Country Lovers Western Dance Club
Country Lovers Western Dance Club
MAY/JUNE 2008 NEWSLETTER Country Lovers Western Dance Club May / June 2008 Volume 3, Issue 2 Hello, Country Lovers! By Carol Rogers, President Now that March & April are over with, so are the St. Patrick’s Day Parade & semi-annual Swap Meet. The parade was fantastic and we won first place AGAIN in our category! We worked so hard on the diorama of the rain forest waterfall. Thanks to Jessie Wilson for building the frame and Mike Stark, Christine Tolli, Monica & Ernie, Buster & Sue Ellen, Becky, Aurora, Terry and Tricia for applying the paper mache’ and then painting and decorating it. We were very fortunate that Green Thumb Nursery supplied the finishing touches with over $600 worth of plants. Being in the parade was fun, but I enjoyed the camaraderie of putting it together so much more. We already know what the theme of the next Fair Parade is, “Meet me at the Fair”, and we already have a plan in place of what we’re gonna do. So don’t miss out on the crazy fun of putting the next float together. Who’s In the Saddle: President Carol Rogers Vice President Francine Mackey Treasurer Ernie Johnson Secretary Sue Ellen Colp Directors Marshall Throneberry Becky Blanchet Mike Stark Past President Deanna Hatcher Newsletter Editor Tricia C. Ryan Deadline: 20th of even month Instructors:: • Francine Mackey • Sue Ellen Colp • Deanna Hatcher • Marshall Throneberry • Jim Potter • Angela Escalante • Jesse Wilson • The swap meet was this past weekend and we didn’t have quite as much stuff to sell as we usually do. After deducting expenses, we made $225. Thank you to all who donated items and to all who came out to work the event. The usual suspects were Marshall & Teresa, Buster & Sue Ellen, Mike Stark, Becky Blanchett and of course Bob & yours truly, ME. Also, helping out a lot were first timers, Ray & Gloria Trevino, our Spanish speaking secret weapons! Gloria worked the clothing section, while Ray worked his charm trying to sell everything else! Great job everyone! Our next swap meet will probably be in October, so start thinking about gathering more stuff! Our next dance will be May 3rd and it will be a Fiesta Dance. The June 7th dance will be a Pajama Party Dance! Yep, your read that right… pajamas will be acceptable attire!! Our next demo will also be on June 7th at 11AM at the St. John’s Lutheran School in Oxnard. I promise that we will practice, practice, practice the demo dances on Tuesday nights. So if you want to be on the demo team, please show up on Tuesday nights. Also, in June we will be working the “Adopt a Poll” for the primary election. If you would like to help out, please contact Dennis Culver at 5252238. As you see, there is much more to this club than just dancing...we also need these fund raisers to help out with the expenses of running the Club and having our monthly dances. The cost of just one dance is approximately $350 and at $5 per person, we need at least 70 people to break even. Over the past few months the attendance at our dances has been around 55. So… I want to say a grateful “THANK YOU” to all who volunteer at the different fund raisers. We couldn’t do it without your help! So long for now and see ya out on the dance floor! …..For Your Information …. Country Lovers next demo is June 7th! St. John’s Lutheran School in Oxnard. Join Us! M A Y /J U N E 2 008 N E W S LETTER PROFILES IN COUNTRY By Terry Nash “Country Lovers was a romantic place for THIS couple to find each other”. Ernie Johnson and Monica Theriault Monica grew up in Dublin Ireland surrounded by music and dance. “Children in Ireland learn to dance as soon as they can walk”, Monica shares with us. “My grandparents were Opera singers, so when the family got together everyone had to sing or dance. When my older brother decided to immigrate to Canada with his new Advertise here for only $30.00 a year! Real Estate Information Are you thinking of buying or selling any bride, my Mom and Dad couldn’t bear to be that far away, so they packed up the family and followed him. I met my husband in Toronto, a wonderful French Canadian man. All my family loved Canada but we could not get used to the cold winters, so sunny California beckoned. My three sons were born in Santa Monica, Greg (a physicist), Wayne (an electrician) and Paul (a geologist).” This beautiful family pride has grown to include five amazing grandchildren. In 1991, Monica read an ad in the paper of a water aerobics class. She thought that sounded like fun and gave it a try. “Well, that was my first encounter with Sue Ellen”, Monica said. Sue Ellen was the instructor and told her about western line dancing classes and invited her to come. Monica had never heard of western dancing and was immediately hooked. When her husband was killed on his way home from work in 1992, Monica wanted to give up. Sue Ellen and Buster wouldn’t hear of it. They made sure she kept dancing, at the Crazy Bull, Black Angus and anywhere they could find a dance floor. (Continued on page 5) *CL Member ELLEN J. HIRVELA Attorney At Law Mediator Real Estate? Call Country Lover Geri Frank, Owner Broker of G.L. Frank & Associates. I have helped many Country Lovers with their Real Estate sales and purchases. Call Geri Frank 659-2704 *CL 675 E. Main Street, Suite E Ventura, CA 93001 Tel 805-643-9001 Fax 805-643-9002 Cell Phone 340-1738 Ideas By Tricia 1237 S. Victoria Ave. #234 Mandalay Bay, CA 93035 Cell: (805)816-9711 Advertising Specialties … Logo Merchandise … Brand Name Premiums … Employee Incentives … Executive Gifts … Food Gifts … Imprinted Paper Products … and more! Competitive Rates … Free Quotes. 2 Collaborative Divorce * Mediation Unbundled Legal Services *CL Member *CL Member Schedule of Future Events . . . (Subject to Change) 647-1893 DATE TIME EVENT Location May 3rd 7-11pm CL “Fiesta” Dance House of Dance May 14th 7pm Board Meeting Sue Ellen’s House June 3rd 7am – 9pm Adopt—A—Poll Call Country Lovers for location June 7th 11am –12pm CL Dance Demo St. John’s Lutheran School June 7th 7pm– 11pm CL Pajama Party Dance House of Dance CL Luau Picnic Laura Dunn’s House Ventura Save these dates….. July 13th 11am—7pm Aug 2nd 8 am Ventura Fair Parade Main Street - Vemtura Aug 10th 2pm - 3pm CL Dance Demo Ventura Fair Demo - Pepsi Stage Location Finder . . . refer to (#’s) on your calendar. #1 Country Lovers Dance Club: Family Fun Center, 10269 Telephone Road, Ventura * 805-647-1893 Dance Lessons….$2-3 Tuesday 6:30-9pm ********************************************* #2 C.L. Board Meeting: Call Hotline for time/place. Second Wednesday of the Month #5 Cowboy Palace Saloon: 21635 Devonshire Street, Chatsworth, Ca 91311 * 805-647-1893 * 818-341-0166 w Dance Lessons & Mon – Sun 6:30pm Sunday BBQ at 4 pm FREE. #6 Borderline Bar & Grill: 99 Rolling Oaks Drive, T. O. 91361 * 805-446-4435 Dance Lessons….$5 Dance Lessos ….$6 Mon & Fri 6pm (country & swing) #7 Mavericks Saloon: 3687 Sagunto St., Santa Ynez, Ca 93460 * 805-688-1422 Fri & Sat #8 House of Dance: Thurs – Sun 6pm * Dance Lessons… 6:45pm * Concert on Fri & Sat 3-6pm 3007 Bunsen Ave Suite E, Ventura Let’s DANCE! #10 Francine’s Classes: - Goleta Community Ctr. 5679 Hollister Ave. Goleta (Francine—967-7990) #11 Sue Ellen’s Classes -Tech. Dev. Ctr, 5200 Valentine Road, Rm 104 Ventura Tues & Thurs 11:15—12:15pm Poinsettia Gardens & Darling Road, Ventura - Thurs nights – 7 pm #12 Jim & Pat Potter Classes - Oxnard Moose Lodge 1935 S. Oxnard Blvd. #15 Santa Paula Airport: Logsdon’s Restaurant & Lounge, 824 East Santa Maria St, Santa Paula * 805-525-1101—Dancing #16 Franky’s Place 456 E. Main Street, Ventura *648-6282 Dancing $5 Thurs 8 – 11 pm #17 The Barn 3320 Chestnut Ln, Camarillo * 805-532-1089- Dance Lessons/ Country Dancing $5 - 1st Sat/ 4th Fri of the Month - 7pm 3 Our Thanks to Winny Lyter for submitting a challenging puzzle for our entertainment. Old and New Favorite Line dances May Birthdays Deanna Hatcher Jacqueline Popp Tricia Ryan Judy Nash/Wade Barbara Evans Laura Dunn Jerry Russell Jim Potter Jesse Wilson Leona Lunt George Roberts Bob Allen May 4th May 7th May 11th May 13th May 14th May 15th May 17th May 18th May 25th May 27th May 29th May 30th June Birthdays Country Lovers February “Super Bowl Dance” Marshall Throneberry June 1st Billy Cantarini June 7th In memory of Kathy Culley 6/7 Anniversaries Bob & Rita Riddatz 5/4 Billy & Patty Cantarini 5/19 Jesse & Linda Wilson 6/6 Jim & Pat Potter 6/26 Word Search 4 Horse shoe shuffle Maverick Picnic polka Rock it Thunderfoot Tulsa Time What’s your name After midnight Alley cat Asi Asi Aspire Baby cha Bedonkadonk Blue note Bootscooting boogie Bossa nova Charanga Chill factor Come on come on Cool whip Crazy foot mambo Crush Déjà vu Dreamer’s waltz Elvira Escape Feel the magic Fly like a bird Good brown gravy Hawaiian roller coaster ride Hey bruce Hold your horses Hot damn Irish stew Kill the spiders Lone star polka Love Maria Mars attack Mexican wind Midnight waltz Mucara walk Red neck stomp Riding double Rio Start to sway The magic is there Trickle trickle Tush push Venga bus shuffle Walking wazzi Watermelon crawl Wave on wave Wild wild wild west boogie (continued from page 2) “We took wonderful trips together, like Vegas, Laughlin and Hawaii. I learned to dance Darlene with Buster and two step down the center of our tour bus. What fun we had and what wonderful friends they have been. Country Lovers has been wonderful for me. I have made many lovely friends, like Jim and Pat Potter, Winny and Rimi.” “Then last year “Monica revels, “a wonderful man came into my life again. Ernie is such a loving and kind man, who takes very good care of me and makes my life complete” Board member and treasurer Ernie Johnson, was born in San Diego. He was also raised in a musical household , with the Grand Ole’ Opry in one ear and traditional Spanish in the other. He found he had a fondness for dancing and he honed his skills in ballroom, rock & roll and other types, but not country dancing. In fact, he had been known to break into a soft shoe on many a street corner in New York. Ernie has many interests including painting, jewelry making (although not wearing), stained glass, and music making. He plays several instruments including the piano, his favorite. On the work side, Ernie has worked as a commercial fisherman, engineer, physicist, and President of several Aerospace companies. On the family side he has four children who are also into music, dance and the theater. For several years his older children tried to encourage Ernie to participate in country dancing and 18 months ago he finally gave in. Ernie states, “I almost quit when I realized the human body was not meant to go thru the contortions of the Cowboy Charleston, (actually it was the laughter coming from behind him that almost ended it). ” However, undaunted by the crazy named steps and the physically impossible moves he forged ahead. “Then one day, Ernie stated, I met the most wonderful person in the world… the incredible Monica”. She helped me with the dancing and my life! She is the most loving, caring and the most sharing person I have ever known”. She is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. She is the love of my life and it is she who I will dance with for an eternity”. During the course of this interview I was also impressed with their rendition of ‘kitchen coaching’ where they explained they always practice the new dance steps in the kitchen together. When I asked Ernie to share a special message as the treasurer of Country Lovers, he declares, “keep the money coming in’. Then with a certain twinkle he added, “ You never know what wonderful things might be around the corner.. So keep on dancing!” This is Your Bulletin Board Classified - Country Lovers is looking for new and interesting thoughts and ideas. Please submit any information you would like to share. 5 • Recipes • Discussions • Ideas • Suggestions • Coupons • Events What are your thoughts and ideas? This area will be dedicated for members to share information. Submit all information to Country Lovers or email editor. Rainforest waterfall handmade by Country Lovers. St. Pat’s Parade—Ventura First Place in our category! April—Swap Meet 6 Spring Fling—April Dance 7 Country Lovers February “Super Bowl Dance” 8 9 Country Lovers Western Dance Club PO Box 5307 Ventura CA 93005-5307 Memberships are now due! Please see Teresa Throneberry. We’re on the Web! Boot-Kicking Fun EVERY Tuesday! Where: Family Fun Center, 10269 Telephone Rd between Kimball and Wells in Ventura. Look for the Moose! Country Dance Lessons! Finally!! Exercise that’s FUN & SOCIAL!! Come out and join us every Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 9:00 and catch up on Couples Dancing, and the new Line Dances. 6:30 Last Weeks Review 7:00 New Line Dance to Learn 7:30 Couple’s Dance Basics: Two-Step, Waltz, 10-Step, etc. 8:00 Open Dancing: Practicing all you’ve learned! Guest’s first Night FREE Members - $2.00 Non-Members - $3.00 FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT! 10 * Country Lovers HOTLINE—(805) 647-1893