I N G MORGAN Clearfield 84 LAKE Henefer Kaysville MORGAN MANILA 80 Echo DAVIS FLAMING GORGE 43 66 Farmington COALVILLE Bountiful DAGGETT S U M M I T 65 Wanship 44 150 SALT LAKE 189 191 201 80 SALT LAKE Wendover 138 U I N T A H Kamas Park City 111 DUCHESNE 36 Grantsville 112 Sandy HEBER Neola 121 35 WASATCH H Lehi TA 199 36 191 87 Orem Roosevelt 208 40 88 45 L A K E PROVO Myton 40 UT AH Springville U Dugway Jensen R E V I R DUCHESNE Spanish Fork 6 Payson 68 Bonanza G R E E N 73 T O O E L E Naples Riverton TOOELE PROVO CITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS VERNAL 191 Santiquin Eureka PROJECT LOCATION 89 15 Scofield J U A B Fountian 6 Helper Green 132 CARBON Fairview Clear Creek PRICE East Carbon 132 Levan P E T E 116 Moroni 125 28 Delta Wellington Pleasent 29 191 GRAND Castle Dale MANTI 10 Cisco Thompson Sp. Green River 50 70 EMERY 137 Mayfield RI VE R S A N Huntington 89 Gunnison 50 Ferron 100 FILLMORE Crescent Jct. Salina SEVIER 159 10 31 Emery N E E R G 70 257 LAKE Meadow Sigurd RICHFIELD O D A R O L O C Kanosh 119 SEVIER 21 128 24 24 MOAB Monroe Cove Fort 118 25 W A Y N E Bicknell P I U T E Hanksville 191 1377 SOUTH 350 EAST PROVO, UTAH, 84606 (801) 852-6740 46 24 62 89 153 R E V I R LOA Marysvale Milford BEAVER Torrey Junction 21 BEAVER Minersville 62 95 Antimony 12 SAN 20 GARFIELD 130 JUAN MONTICELLO Boulder I R O N PAROWAN P O W E L L Escalante 56 143 Cedar 12 City 56 Tropic 89 14 666 276 Panguitch 95 275 Blanding 148 PROVO LAKEVIEW PARKWAY AND TRAIL 95 Enterprise 276 Bluff 261 15 WASHINGTON 18 17 ST. 163 K A N E 9 Mt.Carmel Jct. GEORGE 89 Hurricane RI VE R SAN L A K E N E V A D A 50 Holden 6 ENGINEERING DIVISION Sunnyside 124 Ephriam Hinckley MILLARD 123 Mt. A D O C O L O R NEPHI J U A N 262 Mexican Hat 191 163 59 KANAB A R I Z O N A (MIKE JENSE PARKWAY TO CENTER STREET) APRIL 2013 INDEX TO SHEETS DESCRIPTION SHEET NUMBER N 15 I- CENT ERST REET PROJECT LOCATION WY PK E S EN J E K MI LOCHNER 1245 East Brickyard Rd Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 Phone: 801.415.5800 Fax: 801.415.5850 PROJECT NO. 14028 P1-1 TITLE SHEET/INDEX TO SHEETS P1-1A SHEET KEY P1-1B HORIZONTAL CONTROL P1-1C GENERAL NOTES / LEGEND P1-1D SEAL SHEET TS-P1-01 TO TS-P1-04 TYPICAL SECTION DT-P1-01 TO DT-P1-05 DETAIL SHEET PV-DT-P1-01 TO PV-DT-P1-03 PAVING DETAIL SHEET DT-APWA-1 TO DT-APWA-6 STANDARD APWA DETAILS GT-DT-P1-01 TO GT-DT-P1-02 GEOTECHNICAL DETAIL GT-P1-01 TO GT-P1-04 GEOTECHNICAL PLAN PP-P1-01 TO PP-P1-10 ROADWAY PLAN AND PROFILE DD-P1-01 TP DD-P1-05 DRAINAGE DETAIL DR-P1-01 TO DR-P1-10 DRAINAGE PLAN AND PROFILE DP-P1-01 TO DP-P1-04 DRAINAGE PROFILE EC-P1-01 TO EC-P1-10 EROSION CONTROL UT-P1-01 TO UT-P1-05a UTILITY UT-DT-P1-01 TO UT-DT-P1-03 UTILITY SS-P1-01 TO SS-P1-05 SIGNING AND STRIPING LT-P1-01 TO LT-P1-07 LIGHTING SG-P1-01A & SG-P1-S1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL RW-P1-A1 RIGHT-OF-WAY RW-P1-01 TO RW-P1-05 RIGHT-OF-WAY HORIZONTAL CONTROL LAKEVIEW PARKWAY AND TRAIL PROJECT NO: 14028 BEGIN PROJECT N CENTER STREET STA. 0+00.00 N. 7256084.44 E. 1580184.32 FEET 0 200 400 0 + 0 0 PROJECT NO: 14028 PT 141+44. 34 00 140+ END PROJECT LAKEVIEW PARKWAY STA. 145+00.00 N. 7256143.27 E. 1580656.38 PI 3 + 7 0 . 0 0 GP PROJECT NO: 14028 GP N 4102’28.22" E 01 V L M 15+00 END PROJECT M SD M 50 +2 4. 90 M PT 51 P + I 51 62. 11 + 9 8. 51 CENTER STREET STA. 12+70.00 N. 7256077.83 E. 1581454.26 10 WEST M SD M SD M 1 0 L U C PROJECT NO: 14028 M SD M SD M 1 2 + 3 4 LAKEVIEW PARKWAY STA. 114+94.48 = 550 SOUTH STA. 13+50.00 N. 7253428.95 E. 1581436.47 10+00 3 1 31W0 1 P C L AKEVI EW PARKWAY PT 13+81. 26 1 1 + 1 1 0 7 + .7 0 0 5 P C 0 +0 0 13 PC 125+69. 73 125+00 120+00 550 SO UTH 110+00 105+00 100+00 P T 13 2+ 5 7. 55 S 8854’26.59" E LAKEVIEW PARKWAY STA. 144+34.51 = CENTER STREET STA. 4+72.20 N. 7256077.78 E. 1580656.46 M 10+00 M LAKEVIEW PARKWAY STA. 131+77.27 = 3110 WEST STA. 9+29.51 N. 7255040.46 E. 1581192.31 02 LV 3110 WEST STA. 11+41.08 = 3110 WEST CUL-DE-SAC STA. 49+69.40 N. 7255200.50 E. 1581330.67 M LAKEVIEW PARKWAY STA. 98+00.00 N. 7251734.46 E. 1581436.47 13 4+ 5 7. 39 13 5 + 00 BEGIN PROJECT P C 550 SOUTH STA. 10+00.00 N. 7253435.62 E. 1581086.53 PROJECT NO: 14028 CENTER STREET 5+00 BEGIN PROJECT 50 +0 0 S 5233’45.95" E 3110 WEST CUL-DE-SAC PROJECT NO: 14028 S 2603’02.13" W S 2603’02.13" W PROJECT NO: 14028 END PROJECT END PROJECT 3110 WEST STA. 16+00.00 N. 7255642.53 E. 1581408.40 3110 WEST CUL-DE-SAC STA. 52+39.51 N. 7254973.91 E. 1581369.80 NO. DATE APPROVED BY CURVE ID PI STATION LV-01 RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH NORTHING EASTING 129+43.23 711.00 373.50 687.82 7254877.69 1581436.47 LV-02 138+30.34 711.00 372.95 686.95 7255414.67 1580657.27 31W-01 12+55.33 4041’43.20" 371.00 137.59 263.51 7255286.20 1581406.25 CUL-01 51+06.77 7836’48.09" 100.00 81.87 137.21 7255116.99 1581439.74 REMARKS DELTA NAME DATE NMW 12/12 LOCHNER PROVO CITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DESIGNED BY: 1245 EAST BRICKYARD RD SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84106 PHONE: 801.415.5800 FAX: 801.415.5850 WWW.HWLOCHNER.COM PROJECT NUMBER: 14028 PROVO LAKEVIEW ENGINEERING DIVISION HORIZONTAL CONTROL 1377 SOUTH 350 EAST CHECKED BY: SL 12/12 PROVO, UTAH 84606 SHEET NUMBER: PARKWAY AND TRAIL P1-1B LAKEVIEW PARKWAY ROADWAY C L WEST EAST R/W R/W 106’ 62’ VARIES 44’ VARIES PERMANENT SLOPE & PERMANENT SLOPE & PUBLIC PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT (PSE) (PSE) 20’ CLEAR ZONE 7’ TRAIL PARK SEE NOTE 10 STRIP 2’ 8’ SHOULDER 12’ 12’ TRAVEL LANE 2’ 12’ TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE 8’ SHOULDER 6’ 10.34’ 0.83’ 12’ TRAVEL LANE MEDIAN 6’ SEE NOTE 8 21 12’ 2’ 0.83’ SEE NOTE 6 11 2’ 2’ C&G 10’ C&G 1’ 2’ 21 SEE NOTE 8 11SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTES 4 & 5 SEE NOTES 4 & 5 2% SEENOT E3 E3 SEENOT 1 : 6 2% 6 : 1 LL FI 1 2: 2: 1 FI LL PGL AND AXIS 3 INCH 14 SEE NOTE 6 INCH 15 10 OF ROTATION SEE PAVEMENT SECTIONS 2, 4 & 5 SEE PAVEMENT SECTIONS SEE NOTES 2, 4, 5, & 9 (THIS SHEET) EXISTING GROUND (THIS SHEET) DETAIL A 48 10 49 LAKEVIEW PARKWAY - TYPICAL SECTION 45 MPH STA 101+39.78 TO STA 144+55.51 N.T.S. 10 CURB & GUTTER TYPE E 11 CONCRETE CURB TYPE Q 14 HOT MIX ASPHALT 15 UNTREATED BASE COURSE GENERAL NOTES: 16 GRANULAR BORROW 1. 21 RIGHT-OF-WAY FENCE 24 STABILIZATION - SEPARATION GEOTEXTILES UNTREATED BASE COURSE UNDER CURB AND GUTTER, CURB, AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS WILL BE INCLUDED AS PART OF EACH INDIVIDUAL ITEM. THIS WILL NOT BE PAID SEPARATELY. THICKNESS OF BASE COURSE UNDER THESE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT APWA STANDARD DRAWINGS. 25 BONDED WEARING COURSE 2. PLACE 4 INCHES OF TOP SOIL IN MEDIAN AND PARK STRIP. SEE 48 EMBANKMENT (BORROW) 49 ROADWAY EXCAVATION DT-P1-01 AND DR SHEETS FOR MEDIAN DRAINAGE DITCH DETAILS. 6’ 0.83’ 3. SEE PP SHEETS FOR SUPERELEVATION TRANSITION INFORMATION. 4. PLACE DRILL SEED ON ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER AND BROADCAST 6’ SEED ON ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER. INCLUDING MEDIAN. 5. 10.34’ 0.83’ PLACE WOOD FIBER MULCH ON ALL SLOPES FLATTER THAN 2:1 AND EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS ON ALL SLOPES 2:1 AND STEEPER. INCLUDING MEDIAN. PAVEMENT SECTION 1 E3 SEENOT STA 117+50.00 TO STA 122+50.00 SEENOT E3 STA 138+50.00 TO STA 144+55.51 COURSE TYPE 25 BONDED WEARING COURSE 14 HOT MIX ASPHALT 15 UNTREATED BASE COURSE 16 GRANULAR BORROW 14 HOT MIX ASPHALT 15 UNTREATED BASE COURSE 0.75" 5.5" SEE PP SHEETS FOR CURBING AND MEDIAN DIMENSIONS AT 8. FENCE TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND AROUND FEATURES SUCH AS FIRE HYDRANTS AND WATER METERS. FROM STA. 101+39.78 TO STA. 115+23.67 OFFSET OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FENCE VARIES PER THE EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE (SEE RW SHEETS). 9. SEE DR SHEETS AND DT-P1-01 FOR MEDIAN DITCH LOCATIONS AND DETAILS. PGL AND AXIS 8" OF ROTATION 24" EDGE OF PAVEMENT ON SAME PLANE AS SUPER ELEVATION 10. PAVED MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL TO BE CONSTRUCTED TO MIKE JENSE PARKWAY AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. THICKNESS 0.75" DETAIL A 5.5" PHASE 1 GRADING NOTE: 12.5" NO. AS PER GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PREPARED BY RB&G ENGINEERING, DATED JULY, 2012. EMBANKMENTS NEED TO BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE TOP OF SUB-BASE (BOTTOM OF UNTREATED BASE COURSE), THEN MONITORED FOR A PERIOD OF 60 DAYS PRIOR TO PAVING. DATE APPROVED BY REMARKS NAME DATE NMW 12/12 LOCHNER PROJECT NUMBER: PROVO CITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DESIGNED BY: 1245 EAST BRICKYARD RD SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84106 PHONE: 801.415.5800 FAX: 801.415.5850 WWW.HWLOCHNER.COM 7. INTERSECTIONS. STA 101+39.78 TO STA 117+50.00 STA 122+50.00 TO STA 138+50.00 25 BONDED WEARING COURSE SEE PV-DT SHEETS FOR INTERSECTIONS DETAILS. THICKNESS PAVEMENT SECTION 2 COURSE TYPE 6. 14028 PROVO LAKEVIEW ENGINEERING DIVISION TYPICAL SECTION 1377 SOUTH 350 EAST CHECKED BY: SL 12/12 PROVO, UTAH 84606 SHEET NUMBER: PARKWAY AND TRAIL TS-P1-01 N PROJECT CONTROL LINE BEARINGS TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 2 EAST PROJ ECTNO: 1 4 0 2 8 ENDPROJ ECT L AKEVI EW PARKWAY ST A. 1 4 5 + 0 0 . 0 0 N. 7 2 5 6 1 4 3 . 2 7 E. 1 5 8 0 6 5 6 . 3 8 FEET LAKEVIEW PARKWAY ALIGNMENT 0 N 00°04'12" W D M SS GP CHRI ST I ANSON, J AYGRANT &J AYGRANT S E C T I O NL I N E EPP EPP EPP M SS M SS M SS EPP EPP EPP M SS M SS M SS M SS M SS M SS M SS HI NCKL EY, J OHNMARI ON 11 M 10B M SD EPP EPP EPP 4:E 12A FOUND WITNESS CORNER NW, SECTION 10 N 7255132.399 E 1581375.136 EL 4493.473 EPP EPP 1 NE ON LI 4 SECTI A 10A 6 24 M M SD M SD M 3110 WEST M SD M SD EPP M 2:E POE 16+00. 00 P C PT 13+81. 26 04 1P - B 7 26 19+44 15+00 1 1 + 1 7 .7 5 125+00 120+00 1 0 + 0 0 0 0 + 0 13 550 SOUTH PC 125+69. 73 P C 110+00 P T 105+00 M EPP EPP EPP EPP EPP W R TBX EPP 100+00 M EPP M M SS L AKEVI EW PARKWAY 5:E EPP SUNSHI NE GREENHOUSES INC EPP 19B 3 10 EPP TBX 10 PI 11+19.15 M 19 M SS E N I NL O I T C E S NOT FOUND NW CORNER 4 9 RW-P1-05 9 9:E EPP J ACOBSON, DONNAC C OLDHAM, KEITH W. & JAIME L EPP EPP 13:E CHRI ST OF F ERSEN, J OHN&PAT SY 13 4 +5 7 . 39 EPP EPP 3:E POB 9+61.58 9 SECTION 10 N 7252491.462 E 1581288.159 EL 4489.850 EPP 3:E M SS FOUND 1 WEST 4 CORNER, EPP PCS I NVEST MENT S, L.C. 14:E SUNSHI NE GREENHOUSES INC 13 2 +5 7 . 55 M SS JACOBSON, DONNA C 19A EPP EPP J OHNH. HI NCKL EY AND NANET T EHI NCKL EYL AMB PT 141+44. 34 EPP M SS M SS 8 150+00 145+00 CENTER STREET 00 + 0 4 1 EPP EPP GP MC COARD, PAUL RYAN & HARRY GORDON E 24A EPP M SS E EPP 15 L AYT ON, MARKL . &DANAL M SS LAKEVIEW PARKWAY STA. 98+00.00 N. 7251734.46 E. 1581436.47 SUNSHI NE GREENHOUSES I NC BEG. PROJECT EPP PROJECT NO: 14028 EPP CURVE DATA DELTA = 55°21'28" D.O.C. = 08°03'31" R = 711.00 L = 686.95 T = 372.95 P.I. STA. 138+30.34 N 7255414.669 E 1580657.274 25 M SS D 17 EPP N 55°25'40" W EPP C E N I L . C 0A 4 13 5 + 00 CURVE DATA DELTA = 55°25'40" D.O.C. = 08°03'31" R = 711.00 L = 687.82 T = 373.50 P.I. STA. 129+43.23 N 7254877.695 E 1581436.467 320 NE 40AC.LI B NE ON LI SECTI N 00°00'00" E NE 40AC.LI A 160 KUCI NSKI , JOAN MARIE PHI L L I PS, RUSSEL LL 23:E 12B RW-P1-03 RW-P1-02 RW-P1-01 20 22:E HI NCKL EY, J OHNH. LAMB, GENETTE & NANETTE H KILLPACK, REED M & SHARI S 21:E MCCOARD, PAUL & JENI HI NCKL EY, J OHNH. NE 40AC.LI MANGINI, RAUL H HI NCKL EYF ARMS L I MI T EDPART NERSHI P 16 18 E N I L . C 0A 4 4 0A C . L I N E ONAL EN SI G S R No. 182770 EE O F IN E 4 0A C . L I N E PR NE ON LI SECTI NE 40AC.LI HINCKLEY, JOHN H & JACKLYN S SCOTT A. HENDRICKS ELECTRONIC S T A SEAL H TE TA OF U 04/04/2013 NO. DATE APPROVED BY NAME REMARKS PROJECT NUMBER: DATE PROVO CITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1435 WEST 820 NORTH DESIGNED BY: KJ 1-28-13 PROVO, UTAH 84601-1343 801 374-5771 PROVO 801 521-5771 SALT LAKE CITY 14028 PROVO LAKEVIEW ENGINEERING DIVISION RIGHT OF WAY 1377 SOUTH 350 EAST CHECKED BY: SAH 1-28-13 PROVO, UTAH 84606 SHEET NUMBER: PARKWAY AND TRAIL RW-P1-A1