February 2016 Issue - Mount Ararat Baptist Church
February 2016 Issue - Mount Ararat Baptist Church
FEBRUARY 2016 HEALING M i n d , B o dy & S o u l FEATURES Whats Next... Your To-Do List for Health, Family & Fellowship in 2016_______2 A Hurting World. A Healing God.________________________________________4 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Orlana Darkins Drewery ADVISOR Rev. Dr. William H. Curtis ENTERTAINMENT MANAGING EDITORS Karen D. Kisner Shaunda E. Miles Dr. Anthony Robins Minerva White CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Camille Clarke Rev. Dr. William H. Curtis Rev. Sharon Dennard Merecedes J. Howze Tiffany Huff Deacon Kathy Hunt Deacon Claudia Mason Deacon Dwight Mosley Ray Porter, Jr. Dawn Williams COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY Susan Frazier Delaney Deacon Stanley Denton Darnell Drewery Merecedes J. Howze Lora Hubbard Tiffany Huff Michelle D. Jackson Karen D. Kisner Trini Massie Shaunda Miles Laura V. Norman Ray Porter Jr. Dr. Anthony Robins Veniecia Robinson Deacon Greg Tot Minerva White ADVERTISING Orlana Darkins Drewery Deb Cavrak, Graphic Design MOUNT ARARAT BAPTIST CHURCH STAFF Rev. Dr. William H. Curtis Senior Pastor Sports Black History Month Spotlight: Tony Dungy______________________________________________ 16 Movie Scene Queen_______________________________________ 18 Healing Starts with the Heart__________________________________________6 Spirit, Soul & Body Fitness_____________________________________________8 LIFESTYLE Grandparents Day_______________________________________ 34 60-Day Health Challenge_________________________________ 35 New Year’s Eve Service___________________________________ 36 Quilter’s Club___________________________________________ 37 Black ‘n Gold Sunday_____________________________________ 38 Snapshots______________________________________________ 42 The Band_______________________________________________ 44 Media Partner: New Pittsburgh Courier________________________________ 10 Get “The Mount” delivered straight to your door! Ask A Deacon_______________________________________________________ 14 Practical Money Tips for Everyday People. Spending Less While Saving._________________________________________ 20 Tips to Boost Your Family’s Energy___________________________________ 22 Tips to Overcome Life’s Obstacles____________________________________ 24 February is Black History Month_____________________________________ 26 Millennials: Tips for a Brighter Financial Future_________________________ 28 Rev. John A. Knight Staff Assistant to the Senior Pastor How to Pick the Right Watch for Your Valentine__________________________________________________ 30 Estelle Christian Assistant to the Senior Pastor Family Ideals Remain Consistent in Changing Times____________________ 32 Veniecia Robinson Chief Financial Officer PHOTO RECAPS Mount Ararat Counseling Center______________________________________ 41 The Mount 271 Paulson Ave., Pgh, PA 15206 mountmagazine@mt-ararat.org Advertising: 412-441-1800 Printed in the U.S.A. 2016 Subscribe to receive Pittsburgh’s Monthly Christian Lifestyle Magazine. Enjoy uplifting and informative articles to enhance your Christian walk, Movie Reviews, Sports Editorials, Finance, Health & Wellness, Local and National News and so much more! Orlana Darkins Drewery Director of Communications 12 MONTHS $ 42 6 MONTHS $ Rev. Robert James Youth Pastor & Min. of Technology Rev. Linda Oliver Minister of Special Projects 21 Min. Dwayne Fulton Director, Fine Arts Department Rev. Trini L. Massie Minister of Worship Rev. Sherry Brooks-Faulkner Administrative Assistant Leonard Pinkney Facility Manager Angela Fenk Accounting Assistant B ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 THERE’S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN... SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 412-441-1800 Ext. 222 THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 1 WHAT’S NEXT ... YOUR TO-DO LIST FOR HEALTH, FAMILY, AND FELLOWSHIP IN 2016 Are we ten pounds lighter yet? Have we managed to save a million dollars in the last two weeks? Have we been getting up every morning at 6:00am to pray and reflect on our lives? Have we stopped worrying entirely? —taken that vacation we told ourselves we deserved? While I hope some of these initiatives and positive thoughts for the new year are on our minds, I’m sure we haven’t even come close to any of our New Year’s goals and aspirations yet. I’m hoping that we maintain a positive perspective, making sure to tackle our goals and resolutions at an appropriate speed. Part of our plan this year should also be to avoid taking everything so seriously and being too hard on ourselves. There is time for all of our resolutions and improvements. There is also time to sit back and decide what can happen early on in 2016 to make us feel better, enjoy more time with our families, and get more satisfaction out of our weekly worship. Simply put, just taking a moment to reflect and think about daily life is the first step in enriched experiences with family and friends, and with ourselves. When we move too fast and pack too much into our days, we run the risk of not enjoying and absorbing any of the beauty of the day. When we slow down and have dinner with our family or actually take the time to enjoy a morning run, we can learn to relish the moments that allow us reflection or togetherness with loved ones. In church, when we make the effort to truly sit, listen, and experience the message of God’s Word, we are more centered and more open to that message for the rest of our week! If we sit, tense and thinking of other things, the message is lost on us, and the fellowship with other members of the congregation becomes nonexistent. So, my advice is this: Stop and take in the day. Understand each moment as God wants us to. Listen to your kids, talk to your spouse, enjoy your time alone exercising, praying, or whatever brings you peace. Take the fellowship that you experience in church into your workplace or in your community as you buy groceries or get your car serviced. Talk to people and interact on a deeper level, trying to understand what makes others happy and what gets you through your own day. This is your first step to seeing all the other components of a happy life fall into place for 2016. Facebook: WHCMinistries Twitter: @PasCurtis Website: WHCMinistries.org 2 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 3 W A HURTING WORLD A HEALING GOD 4 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 By Rev. Sharon Dennard e live in perilous and trying times. Peace is disturbed and calamity is rampant. We shudder at ‘breaking news’ of yet another massacre. History has shown that the world is sick with sin and hatred. The Nazi holocaust in the World War II era left some six million Jews dead. From 1992 to 1995 ethnic cleansing in Bosnia cost the lives of one hundred thousand people. Cambodia suffered the loss of seven hundred thousand in just five years in their killing fields. The Hutus in Rwanda, in a span of only four months in 1994, tragically slaughtered upwards of eight hundred thousand members of the Tutsi tribe. The lawlessness continues thanks to terrorist bands such as Isis in the Middle East and beyond and Islamist Boko Haram in Nigeria. Here at home racial tensions remain at the breaking point due to the repeated illegal deaths of black citizens at the hands of rogue police officers. American believers and anyone with a heart anywhere on the globe are distressed and lamenting with the ancient prophet, “Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn and horror grips me” (Jeremiah 8:21). To be fair, decent people do try to push back against man’s inhumanity to their fellowman. There have been marches, rallies, sit-ins, boycotts, protests and demonstrations. When peaceful means seemed ineffective, violence flared and riots erupted. There have been elections and administrations, programs and organizations. Earnest leaders have adopted the words of founding father Thomas Paine, “Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it.” Yet for all our efforts we are forced to suffer the knowledge of the catastrophic experiences mentioned above. Known for his weeping, Jeremiah gives voice to our frustration, “Why is there no healing for the wound of my people?” (Jeremiah 8: 22). Could it be as we struggle to establish cohesive and comprehensive workable plans for peace and restoration that we are looking in the wrong places? Possibly are we placing our confidence in the wrong people? Might we be expecting too much from those who are feeling the unrelenting pressure to solve the problems that have plagued humankind since time immemorial? Living out this sad chapter in human history in which unspeakable atrocities cause untold suffering we cry, how do we handle this - how can we heal? There is a difference between symptom, treatment and radical cure. Offering the latter, Almighty God addresses the root causes and always offers prescriptive remedies and conditional assurances. See: II Chronicles 7:14-15; Proverbs 21:15; Isaiah 9:2-7; Jeremiah 30:17; Ezekiel 11:19; John 16:33 and I John 2. One of the ways our Divine Healer relieves the pain is by transforming our outlook. Highly respected theologian C.S. Lewis provides insight as we observe our belligerent world, “I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it but because by it I see everything else”. Paul the Apostle explains, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). Because he endured imprisonment, beatings, ridicule, abandonment and subsequent martyrdom, this committed servant of Christ was qualified to offer this opinion. He invites all who share the same faith to imagine life as a giant scale. All wrongdoings and misery occupy one side and on the other that which has been secured for us by Christ is displayed. Redemption, love and hope are even now “heavier” than the assaults of our tormentors. What hurts us presently does not blind us to the vindication that will be ours if not in this life surely in the next. Commentator Matthew Henry affirms, “The sufferings are small and short, and concern the body only; but the glory is rich and great and concerns the soul, and is eternal.” For all he has brought us through we say “Thank You” and for all he will bring us to we say, “Amen”. The messianic prophet speaks of our Lord in this way, “Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows . . . the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5). Still the Savior provides renewal, vigor and gladness but not apart from himself. By grace, God’s caring hand is extended on the earth and beyond into eternity. Drawing nearer to the One who came from heaven down to guide and empower us, comfort and assure us and of a certainty redeem and glorify us (Romans 8) is the faith-sensible response to the vicious madness of an ever increasing number evil of men. In these dark days, we have the assurance that we can come to Jesus. With renewed resolve we offer “kingdom quality” and “God-worthy” worship, witness and work. THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 5 I used to be suicidal. HEALING STARTS WITH THE HEART By Tiffany Huff Don’t judge me. I never tried to slit my wrists, and never took more pills than I could handle (I can handle A LOT of pills), and I never attempted to jump off a bridge or building either. My weapon(s) of choice were much worse. You see, I was not suicidal to my physical self. I was spiritually suicidal. Everyday I existed only to choke a little more life out of my spirit. It was the only way I knew how to live. Can you even imagine waking up everyday, physically, only to continue the spiritual suicide attempt you could not pull off the day before? Day after day I walked, drove, and ran into environments where the people in the room sucked up ALL of the air. With every word that I inhaled, my breath was shortened, my throat tightened up. I was choking. There was no room in the spaces I physically inhabited for my spirit to dwell because I chose to dwell in dark places…I refused to shine my light. God was leading me to places where my spirit was needed like a cure for cancer. I allowed me instead to be infected. It was easier to be sick…to continue to choke. My spirit was constantly rejected, shunned, quieted, ignored by everyone else. The rooms were so full of demands and expectations that there was no space for my spirit to inhabit authentically. Every attempt God made to mature me spiritually failed, because I was choking. It didn’t stop there. When choking the life out of my spirit ceased to be successful, I decided to try suffocation. I smothered her with cakes and pies, fried chicken and corn bread, sweet tea and long island iced teas. And if she was still gasping for air, I guzzled shot after shot. I even hit a cigarette every now and then. Choking was not enough. Suffocation didn’t do the job. I had to pick another poison. tapes of failures, insecurities, shame, and insufficiencies from my past without ceasing to the point that I could barely hear what was going on around me. I was thinking deadly thoughts. The attack on my mind was the most difficult for my spirit to fight, but fight she did. It wasn’t until I had a fight for my physical being that my spiritual suicide ceased. In a flash of time, I was face to face with the possibility of death. My life was flashing before my eyes….God decided to spare me physically. My spirit was being resuscitated. I could no longer walk, run or drive to those dark places. I needed to nurture and honor my body with certain foods if I wanted to get back up and moving in a timely manner… suddenly suffocation attempts ceased. From the moment I came face to face with death, all I could do was call on the name of Jesus and ask Him to help me and have mercy on me. I prayed and pleaded with Him because I had so much living to do. The prayers began to overpower the deadly thoughts. I began to seek peace with my past. While on the outside it was apparent that I needed physical healing, I began to realize that the real healing had to start on the inside…in my heart. I have learned the hard way that healing has to start in your heart, with your spirit before you can heal in any other way. I have learned that sometimes we want to heal, but we don’t want to do the heart work. We want to pray and ask God to change things, but God requires something from us as well. Give him your heart. Tiffany is passionate about empowering women to become their best selves by first envisioning what being their best is and then taking the steps to making their visions a reality. She is the mother of two very busy boys and enjoys cooking, reading, working out and traveling in her spare time. My mind was lethal. I filled my mind with so much negativity, bitterness, hate and unforgiveness about who I was and who I wasn’t. I replayed 6 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 7 SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY FITNESS By Camille Clarke 8 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 Serving as a fitness instructor for over a decade, I have assisted hundreds of clients, as well as utilized self-examination on my own body. In overcoming obesity, cancer and self-esteem issues, I became convinced of the connection between soul, spirit and the human body. Centuries ago, Western culture lost its focus on the interconnectedness between the body and spirit, and how each aspect has the power to affect the other. Cultivating a love of movement can help you get beyond the concept of physical fitness as separate from mental fitness and on the road to a lifelong program of good health and wellness through the development of mind and body fitness. In choosing the proper exercise regimen for you and your lifestyle, whatever form of exercise you select should be specifically tailored to meet your needs and desires. Begin with determining what you need to create balance in your life, and it is important to be able to align your fitness goals with your preferences. Some people like the idea of getting out of the house in the evening and going to a physical fitness center; others prefer the privacy of their home and engaging in a quieter exercise routine after the demands of a stressful day. Either approach, or a combination of the two, can result in improved mind and body fitness. For example: Client One, who is the President of a marketing company, travels frequently. She sits in meetings, is on conference calls, and works primarily in front of her computer. Her high-powered executive lifestyle, which also includes being a wife, has resulted in overeating and a reliance on red wine in an attempt to reduce her stress levels. She stated that she used to enjoy running for exercise, so we found a time that was best for her to run. She wakes up at 5am for a morning run, which helps to clear her head before the day starts. I also prepared a diet plan in accordance with her lifestyle. Being in remarkable shape at the age of 42, she wears a size two, which was also a goal to help her feel good about herself. Client Two is an African American female franchisee owner, who makes executive decisions daily, deals with multiple levels of staff, is required to answer to corporate headquarters, and ensures that all operations run smoothly. She is also a single mother of two. This client loves weight lifting and kick boxing. She prefers to exercise in the evenings because her days start early and end late. At the age of 43, she is in remarkable shape as well. She has suffered from fibromyalgia, tense shoulders and edema. Presently she is preparing to train in order to participate in a marathon. Client three is a father and business executive; his work being basically sedentary. Since he is considerably older than my two previously referenced female clients, he is losing muscle mass, has had neck surgery causing a limited range of motion, also resulting in knee and hip issues. He loves to lift weights, and together we work on balance and stretching. At the age of 63, he is stronger than he has ever been. In addition, he has shed over 50 pounds and now walks five miles, three days per week. Client four, who is a mother of five and a physician, is on her feet all day taking care of her children and patients. By the time she gets home in the evening the thought of doing anything vigorous is not an option, so I selected Pilates and yoga for her exercise plan. As a result, she says she feels better. Her emotional eating is under control and her sugar cravings have subsided. I have noted these examples for the purpose of providing some guidance in choosing what works best for you personally, which is far more important than simply trying the latest fitness trends. Consider redefining exercise as any activity that unites your mind and body, and reduces your stress levels. High levels of stress have been linked to weight gain, and may in fact lead to emotional eating. Finding activities that are both enjoyable and easy to do is important when developing any type of exercise plan. Consider your goals and ask the following questions: is 30 to 60 minutes on a treadmill a reasonable time frame at this point in your life? Are you setting yourself up for failure or success when you create certain expectations for yourself? Would it be more enjoyable for you to do some stretching, and a shorter period of time on the treadmill? Developing an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and your desires is critical for success. Surprisingly, long-term weight loss is linked more closely to whether people remain committed to their fitness routine than to what that routine actually consists of. A routine that is gentle and pleasurable is more likely to lead to the long-term gains you are seeking. An all-or-nothing mindset regarding exercise can lead to unrealistic expectations and goals, which may result in giving up on your plan entirely. You can walk into a physical fitness center during the month of January and attempt to get on a Stairmaster machine. There’s a good chance you will have to wait in line. However, by March or April, there are usually plenty of free machines. A critical aspect of this is for you to come to know yourself and take your desires seriously. If you prefer to be home in the evenings, find things to do in your home or consider an occasional walk with friends or family. If you crave the company of others, head for a physical fitness center. The point is to realistically consider your lifestyle, including what would please you most, and then follow your inner voice. Many people who are preoccupied with food and body issues also tend to be overly attentive to the needs of others, while paying too little attention to their own needs. Your intentions may be to benefit your children with their countless activities, but the added stress can cause an imbalance within your life and family. Are you willing to review your schedule (or that of your family’s) and deliberately schedule time for yourself? What would it be like for you to say no to some other things at times? Long-term weight loss can take time, and we can become demoralized when we don’t see immediate results. However, bear in mind that maintaining a feasible exercise routine is associated with both physical as well as mental well-being. Camille Clarke is an IFBB Figure Pro, Fitness Model, Nutritionist and owner of Camille’s Fitness Inc. Camille holds an MS in Exercise Physiology and is currently certified through ISSA, ACSM and NASM. Camille’s experience as an obese adolescent weighing in at 283lbs gives her a firsthand understanding of those who struggle with weight loss. Camille’s quest to change her health and appearance has pushed her to motivate, inspire and educate others to do the same! Website: camillesfitness.com THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 9 MOUNT MAGAZINE NEWS PARTNER newpittsburghcourieronline.com Buress calls impact of his Cosby joke ‘weird,’ unexpected BY LYNN ELBER, AP TELEVISION WRITER PASADENA, Calif. (AP) _ Hannibal Buress calls it a weird surprise that his Bill Cosby “rapist” joke precipitated the star’s fall from grace. “I was doing a joke in my show and that shouldn’t influence public opinion. I don’t know if it should go that far,” Buress said, “It’s weird to me that a joke did that.” Buress said he didn’t perform the joke 10 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 with the idea it would have repercussions for Cosby. He stopped short of expressing regret. Speaking earlier to a TV critics’ group, Buress said he’s moved beyond Cosby as a punchline and doesn’t see his career as defined by it. “I’ve been working for a while and I continue to work,” Buress said, citing his voice-over performances for films including the upcoming “The Angry Birds Movie” and ongoing stand-up appearances. A comedy special for Netflix will be released Feb. 5. “That’s just one joke that … people took and really ran with it,” he said. In October 2014, Buress called Cosby a rapist during a Philadelphia stand-up performance. It was captured on video and posted online, gaining wide exposure and renewing scrutiny of decades-old allegations of sexual assault lodged by a number of women. The chorus of accusers grew, eclipsing Cosby’s public image as a charming, family friendly comedian and an African-American groundbreaker with his role in the 1960s in “I Spy” and his 1984-92 NBC TV sitcom “The Cosby Show.” Cosby had previously come under fire from some in the African-American community for critical remarks about the conduct of poor Blacks. Buress declined to discuss what prompted making Cosby a comedic target. Cosby repeatedly has denied the sexual-misconduct claims, with his attorneys noting he had never been charged. That changed on Dec. 31, when he was arrested on felony assault charges in suburban Philadelphia stemming from a 2004 encounter with a former Temple University employee. The decision represented an aboutface by the district attorney’s office, which under a previous leader declined to charge Cosby in 2005 when Andrea Constand first told police that the comic put his hands down her pants. Responding last month to the charges, Cosby’s attorney Monique Pressley accused the new prosecutor of “playing political football” with Cosby’s life. Buress, who appeared on the panel with John Mulaney and Patton Oswalt, drew support from his fellow comedians. “Many, many people knew him as an excellent standup before that,” Mulaney said. Added Oswalt: “Hannibal was doing fine without that (the Cosby controversy). He’d be sitting here now if that had not happened. … That’s just incidental to where he was going anyway.” Dress for Success Pittsburgh named Champion in Action for strengthening communities through workforce development BY COURIER NEWSROOM P PITTSBURGH – Citizens Bank, WPXI-TV, Trib Total Media and Pittsburgh Cares announced Jan.6 that Dress for Success Pittsburgh is the latest nonprofit to be named a Champion in Action®. Dress for Success received the Champion in Action award for its work providing a gateway for women to obtain meaningful employment and build financially secure futures for themselves and their families. As a Champion in Action, the nonprofit will receive a $35,000 contribution from Citizens Bank, media coverage, and extensive promotional and volunteer support. “Dress for Success Pittsburgh is a model for what being a champion for F O RO change looks like,” said Daniel K. Fitzpatrick, President of Citizens Bank for Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. “This organization promotes the economic independence of women in the Pittsburgh area by helping them gain employment through its successful workforce development programs.” Launched in 2002, Champions in Action is a joint initiative of Citizens Bank, WPXI-TV, Trib Total Media and Pittsburgh Cares that provides various forms of support to small nonprofit organizations in recognition of their contributions to communities throughout the Pittsburgh area. Champions in Action is part of Citizens From left to right: Mónica Méndez, PhD, Executive Director, Dress for Success Pittsburgh; Jennifer Tis, Esq., Board Chair, Dress for Success Pittsburgh; Daniel K. Fitzpatrick, President of Citizens Bank in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware; and Brittny McGraw, News Anchor, WPXI-TV. Helping Citizens Strengthen Communities, the bank’s program designed to enhance quality of life and economic vitality in local communities. “WPXI-TV is pleased to recognize Dress for Success Pittsburgh as our first Champion in Action for 2016,” said Ray Carter, General Manager of WPXI-TV. “Since its inception a decade ago, Dress for Success Pittsburgh has provided professional attire to more than 17,500 women, collaborated with more than 150 referral agencies in Southwest Pennsylvania, and has helped thousands of women obtain financial education, technical skills and soft skills to use on the job and in their day to day lives.” “Trib Total Media recognizes the tremendous work Dress for Success Pittsburgh is doing to help women succeed in SteelCityPrint.com Expert Graphic Designers Quality Printing Very Affordable Easy Online Ordering VISIT OUR SITE TODAY! THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 11 returning to the workforce the Pittsburgh region,” said Jennifer Bertetto, Trib Total Media President and CEO. “Through its three core programs – the Professional Suiting Program, Career Development Workshops and the Women’s Professional Group – the nonprofit provides a strong foundation as well as a continuum of support and opportunities for women to compete, advance and support themselves and their families.” Citizens Bank officials, along with representatives from WPXI-TV, made the announcement Jan.6 at the offices of Dress for Success Pittsburgh. “We are delighted to be chosen as a Champion in Action,” said Dr. Monica Mendez, Executive Director of Dress for Success Pittsburgh. “Women and girls walk out with more than professional attire; they walk out with a new sense of confidence and empowerment. This award will help us continue to provide the tools and assistance needed for success.” DEEPER INTO FORGIVENESS: The Journey of Forgiving Others and Self 70x7 Saturday, March 12 from 9:30 am to 4 pm Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Forgiveness is a powerful tool for healing hearts and communities, yet many Christians do not know what forgiveness is or how to live into it. With stories of courageous forgivers, scripture and silent reflection, we will explore what forgiveness is and what it isn’t, why forgiveness is central for healing and peacemaking, and how to live more deeply into the forgiveness of others and of ourselves. This retreat is for all who desire to go deeper into the process of forgiveness, as well as for those who lead others in the healing of bitterness and shame as pastors, spiritual directors and counselors. Janet Hellner-Burris is the senior minister of The Christian Church of Wilkinsburg (Disciples OU R S E RVIC E S YOU ARE WELCOME TO THE MINISTRY THAT CARES SUNDAY SCHOOL: 4 years old to Adult at 9:30 a.m. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE: Saturdays at 7 p.m. BAPTISM & COMMUNION: First Tuesday of the month NEXT LEVEL SMALL CELL GROUPS: Every Tuesday* *Except the first Tuesday of the month MT-ARARAT.ORG • 412.441.1800 12 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 SPONSORED BY THE EPHESUS PROJECT AND PNEUMA INSTITUTE: TO REGISTER: theephesusproject.org SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m.* YOUTH OF THE MOUNT (YOTM): Elev8: All-ages at 9:30 a.m. Eleven47: Teens-only at 11:47 a.m. of Christ) and a partner with the Pnuema Institute. As a survivor of abuse and the murder of a family member, she has been leading retreats for adults and youth as well as weekly studies at the county jail on forgiveness for many years, and is working on a revision of her book The 70 x 7 Forgiveness Challenge. COST: $50 including lunch. Former WAMO Music Director Kris Kelley dead at 45 BY MARY L. DATCHER, CHICAGO DEFENDER Radio programming veteran Kris Kelley was found dead in her Philadelphia apartment last month. She was a program director and on-air personality, who spent 15 years at Clear Channel Chicago. Her radio career began in Pittsburgh, where she worked as the midday disc jockey and music director at WAMO-FM. Kelley first came to Chicago in March 2007, joining WGCI-FM as a program director and part-time on-air personality. At one point, she was the program director for the top-rated morning show hosted by “Crazy” Howard McGee. In October 2015, Clear Channel Media and Entertainment Chicago announced that Kelley had been given the role of double program director, where she oversaw both WGCI-FM and WKSC-FM (103.5 Kiss FM). Prior to coming to Chicago in 2007, Kelley worked as a midday disc jockey and assistant program director/music director at WJLB-FM in Detroit. Kris Kelley is a native of Philadelphia, and a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. She was 45 years old. No further details have been released about her death, pending an investigation. Happy Anniversary to The Mount Magazine Celebrating two years as Pittsburgh’s Monthly Christian Lifestyle Magazine! To celebrate this achievement, the publication is offering UP TO 50% OFF ADVERTISING RATES! Don’t miss this opportunity to advertise your business or service! Thank you for your support. 50 OFF UP TO % FOR COMPLETE DETAILS: email mountmagazine@mt-ararat.org or call 412-441-1293 ASK A DEACON This section is designed to answer questions that you may have about the Bible or Christianity. In the church, Deacons function as servants, ministering to the church body in practical ways, including, but not limited to: discipleship, assisting with baptism, prayer and visitation to the sick. If you have a question that you would like one of our Deacons to answer, please submit your question to: mountmagazine@mt-ararat.org Q: 14 ― THE MOUNT JANUARY 2016 There are so many other religious books available to read, what’s so special about the Bible? SAMANTHA, 18, PLUM A: As you know, Cindy, we live in a world today that’s inundated with all sorts of information designed to grab our attention; particularly as it relates to religious readings. Social media and many other media outlets allow us access to information at just the tap of a finger. You can find ‘12 Steps to being Prosperous’ and ‘Eight ways to tap into your Anointing’. Not to mention other religious sacred books such as the Muslim’s ‘Koran’ and the Jewish Faith’s the ‘Torah,’ which are written to inspire their believers. Most are written to help you to live your Best Life. There’s tons of enticing information available, which will help you to understand who we are created to be and to help us to understand our purpose on this earth. We can choose to receive that information via the social media mediums to television, radio satellite, books, etc. There is a plethora of information out here that is designed to tickle our fancy depending on our interest. Books, in particular, can be uploaded and downloaded to devices that will tell us the type of person to marry or to teach you how to deal with the battle that’s going on in your mind. However, when it comes to religious information, we have to be careful what we are allowing to entertain our thinking and into our spirit. Yes, there are many self-help books that are designed to enhance what we already know to be true. While many of these writings are not derived from the Bible, much of the religious information can be very insightful and helpful. So what differentiates the Bible from these other religious writings? First of all, as Christians we believe that the scriptures of the Bible are given by the inspiration of our Holy God. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The Christian Bible, although is a history book, it is the infallible Word of God. There are many other history books that exist. None, however; claim to be the authoritative Word of an all Sufficient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God who chose to speak His Word through regular people for His Purpose. The more you investigate the historical stories written in the Bible the more you can find relatable events such as these: at the center of the Bible is Jesus Christ, our Salvation, who not only fulfills prophetic proclamations, He is the One who is the Way to eternal life for all who will believe. “Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) The Bible also gives examples on how to live a Righteous and Holy Life; a life which honors and is pleasing to God. God’s Word is filled with His promises and truths. But it also warns us of the consequences of disobedience. There are countless stories of disobedient people throughout the Bible which led to trouble not only for themselves but also towards others. Sure you can find ways to deal with adversity in other religious writings but God shows us that if we put our trust in Him, He will deliver us from trials and tribulation because He has overcome the world. In Genesis 37, his own brothers because of jealousy sold Joseph as a slave. God sometimes grants permission for adversity in our lives so that He might accomplish His Will for our lives. At the end of this story Joseph’s brothers are forgiven and God gets the Glory. And what God did for Joseph, He will do for us. There are countless stories like this where people have overcome their struggles; they prosper, they are healed, delivered, set free, and they find Hope. There’s a Love story in the Song of Songs where a picture is painted beautifully to describe a man who is in love with his bride…, which is a depiction of how God loves His Bride...,the Church. The Bible’s future events (Prophecy) are predicted with verifiable accuracy. The book of Revelations is a foretelling of what is to come. We as believers need only to look to God for our future. He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End. It is in Him that we live, move and have our being. It is in Him that we have our Hope. The Holy Bible describes a belief system, which promises the believer peace and a better life. Other religious leaders promise similar claims such as the prophet Mohammed, and Gandhi, But God is the Only True and LIVING God. What makes the Word of God so Special? It’s because of God’s love for us, He sent Himself in the form of a man called Jesus Christ to the world to sacrifice His life for each and every one of us so that we may have access to Eternal Life. No other religions have that claim except for the Bible. THE MOUNT JANUARY 2016 ― 15 T Sports Black History Month Spotlight: Tony Dungy BY RAY PORTER, JR. 16 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ony Dungy was signed as an undrafted free agent safety in 1977 by the Steelers, as a backup and on special teams. In 1977, Dungy had the distinction of being the most recent player in history to intercept a pass and throw an interception in the same game. Dungy was the emergency quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers vs. against the Houston Oilers when he performed that feat after starting quarterback (QB) Terry Bradshaw and backup Mike Kruzek went down with injuries. In 1978, Dungy led the team with 6 interceptions (although a backup) and earned a Super Bowl ring as the Steelers beat the Dallas Cowboys in Super Bowl 13. The following season, the Steelers traded Dungy to the San Francisco 49ers and he eventually finished his short NFL career with the New York Giants in 1980. Following his playing career, Dungy began coaching with his alma mater, the University of Minnesota in 1980. He returned to the NFL when hired by Steelers Head Coach Chuck Noll to become their first African-American assistant coach in 1981. He also made NFL history as the youngest assistant coach at age 25 and the youngest coordinator at age 28. Dungy would go on to coach the defensive backs in 1982 and was then promoted to defensive coordinator in 1984 where he would remain until 1988 when he moved to the Kansas City Chiefs to become their defensive backs coach. In 1991, Dungy once again served as defensive coordinator, this time with the Minnesota Vikings. During his years as an assistant coach, Dungy interviewed with several NFL teams for their head coaching position, but would always fall short of getting the job until 1996 when he was hired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to become the 5th African-American head coach (behind Art Shell, Dennis Green and Ray Rhodes) in NFL history. Dungy coached the Buccaneers from 1996-2001 and was credited with turning the team around, getting them to the playoffs in 1997 for the first time since 1982. In 1999, Dungy led them to their first division title since 1979 as well as to the NFC Championship Game (also their first since 1979). After being relieved of his duties with the Buccaneers in early 2002, Dungy joined the Indianapolis Colts (8 days later) and fixed a defense that needed to be a compliment to their high-powered offense led by QB Peyton Manning. During his time as head coach, Dungy would lead the Colts to the playoffs, but the first few years were met with disappointment as he would fail to get them to the Super Bowl. That struggle would end in 2007 when Dungy led the Colts to Super Bowl 41 and beat the Chicago Bears 29-17, the Colts’ first NFL Championship since 1970. The win also provided Dungy with his 2nd Super Bowl ring. Tony Dungy made history as he was the first AfricanAmerican Head Coach to win a Super Bowl (Steelers HC Mike Tomlin is the second). Tony Dungy is also the third black head coach to win a pro football championship in North America, behind Darren Arbet of the San Jose SaberCats (Arena Football League) who won ArenaBowl XVI in 2002 and Pinball Clemons of the Toronto Argonauts (Canadian Football League) who won the 92nd Grey Cup in 2004. Dungy retired from coaching after the 2008 season and became a studio analyst for NBC’s Sunday Night Football pregame show, Football Night in America. Dungy is currently a finalist for Pro Football’s Hall of Fame Class of 2016. Off the field, Dungy has been very active in the community, participating in several events and volunteering time with organizations ranging from the Boys and Girls Club to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters. He has made no secret of his relationship with Jesus Christ and has publicly shared his testimony as a speaker for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Dungy has also written several best-selling books including Quiet Strength, Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance, The Mentor Leader, Uncommon Manhood and a children’s book titled You Can Do It. He and his wife Lauren have also written books together including Uncommon Marriage, and a series of Ready-To-Read children’s books. In 2009, Dungy become an informal mentor to the formerly suspended NFL player Michael Vick, counseling him during his incarceration and helping him sign with the Philadelphia Eagles. Vick currently plays for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Dungy’s history-making success proves that it’s not about trying to make history, it’s about making a difference and fulfilling one’s dreams and goals—in doing so, Tony Dungy made history. Ray Porter Jr. is a freelance writer from Urban Media Today (urbanmediatoday. com). You can follow him @urbanmediaray on twitter. THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 17 movie scene queen By Merecedes J. Howze Merecedes J. Howze started Movie Scene Queen to share her thoughts about the latest movie happenings with fellow movie lovers. She’s studied journalism at Clark Atlanta University and Duquesne University, while practicing the discipline for nearly a decade. The New Pittsburgh Courier named her one of their Fab 40, Under 40 recipients in 2013 for her vast volunteering endeavors, while being the single mother of two young children and maintaining her post as a project coordinator with the Pittsburgh Public Schools. Jesse Owens’ Own “Race” in Athletics and Racism During the month of February, Americans amplify the in-depth look of African American history. From celebrations to demonstrations, Black History Month is a designated 28 days (sometimes 29) to reflect on the amazing contributions we have made to this world. Some names stick out further than others like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X. Growing up, when we talked about great Black athletes, there was no way educators did not mention the heroics and hurdles of Jesse Owens. The story of the great Olympian is chronologically outlined in “Race.” Starring Stephan James and Jason Sudeikis, the film shows Jesse Owens’ own “race” from Ohio State University to the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Stephan James, who you may remember as civil rights activists and politician John Lewis in “Selma” (2014), is spectacular. He seems to work well in historical adaptions as he is both substantial and strong. One thing the film taught me that school did not is that Jesse Owens had his own share of races on and off of the track. He faced the constant ridicule and discrimination from White athletes and coaches. At the same time, the NAACP asked Jesse Owens not to attend the Olympic Games as stance for the mistreatment of Blacks in the US. What if he had not gone? He would have never won 4 gold medals, nor would he had the opportunity to make the global impact that was made from his participation and achievement at the Olympics. Here’s some modern day connections: what Black leaders were asking Jesse Owens to do in 1936 is the same thing Black celebrities are asking of Chris Rock as host of this year’s Academy Awards. In my opinion, the 1936 Olympics is our 2016 Oscars. Sports and entertainment have been overshadowed with politics and race relations. Jesse Owens was given a global platform to perform as the World was on the brink of World War II. Even Adolph Hitler watched as Jesse Owens swept every track and field match he competed in. I think it is wrong for people to ask others to abandon their talents for the greater good of a cause. While The Academy needs to strategically work on its diversity amongst members, Chris Rock, who I am sure will creatively address these issues, has the right to host the awards show. “Race” is the perfect movie for Black History Month – a lesson to last for a lifetime. “Race” is in theaters February 19. The 88th Academy Awards will air Sunday, February 28 at 7PM on ABC. Ride Along 2 is Marginally Disappointing Let’s rewind back to MLK weekend 2014! Just two years ago, Ride Along, starring Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, was the number one movie for three weeks in a row. The film was the largest debut in MLK weekend box office history, earning $48.6 million. Fast forward to today, in less than 24 months, Detective James Payton (Cube) and his future brother-in-law, Ben (Hart), are back and fighting crime together in Miami. Ride Along 2 was pretentious. Hit hard by the sophomore jinx, the film failed to reach the same laughter and excitement as the first one. I just expected more. 18 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 Ken Jeong was a nice added bonus. But, the few chuckles he provided did not make up for the predictable plot and Ice Cube’s corny punch lines. Again, I not only expected more, I wanted more. Ice Cube, whose resume reeks of sequel, likes to keep a good thing going. The NWA rapper did it with “Friday” (1995), “Are We There Yet?” (2005), “Barbershop” (2002), and “21 Jump Street” (2012). Despite my obvious dislike, the numbers don’t lie. Ride Along 2 came out victorious opening weekend with earnings of $41.5 million. The comedy finally knocked “Stars Wars: The Force Awakens” out of the number one spot, which had been holding onto the top spot since its December 18th release. Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, and Universal Pictures are excellent at marketing, specifically on social media. Both superstars already have a huge fan bases in life and on social media. So, between the press tour, social media posts, and the first Ride Along the sequel had a decent recipe for success. Ice Cube was on my timeline every single day, pressing hard for this movie. The strong push paid off. Overall, the actual movie was not die hard funny at all, but I could appreciate the quick giggles I did receive. S S 2 Stars for the 2 laughs THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 19 Practical Money Tips for Everyday People SPENDING LESS WHILE SAVING BY DAWN WILLIAMS Often I have conversations with people on how to save money…I’m not an expert, but because people, including me, want to know how to make the best use of their resources, it tends to be a hot topic. I find that when I ask people why they want to save money I don’t quite get a clear answer. Most responses tend to align with reasons of saving being another daunting task. Clearly, they have not grown to appreciate the value and good that comes from saving. 20 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 Knowing exactly why you want to save more of your income is crucial. I hear people say they need to save for a “rainy day”. What does your “rainy day” look like? Is it travel, an addition to your home, a new car, retirement, or for an unforeseen emergency? Or do you simply want to find a frugal way of saving money in one area so you may be able to spend your money in a more desirable one. Creating a clear vision as to why you want to save money helps to bring positive energy to spending less and saving more. If you are not excited about saving money, you take some time to explore why. It could be that you’re experiencing a more deep-rooted challenge that warrants further exploration. Get in touch with this issue. It could be lifethreatening placing you in financial despair. I have succeeded and failed in trying to save money. My attitude towards the reason, the money and the anticipated outcome have had great impact on whether or not I followed through and succeeded. If I chose to put God first in saving money, it worked. If I chose not to put God first in saving money, the outcome certainly proved so every time. I refrained from giving in one season as to save all the money I could just for me. I thought surely God understood and was on my side for a blessing. I got a blessing alright! Unfortunately, the unexpected happened to me and I received a real lesson-learned blessing. Simply stated, I learned God is first, giving is second, and saving comes after. With that said, here are a few practical tips that may help you save money while spending less… Open up a “Christmas Club” Today Yes, it sounds so old-school and antiquated. My siblings and I would tease my mom for years over her annual Christmas club account. With resistance I was finally convinced to do it and…to my surprise it worked!. I designated an amount each pay period to deposit into the Christmas club account with a stipulation that if I withdrew early I would pay a big fee. The risk of being charged a fee on my own money gave me the initiative to keep it up. When the end of the short-term savings account was up, my money was deposited with interest into my main account. This may not be a compound interest money-making account, but it’s a good start to learn how to safeguard your money from yourself, have enough to spend on gifts or travel and helps to prevent credit card debt in January. I felt no financial pressure for the holiday season and I was able to give more to help others to have a blessed holiday. It felt great to invest early into a glad-giving heart. Avoid Foods That Are Breaking Your Grocery Budget Cut back on prepared and pre-cut foods such as deli items, fruits, veggies and bagged salad kits. Buy a water bottle instead of bottled waters. Purchase ground coffees on sale. Brew coffee at home and transport in a thermos. Make homemade baked goods. Buy a bag of potatoes. Make French fries. Try a new potato dish. There are many available potato recipes online. Have a food processor? Make your own fresh baby foods. Experiment with salad dressing recipes. Pop popcorn on the stove. Drink water instead of juice boxes or soda. Clip coupons and make a meal around the weekly grocery specials. Host a pot-luck or cookie exchange. Spending Less Is Not The Same As Saving Once you start cutting your monthly expenses, the next step is to make sure you’re actually saving that money! Spending less is not the same as saving. In order for it to become savings,the money you don’t spend has to go into a savings account or some other type of account you can’t easily access while out spending. Set aside money at the start of each month. Use cash instead of plastic and save the change. Online banking and debit cards have allowed consumers to become less cautious with their money and spending. By taking out hard cash from the ATM and spending only what you withdraw, you can limit your splurges. I found this to work great for me in staying in line with a budget that allows me to save. You can also save up all the coin change from your cash purchases and deposit it into a savings account at the end of each month. However, be careful of the coin change savings. I’ve known people to spend purposely to make change for the piggy bank. They had not realized they were doing more spending than saving just to make coin change. While Saving, Develop An Abundance Mentality You’ve cut cable, eliminated the fancy coffees, you’ve clipped coupons, cooked at home, walked instead of drove, grew a savings and stuck to your budget. You’ve hit a savings threshold. What now? I encourage you to practice 3 simple-abundance traits: Appreciation, Gratefulness and Giving. Be genuine in being happy and sending good-will for others. Avoid the feelings of jealousy and envy for other’s achievements and get into a place of appreciation for their successes and blessings. Be grateful for all that you have already. Don’t focus on lack instead count your blessings daily. Each day write down what you are thankful for and be a blessing through your action of giving so another person may be thankful. There is no monetary or material item that could ever match the blessings of simple-abundance within our spirit. Practice and build upon each one each day. Send out energy that will tune you in to the blessings of success, good-will, and abundance. It WILL change your life… “I am not broken.” Tips to Boost Your Family’s Energy Busy schedules can leave you feeling drained, but with the proper fuel, you can ensure both you and your children have the energy needed to ace each day. Meal Plan Creating a meal plan, which will help you stay organized, maintain a good diet and avoid repeat trips to the store. To simplify shopping and preparation, put together a list of favorite meals and snacks; then group according to common ingredients. Use a dry erase calendar, spreadsheet or online template to plot out menus one week at a time. Then, draft a grocery list and stick to it. This will help you pass up the chips and cookies for more energyboosting options. When you arrive home, immediately wash and prep produce for the week to make it that much easier to make nutritious meals all week long. 22 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 Start the Day off Right Wholesome breakfasts provide a pick-meup in the morning and throughout the day. Squeeze some oranges for fresh juice and a vitamin C boost. You can make a pitcher each weekend to last several days. Serve with homemade granola bars for a satisfying start to the day. Smoothies are another easy breakfast. Whip up personalized flavors for each family member using the pre-set Smoothie and Power Blends programs on a Vitamix S50. This personal blender’s 20-ounce container becomes a good travel cup for school or work. Freeze a variety of individual servings of fruit and vegetable combinations into ziptop bags, blend with yogurt, milk or juice, and head out the door. Or use the machine’s 40-ounce container to make larger batches for the family to enjoy together. A nourishing smoothie provides the fuel necessary for a productive start to the day. Mid-Day Motivation Prep power-packed lunches for school and work by including protein, fruits and vegetables in an assortment of tastes and textures. You can use a premium blender to quickly prepare all kinds of dips and nut butters. Try homemade hummus with cucumber slices and carrot sticks and a side of strawberries and grapes. Or create fun finger foods, such as a peanut butter and apple wrap, or ants on a log -- almond butter and raisins on a celery stick. Remember to stay hydrated. Water is fuel, and even mild dehydration can slow down body systems, resulting in fatigue. Carry a large container of water to drink throughout the day. Dinner Delight Continue beneficial eating habits at dinner. Add extra vegetables to your menu with a squash cheese sauce for a new take on whole wheat macaroni and cheese. Or bake a wholesome pizza using fresh pesto or a white bean purée as the sauce. Instead of hitting the couch after dinner, complement healthful eating by taking a walk with your family. Exercise provides a natural endorphin boost, giving you extra motivation to maintain healthy habits. With a little planning, a busy schedule won’t be an excuse for bad habits. source: StatePoint Right now, there are smart, resilient, caring teens in your neighborhood who could use a break. Do you have room in your heart and home? Foster Goodness To learn more, call the Allegheny County Director’s Action Line at 1-800-862-6783 or visit fostergoodness.org. This Diligent Recruitment project/program is funded by the Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, under a Cooperative Agreement, Grant Number 90-CO1111-0101. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Tips to Overcome Life’s Obstacles Sometimes it can seem impossible to surmount life’s obstacles, particularly if you have been dealt more than your fair share. But you can often draw on the strength of others for inspiration and helpful advice, especially those who have gracefully overcome difficult trials of their own. Author and musician Vanessa Leigh Hoffman first learned of the power of her own strength as a teenager when she was undergoing chemotherapy while attending school and writing and recording music. “One can conquer anything he or she puts a focus on,” says Hoffman, who over the course of her life, endured both stage three Hodgkin’s disease and a car accident that left her in a coma for close to two weeks. “After my accident, I had to relearn to walk, talk, write, sing and do even the most menial tasks.” 24 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 While not everyone will have to deal firsthand with that much tragedy, we are all subjected to unexpected challenges in our daily lives. To help, Hoffman is offering some practical insights for coping with everything, big or small. Be inspired Allow your negative experiences to be your inspiration. For example, Hoffman has reprised some of the great themes of her life in her art. Her new novel, “Treasure,” a fast-paced trilogy, tells the story of two twin boys orphaned and separated at birth, challenging readers to ask critical questions about how our lives are shaped. “Treasure,” the winner of the Hollywood and Southern California book festivals, was inspired by Hoffman’s real life encounter with President Kennedy’s former chef, a mysterious figure in her life. Don’t be disheartened: Whether it’s discouraging feedback from a teacher or a bleak prognosis from a doctor, don’t let the words of experts, however well-intentioned, define the scope of your potential. After Hoffman’s accident, the medical team caring for her predicted that she would never talk, walk, read or write again. Instead of resigning herself to their expectations, she became a veritable renaissance woman, as a singer-songwriter, businesswoman and author fluent in four languages, amongst other varied pursuits. Have goals It’s easy to let your goals fall by the wayside, particularly when life’s challenges prove time consuming, distracting and demoralizing. By embracing your passions and pursuing those things that you hold most dear, it will be easier to stay motivated to follow through. More information about the “Treasure: A Trilogy” and Hoffman, who is donating a portion of the proceeds from her book to St. Jude’s Children Research Institute and Hospital, can be found at www. VanessaLeighHoffman.com. When life gets tough, don’t focus on despair. By allowing endurance and perseverance to rule the day, you can achieve more of what you set out to do. source: StatePoint THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 25 February is Black History Month Esther Jones (“Baby Esther”), late 1920s by James VanDerZee History is often reduced to a handful of memorable moments and events. In Black history, those events often include courageous stories like those of The Underground Railroad and historic moments like the famous “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But these are only a few of the significant and important events to know and remember. FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH History is often reduced to a handful of memorable moments and events. In Black history, those events often include courageous stories like those of The Underground Railroad and historic moments like the famous “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But these are only a few of the significant and important events to know and remember. In an effort to honor this expansive and growing history, Black History Month was established by way of a weekly celebration in February known as “Negro History Week” by historian Carter G. Woodson. But just as Black history is more than a month, so too are the numerous events and figures that are often overlooked during it. Here are two historical facts that you may not have known: One in four cowboys was Black, despite the stories told in popular books and movies. 26 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 In fact, it’s believed that the real “Lone Ranger” was inspired by an African American man named Bass Reeves. Reeves had been born a slave but escaped West during the Civil War where he lived in what was then known as Indian Territory. He eventually became a Deputy U.S. Marshal, was a master of disguise, an expert marksman, had a Native American companion, and rode a silver horse. His story was not unique however. In the 19th century, the Wild West drew enslaved Blacks with the hope of freedom and wages. When the Civil War ended, freedmen came West with the hope of a better life where the demand for skilled labor was high. These African Americans made up at least a quarter of the legendary cowboys who lived dangerous lives facing weather, rattlesnakes, and outlaws while they slept under the stars driving cattle herds to market. While there was little formal segregation in frontier towns and a great deal of personal freedom, Black cowboys were often expected to do more of the work and the roughest jobs compared to their white counterparts. Loyalty did develop between the cowboys on a drive, but the Black cowboys were typically responsible for breaking the horses and being the first ones to cross flooded streams during cattle drives. In fact, it is believed that the term “cowboy” originated as a derogatory term used to describe Black “cowhands.” Esther Jones was the real Betty Boop! The iconic cartoon character Betty Boop was inspired by a Black jazz singer in Harlem. Introduced by cartoonist Max Fleischer in 1930, the caricature of the jazz age flapper was the first and most famous sex symbol in animation. Betty Boop is best known for her revealing dress, curvaceous figure, and signature vocals “Boop Oop A Doop!” While there has been controversy over the years, the inspiration has been traced back to Esther Jones who was known as “Baby Esther” and performed regularly in the Cotton Club during the 1920s. Baby Esther’s trademark vocal style of using “boops” and other childlike scat sounds attracted the attention of actress Helen Kane during a performance in the late 1920s. After seeing Baby Esther, Helen Kane adopted her style and began using “boops” in her songs as well. Finding fame early on, Helen Kane often included this “baby style” into her music. When Betty Boop was introduced, Kane promptly sued Fleischer and Paramount Publix Corporation stating they were using her image and style. However video evidence came to light of Baby Esther performing in a nightclub and the courts ruled against Helen Kane stating she did not have exclusive rights to the “booping” style or image, and that the style, in fact, pre-dated her. Baby Esther’s “baby style” did little to bring her mainstream fame and she died in relative obscurity but a piece of her lives on in the iconic character Betty Boop. source: pbs.org MILLENNIALS: Tips on How to Invest for a Brighter Financial Future The majority of Americans say retirement investing is a priority, but more than half consider Social Security a top-three source for funding retirement, and 40 percent of millennials expect Social Security (along with 401(k) s and pensions) to fund their golden years, according to Capital One Investing’s Financial Freedom Survey. “With the future of Social Security uncertain, all Americans, and millennials in particular, should be proactively planning for their financial futures,” said Yvette Butler, president of Capital One Investing, a full-service brokerage. “There are consequences to sitting on the sidelines, most importantly a smaller nest egg in the long-term.” Capital One Investing found 93 percent of millennials say that distrust of the markets, lack of knowledge, little understanding of pricing and costs, and general complexities make them feel less confident about investing. 28 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 “Now more than ever, the onus is on the individual investor to plan for a financially stable future,” said Butler. “The industry needs to offer millennial investors educational tools and transparent products that will support them as they do so.” With that in mind, Butler offers several ideas that may help younger investors establish a straightforward financial plan they can stick to. Start early The earlier you start planning and investing, the better. Once you have an emergency fund saved, you may want to consistently contribute to a diversified retirement account to try to maximize your longterm gains. Even small amounts invested today can add up over time. Tools like the ShareBuilder Investment Plan enable you to invest a set dollar amount and buy fractional shares of stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. Go online An online investing account is easy to open and doesn’t require a lot of cash to get started, and online investing and mobile apps give you increased on-the-go flexibility. Low-cost portfolio building tools that take into account your investment horizon and risk tolerance can also help develop a strategy that works for you. Get educated From stocks and bonds to mutual funds, ETFs, IRAs and 401(k)s, there are a lot of strategies and vehicles out there, and it may seem overwhelming at first. In fact, according to Capital One Investing’s survey, more than half of investors of all ages say their lack of knowledge and experience in investing hinders them from feeling confident about taking action. You may eliminate this barrier by exploring free financial resources and educational tools that can help you sort out the facts and learn about tried and true investing principles. Ask for help A trusted professional can offer unbiased advice, and may help you develop an investing strategy you can follow and adjust, while instilling confidence about your future. When it comes to establishing a financial plan, stay motivated by determining clear goals, and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back as you reach various milestones. Remember, the work you do today should pay off for years to come. source: StatePoint The stakes are high on Valentine’s Day. When you are shopping for just one special someone, there’s very little room for error. While flowers or chocolate are a great way to say “I love you,” you may want to indulge your love with something longer lasting. For the perfect gift, consider a timeless classic -- a watch to suit his or her personal style. But remember, one watch will not fit all personalities or lifestyles. “The right watch can nurture the spirit of individuality and communicate one’s sense of style,” says Matthew Shell, vice president of product development at watch brand Armitron. With that in mind, Shell offers these suggestions for finding the right watch for your loved one: The trendsetter For those who love looking their best, coordination of accessories is key. So whether you opt for a genuine leather strap or a bracelet watch, look for a 30 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 How to Pick the Right Watch for Your Valentine versatile timepiece that can transition from day to night or be dressed down or dressed up depending on the occasion. Before making a selection, consider your recipient’s favorites -- taking preferences like gold versus silver and vintage versus modern into account. The athlete Enhance your loved one’s training efforts with a bold, sporty watch built to move. For example, Armitron Pro-Sport Digital watches feature lap timing, stop watches and chronographs to help runners, swimmers and other athletes push past their goals. Water resistant to 330 feet, this category of watches offers multicolored dials, soft touch resin straps, chrome bezels and silver tone buckle closures. The sentimentalist If your gift recipient already has a favorite watch for everyday wear, consider something elegant that can -- but doesn’t have to be -- reserved for special occasions. For instance, a bangle watch functions as jewelry and timepiece, putting form and function on the same level. Or for him, a watch featuring a diamond dial. The confident one For the confident man, consider an automatic watch that does not require batteries to operate. The stainless steel automatic watch from Armitron has a skeleton movement and luminous dials. To make Valentine’s Day a success, consider the classic gift of a watch to show that your love is timeless. source: StatePoint While the concept of family once had quite specific meaning, the face of families in the US today is more diverse and wide-ranging than ever, yet their values and challenges remain the same. ADVANCE YOUR CAREER “There is an integrity in Waynesburg’s Counseling Program that is a cut above the rest. My courses were thought-provoking and stimulating and prepared me well for the real world. Every faculty member worked in the field, so the information was always current and pertinent. No question ever went unanswered; no concern was ever treated lightly. I felt both challenged and supported.” Results from the latest census found that the traditional, nuclear, one-mom-onedad-with-kids family model is actually the minority now. However, families of all shapes and sizes share similar ethics and face related struggles, whether they are drawn together by biological ties or a deeply rooted friendship. Here, some heads of households share some insights into what defines a family and their concerns: You Define Your Family “Home is where your story begins, and family is a part of that story. It’s who we are and what we give to others that determines our value within ourselves,” says Melanie Harper, a teacher and divorced mother of two boys. As part of the #RealFamiliesRealValues campaign sponsored by White Cloud Bathroom Tissue, at Walmart. Harper and her two sons were featured in a video where she discussed the challenges and rewards of raising children on her own. The campaign’s goal is to capture and share the things most important about family, and White Cloud is encouraging the full range of American’s families to tell their stories. “I don’t have to try to be a father. I can just be the best mother that I can,” says Harper. “My main concern is that my boys are happy. You’re Normal “Single moms are part of the fabric of life,” says Emma Johnson, the brains behind Wealthy Single Mother, a blog for single moms where they can get advice and connect. “We’re everywhere! In middle class communities, poor rural communities, rich suburbs, and in every part of every city. We are loaded and we are poor. We run companies, own businesses, nurse, teach, farm, stay at home full-time and work in factories.” Johnson stresses that while the typical message out there is that it’s 32 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 – Connie Donaldson, Certified Family Constellation Facilitator Family Ideals Remain Consistent in Changing Times MASTER OF ARTS IN COUNSELING PH.D. IN COUNSELOR EDUCATION TAKE YOUR FIRST STEP TOWARD STATE AND SUPERVISION LICENSURE AS A CERTIFIED COUNSELOR. Take your first step toward state licensure as Waynesburg’s Ph.D. in Counselor Education a certified counselor. Waynesburg’s CACREPand Supervision will prepare you to be a MASTER OFaccredited ARTS IN COUNSELING PH.D. IN COUNSELOR leader EDUCATION Master of Arts in Counseling in clinical mental health counseling, AND SUPERVISION Program will prepare you for a rewarding and addictions counseling or school counseling fulfilling career as a counselor. The Counseling and for employment as a counselor educator Take your first step toward state licensure as Waynesburg’s Ph.D. in Counselor Education a certified counselor. Waynesburg’s CACREPand Supervision to be aeducation. The program provides higher Program offers two specialized tracks, Clinical will prepareinyou accredited Master of Arts in Counseling leader in clinical mental health counseling, Mental Health Counseling and Addiction doctoral students with the information and skills Program will prepare you for a rewarding and addictions counseling or school counseling required to carry out scholarly research, lead Counseling, as well as a CACREP-accredited fulfilling career as a counselor. The Counseling and for employment as a counselor educator Addictions Certification Program. organizations Program offers two specialized tracks, Clinical in higher education. The program provides and create new knowledge. Mental Health Counseling and Addiction Counseling, as well as a CACREP-accredited Addictions Certification Program. doctoral students with the information and skills required to carry out scholarly research, lead organizations and create new knowledge. Courses offered at four convenient locations in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area Monroeville | Seven Fields | Southpointe | Waynesburg Monroeville | Seven Fields | Southpointe | Waynesburg possible to survive as a single parent, you can go beyond that and truly thrive, and many families are doing just that. Luckily, there are new TV shows, books and even home product brands out there like White Cloud that are working to change the discourse and be inclusive to all kinds of families. While the iconic American family may not look the same as it did in the past, the same values of kindness, strength and love remain. source: StatePoint APPLY TODAY waynesburg.edu/graduate 888.481.6029 | waynesburg.edu/graduate 888.481.6029 PHOTO RECAP: GRANDPARENTS DAY! At their December 2015 meeting, Mount Ararat’s Senior Outreach and Renewal Ministry (SOAR) honored grandparents who raise their grandchildren and bridge the gap between those children and their parents. PHOTO RECAP: MOUNT ARARAT MEMBERS PLACE IN 60-DAY HEALTH C HALLENGE Mount Ararat’s Community Activity Center participated in a 60-day health challenge, a physical activity and nutrition program sponsored by Highmark. The weight loss challenge, facilitated by Charles Cook, owner, One-on-One Personal Fitness and Training, was between the Community Center and Allen Place. The total weight loss for all participants was in excess of 150 pounds. Willa M. Booker from Mount Ararat Baptist Church lost a total of 17.9 pounds and was the second place individual winner and was presented a check for $250. The first place winner was Tameka Mickle, a member of the Allen Place team and also a member of Mount Ararat. She was presented with a check for $500. 34 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 35 PHOTO RECAP: NEW YEAR’S EVE SERVICE Mount Ararat held three New Year’s Eve services in 2015 at Noon, 6:00pm and 8:00pm. We pray that the new year brings you peace, prosperity and joy! You are also welcome to join us every week for our praise and worship services held every Saturday at 7:00pm and Sunday mornings at 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:45am. We’ll be waiting for you! 36 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 PHOTO RECAP: QUILTERS CLUB Are you artistic? Do you love to create? If yes, join “The Quilters” every Monday at 10:00am at Mount Ararat’s Community Activity Center. For details, call 412-441-1852. THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 37 PHOTO RECAP: BLACK ‘N GOLD SUNDAY Congregants showed their support by wearing our hometown colors in support of the Steelers playoff game on Sunday, January 17, 2016. Although we didn’t make it all the way to the Superbowl, Mount Ararat still loves and support the Pittsburgh Steelers! 38 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 39 PHOTO RECAP: BLACK ‘N GOLD SUNDAY Mount Ararat Band Members 40 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 41 PHOTO RECAP: SNAPSHOTS MOUNT ARARAT COUNSELING CENTER Working at Mount Ararat Baptist Church sometimes requires full-time staff to work outside of their job descriptions! Veniecia Robinson, Chief Financial Officer, puts together a cabinet (BEFORE) The Center Veniecia Robinson, Chief Financial Officer, puts together a cabinet (AFTER) that Cares The Mount Ararat Counseling Center (MACC) is designed to fill the gaps identified in both the Church and in the greater Pittsburgh community by providing affordable and accessible services as well as trained licensed mental health professionals who incorporate culturally sensitive and culturally appropriate counseling services that include spiritual, Christian and faith-based interventions. GOALS & OBJECTIVES MACC’s approach to addressing client needs integrates spiritual, Christian, ethical and religious values. It is MACC’s belief that the infusion of these elements into the counseling process is essential for the overall development of those that will be served. Another goal of MACC includes providing Christian-based psychological and emotional support, as well as social services to clients, who may or may not be members of Mount Ararat Baptist Church (MABC), but who are in need of professional guidance and advocacy in dealing with issues that may prevent effective and responsible conduct of their daily lives. Dwayne Fulton, Director of the Fine Arts Department, vacuuming the pulpit area. TARGET POPULATIONS Mount Ararat Deacons discuss ministry outreach opportunities 42 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 Ken Durrett, Mount Ararat’s Facility Custodian The target clientele for MACC are individuals, couples, families, and groups across the lifespan (i.e., children, adolescents, adults and older adults). MACC will be targeted to members of MABC, to other church congregations, to members of the East Liberty area of Pittsburgh, and to members of the greater Pittsburgh Community. COMMON CONCERNS ADDRESSED BY MACC Depression; Anxiety; Stress; Abuse; Crisis Support; Relationship Issues; Grief, Death & Loss; Self-Esteem; Alcohol & Substance Abuse; Identity; Development; Career Planning & Development; Anger; Life Skills; Deficits; Retirement. MACC STAFF Trained professional or clinicians (i.e. licensed or masters-level) with diverse qualifications and backgrounds, including professional counseling, marriage, couple and family therapy, psychology, pastoral counseling and counseling psychology, conduct the Mount Ararat Counseling Center (MACC) counseling sessions. Some counseling services may be provided by qualified students enrolled in masterslevel and doctoral degree programs under the supervision of MACC licensed mental health professionals and faculty members or doctoral interns who are licensed mental health professionals. INSURANCE & FEES Highmark, UPMC, and Community Care Behavior Health (CCBH) insurance companies cover MACC’s services, and we also offer fee-for-service and sliding scale for those who may not have insurance and/ or may have difficulty paying. In extreme cases of financial hardships and lack of insurance, pro-bono assistance may be available. Please contact MACC for further information on the rates for counseling services. Mental health resources MOUNT ARARAT COUNSELING CENTER (MACC) 271 Paulson Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206 412.441.1800 Ext. 270 THE GOOD GRIEF CENTER 2717 Murray Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15217 412.224.4700 RE:SOLVE CRISIS NETWORK 333 North Braddock Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15208 1.888.796.8226 PEER SUPPORT AND ADVOCACY NETWORK (PSAN) WARMLINE 1-866-661-WARM (9276) MERCY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CRISIS LINE 1-877-637-2924 WESTERN PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE AND CLINIC 412-624-1000 or Toll free 1(877)-624-4100 NAMI (NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS) SOUTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 105 Braunlich Drive, Suite 200 McKnight Plaza, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Phone: 412-366-3788 or Toll free: 1-888-264-7972 THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 ― 43 PHOTO RECAP: THE BAND Meet members of Mount Ararat’s Band! These talented musicians love God and play a vital role in creating a powerful worship and praise experience at Mount Ararat Baptist Church. You can hear them every Saturday night at 7:00pm and every Sunday morning at 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:45am. 44 ― THE MOUNT FEBRUARY 2016 M O U N T A R A R AT B A P T I S T C H U R C H & L O V E A N D B A S K E T B A L L M I N I S T R I E S P R E S E N T APRIL 13-16, 2016 SAVE THE DATES! Experience four unforgettable days of information and inspiration to revolutionize your ministry! Take advantage of hands-on, how-to sessions and workshops that will focus on: Biblical, Historical and Theological Development of Sports Leadership Development Multi-cultural Organizational Team Development Total Health and Wellness Development Counseling/ Psychological Services & Ministry Development Panels, Guest Speakers and much, much more! Special Guests Include: [AND MANY MORE!] Dr. Taunya M. Tinsley Director, Mount Ararat Counseling Center, Pittsburgh, PA Rev. Dr. William H. Curtis Senior Pastor, Mount Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Anthony Edwards Team Chaplain, Arizona Cardinals Dr. Lance Watson Senior Pastor, St. Paul’s Baptist Church, Richmond, VA Dwight Hollier VP, Wellness & Clinical Services, NFL Dr. Marcus Cosby Senior Pastor, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, Houston, TX Ray Jackson Director of Player Engagement Denver Broncos Larry Fitzgerald Arizona Cardinals Scott Galbraith Team Chaplain Sacramento Kings Dr. Janice Hilliard VP, Player Development, NBA Theresa Igono Women’s Chaplain, West Virginia University Johnny Shelton Team Chaplain, Baltimore Ravens Luther Elliss Team Chaplain Denver Broncos Luther Elliss Luther Elliss is a former 2time, NFL Pro Bowl defensive tackle. He played for the Detroit Lions for 9 seasons and joined the Denver Broncos for one season in 2004 before retiring. He was given the title of “The Strongest Man in the NFL” by Muscle and Fitness Magazine and was nicknamed "Pass Rushing Luther". During his career Luther, served as the Detroit Lions Player Representative for the NFL Players Association (NFLPA). Be the first to be informed when tickets are available OR TO REQUEST SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION! In 1995, Luther became the first Utah Ute in history to be selected in the 1st Round of the NFL Draft being selected by the Detroit Lions with the 20th pick overall. During his career at Utah from 1991 to 1994, he was a firstteam AllWestern Athletic Conference (WAC) selection in 1992, 1993 and 1994. As a senior in 1994, he was recognized as a consensus firstteam All American, and was named the WAC Defensive Player of the Year. SEND AN EMAIL WITH YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION TO CONFERENCEANDREVIVAL@GMAIL.COM OR CALL 412-441-3501