The Development of Isolated Roots of Comptonia peregrina
The Development of Isolated Roots of Comptonia peregrina
The Development of Isolated Roots of Comptonia peregrina (Myricaceae) in Culture Author(s): Patricia L. Goforth and John G. Torrey Source: American Journal of Botany, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Apr., 1977), pp. 476-482 Published by: Botanical Society of America Stable URL: . Accessed: 23/08/2011 16:13 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Botanical Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Journal of Botany. Amer. J. Bot. 64(4): 476-482. 1977. THE DEVELOPMENT COMPTONIA PEREGRINA OF ISOLATED ROOTS OF (MYRICACEAE) IN CULTURE' PATRICIA L. GOFORTH AND JOHN G. TORREY 01366 Massachusetts Petersham, CabotFoundation,HarvardUniversity, CT AB STRA Seedlingroots of the sweetfernComptonia peregrina (L.) Coult. were excisedaseptically medium.Root elongationwas very liquid nutrient and culturedin a modifiedBonner-Devirian trace elementsand slow in the basic mediumwhich containedinorganicsalts, B-vitamins, 4%o sucrose. The additionof planthormonesincludinggibberellicacid, indoleaceticacid, and had littleeffecton growth.Myoinositolat 10 or 100 ppm zeatin,alone or in combinations, doubled the rate of elongation.The effectof this sugar alcohol could not be replaced by scyllitol,D-sorbitol,D-mannitolor by increasingthe sucroseconcentration.Subculturedroot of the less elongationin successivetransfers.Secondarythickening tips showedprogressively rootswithout roots,especiallyin thebasal half,occurredin initialpassagesand in subcultured especiallyin the basal portionsof added hormones.Root buds also occurredspontaneously culturedroots,both in firstand in successivepassages. An anatomicalanalysisshowedthat thesebuds were endogenous,arisingfroma secondarycortexof pericyclicorigin. in effortto establishisolated roots of Comptoniain speciesgrowing ofherbaceous culturesolutionshave providedex- sterilenutrient sterilenutrient culture. perimentalsystemsforthe studyof variousprobAND METHODS-Collectionand gerMATERIALS lateralroot and bud lems includingrootnutrition, of Comptonia followedproceof fruits mination formation,secondarythickeningand nodule development(Torrey, 1965). Althoughestablish- duresreportedby Del Trediciand Torrey(1976). ing roots of woody plants in culturehas been a Root tipsused to initiateculturesweretakenfrom difficult process, limited success has been seedlingswhichhad been startedfromseeds gerachievedwiththefollowingplants: Acacia melan- minatedon a sterileagar nutrientmediumconoxylonR. Br. (Bonner, 1942), Robinia pseudo- taining10 ppm gibberellicacid (GA3). Whenthe acacia L. (Seeliger, 1956), Pinus spp. (Slankis, radicle of the germinatedseed had reached 2-3 of the 1947; Barnes and Naylor 1959; Ulrich, 1962), cm in length,the terminalone-centimeter to Acer rubrumL. (Bachelard and Stowe, 1963) radiclewas excised aseptically,and transferred 50 ml of liquid-modified Bonner-Devirian(BD) and Picea abies L. (Momot et al., 1974). Comptoniaperegrina(L.) Coult. (Myricaceae) medium (Torrey, 1956) in a 125-ml erlenmeyer is a woody shrubcommonlyfoundin easternand flask. The modifiedBD medium contained the centralNorthAmerica. The rootsystemof Comp- followingcomponents(in mg/l of glass-distilled toniaconsistsof a taproot,numerouslateralroots water): 242 Ca(NO3)2 4H20, 42 MgSO4 7H20, and specializedhorizontal 85 KNO3, 61 KCI, 20 KH2PO4, 2.5 FeCl3 6H20, and a fewwide-ranging roots from which sprouts are readily formed. 0.1 thiaminHCI, 0.5 nicotinicacid, 0.5 pyridoxine by these HCI, 1.5 H3B03, 1.5 ZnSO4 7H20, 4.5 MnSO4 Comptoniapropagatesitselfvegetatively root sprouts,forminglarge clonal populations. H20, 0.25 NaMoO4, 0.04 CuS04 5H20, 40,000 Infectionof the root by a soil actinomycete-likesucrose,withthe pH adjustedto 5.5 beforeautoorganismresultsin the formationof root nodules claving. Any furtheradditionswere made after nitrogen(Zieglerand cold sterilizationof the solutionwith a Millipore capable offixingatmospheric Hiiser, 1963). Because of interestin the process filter. The root.cultureswere incubated in the of nodule formationin these roots,we made an dark at 25 C. The elongationof the main axis of each root was measured and recorded weekly. ' Received for publication25 August 1976; revision At the end of a 6-8-wk period of cultureonecentimeter tips of the activelygrowingrootswere accepted8 November1976. The authorsare indebtedto Peter Del Tredici for excisedand subcultured.The bases of the actively providingseeds and seedlingsof Comptonia,to Kathy growingroots were then transferred to a growth roots,to Monica MattKamo for assistancein culturing hr hr 12 of dark at light and chamber with 12 of in histologicaland photographic mullerfor instruction lightswith a techniques.The researchwas supportedin part by re- 25 C. Mixed whiteand fluorescent search grantBMS 74-20563 fromthe National Science total intensity of about 260 ft-cwere used. Foundation and in part by the Maria Moors Cabot for anatomicalstudywas handled by Material Foundationfor BotanicalResearchof HarvardUniverstandardparaffinmethods;the roots were fixed sity. ISOLATED ROOTS . . 476 April, 1977] GOFORTH AND TORREY-CULTURE OF ROOTS 8 II 7 10_ 6 9- Z~~~~~~ A 0 8 * 53 7 - 'p3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 5 - A 4-. I 2 A 6 2 oI C 477 IN COMPTONIA I 3 I 4 Time (weeks) I . 5 J ~AO 6 Fig. 1. The effectof varioushormoneson the rate of elongationof isolatedroots of Comptonia. *-BD withno addition;A-10 ppm GA2; V-1.0 ppm IAA; 0-0.1 ppm IAA; A-1.0 ppm zeatin; 0-10.1 ppm zeatin. 0 * 4 ~~V & o 24 L 0~~~~~ O. , 1I V v I . I 3 2 I 4 I 5 G in formalin-acetic acid alcohol, dehydrated Time (weeks) alcohol series,embedded througha tertiary-butyl in Tissueprep,and sectionedat 10 ,Am.The secof myoFig. 2. The effectof variousconcentrations tions were stained with Delafield's hematoxylin inositolon the rate of elongationof isolated roots of and safranin. Comptonia. Hexagon-BD with no additions; 0-1,000 ppm myoinositol;A-500 ppm myoinositol;0-100 *-1.0 ppm RESULTS-The effectsof plant growthsub- ppm myoinositol;A-10 ppm myoinositol; stances on root elongation-Excised root tips of myoinositol;V-0.1 ppm myoinositol. Comptoniagrownin BD mediumwithno added main-axis growthsubstancesshowed insignificant elongation,i.e., approximately4 cm in 8 wk. that of ConvolvulusarvensisL. at 20 mm/day Testsweremade of a numberof plantgrowthsub- (Bonnett and Torrey,1965). As the roots mastances known to be importantin root develop- tured they became thicker,and formedlaterals ment (Torrey, 1976). The addition to the BD and root buds (Fig. 4). Differentconcentrations mediumof 10 ppm GA3, whichwas essentialfor of myoinositolwere tested as a supplement on root (Del Trediciand Torrey,1976), to the BD mediumfortheireffectiveness seed germination effect(Fig. 1). Indole- elongationin Comptonia. Both 0.1 and 1.0 ppm had a slightstimulatory acetic acid (IAA) at 0.1 and 1.0 ppm inhibited myoinositolelicited a suboptimalresponse. Ten main axis elongation,but stimulatedlateral root ppm and 100 ppm myoinositolproduced esseninitiation.Zeatin at 0.1 and 1.0 ppm also had an tiallythe same rate of elongation. Higher concentrationsof myoinositolwere probably supraeffecton root elongation. inhibitory in rootelongationwas optimal. Combinationsof myoinositoland other A dramaticimprovement shownupon the additionof 100 ppm myoinositol growthsubstances(GA3, IAA, and zeatin) were to the medium (Fig. 2), producingan average added to the culturemedium (Table 1A). Alelongationof 20 mm/wk,a ratesimilarto thatof thoughGA3 + myoinositoland zeatin+ myoinoroots of pea (Pisum sativumL.) at 15 mm/wk sitolcaused a higherrateof elongationthaneither (Bonner and Devirian,1939), but not as rapid as GA3 or zeatin alone, neithercombinationwas as [Vol. 64 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 478 1. Mean length in cm ? standard deviations (S.D.) of the main axis of cultured roots of Comptonia peregrina measured after 6 wk. Each experiment included at least 10 initial root tips. A. The influence of combinations of growth substances. B. The effectof increased sugar concentrationor other sugar alcohols. TABLE I0 - E8 s6 - _38 Length in cm (? S.D.) Medium TABLE A 4.0 ? 1.4 BD alone 100 ppm myoinositol + 5.0?3.8 + 5.2 + 5.8?4.0 0.1 ppm IAA 100 ppm myoinositol 1.0 ppm GA3 100 ppm myoinositol 0.1 ppm zeatin 100 ppm myoinositol 1.5 ? 0.1 ppm zeatin 5.5 ?4.5 + 0.1 ppm IAA 100 ppm myoinositol 9.1 ? 3.6 TABLE B 8% Sucrose 100 ppm D-sorbitol 100 ppm Scyllitol 100 ppm D-mannitol 5.1?3.5 5.0 ? 3.3 4.9 ? 3.2 3.5 ? 3.2 alone. IAA was as 100 ppm myoinositol effective consistentlyinhibitoryto root elongationat the concentrations tested. Carbon sources and sugar alcohols otherthan myoinositolwere also tested (Table 1B). When the sucrose level of the basic BD medium,i.e., withoutadded growthsubstances,was raisedfrom 2 % or 4 % to 8 %, the rateof root elongationincreased. This growthrate was not as rapid as in 4 % BD plus 100 ppm myoinositol.Of the sugar alcohols tested, scyllitolwas structurallymost similarto myoinositol.However, 100 ppm scyllitol added to BD mediumwith4 % sucrose had no effecton root growth.Roots culturedin 4 % sucrose BD mediumplus 100 ppm mannitolor plus 100 ppm sorbitolhad slow growthratesvery similarto 4 % sucrose BD mediumalone. Attemptswere made to establish continuous cultivationof rootsof Comptoniaby repeatedsubcultureas has been done in tomato,Lycopersicon esculentumL. (White, 1938), Convolvulus(Torrey, 1958) and otherroots. At the end of a culture period of 6-8 wk, one-centimeter tips were removed from activelygrowingroots and were subculturedin BD + 100 ppm myoinositol.This ? 2 4 6 2 46 2 Time (weeks) 4 6 2 4 6 Fig. 3. The rate of elongationof isolated roots of Comptonia culturedin BD medium+ 100 ppm myoino- sitol throughthreesuccessivesubculturesof six weeks each. c -BD + 100 ppm myoinositol; E1 BD withno additions. process was repeated three times in succession (Fig. 3). The subculturedroots declinedin root lengthand in diameterand often in vigor, but maintainedthe abilityto formroot buds and appeared to be thickened.Most of the root growth in subculturedrootswas in lateralroot formation and in the developmentof elaboratelybranched roots (Fig. 5). Because only main axis elongation-was measuredand recorded,an accuraterepresentationof subculturedroot growthwas not easily obtained fromthese experiments.It was apparent,however,that indefinitesubcultureof Comptoniaroots in BD mediumwith a myoinositol supplementwould not be sustained. Secondarythickening-In the BD cultureme- diumwithadded myoinositol, Co!mp-tonia roots underwentsecondarythickening,increasing3-4 times the diameterof the original excised tip. The thickenedarea extendedalong a large portion of the proximalhalf of the root as is seen in Fig. 4. The initial excised tip at the time of inoculation was approximatelythe diameter of one of the smallerlateralsin the photograph.In was rapidlyelongatingroots secondarythickening initiatedbefore 6 wk. Thickeningwas also observed in a slow-growingroot continuallyculturedin 4 % sucrosemediumfor6 months.Roots showed developed fromradicle tip-sof embryo-s thickeningeven if theywere not elongating,but the thickeningprocess took longer. Actively growingsubculturedroots also thickened (Fig. appeared more slowly 5), althoughthe thickening with each successive transfer.There was often visiblea longitudinalsplittingof the outercortex, especiallyon the proximalend of the root. The turnedgreenwhen the thickenedareas frequently white culturedroots were placed in low-intensity fluorescent light. An anatomical studywas made of the thickened roots. Figure 6 shows a cross sectionof an unthickenedportionof a root withprimaryxylem April, 1977] GOFORTH AND TORREY-CULTURE OF ROOTS IN COMPTONIA 479 froma radicletip Fig. 4, 5. Culturesof isolatedCornptonia roots. 4. A rootculturedin 100 ppm myoinositol excisedfroman embryo.The arrowsindicaterootbuds. X 1.5. 5. Threesubcultured roottipsgrownin BD + 100 ppm myoinositol.The arrowsindicaterootbuds. X 1.5. arrangedin a tetrarchpattern. The primarycorFigure9 shows a cross sectionof a Comptonia tex is intact and contains many intercellular root withthe apical meristemand leaf primordia spaces. A cross sectionof an older regionof the of the root bud clearlyvisiblein longitudinalsecsame root is shown in Fig. 7. Secondaryxylem tion. Comptonia root buds appear to originate formedbetween the arms of the primaryxylem in the secondary cortex opposite a protoxylem is evidence of cambial activity. The pericycle pole. Because the secondarycortexis formedby has undergoneone or more divisions,formingthe the pericycleor frompericyclicderivatives,the beginningof a secondarycortex. The primary rootbuds are endogenousin origin. The vascular cortexhas begun to slough off. In roots which connectionof the rootbud to the main rootforms become more thickened,a solid core of second- at a later stage than that shown in Fig. 9. ary xylem is evident (Fig. 8). Radial rows of DISCUSSION-The successfulcultivationof isoparenchymacells formxylemrays in this region. A limitedamountof secondaryphloemoccurs to lated rootsof woody species would providea usethe outsideof the secondaryxylem. The second- fultool forstudyinga varietyof problemsin relaary cortex is derived from proliferationof the tion to plant formand function.It is interesting pericycle. The suberized and corkyouter layers to considerwhyrootsof so few species of woody suggestthe activityof a phellogenand the forma- plants have been established in culture. Relativelyfew attemptsmay have been made. Diftion of a bark-likeouter layer. ficultiesin inducingseed germinationmay have Root bud formation-Root buds developedon limitedthe sources of sterileroots for the initial the proximal ends of culturedComptonia roots cultures. Isolated roots of woody species may (Fig. 4). Only four other species of cultured have had requirementsfor special factorsessenroots,Robinia pseudoacacia L. (Seeliger, 1956), tial for growthnot discovered from studies of ConvolvulusarvensisL. (Torrey, 1958), Linaria herbaceous roots. The requirementfor myoinovulgaris(Charlton,1965), and Isatis tinctoriaL. sitol by isolated Comptonia roots is an example (Danckwardt-Lilliestr6m, 1957) have been re- of sucha factor. ported to formendogenousroot buds regularly. Myoinositolappears to be an essential comThe root buds firstappeared as small primor- ponentforthe growthof isolated roots of Compdia along the proximalend of roots culturedin tonia grownin sterileculture. In the firstculture the dark. When placed in light,the shoot elon- period the presence of myoinositoldoubles the whicheven- growthof the roots and thereafter gated and formedleaf-likestructures makes possible tually expanded into small leaves which turned the subculturingof roots over several passages. green,thendark burgundyin color. The effectiveconcentrations,i.e., 10-100 ppm, 480 w p a i cosscino s( [Vol. 64 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY s l s () S i s itat n a thickee areaf x 2 xylem(sx) iseviden.Di ct A t h s e sti hdwith d i o a he o ai np e s lt. a i f g t thepericye forin t r ..':200. 8.. St~~~~Is I... .... (sx)habeenfrmedwthraysof.parnchymaellsi thscreio peripheryofte thisregion Somesecondaryphloem(sp)isevi th secodar corThe seconarycortex(s)a s folrmed.inThc brightlysbirefringent cellshingof tex containcalciumoxalate crystals.X 100. 9. A cross sectionof part of a root witha longitudinalsectionof a (lp are well formed.X 100. rootbud in thesecondarycortex. The apical meristem(am) and leaf primordium April, 1977] GOFORTH AND TORREY-CULTURE OF ROOTS IN COMPTONIA 481 between thickenafterroot decapitation. In the absence indicatethatit servesa role intermediate thatof a substrateand a co-factoror vitamin. In of an apical meristemthe lateral root primordia this respect, myoinositolbehaves in a manner were foundto play an active role in determining similarto that reportedfor the growthin vitro the differentiation of the vascular tissues. It was of some plantcallus tissues (Braun, 1958; Mura- assumed that naturallyproduced auxin was inshige and Skoog, 1962; Shantz,Sugii, and Stew- volvedin theprocess. ard, 1967) and forresponsessuch as thatof secLoomis and Torrey (1964, 1967a, b) found ondarythickening in excisedrootsof radishgrown theycould induceisolatedradishroots (Raphanus with basal feeding (Loomis and Torrey, 1964; sativus L.) to undergo secondarythickeningin Torreyand Loomis, 1967a, b). Recently,Kaul cultureby addingkinetin(5 x 10-6 M) and inand Sabharwal (1975) reportedmyoinositolto doleaceticacid (10-5 M) to the sucrose and salts be essential for the survival of callus tissue of in the mediumprovidedto the rootbase in a vial. Haworthiagrownin sterilenutrientculture. The furtheradditionof myoinositolat 100 ppm The role of myoinositolin plant metabolismis to the basal feeding medium stimulatedroot not fully understood. According to Loewus growthand greatlypromotedthickening.Myo(1971), myoinositolserves as an importantsub- inositolalone did not inducedthickening.Peterstratefor cell wall synthesis,being oxidized to son (1973) reportedan essentiallysimilarresponse form glucuronic acid which is polymerizedto in culturedroots of turnip(Brassica rapa L.). polysaccharidesincorporatedintothe primarycell The initiationof a vascular cambiumand the wall. Jung, Tanner, and Wolter (1972) have formationof secondaryvascular tissues in culpresentedevidence which demonstratesan im- turedroots of Comptoniaare unusual in thatno portantrole for myoinositolfor the functioning exogenous hormonesupply was required. Most of cell membranes. In eitherrole and possibly of the isolated Comptonia roots which were others, a limitingsupply of myoinositolcould started from an embryonicroot tip thickened limit growth. In Comptonia apparentlythe ex- whetheror not theyunderwentactive elongation. cised root is unable to synthesizeamounts of Subculturedroots thickenedonly if root elongamyoinositoladequate to meetits needs forgrowth tion occurred,eitherin the main axis or in the and must be provided the growthfactor exog- laterals. This thickeningwas slowerthan that in enously. the embryonicroot tips. This evidence suggests However,fromthe growthdata presented(Fig. thattheremay be some carryover of substances with fromthe embryowhich cause thickening.How3), it is clear thatBD mediumsupplemented myoinositolis not a "complete" medium. Con- ever, thickeningin subculturedroots is caused tinuous growthof Comptonia throughrepeated by somethingsynthesized by the root. subculturehas not been possible with this meAnotherinteresting featureof isolated Compdiumand a further searchmustbe made forother toniarootsis theirabilityto formrootbuds. Torfactorsor conditionsto make continuousculture rey (1958) and Bonnettand Torrey (1966) deofComptoniarootspossible. scribed in detail the developmentof root buds Growth in roots of Comptonia is difficultto in ConvolvulusarvensisL., which differconsidbecause of the complex- erably from those of Comptonia. Convolvulus determinequantitatively ityof the branchinghabit (Fig. 4, 5). Measure- root buds are formedon roots possessing only mentsof lineargrowthof the main axis presented primarytissuesand are initiatedby cell divisions in Fig. 1-3 and Table 1 do not representthe in the pericycleopposite a protoxylempole. A growthresponse adequately. Furthermore,with meristematicdome of cells is organized at the repeatedbranching,the lateralrootsbecome pro- outerperipheryof the primordium.The firstxygressivelyfiner,easily damaged in handling,and lem elementsare initiatedobliquelyto the xylem difficult to use for subculture.An improvedme- of the root. By two weeks the bud apex and its dium may increasethe vigorof subculturedroots leaf primordiahave penetratedthe outer cortex and theirbranchesso as to obviatetheseproblems. and epidermisoftheroot. The formationof secondarytissuesin cultured The root buds on Comptonia roots, although roots is an interestingoccurrenceand provides ,notarisingfromprimarytissue,are also endoganother experimentalsystem for studyingthis enous in origin. They arise opposite a protodevelopmental process. Dormer and Street xylem pole in the secondary cortex which is (1948) firstobservedsecondarythickeningin an derivedfromthe pericycle. At the time of bud isolated tomatoroot grownin continuousculture initiationthe root has enlargedby the formation for 6 months,a reportvery similar to our ob- of secondarytissuesand the outerprimarycortex servationof a 6-month-old Comptoniarootwhich has been split and sloughed off. The vascular had thickenedafterculturein 4% sucrose BD connectionof the rootbud developsafterthe formedium. There have been reportsof secondary mationof the apex and leaf primordiaand conthickeningin culturedroots in response to ma- nectsto the secondaryxylemof the root. nipulationor additionof growthregulators.TorRoot buds play an important role in thevegetarey (1951) reportedthatculturedpea rootswould tive propagationof manyplant species. Peterson 482 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 64 (1975) has writtenan extensivereview on the MoMOT,T. S., I. A. ARMAN, S. F. SZMAYLOV, A. M. SMIRNOV, AND A. A. YATSENKO-KHEMLEVSKI. 1974. initiationand developmentof root buds. 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