ILO staff development


ILO staff development
International Training Centre
Human Resources Development Department, ILO
The International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin
Executive Leadership and Strategic Management Programme.............3
Maximizing field office performance: A capacity-building
programme for ILO Office Directors..................................................4
New officials
ILO e-induction course...................................................................5
Orientation workshop for new ILO officials........................................6
Upgrading skills and technical expertise
Global symposium for ILO development cooperation practitioners.......7
E-learning programme on public-private partnerships.........................8
Tailored skills enhancement workshops in development cooperation......9
Effective ILO programming............................................................10
Evaluation Manager Certification Programme..................................11
Green Jobs Certification Programme...............................................12
Training-of-Trainers Certification Programme...................................13
Training in conducting internal evaluations and self-evaluations of
ILO programmes and projects........................................................15
Other courses organized by the Centre of particular relevance
for ILO staff
Decent work and sustainable development......................................16
Coping with complexity: Towards more systemic thinking in project
cycle management.......................................................................17
Macroeconomics and modelling for labour market analysis...............18
Master in Industrial and Employment Relations...............................19
Master in Occupational Safety and Health......................................20
Academy on Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations......................21
Since 2011, the Human Resources Development Department (HRD) and the
International Training Centre of the ILO (the Centre) have worked together to deliver a
joint development and training programme for ILO staff. The objective of this learning
partnership is to contribute to the overall capacity development services of the ILO
and to create greater synergies and efficiencies in the provision of these services by
the Centre and the ILO. Over 3,000 ILO officials have attended training programmes
organized by the Centre over the period 2011-15.
The third edition of the Executive Programme on Leadership and Strategic Management
will take place in January 2016, building on the experience and recommendations
arising from the 2014 and 2015 editions. The Centre also offers tailored training
courses for ILO Field Office Directors and Programme Officers/Assistants in the Regions.
These two activities were piloted in 2015 in response to the recommendations of the
ILO field operations and structure and technical cooperation review (2013) and have
since been further refined in response to feedback from participants.
The 2016 catalogue also includes the well-established orientation workshop for new
ILO officials, as well as a new e-induction programme. In addition, the Centre plans to
organize a global training event for ILO development cooperation practitioners.
The 2016 joint staff development programme also offers ILO staff access to multi-step
training activities leading towards certification as Green Jobs Advisors and Evaluation
Managers. Another newly added certification track is the training-of-trainers programme,
targeting technical specialists at Headquarters and in field offices.
Beyond the list of joint staff development activities centrally financed by HRD, you are
also invited to review the shortlist of standard training courses run by the Centre at
the end of this catalogue. These courses are of particular relevance for ILO staff since
they relate to topical world-of-work themes, such as the link between the ILO Decent
Work Agenda and the 2030 Sustainable Development framework. Fellowships for these
courses may be obtained by applying for decentralized staff development funds.
Mark Levin
Human Resources Development Department
Giuseppe Casale
Director a.i.
International Training Centre of the ILO
Executive Leadership and Strategic Management Programme
In collaboration with the Human Resources Development Department
and the UN System Staff College
organizational innovation; stimulating effective
performance; improving delivery and policy
outcomes in a results-based framework; and
enhancing service orientation and high-quality
advisory services.
Target group
The objective of this five-day executive training
programme held on the campus of the Centre
in Turin and delivered by the United Nations
System Staff College is to strengthen the
delivery capacity of ILO officials. The programme
is aimed at ILO officials who have assumed
management and leadership roles within the last
three to four years, or who have the potential
to assume such roles over the next three to
five years (normally at P5 level). As a result of
attending the programme, participants will be
equipped with the essential knowledge to be
more effective leaders of the ILO’s strategic
agenda and better managers of its resources and
During the course, the following leadership
topics are addressed: promoting the ILO
as an essential global interlocutor on the
world of work; influencing international
development agendas; motivating and leading
collaborative teams on strategic priorities; and
promoting transparency, good governance and
accountability within the ILO. To strengthen
the capacity of participants to manage for
effective performance, the following topics are
covered: anticipating and managing change and
The programme is aimed at ILO officials who
have recently assumed management and
leadership roles at headquarters or in the
regions (normally at D1 or D2 level), or who
have the potential to assume such roles over
the next three to five years (normally at P5
level). Participants are selected by the ILO to
ensure that they meet the relevant criteria and
to maintain a balance between headquarters and
regions, the genders and technical areas.
Staff members from headquarters and field
offices are selected for this workshop by the
Further information
Cost: The workshop fees, full board and lodging
in Turin, and bus transport (Geneva-Turin-Geneva)
of all participants are covered by HRD centrally
managed staff development funds. For HQbased staff, partial DSA for miscellaneous costs
in Turin is funded from the department’s staff
development funds. For field-based staff, travelrelated costs are covered by the staff development
funds available at the organizational unit/project
level. Depending on available funds, cost-sharing
arrangements may be considered.
Maximizing field office performance: A capacity-building
programme for ILO Office Directors
In collaboration with the Human Resources Development Department
baseline knowledge of operational aspects
of office management and administration,
participants are expected to have completed
the ILO Internal Governance e-learning
Programme prior to the course. The training in
Turin will focus on capacity building in relation
to key aspects of advanced operational-level
management. The programme will take an
interactive and participatory approach, utilize
real-life scenarios and case studies, and draw on
the expertise of subject matter experts from HQ
and the field.
ILO Office Directors play a key role in ensuring
the delivery of high-quality services to the ILO’s
constituents through good governance and
decision-making. With a view to maximizing field
office performance, the objective of the
programme is to strengthen the delivery capacity
of ILO Office Directors in operational aspects of
office management and administration.
As a result of attending the training, participants
will have gained greater clarity as to what is
expected of them in terms of financial and
administrative accountability, thus enabling
them to effectively fulfil these obligations.
The long-term objective is to enhance the
management capacity of ILO Field Office
Directors in key operational areas, thereby
increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of
service delivery to the ILO’s constituents. The
learning activity includes pre-course preparation
and a five-day face-to-face training course on
the campus of the Centre in Turin. To ensure
Target group
Participants will be ILO Office Directors, already
in post or to be deployed, and will be nominated
by the Regional Office in coordination with HRD.
In order to be considered, participants must
have completed the ILO Internal Governance
e-learning Programme.
Further information
Cost: The workshop fees and full board and
lodging in Turin for all participants are covered
by HRD centrally managed staff development
funds. Travel-related costs are covered by
the staff development funds available at the
organizational unit/project level.
New officials
ILO e-induction course
The ILO e-induction course provides answers to
these and other questions.
What is at the heart of the ILO? What are the
milestones that have shaped the way we work
today? How are decisions taken in the ILO?
What are the key areas in which the ILO adds
value? Who are our partners and how do we
organize ourselves to contribute to the global
development agenda?
Through this course, new ILO staff will discover
more about the ILO, hear a special message
from the DG and feel a sense of pride in being
part of the ILO family. The course has been
developed in collaboration with subject matter
experts from the three Portfolios, combining
historical knowledge with some of the latest
developments. Even staff who are not so new to
the Office may learn things they did not know
This three-hour self-learning programme will
guide you through four interactive modules and
will be accessible worldwide in three languages
(English, French and Spanish) via ILO People,
starting in early 2016.
Orientation workshop for new ILO officials
In collaboration with the Human Resources Development Department
Target group
The workshop is aimed at newly appointed
officials hired for the first time by the ILO on
fixed-term contracts within the last 6 - 12
months. They are expected to work with the ILO
on a longer-term basis (3 years or more) and,
given their roles, should benefit from a more
global perspective of the ILO’s work. Participants
are nominated by their respective departments
and regions and confirmed by HRD.
Each year a number of new officials join the
ranks of the ILO. While they are recruited on the
basis of their relevant skills and competencies,
their backgrounds are diverse and they have
different experiences and understandings of the
ILO. This four-day workshop helps new officials
settle into the ILO. The objectives are to develop
an understanding of the ILO’s culture and
values, clarify the ILO’s objectives, structure and
working relationships, and foster a sense of
The workshop has been designed as an
interactive event, including a training phase
comprising three days on the Turin campus
and one day at ILO Headquarters. This is an
excellent opportunity to interact with colleagues
and engage in networking. The workshop
provides participants with information on the
history, vision and strategic direction of the ILO.
It allows them to explore key areas in which
the ILO operates and essential mechanisms for
achieving Decent Work.
Directors of departments and field offices will be
invited to nominate participants.
In order to be considered, participants must
have completed the ILO Internal Governance
e-learning Programme.
Further information
Cost: The workshop fees, full board and
lodging in Turin, and bus transport (GenevaTurin-Geneva) of all participants are covered
by HRD centrally managed staff development
funds. For HQ-based staff, partial DSA for
miscellaneous costs in Turin is funded from
the department’s staff development funds. For
field-based staff, travel-related costs are covered
by the staff development funds available at the
organizational unit/project level. Depending on
the funds available, cost-sharing arrangements
may be considered.
Upgrading skills and technical expertise
Global symposium for ILO development cooperation
In collaboration with the Department of Partnership and Field Support (PARDEV) and the
Human Resources Development Department
three in-depth elective learning tracks on
partnership modalities and essential matters
related to the ILO’s internal governance where
development cooperation is concerned. Various
ILO subject matter experts from Headquarters
and the field will act as resource persons. The
symposium will be held on the campus of the
Turin Centre, in the second half of 2016.
Target group
The symposium will consist of a three-day event
for ILO development cooperation practitioners
on both regular and extra-budgetary contracts
working in the field or at HQ. Participants will
gain insight into the ILO’s strategic position in
the new development cooperation landscape
and will enhance their understanding of the
ILO’s partnership-orientated internal governance
and its development cooperation activities.
Participants will interact with key players in
the international development community
promoting the SDGs, including development
partners from North and South, the private
sector, the UN, domestic development funding
providers, workers’ and employers’ organizations,
development organizations and academia.
Plenary forum sessions will be combined with
ILO development cooperation practitioners on
regular and extra-budgetary contracts working in
the field or at HQ.
In order to be considered, participants must
have completed the ILO Internal Governance
e-learning Programme.
Further information
The symposium format will be developed in the
course of 2016. Participation fees and financing
arrangements will be advertised once the
product is introduced to market.
E-learning programme on public-private partnerships
enables ILO staff at Headquarters and in the
field to engage in quality PPPs that bring added
value. The package allows for individual selfstudy and face-to-face training of trainers, as
well as direct training of participants. A web
page with ready-to-use information serves as
reference material.
Target group
PARDEV, in collaboration with the Turin Centre,
has developed a flexible learning package on
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) that is
available on the Centre’s E-campus. More ILO
staff need to become aware of this partnership
modality in the ILO strategic context as well as
in internal governance matters. The package
ILO development cooperation practitioners on
regular and extra-budgetary contracts working in
the field or at HQ.
Prior to engaging in this flexible learning
package, participants must have completed the
ILO Internal Governance e-learning Programme.
Tailored skills enhancement workshops in development
circumstances of the staff and will have a
practical approach, enabling participants to
apply their learning in the short term. There will
also be follow-up coaching sessions from subject
matter experts at PARDEV, the Turin Centre and
possibly other relevant units and offices. The
training workshops will typically have duration of
4 working days and be held at sub-regional or
regional level or, for a specific department or
unit, at Headquarters.
Regional and field offices, as well as HQ
departments, can request - or be offered - a
training workshop in areas that are most relevant
to their institutional needs and staff demands
where development cooperation is concerned.
Topics include: resource mobilization and
establishing partnerships with specific
organizations or funds (e.g. the EC, international
financial institutions, domestic funding
providers, the private sector, UN funds, etc.);
results-based management and value-for-money
in development cooperation; programme and
project design, implementation and evaluation;
and UN Joint Programming at country level. The
latter would be delivered in collaboration with
the UN System Staff College. These training
workshops will be tailored to the working
Target group
ILO development cooperation practitioners on
regular and extra-budgetary contracts working
in the field or at HQ. Participants in these
workshops must have completed the ILO Internal
Governance e-learning Programme.
Further information
Activities will be developed in the course of
2016 in response to demand from requesting
units. Costs will be determined on a case-bycase basis, depending on the activity.
Effective ILO programming
In collaboration with the Strategic Programming and Management Department (PROGRAM),
the Human Resources Development Department and Regional Offices
learning phase. During the two-week distancelearning phase, participants will be introduced
to recently released key documents related to
RBM and DWCPs. During the five-day face-toface learning phase, participants will discuss
and practice the use of programming tools and
Target group
The training course aims to strengthen the
capacity of ILO programme officers/assistants in
the regions, by enhancing and deepening their
knowledge of Results-Based Management (RBM),
programme planning, reporting and resource
allocation, as well as the programing principles,
products and procedures applied in the ILO. The
course also facilitates sharing of knowledge and
practical experience, and peer-to-peer learning
among the participants. Based on the lessons
drawn from the first edition in 2015, the course
will address the following issues:
• a review of the ILO’s results-based
programming cycle;
• programming at country level through Decent
Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) in
the context of the priorities set in the ILO
Programme and Budget for 2016-17 and the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
• an introduction to operational tools for
supporting the design, implementation,
monitoring and reporting of DWCPs, based on
the 2015 updated guidebook on this subject.
The training course comprises a pre-course
distance-learning phase and a face-to-face
In 2016, the training course will be tailored to
the regional context of the Asia and the Pacific
region, where the face-to-face learning phase
will take place. As a priority, the programme will
target programme officers/assistants who are to
be involved in the development of new DWCPs,
or the roll-out of new UNDAFs, in 2016-17.
Depending on the number of places available,
English-speaking candidates from other regions
will be considered.
In order to be considered, participants must
have completed the ILO Internal Governance
e-learning Programme.
Further information
Cost: Workshop fees (and board and lodging for
participants not based in Bangkok) are covered
by HRD’s central training credits. Travel-related
costs are covered by the staff development funds
available at the organizational unit/project level.
Depending on the funds available, cost-sharing
arrangements may be considered.
Evaluation Manager Certification Programme
In collaboration with the Evaluation Office
held at the Turin Centre, during which participants
will be exposed to the technical requirements and
the tools and techniques required to successfully
manage an evaluation; and a coaching phase,
in which participants will be required to return
to their posts and, under the guidance of the
programme administrator, manage an evaluation
using the know-how and the management tools
and techniques acquired during the workshop.
Target group
With the introduction of Results-Based
Management in the ILO, evaluation has grown in
importance. The ILO Evaluation Office (EVAL)
implements the ILO’s evaluation policy by
independently evaluating ILO strategies, policies
and programmes. It also coordinates and provides
quality control for a growing number of project
evaluations undertaken throughout the
organization. The large number of project
evaluations (between 50 and 60 a year on average)
precludes the staff of EVAL from managing all of
them in house. Most project evaluations are
therefore managed by ILO staff who volunteer to
perform this task in the interest of the
organization, with guidance and oversight provided
by EVAL.
To upgrade the quality of evaluation management
and expand the pool of qualified candidates, EVAL
has established a development programme to
formally certify staff who have volunteered in the
past, or who are likely to volunteer in the future, to
act as Evaluation Managers.
The Evaluation Manager Certification Programme
is composed of two phases: a three-day workshop
ILO staff working on the evaluation of technical
cooperation projects and programmes. EVAL will
review the profile of candidates and decide on
their selection.
In order to be considered, participants must
have completed the ILO Internal Governance
e-learning Programme.
Further information
Cost: The workshop fees, full board and
lodging in Turin, and bus transport (GenevaTurin-Geneva) of all participants are covered
by HRD centrally managed staff development
funds. For HQ-based staff, partial DSA for
miscellaneous costs in Turin is funded from
the department’s staff development funds. For
field-based staff, travel-related costs are covered
by the staff development funds available at the
organizational unit/project level.
Contact: and
Green Jobs Certification Programme
In collaboration with the Green Jobs Programme
The offer is continually being reviewed and
updated, partly to give practical effect to the
“Policy guidelines for a just transition towards
environmentally sustainable economies and
societies” adopted at the ILO Tripartite Meeting
of Experts on Sustainable Development, Decent
Work and Green Jobs.
Target group
Concern for sustainable development
reverberates in the conclusions adopted by the
102nd International Labour Conference in June
2013 on sustainable development, decent work
and green jobs, which indicated a wide range of
policy areas in which constituents could take
action. The Strategic Action Plan, endorsed by
the Governing Body in October 2013,
emphasizes the need to gain further knowledge
to inform evidence-based policy guidance and
country implementation strategies.
Against this background, a dedicated staff
development track has been made available to
better articulate the link between sustainable
development, decent work and green jobs across
the ILO’s strategic objectives and through the
most relevant operational programmes.
Developed in collaboration with the ILO Green
Jobs Programme, the training certification
programme was piloted in 2014-2015, building
on existing curricula relating to green jobs and
courses on sustainable development already
in place at the Turin Centre and in the field.
Participants will be technical specialists or
project staff who are responsible for designing,
delivering and evaluating capacity development
activities with constituents and other
Further Information
Cost: All Programme fees are covered by HRD
centrally managed staff development funds. For
the workshop in Turin, full board and lodging
and bus transport (Geneva-Turin-Geneva) are
also covered for all participants. For HQ-based
staff, partial DSA for miscellaneous costs in
Turin is funded from the department’s staff
development funds. For field-based staff, travelrelated costs for the workshop in Turin are
covered by the staff development funds available
at the organizational unit/project level.
Training-of-Trainers Certification Programme
In collaboration with the Human Resources Development Department
• gain knowledge of important pedagogical
concepts and creative training approaches;
• acquire a store of participatory methodologies
and innovative learning techniques;
• experience learning within a stimulating
• investigate the importance of training
evaluation and its different levels;
• benefit from feedback from peers and lead
ILO officials in the field and at Headquarters are
increasingly involved in the design, organization
and implementation of training events for ILO
constituents and other stakeholders. Training
and capacity development is crucial in the vast
majority of ILO development cooperation
projects and programmes, and in-house capacity
is increasingly in demand. Nevertheless, only a
limited number of ILO officials have had
training-of-trainers opportunities that would turn
them into effective facilitators of learning, with a
mastery of crucial pedagogical competencies.
The newly designed Training-of-Trainers
Certification Programme will enable ILO officials
to acquire and upgrade training and facilitation
skills and techniques. ILO officials will be
required to prove their competences through
an assessment process which will lead to their
certification as ILO Trainers. The assessment
and certification processes will both be led by
lead trainers from the Centre who have gained
a Certificate as Facilitators awarded by the
International Association of Facilitators (IAF).
ILO officials who participate in the Training-ofTrainers Certification Programme will:
• examine the training cycle from a capacity
development perspective;
• experiment with learner-centred training
design, implementation and evaluation;
The Programme will comprise four phases. The
methodologies and technologies used in each
phase will shape the learning process, as well
as generating learning opportunities (metalearning). Each participant will play an active
role in all phases.
A.INDUCTION (two months: February-March):
Participants will be briefed about the
composition of the group, the competences to
be acquired, the contents and methodology of
the programme and the assessment strategy.
They will also be involved in preparatory
reading and study, to ensure a common level
of understanding.
B.WORKSHOP (three days: 11-13 April):
During three days at the Turin Centre,
participants will be exposed to training and
facilitation methods and technologies related
to the phases of the learning management
cycle. Each participant will have the
opportunity to (co-)facilitate a microsession. Innovation and creativity will be
mainstreamed within the workshop.
C.COACHING (three months: May - July):
An on-the-job phase during which
participants will be coached in the design
and implementation of a training event and
in the development of the necessary tools
and materials, using the methods and tools
acquired during the programme.
weeks): Evidence of the participants’
competences – collected in an e-portfolio
– will be assessed by the lead trainers.
Participants who have acquired the required
Trainer Competences, will receive the ITCILO
Certificate of Achievement, which will
recognize them as ILO Trainers.
Target group
Participants will be technical specialists or project
staff who are responsible for designing, delivering
and evaluating capacity development activities
with constituents and other stakeholders.
in which they will participate as trainers. They
must be able to work effectively in English, have
the capacity to work at a distance, and be able
to make the most of innovative IT tools and
Further information
Cost: All Programme fees are covered by HRD
centrally managed staff development funds. For
the workshop in Turin, full board and lodging
and bus transport (Geneva-Turin-Geneva) are
also covered for all participants. For HQ-based
staff, partial DSA for miscellaneous costs in
Turin is funded from the department’s staff
development funds. For field-based staff, travelrelated costs for the workshop in Turin are
covered by the staff development funds available
at the organizational unit/project level.
When applying for the Programme, candidates
should already have planned a learning event
Training on conducting internal evaluations and
self-evaluations of ILO programmes and projects
In collaboration with the Evaluation Office
of the training, participants will be asked to
design a complete evaluation plan to be
implemented in a post-workshop phase under
EVAL/ITCILO guidance and coaching. The
training offer comprises a five-day workshop
followed by an online coaching phase.
Target group
Building on the ILO Evaluation Office (EVAL)’s
training and certification programme for
evaluation managers, this new training course
seeks to enhance the capacity of ILO staff to
undertake internal project evaluations or project
self-evaluations. This training will be aimed at
ILO staff who may be responsible for selfevaluations of projects or programmes, and staff
who might be called upon to conduct internal
evaluations of ILO projects and programmes.
The objective of the course is to enhance the
quality of these evaluations, improve their utility,
and contribute to organizational learning. As part
Participants will be technical specialists or
project staff who are responsible for designing
and delivering evaluations of ILO programmes
and projects.
In order to be considered, participants must
have completed the ILO Internal Governance
e-learning Programme.
Further information
The course will be developed in 2016. Course
fees and financing arrangements will be
advertised once the product is introduced to
Other courses organized by the Centre of
particular relevance for ILO staff
Decent work and sustainable development
The promotion of Decent Work features
prominently in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development adopted at the UN Summit on
Sustainable Development in September 2015.
Explicitly linked to Goal 8 of the Sustainable
Development Goals, the promotion of Decent Work
is also implicitly referenced under many targets
linked to the other 16 goals.
The aim of the training course is to strengthen the
capacity of ILO staff to analyze the link between
Decent Work and Sustainable Development,
and to formulate and implement strategies and
approaches to make Decent Work for All a reality.
This course has a two-pronged approach. Firstly,
it provides a broad introduction to the Sustainable
Development Goals: how these Goals came into
being, what lessons were taken into account and
the ideas and principles underpinning them;
and it locates the issues contained in the ILO´s
Decent Work Agenda in this framework. Secondly,
it examines emerging best practices and how the
new agenda will impact work at the regional and
country level in terms of realigning with changing
national development plans and integrating into
the other work streams of UN country teams.
The training course combines a tutor-supported
distance-learning phase of two weeks with a 3.5day face-to-face training workshop on-campus in
Turin. The distance-learning phase is intended to
bring all participants to a similar level of subject
comprehension. The face-to-face training phase
includes interaction with learning experts from
the Centre and from the ILO´s MULTILATERALS
department responsible for collaboration with the
UN system.
Coping with complexity: Towards more systemic thinking in
project cycle management
This training course reviews recent research
findings on complex social systems, and how to
factor non-linear cause-effect relationships,
emergent behaviour and other patterns into the
design of project strategies. The activity was
designed in 2015 on the back of a growing
acknowledgement among development
cooperation practitioners of the shortcomings of
the standard project cycle management
approach, particularly when applied to
institutional capacity building and advocacy
projects. The 2016 edition of the course has
since been further refined in response to a
fast-growing body of evidence from technical
cooperation projects worldwide.
The objective of the training course is to strengthen
the capacity of ILO staff to cope with complexity
when designing and implementing capacitybuilding projects and advocacy initiatives. The
course comprises a pre-training distance-learning
phase and a face-to-face training phase delivered
on campus in Turin. During the distance-learning
phase, participants review their knowledge of
standard project cycle management and identify
the strengths and weaknesses of this approach.
During the face-to-face training phase, participants
are introduced to the dynamics underpinning
complex social systems, and how to take these
patterns into account when designing and
implementing capacity building and advocacy
initiatives targeting organizations and social groups.
The course provides participants with access to
planning and control tools that draw inspiration
from social systems management thinking, and
offers a platform for exchanging knowledge of
emerging good practice. As a direct outcome of
the learning effort, participants will have enhanced
their knowledge of good practice in systemic project
management. In the long term, the expectation
is that institutional capacity building projects will
have a greater impact on development.
Macroeconomics and modelling for labour market analysis
to this demand, aiming to contribute to better
macroeconomic modelling and employment
forecasting of labour market performance. The
objective of the learning activity is to understand
macro-econometric models and be able to
interpret the results obtained from such models,
with a view to providing evidence-based policy
advice to ILO constituents. The methodology
includes formal lectures and practical activities
based on group work and case studies.
Developing realistic models of labour markets to
gain greater insight into the links between
macroeconomic policies, financial markets and
labour markets has become a matter of urgent
need in both academic and policy circles. As the
leading multilateral organization on employment
and labour market issues, the ILO has come
under increasing pressure to provide evidencebased policy guidance to speed up the recovery
of labour markets from the distress caused by
the recent global economic and financial crisis.
The course contents comprise an introduction to
the concepts, structures and basic assumptions
of the most prominent macro-econometric
models and modelling techniques; a review
of the relative strengths and weaknesses of
competing models of growth and employment,
in terms of simulation and forecasting of
labour market outcomes; and the application
of macroeconomic modelling and forecasting
in formulating robust policies for better labour
market outcomes.
The five-day course, which will be held on
campus in Turin, has been designed in response
Master in Industrial and Employment Relations
In a fast-changing environment in which
governments, workers’ and employers’
organizations are having to continuously adapt
their strategies, a better understanding of the
contemporary trends and challenges in industrial
and employment relationships in different parts
of the world is a compelling need.
The Centre, in partnership with the University
of Turin (Italy), is offering a Master in
Industrial and Employment Relations. This
one-year programme, to be held in English
and launched in the academic year 2016-17,
comprises a distance-learning phase, a faceto face residential phase at the Turin Centre,
and a second distance-learning phase for the
preparation of the Master’s thesis.
This Master Programme aims at developing
specialized multidisciplinary knowledge in the
field of industrial and employment relations
from a comparative viewpoint. It will provide
participants with a deep theoretical and
practical understanding of industrial and
employment relations systems in the world,
by looking into recent changes and trends
in the major economic and geographical
areas. It will also provide a range of learning
situations in which participants can enhance
their analytical and problem-solving skills. The
programme combines the sound academic
background of the University of Turin with the
international training experience of the Centre.
An international approach has been applied to
the content and methodology, as well as to the
composition of the faculty.
At the end of the Master Programme,
participants will be able to describe industrial
and employment relations systems using
a comparative approach; apply tools and
methodologies for effective labour-management
relations at different levels of the economy
from individual enterprises to the national and
international level; and advise governments
and employers’ and workers’ representatives on
industrial and employment relations issues.
Master in Occupational Safety and Health
physics, chemistry and engineering), the
social sciences (behaviour, motivation and
communication) and management principles and
Public and private sector organizations
throughout the world are increasingly concerned
with improving occupational safety and health
(OSH). In both developed and developing
countries, the rapid pace of technological
change, combined with the persistence of unsafe
or environmentally threatening working
conditions, has served to focus attention on the
need to create a safe, healthy working
environment and to promote a new safety culture
in the workplace. Organizations increasingly seek
OSH professionals who can catalyze these
processes, and it is not always easy to find
professionals with the right skills.
Becoming a safety and health professional
requires multidisciplinary training. The OSH
profession calls for a broad-based educational
background combined with specialized
knowledge of the physical sciences (medicine,
The University of Turin (Italy), in partnership
with the ILO, the Centre and the International
Commission of Occupational Health, is therefore
offering a Master course in Occupational
Safety and Health. This one-year programme,
to be held in English, comprises an Internetbased distance-learning phase, a face-to-face
residential period on the Centre’s campus in
Turin, and a second distance-learning phase in
preparation for the dissertation.
The programme combines the advantages of
academic learning with the international training
experience in OSH of the organizing partners. An
international approach has been applied to the
contents and methodology development, as well
as to the composition of the training team.
This programme involves participants from both
developing and developed countries, who will
thus have an opportunity to share their different
experiences. It also provides a range of learning
situations in which participants can enhance
their analytical and problem-solving skills.
Academy on Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations
The Academy on Social Dialogue and Industrial
Relations provides a unique introduction to the
latest trends and developments in tripartite
social dialogue mechanisms, collective
bargaining and dispute resolution systems.
Participants can personalize their two-week
course by choosing from several elective
modules, and will benefit from an innovative and
dynamic learning environment.
© International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization, 2016
Design and printing by the International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin – Italy
Made of paper awarded the European Union Eco-label, FI/11/1, supplied by UPM.