6–11 September 2015 - Australian Veterinary Association
6–11 September 2015 - Australian Veterinary Association
Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group A special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) Registration brochure 6–11 September 2015 Novotel Sydney Central 179 Thomas Street Sydney NSW 2000 UP TO 36 VETED POINTS Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group A special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) 2 Registration brochure 6–11 September 2015 Conference introduction Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV), a special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC), are for veterinarians who have an interest in birds, reptiles, small mammals, fish and amphibians. This is an area that is growing as a science, with more and more research undertaken in Australia and around the world. For more information, visit www.ava.com.au or www.aavac.com.au. The combined UPAV / AAVAC Ltd conference is an educational, enjoyable and friendly conference. We strive to make everyone feel welcome and ensure that each delegate has a great experience whilst learning more about avain, reptile and exotic pet medicine. About the conference The AAVAC and UPAV combined conference is a six-day seminar including workshops on Sunday focused on the cutting edge of avian, reptile and exotic pet medicine, catering for the most experienced vets, all the way through to those just starting out. We are expecting approximately 150 delegates at the conference. Their aim will be to equip themselves with the skills to: deliver care, diagnose, and manage therapeutics for a range of species, as well as to establish industry ties and make friendships that will last in the coming years. The UPAV and AAVAC conference has a tight knit, family feel and is a very enjoyable week for the delegates, speakers and sponsors alike. We enjoy our time together away from the rigors of everyday clinical duties. Our keynote speaker, Dr Stephen Divers obtained his diploma in zoological medicine from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), is a RCVS-recognised specialist in Zoo & Wildlife Medicine, a Diplomate of the American and European Colleges of Zoological Medicine, a European Veterinary Specialist in Zoological Medicine (zoo health management), and an International Fullbright Specialist in zoological medicine. He obtained his RCVS fellowship (PhD) for his work on exotic animal endoscopy and endosurgery. He is a past-president of the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, scientific editor of the Journal of Herpetological Medicine & Surgery and an associate editor for the Journal of Zoo & Wildlife Medicine. He has served on the ABVP subspecialties in small mammal and reptile/amphibian specialties, helped create the new zoological companion animal (exotic pet) examination through the ACZM, and the new European College of Zoological Medicine, herpetology and zoo health management subspecialties. It is clear that Dr Divers is at the very forefront of our field and will be a huge drawcard to the conference and should attract the very best avian, reptile and exotic pet clinicians to Sydney. Who will attend? There will be a broad mix from the veterinary industry including: employed veterinarians graduating students practice owners / principals academics Registration opens 1July 2015 etouches.com/upav2015 industry veterinarians government veterinarians veterinary nurses practice managers Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) Registration brochure 3 6–11 September 2015 Conference program Combined conference 6–11 September 2015 Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) SIG and Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) Novotel Sydney Central 179 Thomas Street Sydney NSW 2000 Sunday 6 September 2015 9.00am–5.00pm Registration open to delegates 9.00am–5.00pm Nurses lectures / workshop 9.00am–1.00pm Masterclass – Small mammal endoscopy 1.00pm–5.00pm Masterclass – Reptile endoscopy Monday 7 September 2015 8.00am Registration open to delegates – tea & coffee available in exhibition area 9.00am–5.00pm Scientific sessions – UPAV (reptiles and small mammals) 6.00pm–8.00pm Icebreaker drinks – The Novotel Terrace Garden, level 8, Novotel Sydney Central 6.00pm–late Exhibitor bump in Tuesday 8 September 2015 6.00am–8.00am Exhibitor bump in 8.00am Registration open to delegates – tea & coffee available in exhibition area 9.00am–5.00pm Scientific sessions – UPAV (reptiles and small mammals) 5.00pm–5.30pm UPAV Branch AGM Wednesday 9 September 2015 8.00am–9.00am Registration open to delegates – tea & coffee available in exhibition area 9.00am–1.00pm Masterclass – Avian endoscopy 9.00am–1.00pm Wetlabs – Avian imping, lonestar retractor, invertebrates and rabbit anaesthesia 1.00pm Lunch in exhibition area 1.00pm–5.00pm Afternoon field trip – Taronga Zoo 7.00pm–11.00pm SAN Dinner and Unusual Quiz – Novotel Central Sydney. Sponsored by Specialised Animal Nutrition Thursday 10 September 2015 8.00am–9.00am Registration open to delegates – tea & coffee available in exhibition area 9.00am–5.00pm Scientific sessions – AAVAC (avian sessions) morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea in the exhibition area 5.00pm–7.00pm Exhibitor bump out 5.00pm–6.00pm AAVAC AGM / ANZCVS (avian chapter) Meetings Friday 11 September 2015 8.00am–9.00am Registration open to delegates – tea & coffee available in exhibition area 9.00am–5.00pm Scientific sessions AAVAC (avian sessions) – morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea in the exhibition area Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) 4 Registration brochure 6–11 September 2015 Nurses conference program – Sunday 6 September 2015 Morning session 9.00am–9.30am Setting up avian/exotic nursing within a practice and basic hospitalisation techniques (not incl feeding). Deb Monks 9.30am–9.40pm Setting up for wildlife. Annette Colling 9.45am–10.20am Basic feeding of hospitalised patients. Rachel Hassett 10.20am–10.30am Nursing of hospital patients – The personal touch for animal and client. Sandy Beynon 10.30am–11.00am Morning tea Middle session 11.00am–11.45am Surgical nursing of avian patients (part 1). Deb Monks 11.45am–12.20pm Surgical nursing of avian patients (part 2). James Haberfield 12.20pm–12.30pm Dental Surgical Nursing. Madeleine Re 12.30pm–1.30pm Lunch Afternoon session 1.30pm–2.15pm Behaviour of avian and exotic patients. Bec O’Connor 2.30pm–4.00pm Masterclass on handling and behaviour in avian patients. Bec O’Connor 4.00pm–5.00pm Masterclass on handling and behaviour reptile and invertebrate patients. Natasha Shadie Come and enjoy an animal demonstration with an ectothermic twist. This session will provide a broad overview of captive invertebrate management and related health considerations of commonly kept invertebrate pets. Topics will include best practice husbandry techniques, normal and abnormal behaviour, signs of illness, modified captive diets and wild diets, basic anatomy and physiology, communication, seasonal behaviour changes and common health/husbandry issues of invertebrate pets such as Australian Tarantulas and Giant Burrowing Cockroaches. A highlight of this workshop is a practical session where there will be opportunities to handle live invertebrates, prepare invertebrate food, discuss and design an invertebrate living space and study invertebrate features under a microscope. If you have ever wondered why there is growing fascination with these unusual and interesting pets then this workshop is a must to attend. Workshops – Sunday 6 September 2015 Masterclass – Small mammal endoscopy AM Masterclass – Reptile endoscopy PM Rigid endoscopy has become established as a crucial technique for disease diagnosis and minimally-invasive surgery in small mammals, reptiles and birds. Dr Stephen Divers (Diplomate of both the American and European Colleges of Zoological Medicine and Professor of Zoological Medicine from the University of Georgia, USA) has a Worldwide reputation as a small mammal, reptile and avian endoscopist, and has published numerous book chapters, journal papers, presented at conferences, and taught wet-labs throughout the US and Europe. The day will be divided into two masterclasses, with small mammals in the morning and reptiles in the afternoon. A heavily illustrated 1 hr lecture on reptile endoscopy will precede endoscopy procedures in small mammals and reptiles, including diagnostic evaluation and biopsy from the coelom, upper gastro-intestinal tract, and cloaca. Biopsy techniques, particularly of the liver and kidneys, will be emphasised. The reptile endoscopy masterclass will begin with a second 1 hr lecture on reptile endoscopy before a similar wet-lab opportunity to practice coelioscopy, upper gastro-intestinal and cloacal techniques. The goal of this course is to get veterinarians comfortable with the equipment and offering endoscopy to their clients. After this course, veterinarians should be able to perform these procedures in clinical cases. Come and change the way you practice reptile and small mammal medicine forever! Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) Registration brochure 5 6–11 September 2015 Workshops – Wednesday 9 September 2015 Masterclass – Avian Endoscopy AM Dr Stephen Divers will present a half day avian endoscopy workshop featuring a heavily illustrated 1 hr lecture on avian endoscopy will precede endoscopy procedures in anaesthetised birds, including diagnostic evaluation and biopsy from the coelom, upper gastro-intestinal tract, and cloaca. Biopsy techniques, particularly of the liver and kidneys, will be emphasised. The goal of this course is to get veterinarians comfortable with the equipment and offering endoscopy to their clients. After this course, veterinarians should be able to perform these procedures in clinical cases, it will be a great opportunity to learn avian endoscopy from the best! Avian imping Feather repair (imping) is a very useful and simple technique which allows birds to regain flight ability in minimal time after feathers have been damaged. Wild birds being rehabilitated benefit by not having to spend extended time in captivity waiting for damaged feathers to moult and regrow before being released. Pet birds can benefit from feather repair to prevent the crash landings associated with too many feathers missing after poor wing trim techniques. The workshop will provide step by step instruction and hands on opportunity to practice the finer points of feather repair. A lot of vets dealing with wild (and pet birds) may not be aware of how useful and easy imping is, until they actually try it. Lonestar retractor This unique retractor system delivers uncluttered surgical access using counter-traction with small hooks. The result... a surgical site that easily adapts as the procedure progresses. The system issuitable for a wide range of veterinary procedures especially involving avian, unusual and exotic animal patients. It is, of course, also suited to procedures in dogs, cats and large animals, particularly ophthalmic and perineal procedures where better visibility and access is needed and standard retraction with handheld or large mechanical retractors is not feasible or too cumbersome. It is ideally suited to unassisted surgery by providing freedom to operate with both hands. The system is also fully autoclavable making it cost effective for veterinary practice. This workshop will be run by Dr Bob Doneley who has been using the Lone Star Retractor System in a wide range of species for many years. Participants will have a hands-on opportunity to perform various surgical procedures using Lone Star retractor equipment and become familiar with the effective use of the Lone Star system. Notes and further information will be provided by Dr Doug Black of Microchips Australia. Rabbit intubation and anaesthesia using V-gels Laryngeal masks are now used in the majority of human anaesthetic procedures. Learn the theory and then practical application of a laryngeal mask V- Gel as a replacement for tracheal intubation or facemasks in a large number of rabbit anaesthetic procedures. Start the workshop with a short discussion as well as videos on the use and placement of rabbit laryngeal mask. Understand the uses, pros and cons of laryngeal masks related to rabbit physiology and the latest in rabbit anaesthesia techniques. Brush up on basic anatomy for rabbit anaesthetics and exchange tips with other practitioners on the best approaches to anaesthetics. Familiarise yourself with rabbit specific laryngeal mask equipment, monitoring equipment and placement techniques. Practice preparation for rabbit laryngeal mask placement, placement of laryngeal mask, monitoring during laryngeal mask anaesthesia and “extubation”. This workshop will teach simple practical tips on the placement and monitoring of laryngeal masks anaesthetics from veterinarians who have experience in their use. Invertebrates Keeping invertebrates as pets is a rapidly growing interest. It follows that veterinary clinics will become more frequently visited by enthusiasts and their tiny critters. This session will provide a broad overview of captive invertebrate management and related health considerations of commonly kept invertebrate pets. Topics will include best practice husbandry techniques, normal and abnormal behaviour, signs of illness, modified captive diets and wild diets, basic anatomy and physiology, communication, seasonal behaviour changes and common health/husbandry issues of invertebrate pets such as Australian Tarantulas and Giant Burrowing Cockroaches. A highlight of this session will be an interactive wet lab demonstrating correct handling techniques for different invertebrates and enclosure design requirements for these species. You might be invited to handle live invertebrates, prepare food for some animals or assist in the setting up of an enclosure. These practical skills will be an invaluable tool in caring for and understanding the needs of invertebrates in a captive environment. There will also be the opportunity to observe and discuss common spider species which can be wrongly identified such as the Funnel Web spider, Trapdoor spider and Mouse spider with live specimens. Combined conference scientific program Sunday 6 September 2015 – UPAV 8.00am–6.00pm Registration open to delegates 9.00am–5.00pm Nurses lectures / workshop (see page 14 for full program) 9.00am–1.00pm Masterclass – Small mammal endoscopy. Stephen Divers 12.00pm–1.00pm Lunch 1.00pm–5.00pm Masterclass – Reptile endoscopy. Stephen Divers Port Jackson Room Port Jackson Room Monday 7 September 2015 – UPAV 7.30am–6.00pm Registration open to delegates 8.30am–9.30am Reptile anaesthesia. Stephen Divers The Ballroom 9.30am–9.50am Nephrectomy in two pythons. Bob Doneley The Ballroom 9.50am–10.10am Gastric foreign body in a Peninsula dragon. Melinda Cowan The Ballroom 10.10am–10.30am Treatment of CANV fungal dermatitis in a Blue Tongue. Kim Fryer The Ballroom 10.30am–11.00am Morning Tea 11.00am–12.00pm Australian Reptile Virus Update. Tim Hyndman The Ballroom 12.00pm–12.30pm Nip, Tuck! ... Skin surgery in reptiles. Shane Simpson The Ballroom 12.30pm–1.30pm Lunch 1.30pm–1.50pm Suspected adenoviral infection with concurrent cryptosporidiosis in bearded dragons. Wiliam Grech The Ballroom 1.50pm–2.10pm A novel, non-invasive method to accurately identify sex in the eastern blue-tongue skink. Steven Mallett The Ballroom 2.10pm–2.30pm Oncological options for exotics. Jayne Weller The Ballroom 2.30pm–3.00pm Dragon breath... peridontal disease in central bearded dragons. Shane Simpson The Ballroom 3.00pm–3.30pm Afternoon Tea 3.30pm–4.45pm Reptile obstetrics. Stephen Divers The Ballroom 4.45pm–5.00pm Q&A session. Stephen Divers The Ballroom 6.00pm–late Exhibitor bump in 6.00pm–8.00pm Ice breaker drinks Terrace Garden Tuesday 8 September 2015 – UPAV 6.00am–8.00am Exhibitor bump in 7.30am–1.30pm Registration open to delegates 8.30am–9.30am Rabbit rinitis. Stephen Divers The Ballroom 9.30am–9.50am Use of computed tomography to diagnose tracheal collapse in a rabbit. Nicole Su The Ballroom 9.50am–10.10am Femoral head excision in a rabbit. Tegan Stephens The Ballroom 10.10am–10.30am External coaptation in small mammal fracture repair. Hamish Baron The Ballroom 10.30am–11.30am Morning Tea 11.00am–11.40am Management of otitis media in rabbits. James Haberfield The Ballroom 11.40am–12.00pm Floppy rabbit syndrome. Emilee Lay The Ballroom 12.00pm–12.30pm Anthropogenic factors are the major cause of hospital admission for the grey-headed flying fox. Sarah Frith 12.30pm–1.30pm Lunch 1.30pm–1.50pm Rabbit dewlap as an advancement flap. Anne Fowler The Ballroom 1.50pm–2.10pm Forensic cases – what you need to know. James Harris The Ballroom 2.10pm–2.30pm Adverse events following cyclap RCD vaccine. Daniella Hsu – Stephen Ross Scholarship Winner The Ballroom 2.30pm–2.50pm A review of the role of climate change in the emerging infectious diseases of wildlife. Jackie Bice – Anne Martin Scholarship Winner The Ballroom 3.00pm–3.30pm Afternoon Tea 3.30pm–3.50pm Pituatary and mammary tumours in rodents. Deb Monks The Ballroom 3.30pm–4.30pm Wildlife CSI. Rebecca Johnson The Ballroom 4.30pm–5.00pm Five cases of osteodystrophy in guinea pigs. Melinda Cowan The Ballroom 5.00pm–6.00pm UPAV Branch AGM meeting The Ballroom 6.00pm–6.30pm Planning meeting. ANZCVS (UPAV) The Ballroom Combined conference scientific program (continued) Wednesday 9 September 2015 – AAVAC (wetlabs) 8.00am–1.30pm Registration open to delegates 8.30am–12.30pm Masterclass – avian endoscopy. Stephen Divers Port Jackson Room 9.00am–10.30am Lone Star retractor (run twice in the morning session). Bob Doneley and Doug Black Farm Cove Room 9.00am–10.30am Avian imping (run twice in the morning session). Fiona Park and James Harris Elizabeth Bay Room 10.30am–11.00am Morning tea 11.00am–12.30pm Rabbit anaesthesia and using V-gels. Alex Rosenwax Farm Cove Room 11.00am–12.30pm Invertebrates. Natasha Shadie Elizabeth Bay Room 12.30pm–1.30pm Lunch 1.30pm–5.00pm Taronga zoo field trip 7.00pm–11.00pm SAN dinner and unusual quiz The Ballroom Thursday 10 September 2015 – AAVAC 8.00am–1.30pm Registration open to delegates 8.30am–9.30am Inspirational evolution: the avian lower respiratory tract. Sue Jaensch The Ballroom 9.30am–10.30am Avian coelioscopy. Stephen Divers The Ballroom 10.30am–11.00am Morning tea 11.00am–11.30am A Review of PBFDV in orange-bellied parrots. Shane Raidal The Ballroom 11.30am–12.00pm Considerations for hernia repair in parrots. Bob Doneley The Ballroom 12.00pm–12.30pm Treatment of traumatic brain injury in morepork owls. Megan Jolly The Ballroom 12.30pm–1.30pm Lunch 1.30pm–2.30pm Avian endosurgery. Stephen Divers The Ballroom 2.30pm–2.45pm Optimum sugar concentration in artificial nectar diets for lorikeets. Gordon Rich The Ballroom 2.45pm–3.00pm Demonstration of vitamin C requirements in the noisy miner. Anne Fowler The Ballroom 3.00pm–3.30pm Afternoon tea 3.30pm–4.00pm Don’t think outside the square, make the square bigger. David Phalen The Ballroom 4.00pm–4.15pm Diagnosis and management of a testicular tumours in an eclectus parrots using computer tomography. Matthew Gosbell The Ballroom 4.15pm–4.30pm Investigating gastrointestinal dysfunction in an eclectus parrot. Michelle Sutherland The Ballroom 4.30pm–4.45pm Clinical revelations from a research project. Shangzhe Xie The Ballroom 4.45pm–5.45pm AAVAC AGM The Ballroom 5.45pm–6.45pm ANZCVS (Avian Chapter) AGM The Ballroom Friday 11 September 2015 – AAVAC 8.00am–1.30pm Registration open to delegates 8.30am–9.30am Avian gastrointestinal and upper respiratory system endoscopy. Stephen Divers and Izadora Sladakovic The Ballroom 9.30am–10.00am Feathered einsteins. Wendy Bergen The Ballroom 10.00am–10.30am PBFD in lorikeets. Shubhagata Das The Ballroom 10.30am–11.00am Morning tea 11.00am–11.30am Lead levels in backyard chickens. Alex Rosenwax The Ballroom 11.30am–11.45am Use of topical colchicine in squamous cell carcinoma treatment in a corella. Kim Fryer The Ballroom 11.45am–12.00pm Ringneck pheasant sedation trial. Stacey Gelis The Ballroom 12.00pm–12.30pm Lasers in exotic animal practice. Stephen Divers The Ballroom 12.30pm–1.30pm Lunch 1.30pm–1.45pm When mites ain’t mites: a new species of knemidocoptes in Australian finches. Anthony Chamings The Ballroom 1.45pm–2.00pm Diagnosis and management approach of chronic arthritis in a Sulphur-crested cockatoo. Andrew Vermeulin The Ballroom 2.00pm–2.45pm Bandaging birds. Anne Fowler The Ballroom 2.45pm–3.15pm Afternoon tea 3.15pm–4.00pm Conference wrap-up. Bob Doneley and Shane Raidal The Ballroom Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) 8 Registration brochure 6–11 September 2015 Social program Monday 7 September 2015 Wednesday 9 September 2015 6.00pm–8.00pm 7.00pm–11.00pm Icebreaker Drinks The Novotel Terrace Garden, level 8, Novotel Central The SAN Dinner and Unusual Quiz Sponsored by Specialised Animal Nutrition Novotel Central Sydney Come and relax after the first day with drinks and canapés. Catch up with friends, meet new industry contacts and enjoy the great company. Numbers are strictly limited and last year it sold out, so get in quick to avoid disappointment. $50 per person The Unusual Dinner and Quiz (hosted by Drs Robert Johnson and Brendan Carmel) The UPAV / AAVAC ltd dinner combines revelry, good food and wine, camaraderie, controversy and fun all in the one night. $105 per person. Extra tickets available for purchase Registration • Regrettably no refunds can be made for cancellation less than 20 days prior to the commencement of the event; • Accommodation is not included in registration prices; • Program and other event details are subject to change. AVA is not liable for any loss of expenses incurred as a result of program changes. Privacy statement The Australian Veterinary Association (ABN 63 008 522 852) (“AVA“) respects the privacy of individuals and acknowledges that the information that you provide on the form is ‘personal information‘ as defined by the National Privacy Principles as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy Amendment (Privacy Sector) Act 2000. Collection, use and disclosure of your personal information AVA may collect and use your personal information in order to a) process your registration; b) conduct the Conference; c) display images taken at the Conference; d) conduct customer evaluations and market research to improve the quality of our products and services (including the Conference); e) communicate with you generally in relation to our services, as well as promotional and general activities; and f ) comply with our legal obligations. You acknowledge and agree that your personal information may be disclosed for the above purposes to organisations outside AVA, including a) service providers and sponsors engaged by the AVA from time to time; and b) our related bodies corporate. We will also disclose your personal information to government, regulatory and law enforcement authorities and organisations, as required or authorised by law. We may also disclose personal information where the individual consents to us doing so; consent may be written, verbal or implied from your conduct. If you would like to know more about our privacy policy and procedures or if you wish to seek access to or to request correction of any personal information we hold about you, or to opt-out at any time, please contact us at members@ava.com.au. Please note that for the purpose of the Conference, AVA and its events manager also intend to make your name, practice / employers and contact details available to other conference registrants and exhibitors. Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) 9 Registration brochure 6–11 September 2015 Register online at etouches.com/upav2015 Registration All amounts are in Australian dollars and include 10% GST. Early bird before 1 August Full registration Standard after 1 August Includes scientific sessions, Wednesday workshops (avian imping, Lonestar retractor, rabbit anaesthesia, invertebrates). Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea each day. Does not include Icebreaker, Dinner and Unusual Quiz, Stephen Divers’ Endoscopy workshops or Taronga Zoo field trip. AVA / AAVAC / AAV / UPAV member $750 $900 Non-member $1500 $1800 Student / post grad student / 1st year graduate member $500 $500 3 Day Registration Packages Early bird before 1 August Standard after 1 August AVA / AAVAC / AAR / UPAV Member $500 $600 Non-member $1000 $1200 Student / post grad student / 1st year graduate member $400 $400 Day registration Early bird before 1 August Standard after 1 August Reptiles and Small Mammals – Mon 7 to Wed 9 September; or Avian – Wednesday 9 to Friday 11 September Does not include Icebreaker, Dinner and Unusual Quiz, Stephen Divers’ Endoscopy workshops or Taronga Zoo field trip. Includes scientific sessions, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for the day. Wednesday registration includes workshops. (Avian Imping, Lonestar retractor, Rabbit anaesthesia, Invertebrates. Space limited based on first come, first served basis). Does not include Icebreaker, Dinner and Unusual Quiz, Stephen Divers’ Endoscopy workshops or Taronga Zoo field trip Member $250 per day $290 per day Non-member $500 per day $580 per day Student / post grad student / 1st year graduate member $240 per day $240 per day $200 $200 $105 $105 $55 $55 Member $300 Non-member $600 Member $300 Non-member $600 Member $250 Non-member $500 $80 $100 (after 1 August) $50 $50 Accompanying guest Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea each day. Does not include scientific sessions and social functions. SAN Dinner and Unusual Quiz. Wednesday 9 September, 7.00pm–11.00pm Sponsored by Specialised Animal Nutrition Accompanying guest (additional charge): Fieldtrip: Taronga Zoo (return transport is included) Adult: $55 / Children: $35 Small mammal endoscopy workshop. Sunday 6 September 2015 Includes morning rabbit laparoscopy and oral endoscopy workshop. (Booked on a first come, first served basis – limit one endoscopy lab per delegate) Reptile endoscopy workshop. Sunday 6 September 2015 Includes afternoon reptile endoscopy and endosurgical masterclass. (Booked on a first come, first served basis – limit one endoscopy lab per delegate) Avian Endoscopy Workshop. Wednesday 9 September 2015 Includes morning coelioscopy, endoscopy and endosurgery workshop. (Booked on a first come, first served basis – limit one endoscopy lab per delegate) NB. Attending this workshop will mean missing out on the concurrent workshop streams offered as part of the main conference package. For this reason, the price has been adjusted accordingly. Nurses conference. Sunday 6 September 2015 Includes all Sunday scientific sessions, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea as well as reptile and invertebrate handling and bird behaviour workshops. Icebreaker drinks. Monday 7 September 2015 Accompanying guest (additional charge): With special thanks to our sponsors The Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group A special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC) wish to thank our sponsors for their continued support. Gold sponsors Conference sponsor Gala Dinner sponsor Trade exhibitors Unusual Pets and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) Special Interest Group A special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and The Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee (AAVAC)