draft release(final)
draft release(final)
Cari Clement FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 12/14/14 CAST OFF CHEMO! castoffchemo.org 518-‐791-‐0212 cariclement60@gmail.com Cast On to CAST OFF CHEMO! Pull some strings to stick it to cancer! Montpelier, VT. Cast Off Chemo!, an opportunity for knitters and crocheters to help raise funds for a groundbreaking breast cancer treatment that eliminates the need for chemotherapy, has been launched! “Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women,” said Cari Clement, project coordinator. “I lost my mother to cancer and she was only 49. Most of us have lost someone affected by this terrible disease.” Knitters and crocheters have long been involved in trying to help, making caps for women who have lost their hair during chemotherapy. But what if the disease could be fought without the need for chemo? Dr. David Krag, a research surgeon with the University of Vermont in Burlington, has a potential therapy that could do just that. The goal is to raise $1 million by the end of October, 2015, for that purpose. “As an example, if everyone who uses Ravelry contributed $1, we would reach our goal,” Clement said. “This is very achievable.” Dr. Krag is the researcher who discovered the sentinel node tracer technique, which reduces the need for radical mastectomy and enables needle biopsy procedures. This procedure is now in use all over the world and has spared many women from having to go through the trauma of a complete mastectomy or having excessive lymph nodes removed. The treatment that he is trying to bring to clinical trials uses the patient’s own antibodies to fight off the disease. “This is very exciting research, but chemotherapy is a big business, so Dr. Krag can’t get funding in the traditional manner,” Clement said. “But we feel strongly that the therapy has incredible potential and would like to see it in clinical trials as soon as possible.” An impressive list of industry insiders is committed to Cast Off Chemo! including: Trisha Malcolm, Editor-‐in-‐Chief of Vogue Knitting and Vice President of Soho Publishing; Cia Abbott-‐Bullemer, Marketing Director of Plymouth Yarns; Kathy Elkins, Owner and Vice President of Marketing for WEBS -‐ America’s Yarn Store; and Susan White Sullivan, an industry expert. Two special advisers have already been raising funds through their own efforts. Linda Krag, Dr. Krag’s sister-‐in-‐law and Owner/President of Denise Interchangeables, has raised over $185,000 through sales of her interchangeable circular needle sets. Cat Bordhi, a designer, author and teacher, has already raised $50,000 through sale of her e-‐book ,“The Art of Felfs,” on her website (catbordhi.com). Both women are breast cancer survivors. Anyone interested in getting involved can visit the website at castoffchemo.org. Cast Off Chemo! is a program under the SD Ireland Cancer Research Fund, a 501(c)3, created by a family member of one of Dr. Krag’s patients. All donations are tax deductible. “This is a site that we fully expect to grow quickly through the creativity of our supporters,” Clement said. “We will have auctions of fabulous yarns, books, tools, accessories and other items. Patterns created to benefit the cause will also be available for sale. Ideas on how yarn shops and knitting/crochet groups can get involved will be posted. We hope people will visit the site often for more opportunities and ideas.” # # #
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