_______________________________________________________ Acacia Quilt Guild of Orange County, P. O. Box 6821, Buena Park, California, 90620 www.acaciaquiltguild.org Volume 4, Issue 12 President’s Message June, 2008 Thank you all for a second wonderful year! I’ve enjoyed this second year as president because of all of my friends in the Acacia Guild. I have made so many new friends this year and have become even closer to my friends on the Board. It has been a pleasure working with this year’s board who were a fun and hardworking group of quilters. No one works alone and thanks to the many, many volunteer hours of a few dedicated Guild members, we have a great year. I cannot thank them enough. Membership rose to 70 members with an average of 42 members attending each meeting. Last year we had 60 members and an average of 32 members per meeting. Things are going smoothly despite the occasion hiccup that comes with growing pains! Acacia has continued to donate several quilts in addition to donating food, toiletries, toys and school supplies to local philanthropic organizations. Ways & Means has held several successful fundraisers this year. We have had a fantastic newsletter providing important information to our members. Finally, Acacia has had several great activities for its members including exciting Teachers and Workshops, Secret Pal, Sew So Much, Philanthropic Sewing, a Mystery Quilt, Holiday Gift Exchange and Ornament Exchange. This past year saw our second Opportunity Quilt being raffled. Many of these wonderful activities will continue and some new ones will join them. June is a very important month for several reasons. This year marks Acacia’s 4th birthday and anniversary which we will celebrate with a potluck (continued on next page) (food provided by the members) and birthday cake (provided by the Guild). Bring a dish to share and most importantly, bring your appetites. Guests are welcome and we are waiving the guest fee for the June meeting. June also is the month for installing the new board and thanking the outgoing board. I welcome Karen Waterbury, our incoming President, as well as her Board. We are looking forward to a fantastic year of friendship, fun activities and great classes with Karen at the helm. The guild is always in need of more volunteers to help on different committees. We are in dire need of a Treasurer so please consider helping out in this position. Please help out – it is actually a lot of fun, it makes the guild even better and it means the guild will continue to function in the future. Come and celebrate with us on June 5!! Sonia Das, President ( Please see last page for list of new Board Members) Bulletin Board /Announcement Table Ways and Means Chairman: Charlotte Hansen Don’t Forget Check in when you arrive – come early if you can! Wear you name tag Get some tickets for the Opportunity Basket Check out and/or return a book Bring a friend Check for sign-ups and sign yourself up Bring something for Sew- & -Tell Check out and/or return a quilt kit for charity Bring a snack if it is your birthday or anniversary (or even if it isn’t) Be cheerful and enjoy the evening Greet a guest Say Hello to someone you don’t know There will be no Ways and Means table this month because we have our famous potluck and social night. I’d like to thank all of my wonderful helpers that have done so much for the last two years. We couldn’t have done it without youyou are appreciated! Charlotte Hansen P.S. Visit our “freebies table”!! Speakers And Workshops Membership Chairman: Kit Boyd By Phyllis Campbell Officer and Board Members Trunk Show: Our June 4th anniversary meeting will feature quilts made by our outgoing and incoming officers and board members. Each of them will be bringing up to 4 of their favorite quilts for an exciting evening of beauty and inspiration for all of us. May Watercolor Workshop: Reminder to all participants. Please bring your wallhanging or tablerunner to our June meeting, even if you haven't completed it yet. All of you did an outstanding job, and we want everyone else to see what they missed. Free Admission for Our Anniversary Meeting for Guests: Happy New Year to Acacia Members Past and Present. Good Luck to our new Membership Chairperson, Judy Hunsaker. This is a tough job and I wish her well! Don't forget to get your dues in this month. Make it easy on Judy and the rest of the new board. Sincerely, Kit Boyd, retiring Membership Chair News staff Newsletter and Website Staff: We will not be asking for our usual $3.00 donation for visitors at our June meeting, so invite your friends and classmates. Visitors do not need to bring anything for the potluck, as we always have loads of delicious dishes. We want to show everyone that our guild is friendly and has lots to offer. This is your chance to invite someone who you think would enjoy our guild. Reach us at: Rosemary Harding Website 714-379-4649 R-Harding@ca.rr.com Sherri Vasquez Newsletter 714-892-3720 Crafty_gramma@verizon.net This newsletter is written for you and by you and put out to help you. Please help us keep Current by contacting us with interesting items. Opportunity Basket I will accept donations for Chairman Donate a fat quarter or a Dana new or gently used sewing Matsukawa or quilting related item and Thanks to everyone who supports our guild through donations and ticket purchases for the any theme at any time. receive a free ticket. Tickets are three for a Opportunity Basket. dollar. June's basket theme will be Our winners for May were: plaids. Due to the brown bag scheduled in July there will be no basket. I will be collecting floral themed items for the August basket, fall/Halloween for September, and Pink/breast cancer awareness for Jody Burtch and that lucky Lisa Sullivan. Thank you, again, for your donations and ticket purchases. Dana Matsukawa Happy Birthday to You October, and Christmas(colors or themed items) for November. Happy June birthdays to our following members: Pat Golonka, Dana Matsukawa and Eva Selnick. Happy birthday to our quilt guild too! We look forward to seeing everyone at our potluck birthday celebration on June 5. The food is always terrific so don't miss it. Susann Wood Hospitality Committee The Language of ROSES All roses symbolize love, but their colors have special meanings. When adding roses to your project choose the shade that best matches your feelings! Red: love, passion, respect, courage Yellow: joy, friendship, freedom Pink: happiness, gratitude, appreciation, admiration Cream: thoughtfulness, charm, graciousness Orange: admiration, fascination, enthusiasm, desire White: innocence, purity, secrecy, reverence Sew -So-Much Chairman: Sharon Monge Sew-So-Much at the Bunney Hutch is always a great time to work on those projects you really want to dig into! AND, if you get stumped and need a little help, there is always a quilter who is willing to share an idea or give advice. The dates for the next two Sew-So-Much events are: JUNE 27th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and JULY 25th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Put them on your calendars and plan to join us. If you wish to bring a dish to share, food is always appreciated—but not a requirement for attendance. So come for an hour—come for a day— To the Bunney Hutch Quilt 'N Sew located at 4478 Cerritos Avenue Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (714) 226-9647 (1/2 mile west of the Los Alamitos Racetrack at the corner of Lexington & Cerritos). Secret Pal Coordinator: Sherri Vasquez When I was but a young girl, my father took me upon his knee and told me “never volunteer for anything!! Never indicate knowledge of how to run things, because that’s just like volunteering! Never complain about how things are run—‘cuz you’ll be running them soon after!”” And in such a manner have I progressed through life. BOY HAVE I MISSED OUT ON A LOT OF FUN!!! I WAS volunteered for the job of coordinating Secret Pal two years ago. How I let myself get talked into it at my age is –well, I guess Poppa’s words wore off. But here’s the bottom line—Poppa was full of cranberries!!! Being Secret Pal coordinator has filled my heart with the reassurance that wonderful, caring people still populate this earth— and they are in our quilt guild. I want to sincerely thank all the ladies who have participated so graciously in the Secret Pal program this year. Who have thoughtfully and caringly selected surprises for their Pal’s and so enthusiastically and joyfully received gifts themselves. More than that, I want to thank all the ladies who have been giving gifts to me—even though I am technically a non-participant. What a joy to be remembered and have the fun of opening bags and finding special treats and thoughtful gifts. Thank you, Ladies, for your “extra mile”. If you are interested in participating in the Secret Pal Program for the “08-’09 year, questionnaires will be available at the June 5 Meeting, or contact me for an email copy Crafty_gramma@verizon.net. (There is an underscore after “crafty”) LOOK FOR THESE SATURDAY MORNING SHOWS Hey, have you found the Saturday Morning Quilting shows on KVCR??? I have been enjoying them a lot. I have DTV, but the shows are on channel 24 –KVCR--a PBS station from 8AM to 11 AM. I don’t know if that is the same on your set or not! Anyway, the shows are: “Quilt in a Day” with Eleanor Burns. She has been showing some really great patterns—I want all the books! And, yeas, she still throws the scraps over her shoulder. Check out her website on www.quiltinaday.com Next is “Quilting Arts” with Pokey Bolton. She has a variety of guests who show different techniques such as thread painting, beading, fabric dying and such. The website is www.quiltingarts.com. After Pokey is one of my favorite shows, “Fons and Porter’s Love of Quilting”. Liz and Mary Ann usually concentrate on how to make a project from start to finish. Look at their website on www.fonsandporter.com. “Sewing With Nancy” (Zeiman) is celebrating its 25th year on TV and besides interesting guests and valuable information; Nancy shows flashbacks from earlier shows. Find her at www.sewingwithnancy.com Martha Pullen graciously invites us into “Martha’s Sewing Room” in her southern hospitable fashion. Martha loves vintage fashions and antique replication. Her website is www.marthapullen.com. June at the Muck If you take a class from Lyn Brown, you know about the recent Challenge contest. Lyn chose a fabric and challenged her students in all her classes to create a beautiful quilt using at least one inch of that fabric. The theme was “Color My World”. During the week of May 19-23 those quilts were revealed and favorites were voted on in each class. The last show of the group is “America Sews with Sue Housemann.” If you have an embroidery machine, the tips on this show are amazing! Sue is sponsored by Husqvarna Viking. Look up her website on usapp.husqvarnaviking.com Or her blog on www.suehousemannsews.blogspot.com I especially liked the blog from Sue Housmann’s trip to the HusqvarnaViking headquarters in Sweden. Aside from getting her student’s creative juices flowing and having a lot of fun doing it, Lyn was using this method to select quilts to hang at the upcoming art exhibit at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center Galleries These websites not only have show time, but all kinds on other info. Of course, quilts aren’t the only pieces of art that will be shown at the exhibit! There will be paintings and ceramics and—well lots of other creative efforts by students from the NOCCCD-SCE-OAP. Check them out! The Muckenthaler Cultural Center Galleries and the North Orange County Community College District School of Continuing Education Older Adults Program are partnering to showcase the creative talents of students—in this case, maybe YOU! That’s right, You—or at least someone you know from your very own class or guild! So, how do you get to see the gallery worthy pieces of artwork that were created by people you know? By going to the Muck between June 8th and 29th, The Gallery Hours are Wed.-Sun., Noon to 4 p.m. Admission is free. The Muckenthaler is located at 1202 W. Malvern Ave. in Fullerton. It is one block east of Euclid, 2.5 miles north of the 91 freeway. Tel. Number (714)738-6595 Website: www.themuck.org. Garden Grove, Ca 2nd "When You Wish Upon My Rainbow Star" by Mary Bennett; Buena Park, CA 1st "Cathedral Windows" by Bjorg Maher-Haynes; Buena Park, CA 1st "Color My World With Good Things" by Bobbie Johnson; Buena Park. CA AND THE WINNERS ARE: (Bold highlight indicates Acacia Members) Cypress: Honorable Mention "Celebrate!" by Denise Howard; Cypress, Ca 3rd "Flowers of Hawaii" by Carloyn Craig; Cypress, CA 2nd "Color My World with Music, Dancing and Quilting" by Patricia Busse; Lakewood, CA 1st "God Colors Our World With Flowers" by Phyllis Campbell; Cypress, CA Anaheim Honorable Mention "Flowers in a Vase" by Anna Lee; Orange, CA 3rd "Cat Fishing" by Liz Fink; Anaheim, CA 2nd "My Color My World" by Jean Ebert; Anaheim, CA 1st "Elegant Lady" by Colleen Van Gundy; Anaheim, CA Fullerton: Honorable Mention "Origami Pinwheels" by Juanita Nunez; Whittier, CA Honorable Mention 3rd "Tip Toe Through The Tulips" by La Quita Zynda, Fullerton, CA 2nd "O Holy Night" by JoAnn Johansen; Fullerton, CA 1st "The Colors of Spring" by Jo Lilly, Fullerton, CA Buena Park: Honorable Mention "Rainbow Garden" by Lourdes Stone; Yorba Linda, CA 3rd "The Colors of My World" by Dolora Philanthropy Bernstein; Chairman: Hunsaker And Yorba Linda 1st` "Blue Lagoon" by Tho Young; Yorba Linda, CA Honorable Mention "Earth Laughs in Flowers" by Betty Getchell; Yorba Linda, CA Honorable Mention "Water Colors" by Mari Casanova; Yorba Linda, CA Honorable Mention "Mimi And Me In My Secret Garden"; Irene Patterson; Chino Hills, CA Honorable Mention "Green Valley" by Sharon Forman; Yorba Linda, CA 2nd "Cherry Pie" by Charlotte Griswold; Yorba Linda, CA 1st "Sea World" by Joyce Matthews; Yorba Linda, CA Judy In the year 2007-2008, philanthropy has made several trips supplying the needs of the Women’s Transitional Living Center in Fullerton. Wtlc At Christmas, we took 23 quilts and one afghan. At Easter we delivered 15 quilts and 3 afghans For Mother’s Day we took 24 quilts, 2 afghans and 1 baby afghan as well as 31 totes with toiletries Chosen to be Loved Although undelivered at the time of this writing, we will be sending the following items to Chosen To Be Loved, A program for foster children and adoptees: 15 quilts 4 stuffed animals 4 receiving blankets and 9 Baby Bibs A Special thanks to the quilters who worked to supply these charitable items : Phyllis Campbell Sonia Das Charlotte Hansen Nancy Malm Mona McCormick Karen Raether Tricia Savage Sherri Vasquez Phyllis Victor Susann Wood PLEASE OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND HANDS TO HELP LISA SULLIVAN IN 20082009 Acacia Guilt Guild General Meeting 6:45 p.m. June 5 June 7-8 Beach Cities Quilt Guild Presents “A FantaSea of Quilts” Quilt Show. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Gen adm.: $8.00 at SOKA University Gym 100 University Drive, Aliso Viejo Website: beachcitiesquilters.org June 8-29 Muckenthaler Cultural Center Foundation’s Art Exhibit showcasing creative talents of students. Hrs Wed-Sun Noon to 4 p.m. Adm. free June 17 Board Meeting 6 pm June 27 Sew-So-Much at the Bunney Hutch 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 3 Acacia Guilt Guild General Meeting 6:45 p.m. July 6-10 OCQG Camp Watch-a-Patcher 2008 Join us for fun-filled classes, lectures and Challenge Quilt Show. Come for a day or stay for the week! Email Contact: registrar@orangecountyquiltguild.com Website: orangecountyquiltguild.com/camp_wap.html July 10-13 Southern California Quilters’ Run July 15 Board Meeting 6 pm July 17-20 2nd Weekend for Southern California Quilters’ Run July 25 Sew-So-Much at the Bunney Hutch 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 25-27 International Quilt Festival: Long Beach Long Beach Convention Center, Friday/Saturday - 10 to 7; Sunday 10 to 3. Email Contact: info@quilts.com Website: quilts.com August 2-3 Yorba Linda Quilt Daze VII (Quilt Show) Yorba Linda Community Center, 4501 Casa Loma, Yorba Linda (At Imperial Hwy) Adm. $7.00 Hrs 10-4 Website: ylquiltdaze@aol.com 10th Anniversary ACACIA QUILT GUILD OF ORANGE COUNTY BOARD AND COMMITTEE DIRECTORY 2008 – 2009 PRESIDENT: KAREN WATERBURY 714-209-0165 quiltingpiecebypiece@ca.rr.com VICE PRES./PROGRAMS: PHYLLIS CAMPBELL 714-821-6967 bookworm90630@sbcglobal.net VICE PRES./WORKSHOPS: DIANE MAC RILL 714-962-5929 dmacrill@socal.rr.com SECRETARY: PHYLLIS VICTOR 714-995-1749 sewnmom1@sbcglobal.net TREASURER: To be filled PAST PRESIDENT: SONIA DAS 562-429-4477 soniadas@yahoo.com ACACIA QUILT COMM: PHYLLIS CAMPBELL SUSAN STOKES 714-821-6967 714-522-4741 bookworm90630@sbcglobal.net susansquilting@sbcglobal.net DOOR PRIZE COMM: SONIA DAS 562-429-4477 soniadas@yahoo.com EQUIPMENT COMM: DIANNE DONEGAN 714-828-7411 crafty_diane@yahoo.com HISTORIAN COMM: GROUP EFFORT HOSPITALITY COMM: SUSANN WOOD 714-995-7370 susannsw@aol.com LIBRARY COMM: SUSAN MCVICAR 714-891-5300 snbmacv@yahoo.com MEMBERSHIP COMM: SONIA DAS JUDY HUNSAKER LINDA STEARNS CHARLOTTE HANSEN 562-429-4477 714-761-5222 714-827-7024 714-827-2633 soniadas@yahoo.com jerhun@sbcglobal.net r-stearns@sbcglobal.net no e-mail NEWSLETTER: SHERRI VASQUEZ 714-892-3720 Crafty_Gramma@verizon.net WEBSITE: MIKE WATERBURY THERESA CRAIG 714-209-0165 714-828-2333 acaciaquiltguild@yahoo.com OPPORTUNITY BASKET: DANA MATSUKAWA 562-402-2553 nelson.matsukawa@verizon.net PARLIAMENTARIAN COMM: To be filled PHILANTHROPY COMM: LISA SULLIVAN PHYLLIS CAMPBELL CHARLOTTE HANSEN 714-642-1127 714-821-6967 714-827-2633 lisa@jdcoulterco.com bookworm90630@sbcglobal.net no e-mail SEW-SO-LATE/PHONE TREE: SHARON MONGE SHERRI VASQUEZ 714-891-5024 714-892-3720 geomonge@aol.com Crafty_Gramma@verizon.net PRESIDENT’S QUILT COMM: SONIA DAS 562-429-4477 soniadas@yahoo.com PUBLICITY COMM: KAREN WATERBURY 714-209-0165 quiltingpiecebypiece@comcast.net SCCQG COUNCIL REP.: SONIA DAS 562-429-4477 soniadas@yahoo.com SUNSHINE & SHADOWS: KIM HOGAN 714-891-3485 kimsplayce@yahoo.com WAYS & MEANS COMM: To be filled