
Milk Agency renders
a full range of communications services:
— marketing, media and intercommunications;
— organization of special events;
— government relations (building of relations with government institutions);
— production of advertising, image-building and promotional materials;
— design and creative solutions.
We have a long-term perspective for work with each our client. Subscriber-based service is not an end in itself
for us, it is the result we are striving for.
Basic principles of Milk Agency:
— Complexity;
— Systemic approach;
— Transparency;
— Measurable results;
— Experience and image;
— Strong team.
Milk Agency offers services in a conceptual design and organization of the special
events oriented at brand promotion by means of the striking and memorable events.
Event-based marketing is an effective instrument for the establishment of a fruitful dialogue with the public. Immersion of the event participants into the world of a product
positioning is based on the activation of emotional perception of the audience. This is
the most effective way to ensure maximum brand image unveiling and imprinting it in
the public consciousness. And, consequently, this is the best way to manage the image
on a long-term horizon.
with the mass media
Media projects
Our offers to the partners:
— Development and implementation of the complex PR campaigns
at the international, federal, regional and local levels;
— Media planning and advertising;
— Targeted work with the mass media and formation of the loyal pool of journalists;
— Organization of special events for the media or working in partnership with it.
Press-conferences, press-lunches, press-tours, briefings, round table meetings and
open days are nothing more than a minor part of the events organized and carried
out for our partners.
Subscriber-based service is a long-term interaction between the Agency and the Company of a client on a contract basis.
Long-term projects make it possible for us to investigate thoroughly the business of our
client and allow us to see how communications of the Company appears to its onlookers.
Therefore, our join efforts can be described as highly efficient.
We perform the following tasks:
— Setting goals and objectives of a site;
— Analysis of the competitors’ web sites;
— Development of a superior structure and design (marketing analysis);
— Selection and installation of a site content management system;
— Registration of a website with the search engines, catalogues and ratings.
We offer all service package associated with the Internet business promotion.
Special attention is paid to the interactions with the bloggers and the search engine
promotion of web sites.
The services of our designers, stage managers and illustrators
are constantly aimed towards the solution of the specific tasks
of our client:
— Printing (outdoor advertising, printed matters, promotional materials);
— Promotional souvenirs;
— Television and video advertising (reels, corporate films);
— Audio advertising (spots, songs);
— Web-design;
— Multimedia presentations, flash animation;
— Development of the unique promotional techniques;
— Production of innovative advertising vehicles and exhibition stands.
KIA Motors
December 2009 – January 2010
KIA Motors
Organization and carrying out of the grand
openings of the new dealerships
The participants of the ceremony included representatives of KIA
Motors Company, directors of car showrooms, their partners and
clients, leading business and automotive media.
Project results: More than 300 publications devoted to the opening of the new automobile showrooms in the largest automotive
and business media were produced. Potential clients and partners of
other dealerships took parts in the events.
December 2009 – January 2010
March 2010
Informational accompanying and creation
of video decorations for the stage play “The Bat”
Video decorations: technological scheme of the decorative design
can be considered as a real challenge to the theatre-decorative art.
Collaboration with Zinovij Margolin, the scenic artist, a winner of The
Golden Mask Award.
Informational representation: Invitation for journalists to attend the
opening night, initiation of the publications in the federal media.
March 2010
Johnnie Walker
Private tasting sessions
Black Label & Blue Label
Place: GQ Bar/Meson Cafe Mentor sessions last for approximately
one and a half hour, the mentor (expert in whiskey) in a conversation with the guests tells them about the Johnnie Walker’s product
line, the rules of wine drinking and other interesting details.
Result: improved loyalty of the potential customers to the brand,
purchase motivation.
August-December 2010
October 2011
Exposition of Moscow in the All-Russia Exhibition Centre
A XIII Russian agro-industrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, the largest display of the
advanced achievements in different sectors of Russian AIC, was conducted
in the All-Russia Exhibition Centre. Milk Agency presented the exposition of Moscow
within the frame of an exhibition section “Regions of Russia and Foreign Countries”.
The complex of rendered services:
– design development and construction of a stand for the Moscow Government;
– design development and production of the image-building materials;
– organization of work and business activity on a stand;
– development of a script for a video advertisement and its production.
Within the scope of the exposition an image-building video commercial of the Department of Trade and Services of Moscow was demonstrated to the visitors. It presented a
new conception of the wholesale and retail trade in the capital city.
October 2011
August-December 2009
Informational accompanying
of the National Priority Project
The Project “Heroes of the National Project “Education”. Series of some information programs on the TV channel “Russia24” and “Russia” dedicated to the results of NPP “Education” implementation. Project “Yellow Bus”.
The project implementation was carried out in the modern popular road show format.
Key events:
– Series of the TV and radio programs devoted to the project on the federal TV channel or
radio station;
– Seven regional round table meetings;
– At the end of the campaign was the final press-event;
– Final video commercial.
The special project was supported by the weekly issue of summary materials dedicated to
the heroes and published in the attachment to the newspaper “Izvestiya”.
August-December 2009
danone Nutricia
November 2010
danone Nutricia
Baby Nutrition School
Nutricia Company and the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology
and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) organized the Baby Nutrition and Digestive System Disorders
Place: Park Imperial Hotel
Participants: leading experts in Pediatrics and Nutrition in Russia and Europe.
ESPGHAN International School took part in the first time in Russia on 25-27 of November, 2010 in Moscow with the assistance of Nutricia Company.
Results: During such training meetings the world’s leading experts develop international
standards for the solution of the most common nutritional and digestive baby problems,
provide training for specialists in modern treatment methods and measures of disease
November 2010
danone Nutricia
May-June 2011
danone Nutricia
Organization of Nutricia employees and leading
Russian specialists in pediatric field participation in the
biggest professional events of Europe.
44th Annual Meeting of The European Society
for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
25-28 May 2011, Hilton Sorrento Palace Hotel, Sorrento, Italy
The 5th Europaediatrics Congress
23-26 June 2011, Vienna Austria
Results: the top specialists of Russia in pediatric field together with the world experts
took part in the international standards formation of solving the most common problems
of baby food and digestion.
May-June 2011
danone Nutricia
February-May 2011
danone Nutricia
Training and corporate programs organization
for Nutricia employees
February 9-12, 2011
Place: The rest house “Pokrovskoe”
Participants: Nutricia employees. Within four days company employees were participating in educational programs. Training seminars, aimed at teambuilding and corporative
culture build-up were held.
May 12-15, 2011
Place: Marins Park, Sochi. Nutricia invited the top specialists in pediatric field to the
Southern seacoast. New company product – baby formula Nutrilon Hypoallergenic was
introduced to the doctors.
February-May 2011
June-December 2011
General directions of work:
– Website adaptation and start-up of the Russian language version www.с;
– Search engine website promotion;
– Work with social networking sites, topic portals, providing company representation on RuNet;
– Staff education trainings.
June-December 2011
October 2011
Stand for “Golden Autumn 2011” exhibition
From 6th to 16th of October XIII Russian agro-industrial exhibition “Golden Autumn” –
the biggest review of the Russian agro-industrial complex achievements took place at
the All-Russia Exhibition Center.
Milk Agency performed for Mosselkhoz:
— stand design and construction;
— design and image-based materials construction;
— organization of work and business activity on the stand during the exposition.
October 2011
Image-based materials for the meeting
with President of Russia
October 25, 2011 - extended session of President of the Russian Federation Dmitry
Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with agricultural producers took place in
Within the session the Department of Trade and Services of Moscow introduced the program of development of trade cooperation of the capital with Stavropolsky Krai.
Milk Agency developed design of image-based materials “Moscow – open market for
Stavropol manufacturers”
October 2011
September 2010 года, September 2011 года
Exhibitions “Up the Stream” and “Homeward”
Innokentiy Baranov is a well-known post-expressionist artist in Europe.
His canvases can be seen in private collections of many national figures of the
present, such as Gerhard Shroeder and Bill Clinton.
The exhibition “Up the Stream” became a bright completion of the festival
“Italian Summer at Nashchokin’s House”. On September 15th in the Mechta
Restaurant in Moscow the next exhibition was opened. A new theme cycle
“Homeward” was presented to the public by the master.
The Agency provided a PR support of the vernisages.
September 2010 года, September 2011 года
+7 (495) 769 08 09
+7 (926) 709 90 15
Moscow, Leninsky prospect 38, office 1408A