Tracked Active Region Patches for MDI and HMI
Tracked Active Region Patches for MDI and HMI
Tracked Active Region Patches for MDI and HMI Poster #123.52 AAS SPD 2014 Michael Turmon (JPL/Caltech); J. Todd Hoeksema, Monica Bobra (Stanford University) Synoptic 2001 M-TARPs (lines mark month boundaries) Summary Methodology: Finding Active Regions We are developing complementary tracked active region (AR) data products from HMI and MDI images, indexed by region number and by time. They are intended for subsetting individual ARs, for space weather research, and to facilitate synoptic statistical studies of ARs. HMI product HARP = HMI Active Region Patch Uses 720s (12m) HMI LOS magnetograms + intensitygrams 2300 regions and growing from 2010.05–present Released on JSOC in 2011 as hmi.Mharp_720s Also available: near-real-time, vector, & space weather products • Together, the two data products cover May 1996 to the present, and should eventually span two solar cycles. We first compute a full-disk activity mask given input magnetogram and intensity images taking spherical geometry into account (Turmon et al. 2010). • • MDI activity model relates to HMI model by scaling by ~1.40 (Liu et al. 2012). • Sample HMI mask (right) shows typical mask appearance. • • Mask: zoom • • Kernel at Limb Kernel at Disk Center • The tracked patch is often not a contiguous region. Use the bitmap to determine what is part of the TARP. • Below: HARP 3457 (NOAA 11912) with a merge (between B and HARPs: Region(E) Patches C)HMI andActive breakup causing a non-contiguous HARP shape. Convolved with Template Identified Groups Some HMI HARPs enclose more activity within one correspond to differently-numbered MDI TARPs). HMI HARP 92 + MDI TARP 14113 at 2010.07.25 19:12:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 8601, MDI Active Pixels = 1320 HMI HARP 226 + MDI TARP 14242 at 2010.10.26 19:12:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 7192, MDI Active Pixels = 1193 50 150 A B C D E 2013.12.01 00:00 TAI 2013.12.04 00:00 TAI 2013.12.05 00:00 TAI 2013.12.09 00:00 TAI 2013.12.14 00:00 TAI Ndef = 0 Ndef = 35638 N/A Nnrt = 22919 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 6.2. Movies In the HARP, outside M-TARP 1100 150 HMI HARP 211 + MDI TARP 14226 at 2010.10.15 00:00:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 9358, MDI Active Pixels = 776 20 350 400 450 MDI−HMI Match OK 100 200 • No MDI or HMI match 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 100 1100 200 300 400 500 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 5 x 10 HMI HARP 115 + MDI TARP 14136 at 2010.08.09 20:48:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 10125, MDI Active Pixels = 810 AREA: HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 with HEK 6 150 200 2100 2101 2102 2103 250 200 250 Carrington Rotation Number 350 300 400 350 Some extra HARPs are found due to enhanced spatial/temporal resolution of HMI. With current settings, some extra M-TARPs are found due to grouping (see also next panel). 400 500 450 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 500 100 HMI HARP 185 + MDI TARP 14198 at 2010.09.23 20:48:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 8542, MDI Active Pixels = 762 200 300 400 500 600 22 20 x 10 800 900 NPIX: HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 4 2 100 150 100 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 10.03 350 400 350 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 References 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 09.26 MTOT: HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10.03 AREA ACR: HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 10.03 5 x 10 10.03 MNET: HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 5 0 10.03 −5 MMEAN: HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 350 300 100 09.26 x 10 09.26 1000 800 600 400 200 09.26 10.03 LAT FWT: HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 21.5 21 20.5 20 19.5 60 40 20 0 −20 300 NACR: HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 1 09.26 300 x 10 0.5 4000 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 50 07.10 07.11 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.17 07.18 07.19 07.20 1.5 6 HMI HARP 175 + MDI TARP 14187 at 2010.09.17 14:24:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 12522, MDI Active Pixels = 1412 100 Improve MDI data product before an expected August 2014 release: • Better suppression of extraneous patches due to energetic particles. • Improved correspondence of MDI TARPs to HMI HARPs. • Identify sunspots within the activity mask. Planned enhancements of HARP product: synoptic maps; gap filling. For more on related space weather products, see Bobra et al. 2014. 50 HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 at 2010.09.29 08:00:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 8866, MDI Active Pixels = 1329 700 50 Status and Plans LAT FWT: HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 2000 100 07.10 07.11 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.17 07.18 07.19 07.20 24 6000 50 These results are consistent with the good MDI/HMI agreement found by Liu et al. (2012), especially for high LOS B. −1 AREA: HMI HARP 187 + MDI TARP 14205 500 450 0 MMEAN: HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 09.26 450 350 MNET: HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 1 4 250 300 400 6 The definitive HARP processing groups each identified region according to its complete life history, including its growth and interactions with other regions. This omniscient view means that each definitive HARP is self-consistent and HMI HARP and MDI TARP 14205with use cases like has the most accurate calibration, but it187 is also incompatible forecasting. We developed an analogous near-real-time (NRT) data product that uses only retrospective data, and therefore can be computed immediately upon receipt of data. However, because of the inferior quality of the NRT data (detailed below), we do not recommend use of the NRT HARPs except for forecasting, Ripple: development of forecasting tools, and similar purposes. In particular, if definitive Hoeksema al. be preferred, and if it does not data exists for a given time range, it is vastlyet2014 to yet exist due to processing lag, it is almost certainly better to wait for it to appear. MJT: Move some of the below paragraph to ”extent determination” above We briefly describe the interaction of region time history with HARP geometry. The geometry of each definitive HARP is determined only after the corresponding region has left the visible disk, or dissipated while being observed on the disk. So, as explained in sec. 5.1, the rectangular bounding box of a tive HARP on the CCD encloses the fixed heliographic region that encompasses 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 300 NACR: HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 AREA ACR: HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 x 10 07.10 07.11 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.17 07.18 07.19 07.20 150 2099 MTOT: HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 0 100 150 0.070% 07.10 07.11 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.17 07.18 07.19 07.20 07.10 07.11 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.17 07.18 07.19 07.20 50 200 = 07.10 07.11 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.17 07.18 07.19 07.20 07.10 07.11 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.17 07.18 07.19 07.20 x 10 x 10 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 5 100 100 0.047% 4 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 7. NRT versus Definitive HARPs 50 −40 NPIX: HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 15 HMI HARP 86 + MDI TARP 14105 at 2010.07.14 22:24:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 15672, MDI Active Pixels = 1646 HMI HARP 104 + MDI TARP 14127 at 2010.08.02 04:48:00 TAI MDI TARP Pixels = 8138, MDI Active Pixels = 813 50 = 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 100 −30 0.036% 10 600 More typically, as below, the HARP and the M-TARP coincide well. −20 = 07.10 07.11 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.17 07.18 07.19 07.20 Active in HARP & M-TARP 400 HARP (HMI) 35.7% and Stills Active in HARP, not in M-TARP 6.4. Integration 350 300 MDI TARP Ndef = 20055 HMI HARP 86 and MDI TARP 14105 Active in M-TARP, not in HARP 300 250 10 Ndef = 167634 6.3. Relationship to SHARPs 250 150 200 = HARP & M-TARP coincide 200 50 100 Ndef = 75500 Nnrt = 75473 Nnrt = 167556 Nnrt = 20041 For each HARP/M-TARP at each time, we compute: In the M-TARP, outside HARP 250 300 MDI vs. HMI Summary Statistics NPIX #pixels in HARP NACR = #active NPIX) Figure 6. Definitive and = NRT HARPs versus time. The top row of pixels images(≤ shows definitive = HARP (µH) are:AREA ACRemergence), = active area (≤ AREA) HARPs; bottom rowAREA is NRT HARPs.area Columns A (before B (before merge), HARP (blue blobs below C (after merge), D (largest E (decay). The same = portion the solar disk is shown MTOT =extent), ∑HARP abs(B MNET ∑HARP of BLOS LOS) in each upper/lowerMMEAN image pair. Bottom rows are pixel counts= (within the red latitude shape) at the = MTOT/NPIX LAT FWT flux-weighted Color Key given time, and the Below, final row the percent di↵erence. HARPs correspond MDIispixel counts scaled up byThese 4x4; MDI flux scaled down to by NOAA 1.40 AR 11912, whose center is shown as a blue cross. to account for known MDI-HMI calibration (Liu et al. 2012). Outside the HARP & M-TARP 50 200 30 Latitude (deg.) Solve linear assignment problem to match A up to B: For the 2010 overlap, we overlaid the nine largest MDI TARPs over the HMIN/A HARPs, projecting the MDI TARPs into the HMI coordinates by image WCS. 100 2098 A B • Coping with the consequences of merges adds complexity to the implementation. This complexity is hidden in the final data product. MDI TARP vs. HMI HARP Region Boundaries Centroid of MDI-TARPs and HMI HARPs Synoptic: May 2010 – October 2010 2097 After • Tracks are first identified using past and current data. Thus, growing regions may merge in later appearances. 100 2096 Before 2002 Sep. 02, 11:11 TAI We used the ~140 ARs in the May–October 2010 overlap to check correspondence between MDI TARPs and HMI HARPs. Comparing location and size, we found 130 matching regions (in green) and ~15 misses (in gray) of each type (TARP present but no HARP, and v/v). −10 Compute the overlap area D(a,b) between extrapolated track (via latitude-dependent motion) and new region. Merging Tracks and Complex ARs We use a matched filter approach with an elongated Gaussian kernel of FWHM ~50x25Mm (~40x20 MDI pixels) at disk center. MDI Mask MDI vs. HMI Region Correspondence 0 • where P is a permutation matrix giving the B-to-A mapping. Group pixel-scale activity from masks into NOAA AR-scale regions Sponsored by NASA’s Heliophysics HDEE Program and SDO. 40 Chain single regions together to make a track. • Mask: 2011/02/14 12:00 Active Region Grouping Large spatially-coherent regions are identified within line-of-sight (LOS) magnetograms and intensitygrams, and tracked from image to image, accounting for merges as regions grow. The data series provide all geometric and heliographic information needed to locate active patches in HMI, MDI and other solar data sets. For each numbered AR, the data series defines at each time step a rectangular CCD cut-out, and it provides a mask within the cut-out indicating the active pixels within a regular, smoothly-evolving blob. Summary keywords such as areas and integrated fluxes are included for each appearance of the region. • Bayesian approach trades off pixel-by-pixel agreement of the mask to the data against spatial coherence of labels (a prior). Mask Model and Example MDI product MDI-TARP = MDI Tracked Active Region Patch Uses 96m MDI LOS magnetograms + intensitygrams 6200 regions from 1996.05–2010.10 Complete (see authors); 2014 release in MDI Resident Archive Methodology: Active Region Tracking 09.26 J. T. Hoeksema et al., “The HMI Vector Magnetic Field Pipeline: Overview and Performance,” Solar Phys., March, 2014. M. Bobra et al., “The HMI ... Pipeline: SHARPs – Space-weather HMI active region patches,” Solar Phys., April, 2014. M. Turmon, J. T. Hoeksema, X. Sun, M. Bobra, “HARPs – Tracked active region patch data product from SDO/HMI,” 2012 AGU fall meeting, and “TARPs: Tracked Active Region Patches from SoHO/MDI,” 2013 AGU fall meeting. M. Turmon, H. Jones, J. Pap, O. Malanushenko, “Statistical feature recognition for multidimensional solar imagery”, Solar Phys., 262(2), 2010. Y. Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, P. H. Scherrer, et al., “Comparison of line-of-sight magnetograms taken by SDO/HMI and SOHO/ MDI,” Solar Phys., 279(1), 2012. H. Jones, G. Chapman, K. Harvey, J. Pap, D. Preminger, M. Turmon, S. Walton, “A comparison of feature classification...”, Solar Phys., 248(2), 2007. 10.03 09.26 10.03 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. SOLA: harp-v0.tex; 12 May 2014; 10:06; p. 11
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