Hilliard Hi-Lights - Westlake City Schools


Hilliard Hi-Lights - Westlake City Schools
Edited by: Andrea Maile
Distributed by: Michelle Tobin
February 2013
Hilliard Hi-Lights
24365 Hilliard Blvd Westlake, OH 44145 Main Office: 440-835-6343 Fax: 440-835-5698 24 Hr Attendance: 440-835-6345
F r o m
t h e
P r i n c i p a l :
M s .
K i m
C o n l e y
The new year is off to a great start! Hopefully, everyone enjoyed the holiday season and had many opportunities to spend time with
family and friends. To all of our Hilliard families, happiness, good health and peace in 2013!
We began our HUSKY LUNCH BUNCH in January. This program is replacing “THE SHINING STAR” recognition by simply being
redesigned to incorporate the IB Learner Profile Attributes and Attitudes, as well as it takes place during the school day at lunch time.
Teachers have the opportunity to select several students from their class who have displayed the attributes and attitudes on a monthly basis
and each child eats lunch with Principal Conley and their teachers on a selected day. They receive a certificate and a small token to recognize their accomplishment. Students have the opportunity to ask Principal Conley questions and share some of their learning during this
time. Our next HUSKY LUNCH BUNCH is scheduled for Feb. 28th. Parents will receive a letter when your child is selected each month.
Our Building Leadership Team met this month with a continued focus on school safety. We are in the process of reviewing some
changes which include new procedures for arrival and dismissal. We will keep you posted. Please remember that all visitors must sign in at
the office, obtain a visitors badge which must be visible in the building at all times. Please keep the office updated with changes to emergency forms, including phone numbers, people identified to pick up your children and any other important information. When entering the
front doors, please do not let someone, which may be behind you, to enter with you without being identified by office personnel first. We
understand the need to be kind but want to be reassured of who is entering our school at all times. Please keep Ms. Conley posted of any
concerns you have or may notice.
CALENDAR NOTES… CELEBRATE THE ARTS DAY is scheduled for February 8 th. Mrs. Peltz has been hard at work preparing for
this special event which allows students to experience visual and performing artists throughout the day. Celebrate the Arts is just one program supported by PTA dollars and numerous volunteers. Westlake PTAs celebrate FOUNDER’S DAY on February 21st. The recipients
of the Achievement Awards are announced by each building during the evening’s event and the winners are always outstanding examples of
those who tirelessly serve the students of the Westlake City Schools. In the next newsletter I’ll let you know who received Hilliard’s
The WESTLAKE FAMILY LITERACY NIGHT for PreK-6th is scheduled for February 6th at Parkside Intermediate School. This
program is sponsored by Westlake’s Title 1 and ESL Programs. Many teacher and parent volunteers make this evening a fun time of reading activities and it will be enjoyed by all who attend.
1. If you send birthdays treat to school, it should not be a food item but a pencil, sticker, etc. instead.
2. Please be sure to update all phone numbers (home, cell or work) and address changes in the office as soon as any change
3. Please remember to call the 24 hour attendance line (440-835-6345) every day your child is absent or late for any reason.
Calls should be made no later than 8:15 am on the day of the absence.
4. Please be sure to dress your children in appropriate winter attire (boots, hats, gloves, snow pants) each day. Children will go
outside for recess as long as the temperatures and wind chills are at 20 degrees or above.
THANK YOU to everyone who volunteers in any capacity. Without your continued good work and support, our school would be missing
an essential part. Everyone at Hilliard appreciates you!
Yours for Kids~
Principal Conley
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F r o m
H i - Li g h ts
t h e P T A P r e s i d e n t :
M i c h e l l e T o b i n
Hilliard PTA is proud to host many upcoming events in February. Once again without the support of you, the parents and staff, we would not be as strong. Thank you for your commitment. I hope you take a moment to read
about some of the exciting things that the PTA is involved with this month. If you have questions or helpful suggestions regarding PTA, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope to see you at Hilliard during this busy month.
Nominating Committee: We are currently in the process of filling committees for the 2013-2014 school year. Thank you
to Tonia Gentry for heading this committee. If you are interested in helping out with a PTA office for next year please contact
Tonia at twegrzynski@msn.com. All help is greatly appreciated!
Fun Fair, March 1, 2013 5:30-7:30: This is a Hilliard PTA fundraiser. It is a great night for the entire family. Thank you
to Jeff Bartholomew and his committee for planning this event. If you would like to volunteer that evening please contact Jeff at
Reflections Contest: Thank to all students who participated in this National PTA contest. Thank you to Natalie Bohan for
chairing this committee.
Market Day/Giant Eagle Cards: If you have never bought Market Day this is a good month to start. You can check out
Market Day on line (marketday.com) & see what great items they have. Also please remember to buy your Giant Eagle gift cards
from Miss Reisdorff. Hilliard PTA receives 5% profit for every card sold. Thank you so much for your support in these programs.
Celebrate the Arts Friday February 8th: PTA is sponsoring an all day event. There will be a number of different artists
presenting to the children. Our art teacher, Staci Peltz and Stephen and Sharla Zirkle have been working very hard planning this
great day for the kids. If you would like to volunteer for the day to help in the classes or if you would be able to contribute for
the luncheon, please email szlala4@gmail.com. We are looking for baked goods, salads, etc in order to provide lunch for the
Hilliard PTA Scholarship: Each year graduating Westlake High School seniors can apply for scholarships from each of the
schools in Westlake. This year Hilliard will be able to offer a $1000 scholarship to a student who graduated from
Next PTA meeting is Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 9:00am in the Hilliard Library- We would love
to see some new faces. Come join and meet other parents from your child’s school who you will be seeing for the
next several years. Small children are always welcome! Hope to see you.
B o x
T o p s
H i - L i g h t s
It’s Box Tops submission time! I’ll be sending in all the Box Tops we’ve collected by
March 1st. If you have Box Tops you still need to get to me, here are some optional tips
that’ll make the submission process easier — they’re helpful but not at all necessary:
Bundle your Box Tops in bunches of 10 or 50
Use a collection sheet
Send the Box Tops with your child to school – there are collection boxes at each class. Please write your child's
name, class and teacher's name on a collection sheet, ziploc bag, envelop,...
Once we send in all the Box Tops, our school will receive a check from General Mills in April. We can use this
cash to buy the things we need.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at: alena.bodova@gmail.com.
Thanks for making Box Tops such a success! Keep collecting!
Alena Bodova
P a g e
H i l l i a r d
M a r k e t
H i - Li g h ts
D a y
Hello Hilliard Parents,
Thank you to those who placed orders during the month of January! We had 37 orders and grossed $264.76 for
Hilliard PTA. Our next orders for February are due as follows:
Paper Orders: Friday, February 15, 2013 by Noon (send to school or leave in Market Day box in office)
Internet Orders: Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 by 11:00pm placed at www.MarketDay.com.
Pick up for the February orders: Saturday, February 23, 2013 from 10:15-11:00am in the Hilliard cafeteria.
Please note, we are struggling to meet our Market Day fundraising goals thus far this year. As compared to this
time last year we are $1200.00 behind in sales. This is due in part to not meeting our Bonus Day goals in November for pies (in part due to storm Sandy) and in December for cookies. Bonus Days are crucial to helping us meet
our sales goals as we get extra money if we meet the sales goals for the specific item sold during Bonus Day
There is but one Bonus Day sale left this year in the month of March on pies. At our February sale pick up on
February 23rd, we will be sampling pies so you will know exactly what you want to order for March.
*** As incentive, the classroom selling the most pies in March will get a pizza party!!***
There is still time to meet our goals with your help. Tell a neighbor, tell a friend. You do not have to have a child
at Hilliard to buy from our Market Day program.
New to Market Day? Haven’t placed an order before? Upon placing your first order you will get a $5.00 coupon!
Remember, no order size is too big or too small! Give Market Day a try.
Many thanks to all of our volunteers! Special thanks to Alena Bodova, Rob Dzurec, Judy Puchmeyer, Amanda
Melda, Michelle Tobin, and Tonia Gentry for helping out at our December sale. Thanks, too, to Alice Sabo for
making the reminder calls.
Have a great month!
Your Market Day Chairs,
Linda Puchmeyer and Melisa Gibel
C o u n s e l o r
C o r n e r
Importance of Attendance
As noted in the Westlake Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook: The student day begins at 8:00
a.m. Students use the time from 8:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. to organize and prepare for their day. Students
who are not transported by school bus should arrive at 8:00 a.m. to school. The students need to be in
their seats prepared for the day before 8:15 a.m. Students are marked tardy after 8:15 a.m.
When a student arrives at or after 8:15 a.m., others in the classroom are distracted and the tardy student
needs to catch up. We want our students to have a full and productive day from the very start. Our goal
is to instill responsibility in our students. By arriving to school on time on a daily basis, we are teaching
them to be respectful of the teacher’s time, as well as others and their own.
Please help us guide our student to be respectful and responsible by arriving to school on time!
Miss Brickman
Hilliard School Counselor
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H i - L i g h t s
i n
R e a d i n g :
M r s .
H i - Li g h ts
P a u k e n
Hilliard students and families LOVE Reading!
Hilliard staff members love to promote families reading together and to encourage students to develop a love of
reading. This year, there are many ways to participate in activities to foster your child’s reading development and
joyful interaction with books.
Kudos to those families who have participated in the 2013 Hilliard Family Reading Challenge: “Read
Around the World.” Eighty Hilliard students have had the passport stamped at least one time. When
your family reads ten more books by February 28 (for a total of 20 books), and the passport has been
completed and signed, return the passport to school to be stamped. It is so much fun to see the wonderful books shared by families. Complete 10 more books by April 15, and your family will have successfully completed the Challenge. Then, it is time to celebrate! Mark your calendar for May 8 for the
culminating family challenge celebration. Details will be sent home sometime in April.
Mrs. Geletka and I have planned a week-long celebration for Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Dr. Seuss was born
on March 2, 1904. Each year, “Read Across America” promotes reading Dr. Seuss books, and encourages families to read together to honor the renowned author. At Hilliard, we celebrate the life of this
famous author with activities and opportunities to read Dr. Seuss books. We will be celebrating Monday, February 25 – Friday, March 1, 2013. On Friday, March 1, please dress your child in red and
white --- It’s our nod to the characters, Thing One and Thing Two.
Finally, Westlake’s Title I and ESL program is sponsoring a special family literacy night on February
6, at Parkside. DramaSmarts, an eastside art and education performing arts group, will merge art and
education by engaging students in reader’s theater activities. It is shaping up to be a fun evening.
Happy Reading!
H i - L i g h t s
i n F o r e i g n L a n g u a g e :
M i s s G o l e m
Bonjour! Here’s a snapshot of where students are and where their learning is headed this year. Students have been
reviewing body parts and weather phrases in January. On the cultural side of things, let’s look ahead to February
and March. In February, students will learn about the significance of Mardi Gras (Feb. 12, 2013) to French culture
and in areas with significant French influence, for instance, Louisiana. They will also learn some terms associated
with Valentine’s Day in French. Our cultural focus in March will be Easter, or Pâques, and how the French and
French-speaking people around the world typically celebrate the holiday.
Bonne journée! (Have a good day!)
Mademoiselle Golem
P a g e
H i l l i a r d
H i - Li g h ts
H i - L i g h t s f r o m t h e L i b r a r y :
M r s . G e l e t k a
Hilliard’s Scholastic Book Fair, held from Nov. 26 th – Nov. 30th, was very successful! Thanks to the work
of Dawn Cwiklinski and Christine Gorski, who headed up our Book Fair, we earned $1286.68 in cash and were
able to choose 23 books to add to our library collection. The Teacher Wish List board brought a nice response from
Hilliard’s parents. More than 30 books were purchased for our teachers to use in their classrooms! I would like to
extend a special “Thanks” to Dawn Cwiklinski and Christine Gorski who spent many hours at Hilliard in the
weeks preceding and during the Book Fair. In addition, I would like to offer MANY thanks to all the volunteers
who worked at the Book Fair and to all the parents who supported us by making purchases. THANKS, too, to Girl
Scout Troop 7121, led by Patty McHugh, who sold slime during our Fall Festival and used the proceeds to buy 15
books for the library. The girls actually came to the Book Fair and chose the books they wished to donate. We will
use the Book Fair profits to help fund future author visits, to buy materials for our library, and to do special projects.
In our weekly library classes, we have been working hard. Second, third and fourth graders have begun to
go to the computer lab during their class periods to learn touch typing. This is necessary because the OAA exams
are scheduled to be taken online beginning in 2015. Students will need to be very familiar with the keyboard, with
clicking and dragging, and with other computer skills. We are using an online program from the BBC entitled
Dance Mat Typing. The program itself is a lot of fun, and students are making good progress. First graders are busy
differentiating fiction and nonfiction, while listening to series books such as Diane de Groat’s books about Gilbert
and his classmates and Dav Pilkey’s Dragon. Kindergarten students are now experts at checking out items. During
their class time, the kindergarteners hear stories such as Charlie Needs a Cloak by Tomie DePaola and A Hat for
Minerva Louise by Janet Morgan Stoeke. Preschool stories follow the classroom curriculum, so our stories have
been about “winter”, “opposites” and “love and friendship.”
If you have any questions about overdue books or any other library matters, feel free to contact the Librarian, Kim
Geletka, at 250-1156 or geletka@wlake.org.
Memorial Books
Two books were donated to the Mary K. Flanagan Library at Hilliard School in fond memory of Shirley
Dodd. The books were donated by Donna Stephenson, Preschool Assistant at Hilliard School, and the daughter of
Shirley Dodd.
Summer Visitors by Karel Hayes
Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett
P a g e
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H i - Li g h ts
Wow! Will you look at all of these birthday books! This is great! The library would like to thank the following
staff and students (and their thoughtful parents) for their donations of birthday books to Hilliard’s library. These
donations provide beautiful books that will be used by Hilliard students for years to come.
Donated in honor of:
Title and Author
Eddie Beltran
Oct. 19
The Great Big Book of Families
By Mary Hoffman
Silas Maile
Oct. 30
Thunder Birds by Jim Arnosky
Ava Puchmeyer
Nov. 11
Dolphins by Zelda King
Logan Evans
Nov. 24
Harry Houdini: the Legend of the World’s
Greatest Escape Artist by Janice Weaver
Brenna Coulter
Dec. 5
Moose by Ellen Miles
Caitlin Coulter
Dec. 5
Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie
by Julie K. Sternberg
Addison Navratil
Dec. 13
Hello, Baby Beluga by Darrin Lunde
Olivia Heberlein
Dec. 19
Bedtime Bunnies by Wendy Watson
Caden Parker,
Dec. 20
Grandson of Ron and
Donna Stephenson, in
honor of his first birthday
All Kinds of Kisses by Nancy Tafuri
Maggie Gibel
Jan. 6
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star by Jane Taylor
Liam Ernst
Jan. 10
The Flying Beaver Brothers and the Evil
Penguin Plan by Maxwell Eaton III
P a g e
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H i - Li g h ts
Teaching your child how to use their “Inside Stopper”!
Helping your child gain self-control
When: Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
6:30-8:00 P.M.
Where: Hilliard Elementary School
24365 Hilliard Blvd.
Speakers: Victoria Todd
Victoria Todd is a summa cum laude graduate of Case Western
Reserve University with a B.A. in Sociology and Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Social Administration. A qualified child psychoanalyst, she completed her training at the Hanna Perkins Center for
Research in Child Development. She is now pursuing her training in adult analysis at the Cleveland
Psychoanalytic Center.
**Day care is available with a registration**
Please contact Kathy Nash at 899-3075 ext. 2161 or at nash@wlake for reservations and questions.
You may also return the form below to Hilliard Elementary school.
****Please return to Kathy Nash at Hilliard Elementary*******
Name: _________________________________________________
Phone #_________________________ Email Address_________________________________
Day care needed? Yes_________ # of children and ages____________________________
Questions you would like addressed:
P a g e
H i l l i a r d
C o n n e c t i n g
f o r
H i - Li g h ts
K i d s
All events are free and open to the public. Free childcare is available, but you must RSVP.
Tips for Visiting the Doctor, Dentist or Hairdresser
Friday, February 15, 2013, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Westlake Porter Public Library, Dover Room
For a child with special needs simple appointments to the doctor, dentist and hairdresser can create major anxiety and meltdowns. Kate Boylan from Behavioral Intervention Institute of Ohio (BIIO) will lead an interactive discussion about how to help
children with sensory needs and/or anxiety issues successfully navigate these experiences. She will share ways to prepare your
child for these visits such as creating a visual schedule and writing a social story. Boylan will also discuss strategies for establishing reinforcement and troubleshooting once you arrive at your appointment. Connecting for Kids and the Westlake Porter
Public Library are co-sponsoring childcare for families during the discussion. To reserve a spot for your child, visit
www.connectingforkids.org or email sarahrintamaki@connectingforkids.org.
How to Keep a Marriage Healthy When a Child is Struggling
Saturday, February 16, 2013, 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Westlake Porter Public Library, Dover Room
Marriage is difficult enough with today’s hectic schedules and the normal, day-to-day strains that are inevitable. But when
you have a child who is struggling, maintaining a quality relationship with your spouse becomes even more challenging. Suddenly everything is about your child and your marriage tends to take a backseat. Karen Tomoff, LPCC-S, LICDC, will discuss
ways to keep your marriage healthy even under difficult circumstances. Both partners are encouraged to attend this session together. Connecting for Kids and the Westlake Porter Public Library are co-sponsoring childcare for families during the discussion. To reserve a spot for your child, visit www.connectingforkids.org or email sarahrintamaki@connectingforkids.org.
Connecting for Kids
Connecting for Kids is a nonprofit, networking organization that connects parents to resources in the community and supports
parents as they help their child grow and develop. Whether a child has a formal diagnosis or if parents are just questioning if
their child’s development is typical compared to same-aged peers, the group serves families concerned about physical, emotional, social/language, adaptive or cognitive development.
For more details on Connecting for Kids or its events, visit www.connectingforkids.org or contact Sarah Rintamaki
440-250-5563 or sarahrintamaki@connectingforkids.org.
Connecting for Kids: “For families with questions and concerns about childhood development.”
Westlake, Ohio…Connecting for Kids 1st Annual Fundraiser will be held from 5:00 to 9:00 pm on Friday, February 22, 2013,
at Panini’s Bar & Grill, 23800 Detroit Road in Westlake. The cost for the evening is $20.00 per person for unlimited appetizers, desserts, beer and wine. The evening will also feature a silent auction and raffle with such items as Disney One-Day Hopper passes, a T-shirt autographed by Cavs player #13 Tristan Thompson, spa packages and gift certificates to area restaurants
and attractions.
All proceeds from the event will benefit Connecting for Kids, a non-profit organization which hosts speakers, programs and
discussion groups for parents with questions or concerns about their child’s development. Event sponsors include CMA Communication Consultants, Jennie Lynn’s Sweets, Nektar Designs, Panini’s Bar & Grill and Dr. Meghan Barlow, LLC.
To reserve your ticket, visit connectingforkids.org/tickets. For questions, call Sarah Rintamaki at 440-250-5563 or
via email at sarahrintamaki@connectingforkids.org.
Lee Burneson’s DRAMA CLUB presents…
Just imagine a world where anything is possible: an
elephant up in a tree, a person too tiny to see, a heroic
child and dreams running wild! Come to a place where
helping a friend, never giving up, and keeping a promise
come alive in this wonderful tale that delights anyone
young at heart!
Two performances
Friday, February 8th
7:00 p.m.
Saturday, February 9th
2:00 p.m.
Doors open one hour prior to the show. Arrive early for the best seating.
Performing Arts Center
Westlake High School
27830 Hilliard Blvd.
“A person is a
person no
matter how
Admission : $5.00/person
Children 2 and under FREE
You can purchase tickets at
the door the day of the
or at
Lee Burneson Middle School.
Sizes 5T - Juniors
8 a.m. – Noon
Westlake High School
Saturday March 16, 2013
Shop for new and gently used:
• Clothing (Sizes 5T – Juniors)
• Sports Equipment
• Toys & Games
• Books
• Music Equipment
• Computer Stuff
• Furniture
• Shoes
Interested in Selling?
Vendor Space Sales begin January 15, 2013
$20 per space
Sold first come, first serve
Spaces open to the public!
Early Bird
8 – 9 a.m.
$5 Admission
9 a.m.– Noon
$1 Admission
Westlake High School - 27830 Hilliard Blvd
Registration form can be found at the
Holly Lane Elementary School PTA website (event sponsor)
http://beta.westlake.k12.oh.us/parents/HollyLanePTA/default.aspx Questions? Contact Teri Gannon • terigannon@hotmail.com • 440.808.8863
Saturday March 16, 2013
Westlake High School
Sizes 5T - Juniors
27830 Hilliard Blvd
Westlake’s Big Kid ReSale is a sale of gently used kids clothing, size 5T – Juniors, kids
toys, games and books as well as sports, music and computer equipment, furniture and
miscellaneous items. Vendors price and sell their own items and keep all the profits. This
sale is sponsored by Holly Lane Elementary School PTA.
$20/space ($5 discount for Holly Lane PTA members in good standing)
Vendors may bring their own table or use a High School table. Circular tables are available
for use in the Cafeteria only. Back Gym vendors must bring their own tables. Your selling
space will be approximately 8’x8’. Hallway and some cafeteria spaces are more
rectangular. All tables and clothing racks must fit into your space. Large items will be
kept at your table. Beds cannot be assembled.
Seller Set Up: Friday, March 15, 2013
Sale Day: Saturday, March 16, 2013
6 – 8 p.m. (check-in starts at 5:30 p.m.)
Sellers start checking in at 7 a.m.
Early Bird Shopping 8 a.m. ($5 admission)
9 a.m. – Noon ($1 admission)
Spaces are not reserved until check is received. Once the space is reserved, you will receive
confirmation via email. Space sales are sold on a first come, first serve basis and are non-refundable. A
detailed Seller Information Sheet will be provided VIA EMAIL prior to the sale. Please remember to be
courteous and respectful of the volunteers who planned this event and your fellow sellers.
NAME: __________________________________________ PHONE: ______________________________
FULL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________
EMAIL (required): _______________________________________________________________________
PLEASE RESERVE: (circle number of spaces desired)
I AM BRINGING MY OWN TABLE(S): (please circle)
(fees are non-refundable)
MY CHECK FOR $ __________________IS ENCLOSED. (Make check payable to Holly Lane PTA)
MAIL TO: Big Kid ReSale C/O Teri Gannon 2944 Clark Pkwy, Westlake, OH 44145
Questions? Contact Teri Gannon • terigannon@hotmail.com • 440.808.8863
January Issue
International Baccalaureate News
Issue 2
Contact Info
Deb Wadden
IB PYP Coordinator,
Hilliard Elementary
Issue Highlights:
Student focus
Student Focus Groups and Common
Area Essential Agreements
This year, Hilliard
students participated in
student focus groups
and a collaborative
assembly to help
develop a school wide
Essential Agreement for
common areas such as
the cafeteria, the
playground, the bus,
the hallway, and the
Students were chosen
for focus groups by
their classroom
teachers and Ms.
Brickman, School
Counselor, to work with
Ms. Brickman and Mrs.
Wadden, IB
Coordinator. Each
focus group met for
thirty to sixty minutes
and brainstormed what
staff and students need
to do in order to be an
effective working group
in each common area.
These students then
presented the essential
agreement to their
classmates at an
assembly where the
agreement was
discussed and agreed
upon. Students will
soon sign the essential
agreement which will
be displayed in the
Student Involvement in Essential Agreement
Students were instrumental in
the development of our
Common Area Essential
Their input in small groups and
as a student body is intended
help all learners construct
meaning and apply the
agreement to the different
International Baccalaureate News
January 2013
Hilliard Common Area Essential Agreement
Hilliard School Essential Agreement
Stay Safe
Be polite and caring
Talk quietly inside
Keep school property neat
Respect each other everywhere
As a reflection, students can periodically
self-assess to judge for themselves how they
are doing with the essential agreement and
to set a goal for future improvement. This
type of goal setting is consistent with the
action cycle.
Cafeteria Hallways Bathrooms Recess
Students discussed how each point
in the essential agreement “looks” in
each area:
What does it mean to stay safe…
-on the bus?
-in the cafeteria?
-in the Hallways?
-in the Bathrooms?
-at Recess?
International Baccalaureate News
January 2013
Transdisciplinary Skills
One of the Essential
Elements of the IB PYP
model is the development
of a strong set of
transdisciplinary skills.
These skills are developed
over time and will be
addressed at each grade
level in an ageappropriate manner.
The Transdisciplinary
Skills are:
Social skills
Thinking Skills
Communication skills
Self-management skills
Research skills
Social Skills:
Accepting responsibility
I think before I do
something and I accept
the consequences of
things that I say or do.
Respecting others
I accept that everyone has
their own ideas and
beliefs and I listen to
them carefully and try to
I think about how I can
work well with others so
that we all reach our
goals. I don’t try and take
over or make decisions
for others.
Resolving conflict
When an argument
comes up, I try to find
ways to stop it.
Group decision-making
I listen to everyone’s
opinion when making a
group decision. I accept
that the group decision
may not be the one I
wanted. I understand that
groups need to stick to
their collective decision to
work well.
Adopting a variety of
group roles
I do different jobs in the
group each time:
reporter, recorder, timekeeper, manager,
illustrator, etc.
Thinking Skills:
Acquisition of knowledge
I find things out.
I make sure I understand
the things I find out.
I use lots of different
kinds of information from
different sources to help
me understand. I use this
understanding to make or
do something.
I look for the themes or
big ideas in the
information I found.
I use the information I
found out to make or do
International Baccalaureate News
I write many different
kinds of texts (stories,
reports, poems, adverts...)
that are aimed at my
I look at films and artwork
and think about what they
are trying to teach me.
I share my ideas and
learning with others in a
clear, easy to understand
and appropriate manner.
things I need to work or
play. I know where my stuff
is and keep my things tidy
and easy to find quickly.
Time management
I use my time sensibly so
that I get my work done on
time. I think about what it is
important for me to do first
and spend the most time
I act in a safe manner for
myself and others at all
I use body language to
communicate with others.
I am always careful not to
use offensive body
Self-Management Skills:
Gross motor skills
I can run, jump, stop and
turn and use my body
Healthy lifestyle
I respect my body and mind.
I make sure that I have a
balanced lifestyle and diet.
Codes of behavior
I act appropriately at all
times. I respect other
people’s feelings and
Informed choices
I make decisions by thinking
about the advantages and
consequences. I listen to
others’ advice but I make
my own choices about how I
Fine motor skills
I can control my body in
little movements, e.g.
cutting out, neat
handwriting, tying shoe
January 2013
I decide what I need to
look at in order to
understand and I make
I think about what I need
to do and how I am going
to do it.
Collecting data
I find useful information in
different places.
Recording data
I write down, draw or
record the information I
have collected.
Organizing data
I group together information
that fits together in themes.
Interpreting data
I think about what the
Information means for my question.
Presenting research findings
I choose the best ways to present
my research and findings
to my audience.
Research Skills:
Spatial awareness
I know where I am in
relation to others and the
world around me.
For more information
about the IB PYP
transdisciplinary skills
and curriculum
model, please visit
the IBO website:
Formulating questions
I use factual questions,
conceptual questions
and provocative questions.
I make sure I have the
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Empowering all students to achieve their educational goals, to
direct their lives and to contribute to society.