Before and After School Care Survey
Before and After School Care Survey
Padstow Park Public School Newsletter Padstow Park Public School Segers Avenue PADSTOW NSW 2211 Phone: 9773 9258 Fax: 9792 3906 Email: Website: Principal: Mrs Jane Mollica Term 3, Week 6, 21.8.2013 Last Wednesday, 14th August Padstow Park PS participated in an All Girls Rugby League at Roberts Park, Greenacre with spectacular results. The girls’ team remained undefeated on the day and played sensationally in all games. They beat all their opponents with a brilliant display of attacking rugby league coupled with determined defence when required. They scored 14 tries and only conceded 1 try in 3 games. Results: Game 1 defeated Yagoona 12-6 Game 2 defeated Campsie 24-0 Game 3 defeated Greenacre 24-0 The schools they defeated were all large schools which makes the performance even more meritorious. Many thanks to Miss Kirby and the Bailey and Rea families for their support throughout the day. Congratulations girls on your great performance and we’re very proud of your outstanding efforts in winning the Gala Day. The girls all received a rugby league ball for their determination in remaining undefeated. Pictured Front Row-Kiara Rea, Charlie Bailey, Cheyenne Moir, Ziah Pereira, Angela Mataio Back Row-Miss Kerz, Bianca McAlister, Vineeta Prasad, Evelyn Anderson, Christina Argiropoulos, Gigi Chen, Stephanie Chalazia, Mr K, Fatima Mohaidli Mr J. Kolodziej, Coach/AP CONTENTS Girls Rugby League Gala Day Report. Page 1 Principal’s Report. P & C News. Uniform Shop News. Page 2 Parent Tips. PPPS Letterbox. For Your Diary - Term Dates. Page 3 Before and After School Care Survey. Page 4 & 5 Community News. Page 6-10 Principal’s Report Congratulations to our Fantastic Spellers! As you can see by the results below, we had a very successful school Premier’s Spelling Bee on Friday. The words for the Primary students were very hard and our students did very well on the day. Our four winners in Stage 2 & 3 will now move on to the Regional contest. We wish them all the best. Our K-2 had a great time showing off their spelling abilities as well and we may have found some stars of the future in our winners. We thank all the teachers for their hard work in the lead up to the competition and particularly thank Miss Zakaria for organising the competition. Congratulations Girls Rugby League Another successful day was had by the girls Rugby League team that went undefeated the whole day with impressive scores every time they played. The girls were very excited with their form, particularly as they only really come together as a team once a year. Well done girls! Debating Success It was a good week all round for teams as the debating team had another win last week against Narwee Public School. We thought for a moment that we may not have been able to debate because the adjudicator had to pull out at the last minute. Thankfully Mrs Kolodziej, from Padstow Heights, came to the rescue. We thank her for her time. Excursions! Excursions! Last week was also a busy week for excursions. Teachers were very impressed with the students who went to excursions on both Tuesday and Thursday. The majority of students tried very hard to come in full school uniform and behaviour was excellent. Thank you to everyone for representing our school so well in public. Election Fete I hope everyone is saving their money for our fete that is happening on September 7th to coincide with the Federal Election. I know the committee has been working very hard to get things organised. If you have not had a chance to sign up for an hour or so on the day, I know that the committee would be grateful for some help. We are particularly looking for some more Year 6 parents who can spare some time to help Mr Kolodziej with the Barbeque—as the money from this will go towards the Year 6 Farewell and Gift. Mrs J. Mollica, Principal PREMIER’S SPELLING BEE WINNERS Held last Friday, 16thAugust in the Hall. Years K - 2 Spelling Bee Competition Kindergarten - Dawn Taripo Year 1 - Minh Tam Dinh Year 2 - Annabel King Years 3 - 6 Spelling Bee Competition Stage 2/Year 3 & 4 - Grace Chen, Janice Lau Stage 3/Year 5 & 6 - Jessica Guan, Jadon Yip These students will compete at the Regional Contest to be held on Tuesday, 17th September 2013. P & C NEWS FATHER’S DAY STALL On Wednesday, 14th August, the P & C Social Committee held a Mufti Day. On that day we asked that each child donate a $2 gold coin for the Father’s Day Stall which will be held next Thursday, 29th August where children can buy something special for their dad, grandfather or someone else they love. Please come along to help & bring your friends from 9.30am in H Block. Morning tea provided. Helpers also required for Father’s Day Wrapping Monday 26th & Wednesday 28th August, 9.30am, H Block. ALL WELCOME!! ‘ELECTION DAY VOTE & PLAY’ Now Saturday, 7th September. The major fundraiser for the year will be a ‘Vote & Play on Election Day’ fete now to be held on Saturday, 7th September. We are currently looking for sponsors so we can obtain some major prizes for the raffle and chocolate wheel. All ideas are welcome! Please ‘like’ our Facebook page to keep up to date – Padstow Park P & C. Social Committee BOOK CLUB ORDERS DUE New Book Club catalogues have been distributed. Orders for this issue of Book Club are due back to the office on Wednesday, 4th September 2013. Please ensure the forms are filled in completely especially including child’s name. Elizabeth Hastings and Sarah Wotherspoon, Book Club Co-ordinators UNIFORM SHOP NEWS Wednesday afternoons 3 – 3.45pm for new uniforms Thursday mornings 8.45 – 9.45am for both new & used uniforms. Come along to purchase your uniforms at reasonable prices. H Block – we have air conditioning for those cold STEWART HOUSE CLOTHING APPEAL winter days!! Bags have been distributed today to all families. Please Any donations of uniforms you no longer need are most fill with clean unwanted clothing/blankets etc and return welcome. Either drop into H Block at the above times or to Block Q Weather Shed by Tuesday, 15 th October. leave at the school office. If more bags are needed, garbage bags can be used. Mrs Lorraine Roberts, For the Uniform Shop PARENT TIPS Benefits of under-scheduling your child With the very best of intentions, when you're rushing to fit in soccer training, swimming and music lessons, it can be hard to keep hold of the magic stare-into-space, muck-about moments in children's lives. Find out more: health/benefits-of-underscheduling-your-child Staying private on Facebook Do you know how to untag photos and keep your Facebook page private? Read this and share with your kids. Find out more: Reading to your child in your home language Parents who have a language background other than English and who read to their children in their native tongue are giving them a valuable gift. Find out more: -and-study/english/english-tips/how-shopping-can-help-yourchild-to-read/reading-to-your-child-in-your-home-language Mosman Mothers’ Club Are mothers the #1 positive influence in the lives of their children? The Mosman Mothers’ Club is a site dedicated to assisting parents to support and motivate their school-aged children. Mothers can download a range of resources that will help them deal with the challenges of getting their child through the next stage of their development. The Mosman Mothers’ Club website also provides parents with a library of FREE resources to understand their child’s educational needs. Visit the Mosman Mothers’ Club at PPPS LETTERBOX The following notes have been distributed recently and are also available on the school website (TIO) = Those involved Only District Athletics Carnival Permission Note. (TIO) Current Illnesses in the School. (Yellow) K - 6 Maths Learning Workshops Permission Note. K - 2 Talking and Listening Information. K - 2 Swimming Program Permission Note. PSSA Soccer Semi Finals Permission Note. (TIO) FOIM Recorders Information & Permission Note. (TIO) FOIM Strings Information & Permission Note. (TIO) P&C Vote & Play on Election Day RIDE BRACELETS Order Form. (Pink) Years 3 - 6 Swimming Program Permission Note. 1/2H Padstow Library Book Week Activities Library Visit. Citizenship Ceremony Permission Note. (TIO) WELCOME TO: Ava Fellows who joins 1/2H from the United Kingdom. Welcome Ava. We now have 338 students enrolled at Padstow Park Public School. ACCEPTING ENROLMENTS NOW FOR 2014 Your child will be able to join with other new children while you meet with parents and staff members who will acquaint you with the school and its programs. Please join us at Padstow Park Public School and start your child’s educational journey. - A great place to learn! TERM 3 DATES TO REMEMBER Tuesday, 16 July - Friday, 20 September 2013 AUGUST 19th - 23rd Book Week. “Read across the Universe” Wed 21st District Athletics Carnival - Crest Bass Hill. Fri 23rd PSSA Finals. th Mon 26 Recorder Concert. 26th & 28th 9:30am Father’s Day Wrapping - H Block. Wed 28th Strings Concert. Citizenship Ceremony. (TIO) th th 28 & 29 K - 6 Maths Incursion. th Father’s Day Stall. Gifts $3-$10. At East Hills Boys High School we firmly believe that learning Thu 29 should be the number one priority of all students. The school SEPTEMBER nd rd Stage 2 Overnight Excursion to Yarramundi. offers a number of academic scholarships for students who dis- 2 & 3 th play outstanding attributes in academic achievement, leadership Wed 4 Book Club Orders Due to the Office. and school and community involvement. Fri 6th PSSA Season 3 Commences. - 22nd Nov K-2 & 3-6 Swimming Program. Applications for Academic Scholarships for Year 7 Sat 7th Election Day Vote and Play. NB New Date. students in 2014 are now open. 9th - 13th Choral Rehearsal Week. th Further information and application packages are Tue 10 10:30am Mrs Taylor and selected students to available from the school website; South Haven Nursing Home. th Wed 11 Regional/Area Athletics Carnival. th Tue 17 Regional Spelling Bee. APPLICATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 20 September 2013. th Fri 20 Last Day of School for Term 3, 2013. Children starting Kindergarten in 2014 must be 5 years old by the end of July 2014. If you haven’t already collected an enrolment package, please do so and return ASAP. EAST HILLS BOYS HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS 2014 Before and After School Care Survey Dear Parent/Guardian, After being approached by a number of parents this year, I am investigating the possibility of creating an After Hours centre on site at Padstow Park Public School. Before going ahead with detailed plans I first need to know if there is a need for such a service on the school grounds both before and after school during the school terms and during term breaks. At this stage there are no plans to end the arrangement with the YMCA and this service will continue until a complete investigation of the needs and changes to the facilities of the school are completed. I would like to encourage all parents to complete this brief survey to help us determine your needs. The survey should take no more than a couple of minutes of your time. Please return all completed surveys to the front office. Thank you for your participation in this survey. Regards, Mrs J. A. Mollica Principal Out Of School Hours Survey Family name (optional) ______________________ Children’s names and ages (including those that may be coming to Padstow Park in the future) ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Do you currently use before and after school care? 2. Why/why not? _________________________________________________________ 3. If you use before and after school care how many children use the service? ________ 4. If Padstow Park had before school care on site would you use it? Yes permanent Yes casual No 5. What days and times would you use such a service? Everyday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 6. What time would you need such a service to open? 6am 7. If Padstow Park had after school care on site would you use it? Yes permanent Yes casual No 8. What days and times would you use such a service? Everyday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9. What time would you need such a service to close? 6pm 6:15pm 10. Do you currently use a vacation care service? Yes No 11. Would you use an onsite vacation care service? Yes No 12. When would you need to use such a service? Everyday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 13. Yes No Friday 6:30am 7am Friday 6:30pm Friday Is there anything else you would like to add that would help us gather information about your needs? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your time. Mrs J.A. Mollica Principal Please return to the office PLAYGROUP SYDNEY TABLE TENNIS 9:30AM - 11:30AM EVERY TUESDAY (during school terms) $20 registration, $5 per week. Like more info? Rachel Harris Playgroup Co-ordinator Kelly MacDonald - Padstow Park Public School Assembly Hall Saturdays 9am - 4pm AT PADSTOW PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL! Website: Sydney Table Tennis is sponsored by Aussie Online Business Design Professionally Designed Websites at Great Prices Website: Professional tuition in Maths and English Kip McGrath’s qualified teachers create individual tutoring programs using proven Kip McGrath methods. Maths English Reading Spelling REVESBY 9772 0575 Suite 18, 4 - 10 Selems Parade, 2212 Call today for a FREE assessment Kip McGrath Education Centres
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