The joy of tapping - ReCreation Tappers


The joy of tapping - ReCreation Tappers
Spring 2016
Edwin Holland Master Classes
The joy of tapping
Seventeen tappers participated in Edwin Holland’s Level II Master Class.
By Jan Drummond, President
Longtime tap pro Edwin Holland zoomed across Alligator Alley from Miami in mid-April to teach two Master
Classes hosted by ReCreation Tappers of SW Florida at River Park Community Center. It was a particularly
special event for RCT’s Artistic Director Judi Baruck, who began teaching an eight-year-old Edwin at her
former studio, the Judi Nelson School of Dance in North Miami. It was the start of an enduring friendship.
Thoroughly impressed by Edwin’s resume and a fan of his talented son Curtis (currently appearing in
Broadway’s “Shuffle Along” and a former “Top 20” contestant on “So You Think You Can Dance”), I circled
April 16 on my calendar and signed up for both Level I and Level II sessions, as did several others.
I expected to learn some technical tips, some new drills and combinations, and I did. What I did not expect was
that the tap instruction would be wrapped in an altogether charming, funny and supremely patient package
called Edwin Holland.
It was sheer joy!
Chatting with Edwin during a break in the Level II class, I asked him how he thought the day was going. He
gave me a little smile and said – with a hint of pleased surprise – “No one gave up.” He went on to point out
that during in-class breaks and the interval between classes, tappers were practicing what they just learned,
helping each other with a combination, or asking Edwin himself for clarification on something he taught. I like
to think he was impressed.
Here are a few reactions from RCT members on Edwin’s approach:
-- Edwin is a delightful, talented guy who made everyone feel capable! Lots of fun!!! --Marlene Berman
-- The Master Class was definitely fun. I had no expectations since this was only my third time tapping. I
learned to count and repeat all the words of the steps, claps and silent pauses. – Irene Miller-Lubin
-- Truly enjoyed Edwin's dance workshop. Not only was I fortunate to witness a very extraordinary and
extremely talented tap dancer and appreciate his instruction, even if not able to execute it, but I also observed
the quiet and personal joy of tap dancing that emanated from him. – Deb Ramos
-- I loved the way he built on each part of the step he was teaching. Loved that he wanted us to have fun!!
Finally, if you made a mistake, you didn't feel "bad" -- it was just part of the process (the “sandwich step” -HELP!!) – Jill Rickelman
-- Is it a performance art or a musical and cultural experience? Rhythm tap like Edwin led us with is all about
the sound, the silence and the expression. Less about creating pictures and poses. No costumes required to
capture an audience... just the music of it. It was fantastic for all of us to tap as one sound to a variety of
musical moods. Edwin's Master Class was more like having a great conductor in the room and everywhere in
the room. Loved it. – Pat Vogelsang
-- To be honest, the words “Master Class” kind of intimidated me. I envisioned an hour and a half of steps
beyond my capability. Five minutes into his class, Edwin put those fears to rest. He challenged us but didn't
defeat us; that's a delicate balance. I especially liked his way of progressively teaching a difficult step. I smiled
for an hour and a half!! – Charmaine Banky
-- Having attended both classes, I was hugely impressed with Edwin's teaching skills. Apart from being
entertaining and charming, he was able to "read" the tap level of each group so that the steps were neither too
easy nor too hard. – Sarann Kraushaar
RCT’s Artistic Director Judi Baruck and Master Class Instructor Edwin Holland are longtime friends. Edwin
enrolled in Judi’s former North Miami dance studio when he was eight years old.
Approximately 30 tappers participated in the Level I Master Class. Here, Edwin gives his students an overview
of the upcoming session.
To help Level I students understand the rhythm of a step, Edwin asked tappers to clap the counts.
Constantly in motion, Edwin performed an impromptu routine during a break between sessions.
Tap Notes
It’s ‘a wrap’ for Carol and Jackie
Spring 2016
Two RCT teachers retire
from the Naples scene
Editor Janice R. Drummond
Photo/Production Editor Greer White
Tap Notes and Tap Notes Bulletin are periodic
publications of ReCreation Tappers of Southwest
Florida. Tap Notes welcomes contributions from
members, friends and supporters of ReCreation
Tappers. Submit story ideas and manuscripts to Jan
Drummond at, or call Jan at
(239) 642-8612. Forward photo contributions to
Greer White at
ReCreation Tappers of Southwest Florida
President Janice R. Drummond
By Jan Drummond, President
In March, two RCTaffiliated snowbird
teachers did what I
personally hoped they
would never do – they
announced their retirement
from teaching dance in
southwest Florida.
Both Carol Bierman and
Jackie Casey have decided to no longer spend
winters teaching dance in our little corner of the
world. And for those of us who are long-time fans
of their impressive talent and superlative teaching
skills, it will be a tough adjustment in the fall as we
begin to plan our winter tap class schedules.
Artistic Director and Vice President/Program
Judi Baruck
Vice President/Public Relations and
Communications Greer White
Vice President/Fund-raising Marlene Berman
Vice President/Membership Nancy Healy
Treasurer Joni Brickley
Secretary Sarann Kraushaar
Board Members-At-Large Charmaine Banky,
Linda Betts, Gina Finch, Sherry Jouannet, Sarann
Kraushaar, Cindy Padgett, Freddie Peltz
ReCreation Tappers of Southwest Florida is a nonprofit organization of adult recreational tap dancers.
Its mission is to encourage appreciation for and
participation in the uniquely American performing
art of tap dancing. Its members reside principally in
and around the southwest Florida communities of
Estero, Bonita Springs, Naples and Marco Island.
Contact ReCreation Tappers of Southwest Florida
at: P.O. Box 10702, Naples FL 34101; phone (239)
248-4109; Website:
Words of wisdom for dancers
“If you’re happy, keep dancing. If you’re not
happy, start dancing.”
- Unknown
Carol discovered ReCreation Tappers upon signing
up for tap classes a number of years ago at Island
Dance Academy on Marco Island – just for fun and
exercise. Jackie learned about RCT when she began
teaching adult tap classes several years ago at a
Bonita Springs dance studio then owned by another
of our affiliated teachers, JJ Johnson. Who could
have predicted how those decisions would blossom
into associations with myriad benefits for individual
tappers and RCT?
Carol and Jackie long will be remembered for the
contributions they made to our organization and to
the progress of individual dancers. In recognition
of their positive impact on RCT, the Board of
Directors of ReCreation Tappers of SW Florida
awarded both women a Lifetime Membership in
RCT, with all the benefits membership entails.
We hope they will visit from time to time and
perhaps teach a Master Class or just dance along
with us. They will always receive a warm
Carol Bierman (at far end of table) was guest of honor at a Marco Island farewell luncheon
attended by students from both her River Park and Island Dance Academy classes.
Jackie Casey (seated, third from left) enjoyed a luncheon with some of her River Park students. While
Jackie has retired from teaching in Naples, she is teaching three adult tap classes weekly in her hometown
of Newburyport, Mass., with approximately 22 students – and hopes to attract more. Lucky tappers!
Teaching tap? It’s all about the passion!
By Judi Baruck, Artistic Director and VP/Program
About 40 or so years ago, this really cute little kid showed up at my dance studio in
His name was Edwin Holland.
He was the ideal student -- very eager to learn, very cooperative and, as I learned, very
talented. Edwin and I embarked on a journey together as teacher and student. He
studied, jazz, ballet and of course tap.
Edwin danced in numerous recitals, public performances and many competitions.
And, he won the title of Mr. Dance of Florida from Florida Dance Masters.
Eventually, Edwin succeeded me as owner of the dance studio that had been my life
for 22 years.
Edwin married his beautiful wife Gaile -- also a student of mine -- and they
raised their two daughters and son at the studio -- that's what dance teachers do.
Both of my girls grew up in the studio, dancing in every class and becoming
part of the dance family. Naturally, Edwin and Gaile's girls, Courtney and
Christine, and son Curtis did the same. All three are exceptional dancers, and
now Curtis is a lead dancer in the Broadway show “Shuffle Along,” which has
just been nominated for 10 Tony awards. Curtis also has been nominated for
the Fred and Adele Astaire Award for outstanding lead dancer in a musical.
Way to go, Curtis!!! (Lucky me – I’m going to NYC in June with my daughter
Terri to see Curtis in “Shuffle Along.”)
Meanwhile, Proud Papa Edwin has had a long and successful professional
dance career himself and currently co-directs the Edwin Holland Dance
As I continued to watch Edwin’s career, I set my sights on bringing him to
Florida’s west coast to teach Master Classes. It took some time to coordinate
calendars, but we did it! On April 16, I introduced Naples area tappers to a
true dance dynamo.
It was gratifying to see that the Master Class participants appreciated and
admired the same qualities in Edwin that I do. He has a delightful sense of
humor, is thoughtful and humble and, of course, talented. But what I love most Edwin Holland began his
about him is something that Edwin and I share -- a passion for teaching dance. lifelong career in dance at a
Miami studio owned by RCT’s
It's a gift, and Edwin has it!
Artistic Director Judi Baruck.
‘Who could ask for anything more?’
Good music, good food, good friends
-- must be a ReC Tappers party!
Wherever RCT members gather, it’s a party! This spring’s “Bye, Bye, Snowbirds” do-it-yourself buffet social
on March 20 was a particularly special one because it celebrated the contributions of RCT-affiliated snowbird
teachers Carol Bierman and Jackie Casey, who both had announced their retirement from teaching dance in
southwest Florida.
Keyboardist Carol and violinist Bernie Bierman provided singable and danceable tunes for approximately 70
RCT members and guests. The Calusa Bay community room was perfect (thank you, Sherry Jouannet!), the
food was delicious, the company convivial, and the accompanying photos tell the rest of the story.
Carol and Bernie Bierman bid RCT members farewell at
the March 20 season-ender.
Darlene and Roy Geigel enjoy dancing to
one of Carol and Bernie’s classic tunes.
Can’t have a party without a conga line. This one is led by RCT’s Cindy Padgett,
Charmaine Banky and Stephanie Ackerman.
No tap floor? No problem – just dance!
Winding down. Well-wishers close in on Bernie and Carol, as they play their final tune, “We’ll meet again.”
We hope they meant it!
Who’s the cutie?
Showing off her lovely costume for a performance early in her dance career, this ReC Tapper still relishes
onstage appearances. Can you guess who it is? Her identity is revealed on p. 13 of this issue of Tap Notes.
The beginning of a ‘night to remember’
ReC Tappers put on a fabulous two-show Mardi Gras presentation on Feb. 9 in downtown Naples, and a lot of
preparation went into it. A number of RCT’s Mardi Gras troupe, which included almost 50 dancers – an RCT
record -- performed with the organization for the first time. Here are a few behind-the-scenes photos.
Troupe runs through “New York, New York” at River Park dress rehearsal. Choreographed by Linda Betts, this
number is a hit with audiences.
Boppin’ to “Bandstand Boogie,” choreographed for the show by Marilyn DiEnno.
Three senoras wait for their call to rehearse “Shake, Senora.” Dancers (l-r) Carol Donegan, Gayle Barker and
Stephanie Nolan were among the 14 tappers in this new JJ Johnson number.
Places, everyone! Linda Betts (facing camera) does a quick onstage review of placements for her new number
“Jump Shout Boogie.”
Save these dates!
Monday, Oct. 31, 2016: Naples’ 5th Ave. Assn. will once again put on its super-popular “Halloween
Spooktacular” featuring, yes, RCT’s zombie flash mob! We’ll begin roaming 5th Ave. South about 6:30 p.m.
and dance until we can’t. This will be our third appearance, and we’re fast become THE highlight of the event.
Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016: Yes, it’s early: it will be the first of RCT’s Christmas season performances, in
conjunction with the City of Naples Christmas tree lighting celebration. We’ll be dancing at 5 p.m. in front of
the Sugden Community Theatre on 5th Ave. South.
Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016: The final Open Session of 2016 will feature seasonal music, complimentary afterparty, drawing for our fund-raising raffle and door prizes. Enjoy a little mix-and-mingle time with your best tap
Sunday, Jan. 8, 2017: Annual Tap-in and Buffet for RCT members only. It’s the official kick-off of a new
season of tap. RCT-affiliated teachers will lead three levels of tap sessions followed by a delicious catered
lunch, door prizes, cash award drawings, logo merchandise for sale and other fun stuff. Don’t miss it.
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2017: ReC Tappers’ annual outdoor performance on 5th Ave. South in downtown Naples.
In 2017, the space in front of the Sugden Community Theatre is unavailable for rental on Mardi Gras evening,
which is Tues., Feb. 28. So, we’ve moved our big show up a week – same day of the week, same location,
same enthusiastic and supportive audience! Make sure your friends and family put this date on their calendars
Saturday, March 18, 2017: It’s a trip to the Wick Theatre in Boca Raton for lunch and a matinee performance
of “Guys and Dolls.” Details of this fund-raiser will be announced at a later date. All you have to do now is put
it on your calendar. (No Open Session that day.)
Sunday, March 26, 2017: We’ll celebrate another successful and fun season of tap with – what else? – a party!
Mark this date on your calendar for our annual “Bye, Bye, Snowbirds” do-it-yourself buffet and social. Always
a good time.
Mystery tapper revealed
The lovely little lady on p. 10 of this issue of Tap Notes is Linda Albenga.
If you'd like to be featured as a "mystery tapper" in an upcoming issue of Tap Notes, forward a photo
from your earliest days of dance to Greer White, in person or via email (
RCT’s Editor can’t help it: Here’s “the long and the short of it.” We all know the joy of tapping is infectious.
Here are some big smiles from happy tappers Marlene Berman (l) and Linda Betts.