May-June 2016 - Wausau East High School


May-June 2016 - Wausau East High School
May-June 2016
Notes Home
Wausau East High School Parent Newsletter
Wausau East High School
2607 N 18th Street
Wausau, WI 54403
East DECA Rocks the ICDC in Nashville!
Six of Wausau East’s top DECA students represented Wisconsin at the DECA
International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Nashville, TN, April 2327, 2016. More than 18,000 students from around the world were in
attendance. As a chapter, Wausau East DECA was awarded the National
Silver Certification for their school-based enterprise (school store), the Jack
Shack. Our chapter was also recognized and rewarded for reaching the highest
level of performance in chapter campaigns that included “Community Service”,
“Member Relations”, and “Global Entrepreneurship”.
Office Hours:
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Phone: 715-261-0650
Fax: 715-845-2913
Attendance: 715-261-0690
Counseling: 715-261-0677
Athletics: 715-261-0655
Bennet Gassner, freshman and current East DECA officer, was one of 22
students who qualified from the preliminary competition to compete in the final
competition. Bennet was recognized at the ICDC Grand Awards Session as
being a part of the top ten of those 22 finalists. Notably, Bennet was the only
student from Wisconsin to make the top 10 finalists in his category.
With such a successful
2016 Conference
behind us, we’re
already looking forward
to next year when we
take on DECA ICDC
2017 in Anaheim, CA!
Dr. Bradley J. Peck
Associate Principal,
Mr. Joe Svitak
Associate Principal,
Student Services:
Mrs. Chris Budnik
Click here for all the
Athletic Director:
Mr. Greg Harvey
Pictured left to right: Gaby Bleese, Siam Rezwan, Noah Briquelet Miller,
Ms. Ross (Advisor), Bennet Gassner, Josiah Williams and Olivia Berge-Rasmussen.
Inside this issue:
Student News
Graduation Party
Exam Schedule
End of Year Reminders
Student Services News
Department News
Club News
Career Center
Band Camp
2016-17 Information
Scholarship Awards Night
Senior Academic Awards Assembly
Wednesday, June 1
7:30 pm, East Gymnasium
We ask that graduates report to their appropriate area at 6:45 pm to be
lined up and given name slips. No tickets are necessary and there is no
limit on the number of family members and friends that can attend.
Wednesday, May 4
7:00 pm, East Auditorium
Tuesday, May 17
1:00 pm, East Gymnasium
East Graduation 2016
Congratulations, Wausau East Class of 2016!
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Congratulations, Mr. Clark
A $3000 Herb Kohl Educational Foundation 2016
Fellowship was presented to Mr. Paul Clark, Social
Studies teacher at Wausau East High School at a
recognition luncheon hosted by Herb Kohl.
The Herb Kohl
teachers who have
superior ability to
inspire love of
learning in their
students, have
motivated others
Pictured left to right: Paul Clark, Herb
and have provided
Kohl, Elayna Clark
service both inside and outside the classroom.
The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation has been
recognizing educational excellence annually since
1990, awarding fellowships to 100 Wisconsin
teachers and matching grants to each fellow’s
Since it was established in 1990, the Herb Kohl
Educational Foundation has awarded $10.2 million
to Wisconsin students, teachers and schools.
Congratulations, Mr. Clark!
Notes Home
Madison Bound - Wausau
East SkillsUSA Team
Our Wausau East SkillsUSA team participated in the
state conference held at the Alliant Energy Center in
Madison on April 26 & 27. Over 2,500 participants
throughout the state traveled to Madison for the two
day competition
hoping to earn a
gold medal and a
trip to the
competition held
in Louisville,
The Wausau East
Pictured left to right: Trevor Salber, Michael
challenge team
consisted of Ben McClure, August Rich, August Johansson
and Ben Diny.
Diny, Trevor
Salber and August Rich. Ben Diny tested his math
skills in the related technical math challenge, while
Michael McClure competed in the Automotive Service
Technician contest. August Johansson also
competed in the job skill demonstration, welding
sculpture and advertising design contests.
All of these competitions brought out each of their
strengths and also reinforced the importance of
organization, team work and public speaking.
Congratulation to the entire East SkillsUSA team on a
great season!
Forensics Team Heads to State
The Wausau East Forensics team completed a successful season at the
state meet on Friday, April 15, on the UW Madison campus. Over 5,000
Forensic participants throughout the state traveled to Madison for the two
day competition hoping to earn a perfect score of 25 and a gold medal.
Lucy Brown, Isis Hunter, Clara Merkel, Olivia Schenzel, Elizabeth
Schumann, and Emma Rislove strongly represented Wausau East and
did not disappoint! Lucy Brown, a sophomore, earned a silver medal in
Prose, scoring 24/25, on her second consecutive trip to state. In
addition, Isis Hunter, sophomore and first year participant, brought home
a bronze medal in Prose. Finally, freshmen Emma Rislove, Elizabeth
Schumann, Olivia Schenzel and Clara Merkel competed in the Group
Interpretation category and earned a near perfect score of 24/25, netting
a silver medal.
Congratulations to the entire East Forensics team on a great season!
Pictured left to right: Isis Hunter, Lucy
Brown, Olivia Schenzel, Emma Rislove,
Clara Merkel and Elizabeth Schumann
May-June 2016
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IB Students Awarded Scholarships
Alex Miller and Ellicia Myles were two of three students
awarded scholarships for the presentation of their IB
Extended Essays at the UW Marathon County Extension’s
Research Symposium. Miller and Myles were two of ten
students selected from the county to present summaries of
their research to the university’s panel of professors. Miller
presented his research on what bases neutralized lactic
acid more effectively while Myles researched how WWII and
the Civil Rights Movement affected the artistic work of
Picasso and Rockwell respectively.
Last Day of School for
is Thursday, May 26
Last Day for
All Other Students
is Wednesday, June 8
Cultural Arts Festival at Wausau East
May 11, 2016, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Automotive & Manufacturing: Rootbeer floats & car show (weather permitting), 5:00-8:00/Commons Courtyard
Horticulture: Plants will be available for purchase from 3:00-8:00/Greenhouse
Family & Consumer Science: Specialty desserts may be purchased from 5:00-7:00/Foods Room J129
Global Language & ELL: Ethnic cuisine and desserts may be purchased from 5:00-7:00/ Commons
Proceeds fund scholarships
Graphic Arts: Demonstrations and items available for purchase from 5:00-7:00/Commons
CAFE 24 t-shirts - Key Chains - Lumberjack Vinyl - Photo Booth - Lumberjack Yard Signs
Music Performances: Orchestra 5:00-6:00
Tophatters 6:00-7:00
Choir 7:00-8:00
Visual Arts: Sculpture unveiling in the Sculpture Garden 5:30
Student art in the main entrance and adjoining hallways
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Notes Home
2016 Graduation Party
Letters were mailed in mid-April to East parents/guardians that addressed the need for
volunteers and donations for the 2016 Graduation Party on June 1, at the Boys and
Girls Club of Wausau.
The eastside graduation party committee is comprised of mostly new volunteers and
we are open to all who wish to help. The time commitment is totally up to you. Want to
head a team (food, decorating, games, prizes, etc)? Would you be more comfortable
working a shift at the party and not be part of the decisions? That works, too. Really, we just need help!
I personally didn’t realize that I should have been helping out with this project since my child was a freshman.
This way I would know what to expect when graduation time happened to me and I would truly understand
the significance of why we offer this party for our graduates.
The Wausau School District does not fund this event. This event is sponsored by local business and the
families of Wausau East, Wausau West, EEA and EGL. Without the donations and individual volunteers we
would not be able to provide a safe environment for our graduating class to have one last ‘Hurrah’ together.
If you did not return your donation/volunteer slip and still wish to contribute, please call Connie Behnke in the
Business Office at 715-261-0673, or reach out to me at 715-574-6910. We want to make this party
unforgettable for all who attend!
Thank you, Cory Toth, co-chair of the Wausau East 2016 Graduation Party.
May-June 2016
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First Student and Metro Ride Arrival Times on Exam Days
Students and parents are reminded that First Student and Metro Ride will have regular bus service in the
morning and after school on June 6, 7 and 8.
Please refer to the exam schedule above and plan for your student’s transportation needs accordingly.
Due to the fact that the last exam is finished on Wednesday, June 8, at 12:10 pm, First Student will not
provide yellow bus service at that time; they will run their regular schedule at 3:00 pm. Metro Ride will have
one bus scheduled for 12:15 pm, then again at 12:45, 1:15, 1:45, 2:15, 2:45 and then their regular after
school times. Please plan accordingly for ride arrangements. Thank you in advance.
Please note that lunch will not be served on Wednesday, June 8.
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Notes Home
Attention Parents & Guardians of Students
Taking Medication at School
This is a reminder to students with medication in the school health office to
please pick up this medication on or before the last day of school. Only
Epipens, inhalers or diabetic supplies may be sent home with a student. All over-the-counter medication,
including Tylenol, Advil, Tums, etc., must be picked up by a parent or guardian unless other arrangements
are made by contacting the health office at 715-261-0678. Prescription medication must be picked up by
a parent or guardian.
Medication not picked up by 3:15 pm on June 8, will be discarded.
If your student will need the medication for summer school, please contact the health office. Staff will transfer
the medication to the summer school location.
Have a great summer!
Wausau School District Health Services
Remember to Return All Books and Pay Fees
Students: You are reminded that all books, including textbooks and library books, need to
be returned and all fees and/or fines must be paid before the last day of school on June 8.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Behavior Expectations: Core Values of Respect, Integrity,
Compassion and Excellence
As the school year winds down, we need to continue to demonstrate our core values daily in all that we do.
Spring is a time when our minds wander to summer plans and sometimes we lose our focus on the here and
now. Students need to finish the year strong academically, set goals for how they want their academic year
to end, pursue the goals and continue to engage in the curriculum until the last day of school. Seniors also
need to maintain academic excellence which leads to on-time graduation. Together we will make this a
reality and continue to maintain a safe, orderly learning environment. Lumberjack Pride!
Attendance Recognition for Quarters 1 - 3!
The following students are being recognized for their excellent attendance for the first three quarters of the
school year. Excellent attendance has been defined as three or less excused absences. Congratulations to
these 43 Students with excellent attendance: Hunter Behnke, Gabby Bleese, Felicia Borchardt, Joseph
Boutain, Jack Bresnahan, Erica Case, Erik Chang, Quillan Cummings, Mario Duwe, Allison Forst, Benjamin
Forst, Sarah Frazier, Anastasia Freye, Bennet Gassner, Anna Gjerde, Emma Grau, Alex Horne, Allison Kane,
Brenton Kniess, Kaitlynn Koehler, Noel Lange, Zackary Madden, Isaac Marquardt, Steven Martell, Jasmine
Marten, Cavan McGinnity, Clara Merkel, Robyn Michalec, Lea Morath, Nick Mulder, Amber Ozolins, Brennen
Pozorski, Blake Pozorski, Brendan Raboin, Mark Radtke, Hannah Schafer, Tiffani Schwede, Emily Sitte,
Lauren Stacker, Cheyenne Thao, YengKong Thao, YangMee Yang, Rebecca Young.
May-June 2016
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Congratulations on Excellent Third Quarter Attendance!
The following students had excellent attendance for the third quarter of the school year. Great job!
Zaldy Geiss, Jackelyn Glowacki, Jessie Godfrey, Ellen Hamilton, Tiffany Heinzen, Greydin Heiting, Olivia
Held, Micah Hendrickson, Mitch Hintze, Gunner Hoerter, William Holmson, Emma Justesen, Faith Karo,
Brooke Kriofsky, Forrest Kronberger, Connor Laessig, Ia Lao, Blia Lee, Xiong Lee, David Livingston, Murphy
Marco, Zoe Martin, Jeremy Meerstein, Camilla Meyer, Tyler Meyer, Samuel Meyers, Matthew Michaud,
Emma Mitchell, Erin Mullis, Hunter Notinokey, Jacob Novak, Mickenzee Okon, Huxley Patten, Philip Peacy,
Samuel Petralia, Alexis Pickard, Elizabeth Plier, Dakota Potter, August Rich, Emma Rislove, Madeline
Rodemeier, Wyatt Rottier, Natasha Rudolph, Trevor Salber, Abigail Sann, Olivia Schenzel, Alanna Schubring,
Elizabeth Schumann, Brittney Shnowske, Kenneth Smith, Brian Stark, Haley Steffen, Benna Stengl, Jordan
Straub, Bailey Tabaka, Kayli Tate, Lorissa Thorpe, Matthew Tuman, Kynsarvea Vang, Emma Walters, Jack
Sheridan, Ayla Walther, Samuel Wolfgram, PaHoua Xiong, Ta Yang, Grace Zentrich.
East Students Earn Global Education Achievement Certificate
For the first time, East students will be recognized for earning the Global Education Achievement Certificate.
The Global Education Achievement Certificate is an opportunity for high school students who demonstrate a
strong interest in global citizenship to complete a global education curriculum and engage in co-curricular
activities and experiences that foster the development of global competencies. The certificate is offered
through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Students earning this certificate will be noted as a
Global Scholar in the graduation program.
Nikhiel Biswas, Emma Mitchell, Elizabeth Paul and Abby Sann are the first Wausau East seniors to be
recognized for this distinction. Way to go, Lumberjacks!
Several underclassmen are pursuing the certificate as well. If your child is interested in learning more about
this opportunity, please click on this link or contact your child’s global language teacher.
Abby Sann and Elizabeth Paul
Emma Mitchell
Nikhiel Biswas
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Notes Home
Pictured left to right: Kevin
Krieg, Katie Barofsky, Jacob
Schellpfeffer, Kolby
Kleinschmidt, Nick Lange,
Ian McCue, Riley Knapp,
Jacob Mellberg, Benna
Stengl, Gray Clohessy, Ally
Kane, Abby Sann, Maddie
Knopf, Maddie Glaser,
Laura Spear, Jody Krieg,
Will Keener, Manuel
We began our day by visiting Laguna Cuicocha, a crater
lake 10,000 feet above sea-level. While driving through
the town on our way, we picked up our two local guides.
Once arriving at the volcano, we hiked up to one of the
smaller peaks. The view offered to us at the top was
spectacular as were the views on our way to the top.
Both on the way up and on the way down, people had to
take short breaks to catch their breath and drink some
water due to the high altitude.
After our
trip to
the park,
drove to a local market in Otavalo. The market sold primarily
goods made by
the vendors. We
browsed for
about 2.5 hours,
everyone buying
at least one item.
After the market,
we spent the remainder of the day driving to our hacienda, where
we would spend the next night. By Josh Schellpfeffer
May-June 2016
Page 9
After the Incan Ruins, we drove to the hacienda in Cuenca. The next morning we
woke up and immediately went to the Panama hat factory where we saw the
process of the hats being made and were able to shop for an authentic panama
hat. Hats are priced by how thinly they are woven and range from $20 to $2000.
After the hat factory, we were on our way try guinea pig, an Ecuadorian specialty.
We stopped on the side of the road where there was an
entire pig on a stick in the front with several guinea pigs on
sticks to the side. The odor was not pleasant. After that oneof-a-kind experience, we went into Cuenca where we went
through the vegetable market, flower market, cathedral and
on a city tour. We then ate at an Ecuadorian restaurant we
found downtown.
While we were eating, we witnessed a “dine and dash” and
a man begging people for money inside the restaurant. With our free time, we shopped
around the city and got ice cream before we had to meet with the group again. Our
classmate, Gray, bought what seemed like the entire city in his free time. Once we met
up again, we went back to the hacienda
where we swam in the 95 degree
pool made hot from the volcanic
springs feeding it and played
volleyball until it began to rain. We
had trout for dinner, which was a
first for some in the group. At the
end of that day, we went to bed and
prepared to leave for Guayaquil and
the National Park the next morning.
By Maddie Glaser and Ally Kane
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Notes Home
Our morning began with a delicious breakfast at Hosteria La Andaluza.
Following breakfast, we decided to explore the garden in the back of the
hosteria. We were pleasantly surprised to find a group of rabbits lounging in
the sun. As we continued exploring, we stumbled upon a basket of carrots.
Obviously, we tried to befriend the timid rabbits by offering them the
carrots. We were instantly swarmed by the exquisite creatures. Sadly we
had to depart on our journey, so we wished the rabbits farewell and headed
to the bus to talk to Manuel.
Manuel, our bus driver, did not speak English, so we took advantage of the
opportunity to practice our Spanish and praise him for his dedication to
driving and caring for the bus. Once everyone was on the bus we departed
from the Hosteria and headed to an indigenous market.
Once we arrived at the market, we were given time to explore in small
groups. The market was primarily comprised of food vendors. The aisles of
the market were filled with a variety of foods ranging from fresh cilantro to
raw pork from pigs slaughtered that morning. Although we felt slightly out of
place being the only tourists in the
area, the experience felt authentic and special. After the market, we
headed to Alausí to ride the Devil’s Nose scenic train ride. Thankfully
the train station was filled with plenty of dogs for us to meet while we
waited for the train.
From the moment the train left the station, the sights from our train car
were breathtaking. We were even able to open the windows in order to
fully take in the view of the Andes. Once we made it down the steep
slopes, we stopped at another station where we had the opportunity to
participate in a traditional dance, explore a museum and meet a llama.
A group of us decided to explore beyond the station at a small
playground near one of the river valleys. The train ride back was equally
as picturesque and serene. After the train ride, Isabel, our tour guide,
provided us with valuable information about the Incan lifestyle, beliefs
and ceremonies as we journeyed to the Incan ruins of Ingapirca. When
we arrived at the site of the ruins, Isabel proceeded to explain more
about Incan civilization. There was a llama at the ruins but he was rather
demure and scampered away when we tried to take a picture with him.
To end the day, we drove to Cuenca where we had an authentic
Ecuadorian dinner. By Abby Sann and Benna Stengl
We started out the day with a
nature hike around a lake at El
Cajas National Park. During the
hike, we had the chance to learn all
about the different kinds of foliage
that grew all around Ecuador.
After we had finished our hike, the
group then departed for the city of
Guayaquil. During the trip to
Guayaquil, we had a 13,000 foot
descent from the mountains. When
we reached the lower elevation, the climate was much different than what we were used to. It was very hot
and humid rather than dry and cool. We also observed the change in plant life as we got closer to sea level.
Continued on page 11
May-June 2016
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Continued from page 10
Continuing the drive to Guayaquil, the group took a vote on if we would
prefer to watch the Columbia vs. Ecuador soccer game, or tour the city.
We voted on the soccer game. Afterwards, we finished the day with a
nice seafood dinner and went back to the hotel to relax. By Nick Lange
We started our last day in Ecuador by
walking through the central plaza across
from our hotel, home to over 200
iguanas. Then we drove to a cocoa
plantation where we learned about the
process of making chocolate. We took a
guided tour of the plantation, tasted the chocolate in many different stages and enjoyed a nice lunch on the
patio. Following our plantation tour, we headed back to the city of Guayaquil for a walking city tour. On our
tour, we explored downtown as well as
along the port. As a group, we opted to
climb the 400+ stairs through old colonial
Guayaquil to reach a spectacular view of
the city. The old colonial Guayaquil, once
considered a dangerous part of the city,
now beautifully restored, offered amazing
views as well as authentic restaurants
and shops. After our climb, we brought
the night to a close by enjoying dinner
along the water and walking back to our
hotel. For many of us, it was time to begin packing
and hope for at least a few hours of rest prior to our
upcoming day of travel back to the United States.
By Maddie Knopf and Riley Knapp
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Notes Home
English Language Learners
Hais nyob zoo rau ib tsoom niam txiv thiab ib tsoom me yes txhua tus. Vam tias cov niam txiv thiab cov me
yes sawv daws yuav ntsib kev noj qab nyob zoo. Kev qhia ntawv rau xyoo 2015-16 los xaus rau lub 6 hli ntuj
no lawm. Peb mam rov pib kev qhia ntawv rau tsoom mes yes rau lub xyoo 2016-17 lub cuaj hli ntuj. Vam
thiab cia siab ntsoov tias yuav tau ntsib ib tsoom me yes rau lub cuaj hli ntuj.
Lub 6/1/2016 yog hnub cov me yes kawm tiav qib 12 lav ntawv. 6/8/2016 yog hnub kawg ntawm cov me yes.
6/9/2016 yog hnub kawg ntawm cov kws qhia ntawv.
Lub ntiaj teb kev pauv hloov mus rau txoj kev txawj ntse rau phab kev vam meej thiab kev technology mas
khiav ceev heev li neeg ntiaj teb sib tw khiav caum kev txawj ntse kev vam meej xwb yog li no peb cov niam
txiv yuav tau xyaum khiav caum lub neej kev vam meej tiag peb thiaj pom luag qab luag lw.
Cov laus ib txwm hais tias pom luag tsaj yuav tsum nrog luag tsaj. Pom luag khwv yuav tsum nrog luag khwv.
Xav paub ces xyaum xav txawj ce kawm.
Lub caij summer yog nej muaj lus nug dab tsi hu tau rau hauv tsev kawm ntawv Wausau East High School
ntawm 715-261-0650 nug cov ua hauj lwm hauv looms kam txog Mr. Vaj lawv mam qhia Mr. Vaj ces nws
mam hu rau nej.
Noticias en Español
Señores Padres de Familia
¡Se acerca el final del año escolar! Y esperamos que sus hijos (hijas) hayan aprovechado al máximo. Es
nuestro deber informarles que los estudiantes que reprobaron el primer semestre deberán atender las clases
de verano. Si tiene preguntas acerca de esto, comuníquese con el consejero de su hijo(hija).
El ultimo día de escuela esta programado el dia 8 de Junio. Si tiene preguntas comuníquese a 715-261-0650
Are You Under 18 and Planning to Work this
Summer? Don’t Forget Your Work Permit!
If you are under 18 years of age, you will need a work permit. Here’s how to get
1. Land that job! You must have a job before a work permit can be issued.
2. Stop in the Main Office for a Child Labor Permit Information form. Some employers will supply
this form.
3. Return the completed Child Labor Permit Information form (signed by both your parent and your
employer) along with your original Social Security card, *$10 and one of the following to the Main
a) Valid Driver’s License
b) Original Birth Certificate
c) Baptismal Record
d) Passport
*The $10 fee will be reimbursed by your employer. A work permit is required for each new job you get
until the age of 18. Click here for more information.
May-June 2016
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Notes Home
May-June 2016
Page 15
Junior Parent Night
This year, over 100 East parents attended the Junior Parent Night on Monday, April 11!
The counselors and the Career Center coordinator shared information on: graduation, school records, postsecondary education, scholarships, financial aid and more!
The lucky winners of the evening’s drawing were Tere Murphy, Saksham Bhandari, Lynn Lawson, Jill Simon
and Susan Dunbar. Congratulations!
If you are interested in the information but were unable to attend, have your son or daughter stop by the
Counseling Office or the Career Center for the information.
Thanks to all the parents who attended!
Choosing a Major/Career ? Check Out These Websites
College Majors:
Career Locker:
Career Planning:
Mapping Your Future:
Occupational Outlook Hand:
There are several books regarding major/career
choices available for check-out in the Career Center.
Wausau East Career Club
This year, the East Career Club participated in numerous volunteer activities including: Make A Difference
Day, Wilke’s Haunted Halloween Patch, ringing bells for the Salvation Army and donating time and resources
to the Neighbor’s Place. We also took a field trip to UW-Stout on January 25, to learn more about college
life. In May, we will be attending the Tony Emmanuel Show at the Grand Theater.
Thank you to all the students who participated in the Career Club!
Good luck to all of our graduating seniors!
Important Reminder
Seniors: If you have been awarded a
scholarship this year, please remember to write a
thank you note.
Senior Class Schedule
Current juniors will meet with their counselor in
May to review their senior class schedule.
Counselors will review classes, graduation
requirements and post-secondary options.
After this meeting, we discourage any
changes to the class schedule for next year.
Any questions, please contact your son or
daughter’s counselor.
Counseling Office: 715-261-0677
It is important to THANK the donors who
support our program!
Juniors: Now is a great time to meet with
your counselor and do a credit check!
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Notes Home
ACT Test Dates
Test Date
Registration Deadline
June 11, 2016
May 6, 2016
September 10, 2016
October 22, 2016
December 10, 2016
February 11, 2017
April 8, 2017
June 10, 2017
Juniors: If you are planning to attend a two or four
year college/university, the ACT is a test that is
required for admission to many colleges.
Performance on the ACT is one of the important
pieces of information that college admissions people
weigh when they decide whether to accept an
applicant. Sign up today.
Register at
It is the responsibility of the student to register,
upload a picture and print their ticket in order to take
the ACT test.
Freshmen, Sophomores &
Looking for something fun to do this summer?
It’s not too late to sign up for a
Pre-College Summer Camp!
Many UW colleges offer summer camps in:
Creative Writing
Culinary Arts
Plus More!
Stop in the Career Center for more information.
College Campus Visits
Summer is a good time to go on a
campus tour.
WI Private College Week:
July 11-16, 2016
UW College Campus Tours:
College-Bound Student Athletes
Students who want to participate in Division I or Division II athletics as a freshman in college must register
and be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center. The best time to register is during their junior year in
high school. It is the student’s responsibility to research college athletic programs and check NCAA
requirements. Register online at
Helpful Tips:
Print a copy of your completed registration form for your records.
Record your PIN and keep it in a safe place.
Obtain a transcript release from the Counseling Office and request that a six semester and final
transcript be sent directly to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Check the approved Wausau East High School core coursework. The high school code is 502-415.
Check the core GPA/test score requirement. All SAT & ACT scores must be reported directly to the
NCAA Eligibility Center by the testing agency.
Review the online Guide for the College-Bound Student Athlete found at
Call NCAA Clearinghouse Customer Service at 877-262-1492 if you have specific questions.
Please note: Class of 2016 and beyond – eligibility standards are changing. Visit the Eligibility Center for
more information.
May-June 2016
Page 17
Coping with Test Anxiety
• Remember that a moderate degree of being “amped up” is actually helpful. It can perk up your brain
and help you think more clearly. Don’t mistake nervousness for an attack of test anxiety.
• Learn the material thoroughly. Feeling confident that you know the information you need is a great
anxiety reducer. You need to know the important terms and how these terms are connected to important
issues and concepts. Learning the material and identifying the important concepts can be hard work—but not
impossible. Don’t be surprised if it requires two or more hours of study outside of class for every hour you
spend in class.
• Sometimes considering the worst case scenario can help. If you were to fail this exam, what impact
would it have on your student career or your career plans? Realistically, even if the stakes are pretty high, life
has other good options for you. Name them (and be silly if it helps) and some of the edge will go off the
• Take advantage of social support. Find social support in other students who are taking the same course.
Seek them out and schedule a few group study sessions. Use these sessions to clarify concepts and to
anticipate what will be on the next examination.
• Use relaxation training techniques. Relaxation training will help you learn to calm both mind and body.
Once you acquire some of the techniques, you will be able to apply them before a test or whenever you feel
that anxiety threatens to run away with you.
- Helping Hand, Volume 22, Issue 7
Band Camp!
The 2016 Lumberjack Marching Band will hold two Summer Band Camps in
preparation for our fall marching season. All Band and Color Guard students going into
grades 9-12 for 2016-2017 are required to attend the camps. Parade music for 2016
will be Hips Don’t Lie (by Shakira) and Africa (by Toto). The design and music for this
year’s fieldshow is still “under construction”; however, all students should expect to be
issued all of the parade music before the end of the current school year, and the
fieldshow music at the first camp. Students should spend time practicing and
preparing their parts prior to the camps.
The Wausau East Band Boosters will provide a light breakfast at 8:30 each morning before camp begins,
with snacks provided throughout the day.
Camp #1: July 25-27, 9:00-11:30 AM and 1:00-4:30 PM
Camp #2*: August 17-19, 9:00-11:30 AM and 1:00 - 4:30 PM
The 112th Annual Athens World Fair Parade is Sunday, August 21. This is our first performance of the
season! More information will be coming during Band Camp #1.
The Wausau Labor Day Parade is Monday, September 5, at 3:00 PM. More information will be coming
during Band Camp #2.
Please contact Mr. Perkins at if you have any questions.
*It is understood that there may be some conflicts with fall sports practices and the second camp. Please be
diligent about communicating with Mr. Perkins, as we can work out most conflicts.
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Notes Home
May-June 2016
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Notes Home
Summer Athletic Information
Wausau East highly recommends that all student-athletes participate in our summer strength and conditioning
program here at the high school. There are two very important reasons to encourage your children to do so:
Injury prevention – it is a proven fact that age-appropriate strength and conditioning has a
significant benefit in preventing injury. In short, the better conditioned athlete is a safer athlete!
Team Building – athletes that sweat together, work together, and become a more solid team
unit! The camaraderie that is created in the team settings is incredibly powerful.
Ultimately, working out together, under the supervision of highly trained professionals, is what is best for our
student-athletes, our teams, and for enhancing our pride in Jacknation! Sign up for Lumberjack Power Today!
Registration forms are available in the Guidance Office. Class is free!
6:00 – 8:00 AM – Primarily a Varsity Boys Session
7:00 – 9:00 AM – Primarily a Sophomore Boys Session
8:00 – 10:00 AM – Primarily a Female Session
5:00 – 7:00 PM – Open to All – set up to accommodate students that
work during the day
Fall Sports Start Dates:
August 1
Girls Tennis & Girls Swimming
August 9
Boys Soccer, Volleyball, & Cross Country
August 15
Cross Country & Summer Running Group
The cross country team welcomes all interested athletes to join
us for the fall season. No experience necessary! You should
check us out if you are interested in joining a successful team,
getting in better shape and having a lot of fun in a competitive
setting. We treat all team members like they are part of the
Wausau East cross country family. The season will start on
Sunday, August 14, with the traditional 'Midnight Practice."
We will again be offering summer running opportunities for all
interested athletes on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:00 am. This is open to all middle and high school
runners/athletes, not just cross country members. Starting dates and locations will be available at the end of
the school year on the 'Wausau East Running' Facebook page. Any and all other questions can be directed to
Coach Ole at
May-June 2016
Page 21
Attention Fall Sports Parents and Athletes
The dates for the mandatory Fall Sports Meetings (required by Wausau School District policy) have been set.
We are hoping that the schedule you see below will accommodate you and your varying summer plans.
You will see that there is a meeting in early August. That early meeting is there because football and dance
start before our other sports. However, parents and athletes in other fall sports may attend the first meeting in
lieu of a later meeting.
It is very important to know the following:
It is required by WSD policy that a parent and the player attend the meeting
You may attend any meeting that occurs prior to the start of your sport season
Your individual sport-specific meeting date will be set by the head coach. He/she should be
communicating that date to you soon
The other dates scheduled are on those dates because they are closer to your actual start date. If you miss
the meeting closest to your start date, you will need to attend the next available date – no athlete may
practice or play without the parent and student attending the meeting.
With two dates in place, we hope to better accommodate your family schedules and allow you to enjoy as
much of your summer vacation as possible.
Fall Sports Parent/Player Meeting Dates
Monday, August 1, 2016 at 6:30 PM
Sport-specific team meetings to follow at approximately 7:10 PM
Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM
Sport-specific team meetings to follow at approximately 7:10 PM
Support East High Athletics When You
Fill Up at the Lumberjack Pride Pump!
Wausau East, in partnership with Riiser Energy, is proud to announce a
great way for you to support Lumberjack athletics. Simply pull into the
Riiser station at the corner of Bridge and 3rd Street and use the
Lumberjack Pride Pump featured in the photo. By using that pump,
Wausau East Athletics will receive two cents per gallon pumped; no
gimmicks, no extra costs. When you pump gas, we benefit! Other local
school districts have similar pumps in their towns and have seen
tremendous rewards to their local school’s sports program. Wausau West has a similar pump on their side of
town. Let’s show them how this is done!
So, when you need to fill up, or just top off the tank, please stop in and use the Lumberjack Pride Pump! Your
support is greatly appreciated. The Wausau East Athletic Department extends a hearty thank you to Riiser
Energy for their support of Wausau East Athletics!
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Notes Home
May-June 2016
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Save the Date for
August Registration!
Upperclassman Schedule Pick-up
August 17 & 18: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Freshman Orientation
August 18: 9:00 am, 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm
First Day of School is
Thursday, September 1!
2016-17 Meal Prices
Reduced Price
No Charge
Reduced Price
Carton of Milk
Homecoming 2016
September 19-24
NEW Homecoming Events
Friday night Powder Puff Game and Bonfire at East High ball fields.
Saturday parade downtown Wausau. Starts at 400 Block and ends at Thom Field. (10:00 am)
Saturday Tailgate Lunch Party at Thom Field. (12:00 pm)
Saturday football game at Thom Field. (2:00 pm)
Saturday night Homecoming dance in East Commons. (8:00 -11:00 pm)
The 2016 Homecoming Schedule and dress-up days will be posted in the
August/September issue of Notes Home.
Please contact Jolyn Cook at for ideas and questions.
Wausau School District
Connect with us on Social Media!
Facebook –
Twitter –
Instagram –
YouTube –
Wausau East High School
May/June 2016
23 - 24
Eastside Band Concert, 7:00 PM, Auditorium
Scholarship Night, 7:00 PM, Auditorium
State Solo/Ensemble
C.A.F.E., 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Senior Athletic Banquet, 5:30 PM, Jefferson St. Inn
Orchestra Concert, 7:30 PM, Auditorium
Senior Academic Awards Assembly, 1:00 PM, Gym
Physics Great America Trip
Variety Show
Variety Show Assembly
IB Banquet, 5:30 PM, Jefferson St. Inn
Teacher Inservice, No Classes
Memorial Day, No Classes
Students are reminded that
school doors open at 7:15 am.
Please plan accordingly ~
Thank you for your
Summer Office Hours
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
East Graduation, 7:30 PM, Gym
Final Exams
Students’ Last Day
Teachers’ Last Day
Closed for lunch
12:00-12:30 pm
12:30 - 3:00 pm
Monday - Thursday
Closed Fridays
June 17 - August 5
Mission Statement
The Mission of Wausau East High School is to positively impact the future by helping students reach their full potential in
a rigorous learning environment of respect, integrity, compassion and excellence.
WSD Continuous Nondiscrimination Notice
The Wausau School District does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy,
marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability. Federal law prohibits discrimination in education and
employment on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex, religion, or disability.
Anyone who believes that the Wausau School District has inadequately applied the principles and/or regulations of Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section
504 or the Americans with Disabilities Act, may file a complaint with the WSD Equity Director at the Longfellow Administration Center, 415 Seymour
Street, Wausau, Wisconsin 54402-0359, or by telephone at 715-261-0500.
Lub Wausau School District txwv tsis pub leejtwg ua saib tsis taus ib tus neeg twg txawm yog hais tias nej yog pojniam los yog txivneej, yog haiv neeg
dabtsi, ntseeg dabtsi, poj koob yawm txiv yog leejtwg, nyiam pojniam los yog txivneej li cas, muaj mob nkees li cas los yog xiam oob qhab li cas.
Kevcai nyob rau tebchaws no txwv tsis pub leejtwg yuav ua saib tsis taus nej yog nej tuaj nrhiav haujlwm ntawm peb txawm yog nej yog haiv neeg
twg, muaj noob nyoog li cas, cev nqaij daim ntawv yog xim dabtsi, nyiam pojniam txivneej, ntseeg dabtsi, los yog muaj kev xiam oob qhab li cas.
Yog leejtwg ntseeg tau hais tias lub khoog tsev kawm ntawv Wausau School District ua tsis raws li txojcai thiab/los yog cov lus teev tseg nyob rau Title
VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 504 los yog Txojcai Tiv Thaiv Haiv Neeg Mekas uas Xiam Oob Qhab, nej sau tau ib tsab ntawv tsis txaus siab tuaj rau tus
saib xyuas tej teebmeem zoo li no uas yog tus WSD Equity Director nyob tom Longfellow Administration Center, 415 Seymour Street, Wausau,
Wisconsin 54402-0359, los yog hu rau nws ntawm tus xovtooj 715-261-0549.
El Distrito Escolar de Wausau no discrimina contra las personas por motivos de sexo, raza, religión, nacionalidad, ancestro, credo, embarazo, estado
civil, orientación sexual, o discapacidad física, emocional, mental o de aprendizaje. La Ley Federal prohíbe cualquier tipo de discriminación en la
educación y empleo por motivos de edad, raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo, religión o discapacidad.
Cualquier persona que crea que el Distrito Escolar de Wausau ha aplicado inadecuadamente los principios y/o reglas del Título VI, Título VII, Título IX,
Sección 504 o del Acta para Americanos con Discapacidades, podrá presentar una denuncia ante el Director de Igualdad del Distrito Escolar de
Wausau al Centro de Administración Longfellow, 415 Seymour Street, Wausau, Wisconsin 54402-0359, o por teléfono al 715-261-0596.