PRINCIPAL`S MESSAGE - St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS
PRINCIPAL`S MESSAGE - St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS
VOLUME 12 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE JUNE 2011 Upcoming Events At Pentecost the Apostles were inspired by the risen Jesus to carry the Good News to all people. Today, as members of the same church, we are called to be inspired by the same fire and passion as the Apostles and share our good news with each other. We have proudly concluded our second year as a Catholic Learning Community, and this letter will serve as a messenger to share the many outstanding events which have taken place in our school this year gone by. It is an exciting time for us as next September we become a full high school and we look forward to celebrating our first ever graduating class in June 2012. July 6 & 7 July 8 July 15 August 22 August 26 Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 21 Sept. 19-21 Oct. 6 Our students continue to perform exceptionally well on both provincial tests and within their academic courses of study. Our Grade Ten students achieved a 90% success rate on this years Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). This score is above the Board and Provincial pass rate. I would like to extend a special thanks to our Literacy preparation team for their efforts in helping to engage our students in various test activities. Our Grade Nine Education Quality Accountability Office (EQAO) mathematics test scores will be available in early September 2011. Overall, our success rate in Grade Nine was 95%, Grade Ten 94%, and in Grade Eleven 92%. These percentages reflect the efforts put forth by our students and the leadership in the classroom by our committed staff. Report Card Pick Up - 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mail Report Cards Not Picked Up Office Closes for the Summer School Office Re-opens, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Getting Ready for High School - Incoming Gr. 9’s Labour Day First Day of School Catholic School Council Camp White Pine for Grade 9’s Awards Night Finally, we pass on well wishes to Ms. A. Dominicis and Ms. S. Zanuzzi who will be moving to Jean Vanier Catholic High School. We also say good bye to our long term occasional teachers Ms. L. De Vito, Mr. R. Dorcas, Ms. T. Gorman, Ms. K. Iaboni, Mr. F. Ienna, Mr. M. Macri, Ms. L. Marcantonio, Ms. J. Naccarato, Ms. A. Nesci and Mr. J. West whose assignments have come to an end. We welcome back Ms. M. Kalkowska and Ms. E. Yu who are returning from maternity leave. We have many new teachers and Department Heads to welcome to our school – the complete list can be found inside the newsletter. Our teachers are the center of our students successes as they use the latest technology and pedagogy to prepare our students for the twenty-first century job market. I would also like to recognize our support staff – secretaries, custodians, educational assistants, educational intervenors, behavioural specialists and psychologist who work closely with making our school a great place to be. It has also been a privilege to work closely with our Catholic School Council under the leadership of our chair Michael Comeau and the members of his executive Olga Partanen, Richard Mewhinney, and Elizabeth Tesa. On July 1st to July 3rd, Ms. R. Antunes, Mr. M.Moyo, and I participated in an educational conference on Differentiated Instruction, Twenty-first Century Learning, and Assessment for Learning in Boston Massachusetts. It was a pleasure to spend three days with my colleagues sharing professional dialogue at the conference. I am blessed to be working with two extremely gifted administrators who care about students and their successes. While at the conference we also took the opportunity to drive to Chicopee and visit Father L. Krolikowski and obtain a video message for our graduates. Father L. Krolikowski is turning 92 years young in September and was very astute in the wise message he recorded for our students. He offered his blessings to our whole school community. In closing I offer blessings and well wishes as we break for a well deserved summer break. Have a safe and relaxing summer and we look forward to seeing everyone in September. Over the summer, construction will proceed on our new state of the art artificial turf field and eight lane rubberized track. Many thanks are extended to the Town of Aurora and our school Board for negotiating a successful partnership that will be both beneficial to our students and the citizens of Aurora. Mr. D. Scuglia Principal 1 VPS’ MESSAGE on return from an absence. The attendance secretary records and files the letter and issues an admit-to-class. It is hard to believe that our second year has come to an end. It has been a blessing to meet and work with so many wonderful people in our school community. Please find important information below on uniform and attendance policies for the upcoming school year. Have a restful, safe summer and I look forward to seeing all of you in September!! Early Leaves: • If a student must leave school (e.g. medical appointment) the student is to come to the attendance office before school begins to obtain an early leave. The student must present a note from his/her parent(s) explaining the necessity for the early leave to the attendance secretary. If returning to school on the same day, the student must return to the main office to sign back in. Uniform: • The uniform provider for the upcoming school year is at St. Maximilian Kolbe High School on August 25 and 26, 2011. Uniforms can also be purchased on line or throughout the school year, on Tuesdays, at the Tuck shop located at St. Maximilian Kolbe High School. • Please note: all students are expected to wear the uniform pants with the St. Maximilian Kolbe LOGO and the school uniform tops with the St. Maximilian Kolbe LOGO. • During the school day, students who are too ill to remain in class should inform their teacher and report to the main office. The office staff will assist the student in contacting his/her parents. • Under no circumstances may the student leave the school without following these procedures. Parents, it is imperative that you do not allow your son/daughter to go home without notifying the main office. The student is to remain at school until the main office has spoken to the parent/guardian and received permission to sign the student out of the school. Students will be considered skipping/ truant otherwise. School Uniform Pieces: No additions will be accepted. Compulsory Items: • Official school golf shirt, long or short sleeve. • Official Kilters Fashions mid-grey pants • All black full shoes Lates: • Students are expected to be on time for school and for all classes. Tardiness is disruptive to teaching and learning. Occasional late arrivals due to unusual circumstances will happen to everyone. If a student arrives to school late, students are expected to report to the Attendance Office for an admit slip. Students are required to provide a note to the attendance secretary upon arrival to school. Students who arrive late, do not sign in and attend classes selectively will be considered to be skipping/truant. Parents will be notified after the 4th late. Students will be assigned an afterschool detention on the 5th late. Students will be suspended on the 6th late. Optional Items: • Official School Rugby Shirt • Official School Dazzle Track Jacket • Official Fleece Zip • Plain white T-shirt worn under golf shirt, rugby shirt and school fleece zip. Please note: • Golf shirt must be worn under the official school dazzle jacket. • UGG type boots as well as open toe and open back shoes are not permitted. • T-shirts must be ALL white (no writing or drawings permitted) no coloured T-shirts permitted. Change of Address: • Changes in home address, telephone number and other pertinent information must be reported immediately, in writing, to the main office. Any change of address will require a copy of a proof of residence document. Uniform Infractions: Uniform infractions will result in one or more of the following consequences: • Detention • Being sent home to change or obtain the proper items • Suspension Mrs. R. Antunes Vice Principal Civies Days: • Proper student behaviour and modesty of dress consistent with the philosophy and values of our school is expected on these days. Attendance: Absence from School: • Regular attendance at school is critical for each student’s learning and achievement of course expectations. • Parents/Guardians are asked to phone the school to inform of a student’s absence. A message may be left on the answering machine. Students are to submit a letter from parents/ guardians, confirming the absence to the attendance secretary 2 GUIDANCE OSSLT All students registered in grade 10 during the 20102011 school year participated in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test on March 31, 2011. This test is a graduation requirement for all students in Ontario. We at St. Maximilian Kolbe are proud to announce that 90% of the students who wrote the test were successful. Thanks to all our parents and teachers for supporting the grade 10 students during this stressful time. Congratulations to all the grade ten students. Career Studies – Thanks again to all of our guest speakers for grade 10 Career Studies classes. These included : Laurita Gorman (CMHA), Sylvia ( York University ) , Charlene ( Seneca College ) Canada Summer Youth Employment Program., and Andrew from United Steelworkers regarding health and safety at work. Program for International Student Assessment(PISA) Summer School – We had 25 grade 10 students from St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic High School participated in the PISA assessment on May 19, 2011. This assessment measures the abilities of 15 year olds from over 60 countries in mathematics, science and reading. The assessment involves participation in the Paper-Based Assessment and Computer-Based Assessment. We are still waiting for these results. Reminder to all parents & students that any student who has failed a compulsory course should attend summer school. Students can still register at You will need your OEN (found on your report card). Summer school marks will be forwarded to SMK Guidance by the summer school office in August. It’s always a good idea to follow up with us in August to ensure we have your son’s/daughter’s summer school marks. Upon completion of summer school courses, 2011-12 schedules will be adjusted. On occasion, this will require a Guidance appointment in late August, we will let you know. The Guidance Office will be open with secretarial staff on Monday, August 22. Counsellors will be in the office starting on Thursday August 25. Mr. M. Moyo Vice Principal MATHEMATICS Course Changes for 2011-12: This is a reminder to all parents and students that there will be NO ELECTIVE CHANGES for grade 9 & 10 students as of August 2011. Only stream changes will be considered ( ie. Academic to Applied, Applied to Academic etc). Stream changes will be made subject to availability in the first 2 weeks of classes. For grade 11 and 12 students, elective changes will only be considered for changes that affect a student’s program pathway (ie. Apprenticeship, College or University requirements). Stream changes will also be permitted, subject to availability & scheduling constraints, in the first 2 weeks of classes for grade 11 & 12 students. Congratulations to all math students on their successes in mathematics this year. In particular, I would like to congratulate all the members of our math team that competed in the Waterloo Mathematics Competitions in February, 2011. The top scorers in our school, placing first in their competition, were: Grade 9 – Pascal Contest: Grade 10 – Cayley Contest: Grade 11 – Fermat Contest: KIERA ABERNETHY KATRINA GRIFFO WILLIAM FERGUSON Important Dates I would like to take this opportunity to wish Ms. M. Granell best wishes on behalf of the department and our students as she spends the first semester of next year teaching in Italy for YCDSB. We look forward to her return to St. Maximilian Kolbe. in February, 2012. Students in grade 9 who wrote the EQAO Assessment of Mathematics will receive their mark in the fall. Our students worked hard to prepare with their teachers and we are confident that this hard work will be rewarded with a successful result. Welcome to our new department members to the team. Each new teacher brings a variety of experiences and talent from teaching mathematics in different parts of our board. We look forward to them joining us as we continue to grow. On behalf of all of the math teachers at St. Maximilian Kolbe, we wish all the best to our students and their families for a restful and safe summer. We look forward to working with you again in the fall. Ms. M.E. Griffiths Department Head, Mathematics • October 14-16 – Ontario University Fair at Metro Toronto Convention Centre • October 25 – Direct Energy Centre • November 2 - Post Secondary Evening for grade 12 students/parents co-hosted with Cardinal Carter. Mr. J. Stevens Department Head of Student Services 3 PHYS-ED & ATHLETICS This past semester has been a very hectic yet exciting time in the Health/Physical Education Department! Our students continuously perform beyond our expectations as they successfully chase, achieve and surpass many of the Healthy Active Living goals they set at the beginning of the semester. We always preach that Healthy Active Living is a life-long journey so please continue to keep up the good work into the summer months and beyond! We are already busy planning many of the fun activities and excursions that our classes will be participating in for the next school year, and we also look forward to our newly unveiled Grade 12 courses. We hope that everybody has a safe, healthy and happy summer holiday as we look forward to seeing you again in September. Keep fit and have fun! Senior Girls Soccer The Senior Girl’s soccer team had a fantastic season showing a lot of determination and playing as a strong, collaborative force all season long! The girls made it to the playoffs, had a great run and ended up losing a very close semifinal game, 1-0, to St. Robert’s! Congratulations to all players and good luck next season! Once again, these girls have made SMK very proud! Artificial Turf Field Update We are happy to report that construction crews will begin to build our long awaited artificial turf field and 8 lane rubber track in late June, with an approximate completion time of mid-late October. Some of our athletic teams are waiting with great anticipation to have some of their first “home games” on St. Maximilian Kolbe soil, since our school was built. More information will be available as construction progresses. Spring Sports Recap Ultimate Girls Slo-Pitch While the weather may not have been on our side in May, the varsity girl’s slo-pitch team still made the best out of one very wet season! We started off with a bang with the highest turn out ever for our try-outs and the season hit more highs with our first ever wins. The girls are a team that continues to grow and improve each year and we would like to congratulate everyone for all their hard work this season. See you all next year! The Mustang Varsity Ultimate team had an outstanding season. The team finished in second place in the Denison Disc-o-Flyer tournament in May, and they managed to finish the regular season with a 6-2 record, putting them in the championship bracket for the York Region finals. At the final tournament the team played three challenging games, and finished in seventh place overall. A special thanks to team captains Aaron Mete and Jordan Robinson, and to manager Paula Davila for their leadership and support. Spirit Squad Athletic Awards and Accomplishments Congratulations to St. Max’s first ever Spirit Squad! Whether cheering on SMK’s football, soccer, or volleyball teams, the team showed true school spirit! Recently, the team participated in the inaugural Damon Allen High School Quarterback Challenge at York University. They were heavily involved throughout the day’s events, starting with providing a tunnel for 80 high school quarterbacks from all across Ontario to be welcomed onto the field, and cheering on SMK’s quarterback who made it to the top 8 semifinalists. With many media outlets present, our team pictures can be seen on the Toronto Argonauts Twitter link and on the z103.5 website. Thank you to Mr. Miranda’s company, Mirconex Inc., for sponsoring us and providing us with the beautiful warm-up suits. The team won 2nd place in the Cheerleading/Dance Team portion of the day. Thank you for a fantastic year Spirit Squad! On June 16, 2011, SMK held their 2nd annual athletic banquet. That was an incredible night that celebrated the wonderful accomplishments of all of our athletes and sport teams. Below is a recap of our award winners and our individual/team accomplishments. Great Job Mustangs! 4 Team Awards: MIP – Most Improved Player MVP – Most Valuable Player FALL EVENTS MIP MVP BASKETBALL - JR GIRLS Kayla Dimatulac Lianna Collins BASKETBALL - SR GIRLS Lauren Ballantyne Kara Waites CROSS COUNTRY Matthew Dicks Kathryn Owsiany FOOTBALL - JR Jesse Campoli Calvin McHugh-Martynuik GOLF - GIRLS Lianna Collins Alanna Damp GOLF-BOYS Zach Kercz Evan Cicciarella SOCCER - JR BOYS Victor Rotondi Alex Cardoso SOCCER - SR BOYS Jose Martinez Christian Achkar TENNIS - JR Greg Milligan Maria Beltran TENNIS - SR Robert D’Elia Carina Cimpean VOLLEYBALL - JR BOYS Joshua Lawlor Luc Martineau VOLLEYBALL - SR BOYS Jordan Caruso Kyle Spicer WINTER EVENTS MIP MVP BADMINTON - CO-ED JR John-Salvatore Falcone Lauren Ballantyne BADMINTON - CO-ED SR Connor Casciato Samantha Minchella BASKETBALL - JR BOYS Austin Naoum Jamie Holst HOCKEY - JR BOYS Matthew Mazzotta Hayden Trask HOCKEY - SR BOYS Eamon Reilly Connor Casciato HOCKEY - VARSITY GIRLS Vicky Trudell Kristen Drew SWIM TEAM Conor Norman Stephanie Bourrie SKIING/SNOWBOARDING Gabrielle Faoro Alex Marsland ROCK CLIMBING Ryan Duffy Vicky Trudell VOLLEYBALL - JR GIRLS Valeria Rodrigues Elizabeth Whyte VOLLEYBALL - SR GIRLS Brittany Wong Samantha Franko INDOOR TRACK & FIELD Jerusha Retnakanthan Tim Pare SPRING EVENTS MIP MVP BASEBALL Thomas D’Andrade Ward Benn MOUNTAIN BIKING Blake Wallace Drew Davison RUGBY - JR BOYS Vincent Ruscica Calvin McHugh-Martynuik RUGBY - SR BOYS Tony Guerriero Ty Brochu RUGBY - JR GIRLS Carlee Giffen Annelise Marsig SOCCER - JR GIRLS Cayley Kavanagh Lauren Ballantyne SOCCER - SR GIRLS Christina Zorzit Rachel Knetsch SLO-PITCH Julia Leonetti Emily Trudell TRACK AND FIELD - GIRLS Nicholle Kovach Shaina Harrison TRACK AND FIELD - BOYS Dominic Ong Blake Mariette SPIRIT SQUAD Courtney Collard (Spirit Award) ULTIMATE John-Salvatore Falcone 5 Aaron Mete PHYS-ED & ATHLETICS (continued) Team Accomplishments: Major Award Winners: Female Athlete of the Year Shaina Harrison Male Athlete of the Year Connor Casciato Female Junior Athlete of the Year Lauren Ballantyne Male Junior Athlete of the Year Daniel Jones Male MAX C.A.R.E. Award Jordan Caruso Female MAX C.A.R.E. Award Carley Steiner Junior Boys Football – Tier 2 YRAA Champions Junior Girls Soccer – Tier 2 YRAA Champions Junior Boys Rugby – Tier 2 YRAA Champions Midget Girls Track and Field – Tier 1 YRAA Champions Junior Girls Track and Field – Tier 1 YRAA Champions C.A.R.E. – Christian Athletes Recognition of Excellence 6 PHYS-ED & ATHLETICS ENGLISH As we come to the end of another incredible year, it important that we take time to celebrate the accomplishments of our students. In our English classes, students have been engaged in creative and analytical ways with a variety of texts. Individual Accomplishments: Swimming: Stephanie Bourrie – YRAA Champion in 100m Freestyle (1:08.97), OFSAA - 5th overall (1:06.98) Rock Climbing: Vicky Trudell YRAA Intermediate Girls Silver Medallist Rock Climbing: Ryan Duffy YRAA Novice Boys Silver Medallist Rock Climbing: Alexandra Kubica YRAA Novice Girls Bronze Medallist Cross Country: Kathryn Owsiany 3rd place YRAA, OFSAA Qualifier Medieval Scotland was brought to life as students participated in a banquet held in Macbeth’s court. Congratulations to all of the students who dedicated hours to the preparation of food, costumes, musical performances, and dramatic presentations. It was a wonderful celebration of Shakespearean culture and language. INDOOR Track & Field Alannah Centorame - Jr. Girls High Jump Shaina Harrison - Sr. Girls Champion 60 m, New YRAA Record Holder Tim Pare - Midget 1500 m Champion Michelle Minchella - Midget 800m Champion Ward Benn - Sr. Boys Polevault Shaina Harrison, Carrington Bull, Laura Suominen, Julia Vickers - Sr. Girls 4x200 Relay Champions OUTDOOR Track & Field In our brand new grade 11 Media course, students were engaged in creating multimedia presentations using a variety of technologies. Students deconstructed traditional media texts including print articles and television shows, as well as new e-media formats including podcasts and web-based media. A special thank you goes out to Holly Dickinson, Genevieve Malcolm and Carley Steiner for sharing their Smart presentations with our staff. Blake Mariette - Track & Field Overall Jr. Boys Champion, 400 m Champion, 200 m Champion, OFSAA 4th in 200m Ward Benn - Track & Field Sr. Polevault Champion, OFSAA QUALIFIER Shaina Harrison - Sr. Girls 100m Champion,Sr. Girls 200m Champion-New YRAA Record Holder, New Centrals Record Holder, OFSAA 4th in 100m Tim Pare - YRAA Midget 800m Champion, Centrals Midget boys 400m Champion Nicolle Kovach - OFSAA Qualifier in Javelin Every year the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association holds the Young Authors Awards at the regional and provincial level. Congratulations to Chris Alessio, Margaret Ho, and Tyler Matthews for writing the pieces that were submitted on behalf of SMK. Tyler Matthews’ narrative poem “Climbing Walls” won the top award in the Intermediate Poetry category at the regional level. Well done! Mr. S. Carraretto Department Head, Physical Education & Health Thank you to all of our teachers for sharing their passion with our community. A special note of thanks to Ms. L. De Vito and Ms. J. Naccarato for their contributions to our department this semester. On behalf of the English Department, best wishes for a safe and fun-filled summer. “Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.” - Henry van Dyke Ms. J. Gerwlivch Department Head of English 7 ART “Love of beauty is Taste. Creation of beauty is Art.” The Music department was heard “loud and clear” at this year’s 2nd annual Spring Concert – with Mr. Bobesich and his group of talented musicians playing each number with great flow and ease! The instrumental and vocal numbers were lively and attention grabbing. Way to go SMK Music – including you, Jazz Band, your extracurricular commitment was evident at the show! -Emerson SMKs Arts department has had a very busy and successful second semester. As always, dancers danced, musicians played and sang, dramatists acted, and artists made. With many wonderful accomplishments and accolade’s to boast, the St. Maximilian Kolbe ARTS scene is in full bloom! For next year, we are excited to offer many Arts opportunities, through various course offerings. As well, we are happy to announce the implementation of several new courses, including many senior level Arts courses in Music, Drama and Visual Art, as well as grade eleven Keyboarding, a new grade 10 Visual Art course – for those who are terrified!, and Grade Eleven Design. At SMK, every artist can find his or her niche!!! While we excitedly anticipate our 2011-2012 Arts year, we would be remiss if we didn’t congratulate and acknowledge the many current accomplishments of our hard-working department! Firstly, a special congratulation goes out to Ms. K. King who was formally recognized as this year’s Teacher of the Year. Way to go Ms. King!! The Drama department has been busy preparing for performances – on and off stage! Recently the Grade 11 students performed Oedipus Rex to a full house of family and friends – Well done!! As well, there were many inspiring moments for Dramatists this semester – including a field trip to see The Lion King! As well, SMK Drama was featured at this year’s Spring concert!!!!! Finally, the Visual Artists continue to make beautiful art – you’re sure to see it around the school and in the courtyard here at St. Max. From photography to painting, the visual artists have been really busy completing projects and entering contests. Way to go Joscelyn Sevier and Victor Rusu for your award winning, MADD contest work! Cash prizes were awarded to both from State Farm insurance: A proud moment for SMK artists. As well, a special “shout-out” to VAAM (Visual Art at Max) – a group of extremely committed after school artists – who created a wonderfully painted picnic table for the Town of Aurora. The Mayor congratulated these artists at a special assembly in June. Again, well done visual artists…Awesome job! The Dance department has also had a very successful semester, performing many wonderful numbers in the Spring concert as well. From ballet to hip hop, the dancers “tore-up” the stage! Ms. Hardychuk continues to inspire her class of shakers and movers, especially as they prepare for their final performance – a practical exam. As well, the Spirit Squad participated in a special workshop at the Damon Allen Quarterback Challenge – an awesome experience for all who participated. Way to go SMK dancers, looking forward to seeing your new choreography next year! It’s been a wonderful year for ALL artists here at SMK - let the summer re-energize you and come back ready to create beauty! I say farewell for a little while, as I prepare to have a baby. Thanks to all the Arts teachers and students for their continued love and support. It’s a privilege to be part of this school’s art scene! We welcome Ms. T. van Loenen, who will be joining the team!!! Ms. M. Froio Acting Department Head of Arts 8 CANADIAN & WORLD LIBRARY STUDIES The school library has certainly been a very busy and active hub this semester. As part of their final CPT, Library staff introduced Grade 9 geography students to a graphic organizer software program, Smart Ideas. Using research gathered through a variety of sources - print, eBook, online databases and through the web - students developed a Smart Ideas presentation that incorporated this information and was shared using the Smartboard. The results were most impressive! Student use of the SmartBoard and Smart Notebook software has helped them hone their presentation skills. Another successful year has come and gone and in what has become a regular feature of our year’s summary, we need to say goodbye to Ms. A. Nesci and Mr. J. West once again. These two talented teachers gave tirelessly to our students once again this year and we wish them well in future endeavors. Next year our department will be expanding and welcoming back a familiar face. Ms. M. Kalkowska will be back in her Geography classroom and we welcome Ms. M. Fasano to teach History and Geography, while Ms. J. Villeneuve will be launching the new Fashion Marketing Program and teaching in the Family Studies area. The department offerings are expanding into Grade 12 next year with; Modern Western Civilizations, Politics, Law, and Economics. Members of our SMK Book Club, a very enthusiastic group of avid readers, have planned a number of exciting initiatives for next year. We invite all new and returning students to come and join us next year and share our passion for reading. Many new resources, both in electronic, print and media format have been added to our collection to support student learning. Updates can be found by visiting the library website. Happy summer reading. From Grade 9 Geography The grade 9 Geography classes have all had a successful and fun filled year! Every geography class attended a spectacular trip to Niagara Falls in which they were able to locate items and landmarks while making reference to the 2 major themes; human and physical geographical features. Students enjoyed a ride on The Maid of the Mist, during which some got completely SOAKED! As well, students toured Clifton Hill, where they tested out the haunted houses and enjoyed lunch, Falls-side. In addition to a spectacular field trip, students displayed their artistic abilities and talents through the creation of Aboriginal soapstone carvings and used their imagination to create an Aboriginal myth starring their carved creature. Ms. H. Smeathers Department Head of Library We have had a successful year and we wish our grade 9’s luck in the future. Have a wonderful summer and see you next year! BUSING From Civics and Canadian History Grade 10 courses are undergoing full curriculum reviews with an eye to making them more in line with OSSLT preparation for our tenth graders. Students will be doing more writing than ever in the up coming semesters. Any student who uses school buses to and from school is reminded to check for their busing information, during the last week of August and first week of September. If they use YRT, the website is and for students who are eligible for SCHOOL BUS SERVICE, they should check for their route and time information. The Canadian History courses treated the school to a display of the eras from the 20th century in our foyer. Students in costumes danced, spoke, and displayed the iconic elements of the eras to the wide smiles of the rest of the school. Congratulations to Ms. M. Miranda and Mr. L. De Felice for their hard work organizing this engaging event. Enjoy your summer The Civics students participated in the School Vote Program to elect both Municipal Representatives and Federal MP’s in our recent elections. A note to next year’s Civics students that we will be voting again in the fall in the upcoming provincial elections. Mr. M. Kelly Department Head, Canadian & World Studies & Social Science and Humanities 9 SCIENCE STUDENT SERVICES Sometimes we wonder about the way our school has grown in the past two years. We sometimes hear some intrguing things our students are doing. One bright story is their great performances in all aspects of our programs. The Science Department is particularly happy to be part of this success story and to celebrate with all our hard working students. The success we have experienced was made easier due to the shared and equitable distribution of resources to all our students. We first started as a small network, and continue to grow bigger each year. Our Special Education department has been incredibly busy this spring! Our Best Buddies club enjoyed a visit from Reptilia in April, where students hung out with some pretty slimy characters! In May our club invited Sacred Heart CHS and Cardinal Carter CHS for a Spring Dance. Our SMK students were perfect hosts -- we nibbled on pizza and other goodies when we weren’t dancing or competing in games. Our school clubs officially bonded! On June 9th our Best Buddies club wrapped up the year with a cooking class at the Super Centre. We had so much fun being chefs together! The Science department continues to grow with resources and innovative technology. We are happy to inform parents that we now have access to facebook for scientific investigations, animations and web based student activities. Through support from the library department, our students are able to source information. This has greatly improved the quality of collaborative teaching between students and members of the science department. The types of resources you will find in our Science department include Smartboards, LCD projectors, TV, DVD players and electronic based textbooks, etc. Each resource is geared for different student experiences and enhanced learning activities. Our textbooks have electronic copies with Web sites tied directly to national curriculum standards. With all of these resources at our disposal, we hope that parents will continue to work with teachers to make our students experience an enjoyable one. The Special Olympics were held at St. Joan of Arc CHS this year. They rolled out the red carpet (or the Astroturf) for the big day. Kudos go out to the our amazing students, Martin, Katherine, Dylan, Danielle, Kristofer, Annie, Ashley and Reanna for their tireless efforts! Thanks go out to Ms. S. Deighan and all of our EAs and EIs (Ms. S. Turrin, Ms. J. Rempel, Ms. P. Dignard and Ms. D. Bonneville) for helping make the day a huge success. The Science Department wishes all students a great summer! Dr. E. Guobadia Department Head of Science Ms. V. Hallman-Roth Acting Department Head of Student Services 10 RELIGION MODERNS This semester students enrolled in the grade 9 French program had the opportunity to participate in an improvisational workshop at the Second City Education Company in Toronto. The students thoroughly enjoyed the trip, and the facilitators were impressed with the students' enthusiasm and participation. The SMK Religion Department takes this opportunity to wish all our students and their families a restful, safe and enjoyable summer. The 2010-2011 school year has been a very busy one which has included numerous events in the religious education classes. In addition to the participation in retreat programs organized through the school’s Chaplaincy team, SMK religious education students hosted a series of guest speakers and special events to compliment the curriculum. Grade eleven students in the World Religions classes, were treated to a presentation by Aboriginal artists Mr. T. Jamieson and Mr. A. Fishgap, this presentation not only involved the display and explanation of various forms of First Nations art, but also a discussion of Aboriginal Spiritual traditions and practices which served as great addition to the students’ study of this topic as part of the HRT3M and HRF3O program. Our Moderns program continues to grow, and next year we will be running grade 11 French and Italian courses. We are looking forward to these new programs. Thank you to our Moderns teachers for their dedication and hard work this year. We bid a fond farewell to Ms. A. Dominicis, and we wish her the best of luck at her new school. Ms. J. Gerwlivch Department Head of Moderns Catechist Ms. C Way Skinner provided our grade ten students an expanded look at how various societies and cultures have presented the image of Christ throughout history. This presentation was made through a series of powerful images which provoked much thought and reflection from our students. The grade ten program “Christ and Culture” explores the interaction between Christ and culture and Ms. Way Skinner’s presentation was a great compliment to the course. WELCOME NEW STAFF MEMBERS We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new staff who will be joining us in September 2011. They are as follows: Many grade nine students participated in a workshop conducted by Ms. S. Tarlattini from Covenant House, Canada’s largest youth shelter. The presentation was organized through the school’s Salt and Light group. Ms. Tarlattini’s presentation focused on many aspects of youth homelessness and youth in crisis, the workshop was extremely powerful and very well received by students and teachers. During mental health week, grade nine students attended a presentation from KINARK Child and Family Services of York Region. KINARK provides help to children and families dealing with mental health concerns and provided our grade nine students with a hands on workshop highlighting the challenges and perspectives of young people who are on the Autism spectrum. Ms. M. Brens - English Ms. A. Buccioni - Department Head of Moderns Ms. G. Cece - Science Mr. A. Crupi - Science Ms. K. Derkowski - Educational Assistant Ms. M. Fasano - Canadian & World Studies and Business Mr. J. Hortillosa - Religion Ms. L. Howlings - English Ms. R. Jordan - Religion Ms. K. Keyzer - Special Education and Science Ms. M. Kleine - Technology and Mathematics Ms. B. Mannella - General Secretary Mr. J. Moriana - Religion Ms. N. Quintieri - Special Education Ms. D. Sturino - Educational Assistant Ms. G. Torelli - Mathematics Ms. K. Treacy - Religion Ms. T. van Loenen - Department Head of Arts Mr. C. Viaes - Religion and Science Ms. J. Villeneuve - Social Studies and Business Ms. S. Westgate - Department Head of Business Mr. M. Woodrow - Moderns and Science Ms. Gismondi’s grade nine religion class concluded their study of the Beatitudes, by composing children’s books using them as a central theme. The class made a special trip to St. Jerome’s Elementary School, where the grade nine created stories were read to three grade two classes, an experience enjoyed by both our the students and the those at St. Jerome’s. Mr. R. McGarrigle Department Head of Religion 11 TECHNOLOGY ST. MAXIMILIAN FUN DAY Our Technology Department would like to introduce the addition of Ms. M. Kleine to our staff. She has a background in science and engineering and will be teaching Technological Design, Hospitality and Tourism, and Exploring Technology. We are also preparing for our first grade twelve classes and expecting to have our first graduates with the recognition of “Specialist High Skills Major” in Manufacturing Engineering Technology. Manufacturing Engineering Technology The students in manufacturing had the opportunity to become competitors in the “St. Patrick Grand Rally Slot Car Open (St Patrick is the patron saint of engineering) held at St Robert CHS on June 1, 2011. Anthony DiCarlo, Teghan Ellis, Joseph MacDonald and Brett Nagy represented St. Maximilian Kolbe at the meet. Each student had to design and build their own vehicle for the challenge. This activity required each student to utilize 3D CAD design, 3D CNC machining, plastic thermal moulding, graphic design, CAD programming as well as the skills required to turn their abstract ideas into concrete products. When constructed each vehicle was tested for speed, endurance and handling then evaluated and fine tuned to increase the prototype performance. Mr. P. Karl Department Head of Technology St. Maximilian Kolbe School Trustees: Theresa McNicol Elizabeth Crowe 12
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