Podklady k zahájení řízení ke jmenování profesorem v oboru
Podklady k zahájení řízení ke jmenování profesorem v oboru
Universita Palackého v Olomouci Přírodovědecká fakulta Palacký University Olomouc Faculty of Science Podklady k zahájení řízení ke jmenování profesorem v oboru Optika a optoelektronika Documents to initiate a procedure of promotion to Full Professor of Optics and Optoelectronics Doc. Mgr. Radim Filip, PhD. katedra optiky, Přírodovědecká fakulta Universita Palackého Department of Optics, Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Olomouc, November 2015 Personal information: Name: doc. Mgr. Radim Filip, Ph.D. Date and place of birth: 24.10.1970, Frýdek-Místek, Česká Republika Nationality: Czech Occupation: Associated Professor (docent) Position: Head of Quantum Optics Theory Group, Department of Optics Employee: Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, 17. listopadu 1192/12, 771 46 Olomouc Contact: Department of Optics, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc Olomouc, 17. listopadu 1192/12, 771 46 Olomouc Telephone: 585634249 e‐mail: filip@optics.upol.cz web: http://muj.optol.cz/filip Field of research and teaching: Quantum Optics, Quantum Communication, Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Optomechanics, Laser Physics, Atomic Physics. Scientific, teaching and managing contribution (in English): The main subject of my intensive research for over the last 15 years has been a wide theoretical investigation of feasible quantum nonlinear operations with states of light and their applications dominantly in optical communication technology. My deep scientific expertise is in the field of generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of quantum states of light. My research in not only theoretical, it broadly includes collaboration with various experimental teams. It is an essential part of my research work. It often allows not only to test my theoretical proposals, but I mainly continually gain inspirations from the experiments. Moreover, the vast majority of outcomes of my research are proposals for new experiments. It is an important specifics of my theoretical research. My major scientific contribution is new theoretical investigation and collaboration on multiple feasible experimental proposals in these topics: Generation, detection and identification of nonclassical features of light Amplification and duplication of quantum states of light Non-destructive quantum measurement of light Nonlinear measurements and nonlinear operations with quantum states of light Decoherence and protection of quantum states of light Measurement-induced electro-optical control of quantum states of light Quantum communication with nonclassical states of light. All these theoretical proposals have already been experimentally tested with visible impact on the scientific community, which can be documented by a number of citations. They demonstrate the completeness of my research ranging from fundamental quantum aspects of light to major application of nonclassical light in optical communication technology. The most prominent are proposals on noiseless quantum amplification of light, distillation of continuous-variable squeezed and entangled states of light and quantum key distribution with squeezed states of light, published together with the experimental tests twice in Nature Physics and once in Nature Communication. They represent a major scientific world-wide milestones of the field of quantum optics with continuous-variable states of light. These milestones combine the feasibility of experimental quantum optics with the modern quantum theory and the information/communication theory. These milestones also highly contributed to the current state of scientific excellence of quantum optics in the Czech Republic. For this reason, I have been awarded with the Special Recognition of the Czech Science Foundation for my start-up junior grant. Later, I received the prestigious Prize of President of Czech Science Foundation for my research projects. I obtained both recognitions mainly due to my innovative theoretical approach that is so strongly experimentally oriented. Many of my proposals have been experimentally tested in the world’s best laboratories. This is thanks to a fruitful, broad and long-term collaboration with many experimental teams abroad, which I have personally initiated. This collaboration has been intensified by many of my foreign scientific stays and continuous stream of research grants, including projects of the Framework Programmes of European Union. To continue this broad collaboration, I annually organize a Workshop “Photons Beyond Qubits” at the Palacký University. It is attended by many international speakers from the world’s leading laboratories. Many theoretical proposals have also been tested in our laboratories at the Department of Optics and at the Joint Laboratory of Optics in Olomouc. In this way, my theoretical ideas helped to the development of experimental quantum optics at the Palacký University. I presented the majority of results at international conferences and workshops and also seminars at many domestic and foreign universities, including more than twenty invited conference talks during the last five years. My research is inseparable from my teaching at Palacký University. During the last decade, I have innovated the obligatory Laser Physics and Quantum Optics courses. I have also introduced new follow-up lectures of Quantum Oscillators and Quantum Information Processing. During this decade, my research in Olomouc has involved many domestic and foreign young Postdocs, PhD students and Master students. Individually, they have gained both scientific experience and practice from our collaboration, which is documented by a large number of joint publications. At this point, I have exploited experience from my scientific stay as the Alexander von Humboltd Fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for Science of Light in Erlangen. Thanks to the continuous financial support from both domestic and international grants, I have developed the Quantum Optics Theory Group at the Department of Optics, running since 2006. Research directions of this internationally recognized group cover the entire range from fundamental quantum aspects of light to current applications in optical communication. Two years ago, the research in my group widely expanded beyond the quantum operations with light. We are now going towards new horizons of many applications of nonclassical light in atomic physics and towards an emerging field of quantum and nonlinear optomechanics. This expansion is supported by the Centre of Excellence for Classical and Quantum Interaction in Nanoworld funded by the Czech Science Foundation. Two years ago, this Centre was founded together with the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno. I am in a charge of this Centre as a Scientific Director. It supports many domestic and foreign PhD students and postdocs, who I am currently supervising. However, it mainly allows to substantially broader our theoretical investigations and build experimental platforms of macroscopic atomic ensembles interacting with light, quantum mechanics of trapped ions and nonlinear mechanics in optical tweezers that are completely new in the Czech Republic. Education and career: 2014-now: Scientific Director of the Centre of Excellence for Classical and Quantum Interactions in Nanoworld of the Czech Science Foundation, Palacký University Olomouc and ISI CAS, Brno 2012-2014: Mentor of project POSTUP I of the Czech Ministry of Education 2011-2014: Activity Manager of the International Centre for Information and Uncertainty, Palacký University Olomouc, http://mcin.upol.cz/ 2010: visiting professor at Ecole Normale Superior Paris-Cachan 2006–now: docent (Associated Professor) at the Department of Optics, Palacký University Olomouc 2005-2006: Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, the Max Planck Institute for Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany 2005: habilitation, the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, specialization: Optics and optoelectronics, Habilitation Thesis: „Quantum noise in optical measurement, communication and information processing” 2002–2005: researcher at the Department of Optics, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc 1998-2002: PhD study (continuation): the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, specialization: Optics and optoelectronics, PhD Thesis: ”Mesoscopical aspects of quantum complementarity, nonlocality a decoherence” 1996-1998: obligatory civil service (the Faculty Hospital Olomouc) 1994–1996: PhD study: the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, specialization: Optics and optoelectronics 1989-1994: Master study: the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, specialization: Optics and optoelectronics (graduated with honours / distinctions) Awards, fellowships and visiting professorships: 2005: Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Max Planck Institute for Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany) 2006: Alexander von Humboldt Return Fellowship (Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic) 2007: Special Recognition of the Czech Science Foundation 2010: Visiting Professorship (ENS Paris-Cachan, France) 2011: Prize of the President of the Czech Science Foundation Other scientific recognition and nomination: 2006-2014: papers selected for the Dean Prize of Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc 2008: paper in Nature Physics about the distillation of entanglement selected in the Annual report as an important result of the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc 2013: results about noiseless quantum amplifier, electro-optical control of light and quantum cryptography reported as key results in a brochure published on the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc 2013: Nomination for the Werner von Siemens Prize (the best result of basic research) 2015: paper in Phys. Rev. A and in Nature Physics about the noiseless amplification selected among the Excellent Scientific Results of the Czech Republic Foreign scientific stays (week and more, long stays highlighted): 2015 (May, 1 week) University of Vienna, Austria, prof. C. Brukner, prof. M. Aspelmeyer 2014 (May, 2 weeks) Imperial College London, UK, prof. M.S. Kim 2014 (April, 1 week) Imperial College London, UK, prof. M.S. Kim 2014 (January, 1 week) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. G. Leuchs 2013 (November, 1 week) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. G. Leuchs 2013 (November, 2 weeks) Imperial College London, UK, prof. M.S. Kim 2013 (September, 4 weeks) University of Vienna, Austria, prof. C. Brukner, prof. M. Aspelmeyer 2013 (July, 2 weeks) Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark, prof. U.L. Andersen 2013 (May, 1 week) Imperial College London, UK, prof. M.S. Kim 2013 (May, 2 weeks) University of Tokyo, Japan, prof. A. Furusawa 2012 (October, 3 weeks) Imperial College London, UK, prof. M.S. Kim 2012 (July, 1 week) University of Innsbruck, Austria, prof. G. Weihs 2012 (June, 1 week) Imperial College London, UK, prof. M.S. Kim 2012 (September, 4 weeks) University of Vienna, Austria, prof. C. Brukner 2012 (February, 1 week) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. G. Leuchs 2012 (1 week) Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark, prof. U.L. Andersen 2012 (March, 1 week) University of Tokyo, Japan, prof. A. Furusawa 2011 (June-July, 4 weeks) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. Gerd Leuchs 2010 (June, 4 weeks) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. Gerd Leuchs 2010 (March, 2 weeks) University of Tokyo, prof. Furusawa 2009 (June, 4 weeks) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. Gerd Leuchs 2008 (July- August, 8 weeks) Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark, prof. U.L. Andersen 2007 (November-December, 8 weeks), Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. Gerd Leuchs 2007 (March-June, 16 weeks), Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. Gerd Leuchs 2006 (January-June, 24 weeks) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. Gerd Leuchs 2006 (1week) Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark, prof. U.L. Andersen 2006 (1week) Queens University, Belfast, UK, prof. M. Kim 2006 (1week) Sapienza University of Rome, prof. F. DeMartini 2006 (1week) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, prof. Gerd Leuchs Key international experimental collaborations: Danish Technical University, Lyngby (prof. Ulrik L. Andersen, 4 joint papers) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light (prof. Gerd Leuchs, 10 joint papers) Sapienza University of Rome (prof. F. de Martini, dr. Fabio Sciarrino, 6 joint papers) University of Tokio (prof. Akira Furusawa, 10 joint papers) University of Innsbruck (prof. Gregor Weihs, 2 joint papers) University Pierre and Marie Curie, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (prof. Julien Laurat, 1 joint paper) Research projects (since 2005): Principal investigator, running projects: 2013-2015: EU FP7 Ideas „Bright Squeezed Vacuum and its applications“ (BRISQ2), principal investigator at Palacký University Principal co-investigator, running projects: 2014-2018: the Centre of Excellence of the Czech Science Foundation „Centre of Excellence for Classical and Quantum Interactions in Nanoworld“, joint project with ISI CAS, Brno (prof. Pavel Zemánek); principal investigator at Palacký University Collaborator, running projects: 2013-2015: Czech-German project 13-27533J, DFG and the Czech Science Foundation, "Free-space optical quantum communication with continuous variables" (principal investigator: dr. V. Usenko) 2013-2015: GA13-20319S, the Czech Science Foundation, "Quantum optical information processing driven by weak quantum measurements" (principal investigator: doc. J. Fiurášek) Principal investigator, finished projects: 2012-2014: the Czech Science Foundation GA205/12/0577, "Reliable highly nonlinear optical quantum information processing", evaluation: excellent 2010-2011: the Czech-Japanese project, the Czech Ministry of Education ME10156, "Measurement induced quantum information processing with continuous variables" (investigator: R. Filip) 2008-2010: the Czech Science Foundation 202/08/0224, "Electro-optical control of quantum noise of light" (investigator: R. Filip), evaluation: excellent 2007-2010: the Czech-German project, the Czech Science Foundation and DFG 202/07/J040, "Quantum communication with continuous variables through noisy channels" (investigator: R. Filip), evaluation: excellent 2003-2006: Postdoc project, the Czech Science Foundation P202/03/D239, "Reduction of decoherence in quantum communication and information processing" (investigator: R. Filip), evaluation: excellent Collaborator, finished projects: 2012-2014: P205/12/0694, the Czech Science Foundation, "Complex quantum correlations and its applications" (principal investigator: dr. L. Mišta) 2013-2014: the Czech-Japanese project LH13248, JSPS and the Czech Ministry of Education, "Detection of quantum non-Gaussian features of light" (principal investigator: dr. P. Marek) 2008-2011: EU FET-IST FP7 project “Computing with Mesoscopic Photonic and Atomic States” (FP7-212008), coordinator: prof. N. Cerf 2004-2008: EU FET-IST FP6 project „Development of a Global Network for Secure Communication based on Quantum Cryptography“ (IST-2003-506813), coordinator: Christian Monyk 2004-2007: EU FET-IST FP6 project „Continuous Variable Quantum Information with Atoms and Light“ (FP6-511004), coordinator: prof. N. Cerf 2000-2003: EU IST FP5 project „Quantum information with continuous variables“ (IST-1999-13071), coordinator: prof. G. Leuchs 2006-2010: Centre of Modern Optics of the Czech Ministry of Education (LC06007), Palacký University, principal investigator: doc. J. Fiurášek 2005-2011: Research Centre „Measurement and Information in Optics“ of the Czech Ministry of Education (MSM6198959213), Palacký University, principal investigator: prof. Z. Hradil COST project OC P11.003 of the Czech Ministry of Education being part of the ESF project COST P11, principal investigator: doc. J. Peřina 2000-2004: Research Centre for Optics of the Czech Ministry of Education (LN00A015), Palacký University, principal investigator: prof. J. Peřina Selected papers with short annotations (for quantitative details see following report from Web of Science): 1. R. Filip, Overlap and entanglement witness measurements, Phys. Rev. A 65, 062320 (2002), 58 citations: I proposed strongly nonlinear quantum measurement of overlap, coherence and quantum correlations of two light beams or microwave fields with arbitrary complexity. For the first time, this allowed to interferometrically measure the features of quantum states when quantum tomography is too complex. First proof-of-principle experiment was done in Olomouc in 2002, in collaboration with the Joint Laboratory of Optics. These nonlinear measurements attracted a lot of the ongoing attention of the quantum information community and it was used to propose and test many other nonlinear measurement strategies. 2. R. Filip, P. Marek and U.L. Andersen, Measurement-induced continuousvariable interactions, Phys. Rev. A 71, 042308 (2005), 77 citations: I proposed a method of achieving high-fidelity nonlinear continuous-variable interactions induced by homodyne measurement on travelling light beams. It fully exploits squeezed state of light as a useful quantum resource. This feasible method opened the way to many experiments in quantum optics. For the first time, it allows implementing nonlinear continuous-variable operations with travelling quantum states of light, including the squeezing of a single photon, quantum non-demolition interaction, quantum amplification, nonlocal quantum operations or dynamical interactions. So far, it is the only feasible method for deterministic nonlinear continuous-variable operations with light. 3. U. L. Andersen, M. Sabuncu, R. Filip, G. Leuchs, Experimental demonstration of coherent state estimation with minimal disturbance, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 020409 (2006), 26 citations and F. Sciarrino, M. Ricci, F. De Martini, R. Filip, L. Mišta, Experimental realization of a minimal disturbance quantum measurement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 020408 (2006), 43 citations: I suggested two different methods of nondestructive quantum measurements of single qubit and single coherent state. For the first time, both non-destructive measurements introduce only minimal disturbance to the measured state of light. They employed linear optics and different measurements together with the new technique of electro-optical feedforward control of light to reach the minimal disturbance. The proposals were immediately experimentally tested by two different groups and the results were published back-to-back, together with my theory. The experiments allowed to significantly expand the methods of nondestructive quantum operations. 4. R.-F. Dong, M. Lassen, J. Heersink, Ch. Marquardt, R. Filip, G. Leuchs and U.L. Andersen, Experimental entanglement distillation of mesoscopic quantum states, Nature Physics 4, 919 (2008), 86 citations: I proposed a method of measurement-induced recovery and enhancement of quantum entanglement for continuous-variable states of light suitable for free-space quantum communication through a turbulent atmosphere. It is the first work which surpassed previous strict limits in the propagation of the entangled states of continuous-variables. The proposal was combined with proof-ofprinciple experimental test at the Max-Planck Institute for Science of Light in Erlangen. This opened the way towards quantum key distribution in the real turbulent atmosphere, which is the subject of a current research of our group. 5. P. Marek and R. Filip, Coherent-state phase concentration by quantum probabilistic amplification, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022302 (2010), 47 citations. Together with my postdoc (P. Marek), we proposed two feasible schemes of noiseless quantum amplification for coherent states of light. Based on this proposal, we predicted a conditional phase concentration beyond the existing limits. The noiseless amplification was a long-standing problem of quantum optics. Each of these schemes used very different quantum resources: thermal noise of light and single photon states of light. The scheme with thermal light was immediately tested and the experiment with an extended theory was published in M.A. Usuga, Ch.R. Müller, Ch. Wittmann, P. Marek, R. Filip, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs and U.L. Andersen, Noise-powered probabilistic concentration of phase information, Nature Physics 6, 767 (2010), 63 citations. The scheme with single photon resources was also later experimentally verified and published in A. Zavatta, J. Fiurášek and M. Bellini, A high-fidelity noiseless amplifier for quantum light states, Nature Photonics 5, 52–60 (2011). The noiseless quantum amplification attracted a lot of scientific interest of our community and stimulated many proposals and following experiments. 6. L.S. Madsen, V.C. Usenko, M. Lassen, R. Filip and U.L. Andersen, Continuous variable key distribution with modulated entangled states, Nature Comm. 3, 1083 (2012), 38 citations: Together with my postdoc (V.C. Usenko), we proposed a feasible quantum key distribution based on the squeezed states of light. The aim was to surpass limitation of quantum cryptography with coherent states of light. For the first time, realistic quantum squeezing of light was optimally exploited to substantially improve security of optical communication. Our theory was immediately experimentally tested at the Danish Technical University in Lyngby. Theoretical and experimental outcomes were published together. This result finally connects squeezed light and other methods of quantum optics with communication technology and allow further progress in both fields. 7. M. Ježek, I. Straka, M. Mičuda, M. Dušek, J. Fiurášek, and R. Filip, Experimental Test of the Quantum Non-Gaussian Character of a Heralded Single-Photon State, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 213602 (2011); 24 citations. We experimentally verified novel nonclassical feature of light -quantum non-Gaussianity, which says that nonclassical aspects cannot be explained by a mixture of any Gaussian quantum states of light. Surprisingly, this quantum non-Gaussianity can appear in the states with positive Wigner function, for which we can have very good hidden-variable model. This higher nonclassical feature is therefore sufficiently robust against the optical loss, therefore it can be considered as a useful resource for quantum communication. We followed theoretical criterion which I suggested in the previous theoretical work R. Filip and L. Mišta, Jr., Detecting Quantum States with a Positive Wigner Function beyond Mixtures of Gaussian States, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 200401 (2011); 21 citations. Report from Web of Science and 20 most cited papers (16.11.2015) Quantification of papers in impacted journals: Journal Nature Physics, IF=20,603 Nature Commun., IF=10,742 Scientific Reports, IF=5,078 Phys. Rev. Lett., IF=7,728 New J. of Physics, IF=3,673 Optics Express, IF=3,525 Phys. Rev. A, IF=2,991 J. Optics B., IF=1,81 chapters and review papers others impacted journals In PhD Thesis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 3 In Habilation Thesis 0 0 0 4 0 0 11 1 0 3 Authorship A) Single author B) First author (beyond A) C) Single author of theory in experimental papers (beyond A,B) D) Senior author of papers with students and postdocs (beyond A,B,C) Others After Habilation 2 1 3 12 3 3 59 0 2 0 Total 2 1 3 16 3 3 71 7 2 6 Publications 19 17 23 37 16 List of main publications in impacted journals ( * denote papers included in PhD Thesis, ** denote papers included in Habilation Thesis): 1. I. Straka, M. Miková, M. Mičuda, M. Dušek, M. Ježek, R. Filip, Conditional cooling limit for a quantum channel going through an incoherent environment, Scientific Reports 5, 16721 (2015). 2. R. Filip and A.A. Rakhubovsky, Transfer of non-Gaussian quantum states of mechanical oscillator to light, Phys. Rev. A 92, 053804 (2015). 3. K. Park, P. Marek, and R. Filip, All-optical simulations of nonclassical noiseinduced effects in quantum optomechanics, Phys. Rev. A 92, 033813 (2015). 4. V. Kupčík and R. Filip, Continuous-variable entanglement mediated by a thermal oscilátor, Phys. Rev. A 92, 022346 (2015). 5. M. Mičuda, I. Straka, M. Miková, M. Dušek, M. Ježek, J. Fiurášek, and R. Filip, Experimental test of robust quantum detection and restoration of a qubit, Phys. Rev. A 92, 012324 (2015). 6. M. Mičuda, R. Stárek, I. Straka, M. Miková, M. Dušek, M. Ježek, R. Filip, and J. Fiurášek, Quantum controlled-Z gate for weakly interacting qubits, Phys. Rev. A 92, 022341 (2015). 7. A.A. Rakhubovsky and R. Filip, Robust entanglement with a thermal mechanical oscilátor, Phys. Rev. A 91, 062317 (2015). 8. K. Park, P. Marek, and R. Filip, Conditional superpositions of Gaussian operations on different modes of light, Phys. Rev. A 91, 033814 (2015). 9. K. Huang, H. Le Jeannic, J. Ruaudel, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, E Wu, H. Zeng, Y.-C. Jeong, R. Filip, O. Morin, and J. Laurat, Optical Synthesis of Large-Amplitude Squeezed Coherent-State Superpositions with Minimal Resources, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 023602 (2015). 10. K. Roszak, R. Filip, and T. Novotný, Decoherence control by quantum decoherence itself, Sci. Rep. 5, 9796 (2015). 11. R. Filip and P. Klapka, Purely lossy and robust quantum interfaces between light and matter, Optics Express 22, 30697 (2014). 12. V.C. Usenko, L. Ruppert, and R. Filip, Entanglement-based continuous-variable quantum key distribution with multimode states and detectors, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062326 (2014). 13. R. Filip and P. Marek, Thermally induced creation of quantum coherence, Phys. Rev. A 90, 063820 (2014). 14. L. Ruppert, V.C. Usenko, and R. Filip, Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution with efficient channel estimation, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062310 (2014). 15. K. Miyata, H. Ogawa, P. Marek, R. Filip, H. Yonezawa, J. Yoshikawa, and A. Furusawa, Experimental realization of a dynamic squeezing gate, Phys. Rev. A 90, 060302R (2014). 16. M. Fuwa, S. Toba, S. Takeda, P. Marek, L. Mišta, Jr., R. Filip, P. van Loock, J. Yoshikawa, and A. Furusawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 223602 (2014). 17. I. Straka, A. Predojević, T. Huber, L. Lachman, L. Butschek, M. Miková, M. Mičuda, G.S. Solomon, G. Weihs, M. Ježek, and R. Filip, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 223603 (2014). 18. R. Filip and P. Zapletal, Squeezed-state generation from single-photon sources, Phys. Rev. A 90, 043854 (2014). 19. S. Yokoyama, R. Ukai, J. Yoshikawa, P. Marek, R. Filip, and A. Furusawa, Nonlocal quantum gate on quantum continuous variables with minimal resources, Phys. Rev. A 90, 012311 (2014). 20. K. Park, P. Marek and R. Filip, Nonlinear potential of quantum oscillator induced by single photons, Phys. Rev. A 90, 013804 (2014). 21. Y. Miwa, J. Yoshikawa, N. Iwata, M. Endo, P. Marek, R. Filip, P. van Loock, and A. Furusawa, Exploring a new regime for processinf optical qubits: squeezing and unsqueezing single photons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 013601 (2014). 22. A. Predojevic, M. Ježek, T. Huber, J. Harishankar, T. Kauten, G.S. Solomon, R. Filip, G. Weihs, Efficiency vs. multi-photon contribution tests for quantum dots, Optics Express 22, 4789 (2014). 23. L. Lachman and R. Filip, Robustness of quantum nonclassicality and nonGaussianity of single photon states in attenuating channel, Phys. Rev. A 88, 063841 (2013). 24. R. Filip, Distillation of quantum squeezing, Phys. Rev. A 88, 063837 (2013). 25. M. Yukawa, K. Miyata, H. Yonezawa, P. Marek, R. Filip and A. Furusawa, Emulating quantum cubic nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. A 88, 053816 (2013). 26. M. Lassen, A. Berni, L.S. Madsen, R. Filip and U.L. Andersen, Gaussian error correction of quantum states in a correlated noisy channel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 180502 (2013). 27. M. Yukawa, K. Miyata, T. Mizuta, H. Yoneyawa, P. Marek, R. Filip, A. Furusawa, Generating superposition up-to three photons for continus variable information processing, 21, 5529 (2013). 28. M. Gavenda, L. Čelechovská, M. Dušek and R. Filip, Quantum noise eater for single photon qubit, New J. Phys. 15, 083050 (2013). 29. R. Filip and L. Lachman, Hierarchy of feasible nonclassicality criteria for sources of photons, Phys. Rev. A 88, 043827 (2013). 30. R. Filip and V. Kupčík, Robust Gaussian entanglement with a macroscopic oscillator at thermal equilibrium, Phys. Rev. A 87, 062323 (2013). 31. M. Míková, H. Fikerová, I. Straka, M. Mičuda, M. Ježek, M. Dušek and R. Filip, Carrying qubits with particles whose noninformational degrees of freedom, Phys. Rev. A 87, 042327 (2013). 32. R. Filip, Gaussian quantum adaptation of non-Gaussian states for a lossy channel, Phys. Rev. A 87, 042308 (2013). 33. L.S. Madsen, V.C. Usenko, M. Lassen, R. Filip and U.L. Andersen, Continuous variable key distribution with modulated entangled states, Nature Comm. 3, 1083 (2012). 34. V.C. Usenko, B. Heim, Ch. Peuntinger, Ch. Wittmann, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs and R. Filip, New Journal of Physics 14, 093048 (2012). 35. E. Nagali, S. Feliceti, P.-L. Assis, V. D'Ambrosio, R. Filip and F. Sciarrino, Testing sequential quantum measurements: how can maximal knowledge be extracted?, Scientific Reports 2, 443 (2012). 36. Ch. R. Müller, Ch. Wittmann, P. Marek, R. Filip, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs and U.L. Andersen, Probabilistic cloning of coherent states without a phase reference, Phys. Rev. A 86, 010305 (2012). 37. V.C. Usenko and R. Filip, Squeezed-state quantum key distribution upon imperfect reconciliation, New J. Phys. 13 113007 (2011). 38. M. Ježek, I. Straka, M. Mičuda, M. Dušek, J. Fiurášek, and R. Filip, Experimental Test of the Quantum Non-Gaussian Character of a Heralded Single-Photon State, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 213602 (2011). 39. P. Marek, R. Filip, and A. Furusawa, Deterministic implementation of weak quantum cubic nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. A 84, 053802 (2011). 40. R. Filip and L. Mišta, Jr., Detecting Quantum States with a Positive Wigner Function beyond Mixtures of Gaussian States, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 200401 (2011). 41. J. Yoshikawa, Y. Miwa, R. Filip, and A. Furusawa, Demonstration of a reversible phase-insensitive optical amplifier, Phys. Rev. A 83, 052307 (2011). 42. M. Gavenda, L. Čelechovská, J. Soubusta, M. Dušek, and R. Filip, Visibility bound caused by a distinguishable noise particle, Phys. Rev. A 83, 042320 (2011). 43. R. Filip, Coherent versus incoherent sequential quantum measurements, Phys. Rev. A 83, 032311 (2011). 44. M.A. Usuga, Ch.R. Müller, Ch. Wittmann, P. Marek, R. Filip, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs and U.L. Andersen, Noise-powered probabilistic concentration of phase information, Nature Physics 6, 767 (2010). 45. Y. Miwa, R. Ukai, J. Yoshikawa, R. Filip, P. van Loock, and A. Furusawa, Demonstration of cluster-state shaping and quantum erasure for continuous variables, Phys. Rev. A 82, 032305 (2010). 46. M. Lassen, L.S. Madsen, M. Sabuncu, R. Filip, and U. L. Andersen, Experimental demonstration of squeezed-state quantum averaging, Phys. Rev. A 82, 021801 (2010). 47. L. Mišta, Jr., R. Filip, and A. Furusawa, Continuous-variable teleportation of a negative Wigner function, Phys. Rev. A 82, 012322 (2010). 48. R. Dong, M. Lassen, J. Heersink, Ch. Marquardt, R. Filip, G. Leuchs, and U. L. Andersen, Continuous-variable entanglement distillation of non-Gaussian mixed states, Phys. Rev. A 82, 012312 (2010). 49. P. Marek and R. Filip, Noise-resilient quantum interface based on quantum nondemolition interactions, Phys. Rev. A 81, 042325 (2010). 50. R. Filip, Squeezing restoration by a noisy probe from a classically correlated environment, Phys. Rev. A 81, 032330 (2010). 51. V.C. Usenko and R. Filip, Feasibility of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with noisy coherent states, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022318 (2010). 52. M. Gavenda, R. Filip, E. Nagali, F. Sciarrino, and F. De Martini, Complete analysis of measurement-induced entanglement localization on a three-photon system, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022313 (2010). 53. P. Marek and R. Filip, Coherent-state phase concentration by quantum probabilistic amplification, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022302 (2010). 54. M. Sabuncu, R. Filip, G. Leuchs and U.L. Andersen, Environment-assisted quantum-information correction for continuous variables, Phys. Rev. A 81, 012325 (2010). 55. R. Filip, Quantum interface to a noisy system through a single kind of arbitrary Gaussian coupling with limited interaction strength, Phys. Rev. A 80, 022304 (2009). 56. F. Sciarrino, E. Nagali, F. De Martini, M. Gavenda, and R. Filip, Entanglement localization after coupling to an incoherent noisy system, Phys. Rev. A 79, 060304 (2009). 57. D. Menzies and R. Filip, Gaussian-optimized preparation of non-Gaussian pure states, Phys. Rev. A 79, 012313 (2009). 58. R.-F. Dong, M. Lassen, J. Heersink, Ch. Marquardt, R. Filip, G. Leuchs and U.L. Andersen, Experimental entanglement distillation of mesoscopic quantum states, Nature Physics 4, 919 (2008). 59. M. Gavenda and R. Filip, Quantum adaptation of noisy channels, Phys. Rev. A 78, 052322 (2008). 60. C. Wittmann, D. Elser, U. L. Andersen, R. Filip, P. Marek and G. Leuchs, Quantum filtering of optical coherent states, Phys. Rev. A 78, 032315 (2008). 61. R. Filip, Excess-noise-free recording and uploading of nonclassical states to continuous-variable quantum memory, Phys. Rev. A 78, 012329 (2008). 62. R. Filip, Security of coherent-state key distribution through an amplifying channel, Phys. Rev. A 77, 032347 (2008). 63. R. Filip, Continuous-variable quantum key distribution with noisy coherent states, Phys. Rev. A 77, 022310 (2008). 64. M. Sabuncu, L. Mišta, J. Fiurášek, R. Filip, G. Leuchs and U.L. Andersen, Nonunity gain minimal-disturbance measurement, Phys. Rev. A 76, 032309 (2007). 65. P. Marek and R. Filip, Probabilistic purification of noisy coherent states, Quant. Inf. Comp. 7, 609 (2007). 66. J. Fiurášek, P. Marek, R. Filip and R. Schnabel, Experimentally feasible purification of continuous-variable entanglement, Phys. Rev. A 75, 050302 (2007). 67. J. Herec and R. Filip, Coherent-state information concentration and purification in atomic memory, Phys. Rev. A 74, 062306 (2006). 68. R. Filip, L. Mišta, Jr., F. De Martini, M. Ricci and F. Sciarrino, Probabilistic minimal disturbance measurement of symmetrical qubit states, Phys. Rev. A 74, 052312 (2006). 69. L. Bartušková, A. Černoch, R. Filip, J. Fiurášek, J. Soubusta, M. Dušek, Optical implementation of the encoding of two qubits to a single qutrit, Phys. Rev. A 74, 022325 (2006). 70. O. Glockl, U. L. Andersen, R. Filip, W. P. Bowen and G. Leuchs, Squeezed-State Purification with Linear Optics and Feedforward, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 053601(2006). 71. J. Heersink, Ch. Marquardt, R. Dong, R. Filip, S. Lorenz, G. Leuchs and U. L. Andersen , Distillation of Squeezing from Non-Gaussian Quantum States, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 253601 (2006). 72. U. L. Andersen, M. Sabuncu, R. Filip, G. Leuchs, Experimental demonstration of coherent state estimation with minimal disturbance, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 020409 (2006). 73. F. Sciarrino, M. Ricci, F. De Martini, R. Filip, L. Mišta, Experimental realization of a minimal disturbance quantum measurement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 020408 (2006). 74. U.L. Andersen, R. Filip, J. Fiurášek, V. Josse, G. Leuchs, Experimental purification of coherent states, Phys. Rev. A 72, 060301R (2005). 75. J. Fiurášek, R. Filip, N.J. Cerf, Highly asymmetric quantum cloning in arbitrary dimension, Quant. Inf. Comp. 5, No.7, 583, (2005). 76. S. Iblisdir, A. Acin, N.J. Cerf, R. Filip, J. Fiurášek, N. Gisin, Multipartite asymmetric quantum cloning, Phys. Rev. A 72, 042328 (2005). 77. L. Mišta Jr., and R. Filip, Quantum non-demolition measurement saturates fidelity trade-off, Phys. Rev. A 72, 034307 (2005). 78. M. Ricci, F. Sciarrino, N.J. Cerf, R. Filip, J. Fiurášek and F. De Martini, Separating the classical and quantum information via quantum cloning, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 090504 (2005). 79. L. Mišta Jr., J. Fiurášek, R. Filip, Optimal partial estimation of multiple phases, Phys. Rev. A 72, 012311 (2005). 80. R. Filip, P. Marek and U.L. Andersen, Measurement-induced continuous-variable interactions, Phys. Rev. A 71, 042308 (2005). 81. L. Mišta Jr. and R. Filip, Improving teleportation of continuous variables by local operations, Phys. Rev. A 71, 032342 (2005). 82. L. Mišta and R. Filip, Optimal partial deterministic teleportation of qubits, Phys. Rev. A 71, 022319 (2005). 83. R. Filip, L. Mišta and P. Marek, Elimination of mode coupling in multimode continuous-variable key distribution, Phys. Rev. A 71, 012323 (2005). 84. R. Filip, M. Gavenda, J. Soubusta, A. Černoch, M. Dušek, How quantum correlations enhance prediction of complementary measurements**, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 180404 (2004). 85. M. Ricci, F. De Martini, N.J. Cerf, R. Filip, J. Fiurášek and C. Macchiavello, Experimental purification of single qubits**, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 170501 (2004). 86. U. L. Andersen, O. Glockl, S. Lorentz, G. Leuchs and R. Filip, Experimental demonstration of continuous variable quantum erasing**, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 100403 (2004). 87. P. Marek and R. Filip, Improved storage of coherent and squeezed state in imperfect ring cavity**, Phys. Rev. A 69, 022305 (2004). 88. R. Filip, Continuous-variable quantum nondemolishing interaction at a distance**, Phys. Rev. A 69, 052313 (2004). 89. R. Filip, Quantum partial teleportation as optimal cloning at a distance**, Phys. Rev. A 69, 052301 (2004). 90. R. Filip, Conditional implementation of an asymmetrical quantum cloning machine**, Phys. Rev. A 69, 032309 (2004). 91. R. Filip, J. Fiurášek and P. Marek, Reversibility of continuous-variable quantum cloning**, Phys. Rev. A 69, 012314 (2004). 92. R. Filip and L. Mišta, Jr., The collective squeezing operation for pure Gaussian states with unknown parameters**, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5, 387 (2003). 93. R. Filip, Continuous-variable quantum erasing**, Phys. Rev. A 67, 042111 (2003). 94. M. Hendrych, M. Dušek, R. Filip and J. Fiurášek, Simple optical measurement of the overlap and fidelity of quantum states**, Phys. Lett. A 310, 95 (2003). 95. J. Fiurášek, L. Mišta Jr., and R. Filip, Entanglement concentration of continuousvariable quantum states**, Phys. Rev. A 67, 022304 (2003). 96. R. Filip, Screening of a qubit from the influence of a zero-temperature reservoir**, Phys. Rev. A 67, 014308 (2003). 97. J. Fiurášek, M. Dušek and R. Filip, Programmable quantum measurement device that approximates all projective measurements on a qubit**, Fortschr. Phys. 51, 107 (2003). 98. R. Filip, Hidden nonlocality in quantum complementarity**, Fortschr. Phys. 51, 107 (2003). 99. J. Fiurášek, M. Dušek and R. Filip, Universal measurement apparatus controlled by quantum software**, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 190401 (2002). 100. R. Filip and L. Mišta, Bell-inequality violation of two mode-squeezed vacuum state in absorbing optical fibers**, Phys. Rev. A 65, 044309 (2002). 101. R. Filip, Overlap and entanglement witness measurements**, Phys. Rev. A 65, 062320 (2002). 102. L. Mišta, R. Filip and J. Fiurášek, Continuous-variable Werner state: Separability, nonlocality, squeezing and teleportation**, Phys. Rev. A 65, 062315 (2002). 103. R. Filip, M. Dušek, J. Fiurášek and L. Mišta, Bell-inequality violation with thermal radiation*, Phys. Rev. A 65, 043802 (2002). 104. R. Filip, Complementarity, entanglement and quantum erasing in continuous variable quantum nondemolition experiments, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4, 202 (2002). 105. R. Filip, J. Řeháček and M. Dušek, Entanglement of coherent states and decoherence*, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 3, 341 (2001). 106. L. Mišta and R. Filip, Non-perturbative solution of nonlinear Heisenberg equations*, Fortsch. Phys. 49, 1047 (2001). 107. L. Mišta and R. Filip, Non-perturbative solution of nonlinear Heisenberg equations*, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34, 5603 (2001). 108. R. Filip, Phase-space complementarity in QND measurement of coherent state superposition*, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 3, 393 (2001). 109. R. Filip, Stochastic simulations and discreteness of light*, Fortsch. Phys. 49, 949 (2001). 110. R. Filip, Stochastic simulations: continuous approximation of quantum noise*, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 3, 16 (2001). 111. R. Filip and J. Peřina, Amplification of Schrodinger-cat states: distinguishability and interference*, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 3, 26 (2001). 112. R. Filip, Amplification of Schrodinger-cat state in a degenerate optical parametric amplifier*, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 3 S1 (2001). Chapters in books and invited reviews: 1) Jaromír Fiurášek, Ladislav Mišta, and Radim Filip, DISTILLATION OF CONTINUOUS-VARIABLE ENTANGLEMENT, in book “Quantum Information with continuous variables of atoms and light”, pages 141-159, Eds.: Cerf, Leuchs, Polzik, Imperial College Press, 2007 2) U.L. Andersen and R. Filip, QUANTUM FEED-FORWARD CONTROL OF LIGHT, in Progress in Optics 53, 365-414, edited by E. Wolf, Elsevier Ltd., 2009. Other papers (for public): P. Marek and R. Filip, Nelaserový zesilovač světla? , Československý časopis pro fyziku 60, 192 (2010), zvaný příspěvek do speciálního čísla “Lasery a jejich využití ve vědě a technice” Invited/contributed talks and posters at international conferences and workshops (since 2005) Invited talks: 1) 17th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, 6-11 June, 2010, St. Andrews, UK 2) The Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO), 30 May-3 June, 2011, Madrid, Spain 3) International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'11), 11-15 July, 2011, Sarajevo, Bosna and Hercegovina 4) Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT11) 25-30 July, 2011, Praha, Czech Republic 5) The International Meeting on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information 2011, QFQI 2011, 16-17 November, 2011, Seoul, Korea 6) Continuous Variable Quantum Information Processing Workshop 2012 (CVQIP'12), 27-30 April, 2012, Frederiksdal, near Copenhagen, Denmark 7) Quantum 2012, VI workshop on Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons, 20-26 May, 2012, Torino, Italy 8) Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, 2-6 July 2012, Sinaia, Romania 9) Workshop of Max Planck Institute For Science of Light, 7-13 October, 2012, Ringberg Castle, Germany 10) Workshop on Continuous-Variable Quantum Information Processing CVQIP’2013, 30 January – 1 February, 2013, Paris, France 11) Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, 16-20 June, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden 12) International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR), 24-28 June, 2013, Nuremberg, Germany 13) Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, 29 July - 3 August, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic 14) Workshop “Macroscopic quantum coherence”, 30-31 March, 2014, Lyngby, Denmark 15) Conference Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons, 25-31 May, 2014, Torino, Italy 16) Workshop of Max Planck Institute For Science of Light, 20-25 July, 2014, Ringberg, Germany 17) XIX Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 8-12 September, 2014, Wojanow Palace, Poland 18) Workshop on Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, 1-3 June, 2015, St. Andrews, UK 19) 14th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, 29 June - 03 July, 2015, Gdańsk, Poland 20) 22nd Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, 6-10 July, 2015, Warsaw, Poland 21) Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, 27 July - 1 August, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic Contributed talks: 1) ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics/Information Photonics, 4-7 September, 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia 2) Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons, 19-23 May, 2008 - Turin, Italy 3) Workshop on modern trends in quantum optics and quantum information, May 1-4, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic 4) 16th Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics 2009 (CEWQO 2009), 23–27 May, 2009, Turku, Finland 5) 18th International Laser Physics Workshop, 13–17 July, 2009, Barcelona, Spain 6) International Conference on Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking (From Satellite to Nanoscale), 26–30 October, 2009, Vico Equense, Italy 7) Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons, 23-29 May, 2010, Torino, Italy 8) XIII International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, 28 May–1 June, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine 9) Quantum Coherence and Decoherence, 7 – 17 September, 2010, Benasque, Spain Posters: 1) Quantum Physics of Nature & 6th European QIPC Workshop, 22-26 May, 2005, Vienna, Austria 2) The E.U. - U.S. Workshop on Quantum Information and Coherence, 8-9 December, 2005, Munich, Germany 3) 9th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, 26 May, 2005, Besançon, France 4) ESF Exploratory Workshop on Long-distance Quantum Communication Networks with Atoms and Light, 9-12 April, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic 5) 5th workshop on Continuous-Variable Quantum Information Processing, 1922 May, 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark. 6) Quantum communication, measurement and computation conference (QCMC), 28 November - 3 December, 2006, Tsukuba, Japan 7) Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Information Science, 7-12 May, 2006, Lucca (Barga), Italy 8) 6th Workshop on Continuous variable information processing with atoms and light, 13-16 April, 2007, St. Andrews, Scotland, U.K. 9) Solvay workshop on Bits, Quanta, and Complex Systems, 30 April - 3 May 2008, Brussels, Belgium Seminars at universities and academic institutions Danish Technical University, Lyngby (prof. Ulrik L. Andersen) Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (prof. Maria Chehkova) Imperial College London (prof. Myungshik Kim) Max-Planck Institute for Science of Light (prof. Gerd Leuchs) Masarykova Universita, Brno (prof. Tomáš Tyc) Karlova Universita, Praha (prof. Karel Velický) Queens University, Belfast (prof. Mauro Paternostro) Sapienza University of Rome (prof. Francesco DeMartini) Slezská univerzita v Opavě (prof. Zdeněk Stuchlík) University of Tokio (prof. Akira Furusawa) Technická Universita, Vysoká škola báňská, Ostrava (prof. Vladimír Vašinek) University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (prof. Julien Laurat) University of Vienna (prof. Časlav Brukner) University of York (prof. Stefano Pirandola) Ústav přístrojové techniky AV ČR, Brno (prof. Pavel Zemánek) Teaching at the Faculty of Science, Palacký University (according to STAG): (in English) Lectures in main course of the Master Study: Laser Physics (since 2007), Quantum Optics (since 2012), Quantum Oscillators (since 2008), Quantum Communication and Information Processing I, II, III (since 2007) (in Czech) Garant a přednášející: Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A, 8 let od LS 2007/2008), Kvantová optika (předmět A, 4 roky od ZS 2012/2013), Vybrané kapitoly z fyziky oscilátorů (předmět B, 7 let od ZS 2008/2009), Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace I,II,III (předmět B,C, 7 let od ZS 2007/2008 do LS 2013/2014) Realizované a běžící přednášky na PřF UP (výpis ze STAGu): 2007/2008 ZS: OPT/KK3 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace III (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 1 student 2007/2008 LS: OPT/IZL Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 4 studenti 2008/2009 ZS: OPT/FL Vybrané kapitoly z fyziky laserů (předmět B), 3+1 hodin týdně, 4 studenti 2008/2009 LS: OPT/IZL Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 4 studenti 2009/2010 ZS: OPT/KK1 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace I (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 1 student 2009/2010 LS: OPT/KK2 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace II (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 2 studenti 2009/2010 LS: OPT/IZL Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 3 studenti 2010/2011 ZS: OPT/FL Vybrané kapitoly z fyziky laserů (předmět B), 3+1 hodin týdně, 2 studenti 2010/2011 ZS: OPT/KK1 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace I (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 4 studenti 2010/2011 LS: OPT/KK2 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace II (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 1 student 2010/2011 LS: OPT/IZL Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 6 studentů 2011/2012 ZS: OPT/KK3 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace III (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 1 student 2011/2012 LS: OPT/KK2 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace II (předmět C), 2+1 hodin, 2 studenti 2011/2012 LS: OPT/IZL Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 5 studentů 2012/2013 ZS: OPT/FL Vybrané kapitoly z fyziky laserů (předmět B), 3+1 hodin týdně, 3 studenti 2012/2013 ZS: OPT/KK1 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace I (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 7 studentů 2012/2013 ZS: OPT/KK3 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace III (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 2 studenti 2012/2013 ZS: OPT/QS2A Kvantová optika (předmět B), 2+1 hodin týdně, 4 studenti 2012/2013 LS: OPT/KK2 Kvantová komunikace a zpracování informace II (předmět C), 2+1 hodin týdně, 3 studenti 2012/2013 LS: OPT/IZL Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 4 studenti 2013/2014 ZS: OPT / QS2A Kvantová optika (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 6 studentů 2013/2014 ZS: OPT / FL Vybrané kapitoly z fyziky oscilátorů (předmět B) 3+1 hodin týdně, 2 studenti 2013/2014 LS: OPT/IZL Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 10 studentů 2014/2015 ZS: OPT / QS2A Kvantová optika (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 8 studentů 2014/2015 ZS: OPT / FL Vybrané kapitoly z fyziky oscilátorů (předmět B) 3+1 hodin týdně, 3 studenti 2014/2015 LS: OPT/IZL Základy fyziky laserů (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 6 studentů 2015/2016 ZS: OPT / QS2A Kvantová optika (předmět A), 2+1 hodin týdně, 3 studenti Supervision of PhD, Diploma and Bachelor Theses at the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Running: 6 PhD Thesis: Mgr. I. Derkach: Robustness of continuous-variable quantum key distribution (will be finished in 2017) Mgr. Lukáš Lachman: Identification of nonclassicallity of light and matter (will be finished in 2018) Nikita Vostrosablin, MSc.: Quantum optomechanics with nonclassical states of light (will be finished in 2018) Ing. Petr Obšil: Quantum physics of mechanical motion of trapped ions (will be finished in 2018) Mgr. Jan Bílek, Generation of entangled quantum multi-photon states of light (will be finished in 2019) Mgr. Josef Hloušek, Detection of number of photons and their applications in quantum technology (will be finished in 2019) 1 Diploma Thesis: Bc. Petr Zapletal: Feasible generation of highly nonclassical states of light (paused; now studying at the University of Erlangen) Finished: 2 PhD Thesis: dr. M. Gavenda (2012): Quantum Optical Methods for Communication and Processing of Information; now my postdoc at the Department of Optics, Palacký University; 5 joint papers dr. P. Marek (2008): Non-classicality of quantum states: decoherence and purification, PhD started at the Department of Optics, Palacký University and finished at Queens University Belfast, UK; now my postdoc at the Department of Optics, Palacký University; 2 joint papers 4 Diploma Thesis: Mgr. V. Kupčík (2015): Quantum entanglement generation assisted by thermal noise; 1 joint paper Mgr. L. Lachman (2014): Robustness and non-classicality of single photon states, now my PhD student at the Department of Optics, Palacký University; 2 joint papers. Mgr. P. Marek (2005): (in Czech) Kvantová provázanost a reverze kvantových procesu, now my postdoc at the Department of Optics, Palacký University; 3 joint papers Mgr. M. Gavenda (2004): (in Czech) Vliv dekoherence na kvantovou nelokalitu a komplementaritu, now my postdoc at the Department of Optics, Palacký University; 1 joint paper 4 Bachelor Thesis: Bc. Petr Zapletal (2014): Recycling of Fock states to squeezed states (Dean’s Prize for Bachelor Thesis in Physics, 2014), now my Master student, 1 joint paper Bc. Petr Klapka (2014): Universal quantum interfaces with inefficient interaction; 1 joint paper Bc. Lukáš Lachman (2012): New identification of nonclassical character of single-photon states, now my PhD student, 1 joint paper Bc. Vojtěch Kupčík (2012): Quantum entanglement of light and mechanical oscillator; 1 joint paper Supervised post-docs (alphabetically): Miroslav Gavenda, Ph.D. (quantum optics, 2012-) Petr Marek, Ph.D. (quantum optics, 2008-) Ladislav Mišta, Ph.D. (quantum information, 2006-2010) Michal Kolář, Ph.D. (quantum thermodynamics, 2014-) Mikolaj Lasota, Ph.D. (quantum communication, 2014-) Kimin Park, Ph.D. (quantum optics, POSTUP I project, 2012-) Andrey Rakhubovskiy, Ph.D. (quantum optomechanics, 2013-) László Ruppert, Ph.D. (quantum communication, 2013-) Lukáš Slodička, Ph.D. (atomic physics, 2014-) Vladyslav Usenko, Ph.D. (quantum communication, 2009-) (In Czech) Členství v komisích PřF UP Olomouc: Člen vědecko-pedagogické rady oboru Fyzika na PřF UP od roku 2005 do roku 2014 Člen rady doktorského studijního programu Optika a Optoelektronika na PřF UP od roku 2014 Člen státnicových komisí oboru Optika a Optoelektronika na PřF UP od roku 2008 Člen rady doktorského studijního programu Informatika na PřF UP od roku 2007 Člen komise ustanovené pro příjímací řízení pro Optiku a Optoelektroniku od roku 2013 Oponent nebo člen komise obhajob doktorských prací na PřF UP Olomouc: dr. Karel Lemr, Jr. (2013) dr. Jiří Svozilík (2013) ing. Dalibor Javůrek (2014) Openent magisterských prací na PřF UP Olomouc: Mgr. Ivan Derkach (2013) Mgr. Ondřej Černotík (2013) Mgr. Josef Hloušek (2015) Mgr. Jan Bílek (2015) Oponent nebo člen komise obhajob doktorských prací na: PřF Masarykova Universita, Brno, dr. Martin Šarbot (2012) FJFI ČVUT, Praha, dr. V. Potoček (2013) Referee of scientific journals: Science Nature Photonics Scientific Reports Physical Review Letters Physical Review A Physical Review X Optics Express Entropy Referee of foreign grant applications: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research FET OPEN EU FP7 programme Referee and examiner of foreign PhD Thesis: 2015: Dr. Hugo Kerdoncuff, Squeezing-enhanced feedback cooling of a microresonator (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby) 2015: Dr. Carlo Ottaviani, Unconditional Security of Continuous-Variable Quantum Cryptography (University of York, UK) 2014: Dr. Nathan Walk, Continuous Variable Quantum Communication (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia) 2012: Dr. Anders Tipsmark, Generation of optical coherent state superpositions for quantum information processing, (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby) 2008: Dr. Jiri Janousek, Investigation of non-classical light and its application in ultrasensitive measurements, (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby) Organization of international conferences and workshops: ESF Exploratory Workshop on Long-distance Quantum Communication Networks with Atoms and Light, Prague, Czech Republic, April 9-12, 2005 (17 invited speakers) 1st Workshop Photons Beyond Qubits, Olomouc, Czech Republic, April 23-25, 2012 (7 invited speakers) 2nd Workshop Photons Beyond Qubits, Olomouc, Czech Republic, April 8-10, 2013 (10 invited speakers) 3rd Workshop Photons Beyond Qubits, Olomouc, Czech Republic, April 14-17, 2014 (9 invited speakers) 4th Workshop Photons Beyond Qubits, Olomouc, Czech Republic, March 1618, 2015 (8 invited speakers) Organization of international summer schools: Summer School on Quantum Physics and Quantum Information, Olomouc, Czech Republic, July 16-20, 2012 (8 invited tutors) Winter School on Quantum Physics and Quantum Information, Olomouc, Czech Republic, January 27-30, 2014 (7 invited tutors) Other academic activities: organization of regular seminars on the Department of Optics (2006-2014) coordinator of Erasmus+ exchange programme with FAU Erlangen (2014now, Petr Zapletal, Robert Stárek) Head of committee for the Dean’s Prize of the Faculty of Science for students (Physics, 2015) regular collaboration with UP Journal, 2007-2015, 12 contributions annual participation in IGA projects, coordinator: prof. Miloslav Dušek, (2010now) Scientific results presented in public media: 2007: Fyzik Radim Filip získá ocenění za vědeckou práci, Olomoucký deník, 18.6.2007. 2007: Nejbezpečnější šifru zajistí přírodní zákony, Český rozhlas, Radio Praha, 18.8.2007, http://www.radio.cz/cz/rubrika/kaleidoskop/panoramanejbezpecnejsi-sifru-zajisti-prirodni-zakony. 2007: Ceny předsedy Grantové agentury ČR 2007, Vesmír 86, 406 (2007). 2011: Bravurní vědecké projekty ocenila Grantová agentura, ČT Zprávy, 13.9.2011 2011: Olomoucký vědec bude oceněn, Právo, 14.6.2011. 2011: Olomoucký kvantový fyzik získá vědecké ocenění. Český Rozhlas Olomouc, 14.7.2011, http://www.rozhlas.cz/olomouc/zpravy/_zprava/907391 2012: Olomoučtí optici mají na kontě významný objev. Olomoucký deník, 18.2.2012, str.2 2014: V Japonsku stlačili foton. Díky Olomouckým vědcům. Olomoucký deník, 14.7.2014, str. 3 2015: Univerzita Palackého potvrdila svou výzkumnou excelenci. Parlamentní listy, 11.2.2015 Supplementary Documents (in Czech): 1. Magisterský diplom 2. Osvědčení o státní magisterské zkoušce 3. Doktorský diplom 4. Vysvědčení o státní magisterské zkoušce 5. Docentský diplom 6. Jmenovací dekret docenta 7. Diplom Zvláštní uznání Předsedy Grantové agentury České republiky 8. Průvodní dopis ke Zvláštnímu uznání Předsedy Grantové agentury České republiky 9. Průvodní dopis k udělení Humboldtova stipendia v Německu (německý originál) 10. Průvodní dopis k udělení Humboldtova stipendia v Německu (anglický překlad) 11. Diplom stipendisty Humboltovy nadace 12. Průvodní dopis k udělení Humboldtova stipendia pro vracející se vědce 13. Diplom Ceny Předsedy Grantové agentury České republiky 14. Průvodní dopis k Ceně Předsedy Grantové agentury České Republiky 15. Jmenovací dopis k Visiting Professorship
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