Environmental Declaration 2009 for the Audi Plant in Ingolstadt


Environmental Declaration 2009 for the Audi Plant in Ingolstadt
Environmental Declaration 2009
Audi A4 2.0 TDI e *
for the Audi Plant in Ingolstadt
Responsibility and Commitment for Ecology and Sustainable
“Assuming ecological responsibility is a precondition
for our commercial success.”
Dr. Dagobert Achatz, Head of Environmental Protection at the Ingolstadt Plant, AUDI AG
Foreword 04
Responsibility spanning the generations –
100 years of Audi / 60 years of Audi Ingolstadt
Integrated Audi environmental management –
Transparency and efficiency
The environmental policy of AUDI AG – globally uniform standards
Audi takes responsibility: Consideration of environmental aspects in the
case of products and production facilities, as well as the environmentally
compatible use of resources
Ingolstadt plant – Audi relies on Germany as a location for industry and
The plant is the headquarters as well as the largest and most important
production facility of the Audi Group.
The protection of the environment is a top priority
The Ecology Steering Committee and the coordination of plant
environmental protection.
Research and development
Audi engineers rely on efficient technology, environmentally compatible
materials and lightweight construction.
Information and communication
Knowledge is crucial to success: Audi employees are regularly trained
with regard to environmental protection and energy efficiency.
Integrated product policy
Environmental standards are maintained throughout the entire Audi
supply chain.
Efficiency can be experienced – ecological awareness in automotive
At Audi the logistics chain is planned with the objective of protecting
Ecology equates to economy
Audi recycles 95 % of waste materials. Resources such as water and
wax are reused multiple times in a cyclical process.
Intelligent, sustainable solutions
Vorsprung durch Technik: TDI engines with ultra-low emissions system,
assistance systems, recuperation system, start-stop system.
Corporate social responsibility
Harmony between ecology, economy and social responsibility: Audi is
intensively involved in the area surrounding its plant in Ingolstadt.
Data and facts
Peter Kössler, Plant Manager, Audi Ingolstadt
Dear readers,
to ISO 14001:2004 for the fifth time. That means
that the plant has now held the EMAS seal of
This environmental declaration provides you with
approval for more than twelve years.
detailed information about the work undertaken
The involvement of the entire workforce is espe-
for environmental protection at the Ingolstadt
cially important to Audi. For that reason, environ-
plant in the past three years. All of our activities
mental protection continues to be an important
are based on the principle of the Integrated
component of the Audi Production System (APS).
Product Policy (IPP) and relate to the entire
The employees are made aware of those environ-
lifecycle of our cars – from development and
mental topics within the production process that
production through the use of the vehicle to
they themselves influence. No less important is the
end-of-life disposal.
qualification of Audi employees with a multiplier
The basis for the continuous enhancement
function. These include, for example, the plant
of our environmental work is a well-functioning
environmental protection representatives and the
environmental management system. Its measures
prospective production team leaders. The appren-
range from the committed involvement of all our
tices at Audi are also systematically introduced to
employees in environmental topics, through the
the topic of environmental protection.
use of efficient technologies in order to conserve
Conservation of resources and climate protection
resources, to cooperative projects with other com-
are key components of the Audi corporate philosophy.
Above all, the focus is on the subject of energy:
Commitment that pays off: In April 2009, the
an entire package of projects has contributed
environmental experts from DEKRA Certification
to the fact that overall energy consumption has
GmbH successfully revalidated the Audi plant in
been held at a stable level in recent years, despite
Ingolstadt according to the EU eco-management
increasing car production. Energy-saving measures
and audit scheme (EMAS) and certified it according
are already considered in the planning phase. That
Conservation of resources and climate
protection are key components of the
Audi corporate philosophy.
applies both for equipment and buildings in pro-
Recycling and water-saving processes (dry process-
duction and technical development, as well as for
ing in mechanical production, cascade rinsing in
infrastructure and the needs of logistics.
the paint shop etc.) reduce water consumption
AUDI AG has set itself the goal for 2020 of reducing the plant and company-related CO2 emissions
and the volume of wastewater.
per vehicle produced by 30 percent compared to
Ingolstadt plant. Pilot projects currently under-
1990. In order to achieve this goal, it will be nec-
way in the paint shop deal with the biological
essary to continue improving the energy efficiency
treatment of rinsing water and the recovery of
of our production facilities in a sustainable manner.
charge materials in the pre-treatment process.
Technical measures have already proven to be
Audi is also increasingly using rainwater at the
Both are intended to achieve a considerable
effective for many years. This includes, for example,
reduction in the quantity of waste to be disposed
the use of district heating, heat recovery systems
of, as well as the conservation of resources.
and the employment of a modern combined power,
Audi is working consistently on the systems,
heating and cooling plant on site. Organisational
structure and expansion of its environmental infor-
measures, with which we have continuously reduced
mation system. Increased process reliability and
the use of electricity, natural gas, water and com-
simplified monitoring are the primary objectives
pressed air, have also proven to be effective. But
in that context. In the year under review, new
we are not resting on our laurels. On the contrary,
computer-based systems were introduced for
we are still continuously improving our processes.
waste management and for the documentation
There are currently studies underway that are
of contaminated sites.
looking into the feasibility of new energy-saving
AUDI AG is committed to Bavaria’s environmen-
projects. These include, for example, expanding
tal pact, which in its third update bears the motto
the use of district heating and utilising ground-
“Environmentally Compatible Economic Growth”.
breaking renewable energy sources such as geo-
The exchange of information with supplier compa-
thermal energy.
nies has a special status in this context.
Following the conclusion of the first trading
Over and beyond these many and varied meas-
period, the second period (2008 to 2012) of CO2
emissions rights trading started in 2008. There
ures, Audi is committed to the environment at all
are two plants involved in emissions trading at the
hensive information policy. Efficiency at Audi was
Ingolstadt site: the east/west heating plant and
the theme of the P-TechDay, an information day
the combined power, heating and cooling plant.
for journalists in October 2008. On the occasion
The emissions certificates were applied for in good
of the Geneva Motor Show 2009, Audi presented
time and have already been issued. Thanks to the
“Dialogues – The Audi Environmental Magazine”,
prompt measures taken to increase energy effi-
the follow-up publication to the Environmental
ciency and for the specific prevention of emissions,
Report in 2005.
of its plants and facilities and pursues a compre-
as things stand at the moment no charges are to
be expected in the second trading period arising
I hope you find this environmental declaration to
from emissions trading for the site.
be an interesting and enlightening read.
Audi, of course, implements climate protection
measures, especially in the case of its cars. Fuel
consumption and harmful emissions are being
systematically reduced: by 2012, Audi will reduce
the CO2-emissions of its models by around 20
But at the production plant, an important role is
Peter Kössler
also played by the sustainable and responsible
Plant Management, Ingolstadt
use of other resources such as water, for example.
Environmental Management Representative
Responsibility spanning the generations –
100 years of Audi / 60 years of Audi Ingolstadt
The cars bearing the four rings are produced at seven plants around the world.
The Audi plant in Ingolstadt is the headquarters and the most important production facility.
Principle: Sustainable mobility.
In 1909, German engineer August Horch establishes the company in
Zwickau and calls it AUDI – after the Latin translation of his surname.
As a result of a merger with the manufacturers DKW, Wanderer and
Horch, Auto Union AG, based in Chemnitz, is created in the crisis
year of 1932. After the end of the Second World War, the company
is re-established in Bavaria in 1949.
To this day, the plant in Ingolstadt remains the Group’s most
important production facility: more than half of all Audi employees
are employed at this site. Over half a million vehicles are produced
in Ingolstadt every year, and large quantities of energy, water and
rawmaterials are used for this purpose. Sustainable action and
commercial success are indivisibly linked for Audi: the goal is to
harmonise individual mobility and driving pleasure with the needs of
future generations.
In Ingolstadt, Audi has committed itself to the goal of systematically
improving environmental protection at the site, over and beyond the
legal requirements. The Ingolstadt plant has already borne the seal of
approval of the European Union for outstanding environmental protection (EMAS II) since 1997, and is certified every year according to the
globally valid standard DIN EN ISO 14001.
“Audi”: Latin for “listen” (German: “Horch”)
The establishment and naming of the company goes back to the German mechanical
engineer August Horch (1868 – 1951).
Integrated Audi environmental management –
Transparency and efficiency
Research and development
Corporate social
Information and
Integrated product
Research and Development
Audi stands for innovation. The engineers contin-
The “closed-loop principle” at the Ingolstadt
uously improve mobility while taking the environ-
plant serves to reduce the pollution of the envi-
ment into consideration.
ronment to a minimum.
Information and Communication
Employees are regularly trained with regard to
Combining efficiency with sportiness:
environmental protection and energy efficiency.
Taking environmental aspects into consideration
Audi also engages in dialogue with universities,
is also intended to enable future generations to
local authorities, associations and the local popu-
enjoy individual mobility.
Corporate social responsibility
Integrated product policy
Thinking ahead and acting in a socially responsi-
Audi’s environmental concept covers the lifecycle
ble manner: In relation to employees, supplier
of a car and also includes suppliers: from the
companies and the public, Audi always acts in the
extraction of raw materials, through production
knowledge that it bears responsibility for sustain-
to the end-of-life disposal of the car.
able development spanning the generations.
Integrated Audi environmental management
The environmental policy of AUDI AG –
globally uniform standards
4. The environmental management of AUDI AG,
AUDI AG develops, produces, and sells cars world-
together with supplier companies, service pro-
wide. The goal is to guarantee individual mobility.
viders, trading partners and recycling companies,
It also bears responsibility for the continuous
ensures that the environmental compatibility of
improvement of the environmental compatibility
the cars and production plants is continuously
of the products and production facilities, as well
as for the environmentally compatible use of
natural resources.
5. The Executive Board of AUDI AG is responsible
The development status of advanced technologies
for adherence to the environmental policy as well
is taken into account for this purpose, from both
as the functionality of the environmental man-
ecological and economical viewpoints. AUDI AG
agement system. There are regular checks of the
makes these technologies available worldwide,
environmental policy with regard to its suitability
enabling their application throughout the entire
and fitness for purpose, and – insofar as neces-
process chain. At all of its locations, it is a partner
sary – updates.
for the community and the political establishment, thus contributing to positive social and
6. An open and clear dialogue with customers,
ecological development in a sustainable manner.
dealers and the public is a matter of course for
1. AUDI AG offers high-quality cars, which meet
Cooperation with politicians and local authorities
their customer’s expectations in terms of envi-
is on a basis of trust. It also includes emergency
ronmental compatibility, economy, safety, quality
precautions and emergency maintenance at the
and comfort in equal measure.
individual production sites.
2. Research and development are components of
7. All employees of AUDI AG are informed,
Audi’s environmental policy. AUDI AG develops
qualified and motivated in environmental
ecologically efficient processes and concepts for
protection as appropriate to their function,
its products, thus increasing their international
so that their sense of responsibility for the
environment is encouraged. They are committed
to these principles.
3. It is the declared goal of AUDI AG to foresee
and avoid any harmful effects on the environment
8. This environmental policy is binding for all
in all of its activities.
AUDI AG plants and is supplemented or substanti-
Compliance with environmental regulations is a
ated by the formulation of plant-related primary
matter of course.
areas of action.
Ingolstadt plant –
Audi relies on Germany as a location
for industry and business
The Ingolstadt plant has existed since 1949.
Development, Production and Logistics
Auto Union GmbH, the predecessor to AUDI
The plant premises house the production facil-
AG, set up its company headquarters here and
ity with the pressing shop, the body shop, the
assembly shop, component production and the
produced motorcycles, light vans and spare
paint shop. Technical Development is located in
parts. Today the Audi plant in Ingolstadt
the northwest. The Audi Museum, the Customer
houses not only the headquarters but also the
Center and the glass “Market and Customer”
building are arranged around the Audi Piazza.
largest and most important production facility
The latter houses workstations for more than
in the Audi Group. Around 32,000 employees
600 employees in the Sales, Marketing and Public
work on the 210 hectare premises – in research
Relations departments, as well as service facilities for customers and visitors, such as Audi
and development, production, logistics and
Bank direct, a travel agency, the Employee
administration. Audi produces the A3, A4 and
Vehicle Centre and Audi Personnel Service. The
Q5 model series, as well as components of the
Piazza associated with this forum offers space
for open-air events, while the Piazzetta with its
Audi TT Coupé in Ingolstadt. Numerous suppli-
pools and lawns, trees and shrubs, is the perfect
ers have set up plants in the area.
place to relax. The heating requirements of the
The company premises
and connection to a district heating system.
site are covered by two heating plants, one
combined power, heating and cooling plant,
Around 914,500 square metres of the company
Audi treats its wastewater in two decentralised
premises in Ingolstadt are covered by buildings.
wastewater plants. Other important facilities
In the south and southeast, the company premis-
include the buildings of the works fire brigade,
es are adjoined by a general residential area and
car washes, filling stations, a waste materials
to the north and east there is an industrial area.
facility and a recycling collection point. The
Along the southwest border of the Audi plant
site has its own rail connection and is adjacent
there is a general residential area. A stream flows
to the freight transport centre, which was estab-
through the company premises, in part above
lished in 1995 and where numerous suppliers
have set up shop.
Ecology Steering Committee, AUDI AG
Director: Peter Kössler / Management: Dr. Dagobert Achatz
Task force
Task force
Task force
Task force
Environmental audit
Audi plant, Ingolstadt
Organisation of Environmental Protection
Executive Board
Chairman of the Executive Board
Technical Development
Finance and Organisation
§52a BImSchG
Personnel and
Social Welfare
Plant Management, Ingolstadt:
Environmental Management Representative
A3 Production
Head of Plant Environmental Protection :
Environmental Protection Representative
A4 Production
Water Pollution
Data Register
Marketing and
*Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz [Federal Emission Protection Act]
The protection of the environment is a top
The Ecology Steering Committee
Bodies coordinate environmental protection on
Overall responsibility for environmental protec-
two levels within the company. The Environmental
tion lies with the Executive Board, which entrusts
Protection Coordination Group, headed by
the member of the Production division with the
the Director of Production, is comprised of the
execution of the environmental protection tasks.
respective environmental management represen­
The Director of Production is thus responsible
ta­tives of the Group companies Audi Ingolstadt,
for compliance with the environmental policy.
Audi Hungaria Motor Kft., Audi Brussels S.A. / N.V.
According to § 52a of the Federal Emission
and Automobili Lamborghini Holding S.p.A.
Protection Act he is also obligated, among
It deals with strategic environmental protection
other things, to monitor compliance with the
topics and commissions the environmental bodies
legal environmental provisions for systems
to develop proposals in that regard.
requiring approval. However, as he is entitled to
A key role is played at the level of AUDI AG by the
delegate these tasks, the Director of Production
Ecology Steering Committee, which implements
passes them on accordingly to the operators of
the instructions from the superior Environmental
environmentally relevant systems. The “Plant
Protection Coordination Group and works out
Environmental Protection” department is respon-
appropriate environmental protection strategies.
sible for company and plant-related environmental
It has the task of enhancing employees’ eco-
protection. The head of the “Plant Environmental
logical awareness and of employing task forces
Protection” department in Ingolstadt also con-
made up of members of different departments
ducts the coordination between plants on Plant
and from different plants to develop and
Environmental Protection topics at AUDI AG. For
implement environmental protection topics.
each location the Executive Board nominates the
As necessary, several task forces on topics
Head of Plant Environmental Protection as the
such as Sustainability, Environmental Audit,
Plant Environmental Protection Representative
Environmental Management and Integrated
and assigns him the task of ensuring that each
Product Policy are subordinated to the Ecology
plant satisfies the legal provisions. In addition to
Steering Committee. They develop programmes
this, all plants each have their own environmental
for environmental protection measures, gener-
management representative, who is responsible
ate a communication concept, make proposals
for the successful implementation of the envi-
for strategic environmental protection topics
ronmental management system. In Ingolstadt
and present them to the Ecology Steering
this role is assumed by the Plant Manager.
Research and Development – Innovations
as a contribution to environmental protection
Audi is a company that stands for innovation.
Lighter and safer
In that respect, the employees who work in
Intelligent lightweight construction means
Technical Development, Planning and Produc-
greater safety and lower fuel consumption
– groundbreaking solutions are developed in
tion in Ingolstadt assume a key role. Prevent-
ing environmental pollution by means of
In what is known as lightweight construction
foresight is considered to be the number-one
quality, the relationship between weight,
torsional rigidity and size, Audi is making a
principle at Audi.
decisive impression on modern body manufac-
When developing new models, the engineers
turing. Form-hardened steel makes the body
rely on efficient technology, environmentally
extremely impact-resistant and saves almost
a third in weight compared to conventional
compatible materials and lightweight con-
components. On the road that means lower
fuel consumption.
LED technology reduces levels of CO 2
Efficient, reliable, striking – Audi was the first car
Neustadt Test Site
manufacturerto recognise the potential of the
Danube, Audi engineers test their latest
revolutionary LED lighting technology and
developments for performance, fuel consumption,
incorporate it into vehicle development.
wear and noise emissions. In the adjoining
Audi holds a technological lead of several years
corrosion protection centre, vehicles are subjected
and is driving development forward. LEDs reduce
to accelerated aging processes. Audi naturally
fuel consumption. Classic dipped headlights, tail
compensates for the sealed surfaces: half a
lights and number plate lights demand continu-
million trees and shrubs have been planted
ous power from the alternator. LED technology,
around the facilities. Flora and fauna find new
on the other hand, gets by on less than 10% of
habitats, including various native species of
this power output.
animals and plants that are threatened with
In effect that means considerably less CO2emission per kilometre. And additional safety
extinction. An expert report provides evidence
too: visibility to other road users is considerably
has been created on the area formerly used for
enhanced by means of LED lighting technology.
intensive farming.
Research and development
On an extensive test site in Neustadt on the
of the success of the measures taken. A biotope
Research: Aerodynamics
and LEDs reduce fuel consumption
The climatic wind tunnel at the Audi plant in Ingolstadt provides findings for the development of fuel-efficient cooling systems.
Wind Tunnel Centre
Pre-Series Centre
The Ingolstadt plant has a modern wind tunnel
The new building for the Audi Pre-Series Centre
centre with three test rigs. The heart of the
(“Vorserien-Center” – VSC) was completed in 2008
10,000 square metre area is a fan, which
at the Ingolstadt plant. The interests of Technical
delivers the air into the measurement zone
Development and Production are combined in
through a six square-metre duct. As the first
one area of responsibility in the VSC. This form of
facility of this type, it is possible to generate
organisation ensures that product characteristics
speeds of up to 300 km/h in the Audi climatic
and production techniques are sorted out early in
wind tunnel in Ingolstadt. In addition to heat
the development phase. For example, in what is
and cold, it is also possible to simulate sunlight
known as the “Cave” it is possible to guarantee
with up to 1,200 watts per square metre, as
the buildability of the prototypes in virtual terms
well as rain. It is even possible to create snow.
in the initial concept phase of a product, and
It is thus possible to carry out trials on the
systematically simulate construction of the car
cooling performance of the oil and water circuits,
long before the initial hardware is created. In
the engine or the interior at extremely high or
this way it is possible to detect and remedy any
low temperatures.
problems at an early stage, and the sequence of
With the climatic wind tunnel a tool has been
actions in production can be configured even more
created that will make a sustainable contribution
to the reduction of CO2 emissions. As a result of
efficiently, for example in terms of energy saving
the findings made on the test rigs, it will be pos-
houses office space, workshops for car production
sible to develop improved and more fuel-efficient
and commissioning, as well as testing facilities
cooling systems for cars.
and a logistics area.
or the avoidance of waste. The five-storey building
Information und communication –
Knowledge is crucial to success
Information and communication
Regular training of employees with
regard to environmental protection and
energy efficiency.
Multipliers in environmental protection
tion prevention, environmental law and environ-
Expertise and commitment on the part of
mental management. There is a training day once
Audi employees are crucial to the success of
a year on a particular environmental topic for
environmental management. The environmen-
each of the occupational groups.
tal protection method module is an important
component of the Audi production system. Here
Guided tours of the plant
environmental protection is actively encouraged
Tours of the plant are regularly organised on
by promoting awareness of those topics that
the topic of “The ecological side of production”.
employees can locally influence themselves.
These focus on providing information about
Plant environmental protection representatives,
modern environmental protection measures, and
especially trained by the environment department,
in particular about emissions protection. The
impart necessary knowledge to their colleagues,
basic principles of combined power, heating and
instruct them in environmentally compatible
cooling plants, water cycles and the elaborate
behaviour and inform them about the latest
technology of industrial wastewater treatment in
developments. In order to be able to optimally
the Ingolstadt plant are explained in detail.
carry out their roles, the environmental representatives attend further training events several
Cooperation with Universities and Research
times a year, organised by the Environmental
Protection department. These cover current
Audi has cooperated in projects with several uni-
events such as changes in environmental legis-
versities and research institutes in recent years. A
lation or construction activities, but also more
elevated topics such as CO2 emissions trading. In
strategic partnership exists with the University for
order to identify energy saving potential, a “team
area of “Production and Automation Technology”
of energy delegates” examines possible ways of
was created at the Institute for Applied Research
using energy even more efficiently, together with
with the support of AUDI AG. Projects from the
the local workforce. Prospective production team
topic areas of mobile robotics, body manufac-
leaders receive detailed information about plant
turing, automation technology, resistance spot
environmental protection at Audi in the course of
welding, paint mixing processes and logistics are
their internal further training. Furthermore, Audi
brought together here.
Applied Sciences FH Ingolstadt: The competency
makes its environmental protection transparent
by means of numerous publications, for example In one study, Audi specialists have already inves-
in the annual environmental declarations and in
tigated how butyl glycol/water mixtures from the
the Audi environmental magazine.
paint shops can be recycled in alternative ways
in order to reduce non-recyclable waste. Further
The topic of the environment in vocational
environmental lifecycle assessments in the context
of vehicle exterior corrosion protection have been
Audi offers apprenticeships in 20 occupations.
produced by Audi in collaboration with the Bavar-
Environmental protection is regularly featured on
ian Institute for Applied Environmental Research
the timetable: The teaching covers topics such as
and Technology [Bayerischer Institut für Ange-
heat recovery, water pollution prevention, emis-
wandte Umweltforschung und –technik GmbH].
sions protection, waste prevention, noise pollu-
Integrated product policy – Environmental
awareness throughout the value–added chain
Environmental protection covers the entire
Throughout the value-added chain
lifecycle of the car at Audi. From the extraction
Key elements of the Integrated Product Policy
and preparation of raw materials through
are cooperation and communication between the
players throughout the value-added chain. On
manufacturing, transport, marketing and usage
the one hand, each of the suppliers that have
to end-of-life disposal, all of the phases are
a direct or indirect influence on the product
optimised from an ecological point of view.
characteristics must exercise its design options.
At the same time, the suppliers must be aware
This principle is called Integrated Product Policy
of the consequences of their actions with regard
(IPP) and stands as a synonym for the environ-
to other phases in the product lifecycle. In
mentally compatible development of processes
this way, sustainability is created in the supply
and products.
Integrated approach
Simultaneous engineering
Audi views the production cycle as an integrated
At Audi, environmental protection starts where
process: from the extraction of raw materials
the greatest effect can be achieved: in product
through manufacturing, sales and usage right up
design and development. Audi employs simultane-
to waste disposal. In order to reduce the environ-
ous engineering from the initial planning phase
mental pollution produced by a car, it is necessary
onwards. This takes the form of the parallel
to take into account the environmental effects at
processing of tasks in technical development.
every stage in its production and usage. Integrat-
All those involved in the creation of a vehicle,
ed product policy includes protection of the
including the suppliers, strive to integrate environ-
environmental media of ground, water and air, as
mentally relevant aspects into all processes. One
well as global resources. Production paths are
such measure, for example, means that subsequent
viewed in their context in order to prevent the
recycling and ease of repairare already taken into
mere displacement of pollution.
account in the selection of materials. All of the
production phases are also optimised from an
ecological point of view by means of simultaneous
Integrated Product Policy
Environmental protection covers the
entire lifecycle of the car at Audi.
Audi environmental standards
Dual-Victory Strategy
In the context of its integrated approach to
The integrated consideration of the entire
vehicle and component manufacturing, usage,
product lifecycle opens up new ecological
maintenance, repair and end-of-life vehicle
potential, both in product-related environmental
disposal, Audi communicates clear requirements
protection and in the design of processes.
to the supplier industry. In their development
Integrated product policy is a concrete problem-
activities, all production partners focus on the
solving approach at Audi Ingolstadt. In doing so,
avoidance of harmful substances, the conserva-
Audi aims not only for ecological improvements
tion of resources and the recycling of materials.
but also for sustainable concepts that deal with
Audi must be notified of all environmentally
economic as well as social aspects. Consideration
relevant components by type and quantity, as
of the entire lifecycle in the development phase
well as any treatment and disposal information.
of the car enables product design to take into
All Audi production partners can verify current
account environmental aspects, with technical
specifications with an online database via an
innova­tions. Less energy and materials are
electronic supplier link. In the system they will
needed. Recycling and disposal are simpler and
find a list of all the directives and standards that
less polluting. Occasionally it also has a positive
Audi demands in its “Specifications for Environ-
effect on production costs. At any rate, there is a
mental and Human Compatibility” [Lastenheft
bonus in terms of resource and climate protection
Umwelt- und Humanverträglichkeit] and its
as a consequence. A win-win situation for everyone!
“Group Environmental Standard, Vehicles”
[Konzern-Umweltnorm Fahrzeug]. A further,
similarly Internet-based database provides
details relating to material description, which
Audi has produced in collaboration with the
other car manufacturers and with the support of
the VDA, the German Association of the Automotive Industry. With this “International Material
Data System” (IMDS), the partners in the supply
chain communicate the material content of their
products to each of their customers. Finally this
information arrives at the end of the chain, in
the Ingolstadt plant. Audi then checks whether
the material content corresponds with their own
specifications and with the legal requirements.
Suppliers must specify all environmentally relevant
components by type and quantity.
Efficiency can be experienced – ecological
awareness in automotive construction
Audi consumes energy, water and raw materials
them pressed into shape in a cooled die. Among
in vehicle production. Waste materials, waste-
other things, the advantage lies in the fuel saving
water and emissions are created in the process.
achieved as a result of the lower weight of the
vehicle. At Audi, several procedures are rendered
Both – be it input or output – are reduced to the
unnecessary in one stroke, as the high-strength
absolute necessary minimum by the Ingolstadt
sheet metal components can replace the other-
plant. The “closed loop principle” has a
wise usual sheet metal structures nested inside
one another.
particularly positive effect: resources such as
water or wax are reused several times in the
production process. It is a primary principle at
Use of drawing compounds and hydraulic oils
In the pressing shop, oils are used for the presses
and for sheet metal forming. The changeover from
Audi to foresee and prevent environmental
hydraulic to mechanical press drive systems means
that it is possible to reduce the consumption of
hydraulic oils and electrical energy. The basic oiling
of the metal performed by the sheet metal manu-
Pressing shop
facturer makes the addition of drawing compound
The pressing shop in Ingolstadt produces sheet
virtually superfluous. As a result of the delivery
metal components for the bodies of the A3,
quality, it is possible to dispense with the otherwise
A4, A5, Q5, Q7 and TT models. An average of
normal washing procedures before forming.
1,700 tonnes of sheet steel and aluminium are
processed there every day. Rolls of sheet metal
Recycling of residual metals
weighing up to 30 tonnes each are cut into blanks
There is a recycling loop for unneeded sheet metal:
and pressed into the required shape. The mate-
during the manufacturing process, offcuts fall
rial that is not needed is cut off in the process
through chutes onto a conveyer belt in the press
and completely recycled. After the finished sheet
shop cellar. The residual metal is conveyed to
metal components have been stacked in special
a packing press, which compresses every 300 kg
containers, the body shop can access them.
of loose sheet metal offcuts into a compact
Ingolstadt has what is currently one of the most
cube. These cubes are returned by rail to the
modern presses for large body components. As a
manufacturer and are melted down again there.
result of its power – total pressing force of 7,700
To the extent possible, the metal offcuts accu­
tonnes at a maximum speed of 16 strokes per
mulated in the pressing shop are used for
minute – it replaces three hydraulic pressing
the manufacturing of small components.
lines of an older design. The use of high-strength
The compact cube form guarantees a minimum
materials in the vehicle body required an entirely
transportation volume. At the same time, experts
new production process at Audi. In two hot
minimise the amount of sheet metal waste in the
forming lines the initial blanks are heated and
product planning phase.
Innovative lightweight construction
reduces fuel consumption.
Shocks and vibrations
Paint shop
Every meeting of the two halves of the die,
Painting is the part of the process with the great-
weighing up to 22 tonnes, causes noise and
est environmental relevance. Solvent emissions
vibrations. The shocks and vibrations from up to
have been drastically reduced since the changeover
500,000 strokes a day are virtually eliminated by
to water-based paints. All of the paints used in
positioning the presses not directly onto the
Ingolstadt are lead-free. The degree of automation
concrete foundation but onto coil springs, which
is continually being developed in order to minimise
absorb the vibrations to a large extent.
spray losses when painting. This includes such
processes as electrostatic application. Flushing
Body shop
systems in the spray booths reduce the release
Robots weld together individual components of
of paint particles. The extracted air from the filler
steel and aluminium into subassemblies to create
and clear lacquer dryers is taken to a thermal
a vehicle skeleton. Various jointing techniques are
post-combustion unit and the resulting heat is
used. Innovative spot-welding, laser-welding and
used again to heat the dryer. Closed water loops
adhesive techniques reduce the consumption of
ensure a significant reduction in water consump-
operating materials. The cleaner the welding
tion in the painting process.
electrodes of the robots, the lower the energy
consumption. For that reason the electrodes are
cleaned regularly. After the body has been
The surface of the body must be pre-treated at
assembled up to the passenger compartment, the
the start of the painting process. Phosphatising
doors, bonnets, boots and tailgates are fitted. The
baths protect against corrosion and result in
types of pollution caused in the body shop include
better adhesion of the paint.
non-hardened adhesives, emissions of dust and
This process generates rinsing water, which is pol-
harmful substances resulting from grinding and
luted with nickel, manganese, zinc and zirconium.
welding procedures, as well as noise from produc-
Using a split flow treatment method, it is possible
tion equipment and ventilation systems. High
to precipitate out a high proportion of these heavy
levels of efficiency and improved spot weld quality
metals. As a result of this process, the legal limits
are achieved as a result of the changeover from
for discharge into the sewer system are met by a
pneumatic welding tongs to electrically operated
large margin.
welding tongs. At the same time, another positive
effect is the reduction in energy consumption, and
hence in CO2 emissions.
Water: Audi has reduced the specific
wastewater volume by 67 % in 20 years.
Ecology equates to economy – Audi recycles 95 %
of residual materials
Sustainable production includes the efficient
use of resources and taking into account the
A modern, environmentally conscious logistics
interests of employees. The logistics chain at
system is characterised by short information and
transportation paths. Systems and modules are
Audi is efficiently planned and hence sparing in
assembled outside the factory gates and are de-
the use of resources – from the transportation of
livered to the assembly line precisely in sequence.
parts to the Ingolstadt plant up to the delivery
This concept is also based on the freight transport centre at the Ingolstadt plant of AUDI AG. In
of finished cars by rail. The use of energy is also
five assembly centres, module suppliers produce
efficient: The plant’s own power station supplies
their subassemblies “just in time” and use their
parts of the plant with power, heat and cooling.
own staff and means of transport to deliver them
to the assembly lines of their own accord.
Component production
Vehicle assembly
In the Component Production department at the
The vehicles are assembled on three multi-storey
Ingolstadt plant, around 900 employees proc-
assembly lines. The individual parts assembled
ess engine components and running gear parts,
into subassemblies are transported by means of
prepare assemblies, mount and balance wheels.
conveyor systems to the assembly lines. There the
They use around 300 production systems for this
vehicles – attached to sleds or to suspension con-
veyors – are moved along the line. The mounts are
The most important production processes are
adjustable in height and can be adapted to suit
turning, drilling, milling, grinding, honing,
each of the employees involved. All components
hardening, roller burnishing and laser notching.
are delivered in reusable packaging or recyclable
In this way, various unprocessed parts are turned
non-reusable packaging. In the final production
into engine components, such as engine blocks,
stage the engine, gearbox and vehicle electrics
connecting rods, cylinder heads and camshafts.
are installed in the body. Then it is time for the
The disposal of waste, including used oil, cooling
fuel tank and the pre-assembled drive train, the
lubricant emulsions and filter elements, is strictly
exhaust system, bumpers, wheels and seats. One
monitored and the accumulating metal shavings
special feature in terms of ergonomics is the
are collected as recyclable materials. Consump-
design of the floor: all of the walkways are made
tion has been reduced by means of systematic
of vibration-absorbing material. The vehicles are
tracking of oil and cooling lubricant consump-
filled with fuel before they come off the produc-
tion, e. g. by extending the service life of cooling
tion line and the escaping fuel fumes are immedi-
ately extracted.
Audi relies on dry processing wherever possible,
a process that manages without cooling lubricant.
Production: Audi Ingolstadt relies
on recycling management
Ingolstadt Cooperative Heating Network
ance at the Ingolstadt plant. Heating oil plays a
There are some major waste heat producers in
subordinate role. Heat requirements are covered
Ingolstadt, in the form of refineries. Major heat
by means of a district heating connection to the
consumers include AUDI AG and the Ingolstadt
municipal waste incineration facility in Ingolstadt,
city utilities department. In the context of the
as well as two heating plants running predomi-
“Ingolstadt Cooperative Heating Study” funded by
nantly on natural gas, and a combined power,
the Bavarian environment ministry, Audi has col-
heating and cooling plant.
laborated intensively in recent years on concepts
for various versions of a cooperative joint network
Waste balance sheet
of waste heat producers and waste heat users in
Almost no non-recyclable waste is now accumu-
the Ingolstadt region.
lated at the Ingolstadt plant: around 95 percent
of waste is recycled. Individual materials such as
Alternative energies
scrap steel are virtually entirely reused in the
Potential studies are considering the feasibility of
context of a recycling management system. In
further energy-saving projects. These include
March of 2006 a highly efficient emulsion
topics such as the aforementioned “expansion of
vaporisation system was installed at the Ingol-
the use of district heating” or the “use of ground-
stadt plant for the physical treatment of the
breaking renewable energy sources”, such as
emulsions and washing water accumulated at
geothermal energy. For example, Audi produced a
the plant. In this way the company reduces the
study on the use of groundwater for cooling
transport costs for the disposal of emulsions by
purposes. The study shows that there can be
about 70 percent.
sustainable extraction of water from the quaternary groundwater aquifer. As a result, it would be
End-of-life vehicle recycling
possible to achieve a cooling output of 880 kW
As a result of the high proportion of recyclable
with a temperature spread of 6 degrees Kelvin.
materials, old cars are a significant secondary
source of raw materials. All of the vehicles
Energy supply
developed by Audi can be up to 95 percent
The savings measures of recent years, such as
recycled. As a manufacturer, Audi satisfies the
more energy-efficient installations and energy-
directive about the recovery of end-of-life vehicles
optimised plant operating procedures are having
in Germany for all of its models. Functional
a visible effect:
electrical units such as starters and alternators
The energy consumption per vehicle produced is
are reconditioned at the Ingolstadt plant. Audi
falling, even in the case of the primary consumers
customers can decide for themselves in the event
in the paint shop and in the body shop. Heat
of a repair whether their car is to receive a new
recovery systems, such as rotating heat exchang-
component or an equally functional reconditioned
ers, are also improving environmental perform-
Intelligent, groundbreaking solutions – Vorsprung
durch Technik
For decades Audi has been building highly efficient internal combustion engines, which are being continuously improved. That applies
not only to the TDI diesel engines, which with the ultra-low emission
system already beat the strictest pollution limits announced in Europe
and the USA, but also to the current TFSI petrol engines. But the
engine is only half the story when it comes to fuel consumption.
For that reason, Audi examines every single vehicle component for
its fuel-saving potential.
Assistance systems
Intelligent technical details enable a more efficient use of fuel. Gearshift displays in the driver’s line of vision show in which gear the least
emissions will be released, depending on the current engine load and
engine speed. Another innovative approach is the recommendation of
the route that promises the lowest fuel consumption. The fuel consumption factor is added to the computational logic of the navigation
system for that purpose.
Recuperation system
A recuperation system recovers energy during braking and coasting,
and stores it temporarily in a battery. When a conventional vehicle
slows down, part of its kinetic energy is converted into heat by the
It is thus released into the environment unused, as a loss.
Audi’s recuperation system converts the kinetic energy into usable
electrical energy.
Start-stop system
Start-stop functions have a similarly positive effect on energy management. They avoid the inefficient idling phases when the vehicle is
stationary. The internal combustion engine is switched of after the
vehicle has stopped. The energy requirements of the electrical system
are covered by a battery.
Sophisticated exhaust emission cleaning
already beats future limits.
Modular Efficiency Platform
The start-stop system and recuperation are only two of the technology
modules that Audi combines under the term “Modular Efficiency
Platform”. This platform includes many other innovations – even more
efficient engines, an even wider range of high-tech gearboxes as well
as new mechanical and hydraulic ancillary units such as power assisted
steering pumps and alternators with low energy consumption.
TDI evolution: Audi develops efficient
diesel technology
Corporate social responsibility – Harmony between
ecology, economy and social responsibility
Corporate social responsibility
Basic principle: responsible action.
Bavarian Environmental Pact III
Enhancing the quality of life
The work of the Bavarian Environmental Pact
Audi makes an active contribution to enhancing
consists in the commitment of the partners to
the attractiveness and quality of life of the Ingol-
the conservation of resources and to the applica-
stadt location. This involves such fundamental
tion of eco-friendly technologies with the goal of
things as secure jobs and employee profit-sharing.
achieving environmentally compatible economic
Audi is intensively involved in the immediate,
growth. For that purpose there are topic-specific
regional area surrounding its plant in Ingolstadt.
working forums, which formulate targets and
This is also demonstrated by the establishment
issue recommendations for their implementation
of an association for the development of the
with the help of external experts. As a member
Ingolstadt region, together with the city,
of the Bavarian Environmental Pact III, Audi is administrative districts and other companies.
involved in such things as the IPP working forum.
Its objectives include a high level of innovation in
Audi has devoted itself to Integrated Product
research and development in the region, as well as
Policy (IPP) for many years now, and as a result
enhancement of the attractiveness of the region
has achieved considerable reductions in environ-
for visitors, future residents and employers.
mental pollution. A training concept for Bavarian
companies was commissioned in the IPP working
Oak forest project
forum and has already been tested in the context
In collaboration with the Bavarian State Forests
of a workshop with the collaboration of Audi. The
and the Chair of Forestry at the Technical Univer-
training concept is primarily aimed at smaller and
sity of Munich, Audi launched the “Oak Forest
medium-sized companies in the supply industry,
Carbon Storage” project in 2008. This cooperative
which still have development possibilities with
venture started with the reforestation of a
regard to IPP. In this way Audi contributes to
wooded area in the Kösching Forest to the
making the experiences gained in the area of IPP
northeast of Ingolstadt. Massive damage had
accessible to smaller and medium-sized compa-
been caused by bark beetles, drought and the
nies too.
winter storm “Kyrill” in early 2007. Where pine
trees used to stand, stable, ecologically high-
Creating attractive working conditions
quality deciduous woodland is now growing:
Motivated and committed employees secure the
36,000 oaks have been planted. Oaks are among
success of the company. Employee identification
the types of trees that can store a very large
with the brand is very high at Audi. In the Uni-
quantity of carbon in their fully-grown state.
versum “Ideal Employer” ranking, the Ingolstadt
They also create a very diverse habitat for all
car company has repeatedly been voted into first
sorts of animal and plant species. The area has
place by engineering graduates. Audi is also in the
been established according to a special scientific
top five among economics and business students.
experimental design in order to investigate
When choosing an employer, a good working
the most favourable planting density with
atmosphere plays a key role, but so do factors
regard to carbon storage and biological
such as fascinating products, market success,
diversity. The project is particularly suitable
interesting work, as well as secure employment
for research into the reciprocity of climate
and personal development possibilities.
change and biodiversity.
Data and facts
28 Environmental management system
29 Environmental performance assessment
30 Data and facts about environmental protection
31 Energy and water
32 Wastewater
34 Waste
36 Emissions
37 Noise
38 Contaminated Sites
39 Environmentally relevant systems
40 Environmental programme – Implementation status 2009
The environmental management system –
continuous improvement
The Ingolstadt plant was examined according to EMAS
II in 2008, and at the same time certified according to
ISO 14001. Furthermore, the Updated Environmental
BUWAL Evaluation 2008
in %
Declaration 2008 was audited and confirmed by the
inspectors of DEKRA Certification GmbH.
The high level of performance of the Audi environmental management system is maintained by such factors
as the regularly conducted internal environmental
Solvent emissions
checks and management audits. These repeatedly
reveal potential improvements to production systems
and processes. The certain compliance with legal provisions and Audi standards is of primary importance in
Energy use
this context.
The environmental management representative is
regularly informed about the essential results of the
internal checks and the trends displayed by the figures,
data and facts in environmental protection. Once a
The Group project “Sustainability in the Supply Chain”
year, in the management review, there is an assess-
was continued in 2008 for Audi suppliers. The aim of
ment of the system by top management. The results of
the project is to ensure that suppliers throughout the
the system assessment form a key basis for the deriva-
entire supply chain comply with prescribed environ-
tion of the environmental targets in the next cycle.
mental standards. Only a small number of suppliers
In management audits and technical environmental
are not yet involved in all components of the project.
checks in 2008, the structures existing at Audi for
Further integration will be carried out in 2009.
the consideration of direct and indirect environmen-
Audi engages in an open dialogue on the topic of
tal aspects were increasingly sampled and examined.
environmental protection. The public and interested
Apart from a few recommendations made with regard
groups such as customers, neighbours, and non-gov-
to further improvements, on the whole the evidence
ernmental organisations (NGOs) are included in
was that the environmental management system at
communication in the context of the environmental
the Ingolstadt plant is appropriate for the continu-
management system. Furthermore, Audi is committed
ing improvement of environmental performance at
to the environment at all of its plants and facilities and
the plant and for achieving the defined environmental
pursues a comprehensive information policy. Efficiency
at Audi was the theme of the P-TechDay, an informa-
There were major changes to the Audi Production
tion day for journalists in October 2008. On the
System (APS) in 2007 and 2008, adapting to the new
occasion of the Geneva Motor Show 2009, Audi
processes within AUDI AG. As the basis for the added
presented “Dialogues – The Audi Environmental
value-oriented, synchronous undertaking, the APS is a
Magazine”, the follow-up publication to the Environ-
key component of the Audi production strategy. The
mental Report in 2005. In a film made in 2008, the
environmental protection method module is still a
viewer is given a tour of the plant, with insights into
component of the APS. The further development of
the production process and the associated environmen-
this method module – which is an integral component
tal protection measures. In the next few years, Audi
of the environmental management system – has been
will be even more committed to the further develop-
intensively supported by the environmental depart-
ment of eco-friendly production processes and tech-
ment. There were some events relating to the introduc-
nologies. The early integration of environmental
tion of the new APS in 2008, in order to inform
protection aspects into all environmentally related
management and the first level of plant management
planning processes is guaranteed by the environmental
about some innovations.
management system.
Environmental performance assessment
3rd priority
in the definition of environmental targets
high (A)
medium (B)
2nd priority
in the definition of environmental targets
Energy consumption
Waste Noise Wastewater
4th priority
in the definition of environmental targets
Water usage
EMS [Environmental
Management System]
at suppliers
low (C)
Top priority
in the definition of environmental targets
Environmental relevance
Environmental relevance portfolio 2008
low (1-3)
medium (4-6)
high (7-9)
Useable improvement potential
Audi has been using an environmental performance
possible to compare the calculations from 2007 and
assessment process according to the methodology of
2008. Even so, the percentage-based evaluation
the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Forestry
demonstrates that the essential environmental effects
and Agriculture (BUWAL) since 2003, in order to record
at the plant can be attributed to energy consumption,
the environmental effects resulting from the activities
as well as solvent emissions and traffic or noise (see
at the plant. This process has been adapted to the cir-
chart). The above illustration shows the overall
cumstances at the Ingolstadt plant by the application
assessment of the environmental aspects. It includes
of appropriate ecological factors.
both the aspects already recorded by the BUWAL, as
The scientific system according to BUWAL is based on
well as additional environmental aspects that have
the aspect of the ecological shortage of a resource,
previously been investigated and assessed separately,
calculated from the current and critical flow. In
such as surface sealing and ground contamination.
succession, an eco-factor is calculated, which is
Assessment criteria and assessment factors have been
multiplied by the emissions or the consumption of a
defined for the corresponding environmental aspects.
resource. This produces environmental pollution
This comprehensible and transparent assessment
points, which are used for absolute and percentage-
provides a benchmark for environmental relevance.
based evaluations of the environmental effects. The
This is plotted in an environmental relevance portfolio
system was fundamentally revised in 2008. This
against possible improvement potential. The classifica-
revision included updating the eco-factors and adjust-
tion of this improvement potential relates to a
ing the conversion factors. Furthermore, the calcula-
representative survey initiated by the environmental
tion was adapted to the spectrum of the currently
protection department (verbal-argumentative evalua-
detected and calculated substances (e. g. high-priority
tion). The environmental relevance ‑portfolio shows,
substances in the wastewater) at the plant. The data
for example, that topics such as water usage, surface
situation in the context of the indirect environmental
sealing and ground contamination according to a
effects in the field of employee and supplier traffic has
defined assessment system are not to be neglected in
improved significantly as a result of a study commis-
the consideration of the environmental effects of the
sioned in 2008. A traffic count at traffic intersections
company. A continuation of the environmental per-
on the site and in the immediate vicinity enabled
formance assessment and the environmental relevance
updated and representative data to be included in the
portfolio will help to ensure that the environmental
BUWAL calculation. As a result of the changes in the
performance of the company is presented in a trans-
environmental performance assessment, it is not
parent manner and continuously improved.
Significant changes compared to 2007 –
Data and facts relating to environmental protection
The input-output balance sheet provides information
Furthermore, products and manufacturing depth differ
about the incoming and outgoing material and energy
between the individual plants and also within the
flows at the Ingolstadt plant in 2008, as well as about
industry. So it is only possible to make a qualified direct
the changes in them compared to previous years.
comparison of input/output data. For this reason, Audi
Products that have been delivered from the Ingolstadt
Ingolstadt usually presents its environmentally relevant
plant to other Audi plants are also included.
material and energy flows in absolute quantities.
Raw materials
Iron and steel
Process agents and additives
Paints and fillers
Bonding agents and pigment paste
Antifreeze agents
Metal processing fluid
Oxygen and nitrogen
Surface and cavity sealing agents***
Semi-finished and finished goods
Gearboxes Engines
Well and rainwater
Drinking water
Natural gas
Heating oil
District heating
Delta %*
7,775 t
420 3,760
304 16,604
466 3,026
10,116 **
22,196,304 4,795 t
m3 l
566 2.45
* applies to 2007/2008 ** Recalculation: The figures for 2006 and 2007 have been adjusted as a result of an incorrect calculation basis.
*** Wax and PVC usage at the plant, incl. underseal
Delta %*
Cars, Ingolstadt
In cooperation with Györ
Waste for recycling
Hazardous waste
Other waste
Waste for disposal
Hazardous waste
Other waste
21,932 9,537
12,395 7,024
6,476 548
Extracted air
143,359 CO2**
Organic solvents
787 820 t
* applies to 2007/2008 ** CO2 emissions released directly at the plant
Eco-friendly district heating
the switching off of ventilation systems on weekends
Higher production figures, continuous enlargement
and energy-optimised­plant operating procedures –
of the built-up area at the site and meteorological
electricity consumption rose again in 2008 as a result
influences led to higher energy consumption in 2008,
of increased production numbers.
compared to 2007.
At around 1,306 gigawatt hours (GWh), total energy
More widespread use of rainwater
consumption was approximately 1.6 percent up on the
In the period under review, water consumption rose at
figure for the previous year. The primary consumers in
the Ingolstadt plant as a result of the continuing
the plant include the paint shop and the body shop.
increase in production numbers. The increased usage of
Audi covers the heat requirements at its Ingolstadt
rainwater at the plant contributes to the conservation
plant by means of the district heating connection, in
of the natural water reserves. Rainwater is collected in
existence since 2004, to the municipal waste incinera-
underground cisterns for this purpose, from an area of
tion facility in Ingolstadt, as well as by means of two
almost 450,000 square metres. With the completion
natural gas-powered heating plants and one combined
of an additional rainwater reservoir with a capacity of
power, heating and cooling plant. Despite increases
2,900 cubic metres in 2006, there are now a total of
in production, natural gas consumption at the plant
five rainwater reservoirs available with a total capacity
in 2008 was held practically at the level of the previ-
of over 14,000 cubic metres. The volume of rainwater
ous year. This virtually constant level of natural gas
used in 2008 at the Ingolstadt plant amounted to
consumption compared to the previous year is mainly
211,495 cubic metres. As a result of construction work
attributable to a significant increase in the use of
on the pipe system, the previous record of 2007 was
district heating. The use of district heating energy is
not quite matched. For every cubic metre of wastewa-
directly dependent on the quantity that can be made
ter that is discharged into the sewer system, AUDI AG
available to Audi by the Ingolstadt city utilities depart-
has to pay a wastewater fee. As considerable quantities
ment. As a result of an even larger quantity supplied
of the water used during production either evaporate,
in 2008, the proportion of eco-friendly district heating
are disposed of externally or are passed onto the
was increased yet again compared to previous years.
product, Audi ensures that the actual water flows in
Heating oil now only plays a subordinate role as a fuel
the company are transparently detected and metered.
at Audi. It is used exclusively as a standby reserve in
The table shows the quantities of water demonstrably
two boiler installations. Despite a large number of sav-
not discharged into the sewer system in 2006, 2007
ings measures – such as more energy-efficient systems,
and 2008.
Energy consumption
Comparison of the non-discharged water volumes
in GWh
in m3
2007 2008
Cooling towers 278,673 246,336
Paint shop and sludge from
wastewater treatment
258,412 255,329
Oil/water mixtures
disposed of externally
1,408 391
Passed on to the product 4,162 4,094
542,655 506,150
Heaing oil
2006 01
District heating
Natural gas
The 72 percent drop in oil/water mixtures disposed of
externally in 2007 is explained by the fact that used
emulsions and washing water can now be separated
Total wastewater volume
in millions of m 3
immediately at the plant thanks to the commissioning
of a new emulsion vaporisation plant on the plant site
in 2006. The most obvious fluctuations can be seen in
the evaporation volumes of the cooling towers. In this
case the varying weather conditions in the individual
years play a crucial role.
Regular wastewater analyses
With the rise in water consumption, the volume of
wastewater from the central wastewater treatment
plant “Neutralisation 1” has also increased. This
wastewater is analysed every day in order to check
compliance with the prescribed limits. Thanks to a
reliable and effective cleaning process, the limits for
harmful substances are met by a large margin, as is
confirmed by the results of the investigations.
Wastewater volume per vehicle
in m 3(with TT Coupé/Roadster)
Wastewater that might possibly contain oil residues is
passed by Audi through what are known as oil separa-
tors (volatile liquid separators). These separate 2,0
grease, oil and petroleum from the watery phase, so
that they can be disposed of separately. In coopera-
tion with an external engineering firm, Audi recorded
all of its installations again in 2005 and made an
inventory of them in an EDP system. The installations
were also all checked for their structural condition at
the same time. Older separator installations that can
no longer guarantee the secure retention of volatile
liquids will be gradually replaced by new systems.
When investing in new oil separators, Audi chooses
modern, advanced systems that set new standards in
terms of their efficiency and reliability. The initial
modernisation phase for the oil separators was
concluded in the year under review. The measures
have been continued in a second modernisation phase
since the beginning of 2008.
Harmful substance concentrations, 2008
(in the wastewater of Neutra I for the monitoring parameters)
in mg/l
Mean value In 2008 the proportional wastewater volume per
vehicle rose slightly, despite the efficient operating
methods of our production lines, from 1.5 cubic
metres to 1.6 cubic metres, which is attributable to
the new model startups.
Limit value
AOX 0.074 1.0
Sulphide 0.836 1.0 Calculation of the water volumes demonstrably not discharged into the sewer system
The total sum of the wastewater demon-
the aforementioned individual items can be
strably not discharged is calculated from the
worked out by means of a difference calcula-
following areas:
tion (inflow into the system minus outflow
from the system).
Cooling towers
In the case of the inflows, the inputs of
The evaporation in the cooling towers is
Kösching water as well as process water and
calculated from the difference between
drinking water into the processes involving
the make-up feed (metered) and blowdown
intensive evaporation are all taken into
account. The outflows from these processes
are recorded accordingly. The difference
Paint shops
between the metered inflows and outflows
There are many processes involving evapora-
corresponds to the demonstrably non-dis-
tion in the paint shops. In the case of dip-
charged wastewater volumes.
painting processes, water evaporates directly
out of the baths and the dryer stages. Along
Separately disposed of oil/water mixtures
with direct evaporation from the paints and
Some oil/water mixtures used to be disposed
washing out, air humidification also plays an
of externally, so the proportion of water (90
important role in the area of paint shop N56
percent) did not get into the sewer system.
The water content in the separately disposed
With the commissioning of an emulsion
of paint sludge from the coagulation proc-
vaporisation plant on the plant premises,
ess and in the separately disposed of butyl
used emulsions and washing water have
glycol/water mixtures is to be considered of
been separated at the plant since 2006.
lesser importance.
The proportion of non-discharged water
is reduced as a result.
Most water flows can be recorded in terms of
volume with flow meters. There are, how-
Passed on to the product
ever, also some split flows that cannot be de-
The cars produced must be filled with
tected, or water volumes in paint sludge and
coolant water and the windscreen washing
separately decontaminated waste that can
system must be topped up.
only be estimated. In these cases, the choice
Audi estimates around 5.5 litres of coolant
of system limits for the individual areas is
water per vehicle, and around 2.25 litres for
of crucial importance. This is because all of
the windscreen washing system.
Use of rainwater
Precipitation in m 3
238,799 211,495
2008 saw the start of the second phase of the
pilot‑project by AUDI AG in cooperation with the
Technical University of Munich, for the recycling of the
Waste accumulation
in 1,000 t
raw material nickel and other heavy metals in the
context of pre-treatment for the painting process. The
goal of the joint research effort is to return the heavy
metals to the production process and thus achieve a
significant reduction in the quantities to be disposed
of, as well as conserve resources. The discussions and
preliminary work were concluded in the year under
review – trials started in February of 2009.
Safe disposal
The total waste accumulation at the Ingolstadt plant
amounted to 28,956 tonnes in 2008, a rise of 5.5 per-
cent compared to 2007.
At the same time, however, the quantities of hazardous
waste per vehicle were reduced by 0.2 kg .
When analysing the individual waste types, the rise in
agement certificates for hazardous waste expired in
the amount of neutralisation sludge is striking. 329
2008. Waste management security was guaranteed by
tonnes more were accumulated in 2008 than in 2007,
prompt new applications. In 2008 the specific quantity
and consequently a total of 1,362 tonnes had to be
of miscellaneous waste rose by 2.6 kg / vehicle, to 24.3
recycled at S.D.R. biotec GmbH. Because of the higher
kg / vehicle (cf. table on page 30). This represents a 12
production numbers, there has also been an increase
percent increase. The rise is primarily attributable to
in the volume of paint sludge (+ 123 tonnes), rinsing
the quantities of wood (+ 95 tonnes), waste for energy
liquids (+ 104 tonnes) and PVC-contaminated films (+
recovery (+ 594 tonnes), recyclable materials for
40 tonnes). On the other hand, the annual volume of
sorting (+ 564 tonnes) and paper / cardboard packag-
emulsions fell by 500 tonnes. This is due to optimised
ing (+ 292 tonnes), the reasons for which are ongo-
washing and rinsing procedures. At 2,988 tonnes, the
ing construction projects and the increase in vehicle
rinsing liquid from paint shop N56 accounts for the
production at the plant. On 28 January 2008, the
largest amount of hazardous waste to be disposed of
changeover took place from the previous PRODOK EDP
externally. In order to reduce the associated high costs,
system to the ABIS waste information system. Previ-
experiments were carried out in 2007 with a vacuum
ously a comprehensive data acquisition process was
vaporisation system. Such a system is already being
carried out and the data were entered into the system.
employed with extraordinary success for the separation
The problems to be expected when commissioning new
of emulsions. A further recycling experiment at the
and complex EDP systems were limited to a few easily
waste incineration facility in Ingolstadt in the second
remediable corrections and amendments. The system
quarter of 2008 proved to be impractical. A biologi-
was already running flawlessly in the second quarter.
cal treatment plant for rinsing water, which went into
The waste information system delivers greater legal
operation on 25 August 2008, is already delivering
security, better transparency and simplification of the
good results as a trial system. The trial system will be
reporting process in waste management.
further improved with the goal of large-scale application for all of the rinsing liquids that are accumulated.
The implementation of the large-scale project is to
start in the third quarter of 2009. 16 waste man-
Register of hazardous waste
Waste type
2007 in tonnes
2008 in tonnesAVV [Waste Catalogue Directive] Disposal location
Paint sludge
cobos GmbH
Neutralisation sludge
S.D.R. biotec
Used thinners
Solvent mixtures
Used oil
Cleaning cloths
Filter cloths
Moulding sands
Paint and adhesive residues
Films. PVC-contaminated
Fluorescent tubes
Glue and adhesive waste
Oil filters
Catalytic converters
Butyl glycol/water mixture
Lead acid batteries
Scrap timber. class IV
AR-Recycling 1)
Concrete. roof tiles. floor tiles > Z2 2)
AR-Recycling 3)
MVA Ingolstadt
Chemical residues
End-of-life vehicles
Electronics scrap
Fire extinguisher powder
Suds sludge
MVA Ingolstadt
Tar cork/Coal tar
* 4)
BTU /AR-Recycling
Spray cans
* 4)
Waste from tank cleaning
* 89.04
Mineral fibres
Building materials containing asbestos
1) Disposal location 2007 Durmin
2) Designation 2007 Building rubble
3) Disposal location 2007 GBH
4) Aperiodic cleaning procedures / N o waste accumulation 2007
AR-Recycling = AR-Recycling GmbH / AVV = Waste Catalogue Directive
BTU = BTU Hartmeier Group / ERN = E-Recycling Nordbayern GmbH
GBH = Gesellschaft für Baustoff-Aufbereitung und Handel mbH / GSB = Sonderabfall-Entsorgung Bayern GmbH (GSB GmbH)
MVA = Waste incineration facility, Ingolstadt, RM = Remondis Medison GmbH
CO 2 emissions
The emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2 are of key
importance for the Audi plant in Ingolstadt.
Total CO2emissions
in 1,000 t
In 2008, direct CO2 -emissions at the Ingolstadt plant
rose as a result of increased production, enlargement
of the built-up area and meteorological influences.
143,359 tonnes of CO2 were directly emitted by Audi
at the Ingolstadt plant in 2008. In 2007 this figure
was 141,986 tonnes. That represents a rise of approx.
1 percent.
This rise was relatively small as a result of the even
more intensive usage of district heating from the
waste incineration plant.
CO 2 emissions trading
In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trad-
Heating plants
ing Act, Audi is obligated to participate in the Europeanwide CO2 emissions trading system. There are two
plants involved in emissions trading at the Ingolstadt
Total emissions of organic solvents
site: the east/west heating plant and the combined
in tonnes
power, heating and cooling plant. Emissions certificates for 128,946 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year
were allocated to the Ingolstadt plant by the German
Emissions Trading Office for the first trading period
(2005 to 2007). As a result of comprehensive measures taken for the efficient use of energy, the actual
CO2 emissions of the installations at the plant that fall
As a result of rising production figures, they thus rose
under the emissions trading umbrella were held below
previous year Around 1.4 kg of organic solvents were
the allocated quantity in all three years.
emitted per vehicle. Organic solvent emissions are
Following the conclusion of the first trading period,
the second period (2008 to 2012) of CO2 emissions
primarily produced when painting and coating surfaces,
rights trading started in 2008. The emissions certifi-
Water based paints are used for the cataphoretic dip
cates were promptly applied for and allocated. The
priming process and when painting filler and primer,
plant received rights amounting to 135,360 tonnes of
CO2emissions per year. The CO2 emissions of the
which only contain a small proportion of organic
installations at the plant that fall below the emissions
with a change of colour, vehicles with the same body
trading umbrella amounted to 102,972 tonnes in
colour are grouped together if at all possible. At the
2008. Thanks to the action taken in recent years, there
same time the application of paint has been made more
are currently no charges to be expected for the plant
efficient by means of increased automation in the area of
from emissions trading in the second trading period.
interior painting.
Organic solvents
Audi employs the latest environmental protection
technologies and painting processes. Audi has continuously improved the paint shop first put into operation in
1998. The total emissions of organic solvents (VOC)
amounted to around 820 tonnes in 2008.
once again by around 4 percent compared to the
as well as through the operation of engine test rigs.
solvents. In order to avoid the emissions associated
Adherence to benchmarks
exactly determine the level of traffic noise, which is also
The system known as the industrial noise information
included in the noise of the plant.
system (BLIS) forms the basis for all noise level observa-
Furthermore, despite the rising number of vehicle
tions at the Ingolstadt plant. With the aid of this sonic
movements on the works site, it was possible to meet
model it is possible to produce precise noise emission
the noise assessment level at the emission locations of
forecasts for all of the measures carried out on the plant
relevance for Audi, thanks to the rigorous sonic evalua-
premises. The data can thus be taken into account early
tion of new installations. Compliance with the emissions
in the planning phase for installations or construction
level relevant for Audi is also monitored by independent
projects, helping to prevent or minimise the effects of
noise. In 2008 Audi made great efforts at the Ingolstadt
Thus it can be guaranteed that with the relocation of the
plant to refine the noise information system (BLIS) even
quality-control testing track to the northern edge of the
further. For example, on several days in September 2008
plant premises, Audi will meet the emissions benchmarks
there were comprehensive traffic counts carried out at
that apply to the purely residential area adjoining the
important intersections within the plant. The goal was to
Audi plant premises in the north.
The noise information system (BLIS) provides precise noise emission forecasts.
Noise emission figures
Benchmark figures and assessment levels in dB(A)
Emission locations
Ettinger Strasse General residential area 40 55 40 48
Senefelder Strasse Industrial area 50 65 44 46
Ringlerstrasse Industrial area 50 65 39 49
Carl-Zeiss-Strasse Industrial area 50 65 46 46
Oberhaunstadt (Alleeweg) Purely residential area 35 50 35 37
Rohrmühle Village area 45 60 40 41
35 50 30 37
Etting (Florian-Geyer-Strasse) Purely residential area Benchmark
Assessment level
Night 1)
Assessment level
Day 2)
1) measured at night / 2) measured during the day
Noise emissions from the freight transport centre are not taken into account here.
Contaminated Sites
Preliminary investigations and clean-up
The topic of site contamination plays an important role
in all construction projects at the Ingolstadt plant.
Extraction of solvents (BTEX)
from soil air and groundwater in kg (since 2001)
in the area of the former paint shop, south
As early as in the planning phase, the Plant Environmental
Protection department assesses whether pollutant
contamination is to be expected, and commissions
suitable preliminary investigations. In the case of
changes to old installations and buildings, the focus
is on tests of the building structure for asbestos, PCBs
or materials containing tar. In this way it is possible to
ensure selective dismantling and the appropriate disposal of environmentally hazardous building materials.
Water pollution control has top priority when planning
new buildings. Above all, areas that have already been
used as industrial sites before being acquired by Audi
2. Hj 01
are intensively examined for groundwater pollutants.
All results of these preliminary investigations are made
available to the planning departments and included in
the tender documents.
In this way any existing soil contamination can be
removed before construction begins. Furthermore,
investigations into construction water and groundwater
are carried out for all building activities. This prevents
surface and groundwater from being put at risk.
The Plant Environmental Protection department also
takes action in the area of environmentally relevant
production facilities if there is a suspicion of pollution
with hazardous substances. For example, Audi had
already begun to clean up the subsoil in the area of the
paint shop in the south of the plant premises in 1997.
Following an interruption caused by comprehensive
dismantling work, the clean-up was resumed in mid2001. 3,240 kg of solvents have now been removed
from soil air and groundwater within ten years.
As a result of these successful measures, it has been
possible to modify the operation of the clean-up system:
soil air extraction has now ceased and groundwater is
now only removed and cleaned by means of a wellhead.
Soil air
Environmentally relevant installations at the
Ingolstadt plant
Requiring approval according to the Federal Emission Protection Act (BImSchG)
Environmental effects
Car plant
Emissions in the form of organic solvents,
– Paint shop
combustion exhaust gases, smells, noise,
– Body shop
water pollutants and waste
– Assembly
incinerators, waste and recycling treatment
Emissions in the form of CO2, SO2, CO and
NOx, noise, emissions in the form of combustion
exhaust gases, smells, noise, water pollutants
– Ancillary installations (such as large-scale
and wastee
Other installations,
e. g. test rig groups, storage area for crash
vehicles, aero-acoustic wind tunnel, thermal
blower duct, waste treatment installations
Requiring approval according to the Water Resources Act
Environmental effects
Central wastewater processing
Wastewater polluted with heavy metals
In the period under review:
inconveniences are observed.”
Audi Ingolstadt is thus obligated to give notice of who
at the plant is responsible for observing the operator’s
– Transmission Development and Emissions Centre,
duties for the installations requiring approval.
1st and 2nd construction phase (2006 or 2008)
– Increased capacity for the “Automobilwerk” plant
requiring approval (2007)
– Application for the granting of a preliminary deci-
Privatisation of plant supervision
According to the “Verwaltung 21” [Administration 21]
role critique concept passed by the Bavarian Council of
sion relating to the essential modification of the car
Ministers, the on-site monitoring of installations requir-
plant [Automobilwerk] by building the new body shop
ing approval according to the Federal Emission Protec-
tion Act (BImSchG) and the production of expert reports
in the emission protection approval process were to
Immission control legislation-related notices
be privatised by the approval authority responsible for
– Automation of interior painting (2006)
AUDI AG at the Ingolstadt plant.
– Small-batch paint supply system (2007)
The first plant monitoring carried out by a private expert
– Fully automatic application for the painting of add-on
was conducted on behalf of AUDI AG in 2008 by DEKRA
parts (2007)
– Replacement of a PVC application line in the area of
the paint shop (2006)
Certification GmbH in the context of the annual
validation of the environmental management system,
which has existed at the Ingolstadt plant since 1997.
In the course of this random check, it was confirmed to
According to § 52a BImSchG [Federal Emission Protec-
AUDI AG that there are no faults or violations of appli-
tion Act] “Compulsory Notification Relating to the Plant
cable environmental provisions or requirements arising
Organisation”, it is necessary to ensure “that the
from the reviewed approvals.
regulations and ordinances serving to protect against
According to various relevant legal judgements relating
harmful environmental effects and against other
to this topic area, the regular monitoring practised until
hazards, significant disadvantages and considerable
2008 will be continued with immediate effect by the
responsible authority in Ingolstadt.
Environmental programme –
Implementation status 2009
Environmental targets, Audi Ingolstadt
Environmental protection target
Individual measures
Degree of fulfilment
Reduction of harmful substances
in wastewater 1)
Testing of a precipitating additive with
low environmental pollution
From the Environmental
Programme 2006–2009
Reduction of oil and cooling
lubricant consumption
Systematic recording and tracking of oil and
cooling lubricant consumption, with a 10% production, based on 2008
IV / 2009
New target
Precautionary Water Pollution Control
Modernisation of separation installations at the plant IV / 2015
New target
Water Pollution Control
100 %
Waste Management
100 %
Reduction in hazardous waste
Assessment and testing of a biological
wastewater treatment (split-stream treatment)
Trial in filler and topcoat painting
From the Environmental
Programme 2006–2009
Reduction in hazardous waste
Implementation of biological wastewater
treatment for filler and topcoat painting
IV / 2010
New target
Reduction in the use of sheet metal
material (reduction of sheet metal
waste and conservation of resources)
Increase in the level of material usage
by the pressing shop by approx. 7%
IV / 2012
New target
Replacement of three hydraulic
pressing lines by mechanical largescale suction presses
60% reduction in energy requirements
and reduction in the volume of hydraulic
oil used
IV / 2012
New target
Reducing storage and transportation
space for the packaging in question by
more than 50%
Introduction of standardised individual
bonnet packaging
IV / 2010
New target
Reducing the storage and
transportation space by half. Reducing the packaging materials
by more than 25%
Introduction of standardised toothed
belt packaging
IV / 2009
New target
Cost savings and reduction of
hazardous waste
Extension of the service life of the cooling lubricants in cylinder head production
(aluminium) from 2 to 3 years
IV / 2009
New target
Reduction in non-recyclable waste
and conservation of resources
Pilot trial in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich relating to heavy metal
recycling in painting pre-treatment as a
replacement for nickel precipitation.
IV / 2009
New target
Conservation of resources 2)
Creation of an energy supply concept for the plant‘s boiler houses (taking into account the 13th BlmSchV emissions regulations), 10%
reduction of the NOx content (basis 2004).
From the Environmental
Programme 2006–2009
80 %
Energy saving, emissions
CO2, NOx
Detailed planning of district heating usage in
the context of „Ingolstadt Cooperative
Energy Network“
90 %
Emission protection
1) Trials have been concluded, though the alternative precipitating agent does not lead to reliable compliance with limits.
2) Modernisation of some boilers concluded. The further replacement of boilers is dependent on the item “Ingolstadt Cooperative Energy Network."
Environmental protection target
Individual measures
Degree of fulfilment
Conservation of resources and
prevention of emissions
Energy saving
Use of mobile and stationary energy storage
units on the Audi plant premises
IV / 2009
New target
Installation of a heat recovery system in the paint shop in the brake disc production unit
IV / 2009
New target
Reduction of reject materials
and energy consumption
INI. TUM project quality control in
the pressing shop
IV / 2011
New target
Energy saving
Set-up disruption reduction project: Reducing
set-up disruption times in the pressing shop by
50% on the basis of the figures from 2007
I / 2009
New target
Energy saving
Splitting up of the hall lighting and its control
via a central control programme for ventilation
in the TT body assembly area
III / 2009
New target
Energy saving
Installation of a high-speed door and
optimisation of the opening and closing
control of hall doors N 42 / N 24
I / 2009
New target
Reduction of
solvent emissions 3)
Replacement of the butyl glycol-based rinsing
medium with solvent-free or low-solvent rinsing media
From the Environmental
Programme 2006–2009
Conservation of resources
Contaminated sites
Production of a detailed plan for the use of
groundwater for cooling purposes in building
A 50
IV / 2009
New target
Ground probes and groundwater
analyses in the area of hall N1
Establishing the horizontal and vertical spread
of lightly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons,
naphtalene and toxic nuclear contamination in
the subsoil
III / 2009
New target
Taking into account the current plans with
regard to vehicle numbers by 2015, the plant
and company-related CO2 emissions at Audi
are to be reduced by 30% by means of various
measures by 2020, based on 1990 figures.
Continuation from
the Environmental
Programme 2006–2009
Long-term target
IV / 2020
Emission Protection
90 %
Conservation of resources and
prevention of emissions
60 %
Conservation of resources and
20% reduction in CO2 emissions of the
prevention of emissions
Audi models, on the basis of 2006–2012
Continuation from
30 %
the Environmental
Programme 2006–2009
Long-term target
IV / 2012
Improved involvement of employees
in environmental protection 4)
Coverage of 25% of the non-production sector
by means of the APS element, environmental protection
From the Environmental
Programme 2006–2009
Improved involvement of indirect employees in environmental protection
procedures Holding CIP workshops
II / 2010
30 %
New target
3) Butyl glycol-free rinsing media are not achievable because of technical problems. Operational trials for low butyl glycol rinsing media must still be conducted.
4) A new situation has arisen as a result of CIP in the indirect area. Continued in the next item.
The environmental experts have inspected the plant of the organisation
D-85045 Ingolstadt, Ettingerstrasse
for compliance with all of the provisions of Ordinance (EU) No. 761/2001, and hereby declare
that the environmental management system, the environmental audit and its results, as well
as the environmental declaration meet the required standards.
There are no indications of any deviations from the relevant legal provisions.
The data and information in the environmental declaration of AUDI AG Ingolstadt represent a
reliable, credible and accurate picture of all the organisation’s activities.
Stuttgart, 24 April 2009
Manuela Held
Dr. Hans-Josef Dünnwald
Environmental expert
Environmental expert
Im Gressental 13
Herbert-Lewinstr. 4
D-71120 Grafenau
D-50931 Cologne
Licence No. DE-V-0190
Licence No. DE-V-0257
Fuel consumption and CO2-emissions *
Fuel consumption according to 80 1268 EEC
Audi A4 (B8) 2.0 TDI e with DPF
Power output
M: Manual; DPF: diesel particle filter
The number of gears can be found after the gearbox designation (e. g. M6).
* Figures for the model shown on the front page
CO2 emissions (g/km)
Contact person
Would you like more information?
The environmental department will be happy to receive
your e-mail, your phone call, your letter or your fax:
Dr. Dagobert Achatz
Head of Plant Environmental Protection
D-85045 Ingolstadt
Tel.: + 49 (0) 8 41/89-3 44 44
Fax: + 49 (0) 8 41/89-3 16 82
Date for the next environmental declaration
Audi will present the next updated environmental
declaration in April 2010.
Vorsprung durch Technik www.audi.de
D-85045 Ingolstadt