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transforming community savings annual report 2006 TM Warning: this 2006 Annual Report may exceed expectations, heighten emotions and produce altered perceptions of the familiar. every now and then, something familiar a fountain pen becomes a ballpoint is improved and transformed transforming . annual report . 2006 the telephone loses its cord aTV screen hangs on the wall like a painting a car starts without a key transforming . annual report . 2006 COMMUNITY SAVINGS IS TRANSFORMING allowing us to achieve things that simply couldn’t be done before transforming . annual report . 2006 2006 increased our total assets from $246.7 million to $257.4 million increased our net earnings from $698.1 thousand in 2005 to $1.2 million increased lending to members from $176.1 million to $203.1 million added to members' retained earnings for a year-end total of $11.8 million increased total deposits from $212.7 million to $232.2 million in 2006, we undertook a bold and clear strategy to firmly position Community Savings as “the union’s credit union”. transforming...“putting union back into credit union” transforming . annual report . 2006 we rewired our entirenetwork , moved to a fibre-optic backbone and deployed state-of-the-art data/recoveryservers and workstations.Then we converted ourold RBS banking systemto the latest version of “wealthview”. To remain ahead of the competition we realized the need to transform our business processes, re-invest in technology and our employees. We rolled up our sleeves and started to transform the way we work, the way we compete and the way we serve our valued members. Most companies attempt one major initiative at a time. In 2006, we launched 12 initiatives to ensure we exceed your expectations and those of our employees, now and well into the future. transforming . annual report . 2006 We implemented the following new services and systems: “WEALTHVIEW” - FINCENTRIC BANKING SYSTEM CRI CANADA - CREDIT INSURANCE PROGRAM FUJITSU - STATE-OF-THE-ARTATMs INALL BRANCHES MEMBERDIRECT - ROBUST INTERNET BANKING MEMBERCONNECT - FULL FEATUREDTELEPHONE BANKING BELL CANADA - LIGHTENING FAST FIRE OPTIC NETWORK TELUS - REDESIGNED, EASIERTO READ STATEMENTS MEMBERCARD - NEW DESIGNWITH GREATERACCESS RECEIPT PRINTERS - INALL BRANCHES MOBILEACCESS - USE YOUR PHONETOACCESS OURWEBSITE These are but a few of the robust systems and services that streamline our employees’ work flow and enhance our members’ lives. We make it easy and convenient for our members to bank with us and to manage their personal or business finances, whether it be in the comfort of their home, business or anywhere they are on-line. our culture was redefined our processes streamlined and employee productivity and satisfaction improved transforming . annual report . 2006 We provide our people with the tools and flexibility to help them balance their work and life. We offer learning opportunities to enhance their skills and grow their careers. Moreover, we provide salaries and benefits that are second to none. The result: one of the highest credit union employee retention rates in BC, which means we are better able to serve our members, which means... happier members transforming . annual report . 2006 no matter who you are or what your personality is... sensitive easygoing trendy cool smart today over 9,800 members bank where they belong shy fun romantic talented creative transforming . annual report . 2006 COMMUNITY SAVINGS YOUR COMMUNITY working together for a better future transforming . annual report . 2006 We’re moving in the right dir ection as BC’ s largest, fully unionize d credit union* as defined by unionized staff at all branches, corporate office and directors Dear Members, 2006 was both the most exhilarating and challenging year we have experienced to date. We approached the year with cautious optimism, allowing for the huge demands required to convert to a new banking system in the Fall. And yet, despite this Herculean task, we exceeded our 2006 growth objectives. These successes are a testament to our founding principles and beliefs that great people with shared values - can do extraordinary things. Since I took on the role as President and CEO a year and a half ago, we have seen a number of positive changes take place within the organization. And while they may have taxed our resources in the short run, they will definitely pay huge dividends down the road. Even with the demands and challenges required to move us forward, we always remained true to one thing - our members. This commitment is demonstrated in the remarkable progress we have made to-date. SOLID GROWTH Our growth this year stemmed from changes we initiated last year: removing administrative barriers, giving employees the authority and the tools to do their job, re-doubling our efforts to appeal to unions and their members, streamlining processes and becoming more “open” for business. As a result, we have re-invigorated and transformed the organization into a whole new way of doing business. The results speak for themselves. Compared to last year, our loan portfolio grew by $27 million - a whopping 15.3% increase. This was fueled by double-digit growth in personal and other loans at 15.6% followed closely by a 5.4% growth in residential mortgages and 14.1% hike in commercial mortgages. Moreover, total deposits jumped $19.6 million or 9.2%. By year end, our total assets increased approximately $10.7 million or 4.3% - securing our place as the 19th largest credit union in BC - and BC’ s largest fully unionized credit union. RECORD PROFITABILITY Helped by a strengthening BC economy, up-beat consumer attitudes, continued strength in housing starts, low unemployment and interest rates, our net earnings this year nearly doubled to $1.2 million compared to $698 thousand last year. transforming . annual report . 2006 In 2006, we launched a new banking system, new ATMs, rolled-out MemberDirect, added new products and services and so much more... This milestone represents the single biggest increase in our credit union’s proud history. And since past behavior is often the best indicator of future performance, we believe that the way to maintain this success is to strive to better our best performance. The net effect? Transformation. We are committed to achieving excellence through a best practice approach in order to enhance employee satisfaction and member service. That’s why we forged a partnership with Working Enterprises and facilitated new initiatives that have already begun to transform the way we serve our members and to increase our productivity and efficiencies. NEW INITIATIVES After nine months of intense planning, development and training - we launched “Wealthview” in early October - arguably the most advanced and robust Canadian banking system available today. Touted by some as one of the smoothest banking system conversions to date, it did not come without personal sacrifice. While there are so many who played a key role in its success I have to acknowledge the efforts of Eric Doornberg, Information Systems Manager, his entire systems team, our trainers, subject matter experts, the branches and finally, my SeniorVice President, Dana Dekker, who ensured the conversion was completed on-time and on-budget. Now that four months have passed since the conversion, we are already beginning to reap the benefits. The new system now allows us to provide members with greater reliability, flexibility, functionality and security. It has already streamlined our business processes, shortened wait times and increased employee productivity. But more importantly, it has allowed us to roll-out enhanced products and services - like easier to read statements, state-of-the-art ATMs, MemberDirect and MemberConnect banking, new bundled products and services, in-branch receipt printers and so much more. We even found the time and resources to change our credit insurance provider to CRI a move that will provide members with greater insurance options, coverage and better pricing overall. While we are still working out the bugs of the new system, the bulk of it is behind us and we now look forward to leveraging this technology in the future. We owe our members and employees a profound thank-you for their patience, continued support and most of all, understanding. In the end, this new system will position us well for further enhancements and growth. PEOPLE FIRST 2006 was also a year in which we continued to attract and retain highly skilled professionals to join our team, further develop the talented individuals already on board and recognize team performance. To recruit great people, we provide a highly competitive For the fourth straight year, Community Savings received the distinction from Imagine Canada as a “Caring Company” compensation plan and offer a comprehensive benefit program. More importantly, we take time to celebrate the contributions and dedication of our staff with ServiceAwards handed out at each Annual General Meeting. If another way to measure employee satisfaction is tenure, then we have some of the most satisfied employees around. Our average tenure is a remarkable 11 years. COMMUNITY CARE One thing that didn’ t change in 2006 was our commitment to the communities we serve. From our support of the United Way, Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Cancer Society to local charities and initiatives too numerous to mention - Community Savings is guided by a commitment to corporate social responsibility and to improve the quality of life in the communities where we live and work. THANK YOU Yes, we have accomplished a lot in a very short time but there is so much more to do. I am excited about the possibilities that lie before us: more functionality for MemberDirect users, new products and services and soon, the ability to provide additional insurance, travel, tax planning and wealth management through our recent partnership with Working Enterprises. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the leadership and vision of our board of directors, the dedication and support of my senior executive and management team and the tremendous contribution and “buy-in” of our employees and their families. But the biggest thank you goes to you, our members, for sticking with us during this time of transition. Respectfully, Bruce Cook President and Chief Executive Officer Community Savings Credit Union transforming . annual report . 2006 $1.2 million 2006 5 year performance net earnings have nearly doubled from $661,763 in 2002 to nearly $1.2 million in 2006 1.1M 1.0M 900 800 700 $698,135 $668,861 $645,581 600 2003 2004 2005 Source: audited financial statements for the years ended September 30th 2006 total assets have grown from $187.4m in 2002 to $257.4m in 2006 % 37.4 assets up transforming . annual report . 2006 $232.2 million 5 year performance total deposits have jumped from $176.1 million in 2002 to $232.2 million in 2006 31.8% 2006 02 03 04 05 06 $203.1 million transforming growth retained earnings and total loans have steadily increased year over year $11.8 million 02 03 04 05 06 retained earnings have grown from $8.6 million in 2002 to 11.8 million in 2006 37.5% 02 03 04 05 06 total loans climbed from $141.9 million in 2002 to $203.1 million in 2006 43.1% retained earnings and lending growth Source: audited financial statements for the years ended September 30th transforming . annual report . 2006 A U D I TO R S ’ R E P O R T ON S U M M A R I ZE D F IN ANCIAL S TATEMENTS To the Members of Community Savings Credit Union, The accompanying summarized balance sheet and statements of earnings and retained earnings and cash flows are derived from the complete financial statements of Community Savings Credit Union as at September 30, 2006 and for the year then ended on which we expressed an opinion without reservation in our report dated December 13, 2006. The fair summarization of the complete financial statements is the responsibility of management. Our responsibility, in accordance with the applicable Assurance Guideline of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, is to report on the summarized financial statements. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements fairly summarize, in all material respects, the related complete financial statements in accordance with the criteria described in the Guideline referred to above. These summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be appropriate for their purposes. For more information on the credit union’s financial position, results of operations and cash flows, reference should be made to the related complete financial statements. New Westminster, Canada December 13, 2006 GRANT THORNTON LLP Chartered Accountants COMMUNITY SAVINGS CREDIT UNION S UM M A R I Z ED B A L A N C E S H E E T 2006 September 30 2005 ASSETS Cash resources $ 50,602,152 $ 67,430,621 203,085,500 176,106,875 Investments and other 1,411,201 1,312,612 Premises and equipment 2,329,595 1,847,134 Loans $ 257,428,448 $ 246,697,242 $ 232,242,436 $ 212,689,910 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Deposits 10,003,740 20,004,981 Payables and accruals 1,919,938 1,777,614 Equity shares 1,492,987 1,655,180 11,769,347 10,569,557 Borrowings Retained earnings $ 257,428,448 $ 246,697,242 On Behalf of the Board, C. Jordan Chairperson P. Legg, Director and Audit Committee Chair transforming . annual report . 2006 COMMUNITY SAVINGS CREDIT UNION S U M M A R I Z E D S TAT E M E N T OF EARNINGS AND R ETAINED E ARNINGS 2006 Year Ended September 30th $ Financial income 12,243,260 2005 $ 9,987,163 Financial expense 5,016,061 3,821,138 Financial margin 7,227,199 6,166,025 Recovery (provision) for loan losses, (59,109) net of recoveries 45,324 Other income 2,344,522 2,273,829 Operating margin 9,512,612 8,485,178 Operating expenses 8,154,863 7,632,783 Earnings before income taxes 1,357,749 852,395 Income taxes 157,959 154,260 Net earnings 1,199,790 698,135 10,569,557 9,871,422 Retained earnings,beginning of year $ Retained earnings,end of year COMMUNITY SAVINGS CREDIT UNION S U M M A R I Z E D S TAT E M E N T OF 11,769,347 $ 10,569,557 C A S H F LOWS 2006 Year Ended September 30th 2005 Cash flows provided by (used in) ) Operating activities $ 1,856,171 $ (933,195) 9,043,871 34,903,351 Investing activities (27,728,511) (2,920,411) Net (decrease) increase in cash resources (16,828,469) 31,049,745 67,430,621 36,380,876 Financing activities Cash resources, beginning of year Cash resources, end of year $ 50,602,152 A full set of financial statements is available from the Credit Union. $ 67,430,621 credit union information BOARD OF DIRECTORS Colleen Jordan Chair Ken Isomura Vice-Chair David Tones Secretary-Treasurer Ken Bauder Narinder Bhullar Mary LaPlante Phillip Legg Trevor Oram Dale Sagmoen Jagdip Sivia Dave Wilson SENIOR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Bruce Cook President & Chief Executive Officer Dana Dekker, B. Comm. Senior Vice President Robin Medelko, B. Comm., CA, CBV Vice President, Finance Judy Towill Vice President, Human Resources MANAGEMENT Lynda Arland Executive Assistant Lori Cooke Manager, Credit Eric Doornberg Manager, Information Systems Roselle Felgner Manager, Financial Analysis & Investment Ann Henderson Manager, Payment Systems & Centralized Administration Ken Hodge Manager, Special Projects Nick Moseley Manager, Branch Operations Business Development Managers Pravin Narotam Regional Manager Linda Dumka Union Liaison Officers Marie Decaire Par Sihota Branch Managers Cameron Gillett Vancouver Robin Lane Surrey Kiyoko Shimizu Victoria Saroja Sundar New Westminster Tracey Weir Port Coquitlam HEAD OFFICE Community Savings Credit Union Suite 1600 13450 102nd Avenue Surrey, BC, Canada V3T 5X3 Fax: (604) 586-5156 PORT COQUITLAM 100 - 1125 Nicola Avenue Port Coquitlam V3B 8B2 Fax: (604) 464-5986 VANCOUVER 5108 Joyce Street Vancouver, V5R 4H1 Fax: (604) 654-2130 VICTORIA 103 - 2750 Quadra Street Victoria V8T 4E8 Tel: (250) 385-8431 Fax: (250) 385-8679 COMMERCIAL / CENTRALIZED LENDING 900 - 7380 King George Highway Surrey V3W 5A5 Fax: (604) 595-2602 WEBSITE & EMAIL ALL BRANCHES : (604) 654-2000 TOLL FREE: 1-888-963-2000 BRANCHES NEW WESTMINSTER 1188 - 8th Avenue New Westminster V3M 2R6 Fax: (604) 395-8163 SURREY 900 - 7380 King George Highway Surrey V3W 5A5 Fax: (604) 592-2265 transforming . annual report . 2006 transforming TM 16th floor, 13450-102nd Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3T-5X3. Call 604-654-2000, 1 -888-963-2000 or visit