Davy Lam - Seafood Choices Alliance
Davy Lam - Seafood Choices Alliance
HOW SEAFOOD BUYERS AND SUPPLIERS ARE IMPACTING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF DATA‐ DEFICIENT DEVELOPING COUNTRY FISHERIES Davy Lam February 2, 20190 Outline of Presenta/on I. II. III. IV. Introduc/on – Tai Foong USA, Inc. Loca/on Fisheries Uniqueness and Challenges Tai Foong USA, Inc. • Headquarters in SeaBle, Washington, USA • Family owned business ‐ 3 genera/ons • 3 Brands: Royal Asia, Northern King and Northern Chef www.northernchef.com Loca/on • • • • Along the west coast of Baja California, Mexico, roughly one third of the peninsula’s length from its southern /p, the land pokes westward like a slightly bent elbow. The area is a combina/on of sparsely vegetated desert, sand dunes, mangroves, braided streams, shallow coastal waters, and mountainous islands. Almost completely surrounded by ocean, the coastal town of Puerto San Carlos serves as a base for tourists visi/ng the area to watch whales. Grey whale migra/on season—January through March—brings both cetaceans and tourists to the area. Magdalena Bay Magdalena Bay from Space Magdalena Bay Fishery • Harvested by mul/ple genera/ons of ar/sanal family fishermen • 10 m panga‐style boats are fishing for only 6 to 8 hours at night • The primi/ve, yet sustainable, prac/ces go back genera/ons. • Mul/ple licenses for mul/ple species Preparing Their Catch Before Dark Fishery • Unlicensed Day boats and fishermen • Insufficent data like by‐catches, tonnages etc. • Gear Usage • MSC‐ Preassessment done in 2009 – strong biomass UNIQUENESS • • • • • • Enclosed bay area No big vessels in this area Fresh raw material daily Shrimp have firm texture and taste like lobster Once frozen within hours aeer catch No iodine taste compared to Gulf of Mexico Challenges Cash Flow High Risk Small bou/que fishery Product recogni/on ‐ confused with other brown shrimp • Quality Assurance/Plant audits/Traceability • Their culture for faster gains versus longer sustainable gains • • • • Improvements • Data Collec/on Trial for next 90 days; quota system to be in place; gear change • Audi/ng • Plant renova/on ($50,000 ) • Direct protocols with fishermen data collec/on • SFP liason with Fisheries Department and other ngos • Market exposure for their hard work • Stable pricing and income for the fishermen Co‐opera/ves Sustainable Mee/ng December, 2009 Ready for Full Assessment ? • MORE CHALLENGES BUT WE WILL OVERCOME! www.northernchef.com