2010 - Caversham Booksellers
2010 - Caversham Booksellers
CAVERSHAMbooksellers Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Psychology and related subjects North America’s largest mental health bookstore SINCE 1989 Visit us online at www.cavershambooksellers.com Visit our store at 98 Harbord Street just west of Spadina on the north side 2010 TOOLKITS AGENCY HOSPITAL CHILD / ADOLESCENT CLINICAL CLIENT RESOURCES GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Other Therapeutic Resources: BOOKS FOR KIDS AUDIO VISUAL ACTIVITIES AND GAMES Welcome to Caversham Booksellers! As an independent bookseller specializing in mental health, two of Caversham’s greatest strengths are offering knowledgeable, impeccable service and keeping the shelves stocked with an unmatched selection of current books and resources. Caversham is trusted to lend an impartial and credible opinion as to the newest and most relied-on resources so each year we select a well rounded collection of books; these are our Toolkits. The Toolkits are made up of 9 top ten lists which contain tools for specific needs across a variety of settings. These nine TOOLKITS include tools that will help with: AGENCY: Client Skills- workbooks, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)- clinical theory, Concurrent Disorder, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for Eating Disorders, Mind- Body, Mindfulness, Motivational Interviewing (MI), Personality Disorders (PD), Substance Use- addiction, Social Work- theory, Transcultural Perspectives on Trauma, Violence HOSPITAL: CBT, Family Care & Support in Mental Health, Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) with Older age, MI- clinical & for patients, Mindfulness- anxiety & depression, Psychiatric Clinical Skills, Psychodynamic Theory for PD, Psychopharmacology, Psychosis- clinical & for patients CHILD AND ADOLESCENT: Anxiety- child, Asperger/ Autism, Brief , CBT- clinical, Executive Functionclinical & for client, Self Harm- clinical , Depression- teen workbook, Eating disorder- clinical, Eating Disorder- clinical & for families, Mental Illness- theory, Parenting, Resiliency CLINICAL: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Art Therapy, Attachment, CBT- general, CBT- couples, Narrative Therapy, Psychotherapy, Trauma CLIENT RESOURCES: Anxiety- workbook, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), CBT- eating disorder workbook, DBT- workbooks: eating disorders, bipolar disorder, Mindfulness, Grief, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Trauma- theory, Trauma workbook GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY: Addictions, Bereavement, Jung, Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Relationships AUDIO VISUAL: Addictions, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attachment- couples, Concurrent disorders, Depression- mindfulness, Group Work, Meditation & Mindfulness, Solution Focused Therapy, Trauma, Treatment Planning KIDS’ BOOKS: ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholic Parent, Anger & Aggression, Anxiety, Aspergers, Autism, Boundaries and Safety, Depressed Parent, Depression, Divorce, Managing Feelings, Grief, Loss, Mindfulness, OCD, Self Esteem, Stress, Tourettes, Worry ACTIVITIES: Anger & Aggression, Assertiveness, Brain- anatomy, Bullying, Conflict Resolution, Creativity, Coaching, Narrative, Relaxation, Resiliency, Self esteem, Social Skills, Trauma-body Organizational Consulting at Caversham Booksellers: Did you know that Caversham carries over 2500 titles on everything from leadership training to stress management? Whether you’re building a workplace library or needing workshop and training materials, we provide resources in all aspects of organizational mental health care. Business to Business Services: Use our B2B service for one-source bulk ordering with competitive pricing and superior service. Our senior staff have been working at the shop for ten to twenty years and have expertise in bookselling and the field of mental health. We have developed strong ties with the publishers and are committed to service first. Because of this we can do the kind of leg work involved in consulting with your business, on every detail from selection to fulfillment. AGENCY TOOLKIT 2010 title authors/editors publisher $ Jonathan Kanter ROUTLEDGE Beck’s Cognitive Therapy: Distinctive Features Frank Wills ROUTLEDGE Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Distinctive Features Rebecca Crane ROUTLEDGE Debra Safer et al GUILFORD Cheryl Regehr & Graham Glancy OXFORD U PRESS Cheryl Regehr & Karima Kanani OXFORD U PRESS Tzipi Weiss JOHN WILEY Ester Leutenberg & John Liptak WHOLE PERSON ASSOCIATES 48.88 The Domestic Violence Survival Workbook: Self-Assessments, Exercises & Educational Handouts Ester Leutenberg & John Liptak WHOLE PERSON ASSOCIATES 48.88 The Substance Abuse & Recovery Workbook: Self-Assessments, Exercises & Educational Handouts Ester Leutenberg & John Liptak WHOLE PERSON ASSOCIATES 48.88 Catherine Fuller & Philip Taylor JOHN WILEY Jon Kabat-Zinn DOUBLEDAY 66.00 23.00 Robert Meyers & Brenda Wolfe HAZELDEN 18.95 Jane Ellen Smith & Robert Meyers GUILFORD David Robinson RAPID PSYCHLER 28.95 17.00 Wayne Skinner CAMH Caroline O'Grady & Wayne Skinner CAMH THE CBT DISTINCTIVE FEATURE SERIES (11 IN TOTAL) SERIES EDITOR: WINDY DRYDEN Behavioral Activation: Distinctive Features Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Binge Eating & Bulimia Mental Health Social Work Practice in Canada Essential Law for Social Work Practice in Canada, 2nd ed Posttraumatic Growth & Culturally Competent Practice: Lessons Learned from Around the Globe The Practical Life Skills Workbook: Self-Assessments, Exercises & Educational Handouts A Toolkit of Motivational Skills, 2nd ed Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body & Mind to Face Stress, Pain, & Illness 20.95 20.95 20.95 40.50 49.95 74.95 54.00 MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING FOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM Get Your Loved One Sober: Alternatives to Nagging, Pleading, & Threatening Motivating Substance Abusers to Enter Treatment: Working with Family Members The Personality Disorders Explained, 2nd ed CENTRE FOR ADDICTION & MENTAL HEALTH CONCURRENT DISORDERS SERIES Treating Concurrent Disorders: A Guide for Counsellors A Family Guide to Concurrent Disorders 39.95 14.95 1 HOSPITAL TOOLKIT 2010 title Building Motivational Interviewing Skills: A Practitioner Workbook Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior Clinician's Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy in Late Life: Helping Cognitively Impaired or Depressed Elders & Their Caregivers How to Talk to Families About Child & Adolescent Mental Illness Psychiatric Clinical Skills, 2nd ed Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders: A Clinical Handbook Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs, 18th ed authors/editors publisher David Rosengren GUILFORD Stephen Rollnick, William Miller & Christopher Butler GUILFORD $ 43.95 28.95 Mark Miller OXFORD U PRESS 43.95 Diane Marsh & Melissa Marks NORTON PROFESSIONAL David Goldbloom CAMH John Clarkin, Peter Fonagy & Glen Gabbard (Eds) APPI 27.50 59.95 82.95 Adil Virani, Kalina Bezchlibnyk-Butler & Joel Jeffries HOGREFE & HUBER 90.95 Kalina Bezchlibnyk-Butler & Adil Virani (Eds) HOGREFE & HUBER 71.50 WFSAD 29.50 Glen Gabbard APPI Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide (with DVD) Jesse Wright, Monica Basco & Michael Thase (Eds) APPI 67.95 79.50 Competency in Combining Pharmacotherapy & Psychotherapy: Integrated & Split Treatment Michelle Riba & Richard Balon APPI 66.95 The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Depression: Using ACT to Move Through Depression & Create a Life Worth Living Kirk Strosahl & Patricia Robinson NEW HARBINGER 28.95 John Forsyth & Georg Eifert NEW HARBINGER 28.95 Anthony Morrison et al ROUTLEDGE 31.95 Anthony Morrison (Ed) ROUTLEDGE 63.50 Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children & Adolescents Families as Partners in Mental Health Care: A Guidebook for Implementing Diane Froggatt et al Family Work CORE COMPENTENCIES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (5 IN TOTAL) Long Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Basic Text, 2nd ed The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety: A Guide to Breaking Free from Anxiety, Phobias & Worry Using ACT Think You're Crazy? Think Again: A Resource Book for Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis: A Formulation-Based Approach 2 CHILD / ADOLESCENT TOOLKIT 2010 title Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Children: A Guide for the Community Practitioner authors/editors publisher Katharina Manassis ROUTLEDGE Keys to Parenting Your Anxious Child, Rev. Ed. Katharina Manassis BARRON’S Helping Your Teenager Beat Depression: A Problem-Solving Approach for Families Katharina Manassis WOODBINE HOUSE Matthew Selekman GUILFORD Adolescent & Young Adult Self-Harming Treatment Manual: A Collaborative StrengthsBased Brief Therapy Approach Matthew Selekman NORTON PROFESSIONAL 10.99 31.95 46.50 42.50 Working with Self-Harming Adolescents: A Collaborative, Strengths-Based Therapy Approach Matthew Selekman NORTON PROFESSIONAL 27.50 Peg Dawson & Richard Guare GUILFORD 40.50 Smart But Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Peg Dawson & Richard Guare Their Potential GUILFORD 18.50 June Alexander & Daniel le Grange MELBOURNE U PRESS Treating Bulimia in Adolescents: A Family-Based Approach Daniel le Grange & James Lock GUILFORD Treatment Manual for Anorexia Nervosa: A Family-Based Approach James Lock et al GUILFORD Treating Child & Adolescent Mental Illness: A Practical, All-in-One Guide for Clinicians Jess Shatkin NORTON PROFESSIONAL 21.21 28.95 34.50 43.50 Asperger, Autism & Non-Verbal Learning Disorders: Screening, Assessing & Diagnosing John Ortiz THE ASPERGER'S SYNDROME INSTITUTE 36.50 John Ortiz THE ASPERGER'S SYNDROME INSTITUTE 17.50 Tatyana Barankin & Nazilla Khanlou CAMH Joyce Cooper-Kahn WOODBINE HOUSE 12.95 24.95 Carolyn Webster-Stratton THE INCREDIBLE YEARS 27.95 Otto Weininger RINASCENTE BOOKS 16.95 Collaborative Brief Therapy with Children Executive Skills in Children & Adolescents: A Practical Guide to Assessment & Intervention, 2nd ed My Kid is Back: Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa Asperger, Autism, & NLD: Screening, Assessing & Diagnosing (CD-ROM w/ PDF checklists, diagrams, flow-charts & inventories) Growing Up Resilient: Ways to Build Resilience in Children & Youth Late, Lost & Unprepared: A Parents' Guide to Helping Children with Executive Functioning The Incredible Years: A Troubleshooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 2-8 Years, 2nd ed Time-in Parenting: How to Teach Children Emotional Self-Control, Life Skills & Problem Solving by Lending Yourself & Staying Connected $ 45.95 3 CLINICAL TOOLKIT 2010 title ACT Made Simple: An Easy-to-Read Primer on Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Clinical Pearls of Wisdom: 21 Leading Therapists Offer Their Key Insights Healing the Incest Wound, 2nd ed authors/editors publisher Russ Harris NEW HARBINGER Michael Kerman (Ed) NORTON PROFESSIONAL Christine Courtois NORTON PROFESSIONAL $ 47.95 Christine Courtois & Julian Ford GUILFORD The Healing Power of Emotion: Neurobiological Understandings & Therapeutic Perspectives Trauma, Tragedy, Therapy: The Arts & Human Suffering Diana Fosha, Daniel Siegel & Marion Solomon (Eds) NORTON PROFESSIONAL 32.50 37.50 63.50 47.00 Stephen Levine JESSICA KINGSLEY 32.95 Attachment in Psychotherapy Collaborative Case Conceptualization: Working Effectively with Clients in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Learning Emotion Focused Therapy: The Process-Experiential Approach to Change David Wallin GUILFORD Willem Kuyken, Christine Padesky & Robert Dudley GUILFORD 48.50 46.50 Robert Elliott, Jeanne Watson, Rhonda Goldman & Leslie Greenberg APA 57.50 Emotion-Focused Therapy for Complex Trauma: An Integrative Approach Sandra Paivio & Antonio Pascual-Leone APA Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy: The Dynamics of Emotion Love & Power Leslie Greenberg & Rhonda Goldman APA Michael White NORTON PROFESSIONAL James Bennett-Levy, Gillian Butler, Melanie Fennell et al OXFORD U PRESS 68.95 68.95 33.50 69.95 Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide Maps of Narrative Practice Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy CAVERSHAMbooksellers Browse our vast collection of mental health books and resources. Visit us online at cavershambooksellers.com Visit our store at 98 Harbord St. just west of Spadina on the north side. 4 CLIENT RESOURCES TOOLKIT 2010 title The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Weight Management: A Step-byStep Program for Real People Feeding the Starving Mind: A Personalized, Comprehensive Approach to Overcoming Anorexia & Other Starvaton Eating Disorder 8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Take-Charge Strategies to Empower Your Healing Life After Trauma: A Workbook for Healing, 2nd ed authors/editors publisher Michele Laliberte, Randi McCabe & Valerie Taylor NEW HARBINGER $ 26.95 Doreen Samelson NEW HARBINGER 28.95 Babette Rothschild NORTON PROFESSIONAL 25.00 Dena Rosenbloom, Mary Beth Williams GUILFORD & Barbara Watkins Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care Paul Mason & Randi Kreger About Has Borderline Personality Disorder, 2nd ed 22.95 NEW HARBINGER 22.95 Randi Kreger & James Paul Shirley NEW HARBINGER 28.95 The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts & Emotions Christopher Germer GUILFORD 18.50 Coping with OCD: Practical Strategies for Living Well with ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate & Spiritual Guide to Coping with Loss The Anti-Anxiety Workbook: Proven Strategies to Overcome Worry, Phobias, Panic, & Obsessions The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation & Distress Tolerance Bruce Hyman NEW HARBINGER 19.95 Sameet Kumar NEW HARBINGER 19.95 Martin Antony & Peter Norton GUILFORD 22.95 The Stop Walking on Eggshells Workbook: Practical Strategies for Living with Someone Who Has Borderline Personality Disorder Matthew McKay, Jeffrey Wood & Jeffrey NEW HARBINGER Brantley 28.95 The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bulimia: Using DBT to Break the Cycle & Regain Control of Your Life Ellen Astrachan-Fletcher & Michael Maslar NEW HARBINGER 27.95 The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bipolar Disorder: Using DBT to Regain Control of Your Emotions&YourLife Sheri Van Dijk NEW HARBINGER 28.95 Wendy Maltz & Larry Maltz HARPERCOLLINS 21.99 The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography 5 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY TOOLKIT 2010 title Intimacy & Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation Nothing Was the Same: A Memoir The Human Brain Book The Red Book: Liber Novalis authors/editors publisher David Schnarch BEAUFORT BOOKS Daniel Siegel BANTAM BOOKS Kay Redfield Jamison KNOPF Rita Carter DORLING KINDERSLEY Carl Gustav Jung W. W. NORTON In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction One Hundred Years of Psychoanalysis: A Timeline, 1900-2000 Gabor Maté KNOPF CANADA Elisabeth Young-Bruehl & Christine Dunbar CAVERSHAM PRODUCTIONS The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science The Gift of Therapy: An Open Letter to a New Generation of Therapists & Their Patients The Wizard of Oz & Other Narcissists: Coping with the One-Way Relationship in Work, Love & Family Norman Doidge PENGUIN 17.50 Irvin Yalom HARPERCOLLINS 18.99 Eleanor Payson JULIAN DAY 19.95 CAVERSHAMbooksellers Visit our book stall at some of the 100+ conferences we attend! Use our "events" listings online. Do you have an event that needs a Caversham display? 6 $ 29.95 33.00 29.95 46.00 182.63 22.00 29.95 This year: three new Toolkits, as our stock and selection grows and strengthens. AUDIO - VISUAL TOOLKIT 2010 title authors/editors publisher $ EVIDENCE-BASED PSYCHOTHERAPY TREATMENT PLANNING DVDS (WORKBOOKS & FACILITATOR'S GUIDES AVAILABLE TOO; SEE ONLINE) Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Treatment Planning DVD Hold Me Tight: Conversations for Connection (DVD) Creating Relationships That Last: A Conversation with Dr. Sue Johnson (Audio CD) Arthur Jongsma, Jr & Timothy Bruce WILEY Sue Johnson OCFI 48.00 69.00 29.95 19.95 32.95 34.95 279.00 Sue Johnson OCFI Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief Jon Kabat-Zinn SOUNDS TRUE Series 1 Mindfulness Meditation Practice CDs Jon Kabat-Zinn STRESS REDUCTION TAPES Series 2 & 3 Mindfulness Meditation Practice CDs Jon Kabat-Zinn STRESS REDUCTION TAPES Eli Bay THE RESILIENT LIVING CORPORATION Eli Bay THE RESILIENT LIVING CORP. 24.95 PSYCHOTHERAPY.NET 67.50 NEW HARBINGER SOUNDS TRUE 69.95 50.00 29.95 SOUNDS TRUE 29.95 Kirsten Bindseil, Bill Gayner & Kate Kitchen KATE KITCHEN 15.00 Outer Stress • Inner Calm, a complete self-guided training program for relaxation & stress reduction (10 DVDs, 4 CDs & Guidebook) Let Go: Empowered Breathing + Progressive Muscle Relaxation (CD) PSYCHOTHERAPY.NET DVDS (OVER 80 TITLES: FOR FULL LIST & INSTITUTIONAL PRICING SEE ONLINE) Solution-Focused Therapy (DVD) Insoo Kim Berg ACT IN ACTION DVD SERIES (6 IN ALL) Steven Hayes ACT in Action: Mindfulness, Self, and the Present Moment (DVD) Timothy Bilkey ADHD Across the Lifespan (DVD) How to Meditate with Pema Chödrön: A Practical Guide to Making Friends Pema Chödrön with Your Mind (5 CDs) The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness (audio book, 4 CDs) Meditation for Mindfulness (2 CDs) Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal & Jon Kabat-Zinn THE BILKEY CLINIC MARSHA LINEHAN RESOURCES Opposite Action: Changing Emotions You Want to Change (DVD) Marsha Linehan DAWKINS PRODUCTIONS Live Mindfulness with Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D., ABPP (4 CDs) Marsha Linehan BEHAVIORAL TECH Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder (DVD) Marsha Linehan GUILFORD 44.95 69.00 113.95 7 KIDS BOOKS TOOLKIT 2010 title Black Jack Jetty: A Boy's Journey Through Grief authors/editors publisher Michael Carestio MAGINATION/APA I Want Your Moo: A Story for Children About Self-Esteem, 2nd ed Marcella Bakur Weiner & Jill Neimark MAGINATION/APA Take the Time: Mindfulness for Kids Maud Roegiers MAGINATION/APA Martine Agassi FREE SPIRIT Cool Down & Work Through Anger: Learning to Get Along Cheri Meiners FREE SPIRIT Fighting Invisible Tigers: Stress Management Guide for Teens, 3rd ed Earl Hipp FREE SPIRIT He Shoots He Scores!: A Tale from the Iris the Dragon Series Gayle Grass IRIS THE DRAGON I Can Fix It: A Tale from the Iris the Dragon Series Gayle Grass IRIS THE DRAGON Hole in One: A Tale from the Iris the Dragon Series Gayle Grass IRIS THE DRAGON Jill Starishevsky SAFETY STAR MEDIA Jill & Katherine Bobula WILDBERRY PRODUCTIONS Dinosaur Diego, The World's Smartest Dude: Asperger's Syndrome (Autism) Jill & Katherine Bobula WILDBERRY PRODUCTIONS Anxious Annie, The World's Greatest Counter: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Jill & Katherine Bobula WILDBERRY PRODUCTIONS Kathy Hoopman JESSICA KINGSLEY Kathy Hoopman JESSICA KINGSLEY CAMH/Tundra CAMH/TUNDRA CAMH CAMH Laura Brown LITTLE, BROWN Hands Are Not for Hitting My Body Belongs to Me Sad, Sad Seth, The World's Greatest Writer: Depression All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome All Dogs Have ADHD Can I Catch It Like A Cold?: A story to help children understand a parent's depression, revised ed Wishes & Worries: A Story to Help Children Understand a Parent Who Drinks Too Much Alcohol Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families Moonshadow's Journey Gillian Lobel WHITMAN Mr. Worry: A Story About OCD Holly Niner WHITMAN I Can't Stop!: A Story About Tourette's Syndrome Holly Niner WHITMAN Aureen Wagner LIGHTHOUSE PRESS Up & Down the Worry Hill: A Children's Book About Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder & Its Treatment, 2nd ed All prices subject to change without notice, as publishers make adjustments, and currencies fluctuate. 8 $ 11.50 11.50 11.50 14.95 14.50 19.95 20.00 20.00 20.00 16.95 16.95 16.95 16.95 14.95 14.95 19.95 9.95 8.99 21.95 21.95 21.95 19.95 ACTIVITIES TOOLKIT 2010 title Angry Animals 2: A Board Game Teaching Healthy Expression of Anger authors/editors publisher Katelyn Mariah WPS CREATIVE THERAPY STORE The Bullying Game Berthold Berg WPS CREATIVE THERAPY STORE Peacetown: A Conflict Resolution Game Eric Terry WPS CREATIVE THERAPY STORE Norton NORTON PROFESSIONAL Alan Gratias ALAN GRATIAS Jane Hutton & Kate Knapp TWIGSEEDS Victim Services of Peel TATI Lynn Gordon CHRONICLE 52 Relaxing Rituals Lynn Gordon CHRONICLE 52 Ways to Simplify Your Life Lynn Gordon CHRONICLE Patricia Roe SPEECHMARK Let's Talk!: Feelings (cards) Patricia Roe SPEECHMARK Let's Talk!: Social Skills (cards) Patricia Roe SPEECHMARK Carol Stanton CHRONICLE The Breathe Easy Deck Monte Farber CHRONICLE The Yoga Deck II: 50 Poses and Meditations for Body, Mind, and Spirit Olivia Miller CHRONICLE Susan Howson MAGNIFICENT CREATIONS Susan Howson MAGNIFICENT CREATIONS Janina Fisher JANINA FISHER 39.50 39.50 39.50 24.95 12.95 19.95 25.95 15.95 49.95 Pat Ogden et al NORTON PROFESSIONAL 43.50 Brain Model & Puzzle: Anatomy & Functional Areas of the Brain Gravitas: The Little Box of Big Questions (card game) Lost in Normality: Recapture the Ordinary (cards) The Hero's Journey (Game) $ 62.50 64.95 64.95 37.50 39.95 65.00 60.00 52 DECK SERIES 52 Ways to Nurture Your Creativity Let's Talk!: Assertiveness (cards) Life Coach in a Box Manifest Your Magnificence Cards: 64 Affirmations Manifest Your Magnificence CD: 64 Affirmations Psychoeducational Aids for Working with Psychological Trauma, 8th ed (flip chart) Trauma & the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy 9.50 9.50 9.50 Students and Trainees: your required texts are specially priced; Instructors: please inquire about our textbook services. 9 Caversham Booksellers distributes for the following publishers in Canada. Wholesale inquiries welcome. DISTRIBUTION CAVERSHAMbooksellers CAVERSHAMbooksellers Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Psychology and related subjects North America’s largest mental health bookstore SINCE 1989 JUST A REMINDER FOR YOUR FISCAL YEAR-END BOOK-BUYING! As always we offer: ordering by fax, Quotes & alternate billing phone, email or online methods on any order, should Fast you require approval sourcing of hard to find titles Painless Great customer support, friendly advice and recommendations on thousands of topics CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-361-6120 (IN THE GTA 416-944-0962) FAX 416-944-0963 E-MAIL info@cavershambooksellers.com ORDER ONLINE AT www.cavershambooksellers.com ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE WEEKDAYS 9-5 TO CONFIRM PRICE & AVAILABILITY OR TO MAKE SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR VISITING, ORDERING, BILLING, DELIVERY, ETC. STORE HOURS: 9-6 M-W / 9-7 THUR - FRI / 10-6 SAT / 12-5 SUN 98 HARBORD ST, TORONTO, ON M5S 1G6 CANADA